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A10813 Pheander, the mayden knight describing his honourable trauailes and hautie attempts in armes, with his successe in loue : enterlaced with many pleasant discourses, wherein the grauer may take delight, and the valiant youthfull, be encouraged by honourable and worthie aduenturing, to gaine fame / written by H.R. H. R. (Henry Roberts), fl. 1585-1616. 1595 (1595) STC 21086; ESTC S947 122,117 195

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sooner arriued he at that so long desired place but Fortune who had bent his thoughts to trauaile entending after her many crosses to sauce his sowre with some swéets and like a comfortable Phisition after many bitter Pilles ministred for cloying the stomacke of his Patient comforteth him with some consarue or other more pleasing his appetite so the Prince now in the beginning of his fortunes found this fauour to arme him with the better hope of ensuing good for at his first comming to the Citie after enquiry made for some ship bound for Thrace he had intelligence of a Barke alreadie haled out of the harbourgh into the roade her yardes crossed and her Marriners exspecting the comming a boord of the maister and her marchaunts and so to depart Which newes how pleasing it was to the prince suppose you gentils that haue your harts so full fraught with desire as this noble Dionicus who no sooner was informed hereof but diligently went himselfe to search the maister marchants of this ship whō he found in an Ostria carowsing healthes to their good voyage and taking leaue of their friends in the citie to whose company the Prince being come albeit nothing acquainted with the conditions of those people yet he so framed his behauiour to his habit that it might haue bene admired amongst the Courtiers his quaint behauiour had they bene beholders thereof pleasing so well these humorous companions with his carowsing curtesie and bountifull expences that nothing he could require was denyed him A woonder it were to tell you whē he required passage with what willingnes they graunted it and what large proffers were made him of their cabbins and other sea curtesies all which he accepted with such kindnesse and none more welcome than Dionicus who standing on thornes to be cleare of his land whō loue enforced without regard of father crowne or subiects to leaue he hasteneth the rest aboord of whose company the Mariners were not a litle ioyfull for y ● the wind serued thē in such pleasing maner to bring thē to their desired hauen whither following the Masters direction for their course sailing with a faire gale we leaue them for a time to tell you of the griefe of Manpelius the Numedian king for the losse of his son of whom no maner of news might be heard You haue heard Gentles with what pollicie the prince wrought the better to bring his purposed intent to passe and what seuerall pastimes were by him deuised in which seuerall actions it was supposed by the Courtiers himself would haue bene a chiefe or at least a beholder of their sportes But hée which had more hammers working in his brains than one taking that time as fittest for his opportunity gaue them a cause of great sorrow as you shall heare Whose sportes ended and euerie thing with great credite to the actors and pleasure to the beholders finished the King and Quéene whome age nowe called to rest after kinde countenances and manie thanks to the Noble men Gentiles bad thē good night who were in all humblenes and heartie loue cōmended to their rests wher let thē rest vntil the newes of their sons departure be brought them by the wofull Barnardine whose hearts surcharged with sorrow could hardly be comforted but that through the extremitie of his griefe he had resigned his latest gaspe to him who first gaue him breath This wofull newes was two whole dayes and more kept from the king by that mirrour of fidelitie Barnardine who by all meanes either Art or trauell could imagine enquired after the Prince but of him could heare no tydings whereby many supposed hee was slaine some coniectured one thing some another But most of al the King Quéen their happinesse was such as may not without great effusion of teares be remembred which caused a generall griefe throughout the whole Regiment But neither sorrow of the subiects nor lamentation of their King might recall him who they all so much desired to sée which caused the King ouercharged with melancholy rather desiring death then life breathe out these spéeches Vnhappie Manpelius and more vnhappie in being father to so gracelesse a childe oh Dionicus why haue I liued to sée thée growne a man tenderly caring to bring thée to that estate and now my chiefest hope was in thée to haue comfort thus by thy vnkind demeanour to cause my grief how happie be those parents whose children liue in obedience but thrise accursed those fathers which giueth y e bridle of youth into their hands who ought to be held in as the Colt vntamed with the hardest bit Though wisedome presageth lawes of gouernment to fathers and experience of the Auncient which haue liued in elder times giueth aduise crying out of such as giueth libertie to yonglings yet law of nature whereunto we vnhappie parents are too much tyed forgetting all counsels are so besotted on those carelesse yonglings that if they desire any thing whether it be profitable for their instruction or haleth them to destruction it may not be denied them how many of high estate by the carelesse regarde of their vntoward children haue bene brought to great heauinesse Or who taking pleasure in his ofspring can sée him restrained I but vnhappie man hast thou not heard the learned Surgion often tell his tender Patient that it is better to smart once then endure griefe euer And thou that mightest haue kept thy deare sonne vnder his Tutors custodie wherein he liued in obedience might so haue had him still if thy owns foolishnesse had not bene so carelesse of him Then since thou hast bene the cause of thine owne sorrow blame thy selfe and sigh to think on thy follies and as thou hast bene the originall of this mischiefe not onely robbing thy countrey of a towarde braunch to succéede thée but hast lost to thy selfe the ioy of a father in wanting thy sonne thy lifes sole happinesse Perswade thée that as many Countries haue bene punished for the Princes offences so this plague is laide vppon thy subiects for thy misse Wherefore in sorrowing for thy sinnes and that God may shewe his mercy vpon thy kinde Countrey men sorrow for thy foppery and abiuring thy selfe from kingdome wife and Countrey betake thée to some vnknowne place where thou maiest spende the remainder of thy ouer worne yeares in contemplation for thy sinnes so may that God of all mercie which neuer turneth his face from the penitent receiue thée to his grace and restore thy sonne calling him from his youthfull desires to become a comfort vnto those which with manie fault teares and hearts full gorged with sorrow bewayle his absence Thus powring foorth his griefe with sighes and manie brinish teares vttering his sorrow hée resolued to leaue all his earthly possessions and altogither forsaking the companie of all mankinde liue sollitarie in some vnfrequented place vntill it woulde please God some tydings should be sent him of his sonne or else by death call
of his Countrey which by his carelesse sonne is blemished who neglecting the dutie of a child without regard of father crowne or kingdome exiled himselfe no man knowes where or whether he rest aliue or no since which time the king his father who loued him too dear if fathers loue may be too deare hath likewise absented himselfe and liueth in exile The mother Quéen hath resigned her due to death leauing by losse of those honorable persons their country without a head and their state by subiectes to bée gouerned wherby a ruine of the kingdom is like to ensue all procéeding from the Prince A miserable country is that quoth the Princasse to be lamented but more the losse of so noble a race the father hauing bene such and the sonne as report saith so toward But say good Knight quoth she was there neuer cause supposed of their departures nor did not the father through his harsh demeanor for youth in these times take vnkindly their fathers vnkindnes age is froward which frowardnes might minister great cause of discontent Madam quoth the Knight to my knowledge this I wil say my father being a Courtier in some regard whereby I became familiar with the Prince and as youth will make choise of some one to participate with so it pleased the Prince louing my father wel to vse my company in all his exercises through which I saw his demeanor with such reuerent duetie to the king acknowledged and as kindly requited of the king as on the earth might not bee found loue more perfect til his speach fayling in his mouth he could vtter no more The Princesse giuing héed to each word by him pronounced albeit she sawe the repeating of the Princes life was somewhat cumbersome vnto him yet ceased he not to vrge him to shew such sorrowe in deliuering the storye so of her desired Ah Madame quoth the knight at his departure began our Countries grief and my sorrow from whome in life I could neuer bée seperated such was my loue to him which refused himselfe his Crowne and dignities Adolefull tale hast thou deliuered quoth the Princesse which I perceiue mooueth you to impacience wherefore one demaund and an ende The Prince Dionicus made choyse of you for his companion Then vnder benedicitie let me craue all law of friendship exempted did he not acquaint you with his determinations for me thinkes it is scant credible that such an vnity should be amongst men their loues being so perfect but he should disclose each secret intent whatsoeuer many reasons draweth me to suppose it which I will omit for I perceiue I am too tedious Your Ladiship vrgeth me far yet will I accomplish your request who haue power to commaund me The Gentleman who neuer offended but in committing of this great offence long before his departure hauing belike some motion of desire in his thoughtes became of a pleasant Gentleman the most melancholiest that could be found that quite abolishing all company hée best contented himselfe with his secrete cogitations continuing this homour so long that he fell sicke of an extream Feuer which so encreased vpon him as all Physickes reliefe was quite giuen ouer so that small was the hope of his recouerie whose distresse the kind King with the mother Quéene grieued in such wise to beholde as in shorte time it was hard to be iudged which of the thrée endured most extreames But God that in aduersity sends comfort restored the Prince to some strēgth belike receiuing some comfort in his imaginations by his recouery the King Quéene were both so comforted as in short time they were raised from their sicke cabinets to frolike it amongst their noble subiects who ioyed in nothing so much as in their healthes But how soone the Sunshine of their happinesse was ouershadowed with cloudes of comfortlesse care grieueth me to recount yet dare I not gainsay your Ladiships request The Prince recouered of his maladie made semblance of such content that none but himselfe could witnesse vy the least suspition his hearts discontent yet oftentimes should I being seldome from his company sighing with a number of far fetched sobs heare him say Péerlesse Ladie would my loue were as wel known to thée as to mine own heart then doubtles wouldst thou pitie me which lanquish for thée that art the only Princesse on the earth excelling in al vertues which beautifie the honourable the report of which hath fettered my fancies to thée that I protest to bée thine or neuer mine owne then looking with a gastly loook about him to sée if any ouerheard him hee woulde fall into some other discourse euer applauding y e rare perfections of his mistresse who was vnknowne to all but only to himself I who frō the first he acquainted with y e same briefly Lady for I weary you with my discourse the loue of his Lady hath drawn him from his country whose absence caused the kings exile the Kings exile the Quéens death The Princesse hearing all these extreams to grow from affection knowing well her owne hearts discontent with a sigh from the déepest which wroong tears from her heart she said Alasse noble Gentleman whose ioy so soone ouerwhelmed hath heaped so many cares vpon me what folly was there in thée that wouldest not disclose thy loue which burned so vehementlie was the dame so base that thou fearest thereby to ignoble thy issue or of such high estate thou doubtest to obtaine her if either by perswasions all griefs might haue bene mittigated if a Monarch why thou by report deseruest her if a begger thou mightest make her noble what ere she were hearing thy distresse could she forbeare to pitie thée No no were her heart more harder then the Diamond it could not choose at y e hearing therof but relent else wel woorthy were she to bée scorned of al Ladies and neuer to bee named amongst the number of women The Prince séeing the Princesse in this pitiful humour thought it good striking whē the iron was hot taking the opportunity answered her thus Is your Ladiships censure such of hard-hearted Ladies wil not be entreated of him whose loue to you is no whit inferior to the Pr. Dionicus as himself wold confesse wer he present hard me recount y e many griefs wherwith loue hath afflicted me might he ●e Iudge wold allow me recōpence for my seruice in loue But Madame if without offence I might demaund this say Nutania the Princesse of Thrace were the Saint vnto whome this vnhappie Prince had vowed his deuotions and that all the passions he hath endured are for your loue would you vouchsafe him loue in recompence thereof The Princesse driuen to her shiftes at this demaund could not tell what to answere yet sharpening her wittes as women can doe she said Pheander Loue is not to bée dallied with as I haue heard them say which speake by experience therefore I cannot directly answere thy question but were
procéed dyed the King and the Prince so of thée honored and through their deaths gan thy trauaile Say swéete father Though the reporting of this dolefull history more gréeuous vnto me then death should finish my dayes yet such is the penance by your maiesties coniuring spéech enioyned me that what griefe so euer I endure I will satisfie your grace The Prince oh my Lord that it would please you to pardon the rest growing to yeares of discretion I know not through what meanes neither could I for all the diligence I vsed attain vnto it but sicke he was and so opprest with such a straunge agony that no phisicke could minister reléefe vnto him or yéeld him any ease so that there was smal hope of his recouery the strangenesse of each maledy being such as sometime faring lyke a man frantike no perswasions of reason night preuaile with him who in his health was to be ruled in all things This passion so long assayled the Prince and so little hope of his recouerie that the extremitie thereof gan touch the King and Quéen mother whose carefull loue was such as nature could not require more in parence whatsoeuer The continuall griefe of the prince wrought such care in the aged King Quéen that it was not to be founde which of them was most gréeued or whose lot it was to giue his due to death first yet as no care is so great but hath some comfort so the commander of men when all hope of life was past hope of men restored the Prince to health and by his health recouered the King and Quéen for whose weale the Commons more reioyced then of their owne good so that a general ioy was throughout the realme tryumphing at this happy recouery of the Prince the King and Quéene But as the fairest day is ouershadowed with cloudes so was the sunshine of their ioy eclipsed through the great folly of the Prince who vnknowne of all men or acquainting any with his pretence left his father Crowne and subiects and liueth no man knoweth how or where for whom the King felt a million of woes griefe so assailing his aged corpes as he was like to rest with death but reason subduing affection he recouered his sicknesse and leauing his land without a gouernour likewise departed whither no man knoweth The mother Quéene being of nature weake resigned her due to death whom as dutie commands me I entombed with such honor as beséemeth the person of a Quéene and so perswaded with the Commons in a Parliament for the same intent called as the gouernment of the Realme was committed to six of the nobilitie who are bound to resigne their authoritie when the lawful succéeded shall require it which done I forsooke all I enioyed and Pilgrime like as your highnesse sées haue trauelled many Countries in search of my soueraign the Prince but for all the diligence I can vse of them can learne no tydings Thus with teares standing in his eyes he ended his lamētable history which the King was assured to be true but least was the thought of Barnardine that he had deliuered this dolefull tale to the Prince which had likewise some cause of griefe which so neare touched him as he could not for teares vtter what he would yet putting by his passions as he could he said Aged father matter of great ruth hast thou deliuered which to heare is most lamentable and may touche that carelesse Prince neare by whom this chance hath chanced his parence and subiects but tell me father all griefe layd apart in what state liueth the subiects of thy King vnder their gouernment which hath the charge yet is your grace not satisfied quoth the Pilgrime but will exact on mee more to encrease my griefe which séeing you delight in I shall vnfolde that which in recounting will finish all yéelding my breath to him that gaue it mee therefore attend Not long sithence vnknowne I chanced to accompany in my trauaile a Gentleman of Numedia to mée well knowne which for I sawe I was out of knowledge with him I questioned him of many matters as your grace hath done me which amongst other his newes of discontent reported that those elected gouernors whose hearts broyling with ambition and desire of the whole authoritie as the title of King to the ambitious is swéete so these couetous wretches taking part one with the other some enclining one way some to the other part that ciuill discention was raised where the father beare Armes against the sonne the sonne against the father and kinsman against kinsman one imbruing their hands in others blood through which many a woman is left a widow and many a swéete Infant fatherles which makes me greatly feare without his help that sendeth all help to the helplesse the land will be impouerished and our King and Prince returning shall from their proper right be debarred by these vsurping vilaines whose hearts my aged téeth in reuenge of their treachery and wrong done the Commons I could teare The Prince hearing that tale of discōtent was moued more at y ● wrong offered the Commons then all the former history which made his say Father I haue noted thy long talke which hath moued 〈…〉 th to sorrow and desight gréeuing for the Commons 〈…〉 〈…〉 ioying that any Prince should haue a subiect of such woorth as is rare in these times to befound wherfore father that thou maist liue in my Court to draw others to their 〈…〉 iue to their Prince I will here detaine thée and for thou louest that carelesse Prince Dionicus will honour thée 〈…〉 g my life enduing thée with treasure and what else thou shalt at any time commaunde for all I enioy is ●h●●e ●●● if hereafter thou shalt think it conuenient I wil with ● 〈…〉 ng power ●●●er their distressed Confines and ●h 〈…〉 ing those Rebels leaue thée Regent in their place vntill further tydings shall bee of thy King or his sonne whom I am ●●re will not abuse them The aged father hearing th●se honorable spéeches from the mouth of the King was astonied knowing well that Princes of estéem honor themselues holding their words yet not minded to giue ouer search for his soueraigne he returned the King humble thankes beséeching his highnesse to pardon him which hath vowed to ende his life in performing his v●w to the Prince and either heare tydings of him or neuer sée his Countrey the place of the worlde moste pleasing vnto him The King hearing his wordes hauing great experience of his fidelitie coulde conceale himselfe no longer but imbrasing him in his armes ●●deawing his aged haires with drops lyke raine he 〈…〉 Faithfull Barnardine the mirror of true friendship whose equall in loue is not to be founde what cause haue I to honor thée whose care is such of me that haue so ill deserued but forgiue me Barnardine my misse against thée committed forgiue me noble father and you subiects of Numedia who by me vnhappy creature haue bene so much wronged and thou Barnardine my carefull Tutor forgiue mee I ●ntreate and continue thy loue to mee vnhappy Prince whom
fathers sonnes vnto whom my minority denyed such reuenewes and liuinges as might sufficiently maintaine my estate which caused me to employ my stock in trade of merchandize by which in time of peace I gained in your countrie wealth sufficient which with my body I offer in your highnesse seruice and doubt not but to frée thy princely daughter from this vsurper whose vertue the worlde so much renowneth for by that faith which I receiued at the Font-stone so long as I may breath life neuer shal vnhalowed Cur triumph in your Graces ouerthrow nor in her dishonor The king ouer ioyed at these frank affaires of his champion expressing by his outward signes the inward delight of his heart and the desire he had to accept this yonglings offer taking great pleasure in his countenance which was louelie and no way inferiour to the best in his court for person wisedome and other good graces which with aduise considered he saith Pheander wel doest thou showe thy selfe a Gentleman for vnder the habit of a Merchant Gentilitie cannot be hid no poore estate can blemish the Noble nor aduerse fortune whatsoeuer but as golde is soone brought from the baser mettels to his forme by the skilfull finer so are the Noble knowne by their vertues Pheander I haue cause to honor thée for thy loue and forwardnesse as also for thy countrey which without slattering thée or any ther abiding I loue for your Kings sake But to our matter thou séest my déer Pheander the millions of cares heaped vppon my gray head through the oppression of this heathen Prince whereby I am made more miserable than the meanest subiect in my dominions and the more is my miserie by recounting the wretched estate of my louing subiects whom I hold as deare as my life and with that by resigning my life and crowne I might frée them from bondage were it nothing els the tyrant required But toward Gentleman whose loue wretch that I am I cannot requite my daughter oh sorrow worse thā death to recount Nutania the only solace of my life and lines sole good in whose weal consisteth my good by violence offered her what good can be tide me she she my deare Pheander it is that drencheth my soul into so déep a hel that almost forgetting my self liuing I dayly dy only recounting the miseries ●he should endure if y ● tyrant triumpht in our ouerthrow but he that in extreams sendeth comfort hath reuiued me relieued my ouercharged hart by thy kind offer whose courage and hope of victorie being such as thou wilt hazard thy déerest blood for my daughters fréedom Thanks my good Pheander is all that I can yet yéeld thée yet t●ad more courage to thy noble mind fighting for vs our honor my daughter for whose good thou aduenturest shall inuest thée with the order of Knighthoode the first honour that euer she gaue to man of Armes and shal pray for thy good successe so calling for the Princesse who was so discontent that nothing could be pleasing vnto her who being come before him after her humble dutie done desirous to knowe her kingly Fathers will hée recounted the zeale of the merchant vnto her who had not onely offered his goods but also his proper life to trie in battel his fortunes against their enemie wherefore Nutania quoth the king for that he hath so voluntarily offered the same for thy sake and I relying on my God and in his prowes haue accepted him for my Champion by thy hand he shall receiue the honour of knighthood his title The maiden Knight and so prosper he in his honorable action and in all others as we wish and himselfe desireth The Princesse which diuers times had noted the courtlie behauiour of Dionicus was not a little pleased at her fathers motion as one that in hartie good wil wished him better then modestie would suffer her to vtter yet harkening to her fathers speaches shee behelde him with more gracious countenaunce and vewing the lineamentes of his person each grace well regarded she inwardly bewailed his hard hap that the goddes had framed him of no better reputation than a marchant who might well deserue the title of a king put from her memento by recounting her fathers wordes pausing thereon sometime with modest blushing countenance she said Kind sir whose honorable seruice offered for my fathers good and all our weales his subiectes if I yéelde you not such recompence as your desertes doe merit blame me not of discourtesie which haue no better knowledge of you but accept the hartie thanks of a Virgin vnto whome I holde my selfe so farre indebted as I can no other way recompence then wishing your good yet in earnest of better good refuse not at my hand to receiue the honour of Knighthood séeing my Lords pleasure is such and drawing his rapier the Prince knéeling shee inuested him with the order by name of the Maiden Knight pulling a iewell of rich price frō her gowne she tied the same in a most beautiful scarffe beséeching him to weare it for her sake wishing all happie fortune in his attempts The new adopted Knight whose heart ouer ioyed for so great a fauour receiued from the saint his heart wholy honoured with manie thankes dutifully rendered kissed the Princesse hand vowing himselfe her humble seruant and in all places to maintaine her modest bewtie Princely honour with his dearest bloud The time thus passed word was brought the King that dinner was readie whereby they were interrupted whome for a time we leaue to their repast discoursing diuersly at table of the valour of the Mayden Knight whose towardnesse the King admired which made his hopes the greater not doubting but his Champion would proue no lesse valiant in Armes then they exspected At which the Princesse gloried not a litle and the Nobles pleased at both their comforts passed the time with more content then many dayes before whome we leaue to their mirth and the Mayden Knight to the ordering of his affaires The Numedian King exiling himselfe from his Court in habite of a Pilgrime trauelled many vncouth places in search for his sonne of whom he could hear no tidings neither could Barnardine for all the industrie he could vse attaine to any knowledge of him his heart so much desired through which the heauines both of the Péeres Comons were daily increased And no maruel when their soueraign the mirror of all princely curtesie had thus vnknowne in the declining of his age when his yeares required rest banished himselfe his countrey louing subiects and what else he enioyed the griefe of which so oppressed the heart of the Quéene that nothing might yéeld her any comfort But pining in continuall sorrow vtterly abandoning the worlds comfort to séeke her comforter whose dwellings are in the highest heauens she yéelded her due to death whose funerals with the effusion of many brinish teares of the Nobles and sorrowfull lamentations of her subiects was performed with
with his charge both horse and foot attending the comming of their general who was not vnmindful of his busines after thanks giuē to their leaders he marched with them to the gate that led them to the camp of the Souldane was vpon sight of the kings signet let out Thus marched the noble Prince vntil he came halfe way betwéene the campe the city where hée called his principall men together and said Friends and coparteners in armes you are now to consider what we haue taken in hand for that on our weal dependeth y ● whole estate of this common weal if we preuail what good it is to be freed from such an enemy there is not the simplest but can conceiue hauing tasted the extremity which is incident to warres and the pleasure of peace Contrarie the slauerye and seruile liues which these are compeld to endure that fall into their hands you may imagine by their opprobious vsage of your gracious Prince and example of other Christians which haue fallen into their handes Wherefore now is the time to shewe your selues in this battle if you shewe your force no doubt of happie successe to your eternall commendations and to the benefit of your Country and fréedome of your wiues children and families with these and other such spéeches hée so incouraged the hearts of his followers as they vowed to follow him with the hazard of their dearest blood When the Knight sawe the willingnesse of his men and that there resolution by outward motions were as hée expected after he had giuen them many thankes he made choyse of fiue hundreth to beare him company And after he had giuen directions for the Armie to follow he with his elected company marched on as closely as they might for descrying of the enemie who kept a Court of guard not far from thence vpon whom in the dead of the night they entered and finding them at aduantage which litle doubted any assault hauing neuer before bin assailed were some sléeping some gaiming others as ill imployed surprized and not one left to beare tydings of their ill fortune This first attempt well performed he passed on with all spéed towards the Campe where the Prince laie suddeinly entered the same where like a resolute and noble Gentleman he so behaued himselfe that it filled the harts of his followers with great courage who behaued themselues in such maner that fewe escaped with life but such as were gréeuously maimed so that they rather desired death then longer to liue The Prince who was by one of his Bashawes counselled to flie as the least euill for auoyding of death was brauely mounted on a swift running G●nnef of which the Mayden Knight being enformed leauing the fight hée poasteth after with so good spéed as the harmles Hare from the cruell iawes of the Grey-hounds such haste made this worthie CConquerour that in euill time for the Prince he ouertooke him accompanied with twelue of his principall Bashawes whom he with courage so assailed that in a moment he had vanquished them all leauing some breathlesse some without armes others without legges no one escaped his furie In which conflict the Prince escaped but all in vaine the Destenies had determined there to finish the honour of that iourney by the hands of the Mayden Knight Who ouertaking him gaue him so gréeuous a blow with his Curtler betwéene the necke and shoulders as made him forget his way saying staie proude vsurper and take my Ladie the Princesse with thée And pulling him vehemently by all the force he could by the helmet vnhorsed him that the Knight verily supposed he had bene slaine wherefore dismounting himselfe hée reuiued him againe vnto whome he sayd My Lorde this is not for your honour to braue a King in his owne Dominions and in his Court by your Heralde and then to haue so small care of your worde In faith Pagane for thy sake ile neuer credite anie Heathen on his worde hereafter Pittie is it a Prince of your extéeme shoulde after so manie Lectures reade plaie the Trewant trust mée were I your father I should twigge the youth well to learne him hereafter to be more carefull of his businesse The Prince hearing himselfe so frumped was more gréeued there at then all the losse hée had receiued Wherefore with a heart full of carefull heauinesse he saith Braue man at Armes what ere thou be to whom fortune hath made me thrall ill beséemeth such wordes of disgrace to any one whome the Fates haue ouerthrowne but cursed my selfe which gaue thée this opportunitie cursed that negligence which maketh my foe thus to tryumph in my fall Thou Mahomet suffer me not as thou art a Prophet to liue thus disgraced to beholde the face of anie man surprized by so cowardly a curre who daring not to thrust his head out of the cennell but by stealth hath wrought my vtter ruine and ouerthrow taking his aduantage But glorie not in this victorie for it may be thou shalt haue so great cause to repent thée thereof as pleasure to behold me now thy prisoner Your Lordship is disposed to be pleasaunt quoth the Knight but it is the vse of Christians to giue losers leaue to speake if it so happen my fortune shall be the worse In the meane time your Grace shall be my guest I haue an hostes prouided wil bid you welcome who by this time I doubt not doth heare of your comming that you néede not feare of your dinner The Prince full of heauinesse could not tell what to answere wherefore Arming himselfe with all the patience he could to endure it he was by this Conquerer commanded to horse Long had they not ridden towards his Armie but he was encountered by diuers his Captaines who missing their Generall at haphazard put themselues in search for him and happily well they met him who reioycing for his good fortune taking the Prince prisoner they recount vnto him the ruine and spoyle of the whole Armie for which their diligent courage and valour shewed he yéeldeth them moste great and heartie thankes beséeching them to take charge of his Armie and diuide the spoyle amongst them which done repaire at their pleasures to the Cittie while he with his prisoner made haste to the Kings presence The tydings of the Knightes successe was by some such as honoured him with spéede reported at the Court in which no parte of his honours was left vnrecounted whose pollicie and valiantnesse in Armes the King with al y ● Courtiers admired Imagining him by these worthie déedes of Chiualrie to be the onely man at Armes deseruing honour in all that Region of whom there was no small ioye and such fame and renowne of his actions as both in Citie and Court there was no talke but tended to the honour of the Mayden Knight which liked not the Princesse Nutania a little to heare her seruant in these his first attempts venturing for her to haue such fortunate successe so that
the day with a most pleasant and friendly countenance she challenged him of negligence whom she had not séene in two or thrée daies and leading him politikely pretending matter of importance to impart vnto him from the companie she brought him neare the side of a faire Copes which so ouershadowed them that the Sunne beames could not offend them where they might both boldly say whatsoeuer it pleased them without being heard or séene of any which might interrupt them which caused her take opportunitie to discusse with him thus Seruant quoth she I pray thée say of y e duty thou hast vowed thy mistresse and by those swéete thoughts which are best pleasing vnto thée what is the Lady to whō thy loue is dedicated for loue doubtlesse thou doest thy countenance bewraieth it which I haue noted with more regard then becommeth a maiden yet of care to thée whose health I tender for thy curtesie good seruice done which I wold requite in the best maner I might and for thy lookes sheweth thy heart craueth to be pitied of thy Ladie let mée know her who may chance stand thée in some stéed for women may preuaile much one with an other The Knight wrapt into a heauen of ioyes hearing the goddesse of his deuotion with such fauour and kindnes to vse him with a blushing countenance standing at the bar before her whose sentence pronounced was either life or death he saith Honorable and gracious mistresse giue me leaue so to call your highnesse since you haue dained a captiue the title of your seruant and pardon my presumption answering your demand that I loue I cannot deny which argueth your skil in phisick great whom my tongue is restrained to reueale but if your highnesse could iudge whose loue I most adore and long haue and iudging ease me I should haue cause to say no phisicke proferer on the earth whatsoeuer might compare with my gracious mistresse for skill I dare say no more fearing to offend The Princesse all this time gazed on the perfection of her seruant as déeply enamoured on his perfection as the Knight inueagled with hers for her eye made a suruey of his excellent feature which shée founde more perfit by how much the more she had bent her liking to loue him Thus loue which had assailed both their harts endued them with such a si●pathy of ioy beholding themselues all alone that with ouer much ioy they were striken mute so that how much soeuer their hearts desired to let each other knowe their loues they could not reueale the same In this heauen of happie content they had not long bene Guenelia a Ladie that attended the Princes brought her word the King her father with the King of Thessaly was comming into the Parke which place they had chosen to recreate themselues Where passing on by faire Paris they diligently listen to the swéete recordes of the pritie birds who skipping from trée to trée gaue as well the content beholding it as the eare pleasure in their notes great was the delight they receiued viewing the bewtie of the place which for pleasant walkes swéete groues and fruitfull trées of all sortes was matchlesse into which manie pleasant brookes had recourse on the bankes of which finding the place bewtified with Natures gifts they sat them downe earnestly beholding the pleasure of the fishes how pretely they chased one the other with many a plesant conceiued toy which they noted censuring of each seuerall action as they thought best to encrease their mirth When some time was spent on this pleasant manner Philarcus King of Thrace finding himselfe all alone with the King of Thessaly hauing neuer questioned of him his vnhappie fortune began with him thus Let it not be displeasing vnto thée famous King that I intrude my selfe so far into thy familiaritie to require the cause of your graces trauaile through which your life was so dangered if you vouch●a●● me this fauour you shal commaund a matter of more import so please it you at my hands The Thessalian King attending this vn 〈…〉 question was driuen into such 〈…〉 thoughts that his colour showed better his discontent to recount it then his tongue ablenesse to answere the kings demand how willing so euer he was to satisfie him yet after some pause taken he saith Right curteous and mirrour of the world for Nobility though nothing can be more displeasing to my grieued heart then recounting my aduerse fortune yet that your Grace shall not find any ingratitude in me at whose hands I haue receiued such honourable entertainment attende me It is not many yeares since Mantonna my father deceised who left me vnhappie I his successour to inherite the crowne which I did not long enioy before Donatia King of Egypt required of me my sister in mariage who being beautifull and in the flourishing time of her yeares hauing not yet attained to the full of fiftéene yong ynough to be bestowed yet of that wisdome that I referred y e choise of her loue to her owne liking induced thereunto by the many euils happening by such made marriages wher the children are forced by the couetous desires of their parents to ioyne wealth to wealth others for great patrimonies all for lucre fewe or none for loue But whether the beauty of my sister Phedera for so was she called or the desire of her dowrie which was great or either of them or both I cannot say ●ut my sister being made acquainted with his sute I craued her answere for which his Ambassadors attended in my Court with the best entertainment I could giue whome my sister Phedera with her owne mouth answered woe is me vnhappy the tongue that pleaded deniall to his suite but most of all vnhappy the houre when first of all hee determined to craue her at my handes in whose power it was not to graunt no sooner arriued his Nobles at the Court and he scarslie had receiued the sum of her answere but as one bereft of all honour reason and gouernment he vowed reuenge on me and my countrey And leuying a mighty power both of horse and foot assailed me in mine owne territories whome by the mighty power of the Almightie I expelled my lande to their great dishonour and no small losse to my subiectes yet how great soeuer his ouerthrowe was an honourable minde I must say were the cause iust he ordeined a mightie power by seas whereof being by my espyalles aduertised of the time as neare as they could gesse they would be readie with a power well shipped and furnished I met him neare his owne Confines where a mortall fight was begunne and moste valiantly continued neyther side giuing any shewe of fainting But alasse too soone commeth that grief which meiteth my hart into thousands of teares to recount the Admirall of mine owne Squadron being suncke and two others forced by the cunning hand of their Gunners to lye by the Lée the rest fainted which béeing perceiued of the enemie
first séemed hard yet of two euils the least is to be chosen as these Nobles of Egypt who séeing their liues wiues children and what they possest to be in the hands of strangers whom they could not withstand making a vertue of necessitie were the rather wonne to yéeld themselues vnto the Kings pleasure at the intercession of their wiues whose teares shead in abundance moued them to ruth in such wise that subiecting on these conditions to his Exellence they proclaimed him king of Thessaly and Egypt swearing fayaltie vnto him and deliuering hostages for their loyaltie This done the king with generall consent Crowned the Commons gan conceiue an especiall hope of his honorable loue to them whose kindnesse was such that hauing the Citie and whole kingdome at his pleasure would not suffer his souldiers to imbeasell or purloyne in any sort but rather made choise to reward the Mercenary men out of his owne treasury which honourable beginning gained their especial lyking when order was taken for the gouernment of the state Pheander who was mindfull of the Princesse Phedera hasted the King on for Thessaly often putting him in mind what daungers the good Lady was likely to abide if she consented not to the King who was more cruell then curteous wherefore taking their pledges he left the noble Cariolus his Vizegerent to take the gouernment vpon him in his absence and with the next fauourable wind they set saile for Thessaly where to their good successe wée leaue them to tell you more of Mustapha the Heathen Prince who was in the Princesse Nutania her custodie The mightie Emperour of Constantinople vnderstanding the ill successe of his sonne with the great slaughter of his men was moued at the first to such chollor that he had determined for euer to abandone his sonne and neuer to haue knowne or regarded him but being perswaded by his nobilitie which tenderly loued the prince he was at length by their motions wonne to conceiue how vnstable fortunes chances are and how victories sometimes happen as well to the coward as the valiant not forgetting to vrge vnto him how dishonourable it were for a Prince to leaue the meanest subiect he had at such an exigent that should aduenture his life in his seruice much more was his Maiestie bound by natures lawes to reléeue his sonne and not suffer him as one forsaken to remaine in the handes of his enemies vpon which motion of his Bashawes the King caused two Gallies to be rigged and furnished appointing of his chiefest Nobles too for that voyage to Thrace as wel to aduertise him of his sonnes welfare which he fauoured as also to agrée vpon the summe of his ransom all things furnished for the voyage the Bashawes hauing taken leaue of the Emperor and the rest of their friends fauoured with a happy gale they shortly arriued in Thrace of whose arriual the king by his messengers was aduertised who being of nature honourable and curteous in behauiour caused a sumptious traine of Courtiers with all the honorable maner they could to receiue them at their Port of landing taking lyke order in all lodgings and places of repast his Officers at his charge to attend them which in such exquisit manner was performed as the Bashawes with their retinue admyred their entertainment Thus by easie iournies came they to the court where the king with the princesse gaue them many welcomes enquiring kindly after the good health of the renowmed Emperour their maister whome hée maligned no whit at all how hardly so euer he had measured his friendship with him when the King and these Nobles had spent some time in discoursing they enquired of the welfare of their Prince Mustaffa whome the King caused to be sought and brought to their presence before whome they bowed themselues in all humblenesse as to the sonne of their soueraigne whom he againe with all kindnesse imbrased passyng the time with much pleasure ioying in the welfare of his friendes The King dooing them all the honour that could bee deuised passing the time with suche recreation and gentle sportes as the Countrey affoorded at length a summe of money for the Princesse raunsome was agreed vpon to their content for that it was reasonable and the cōditions honorable which obteined their vittailes by the king was reléeued all necessaries at his charge purueyed in such maner and with so much bounty as they had great cause to report honorably of the kyng Long had they not tarried but a winde pleasant and fauourable presents it selfe which good time they neglected not but taking leaue of the king their prince princesse Nutania who accompanied them onwards to their gallies thrée whole daies iournies they leaue them to the care of their iourny who being imbarqued in short time arriued at Constantinople where how welcom they were to the Emperour his Nobles I omit to let you vnderstand of y ● honorable reports made of their entertainment in Thrace and the welfare of the prince whose company there were fewe but desired The strangenes of this report made of Philarcus was excéeding admirable in the Emperors eares who wondered not a little that a king whome he had so much wronged should vse such kindnes to his son and curtesie to his messengers extolling highly the honourable condition of the king and much lamenting his owne follyes so rashly without any occasion offered to iniury him so farre as to spoyle his Countrey and to robbe him perforce of his onely child his sole delight comfort To recompence all which and to kéep his friendship he presently elected other nobles for Thrace to be employd which with the princesse ransom and many rich presents to the king and his daughter were dispatched with Letters of loue and desire of amitie all which comming to the Thrasian king were so heartily accepted as they could wish and in presence of the nobles and states of both Realmes was the peace concluded and a band of euerlasting friendship promised to all their ioyes Thus with great delight at the earnest intercession of the king spent those Turkish nobles sometime in Thrace till their prefixed time ganne drawe to ende when receiuing their Prince with great rewardes and many thankes for their paines they put to Sea and were not long before they recouered theyr famous Cittie of Constantinople where they were most royally welcommed but especially the Prince for whose safetie many pastymes was ordeined with Iustings Turneyes Barriers and other pleasing delights wherein the Prince honorably bare him selfe to the great ioy of his father and pleasure of the whole state who gloried greatly in him which was likely to proue a most honorable Prince and their ensuing comfort But while I digresse let it be considered that y ● Mayden Knight who thirsted to sée the ende of his desires slept no time but made all possible meanes he could as winde and weather would giue leaue vntil he arriued in Thessaly which he recouered in so good
The aged father ouer worne with griefe and long trauell was so much altered in his face as he that had wel known him might very well haue mistaken his feature which made the King who oftentimes had noted his comely person his Pilgrimes attire and other ornaments to religious belonging greatly to affect him litle suspecting it was the aged Barnardine But as time reuealeth greatest secrets and bringeth friends to knowledge so the King taking pleasure beholding this Pilgrime noted him so often that his phisiognemy to his memory presented the feature of his beloued Barnardine which imagined thought began to take such roote in the King as he greatly desired to haue some conference with the Pilgrime euermore perswading himselfe that it was his noble Tutor and carefull Phisition To assure him of that doubt he determined to haue knowledge of the aged man if he might and for that intent caused his Pages to giue diligent héed if they sawe him in the Court to bring him tydings thereof which they did according to his Maiesties commandement attending with such care at that vsuall time he was accustomed to come that he passed not of them vnperceiued whereof they gaue the King intelligence by whose commaund hée was sommoned to his Presence The aged Pilgrime at this first somance of the messenger was in such dread of wrong to be offered him as hée greatly feared some ill to betide him knowing that Princes haue many eyes and strangers are markes how poore so euer their estates are specially frequenting the Court as he did yet he whose conscience could not accuse him of any euill intent against the King had this hope that God whom he serued doth protect the innocent and would deliuer him Thus casting his care on him that commandeth Kings not without many imaginations what should be the cause he came vnto the Kings Presence vnto whom as one that knew his good he prostrated himselfe praying hartily for the Kings prosperitie The King which saw the old man bowing before him kindly tooke him from the ground tendring his age which he honored whom the more he noted the more the louely face of his beloued Barnardine presents it vnto his memory the thought of whom caused his heart to much sorrow yet shaking off griefe of father kingdome and friend he sayd Aged father in whose face appeareth grauitie tel me of that dutifull loue thou owest thy most beloued friend of what Countrey thou art and what fortunes hath brought thée to this region that honoring thée whose age requireth the same I may further thy sutes if thou haue any or wanting wealth I may leléeue thée The wofull Pilgrime reuiued by those honorable spéeches of the King sayd Renowmed Prince the mirror of honor of whose fame the world is filled to satisfie your Exellence know that occasions of importance thereunto mouing me I forsooke my natiue Countrey in search of those whom my fortune was neuer yet to méete yet haue I trauelled many kingdomes and in my trauell haue séene many Princes Courts and noted their seuerall demeanors yet moste gracious soueraigne neuer tooke I pleasure in any as in this Countrey of Thrace the nobles especially giuing me cause to admire them whose minds shew their true Gentilitie as the frute maketh the tree knowne in which taking delight I haue though more then beseemeth a stranger so often frequented thy Court wherewith if your grace take any offence I humbly beséech your pardon which am now readie to depart The King which had heard that tongue so often reade him many Lectures and giuen him instructions of honor was not deceiued him though albeit he forbear to acknowknowledge him whom he desired so hartily to sée vnto whom he was more welcom then any man liuing yet concealing himselfe he said Father thanks for thy loue and honorable report of our realme and people for which I rest thy debter But say me aged man of what Countrey art thou and what account were those friends with thée whom thou with such trauell hast sought whether thyallies or thy friends by adoption At this motion of the King the old man ouercome with the thoughts of those of whom his pittifull tale was to be told could not forbeare teares which with such aboundance of sobbes and heauy sighes were vttered that it moued the King to great ruth séeing those siluer haires which he honored bedeawed with sault droppes the witnesse of his his discontent Wherefore like the carefull Phisitian hauing ministred bitter Pilles to his Pacient seasoneth the same with some swéeter tast he comforteth y e aged Barnardine with words so pleasing that it cheared the old man yet would not pardon his report which caused him say Famous King if pittie of my age may any way mooue you vrge not my faltering tongue to vtter a tale of suche ruth as it importeth the remembrance whereof ouercloyeth me with sorrow and will bring your Exellence small delight Therefore soueraigne Prince pardon me which cannot reueale the truth of so pittifull a tale as yet without the hazard of my life my heart so ouercharged with griefe that to thinke thereon halleth me neare to death then pardon me But how loath so euer the King might not be entreated whom with such pleasing spéech he halled on that comforted by his maiesties kind words whom he would not gainsay he sayd sithence nothing may perswade your Exellence to pittie mée accept in woorth my rudenesse and pardon it Which sayd humbly doing his dutie as one that could his good he thus procéeded Dread Lord know Numedia is my natiue soyle where through the grace of my thrise noble Prince I consumed my youth in that happinesse fauoured by his fauour with the best of account in that Region so graced by the King that he committed y ● gouernment of his deare sonne more deare to him then his life to be trained vp by me of whom as dutie willed me I had that care as is required of a subiect to his Lord ioying in nothing the world possesseth so much as in the towardnesse of the Prince whose verteous youth might be a loadstarre to all that euer I saw for curtesie matchlesse bountifull as Tymon more valiant then Hector or the best deseruing y ● liued cunning was he in the liberall Artes what should I say of him whose honourable praise no tongue can with such commendations vtter as his honors and vertues requireth so generally beloued of all men that death is more swéeter to many thousandes of his subiects then the remembrance of that Noble Prince Here teares restrained his spéech that he could not vtter a word standing so astonied that he rather represented the Image of death then a liuing creature whom the King put from his heauy passion thus Father thou hast filled my heart with a worlde of wonders at thy strange talke which I coniure thée of that loue thou owest the Prince whom thou sorrowest so to remember not to leaue in such abrupt maner but
PHEANDER THE MAYDEN Knight DESCRIBING HIS HONOVRAble Trauailes and hautie attempts in Armes with his successe in loue Enterlaced with many pleasant discourses wherein the grauer may take delight and the valiant youthfull be encouraged by honourable and worthie aduenturing to gaine Fame Written by H. R. LONDON Printed by Tho. Creede dwelling in Thames streete neare the old Swanne 1595. To the Right worshipfull true professor follower of Armes and marshall discipline the Renowmed Captaine Thomas Lea Esquire H. R. your worships faithfull wel-willer wisheth aboundance of all worldly happinesse with h●rts desire in all your attemptes and after death the ioyes eternall MAny Poettes Right worshipfull Captaine haue written the honours of such Noble and bewtifull Ladies as they adore applauding in heroicall verse and most eloquent prose their worthinesse some vnder one title some another each one in his seuerall humour as their Patronize doth merit to those whose quaint conceits and wittie inuentions are such I leaue those amorous Subiects singing in my harsh Tunes the honours of a Souldier a Prince borne and a Noble professour of Armes which I boldly offer vnto your worship that is a Patron to all professing marshall discipline and woorthily is so called in all places where your forward seruice hath bene approued but especially registred for a mirror of gentilitie and honourable Souldier of our time amongst the Irish Nation and inhabitants of that land where your name is both feared and beloued the one for your resolution the other for your vertues bountie and clemencie whereof daily they reape the benefit The due consideration of all which hath halled me on thus farre to aduenture hoping your accustomed fauour shal be a protection to this straunger whose honours if you vouchsafe at such times as your serious affaires shall permit leisure to peruse I hope somthing therin may moue your delight which I hartily wish If happily it so proue I shall hereafter be imboldned to shew my slender skill in explaining the honors and vertues of our home-born aduenturers whose honourable actions are not the least in account nor ought to rest in obliuion Till when and euer amongst those which your worships fauours haue tyed in true loue vnto you I will offer my vnfeined and dutifull seruice Your worships in all dutifull affection euer ready to be commanded Henry Robarts To my beloued Country men the curteous Readers GEntlemen after many bloudie bickerings and daungerous hazards in great perils on the seas I haue recouered the hauen of my desire and haue brought for your delighte this strannger Knight a Prince borne endued with much honour who being a man famous as his actions importeth Albeit my skill is not such as is required yet haue taken vpon me a Pilots charge and in safetie haue set him a shoare where his desire led him vnto whom Gentiles my hope is your accustomed fauour to all strangers shall not be denied being a Cauilere of fame how plainly so euer you see him attired yet accept him and as a Traueller comming of good will bid him welcome and with fauour peruse his honours in Armes gained which I hope may in some sort delight you if happily it prooue as I desire he hath his wish But how so euer discountenance him not altogither whose will is to deserue well Abrupt faultes he may vnwillingly cōmit many which if according to your accustomed curtesies you vouchsafe to pardon and after his long trauaile with careful trouble to delight you receiue but the least shewe of good liking it is all he exspecteth your curtesie is more then the cost from which as you are English men and Gentiles allianate so shall hee endeuour to deserue better and shall in his trauaile hereafter report of you as you are and binde me his carefull Pylot your Country man through whose procurement hee is come hither to your humble seruice Yours euer H. R. Pheander The Mayden Knight describing his honorable Trauels and haughty attempts in Armes wtih his successe in loue WHat time Manpelious raigned king in Numedia as their ancient annuals record Thelarchus likewise swayed the Diademe in Thrace a Prince so highlie renowmed for all honourable actions as few such in his time liued This Thelarchus in the blooming of his Princelie yeares desirous to leaue issue to his Noble house ioyned in marriage with Alinda daughter and sole heire to Constantius Emperour of Germanie by whome in short time after their Nuptials he had issue one daughter who was named Nutania This princesse as in comelinesse of person shee exceeded so for her beautie wisdome and other good graces there liued none her equall the reporte of whose excellence as Fame aduanceth with her loudest trump the honorable especially such péerelesse creatures as this Princesse yea so highlie stood-shee graced in the Gods fauour that none but Nutanias beautie was remembred in most Princes Courts both Christian and heathen The renowme of whose peerelesse beautie so often blazed came to the hearing of Dionicus son and heir apparant of the Numidian King who vpon the surpassing praises by euery one giuen of this Lady begun more and more vpon hearing such seuerall reportes to conceiue an inwarde ioy of her diligently hearkening to each stranger which should recount her vertues and honour by vertue gayned Long had not this humour followed the louely Prince Dionicus but loue the soueraign guide of mens thoughts had so enthralled him that all his delight was in contemplating of this Princesse beautie yea so was he ouertaken in loues snare that nothing was pleasing vnto him but the swéete remembrance of Nutania so much was his delight in her that oftentimes in the midst of his pastimes calling the Princesse to minde he would as one past himselfe altogether ouercome with melancholy abandon the cōpany of his most familiars séeking frō their pleasing pastimes some solitary place where he might vnheard or séen recount w t large amplificatiōs the Princesse beauty whose seruant in mind he was wholly vowed Thus dallied Dionicus so long with beauties flame that ouertaken with the vehemency therof he fell into an extreame feuer which in such strange maner assayled him as the learnedst Physitions could not find any reason of the disease much lesse procure his health who lāquished in loue not daring to disclose his grief to any or acquaint his trustiest cōpanion with his loue This sudden alteration of the Prince in whose welfare the comfort not onlie of his companions in Court but generally of the commons consisted mooued them al to such excéeding griefe that in short time their louely countenances were so much altered that neither pleasing looke nor chearfull word was to be obtained from them The King whose aged life depended on the happinesse of his son as fathers how base soeuer delight in vertuous offsprings much more the Noble whose honors are to bee mainteined by their progeny the aged king whose greatest felicity was in the prince was with such infinit griefs oppressed that
bed as his weake limbes would suffer him hee gaue them such harty welcoms as highly contented them beséemed their estates These Nobles when they had made their eies witnesses of what report had so often bruted rather accused report of great wrong in not giuing him such due as hée deserued then of ouer much praise for that the fame bruted of him was not to be valued with his woorthinesse The time of dinner passed they with many glaunces on the Prince noting his curtesie but euer lamenting his griefe wishing his health framing them selues to pleasant discourses to put him from those melancholie thoughtes wherewith hée was ouer much burthened Thus with much diuersitie of table talke consumed the time the grauer sort of matters for benefite of the state the gréener heades whose yeares required no other cares of their pleasing pastimes and pleasure the managing their horses commending the statelinesse of their bodies their sinenesse in careyring their brauerie in their Coruet and excellent swiftnesse in their gallop their readines in hand and their courage in the face of the enemie not omitting the gallant cryes of their hounds nor forgetting by which and which such a bucke was slaine and such a Stag puld down passing not without high commending the soring of their hawkes nor forgetting their statelinesse in flight with their fearce seazing on their game And then for variety as occasion is ministred Carowse a health to their Mistresse and Loues in their country The Prince as louely as the best in his health as wel able to performe whatsoeuer had his greatest comfort in listening to the talke of Cariolus and Octauius two noble men of Thrace which accompanied of pleasure Atlautus the chiefe in commission for their king Dionicus earnestlie noting these two Nobles of Thrace as most delighted with their persons and pleasant parlie heard Cariolus carowse a health to the Princesse Nutania whose name the distressed Prince no sooner heard vttered but the remembrance of that swéet obiect his liues sole health and mistresse of his fancies so reuiued his dying spirits that suddenly the beholders might wel perceiue his wan cullour which argued a troubled shirit to vanish and those vermilion died roses the woonted badges ornaments of his swéet face challenge their former intrest and for a time possesse them restoring vnto Nature her due making his louelie countenance as chearfull to the beholders as the glorious Sun to the captiued whose liberty being depriued haue long bin debarred of al worldly delights seldom receiued comfort from that heauenlie essence This chearful alteration in the Prince was noted of diuers whose eares albeit busied in listening to the discourses of these strangers yet the eies of his own attendants with dutiful care gaue héede vnto the Prince Amongst those vnto whose gouernmēt the care of y e princes health was committed Barnardine a man for his arte famous and learned in his profession which was physick who somtime was tutor vnto him noting this sudden chāge in the Prince supposing verily by his countenance that some of their speeches did mooue him to content comming suddenly to him and grasping his arme felt his pulses beat so fiercely as in long time they had not done the like which made him more consideratly search to find the cause of this motion enquire it he durst not doubting to mooue him to melancholie hauing so often bene denyed but resting by him a while continuing with his arme grasped hee felt the pulse more and more to worke which gaue him the more cause to finde if hee might the originall from whence it came and noting diligentlie vnto which of the companie he most inclined his eyes hee might perceiue Cariolus and his Octauius earnestlie bufied in their former talke which was I dare say neither of religion nor of gouernment of the State yet was it such as Barnardine perceiued hightie contented the Prince and desired it might long continue so it were for his Lords good Manie pretie questions passed betweene them and much varietie in whose prattle many a faire Ladie was commended by one and for argument as highly of the other discommended in which humour were diuers of the Nobilitie of the countrie and Ladies of woorth by name questioned of and many a youthfull pra●ke by themselues committed yet all in friendship and kindly taken though harsh frumpes passed somtimes betweene them which mooued them to much myrth But when in earnest Octauius forgetting himself falling from one matter to another and that there should be a iudgment giuen who for beautie was the onlie paragon Octauius for affection commended Brionella daughter and sole heire of Constantine king of Boheme in whose fathers court he had long bene trayned vp giuing the prize from their owne country Ladies Whereat Cariolus as if hee had bene the sworne Champion of their Land mooued at his rash censure forgetting the reuerence of the place tolde him flatly his iudgement was false and that he would auow offering his gloue in combate to maintaine that the Princesse Nutania and none but she deserued y e name of beautiful whose wisedome and other good graces in any one was not to be found in the circuit of the earth and therefore Octauius quoth he thou hast done ouer much wrong to derogate the honour due to Thracian Dames especially our péerlesse Nutania whose face it beauteous Helena liued for whome so many thousands lost their liues shée might well resigne that title of the onely faire to her and none but shee whose like liueth not Octauius who was wise and well demeaned perceiuing this parlie begun in iest likely to end in quarrell noting likewise how the rest of the company ceased their serious talk to attend them with a smiling countenance as one not possest with choller brake off his talke thus Why my Lord shall matter of so small moment cause friends to iarre What is beauty whereof we haue so long disputed and so highly of vs regarded nothing but a fading pleasure an ornament of the face which maketh the heart proud and draweth the mind from euery good motion to manie odious offences whereby the honorable in committing dishonourable actions are so blemished that they become a common by-word to the veriest drudge that Nature hath framed Helena was faire and accounted the onely of her time yet who so much scorned Cressida beautiful yet who more false If beautie be attended on with such shame as these two famous women gained why should wee care who is beautifull My swéet Cariolus mistake me not if I haue passed my iudgement rashly for neither care I whose fame in that case is estéemed or defamed but passe them by as things of no regard onely for argument I haue spoken more then either I regard or account of therefore let not this be any breach of our friendship for I protest if thou shouldst say the white Swanne were as blacke as the rauen the Ocean drie and shippes floting on the maine I
yeares honourably reputed amōgst them euer in tranquilitie and by thy cruel slaughtering thy friend shall their peace be broken Was it not for his comfort and thy good these strangers came into this country and for their kindnesse canst thou reward them with such despight Thou enuiest the happinesse of a toward gentleman for thou knowest not what say he loued the Princesse what is that to thée intrest hast thou none to debarre him from it Nutania thou knowest not but by hearesay hée a Noble man of her country a toward Gentleman and woorthily may obtaine her Nature hath made him of the mould of the earth whereof thou art framed the begger is as subiect to amorous passions as the prince Nutania is beautifull wise faire and in the principall time of her flourishing estate louely as the dewe on the swéete Roses Cariolus valiant well featured wise and toward in all honorable actions all which are load-starres to draw ladies to loue and Nutania is but a woman though a princesse If then thou hast neither feare of God or lawe of humanity to perswade thée from so great a mischiefe yet let his kindnesse offered thée which hath bene as much as euer thou requiredst be of some regarde The fiercest beast seldome harmeth those whose societie they vse and wilt thou be found more cruel then vnnreasonable creatures No no Dionicus let die thy malice to Cariolus who is innocent and far from any thought of pretended euill against thée for so much the more shall his blood with extremitie be reuenged by how much the more thou vniustlie iniuriest him yea rather choose to die a thousand deaths if euerie life were a legion of liues then holde so base a minde Thou hast long though to thy great griefe and much sorrow concealed thy loue to Nutania now wilt thou murther him that wisheth thée wel for her loue No no Dionicus let honor be the marke whereat thou aimest account death more precious then life with ignominie honour by murther blemished is such a staine as can neuer be raced out but the continuall ignomine thereof will remaine while there is any being Yea and what is more to bee regarded the welfare of thy subiectes on whom the bloud of so noble a man wil be with great effusion reuenged thy country like those ruinous monuments of Troy laid waste and desolate which was spoyled for a fact nothing so odious Sithence thou hast all these reasons to reduce thée from this vile thought dally no longer with thy shadowe as in the tale of Esope thou maist read of y ● dog who mooued with enuie of anothers welfare not only hazarded his life but what els he had in possession Though the comparison bée ridiculous yet the example may mooue thee to feare thine owne fall For if the goddes be so iust in punishing such offences in vnreasonable creatures howe much more shalt thou bée plagued whom God hath not onley endued with reason but inuested with titles of maiestie and honour whose life should shine on the earth as the glorious Sun and by thy vertues drawe such as liue vnder thy gouernmēt from their desire to commit euil for such as is the Pastor such will be the flocke if the Prince bee vertuous the Subiect will feare to offende if hée bee vicious who will care to liue in obedience of him or his lawes Thou séest Dionicus the peril surcease therfore thy base thoughts and as Cariolus is Noble where thou hast without desert bene iealous become zealous from enuying him that no way wished thée euill admit him to thy friendship to him thy kindnesse may be acceptable and in vsing such fauours maist thou in time learne the trueth of what thou now supposest If Cariolus loue Nutania he cannot be so secrete but in some sort or other thou shalt attaine to the knowledge thereof and as thou shalt in conuersing with him finde his Honourable dealinges so maist thou either trust him or refuse him If Nutania haue vowed her loue vnto him séeke to master thy affection and wish them ioy if not his friendshippe may the sooner bring thée to thy desires by acquainting the Princesse with thy loue in explaining the passions for her thou hast indured Nutania saith the wrolds report is beautifull wise and honorablie demeaned and therfore cannot be cruell her father a king beloued of all y ● haue heard of him whose kindnes hath bin such to thy father thée as thou canst not deserue if such loue remain in the parents the children shuld not hate then fondling if thou hast wronged thy selfe in concealing thy grief accuse thy owne follies and condemne not thy friends of euil nor let thy iealosie blame Cariolus who neuer had thought of pretēded euil against thée if thou faile in thy loue blame none but thy selfe spare to speake spare to spéed Cowards neuer were Loues champions nor faint-hearted swad obtained Ladies loue women though neuer so base wil be sued sought and courted with manie deuises allured to win them and their loues obtained as sundry means sought to continue it A Nouice art thou Dionicus and neuer came to knowe what many a hardy man at armes hath endured histories are diuers which shewe the extreames of Princes and famous Conquerors that they endured through loue yet hast thou neuer read of any that euer wooed by silence courted their mistresses with imaginations or obtained their loue being mute Longer maist thou smother thy griefe which may cureles consume thée fire suppressed burneth w t more vehemencie and loue concealed consumeth the intrals and slayeth remedilesse How long may thy shoo wring thy foot before any that looke thée in the face can tell where it pincheth thée Many of meane birth haue obtained the loue of Princes and ladies of great woorth by daring to attempt wedded and bedded them If the ignoble haue had such successe in loue Rouse thée dastard from this loathsome cabinet arme thée with hopes of thy Mistresse fauour and with courage séek to obtaine it let griefe no longer oppresse thée but like the sonne of thy renowned father shew thy self let not daring loue which by many good motions may bée vanquished ouerthrow thée by subiecting thy selfe ouermuch vnto it but in the face of the enemie shewe thy selfe and there by prowesse purchase such renowne as the report of thy valour may gaine thée the loue of her thou most desirest Womens loues for the most are setled on the valiant and such as aduenture holding in rgarde such as by their valour can and will maintaine their honours bearing in triumph their fauours in the field and gaining honour in their titles I thus Dionicus should be thy thoughts holde thée there and no doubt of good successe Nutania is but a woman though a Princesse thou sonne to a King and no way her inferiour Then continue this resolution and Nutania may in time aswell séeke thy fauour as the noble Amozonia Alexanders loue Scantly
where she had but begun to like him before Cupid that commandeth the mightiest began most furiously to assaile her that her tender heart vanquished therewith was enforced to yéeld her selfe a slaue to his deitie and giuing ouer other courtlike delightes bend her whole studie in séeking which way to win her best beloued to her liking for the accomplishing of which many waies were deuised but none thought sufficient so that resting in a laborinth of confused thoughts commanding her attendants from her she said Nutania what wretch that liueth enioyeth not more swéet content then thy selfe who yéelding to follow the follies of thy youthful mind hast planted thy loue thou knowest not on whome a straunger and of no more reputation then a Merchant a base Trade and most frawdulent as I haue heard many Nobles discusse whereby they obtaine to great wealth and by their extraordinary meanes wring such yoong Gentlemen as are forced to haue to doo with them from their auncient Patrimonies making of Noble men Gentiles of great worship beggers and their owne base-born brats to become yoong maisters which in time and small time consumeth that in ryot which their miserable fathers by extortion false reckonings vnsatiable vsery and other loose dealings sold their soules the precious Image of our Sauiour to the diuel But wretched wretch whither wandrest thou these be no points for thée to stand vpon thou hast now vied the game and art bound by such a band as there is no remedie but sée it thou must therefore leaue to discourse what he was or hath bene Thou hearest by generall report of all men he is honorable in wars valiant bountifull and endued with all maner of Gentilmanlike conditions which argueth him descended of better parentage then he will acknowledge And therefore cease not to loue him who by all coniectures if outward shewes procéede of the motion of the heart regardeth thy honour then requite his seruice Nutania and séek in time to quench that flame which beginneth but yet to warme lest encreasing by litle and litle it consume thée In extremes the Noble mind is best knowne happie are they accounted which forewarned can eschue a mischiefe If thou canst win thy Loue what creature may be compared with thée for happie content Be resolute Nutania feare no colours thy loue is planted on such a one who for his vertues may be mated with the greatest Princesse on the earth then stand not on termes of his being but determine to loue him faint hearted souldier neuer gained conquest if he be base thou maist aduance him Thou art heire to the Crown of Thrace and thy fathers sole delight who then should gainsay thy will herein fathers sole delight said I yea there Nutania lieth a block which thou canst hardly remoue Thy father what will he aged King say when he shall heare of thy loue so basely planted which hast refused to be wife to two famous Kings requiring thée with great sute in marriage Refraine fondling from this rash determination let thy fathers loue be a raine to hold thy vnbrideled will feare his displeasure which gaue thée life and séeke not by thy folly to bring his head with sorrow to his graue which if thou persist will be such a corasiue to his heart and such a staine to thine honour as the memorie of Nutanias disobedience will neuer be raced out With these and such like motions of good she sought to withdraw her loue from him that for birth and other noble actions deserued her better albeit vnknowne to her but what euer hée be the more shée sought to suppresse the flame of her loue the more it encreased that without regard of fathers good or her own honour she determined to loue him yea the Mayden Knight with his Prize was arriued at the Court whom the King and Nobles welcomed with all curtesie they could shewe as ioyfull of his safe returne who had so honourably borne himselfe in that action as if he had conquered Europe which kindnesse to the knight was recompence sufficient for all his charge and hard aduenture The Princesse who was awaked from her studies by report of the knightes comming sumptuously attired as she could as beséemed her estate accompanied with all her troupe of Ladies and maides of honour came vnto the Presence who no sooner approached the place where the knight was but beholding the exquisite perfection of her bewtie which he so much delighted in was sodeinly bereaued of his sences so that he stood as a mā which had lost himselfe yet reuyuing loath to make manifest what with great griefe hée had consealed so long humbly on his knées presented the glorie of his enterprise vnto her saying Most gracious Princesse as by your moste excellent hands I receiued my first steppe to honour and fighting for your Graces and Kingly fathers sakes it hath pleased God to prosper me with a happy victorie for which good hauing nothing worthie to present your Grace as I desire yet in knowledge of my dutie to your Exellence to whom my life and seruice is deuoted I humbly beséech you accept this Gentleman my prisoner and your Noble fathers mortall enemie The Princesse to whom nothing could be more pleasing thē the sight of the beloued knight graciously accepted the prisoner rendering great thankes for the same as also for his valour shewed in their defence And then turning to the captiued Prince she said My Lord you sée the chaunce of Fortune and how mutable she is in all actions sometimes fawning sometimes frowning but whether by your fortune or cowardise or both you are now at their mercy whose ouerthrow you assured your selfe of and which you more desired then all territories of the earth but our God which neuer suffereth his seruants to perish hath mightily defended vs it is not your mightie powers can daunt the hearts of Christians whose God is their guide neither regard we them at all as a matter of any trust your eyes can witnesse who hauing an Army able as you thought to haue vanquished all Christendome is by a handfull to your multitudes surprized Yet dismay not my Lord a Maiden is your Iaylor who wil vse you more honourably then you can imagin or your hard threats deserueth The Prince which saw the bewtie of the Princesse whom he so earnestly vpon reports had desired was astonied greatly holding the fame that was bruted to be nothing to her worthinesse therfore accusing himselfe of great impietie that had borne Armes against the onely Paragon of the earth and not by curtesie haue continued his loue begun ashamed of himselfe he saith Renowmed Lady Fortunes darling Bewties chiefe pride though mishap hath made me of a Prince and heire to the mightiest Potentate of the earth a captiue and that by thy champion I am dishonored and my power vanquished crosses which may cause the stoutest that euer liued to cry out on Fortune to curse the Destinies yet am I comforted in y
excellence to take so great a matter vpon me yet shal I so please it you to heare me deliuer my simple opinion as I would do my selfe in the like action The olde wiues say they that féede with the deuill must haue a long spoone and they that goe about to master Loue had néed of manie good precepts disswade your Grace I will not to forget it for I sée it is vain neither would I wish you to answere by writing for a paper is soone lost and lost to whose finding it shall come tis vncertaine as soone to some enuious enemie as a wel-willer in which some word simplie meant of you or me may be construed by them at their pleasure whereby your name may be brought in question and a slaunder raised is not so easily suppressed writing is a specialtie whereof the subtill Lawyer takes no small aduantage to auoyd all which casualties this may you doe pretend some matter of conference with him and appoint the time when hée shall attende your pleasure at your lodging comming secretely vnto you and at such time as the King your father shall bée employed in serious affaires so may you vse your spéech at your pleasure this would Guenela doe your Grace may vse your discretion I like thy deuise wel good wench and giue thée manie thankes quoth the Princesse therefore faile not to méete him for thy promise what els I refer to thy best indgemēt Nowe in faith Madame quoth Guenela you haue made a good choyce for a solliciter but take me as I am this is the first suit that euer I was retained for nor I doubt not if I spéed well now of manie elpantes As they were thus pleasant betwéene themselues they heard a trumpet sound to horse which caused the Princesse to sende her Page to enquire the cause who returned her answer that the king with his traine were setting forward to hunt a wilde bore which his Forrester had roused this newes gaue them cause of ioy hoping that Fortune fauoured them with a happy time which they were both loth to omit doubting the like opportunitie the Princesse especially who coulde not be quieted in minde vntill shée heard her Knight aunswere for himselfe wherefore a Page was presently commanded to search for y e Knight willing him with such conuenient spéed as hee could to meet Guenela in the garden the Page vsed such diligence y e soone he was brought vnto the Knightes presence whome he found solitary as a holie father at his Orizons whome the Page awaked with his ioyful message which was welcom vnto him albeit doubtfull whether of weale or woe either to augment his sorrowes or vtterly to extinguish them The sudden hearing of which caused him to pause a while when hauing determined curteously returned answere to the Gentlewoman that he would attend her he rewarded the Page so bountifully as he had cause to boast him of his wel employed seruice Guenela hauing receiued his answere by the Page aduertized the Princesse thereof who commaunded her to haste least she gaue the Knight cause of discontent by her long stay but for al her spéed Pheander was long there before attēding her comming who was no sooner of him perceiued to enter the place but his heart pr●●aging some good was more delighted thereat thē all the motions that could be imagined after his curteous salutations done thus said Swéet Guenela I know not what to imagine of thy sudden message yet willing to be resolued as one that by thy answer exspecteth his doome either of life or death I attend thy pleasure say therfore swéet Lady what faith the Princesse to my letters with whom Guenela purposed to be somthing pleasant not to cloy his stomacke with such plesant confections that he should surfet therewith and framing a countenance to her spéech she said Sir Knight of all the Gentlemen in the Courte of Thrace my good opinion was such of you that on your word I durst haue hazarded my greatest credit which expectation thou hast farre deceiued and therefore not worthie to be accounted among such honorable men at Armes which take their principall honor holding their word with Gentlewomen At the deliuery of which spéech he that had tooke regarde to the Knightes countenaunce might haue thought him past phisickes recure And withall standing so mute it verely perswaded Guenela that he was readie to deliuer his interest of life whiche made her alter her rough words and with a smoother methode new file them doubting that her Comedie begun in mirth should prooue a Tragidie to the great grief of the whole Country which generally honored him Wherfore taking him by the hand she sayd Sir Knight I am sorie I haue charged you so far what cause soeuer I had but tis womanlike to be slaine with words and no fit passion for a man of your profession That you may comfort your selfe I first pardon the offence against me committed and enioyne you as you tender your credit with the Princesse Nutania that you faile not to repaire at such conuenient time as you best can to her lodging where if you hold your word you will excuse your messenger Oh Guenela how haue thy spéeches tormented me filling my entrailes with suche a confusion of comfortlesse thoughts as haue ouercome my senees Yet Guenela if thou be curteous or haue any sparke of gentilitie abide in thée Say my good Lady what countenance gaue the Princesse to my bashfull paper Vouchsafed she the reading of them Or how to discomfort you good Knight quoth Guenela it were pittie being alreadie at so low a datum which pitieth me to behold Comfort can I giue none to thy desires but this thy sute is loue as your Letters import in which dispaire not for thy mistresse is a woman though a Princesse and how pitifull our sexe is I will not boast but wish thée not dispaire If thy birth were as great as thy vertues thou mightst boord and bedde as good as the Princesse Nutania vnto whom I wil be a faithfull soliciter Mistake me not Pheander I speake as a friend and so leaue thée vntill thy comming to my Lady which detract not for time lost is such a precious thing as can neuer be recalled Before whom when thou shalt come pleade thine owne cause and discouer thine owne grie And so farewell Pheander which had some greater hope by Guenela her last spéeches was so ouer ioyed that he could not bid her farewell yet after his memento past he saith farewell the faithfullest friend in my distresse that euer I founde Oh Guenela happy maist thou be in thy loues and highly honored amongst men by whom my cares are thus comforted faithfull Guenela the worker of my hearts happie content by whom past all hope I am by thy faithfulnesse and trueth in deliuering my message freed of so heauie a burthen as was likely to haue torne my poore oppressed heart in a million of péeces Thus vplawding Guenela he had almost
curtesie to say My Lords all and you of the Communaltie you haue in yéelding to these honorable motions by me made highly contented her whose desire in loue made me not so head-strong to consent without your generall lyking my choise being such as may be mated with the oneliest Lady of highest estéeme in the worlde as I doubt not your selues will confesse when he shalbe knowne vnto you my high estéeme of him laid apart for that you may say affection is blinde And as the Prouerb saith The Negro by nature black and loathsome in our eyes estéemes her Infant faire so Loue which commandeth all creatures caused many Princes and Ladies of worth to submit themselues to base estates Imperious loue so ouer mastering their hearts to assure you that my lyking is not such and to satisfie you which with your curteous consent hath contented me know your so elected souaraigne and he that I haue subiected my loue vnto is of no lesse worth then a Prince royally borne and descended from the loynes of a King famous and a Quéene endowed with much honor himselfe shewing his royall desent by his demeanour which is valiant wise and curteous such a one I know your desires is to chuse for your soueraigne all offection set apart such a one haue I chosen which shal cause al your ioies if you ioy in any good Where breaking off your spéech with other words of curtesie yéelding them great thankes she called Guenela whome shée commanded to send some trustie messenger for the Prince willing him all businesse set apart to repaire vnto her which done framing pleasant discourses which delighted the nobles she sought to their contents to beguile the time vntill the messenger returned which made such haste that he found the Knight vnto whom he imparted the Quéens pleasure which albeit the sodeinesse thereof was troublesome vnto him cloying his head deuising of sundry matters which her hastie sending for him should import yet neglecting no time he spéedeth him to the Presence where to the Quéene he was the welcommest man liuing as her countenance declared who calling him vnto her commanded a chair to be brought and seating him on her left hand to the admiration of all the beholders which done she said My Lords and you our louing subiects muse not at this vnwoonted fauour vsed to this Gentleman nor repine not for that it is your owne choyse This is my choyse and hée that I haue sworne my loue and loyall affection vnto who albeit hath thus long subiected himselfe to our seruice dooing vs many high fauours as your owne eyes can witnesse enduced vnto it by that high commander of men who hath procured many Princes to the lyke for our loue as I am assured he abandoned his Kingly seate disguised in the base attire of a Merchant came to our Court where what honors he hath gained by his valour and curtesie not one of you but know Numedia being his natiue soyle and the kingdome his by lawfull desent from the King his father Let it not dismay you my friends nor iudge my words spoken of him for his honor to be more then truth so shall you wrong him whose woorth you may be by my reports assured off and iniury her which had neuer intent but to deserue well of you all Therefore as you haue your desire knowing him in token of your loue and generall consents by whom hée is your adopted King shewe by your signes of content howe pleasing my choyce and lyking is vnto you The Nobles amazed at the Quéenes spéech although they could hardly be enduced to beléeue what shée had sayd yet such was the loue they honored her with that giuing credit vnto her words without longer pause of the matter that the Quéene might the rather be wonne to credit their former spéech with a vniuersall voyce prostrating themselues before him they cryed God saue the King Quéene vowing vnto him loyaltie and failtie as vnto their King and soueraigne Thanks good my Lords quoth the Prince for your good consents and doubt not of my loue to you which with such heartie affection shall be shewed that my dearest bloud shal be shead ere the least haire of the basest of your heads shall perish Which said the Quéene standing vp requested the Nobles that as they had with consent elected him their King so they would appoynt the time for solemnizing the marriage with the Coronation chaunging his name from Pheander the Mayden Knight to Dionicus the lawful heire of the Numedian Crowne for that was his right and the name of Pheander but vsurped Which request of her Maiestie they easily granted appoynting the marriage thrée dayes following and the Coronation presently to follow which to their great ioyes was accomplished with all the honour might be done by their subiects the costly showes and all maner of delightfull pastimes there vsed I omit albeit it was pleasing both to their King and Quéene and brought great ioy and comfort to all beholders The marriage with the Coronation past the Commons delighted with their King assured his grace to be so honorable as the Quéene had reported him and they found who in that Parlament to honor the Thracians the more and let them know his loue was no whit inferiour to theirs he entailed the Crowne of Numedia to the lawfull heire of Thrace succéeding assuring them that his Nobles and Commons should confirme and assure the same Which curteous fauour the Nobles so gratefully accepted as they returned him for the same many gracious thanks the Parliament proroged according to custome of the Country their dutie in all humblenesse done the Nobles with the chéefest of all parts in the land wished the Quéene and King many happy dayes to their ioy and harts content which they requited with such shewes of loue as might delight them and giue them cause to ioy in their Princes election of whom their comfort was great their assurance of tranquillitie with forraine Princes through his magnanimitie to be such as al true subiects might haue pleasure to recount Their leaue taken euery one departs well content to his home Thus the King and Quéene enioying hearts content their loues more and more encreased that there was no talks but of their faithfull loue and hearts lyking through which the Commons liued in peace praying for their long liues to be continued To which content in loue the story leaueth them recounting the arriuall of the aged Barnardine in Thrace who with his long trauaile came vnto the Court where wandering Pilgrimelike liuing by the deuotion of bountifull people he spent some time in contemplation others in viewing the bewtie of the Court and maners of the people eftsoones commending their religion and seruing their creature taking much pleasure in discoursing with such Pilgrime strangers as he méete of the diuerse conditions of those Nations whose Countries hée had séene which being many he affected no Princes Region as this Country of Thrace
him to those ioyes which neuer shall haue ende Thus for this time he ended his sorrowfull spéech vttered in great griefe of minde whome carefull for to espie time and opportunitie fit for his departure we leaue for a time And shall tell you further of the Prince Dionicus who long before this time is arriued in Thrace The Prince whome desire ledde to gaine the loue of Nutania not otherwise knowne but for a marchant landed now in safetie after a friendly welcome giuen to his fellow passengers the Maister and Owners with bountifull rewardes bestowed on the Marriners was lodged by the Maister in a Marchants house of great reputation where vnknowne to be any other then he séemed he imployed his stocke by Brokers to great benefite whiche bountifully hée spent whereby he gained the loue of all men that euer had any acquaintance with him so that in short time his fame was so bruted throughout the Cittie that none of anie account but tooke great pleasure in his company and ioyed to recount his many vertues This amorous Prince whose heart was on his halfepenny loth to acquaint any man with his secret loue to the Princes doubting some further perill to his person then hée was willing to hazard would oftentimes intrude himselfe into the companie of yoong Courtiers amongst whome hée so demeaned himselfe and so Courtly in all thinges that all men might iudge from what trée such branches sprung By this often frequenting of the Court in the companie of those to whome he was most welcome hée atteined the sight of his Ladie whose beautie when he had séene so amazed him that if he were before passionate he was now more perplexed iudging her excellent perfection to bee without compare yet not knowing how to make knowne his loue vnto her smothering in silence his affection hée daily desired some occasion might be offered wherein for her safetie and honour of his beloued he might shew some act worthie honour and to deserue her liking which by Fortunes assistaunce thus happily came to passe Mustopha Corienia yongest sonne to Sutton Corienia Emperour of Constantinople burning in loue of this Princesse onely by the rare report of her singular perfections had by Embassadors from his father craued the Princesse in marriage who disdaining his loue being a Pagan although honourable might not be wonne by any entreatie to fancie him how great soeuer his offers and protestations of loue were which refusall the Prince brooked so ill being of such might that determining to gaine her by force for his concubine which in friendship he had so often required to marry he leuied a power of one hundred thousand both on horse and foote and shipping them in warlike maner in Gallies Frigattes Foystes and Brigandioces he arriued by the hard labour and painfull bowging of his slaues before the Citie of Lemonia where Philarchus kept his Court landing the greatest part of his men and horse suddeinly and beleagared the same both by land and sea vnto which he gaue many fierce and hote assaults were as valiantly resisted by the courage of those gallant Cittizens who fighting in right of their Countrey feared not the hugenesse of their Armies nor their force of shipping yet as the extremes of forrain force causeth many troubles so did the Army of Mustapha driue these braue Thracians to many wants whose courage through the lacke of victualls began to quaile that hauing no meane of reliefe neither by sea nor land loth to famish came daily to the court humbly beséeching the King to take pittie of them and not with famine to suffer them die But considering that the Princesse was the marke whereat he aimed would rather deliuer her who should be honourably entreated then suffer so many thousands to perish Philarchus vexed in mind was driuen to a non plus so diuersly perplexed he could not suddeinly answer his child who was his onely comfort and heire either to be deliuered him whose name was odious vnto him or his subiects who loued him no lesse then their owne soules must perish in this extreame Thus doubtfull what to answere he craued respite for two daies which they willingly yéelded vnto albeit their want of victualles was so great they might hardly endure The report of this dolefull sute of the commons comming to the eares of Dionicus who with his attire wee change to Pheander who was not a litle mooued there and the greater was his heauinesse by how much the more his loue was encreased towards the Princesse for whose reléef he sought many deuises eftsoones determining one thing then another presents it selfe which seemeth better at length resoluing least delayes should bréede danger hée determined in that action which was honorable to shew him selfe and eyther by his prowesse frée the King and his beloued from the tyranny of the vsurping Infidell or yeeld his latest gaspe in their defence In this resolution he came to the kings presence vnto whome doing his humble duty prrostrating himselfe he saith Most gracious Soueraigne and liege Lorde pardon the bold attempt of a rude stranger whome dutifull zeale hath bound to your seruice and of your gracious fauour to all men vouchsafe me that honour in this extreme wherin your woorthy citizens stand distressed by this faithlesse infidell who doeth séeke your subuersion and their vtter decay whose presumption if it please your Excellence to giue me leaue shall by mée and such as I can by loue and money drawe vnto me be chastened and made to knowe your Highnesse can expell at your pleasure the power of a more strong and mightier enemie who though you haue of curtesie suffered it hath not bene of cowardize as hée shall well vnderstande In this request most gracious and renowmed Soueraigne if it shall please you to honor me I doubt not by the ayd of the highest of a happie victorie The King which during his long tale had earnestlie noted the countenance and his grace in vttering the same assured himself that the honour of his house which shewed in his courage or the power of the eternal Deity wrought this motion in him and therefore without any longer pause taking him curteouslie from his knées determining to trie the fortunes of this supposed Merchant hee saith What euer thou be that honor vrgeth to this attempt thankes for thy loue wishing my good and forwardnesse in venturing thy life yet before I accept thée for my Champion say gentle friend of what countrey art thou what name and parentage to the ende that I may giue thée honour as thy desertes and bloud do require and answering me truely to these demaundes tell me what mooued thée likewise being so braue a man and in thy flourishing estate to hazard thy selfe in an action wherein so many men of honour and great valour haue lost their liues Know renowmed Lord quoth the Prince Numedia is my countrie my father a Gentleman professing martiall Discipline my name Pheander the youngest of manie of my
forgotten his word Leauing further to descant on this plaine song returne we to the Princesse who was aduertised by her woman what had passed betwéene the Knight and her not omitting his heauy lookes and pitifull spéeches And then againe as glad to please the Princesse whom she was assured loued the Knight letted not at large to set out his honors gained his comelinesse of person bountie and whatsoeuer the world admired in him she highly aduanced to the great content of y e Princesse who thought euery minute a yeare vntill she saw him whome she with hartie desire expected long looked for comes at last And Nutania who at a casement wayted diligently his cōming espied her beloued Knight what ioy it caused let them iudge which better experience haue made perfit in louers delights The Princesse hauing the sight of her so long desired Knight sent Guenelia to entertaine him and to bring him to her presence The Princesse studying to frame her countenance for his welcome bethought her selfe of sundry meanes eftsoones doubting by her too pleasant and kinde vsage to be thought too forward in loue then what discomfort her heauy lookes might moue to him whom she most desired to please In this quandary fitting on a Pallet leaning her head on her pillowe Guenela hath brought the Knight to her presence who doing his dutie was by the Princesse againe saluted Attending like the guiltie condemned his sentence from her mouth which was to giue him either life or death the Knight thus at an nonplus ouercome with the beholding of the Princesse exellent perfection was by her the mirror of all honor and curtesie remoued out of his dumpes in this maner Sir Pheander whether I should chastice thy presumption in writing so boldly vnto me or no I am not yet resolued but before I acquainted my father therewith I thought good to heare thée speake for that I would not sodeinly disgrace thée whom I haue so often graced as well to heare thy intent committing so great a follie as what thou canst say in excuse thereof Princes are not to be ieasted with nor to be attempted in such maner by their inferiours and therefore thou hast highly erred in that thou hast done and encurred the daunger of our strictest lawes by which thou art already cōdemned were thy fact known The Knight standing at the bar where Bewlie sat chiefe Iudge was surprized with so many griefes that he might hardly vtter any word yet reuiued by hope of those comfortable and swéete wordes pronounced by Guenela hée saith Gracious Lady that I haue presumed farre I cannot but acknowledge yet that I haue encurred such punishment as your highnesse inferreth I deny vnlesse death be the guerdon assigned the faithfull for dutifull seruice and entire affection vrged me to séeke thy fauour in loue without which I may not liue so déepely is thy vertuous perfections imprinted in my heart which if I enioy not I desire no longer to breathe Therefore Madame if thou disdaine his loue that liuing dieth continually for thée doo but say the word and this blade so often imbrued in the blood of mine enemies shall sacrifice his maisters owne true heart before thy face that thy cruell selfe maist witnesse to thy selfe how faithfully thy seruant hath loued thée The Princesse gréeued to heare these spéeches moued with great ruth could hardly forbeare sheading of teares yet modestie the ornament of womankinde caused her to feine a counterfeit show of displeasure to him whose teares wroong droppes of blood from her tender heart yet that she might not too sodeinly confesse her hearts desire nor giue him cause of vtter dispaire she saith Pheander that thou maist sée and séeing report in all places where euer thou shalt become of womens pitie I grant thée pardon for thy fault and with my pardon thy life which was wholly in me to dispose For louing me as thy Prince I heartily thanke thée but in séeking to obtaine my loue as thy wife that haue bene denied to diuerse and sundrie Princes in that thou errest let each estate frame themselues in loue to their equall so shall they sooner obtaine their desires and their loues in more tranquilitie be mainteined Thou knowest thy birth how base it is and though for thy vertues it pleased my Princely father to aduance thée who cannot of his Princely nature but rewarde the d●serts of the well deseruing If for his good to thée thou séeke to robbe him of his childe therein thou shewest a verie vngratefull minde and laiest open to the world thy base condition Therefore persist to prosecute thy sute let reason vanquish that brain-sicke humor which so afflicts thée in doing which thou shalt shewe thy selfe to be thy selfe For no greater conquest can be atchieued then conquering a mans owne effects Doo this and thou shalt finde Nutania thy faithfull and assured friend who will be as carefull to aduaunce thée as I haue found thée readie to pleasure me Alas good Madame answered the Knight I haue often heard the whole néeds no phisition it is easier far to giue counsell then to take it The full gorged Churle litle regardeth the staruing creature at his gate but madame could you conceiue the least part of many thousand griefes that afflict me you would pitie me at least though you yéelded me no farther fauour If thy heart be not harder then the Adamant pittie me swéete Lady and yéeld thy grace to augment my life or vtterly deny me your fauour for euer I exspect but your answere for my resolution is no other then I haue profest dastards feare to die but the Noble minde preferreth death which endeth all sorrowes before a life to be continued with discontent The Princesse which was at her wits end as full of griefe as he of sorow turned her spéeches from her matter to question him of his Country the maner of the Court and state therof thinking so to be guilde the time and put him off for that season But so long dalied she that she was forced in the end to confesse her loue to be no way inferior to his Thus as I haue said demaunding of the Knight many questions she earnestly entreated him to resolue her whether the Prince Dionicus were such as the world reported him who had name to be a Paragon excelling in all actions required in a Noble man The Prince hearing his name called in question by the Princesse on such a sodaine beléeued verily that she had some secret knowledge of him which made him with blushing chéekes to say what reportes soeuer your Grace hath heard of that Prince Dionicus I know not a subiect I was to his father and ought to speake reuerently of him yet what is truth and not for affection or despighte to say other then I will with my blood auow Wherefore Noble Lady I will truly answere your demaunds The Prince whose father was matchlesse gaining the loue of all men with care and honor mainteined the reputation