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A13880 A defence of the ecclesiastical discipline ordayned of God to be vsed in his Church Against a replie of Maister Bridges, to a briefe and plain declaration of it, which was printed An[no]. 1584. Which replie he termeth, A defence of the gouernement established in the Church of Englande, for ecclesiasticall matters. Travers, Walter, 1547 or 8-1635. 1588 (1588) STC 24183; ESTC S118502 153,730 244

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of a Chrysoprasus the eleuenth of a Iacinth the twelfth an Amethist And the twelue gates were twelue pearles euery gate is of one pearle and the streete of the Citie is pure golde as shining glasse Apocalip 21. ver 10 11.12 c. By all which places it appeareth that the glorie of the kingdome of Christ is not in outwarde things but the glorie of his kingdome is in the conquest of sinne and of Sathan it is in the preaching of his worde the ministerie of his Sacramentes and Discipline it is in fayth in the knowledge feare of God in the obedience constancie pacience of his saintes These are not in deede orient pearles of the East Indies but pearles of heauen and golde and siluer out of the Lordes own treasurie And in this respect Daniel in the Lyons denne Dan. 6. for calling vpon God was more honourable then Darius in all his Persian pompe and Maiestie Paule in his chayne wherewith he was bounde for the Gospells sake was of more trewe honour with God and all that belonged to him then Nero with his imperiall Diademe persecuting the Church and bearing him selfe as a monster in nature Matt. 27.29 The crowne of thornes wherewith our Sauiour was crowned vpon the Crosse was in regarde of his obedience to God in that kinde incomparably more royall then the crowne of Tiberius Caesar vnder whose debite he was crucified or of any other profane Prince yea thē the crowne of Salomon a most wyse and at that time Cant. 3.11 a moste vertuous Prince which his mother prepared for him agaynst the day of his maryage Therefore the glorie of the Kings of this worlde is one and the glorie of the kingdome of Christe is another The honour of th' one is in worldlie peace ritches strength and glorie The honour of th' other is when our Sauiour Christ reigneth in the middest of his enimies when his sworde diuideth the Father from the Sonne and the sonne frō the Father yea and a man from him selfe parting the sowle Heb. 4.12 and the spirite the ioyntes and them arrowe Doe yee thinke sayeth our Sauiour that I came to bring peace into the worlde J tell you nay but a sworde And agayne I came to set the worlde on fire and howe am I in payne till it bee kindled Not that his doctrine is of it selfe ennemie to outwarde peace Luk. for it teacheth the right and most happie peace with GOD and is the onely assurance of all good peace amongest men as it is in the song of the Angells Glorie to God and Peace vppon earth in the Prophete Luk. 2.14 who speaking of the kingdome of Christ sayeth That daye they shall turne their speares into sythes and their swordes into spades And agayne That the Lambe shall without hurte lye with the wolfe Esa and the chylde playe with the serpent and that in all the mountayne of the Lorde there shal be no warre Esa 60.18 But by reason of th'iniquitie of menne opposinge them selues to the worde of GOD except all should conspire togither with Sathan and his complices against GOD and his annoynted to their most certayne and irrecouerable destruction it can not be otherwise but that the zealous profession and exercise of true Religion will bee mightilie opposed vnto by the vngodly and so procure their great trouble and affliction in this worlde This is the most ordinarie state of the true Church of God notwithstandinge that it pleaseth God sometime to giue a little quiet According wherevnto if some of the best reformed Churches be nowe and haue bene of many yeares in great troubles and persecuted with all outrage and extremitie for the gospels sake yet the kingdome of Christ may bee and is more glorious and more increased by them then in other which enioy outward peace and vse it not to the right ende for which it is giuen In France the troubles haue bin exceeding great by open warres by pretence of lawes by most vnchristian and barbarous practises whereby men that for wysedome valewe and all maner of vertue and honour were to bee reckoned with the worthiest of the Earth Psal 44.23 yet were slayne as sheepe appoynted for the slaughter Their bodyes as it is saide in the Psalme were cast out to the fowles of the ayre Psa 79.2 Psa 79.3 and the beastes of the fielde and the streats haue runne with their Noble blood powred out like water But yet is not the glorie nor the increase of the kingdome of Christ therefore the lesse The most precious blood of our Sauiour Christ the sonne of GOD was also spilt and shedde as water which was worthie to haue bene receyued by Angells in vessells of golde and his body cast downe to the grounde but not without great increase of his kingdome and glorie for his blood became as the foure springes that went out of Eden to water all the earth his body after it was cast Iohn 12.24 as a most precious seed into the earth it broght forth more fruite then it had done before When did Sathan full like the lightening from heauen Luke 10.18 at any time more or when did the glorie of the kingdome of Christ more increase then in the time of persecution When was there euer the like knowledge faith zeale obedience righteousnes peace vnitie through the holy Ghost Rom. 14.17 wherein the Apostle sayeth The kingdome of God standeth and not in meate and drinke or other like outwarde thinges as there hath bin in the primitiue Church Then were the windowes and gates of heauen opened to powre downe aboundantly to raine vpon the earth the spirituall giftes without measure to comfort saue the world as sometime they had bin opened for pouring downe water to destroye it euery head was crowned with one grace or other euery hand receiued some gift Then was there but one hart Act. 4.32 one soule of the multitude of those that beleeued Then the kingdome of Christ so increased as in some one day three thousand were adioyned to the Cōgregation The like in a degree may be said of the times ensuinge Act. 2.41 for some hundred yeeres But not to seeke so farre In the coūtryes that are yet vnder the sword for the Gospels sake and of whose present troubles the Replyer speaketh notwithstandinge their outwarde trouble the kingdome of our Sauiour Christ hath bin mightilie aduaūced What churches are there this day in the world where the gospell is so thorowly soūdlie in all poyntes established They wanting the fauour of their Kings the benefite of Schooles and Vniuersities yet departe they not from the ordinance of God to make any ministers of Sacramentes that are notable in some profitable measure to edification to expounde the worde For all Ministers with them are Preachers The doctrine taught by them as it appeareth by the confession signed by them all is
the sound and holy doctrine of the worde of God Their vttering and deliuering of it is sincere without ostentation and boast of learning or mustring of forreine writers as being richly satisfied with his doctrine in whom wee are complete in whom the godhead dwelleth bodily Colos 1.19 Cap. 2.3.9 Ephe. 2.20 and all the treasures of wisedome are layde vp in store buylding the Church vpon the Prophets and Apostles Christ Iesus being the corner and foundation stone There is no ministring of Sacramentes priuately vpon any occasion neyther by women nor priuate men nor the Ministers them selues The Sacramentes are administred onlie publickely and by the preaching Minister after the preaching of the worde and according to the firste ordinance of our Sauiour Christ without any humane inuentions added to them Their Deacons are not halfe ministers to minister Baptisme and to reade publique prayers Act. 6. but agreeably to the originall institution onely for seruice of the poore The Discipline is not administred by men not lawfully called but only by such as according to the order appointed in the worde of God are charged with it There is no commutation of penaunce no respecte of persons but the notorious offender whatsoeuer is rebuked with authoritie and euery soule yeeldeth to it not disdayning nor repyning at it as base and misborne children doe the correction of their Father but as naturall and noble sonnes and daughters of God accordinge to the exhortation that Salomon giueth by his wisedome they humble them selues vnder the hande of their heauenly Father Pro. 3.13 knowing that he correcteth euery childe that hee receyueth Heb. 12.6 Memorable is that rare but right christian example of Theodosius the Emperour publikelie humbling him selfe vnder the hande of God professing his repentance for his bloudie commaundement and the cruell execution done according to it A president well worthie so Christian a Prince the honour of the Discipline yea and of the whole church of that age Such Theodosians haue the reformed Churches of this age to speake of to the high honor of Almightie God his onely begotten sonne Christ Iesus King of Kings Wherein a Prince of bloud Royall and by birth within a steppe or two to one of the greatest Kingdomes of these partes of the world and for Princely giftes worthy to haue borne a Scepter in his hande and a Dyademe vpon his heade when as another Dauid he had bin ouerthrowen by Sathan and cōmitted things for which the Name of God was euill spoken of endured to heare the seruant of God as Dauid did Nathan to rebuke him and lamenting his offence openly before the publike assemblie of the Church desired pardon of God and reioyced heauen and earth men and Angels with his conuersion from sinne to the obedience of the liuing God blessed for euer Amen Whose christian president both a crowned King and also a worthie sonne of that noble Father haue followed after that by terrour of as barbarous crueltie as hath bin committed in any age they had done otherwyse then Daniell and the young Princes brought vp with him did in a case not vnlike to theirs what should I rehearse other examples of that pietie and honour of those Churches which might make an infidell and vnbeleeuer fall down on his face and confesse 1. Cor. 14.24.25 that vndoubtedlie God is amongest them and in the middest of those Churches And this is the glorie of the kingdome of Christ which the Declaration meaneth may be seene to shine amongest them His meaning was not that in them Christ sitteth glorious is Salomon in his regall Throne with John and James like great Princes sitting the one at his right hande 1. King 10.18.21 Mat. 20.21 and the other at his left Because our Sauiour answered them when they requested such a matter of him that these are things agreeing to earthlie Princes it shall not be so with you but hee shal be of greatest honours with you that is greatest in labours and seruice of others for whiche cause they doe not affect nor desire these things Therfore I conclude that the prayse giuen to the reformed Churches by the Declaration namely to those which are persecuted with cruell and bloudy warres for the Gospells sake notwithstandinge all their troubles is most trewe and due vnto them and that all this their blessed fruite and honor is of their entier and whole obedience which they yeelde to God in receyuing all the holy doctrine of our Sauiour Christ both concerning things to be beleeued and also concerning the spirituall pollicie Discipline order for guyding of his Church But yet all the Churches thus reformed are not in like sort as these are trauelled and pursued but through the goodnes of God some of them haue enioyed peace and quietnes for some tyme and in it yeelde the like obedience and honour to God So as the Replyer can not obiect continuall warres and troubles vnto them all But of the state of the reformed churches this may suffice The wante of like happie fruite in our Church for wante of like obedience in all partes of the Gospell the Declaration noteth after this saying that the former might be a sufficient persuasion to vs to leaue this disordered state of ours wherein we haue laboured so long with so little profite and to imbrace that most beautifull order of ecclesiasticall regiment whiche God so manifestlie doeth blesse prosper in our neighbours handes At these wordes the Replyer is so mooued and disquieted as he wanted but Saules speare to haue nayled Dauid to the wall But I will proue if Dauids harpe may quiet and pacifie him agayne Our ecclesiasticall state and policie of which onely it is as cleare as the light that the Declaration speaketh and of no other howsoeuer he would wrest it is blamed in deede as disordered But there are rebukes that are profitable and of necessarie and excellent vse to those who are so rebuked The Prophete Dauid hauing prayed to God that he would not suffer his minde to be enclined to any euill thing to practise matters by wickednes with the workemen of iniquitie yea that he might not be taken as with a bayte with their pleasant things addeth further thus Psal 141. Let the righteous strike mee it shal be a kindnes and reprooue me it shal be a most excellent oyntement let him not keepe it from mine head the more he shall doe it the more shall my prayer be for them in their eu lls By that he haue well hearkened to this and considered of it I hope he will not be so highly offended for one worde that soundeth not to his liking Likewise Salomon sayeth The woundes of a friende are better then the kisses of an enimie It is alwayes lawfull to blame that which is blame worthie so the reproofe proceede from the zeale of God and loue of those who are reproued The Prophetes who most sharpely reproued all estates of the people and
not onely in the fleshe but also in the Lorde is more deare and precious to vs then that we may depart from them for whose sake wee ought to bee readie to want euen that so great a blessing as from our harte we acknowledge it to be as to liue in a church reformed both in doctrine and discipline and wholy in euerie respecte vnder the gouernement of our Sauiour Christ Moses and the Apostle Paule were caryed so farre beyond this in a like zeale and loue of their people Exe. 32.32 Rom. 9.3 as whatsoeuer the Replyer thinke they that suppose any parte of their spirit to bee in vs neede not maruell although for some like cause we should depriue our selues of such a blessing as we want in not being in those churches Further also as the worthie seruauntes of God the Ministers of the Gospell there left not their countryes because they wanted this full reformation in the beginning but knew it to be the calling of God that they should labour by all good dueties to procure it So likewise doe we vnderstande that we are charged with like duetie to our church to further as much as by any godly meanes agreable to our callings we may possiblie doe the further reformation of our Church that wee may see and enioye the fulnes of the glorie and mercie of god vpon it Wherein howsoeuer the hinderer of reformation that stoode at the right hande of Jehosuah Zach. 3.1 haue hindred vs hitherto yet doe we hope in God that hee will shewe vs mercie in time to take away all things whiche hinder the glorie of God in his Church as those garmentes whereof Zacharie speaketh did in Jehosuah and the restoring of the auncient honour of that Church was figured in the putting on of his holy garmentes which were according to the lawe of God put vppon him so likewise doe we hope pray that the Lord will cause the honour that sometimes shined in it to be seene agayne that holy Zach. 3.2 seemely only lawful gouernement of the church which he hath commaunded to be restored For restoringe of which comfort and glorie as the Lorde hath begon to rebuke Sathan the Prince of the Angells of darknes and ministers of iniquitie and hinderers of the full reformation of the church and hath taken our Church as a brande out of the fire wherein it consumed so hath he giuen thereby iust cause of hope that he will in his good time doe it all honour In which hope we stande before the Lord and wayte still vpon him till hee may giue order and commaundement for the taking away of all vnholy and profane ceremonies superstitions and vsurpations from his Church especiallie ignoraunce negligence couetousnes and ambition from the Ministers of it which as vnseemely and defyled garmentes dishonour the glorie of the same and for the furnishing of the Church with lawfull and holy orders offices and authoritie and the ministerie of it chieflie with godly wisedome and faithfulnes which may bee vnto both as the ornament of Aarons head promised to Iehoshuah This is the aunswere that I haue to make to this sober exhortation of the Replyer Zach. 3.5 and to all such as being herein no better aduysed then he is shall at any time vse the like The next quarell is about the sense of ciuill Magistrates vnder whom the Declaration sayeth the Church is so blessed notwithstanding they bee not the greatest fauourers of the Church Wherein firste inquyring whether this bee meant of hir right Excellent Maiestie a question voyde of all reasonable iudgement and vnderstanding the wordes being most direct to the contrarie he gathereth after sundrie thinges whiche vncharitably he would impute to the Declaration But the Declaration in all places speaketh reuerentlie and duetifullie as it becommeth one that is well instructed of the honour that is due to that highe and soueraigne authoritie whiche God hath honoured hir Maiestie withall to the great comfort of all hir faythfull and loyall subiectes although in deede it vse not that glosing style nor palpable flatterie neyther in mention of hir highest estate nor of the estates neare vnto it which is vsed by ambitious suters for benefices and Bishoprikes The speache of the Declaration being such as I haue saide and hauing no eye to the soueraingtie which God hath set ouer vs yet as one that will not leaue to vse wringing and violence till he drawe bloud so ceaseth he not but strayneth and wringeth till he may drawe out some bloudy accusation of slaunderous and vnduetiful speache of her Maiestie Prou. 30.33 Which because it needeth no aunswere on our parte and the very repetition of his vnseemely speaches and stryuing about them can not but be offensiue to the duetifull subiect I stand not vppon it But whereas he would proue both by other places and by the Prophete Esay that God doeth a great fauour to his Church when he raiseth vp Princes to fauour and perfect them he is to vnderstande wee no les acknowledge the goodnes of God herein then any other The words of the Prophet which he alleadgeth are these Esa 49.23 Kings shal be thy nourcing Fathers and Queenes shal be thy Nources they shall worship thee with their faces towardes the earth and like the dust of thy feete and thou shalt knowe that I am the Lord for they shall not be ashamed that wayte for me Wherein the Prophete noteth by the similitudes of Foster fathers and Nourses the loue care faithfulnes watchfulnes and diligence that Princes shall haue to preserue mainteyne nourishe and comfort the Church and in the bowing the heade to the grounde the honour they shall doe to our Sauiour Christe the heade of the Church and consequentlie to the Church it selfe in him For in bowing them selues to lowe as doeing homage to the Sonne of GOD they promise all faythfull duetie seruice and obedience vnto him The performance whereof is to renounce in them selues and to aboli he from amongest their people all false worship and idolatrie with like zeale as Ezekiah and Iosiah did and to establishe in all partes the trew worship of God as our Sauiour Christ hath taught it and commanded it to be obserued We ought to reioyce when any yeeld any maner of obedience to our Sauiour Christ and should we not much more reioyce to see any obedience in Princes But when they bow so lowe before our Sauiour Christ and doe that honor to him as that at his cōmandement most notorious superstition idolatrie is publikely cast out of their kingdomes and countreis and the doctrine necessarie to saluation is authorised to bee preached published to their people Exceeding great cause of comfort reioycing ought it to be to all the Church Which is yet increased as their obedience and seruice shall abound and when the Church doeth see them bowe downe so lowe to the Sonne of God as to honour serue and obey him in
as are in miserie so long as there continewe such in the Church which wil be to the ende of the worlde There must needes be vse of the helpe and seruice of the Deacons who may relieuet hem But of this publique Ministerie and charge the necessitie and perpetuitie of it the Replyer seemeth to make no great question or rather to confesse it The great question is of the Elders concerning whom it is to be considered that they are appointed in their speciall charge to keepe good watche ouer the life and conuersation of the people to see what fruite they yeelde of the teachinge exhortations and such like dueties which are done to them by the Ministers of the worde to the ende that they being well instructed of the proceeding staye or slyding backe of anie may the more fitlie applye them selues and their labours for their instruction and stirring vp to goe forwardes in the wayes of the Lorde Likewise also they are to vnderstande what offences arise in the Congregation that order may be taken for them as appertayneth These such like dueties are incident into the charge of the Elders as may appeare by the places where mention is made of them and namelie by the 12. to the Romanes and the 5. of the first epistle to Timothie wherein being termed Elders and Ouer-seers or Gouernours and expreslie shutte out from the ministerie of the worde it appeareth their charge standeth in matters of life and conuersation there being no other thing but doctrine or life whereof there should be Ouer-seers or Gouuernours Nowe as they haue these dueties especiallie lying vppon them so as necessarie partes of the Seniorie or Eldershippe they haue power to deale in the chiefest matters belonging to the Church as in the censures and in the calling of the Ministers of the worde and in making constitutions and orders meete for the Church whereof they are Elders whiche dueties are shewed to belong vnto them both by auncient presidentes of th'Elders that were of the Sinagogues of the Iewes and by expresse places of the newe Testament where these things are attributed vnto them namelie in the 18. of Mat. the 15. of the Actes and the 4. of the second epistle vnto Tim. Whiche being so the necessitie of this calling in the Church must needes be exceeding great For otherwise what shall become of these dueties which are so necessarie in the Church it being not lawfull to haue them done by anie other then such as God hath appointed for that purpose Thus the necessitie and perpetuitie of these offices doe appeare But if this doe not suffice let him looke vpon the 28. of the Gospell written by the Euangelist Matthewe and the 6. of the former Epist to Tim. In the former of these two places it is thus written 18.19 and 20. vers Iesus came and spake vnto them saying All power is giuen me in heauen and in earth goe therefore and teache all Nations baptizing them in the Name of the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost Teachinge them to obserue all things what soeuer I haue commaunded you and loe I am with you alway vnto the ende of the world Amen Wherein the time when our Sauiour spake this is to be considered which was after his resurrection and vpon his ascension into heauen after he had 40. dayes long as it is written in the first of the Actes instructed his Disciples of such thinges as concerned his kingdome Whereinto it can not be denied but the whole pollicie and Discipline of the Church belongeth conteyning the lawes and statutes of our Sauiour for the calling of any to charge in his Church and the due execution of the same For as the lawes of a kingdome appointing all the officers of the Crowne and all other inferior Magistrates with declaratiō of the order of their calling the dueties of their places and the maner of proceedinge in the execution of the same can not be denied to belong to the state of that kingdome no more can the Discipline be sayde not to pertayne to the spirituall kingdome of Christ Otherwise the greatest and most weightie matters that are done by his authoritie shal be sayde not to belong to his kingdome as to appoint and execute publique charges to censure to excommunicate and such like In a temporall and earthlie kingdome it would be an absurd thing in the iudgement of all men of vnderstanding to saye the appointing of Magistrates their nūber the boundes limitations of their power their order to proceede by to the casting of subiectes into prison the putting of them to death did nothing belong to the state of a kingdome whereas in deede these are principall effectes of the power and authoritie of the King and most naturallie and essentiallie belonging to the state of his kingdome So can it not be lesse absurde to denie the like to pertayne to the power and kingdome of our Sauiour Christ For the Ministers of the worde the Elders appointed for ouersight and the Deacons for the poore are the officers whiche our Sauiour Christ hath ordeyned to guyde the Church vnder his authoritie the censures are the punishementes of his disobedient subiectes separation from the Lordes table as commaundement out of his presence to warde excommunication as sentence of death Wherefore it must needes be that the appointing of the number and kindes of publike charges in the Church the limiting of their power the order for their proceeding to separation from the Lords table and to excommunication must needes be things belonging to the kingdome of our Sauior Christ Which being as I thinke it must needs be confessed then it followeth that our Sauiour Christ within those 40. dayes next before his ascension into heauē wherin as the Euangelist Luke sayeth he instructed his Disciples of those things that belong to his kingdome informed them what publike functions he appointed for the gouernance of the Church how many and of what power euery one should be and in what order and vpon what causes they should proceede to excommunication and the other censures Whiche graunted as in any sounde iudgement it can not bee denied then consequentlie these are also of the things which our Sauiour Christ commaunded the Apostles to teache such to obserue as they should make Disciples Further it may appeare that our Sauiour Christ in these wordes teache them to obserue all things which I haue commaunded you comprehendeth also the policie of the Church by the order of the matters here mentioned by the Euangelist For it is sayde that our Sauiour first speaking of his fulnes of power whiche hee had giuen him in heauen and earth to assure them that hee had authoritie to commaunde them to doe these things and abilitie to assiste and prosper them in so doing Firste charged them to preache the worde then to minister the Sacramentes for that is expreslie saide of the one is of like to bee gathered of the other in this respect and in the ende
the Church should be before Princes in the opinion of the Declaration graunteth that in time they were before but denyeth that in a treatise that should be alwayes first which is firste in time his reasons for it are these Though Moses did so describing the maner how things began in the creatiō yet we are not tyed to this order this is an obiectiō against him selfe whereto he maketh a slender answere Caluin beginneth with the knowledge of man so ascendeth to the knowledge of God If this example be regarded by him then why doeth he charge the Declaration with treason for not treating first of Princes when as Caluin whose example he setteth for a president and not without cause was bolde to treate first of man and after of GOD which in his diuinitie must needes be blasphemie if the other be treason A thirde reason that Paule teacheth not the Romanes amisse saying that the inuisible things of God beinge vnderstood by his workes through the creation of the worlde are seene that is both his eternall power and godhead Wherby he meaneth that although God were before things created yet he teacheth them not amisse to knowe God by his works Wherein he hath forgotten that he vndertooke to proue that in a treatise that which is first in time ought not alway to bee first in place Which if he had shewed in the Epistle to the Romanes to haue bin obserued although it were nothing to the Declaration yet had hee hit his marke that he hath chosen to roue at But in bringing vs for an example of a whole treatise not halfe a treatise no nor one whole chapter nor half a chapter but one single sentence he is farre from his owne marke he shot at Such an other example of a sentence out of the fourth to the Ephesians he alleadgeth whereto this aunswere serueth Last of all that the declaration maketh Elders before Apostles yet place Apostles after in the treatise which were nothing to his owne purpose if it were trewe But that Elders in the Church of Christ are sayde by the declaration to haue bin before Apostles is not trewe This is his discourse of time fitter as a great deale of the rest for some homely vse then to spende good time about His next poynt concerneth prioritie of honour wherein he reasoneth wholy against him selfe and for the Declaration For his discourse of it is to this effect that that which is before other in honour ought not alwayes to be treated on before but may be handled first or last notwithstanding the preeminence of honour which he examplifieth in treatises of morall and naturall philosophy and which is aboue all in God of whom he saith that although he bee afore all things in time in honour and in all respectes yet firste or last may be treated vpon by good order of teaching Which if it be trewe why draweth he the Declaration to the Kinges benche and enditeth it of treason onely for that the first place of that treatise is not of the power of soueraign Princes in ecclesiasticall matters If it be no treason against God but good order to treate of him first or last is it treason so to treate of earthly and mortall Princes O more then palpable flatterie The Lord so direct all christian Princes and chiefly our soueraine Lady the Queene to be so farre frō aduaūcing those that shal thus lift vp any flesh bloud aboue the liuing immortall god as that cōtrariwise they may seuerily punish those that shall dare to speake or write things for pleasing of them that are so vnmete to be spoken and written of the hiest Maiestie This shall be the honour of Christian Princes to endure no such thing to be attributed vnto them but to prouide that God may be honoured aboue all things to whom onely all glorie and honour appertayneth His conclusion of this parte should haue bin that thinges are not necessarie to be treated vpon according to their worthines and honour but hauinge forgot him selfe agayne he falleth vpon the former poynt alreadie dispatched of the prioritie of the time The reason whereof seemeth to be that by such errour he might yet vent a newe argument concerning the necessitie of treating first of that which is first in time which is that this is the papistes argument for traditions For sayeth he they saye that the word was deliuered by tradition before it was written and therefore of no lesse authoritie If any man may make a chayne of sande and cause it to hange by linkes togither he may happilie make some coherence of this argument with the matter he is in hande to prooue All the helpe he giueth the Reader to discerne howe this is to bee applyed to his purpose is this The papistes encroch from the time to authoritie as our brethren here doe Where doe the brethren so We are brethren with him in a maner at euery worde but yet we are with him like papistes like Anabaptistes vnduetifull to Princes nay traytours to them and what not Such brethren had Joseph who deuised to kill him Gen. 37.2.18 because he tolde their Father of their euill deedes as we discouer theirs to th' authoritie that is to reforme them Of such brethren the Church complayneth by Solomon saying The sonnes of my mother were angry against me Canti 1.5 c. It were to be wished you were more naturall brethren then you are But for the matter where in what wordes doeth the Declaration gather any such thing not a little that soundeth that way In deede he will needes force vpon them that they gather so because they saye that the Church was perfect in all hir regiment before there were any Christian Princes But what authoritie is collected from this yet if it had bin so is euery argument proouing a thing to bee better because it is order a popish argument Doeth not our Sauiour reason thus when he sayeth It was not so from the beginning but in the beginning it was thus And the Apostle to the Galathians directlie reasoneth thus from the time saying that the Lawe which was giuen 450. yeares after the promise could not make it voyde and of none effect The places of arguments are as the light of heauen and the water of the riuer common to all whereof some vse them to lawfull and good vses and some vnlawfull vngodly If anie hereticke haue reasoned from the causes shall therefore the arthodoxe and sounde in faith bee barred from vsing at time an argument from the causes This is as simple a poynt in diuinitie as he hath handled all this whyle in Logike concerning the methode and order of a treatise If wee vse their argumentes to the same purpose let him disproue it which yet he and whosoeuer taketh in hande the defence of the Hierarchie must needs doe For all their principal reasons to proue Bi hops and Archbishops are the same that Turrianus and other popish writers