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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11722 [The Complaynt of Scotland] Wedderburn, Robert, ca. 1510-ca. 1557.; Lindsay, David, Sir, fl. 1490-1555. 1550 (1550) STC 22009; ESTC S1708 126,180 303

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nocht that the gre of gētreis procedis fra vertu The philosophour sais that the cause of ane thing is of mair efficacite nor is the thyng that procedis fra the cause ergo vertu suld preffer the successours of verteous men Ane verteous man beand discendit of ane verteous genoligie doutles he is ane rycht gentil man and in opposit ane vicius man beand discendit of verteous genoligie he suld be reput mair vile and odius nor ony infamous vilaine plebien ande alse thai suld be degradit fra there gātreis that thai haue ascribit til haue be successione ande thai suld be conpellit to virk vile mecanyk laubir to that effect that the honour of verteous gentil men be nocht maculat vitht the vice ande inciuilite of vicius pretendit gentil men There for as i haue said of befor the sone of ane prince beand distitut of vertu is no gentil man ande in apposit ane sone of ane mechanyc plebien beād verteous he is ane gentil man for that cause the poiet francis petrarcha florentyne said i hed leuyr be the sone of vicius tarsites i vsand ane verteous conuersatione nor to be the sone of the vailȝeant achilles i beand vicius The philosophour plutarque rehersis that iphicrate● vas ane pure mecanyk craftis man discendit of inciuil plebiens ȝit nochtheles throucht his vertu he vas elect to be kyng of the cuntre there vas ane vicius gentil man at that tyme callit hermodius quha reprocht iphicrates sayand o iphicrates it esseris nocht for thy stait faculte to be ane kyng be rason that thy father vas ane mecanyc tailȝour discendit of inciuile pure pepil there for thou art nocht ane gentil man iphicrates ansuert o hermodius throucht my vertu my successours sal be reput gentil men and sa my gentreis begynnis at my self bot thou ande thy gentreis sal end to gydthir thy successours sal be reput for vilaynis be cause of thy vicius cōuersatione This exempil makkis manifest that ane person may succeid to heretage and to mouabil gudis of his predecessours bot no mā can succeid to gentreis nor to vertu for vertie gentreis most proceid fra the spreit of hym self and nocht fra his pre●ecessours iuuenal the poiet rehersis that buciphal the grit horse of allexāder hed mony comodius propreteis for as sune as he s●u alexander he knelit ande maid hym reuertens ande syne thoht hym to lope on hym al●e he vas strynthy ande auful in ane battel contrar the enemeis of alexander ande quhen he vas saidlyt vitht his best bayrdit harnessing he vald thole no man to ryde on hym bot alexander This samyn horse busiphal hed ane brother generit and folit of the samyn horse and meyr that folit hym this to thir horse vas grit fayr and gude lyik bot nochtheles the maist perfyit industreus horse dantars of macedon culd nocht gar hym be veil br●dilit nor mane●ir in na comodius sort conuenient to serue ane prince q●har for he vas nocht treittit bot rather deiekkit ande chaissit to the vyild barran f●ildis to seik his meyt ande oft tymis he vas put in ane cart to drug and drau quhar he vas euyl dung broddit This exempil maye be conferrit to t●a brethir gottin ande borne of ane fathere ●other ane of them beand verteours suld be reput for ane gentil man and the tother beand vicius fuld be estemeit and reittit lyik ane bar bi r inciuil vilaine There hes been diuerse gētil mē that thynkis schame that there fathe●s and mothers gudschers and grandsch●us hes bene mechanyt blebiens Bot sic vane gentil men takkis nocht exempil of agathocles the kyng of ce●lle quha vas the fone of ane pottar that formit clay pottis ȝit nochtheles quhē he vas elect ī dignite royal he gart gold smythis graue ane pot in his armys on euerye pece of his siluyr veschel and alse he gart paynt the vallis of hispalleis vitht pottis the quhilk thing he did to ●anifest to the pepil that he thocht noschame that his father hed been ane mecanyc craftis ma discēdit of ane pure genoligie Iuuenal Satiric 7 it is ane grit soly til ane pers●n to pretend to gentreis be successione or be reches innenal conf●rmis this samyn purpos nobilitas sola est animū que moribus orna● and the vordis of ouid ar consonant to this samyn Non cēsus nec clarum nomen auorū sed probitas magnum ingeniumque facit There for it is grit arrogance and nales folie quhen ony person gloris in his hie genoligie considerand that euyre person is discendit of ane origyne as boiecius de consolatione hes rehersit in his thrid beuk Boiecꝰ de consolatione philosophie .. li. 3. Omne hominum genus in terris simili surgit ab ortu there for vald euyrie man cosidir his fyrst origyne he sal fynd that al man kynd ar creat of mud and clay as is vritin in the sycond cheptour of genesis Formauit igitur hominē de limo terre ande alse Ihesus sirach sais in the 10 cheptour of ecclesiasticus quhar he repreuis the gloir ande pride of men quid superbis terra et ciuis that is to say quhou ar ȝe becum predeful takkis gloir in this varld considerand that ȝe ar bot eird ande puldir it is vrityn on the 18 cheptour of genesis loquar ad dominum cum sim puluis ciuis that is to say i sal speik to the lord quhou be it i am bot puldi● ande asse it is vrityn in the 17 cheptour of ecclesiasticus Omnes homines terra et ciuis al men ar eird ande alse Thir exemplis suld be occasione to gar gentil men paynt in there scheildis ande graue in there signetis puldir ase ande eirde rather nor til haue gart paynt ande graue the armis of there predecessours be rason that fra tyme that thai be aryuit to the fine ande to the liuitis of there peregrinatione of this mortal lyif than thai returne to there comont ande general mothere the eird the quhilk eird makkis na acceptions of persons nor defferens of qualiteis betuix gentil men and mecanyc men bot resauis them al indefferently in hir domicil and receptacle than quhen the corrupit flesche is consumit fra the banis no man can put defferens b●t●ix ane prince ane beggar The historigraphours rehersis that quhen kyng cirus he● ven qu●●st kyng cresus he led hym til his p●●ets ande treittit hym mair humainly nor is the vse to treit presoneirs On one day cresus spak hardyly to kyng cirꝰ sayand Nobil prince the vulgaris ascribis grite gloir for the vailyeant actis that thou hes committit for the public veil of perse ande meid ȝit nochtheles thy father cambifes did mair vailȝeant actis in his tyme nor thou hes
euyl gouernyng of the public veil of rome the patriarche Iacob lamentit the absens of his sone Ioseph the kyng demetrius regrettit hauyly the slauchtir of his fadir antigonus at the battel of maraton ȝong octouiā lamētit hauyly the slauchtir of his fadir adoptiue cesar that gat .xxii straiciekis vitht penknyuis in the capitol thir nobil personagis deplorit the calamiteis that occurrit in ther dais bot i hef as grit cause to deploir the calamiteis that ringis presētly vitht in ouer realme throucht the vice of the pepil quhou beit that the thretnyng of gode contrar vs be verray seueir ande extreme ȝit nochtheles i hope that his auful scurge of aperand exterminatiōe sal chāge in ane faderly correctione sa that ve vil knau his mageste ande to retere fra ouer vice Si in precuptis meis ambulaueritis dabo vobis plunias tēporibus suis terra gīgnet germane suū dabo pacē in finibus vestris for he hes promest grace tyl al them that repentis ande til al them that kepis his command as is vrityn in the .xxvi. cheptor of leuitie thir vordis as folluis Gyf ȝe keip my ordinance i sal send ȝou rane on ȝour grond in conuenient tyme ȝour feildis sal bryng furtht cornis ȝour treis sal bayr frute ȝe sal eyt ȝour breyde in suficien● ȝe sal sleipt at ȝour eyse i sal sende pace amang ȝou the sourde of vengeance sal nocht pas throucht ȝour cuntre ȝe sal follou ȝour enemeis ande ȝour sourdis sal gar them sal befor ȝou fiue of ȝou sal follou chaisse ane hundretht ane hundretht of ȝou sal chaisse ten thousand Leui. 2● ●nde ȝour enemeis sal fal to the grōd venquest in ȝour presens sa that ȝe vil obeye to my command Regnū a gēte in gēteus trāsit propter in iusticias vniuersos dolos ❧ O quhat familiar promese is this that god hes prormeist tyl al them that vil obey til his command quhar for gyf ve refuse this grit promes i suspect that his iustice sal extinct oure generatione furtht of rememorāce ande that he vil permit our ald enemeis or sum vthir straynge natione til ocupie posses our natural natiue cuntre bot ȝit i hope in gode that our obstinatione sal altir in obedien● Ecc● 10. quhilk sal be occasione that siue of vs sal chaise ane hundretht of our ald enemeis ande ane hūdretht of vs sal chaisse ten thousand of them furtht of our cuntre as is rehersit in the foir said xxvi cheptour of leuitic for quhon be it that god hes permittit the inglis men to scurge vs as he permittit sathan to scurge the holy man Iob Iob. ca. 2. it follouis nocht that god vil tyne vs perpetualye nor ȝit it follouis nocht that the cruel inglis men quhilk is ar boreaus ande hang men permittit be god to puneis vs that thai ar in the fauoir of god for the exsecutione of goddis punitione on vs as i sal explane be ane exempil of comparisone ane boreau or hang man is permittit be ane price to scurge ande to puneise trāsgressours ande ther efftir that samyn boreau is stikkit or hangit eftiruar● for his cruel demeritis as is the end of them that settis ther felicite to skattir to skail blude Siklyike the cruel inglis men that hes scurgit vs hes nocht dune it of manhede or visdome nor of ane gude ȝoil bot rather the supreme plasmator of hauyn ande eird hes permittit them to be boreaus to puneis vs for the mysknaulage of his magestie Quhar for i treist that his diuine iustice vil permi● sum vthir straynge natiōe to be mercyles boreaus to them ande til extinct that false seid ande that incredule generatione furtht of rememorance be cause thai ar ande alse h●s beene the special motione of the iniust veyris that hes trublit cristianite thus sex hundretht ȝeir by past quha list●● to reide the prophesye of ysaye tha sal fynd ane exempil cōfo●mand to this samyn purpos quhou that the realme of the assiriens vas the scurge of gode to puneise the pepil of israel for ther disobediens bot fra tyme that the pepil of israel vas reterit fra ther vice gode distroyit there scurge that is to saye he distroyt assure the kyng of the assirriens ande transporti● his realme in the subiectione of the kyng of perse ande meid Sikliyk the grite toune of babillon vas permittit be gode to scurge the pepil of israel ande ther efftir quhen the israelieteis var reterit fra ther inniquite gode delyurit them fra the captiuite of babillon ande distroyit that grite toune ande maid it ane desert inhabitabil for serpens ande vthir venesū beystis Euyrie thing is corruppit be ane vthir corruppit complexione ane file is ane instrumento to file doune yrn ande ane synnar is maid ane instrument of the diuyne iustice to puneise ane vthir synnar the file that filit the yrne is vorne ande cassin auaye as ane thing ●nutil to serue to do ony gude verk bot the yrn that hes beene filit be the forgear or be ane smyth● is kepit to serue to the necess●te of men the father takkis the vand or the scurge to puneise his sonne that hes brokyn his command ande quhen his sonne becummis obedient the father brakkis the vand ande castis it in the fyir bot ȝit gyf his sonne rebellis contrar the correctione of the vand than the father takkis ane batton or sū vthir ●●●rk vappin to puneise his sonne forȝettis fatherly discipline ande vsis rigorus extreme punitione ane ox that repungnis the brod of his hird he gettis doubil broddis 〈◊〉 he that misprisis the correctione of his preceptor his correctione is changit in rigorus punitione ❧ Quhou the actor conferris the passagis of the thrid cheptour of ysaye vitht the afflictione of scotland Chap. IIII. VE maye persaue for certan that ve haue bene scurgit vitht al the plagis De●●● 28. that ar befor rehersit in the xxviii cheptour of deuteronome that is to say vitht pestelens vitht the sourde vitht brakkyng doune of our duelling housi● vitht spulȝe of our cornis ande cattel Siclyik as it is befor rehersit in the xxvi of leuitic Leui. 2● ve haue sauen oure feildis to the behufe of oure enemeis ve haue fled fast fra oure enemeis quhen there vas nocht mony of thē perseuuād vs. ande alse ve maye persaue tha● ve haue beene scurgit vitht the plagis that ar contenit in the thrid cheptour of esaye quhilk sais that the lord sal tak auaye the mychty men the sterk men Esaye 3. c fra hierus●lem ande fra iuda that is to saye the lord hes tane fra vs oure lordis ande barons ande mony vthir nobil
foulis of the ayr vil deffende ther nestis vitht there nebbis ande feit the beiris lyons voluis foxis and dogis vil deffende ●here cauerne there quhelpis vitht there tethe feit Allace this sair complaynt is to me rycht hauy bot the litil support that i vil get of ȝou is far hauyar for ȝe quhilkis suld susten● deffende ande releif me ȝe ar the aduerse party of my prosperite for in the stede of reuarde ande gratitude that ȝe ar oblist to gyf to me Cic. 5. tus ȝe purches ande auancis my distructione for ȝour particular veil My ald enemeis hes persecutit me outuartly in cruel veyris be fyir ande sourde bot the veyr that ȝe mak inuartly con●rar me be auereise ambitione is mair cruel My mortal enemeis purchessis to raif my liberte ande to hald me in ane miserabil subiectione bot ȝe hald me in ane mair seruitude be ȝour disordinat neclegens ande couuardise my ald enemeis dois me grite domage vitht ane grite armye of men osveyr be see ande be land bot ȝe vndir the cullour of frendschip purchessis my final exterminatione for falt of gude reul ande gouuernance Ande alsa ȝe ar sa diuidit amang ȝour selfis that nocht ane trouis ane vthir for throucht the suspetione that ilk ane of ȝou hes of vthirs euyrye ane of ȝou seikis his particular releif for sum of ȝou ar fled far vith● in the cuntre sum of ȝou ar fled to the hillis nitione for ȝour demeritis ande alse ȝe maye persaue be this sammyn text that ȝour grite afflictione ande tribil sal turne in ioye ande prosperite gyue sa beis that ȝe vil retere fra ȝour vice ȝe haue mony manifest exemplis of diuerse cuntreis that hes bene scurgit be the hand of gode ande hes bene in dang●ir of final exterminatione ȝit nochtheles gode of his grace hes restorit them eftiruart in ane mair abundand prosperite nor thai var of befor fra tyme tha be cam obedient til his magestie 1 Machabe 2. Quhar is there ane mair euident exempil nor is in the bibil in the fyrst beuk of the machabeis quhou anthiocus kyng of sirrie be vsurpatione ande tirranrye subdeuit the cūtre of iuda ande the cite of ierusalem he spulȝeit the tempil ande reft the goldin alter the chandelaris of lycht ande al the goldin veschel ande the tabil of propositione the coupis tassis crouettis crounis ande al the goldin ornamentis of the sanctuar he sleu men vemē ande childir ȝong ande ald ande brynt there housis th● remanent of the pepil var cōstrenȝeit to fle to strait montanis ande deseirtis for refuge for al iherusalem ande mekil of iuda vas put tyl extreme desolatione At that tyme ane man of Israel callit matathias the neuo of Symeon the hie preist vas sittand on the hil of modin ande his fiue sonnis besyde hym callit Iohannam gaddes symon thasi iudas machabeus eleaȝar abaron ande iehonathan aphus thir fiue bredir var soir vepand for the desolatione of iuda ande iherusalem Than matathias there father said to them van hap be on me Iosephꝰ de anti allace that euyr i vas borne to see the distructione of my pepil the tribulatione of the holy cite of iherusalem Li. 12. c. 8 quhilk is violētlye possest be my enemeis ald ande ȝong ar slane on the reuis but mercy the remanent of the cuntre ar in captiuite or ellis fled to the strait montanis for refuge allace quhat bettir vil ve be to lyue ony lāgar cōsiderand of this myscheif that is fallin on oure cuntre Allace my fiue sonnis i praye ȝou to be ȝelaturs of the lau of gode ande to gyue ȝour saulis for the alliance of ȝour fo●r fathirs ande remembir of the verkis thai haue dune to there generations Genesis 22 ande than ȝe sal resaue grite gloir ande eternal name tak gode for ȝour protector ande ȝe sal prospir Gene. 41. vas nocht oure father Abraham faythful in tēpta●ione quhilk vas repute ●l hym for iustice Ioseph keipit the cōmād of the lau quhē he vas ꝑsecutit there for he vas maid lieutenent to pharon kyng of egipt phinehes oure foir father vas maid hie preist of the tēpil for the ȝeil that he hed to the lau of god Gene. 4. Iosue for the keping of his promis vas maid captā of Israel Iosue 1. 2 Samuel 2. Dauid for the pitie that the hed of the pepil that var affligit be the philistiens conqueist the royal sege of Israel Ananias Danyel 3 Azarias and misael var delyuerit fra th● flam of the fyir throucht the faitht that tha hed to god Danyel throucht his simplicite and meiknes vas delyuerit fra the throttis of the lyōs Daniel ● Of this sort o ȝe my fiue sonnis ȝe may beleue that fra generation to generatione that al thai that puttis there hope ī god sal nocht be distroyit quhen matathias hed endit his miserabil and piteous regret in presens of his fiue sonnis than his thrid sone callit Iudas machabeus past athort the montanis and desertis and gaddyryt to gid●●r al the desolat bannest pepil and vitht ane gryt curage heffand hope in god thai cam contrair anthiocus and venqueist hym vai●ȝeantly and also venqueist al the israliates that var part takers vitht hym and ther eftir thai reformit the distructiōe of the tēpil and vsit extreme punitione on the tratours and conspiratours and thai gart extreme necessite be cum prosperus vertu for thai changit the dispayr of mennis help in esperance of goddis help quhar for throucht the mytht of god venqueist men be cam conqueriours and fugityuis be cam assailȝeours and humil affligit pepil of ane lytil nūmer be cam lordis and maisters of ane gryt multiplie of tirrās There is ane vthir exempil of gedeon in the tyme of the cruel oppression that the kyng of madian did on the pepil of Israel gedeō vitht thre hundre●ht men discumfeist ane hūdretht and tuenty thousant men Iudicū 8. and he delyuerit the remanent of the pepil of Israel fra captiuite and misere ȝit nochtheles he vas ane pure lauberar of lytil reputatione and discendit of smal linage of the tribe of menasses quhar for ve may persaue that quhar the grace of god and the vertu of men ar coniunit to giddir there is no leiful thing onpossibil to be exsecut And ofttymis god puttis in the pouer of men the thing that mennis vit cā nocht beleue that it is possibil to be done There is ane vthir exempil of darius kyng of perse that entrit in grece vitht ane hundretht thousand fut men and ten thousand men of armis At th●t tyme thair vas gryt sedition and discentione amang al the gryt
thē be the holy scripture altris nocht ther couetyse desyre therfor thai may be comparit to the edropic the quhilk the mair that he drynk the mair he hes desire to drynk my tua brethir nobillis and clergie ar in sic melancole be cause that i complein and murmyris ther crualte bot ȝit nane of thē decistis fra the vice quhilk giffis me occasiōe to murmyr it is nocht possibil to gar extorsione be vitht out murmur nor murmur to be vitht out rumour of the pepil nor rumour to be vitht out diuisione diuisione vitht out desolatione and sklandyr therfor my īpaciēs suld be supportit be cause that the occasione of it hes suppedit my rason o my desolat nother thou suld nocht reproche al thy thre childir in general bot rathere to reproche sa mony in special that ar occasione of thy afflictione thou vait that ane man vil haue childir of deferent conditionis sum gude and sum euil the patriark Iacob hed tuelf so●nis of the quhilk his ȝongest sone bēiemyn vas indole and innocēt and Iosept vas faitful and merciful and ruben vas pieteabil and humain and the tothir nyne brethir var cruel and dissaitful quhen thai condampnit there brothere Iosept to dee in ane cesterne there eftir thai sellit hym to the egiptiens to be ane sklaue Siklik amang al sortis of pepil and amang al facultes and staitis there is sum gude and sum euil and fyrst ro speik of the defferēs of kyngis dauid that roial prophet vas ane holy kyng and kyng saul vas cruel vicius and amang the staitis of preistis mathathias vas gude and obnias vas euil and amāg the staitis of prophetis daniel vas gude and balaam vas euil amang the vedous iudicht vas gude and Ihesabel vas euil amang the pastoirs and hirdis abel vas gude and abimelech vas euil amang the staitis of reche men Iob vas gude and nabal vas euil and amang threligion of the apostolis Sanct petir vas gudee and iudas vas euil ther for o my dolorus mother thou erris in thy accusatione in sa far as thou makis na acceptione of personis nor puttis defferens betuix qualites of conditionis of men it is concludit be al lauis diuyne and humain that euere person sal bayr his auen birding and that euere person sal be commendit or detestit efferand for his conuersatione therfor thou suld nocht condamp innocentis and trangressouris baytht to giddir sic punitione excedis the limitis of discretione and of iustice it is vrytin in the 7 cheptor of genesis that god sauit lotht and his famile be cause of there obediens quhen he distroyit the vicius pepil of sodome and gomore O my velbelouit mother thou knauis that i am innocent of thy inuectiue accusatione and that my tua cruel brethir ar the cause of thy desolatione of my distructione for i am sa violētly ouer set be them that throcht pouerte of gudis and trocht debilite of my persone i can nothir do gude to my frendis nor euil to my enemes quharfor i exort the til altir thy seueir accusatione in ane cheritabil consolatione there is ane prouerb that sais parce sepulto that is to saye spair hym that is in his sepulture this prouerb maye be applyit to my dolorus fortoune for i maye be comparit til hym that is dede in his sepulture considerand that ther can be na dolour eikit to my aduersite excep● cruel deitht there for thou suld abstrak thy inuectiue reprocha quhilk is rathe● crualte nor correctione conformand til ane adagia of ane of the seuyn sapientis of rome callit minus publianus that said crudelis in re aduersa est obiurgatio Allace my deir mother thou consideris nocht quhou that my brethir ar be cum on merciful tirrans touart me i am haldyn be the vlgar pepil for there ȝongest brother bot i am there eldest brother in verra deid for i vas gottyn and borne lang befor thē and it vas i that first instituit there faculteis for the pollice that vas inuentit be me my predecessouris eftir the creatione of the varld h●s procreat the stait of my brethir the faculteis and the begynnyng of nobillis and spiritualite hed bot pure lauboraris to there predecessouris bot nou sen thai ar cum to stait and digniteis trocht me thai ar be cum ingrat and lychtleis me my tua brethir professis them to be gentil men and reputis me and al lauberaris to be rustical and inciuile ondanti● ignorant dullit slauis thai vil nocht consider that al there gentreis hes procedit and discendit fra me ther for quhair thai compt the degreis of there genologie thai suld fyrst begyn at adam oure foir father and quhen thai pryde them and ascribis in there reches faculteis or digniteis thai suld fyrst begyn at the successouris of ouer foir father Adam quhilkis var lauberaris of the grond and be there prudent inuention and pollice hes procreat the stait that thai posses therfor thai haue na cause to gloir in them seluis bot rather th●i suld gloir in me and in al lauberaris of the grond quhilkis var fundatouris of al there triūphād prosperite bot there affectione and there vane ignorant consaitis garris them ymagyn beleif that there predecessouris and al there nobillite and digniteis hes discēdit fra the angellis and archangellis nocht fra ouer fo● father adam quhilk is the speciale cause th●t thai lychtlie the lauberaris that fundit thē i meruel that thai considir nocht the gentris genologe of kyng dauid that hed ane pure scheiphird til his father ●culius hostilius the thrid kyng of rome vas the sone of ane pure lauberar of the grond tarquinius priscus the fyift kyng ●f rome vas the sone of ane pure marchant varro that prudint consul and dictatur of rome vas the sone of ane flaschar the vailȝeant consul of rome perpenna quha reuengit the slaucthtir of crassus vas the sone of ane pure greik marcus cato vas the sone of ane pure man of tuscan the philosophour socrates quhilk vas iugit to be the maist prudēt man in the vniuersal varld vas the sone of ane pure mā callit sophomistus quhilk vas ane grauer of imagis of marbyr stone and his mothe● vas ane meyd vyf euripides vas the sone o● ane pure mā that sellit frut eirbis ●emos●nes that prudent due of athenes vas the so●● of ane pure marchant that sellit ald knyui● agathocles kyng of cecille vas the sone of a●● pottar that formit clay pottis marcus tuliu● cicero vas the sone of ane pure lauberar o● arpyne quhar for i meruel of the vanete of my tua brethir that ascribis and professis th● gentil men be
dune kyng cresus vas temerair ī his questiō for cirus vas offēdit cōtrar kyng cresus thinkand that ane presoneir suld nocht haue bene sa bold as til reproche ane prince that haldis hym in captiuite Than cresus persauand kyng cirus in collere and ire he said nobil prince gyf thy nobil grace vil gyf me lecens to rason the mater thou sal sune persaue that i said nothing tyl offend the bot rathere til augment thy gloir i said that thy grace hed nocht dune sic ane vailȝeant act as thy fathere cābises did in his tyme for he did ane nobil act quhen he engeneret the on thy mothere to gouuerne this realme eftir his deceisse bot thou hes nocht dune sic ane nobil act as to genner ane nobil prince lyik thy self to gouuerne the realme quhen thou art dede Quhen kyng cirus herd the subtil discymilit pleisant interpretatione of cresus vordis he smylit and leuch and changit his coller in glaydnes bot ȝit kyng cirus exortit cresus familiarlye tyl expone the iust verite of his vordis Cresus ansuert nobil prince sen thou hes coniurit me sa extremly to decl●ir the verite doutles i sal hald no thing obscure quhou be it thou gar me suffer the cruel detht the occasione of my vordis procedit be cause i iuge that thou art nocht sa quyk spretit sa prudent nor sa nobil as vas thy fathere cambises ande to cōclude thou hes nocht sic ane hede as he hed in al his byssynes kyng cirus ansuert i sal sune knau the verite of thy purpos than kyng cirus past to the tempil ande he gart delue vp al the ba●is of the detht pepil furtht of there sepulture and keist ouer euyrye bane ande contemplit euyry hardyn pan ane be ane than cresus vthir gentil men metuelit noc●t litil of his consait sayand ve exort the nobil prince to tel thy intentione of that byssynes Cirus ansuert o cresus thou said nocht lang syne that my hede vas nocht to be comparit to my fathers hede there for i am leukand gy i cā fynd my fathers hardyn pan amang thir dede mennis banis bot i can nocht ken it amang them for al the hardyn pannis that ar heir ar al of ane sort there for i beleue that my fathers hede ande my hede and al vthir mennis hedis of pure ande riche ar but desserens there for in tyme to cū thou sal mak na comparison betuix men for i persaue that al men that euyr vas or euyr sal be ar creat of ane masle of clay and eird This exempil declaris that na man suld gloir in his nobilite or gentil blude considerand that our c●rious ande corporal natur and carnal origyne is baytht vile ande infekkit ande there is da defferens nor acceptions of persons betuix vs. the prudent Salomon accordis vitht this samyn purpos in the 7 chept●r of his be●k of sapiens sayand sum quidem ego mortalis homo similis omnibus de genere terreno illius qui prior f●ctus est ce Sapien. 7. Nemo enim ex regibus aliud hal uit natiuitatis initium i am ane mortal man s●is Salomon lyik ti al vthir men creat of ●ird as vas ●ur foir fathere adam ande al vth●r kyngis hed na vthir begynnyng thir vordis of Salomō beād veil considerit is ane souerane remeid ande salutair medve●n to repreme and distroye the arrogant consait of them that glorifeis pridis them to be discendit of nobilis and gentil men consid●rand that the crop ande rute of our gentreis ande genologie hes succedi● fra adam ande quhen ve entrit in this mortal lyif ve var naikyt and vep and and quhen ve depart ve sal be vile and abhominabil ande ve sal carye no thing furtht of this varld bot the coulpe of our synnis or the meritis of our vertu ❧ O my eldest soune nobilis gentil men quhy vil ȝe nocht consi●ir thir vordis befor rehersit quhilk vordis suld be occasione to gar ȝou mortife ȝour vane consait of ȝour pretendit gentreis ȝe professe ȝou to be gentil mē bot ȝour verkis testifeis that ȝe ar bot inciuile vilainis ȝe vald be reput callit vertuous and honest qu hou be it that ȝe did neuyr ane honest act and ȝe reput vthir men for vilanis that did neuyr ane vilaine act it aperis that quhen ȝour nobil predecessours decessit thai tuke ther vertu and gentreis vitht them to ther sepulture and thai left na thing vitht ȝou bot the stile of there gentreis ▪ the vordis of the holy man Iob maye be veil applyit to this samyn purpos quhē he said mor tui sunt nobiles innobiles sunt filij eoru quod he al nobil men ar decessit ther sonnis ande successours ar bot vilanis the vordis of Iob ar ouer manifest in our cuntre for i see no thing amang gentil men bot vice for honestee is maculat ignorance is prisit prudens is scornit chestite is banneist the nychtis ar ouer schort to gentil men to comnit there libedeneus lust and the day is ar ouer schort to them to commit extorsions on the pure pepil ther blasphematione of the name of god corruptis the ayr The prodig pride that ringis amang gentil men is detestabil nocht alanerly in costly clethyng abufe ther stait bot as veil in prodig expensis that thai mak on horse and doggis abufe ther rent or reches ane man is nocht reput for ane gentil man in scotlād bot gyf he mak mair expensis on his horse and his doggis nor he dois on his vyse bayrnis The poiettis fenȝeis that the grecian dyameid hed horse that eit men alse thai hef fenȝet that acteon vas transformit in ane hart and there eftir he vas stranglit todede vitht his auen doggis The expositione of thir tua exemplis maye be apply it to the gentil men of scotland The horse of diameid ei● no men bot the supers●u prodig expensi● that he maid on corne to feid ane grit nū● of onutil horse gart the victualis be deir and skant quhilk vas occ●sione that the pure pepil deit for hungir of this fort the po●ettis fenȝeis that dyamedis horse eit men be cause tha eit the corne that vald ha●e sauit the lyuis of the pure pepil fra hungir Siklyik acteon vas nocht transformit in ane hart nor ȝit his doggis sleu hym nocht the expositione of this vas that acteon vas ane vane gentil man that set al his felicite on doggis for huicting on the quhilkis he maid ouer prodig expensis abuse his f●culte quhilk vas occasione that he sellit his heretage til entretene his vane pleseir ther eftir h● fel in pouerte ther for the po●etis fenȝeis that his doggis