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A09659 A godlie exposition vpon certeine chapters of Nehemiah, written by that worthie byshop and faithfull pastor of the Church of Durham Master James Pilkington. And now newly published. In the latter end, because the author could not finish that treatise of oppression which he had begonne, there is added that for a supplie, which of late was published by Robert Some, D. in Diuinitie Pilkington, James, 1520?-1576.; Foxe, John, 1516-1587.; Some, Robert, 1542-1609. Godlie treatise of the church. In the ende .. a treatise against oppression. 1585 (1585) STC 19929; ESTC S114273 162,441 172

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crucifying cōdemning the sonne of god their sauiour When-soeuer the scripture speaketh of any going to this Citie it saieth commonly they went vp to Ierusalem because it was built so on hils that on what side soeuer thou camest in thou sholdst goe vp an hill which though it seeme a small matter to be noted yet God which doeth nothing in vaine as he did by other outward things teach that grosse people heauenly things as here in this clyming vp to this earthly citie they left worldly things beneath them in the vallies so they that would pray vnto the Lord or seeke the heauenlie Ierusalem must climbe vp by faith into heauen to the mercie seat and throne of grace casting awaie all worldly cares and leauing that behind The common opinion is that Adam our first father dwelt and was buried here in this Citie And the Scripture teacheth that good father Abraham offred his sonne Isaac on the mount Moria where Salomon built the temple Which all were figures that Christ Iesus the new Adam should be buried in the same place where the old Adam was to restore to vs that life which old Adam had lost and should offer his pretious bodie on the tree for our redemption a sweeter sacrifice then Isaac or anie bloodie sacrifice that was offered in the temple of Salomon It is comfortable to consider and wonderfull to behold how the wisdome of God hath made the circumstances of our destruction by Adam saluation by Christ Iesus to agree Adam in Paradice a garden of pleasure offended God was cast out for his disobedience and we all his posteritie Christ Iesus was buried in a garden and hath by his death restored to vs life againe By the intising of a woman man fell from God and by a woman that blessed seede Christ Iesus was borne and reconciled vs to his father againe By a pleasant apple was man deceiued but by Christ hauing bitter gall giuen him to drinke man was saued In that garden had Adam all pleasant things freelie giuen him and in this garden without the Citie had Christ our Lord all cruel and spitefull torments that could be deuised that we should goe forth to suffer with him forsaking the daintie pleasures of this Citie In the temple no sinne could be forgiuen without shedding of the blood of some sacrifice and in this world is no pardon of our wickednes without the blood of Christ Iesus the innocent lambe of God And as by the fall of one man Adam we all were condemned so by the rising from death of one man Christ Iesus we are iustified By the corruption of our father Adam we all did perish and by the Innocencie of our brother the Lord Christ we al be sanctified Why should not the goodnes of the one profit vs as much as the illnes of the other did hurt vs or rather much more blesse vs being the immortall sonne of the liuing God and the other being but a mortall man made of the earth And as they that had anie sute to the King or sacrific e to be offred by the Priest first entred in at the vttermost gate where the common sort of Citizens dwelt then through the second where the Leuits learned men were and lastlie in at the innermost gate where the King and his palace the hie Priest and the temple were built so they that will goe to the great King and hie Priest of the heauenlie Ierusalem must first enter the vttermost gates where al sorts of Christians are borne into this world and then be brought to the second to be intructed by the ministers in the lawe of the Lord and receyued into the Church and there nourished by the Sacraments of God which being diligentlie done he may boldlie enter at the Innermost gate to the Kings Palace and temple to make his humble sute pray and offer his bodie a liuelie sacrifice to God the father by Christ Iesus his sonne King of Kings and Lord of the heauens who also is our high Priest and Archbishop that offred vp that sweete sacrifice of his owne blood for our silthie and stinking sinnes For as the king and the Priest dwelled both togither in the Innermost warde and on the high hils so our King and high Priest Christ Iesus hath taken vnto him-selfe the kingdome and priesthood and by his holie spirit made vs a king lie priest hood to God his father Kings that we might by him conquere the kingdome of Sathan and Priests to mortifie and kill the silthie lusts of our flesh and offer our soules a liuing and holie sacrifice to serue him For as no sacrifice could be offred any where but in this onelie Temple of Ierusalem so no prayer nor thankefull sacrifices can bee offered vnto him but in the name of Christ Iesus his sonne and our Lord. Lastlie as God of his iustice for the wickednes and superstition both of the Princes Priests and the people destroyed the kingdome law and priesthood of Moses neuer to be built orrestored againe though the Iewes sundrie times attempted it and with great sommes of money would haue gotten licence to haue yearelie come and lamented the destruction of it Yet both Emperour Elius Adrianus to withdraw them from it built a new Citie in another place called it after his owne name and graued a Swyne and his owne Image ouer the gates to bring them in hatred with it and commanded in paine of death they shold not come thither God also with Earthquakes ouerthrew their doings destroyed their tooles and swallowed vp the workemen So in his mercie he hath built a new spiritual Ierusalem giuen vs the comfortable tidings of the Gospell sent his Apostles to preach it through all the world set vp a new kingdome and ministerie not in a corner of the world as it was then but through all countries that all which beleeue may be saued and that not in feare and threatnings as the law was but in louing kindenes mercie grace peace and trueth in Christ Iesus Many of these things are well noted by Wolphius and other learned men and because there is diuers times occasion giuen in this Chapter to speake of these figures and spirituall comparisons I haue once for all set them downe that I neede not oft repeate them afterward and they that list may briefelie here see all set togither and applie them afterward as occasion serueth I will not in this Chapter as I haue done in others follow verse by verse nor sentence by sentence nor word by word to examine them particularlie because it standeth most of names wherein the vnlearned should not take so much profit as labour in reading of them though the learned may with pleasure picke out good lessons of them by Allegoricall interpretation of the places c but I will briefelie note such things here and there in some verses as shall giue occasion to help the simpler sorte to further the building of these walls for
made so long a goe to thy faithfull seruant Moses This profit we haue by rea ding thy scriptures left vnto vs by thy seruants the Prophets thatour faith is increased our hope faileth not but manfullie tarieth with patience for thy comming Faith douteth not hope is not wearie though our grudging nature cannot be contented Encrease our faith O gratious God our hope strength that we fall not frō the pardon our murmuring mistrusting of thee though our state be despised when we looke at our selues yet when we remember thy promise we cannot disp aire We follow our father Abraham who contrary to hope by reason hoped in thee that thouwouldest fulfil thy promise to him though reason could not see it And that thou maist the more willinglie doe it O Lord consider who we be We be thy seruants other Lords masters we seeke none we are thy people thouour God King can anie master forsake his seruant or anie king his subiect that humbly submitteth himselfe vnto him though we haue sinned deserued to be cast away frō thee yet art thou O Lord rich in mercy a king of great powre thy glorie shal shine in our deliuerance Is any fault so great that thou canst not forgiue it Is any man so hard harted but at length he wil be entreated shal any wickednes ouerflow thy goodnes so farre that thou wilt not be intreated So many yeares punishment would satisfie a stonie heart forgiue forget all that is past thinke on vs O Lord what metal we be made of deale not with vs in the ballance of Iustice but in mercie We are by nature earth dust and ashes and therfore heauie sluggish and forgetfull we are borne of sinfull parents euen from the beginning and therefore of our selues must needes follow their trade in ill doing we be no Angels therefore cannot serue thee as we should doe Take in good parte O Lord our simple good will that that wanteth in vs thy Messias thy sonne our Lord Christ hath fulsilled for vs made vs partakers of his righteousnes Loke at him O Lord and not at vs who redeemed vs with no gold nor siluer but by his owne pretious blood let that price satisfy thee deliuer vs. Igraunt O Lord thou deliuerest our fathers from their bondage slauerie in Egipt wherein we should haue continued if thy mightie hand great powre strength had not made vs free And not only then O Lord we tasted of thy goodnes but euer since when the Philistims Ammonites Moabites or other enemies round about vs oppressed vs thou heardst vs thou deliueredst vs shal we now be cleane forgotton Arise O Lord speedely and let thy people knowe that thou remembrest them and hast a care ouer them How shal thy goodnes be knowne if thou haue not a people to praise the I beseech thee Lord pardon my importunitie I cannot departe vntil I obteine my sute at thy hands though thou seeme to deale hardly with vs so many yeares yet I will saie with patient Iob although he kill me yet I will trust in him stil. I know thou louest vs what so-euer thou doest vnto vs and therefore I will trust in thee stil. Though thou hast seemed hitherto O Lord to loke strangely on vs yet now bowe downe thine eare and heare the praier of me thy poore seruante and the praiers of all the rest of my sorowful breethren thy seruants which would gladly so farre as the weaknes of mans nature will suffer vs feare thy name Thy holie spirit giueth vs a desire to serue thee but the rebellious flesh which we receiued of our first father Adam withstandeth al such motion's and draweth vs from thee Deale not with vs therefore O God in the rigour of thy Iustice but in the vnspeakable measure of thy mercies Rule thy seruante this daie and graunt me to finde grace fauour in the sight of this mighty king 〈◊〉 whose cupbearer I am It lieth most in him to help and to hinder vs to set vs at libertie or keepe vs prisoners stil to build our Citic or to let it lye waste I see O Lord the feircenesse of his nature and how litle he vnderstandeth thy goodnes towards him but yet I know O God that the harts of Princes euen Infidels are in thy hands to dispose as thou thinkest good Haue pitie therefore O God on thy people bend his minde to pitie them Other friends I doe not seeke for without thee all sute and labour is in vaine A PRAIER LOrd God which of thine owne meere good will inspiredst thy Prophets in olde tyme with the knowledg of thy secret misteries and of thy great loue towardes vs thy seruants hast caused them to be put in writing and hast preserued them from destruction by thy mortall enemies that we might learne in them thy mercies shewed to our fathers and promised to vs giue vs we beseech thee a willing minde with reucrence to heare read thy holie word declared in this booke and a diligent 〈◊〉 to followe the same Raise vp we praie thee in these our latter daies such faithful seruants about the Prince in the Courte as Nehemiah was that would pitie the miserable state of the poore people afflicted Church rather then seeke their owne ease wealth and profit Graunt vs we praie thee to weepe faste and praie with such loue to our breethren and sure faith in thee as Nehemiah had and not to cease vntill we haue obteined some grace in thy sight as he did Our need and miserie in these latter daies are as great as was in his time and yet we see it not Thou correctest vs and we feele it not thou teachest and we will not learne Thou hast brought home parte of the Iewes from their captiuitie and yet manie remained behinde so Lord thou hast in our daies opened the eies of some and deliuered vs from that Romish slauerie wherein we were so long drowned but alas O Lord many of our breethren lie blinde and will not see haue eares and will not heare Open their eies O God and fullie restore vs that we and they may ioyntlie feare thee as our Lord and reuerentlie loue thee as our deare Father to the confusion of Sathan and his partakers and the euerlasting glorie of thy blessed name and comforte of thy poore people through Christ thy Sonne our Lord and onely Sauiour Amen CHAP. 2. 1. It came to passe in the moneth of March in the 20. yeare of king Artaxerxes that wine was afore him and I toke vp the wine and I gaue it to the King and was not sad afore in his sight 2. And the king said to me why is thy countenance so sad and thou art not sicke It is nothing else then a heauie heart I was verie sore afrayde 3. And I said to the king O king God saue thy life for euer Why should not my countenance be sad when the
can deuour the poorest simple sheepe of the Lords if he cannot meete with a better pray The people are worthie no lesse praise then the rulers for they are as readie to obey as the other to commaund and so ioyning to gither in the feare of God brotherlie loue and due obedience to their rulers this worke goeth forward and God blesseth their labour As for me and my breethren Now lest Nehemiah should seeme to busie and impious to commaund all other and to doe nothing himselfe which were a point of oppression or tyrannie as Pharaoh did to the Israelits in Egipt he saith both he his breethren seruants and watch-men tooke as much paines as the worst of them which is the propertie of a good Captaine to doe for they wrought and watched so diligentlie that they put not of their cloathes to sleepe or take rest but onelie when they were foule and must needes be washed O worthie example God graunt vs manie such rulers and Captaines both in Gods Church and common-wealth When the people and souldiers shall see the rulers Captaines take paines as well as they doe it maketh them both ashamed if they draw back and also encourageth them to be with the foremost Iulius Cesar to encourage his souldiers would not take paines himselfe but the rather to stirre them more willinglie to labour he calleth them not souldiers nor commaundeth like a Captaine but gentlie speaketh vnto them calleth them fellowe-Souldiers as though he were no better then one of them So in great workes the chiefe master when it commeth to a dead lift or some daunger like to folow he will lay to his hand him felfe he will climbe he wil lift as busilie as anie of his seruants and say to them now good fellowes spitt on your hands lift once againe and we haue wonne it now play the men and we shall be past the worst streight waie Such examples of the better sort with gentle perswasions in words will make the common sort to refuse no paines be the danger neuer so great Abimelech when he would smother the men that fled into the towre of Sichem and could not get them out he gat first him selfe boughes of greene Trees and bad euery one of his Souldiers doe as they saw him doe When euerie man had loden him self with greene boughes Abimelech goeth first and setteth his boughes on fire the rest of the Souldiers seeing him so bold and forward they set their boughes on fire too and so easilie they killed them that were within with smoke So much can the example of a Captaine or good master doe God graunt manie such foregoers in Gods Church and then the people will follow fast ynough What maketh the people draw back so much at this day but that gentlemen preists goe not afore Want of good example and due correction maketh manie to doe ill without feare of God and man Dauid when he would stirr vp the people earnestlie to serue the Lord and diligentlie to resort to the Tabernacle of prayer saith O come let vs sing vnto the Lord let vs reioice in the strength of our saluation He biddeth them not goe pray and he will goe play but he will be foremost him selfe in praysing the Lord call on them to follow When they were thus to watch and ward night and day to forgoe their pleasures take infinit paines in building this earthlie Citie and walls of Ierusalem it teacheth vs how diligent we ought to be in building the spirituall Ierusalem Christ his deare Spouse and Church by prayer preaching watching fasting and all other Godlie exercises A PRAIER AS thou O Lord of thy infinit and vndeserued goodnesse stirredst vp thy faithfull seruant Nehemiah to pitie the lamentable state of Ierusalem and gauest him such fauour in the sight of King Artaxerxes procuredst licence and liberty great rewards liberalitie to all them that would repaire the broken walles of the Citie mouedst his heart to leaue the wanton pleasures of the Court aud madest him willing to toile at thy worke not onelie prosperedst their doings but defendedst them from their mortal enemies manie and sundrie times being cruellie assaulted both by inward hypocrites and outward force so we beseech thee most mercifull father for thine owne mercies sake looke pitifullie at thy ragged and torne church the contēned spouse of thy deerely beloued son Christ Iesus raise vp some faithful seruants in euerie countrie that may obteyne such fauour in the sight of Chistian Princes that with freedome of conscience and quietnesse of the countrie the Kingdome of thy sonne and our sauiour may be truelie preached obedientlie receiued faithfullie beleeued and diligentlie followed to the ouerthrow of Antechrist and all his members and the endlesse comfort of thy poore afflicted people Confound O gratious God Sanballat Tobias and all their partakers which laugh to scorne the simplicitie of the Gospell and builders of the Church make them to be scorned that the world may see what foolish wickednes it is to rebell against thy holie will and how litle all such shall preuaile in the end Turne awaie all open violence that shall be deuised against vs outwardlie Keepe vs from ciuill warre and sedition inwardlie Confound all wicked counsells and conspiracies of Ahitophell with his fellowes and ouerthrow the subtill practises of Iudas and such hypocrits Encourage the people that they feare not their braggs nor bigge lookes but manfullie may stand in defence of thy trueth and boldlie confesse thee in all dangers knowing thee to be the onelie Lord and giuer of all victorie that none shalbe ashamed nor left succourles that flie vnto thee in their great necessitie Giue vs grace to pray and put our trust in thee as this people haue done afore vs that we may finde the like grace fauour and deliuer aunce that they did Giue vs we most humblie beseech thee O gratious God such guids and Rulers in the common-wealth as will worke with the one hand and fight with the other keepe watch and ward night and day to driue awaie the outward enemie and will defend thy poore sheepe from the Rebellious practises of Sathan among our selues Thurst forth such faithfull preachers for the adauncement of thy glory only which without any worldly respect of profit or pleasure may purely teach thy holy will declared in thy blessed word roote out all errours in doctrine and deformities in life and may by the powre of thy holie spirit bring home all those that be runne astray confirme and strengthen those that doe stand and raise vp those that be fallen that in vnity of minde brotherlie loue and Christian faith we may be liuelie stones in the spirituall building of thy house may acknowledge thee our onelie God and thou of thy accustomed goodnes and free mercy maist take vs to thy children and defend vs as our Lord Teach vs as a Schoolemaster feed vs as a Shepherd make vs partakers of thy glorious
the matter euery man what he hath to doe Such as be builders may take example of those good builders therof whome we read that with one hand they builded and with the other they held their weapon that is the spirituall sword of Gods word to keepe of the enemie Such workmen the Lord send into his vineyard to be diligent labourers not loyterers nor braulers but builders labouring and working not with one hand but with both hands occupied And likewise vpon these labourers the Lord send good ouerseers such as this good Nehemiah who not regarding his owne priuate charges and expenses bestowed all his care in tendring and setting forward the erection of the Lords house to encourage the workemen to prouide for their necessities to defena them from enemies to keepe them in good order from strife and variance For as euery good building there best goeth forward when the workmen in one consent ioyne them-selues together So contrariwise nothing more hindreth the setting vp of any worke as when the workmen are deuided among them-selues Albeit during the time of 〈◊〉 we sinde no great sturs among the people or if there were any it was seene composed by the wise handling of that good gouernour as in the fift chapter may appeare wherefore for the better example to le taken of these distressed dales I thought it not amisse in this so daungerous building vp of Christs Church in the perillous latter times this treatise of Nehemiah compiled by the right reuerend and famous prelate M. Iames Pilkinton of blessed memory to be published and commended to Christian readers wherby all good labourers and ouerseers of Christ his Church may receiue some fruitfull aduertisement to consider in these soe great affayres of the Lord his busines what is to be done and looked vnto THE BOOKE OF NEHEMIAH Benignè fac DOMINE in bonavoluntate tua Sion vt aedificentur muri Ierusalem Non nobis DOMINE non nobis sed nomini tuo da gloriam Non moriar sed viuam narrabo opera DOMINI THE ARGVMENT VNPERfect and so much thereof as was found is here put downe ANd because both the bookes of EZRA and NEHEMIAH entreate only of such things as were done vnder the Kings of Persia which fewe other parts of the Scripture doe it is not amisse something to touch the maner of liuing behauiour both of the Kings people nature of the countrie that thereby things may better be vnderstood as STRABO in his booke LEOVICIVS in his Varia Historia others haue left them in writing SVSIA was that parte of the countrie which laie towards BABILON wherein was also the cheife citie SVSA which was like in building vnto BABILON These were a quiet people neuer rebellious therefore Kings loued it the better and CYRVS was the first that made his cheifest abode there Other houses the King had which were strong and costlie where there treasure was kept At SVSIS they lay in winter at ECBATAVA in sommer at PERSEPOLIS in haruest in the spring at BABILON PAGASABIA GABIS other houses were not neglected although destroyed with the kingdome shortlie after by Alexander Magnus The riches of the kings were greate For when all was brought to ECBATAVA men reporte that there were 180. Talents This country of SVSIA was so fruitful that their barly wheate would bring forth an hundreth folde or 200. as much as was sowne Their kings be of one kindred and whosoeuer obeieth not he hath his head arme cut of and cast awaie They marrie many wiues keepe many harlots The kings yearely giue rewardes to them that haue gotton most sonnes The children come not in their fathers sight before they be 4. yeares old Their mariages are made in March From. 5. yeares old vnto 14. they learne to shoote picke dartes ride chiefly to speake trueth Their Schoolemasters be men most sober applying all things to the profit of their schollers They call their schullers together afore daie by ringing of a bell as though they should go to warte or to hunt They make one of the kings sonnes their ruler or some great men ouer 50 in a bande and commaund them to follow their Captaine 30. or 40. furlongs when he runneth afore them They aske account of those things that they haue learned exercising their voice breath and sides to hear colde raine and passing of riuers They teach them to keepe their Armour cloathes drie and to feed liue hardlie like husbandmen eating wilde fruits as acornes and crabbes Their dailie meate after their exercise is verie hard bread Cardanum salte and flesh rosted Their drinke is water They hunt on horsebake with picking their dartes shooting their shaftes or casting with their sling In the forenoone they are exercised with planting of trees or digging vp the rootes or make harnesse or applie them-selues to working ofline or making of nets The kings giue rewards to those that get the best game at running and other games which they vse euerie 5. yeare They beare office plaie the souldiers on foote and horsse from 20. years olde vnto 50. They be armed with a shield made like a diamond Besides their quiuer they haue their crooked falchion and daggers vpon their head a steeple-cappe vpon their breast a coate of plate Their Princes haue their breeches triple folde and a coate with wide sleeues lined with white and syde to the knee and the outside coloured Their apparel in some is purple or els of diuers coloures in winter of diuers coloures Their cappes like vnto the Miters of their southsaiers their shooes high dubble The common sorte weare a lined coate to the mid-leg about their head a role of sindal Euery man vseth his bowe sling The Persians fare daintilie hauing manie and diuers kindes of meate and their tables shine with their plate of gold siluer They debate their weightie matters at the wine if they meete their fellowes or acquaintance by the waie they kisse them if they be poorer they make curtesie Their southsaiers they leue vnburied to the birds The greatest riches that the kings had were in buildings and they coyned no more monie then serued the present neede The people were temperate in their liuing but their kings passed in excesse The kings attire of his head was of myrrhe and other sweete gommes They kept commonlie 300. women which slept in the daie sang daunced all the night If the king would goe to any of them the floore was couered with fine arris He rode seldome but in his chariot If he suffered any man to come to his speache he sate in a throne of gold standing on foure pillers with precious stones At the head of his bed were 5000. Talents of gold which where called the kings pillowe at his feete were 3000. Talents of siluer which was called his footestoole ouer his bed was a golden vine withgolden branches and grapes drawne with pretious stones Thus farre the
one country and professed one God What occasion these men had to come to the courte it appeereth not therefore not necessary to be searched but belike some greate sute for their coūtrie because they tooke so long a iourny in the winter and so vnseasonable a time of the yeare which men commonlie vse not to doe for smale causes And by this we maie learne a good lesson that no time is so troublesome no iournie so long but good men will not refuse it to serue God their countrie And where Nehemiah walking abroade about the 〈◊〉 beginneth to examin thē of the estate of the Iewes how they did and of the Citie of Ierusalem in what case it was it declareth the great loue that he had to his people countrie and religion O worthie example for all courtiers to follow sometimes to walke abroad to see what suters there be learne the state of the countrie from whence they came help to further their good causes The contrarie is to commonlie vsed they locke them-selues vp will not be spoken with their doores must be opened with siluer keyes many meanes and freendes must be made and a long time of attendance afore ye be heard except some seruant about them haue some gentle remembrance to help you to their speach And this is more cōmon in the meaner sorte then the higher yet I saie not that all walkers abroad and talking with suters be euer good men For Absalon walked afore the courte gate tooke them by the hand and imbraced them asked what sutes they had pitied their causes but for an ill purpose to bring the King his father in hatred with the people saying there was none about him that would heare and help them and to bring him-selfe in fauor with the people saying if he were King he would do them iustice heare their causes and they shold not waite so long but be quicklie dispatched God diliuer vs from such courtiers for by this meanes he robbed the harts of the people from their natural leige Prince and by flatterie wanne the people so to him-selfe that they rebelled against their King and set vp Absalon We need not at these daies to complaine of all courtiers that they be so hard to speake to and thatmanie times the master is not at leysure vntil the seruant be pleased with something though the master bid the contrary For there be too many that when suters do come they will learne too diligentlie what sute they haue out of what countrie they come then if they will faithfullie declare vnto them what office is there voide in the countrie or what good farmeholde is to be had there at the Princes hand or rather at anie Church they promise they will help to further his sute diligently but when they haue learned all that they can then they know him not when they meete him againe the next daie or els giue him faire wordes with strange lookes and manie delayes By these meanes and such like they are so cunning in all corners of the realm that they can perfectlie tell what the Prince or anie man in the countrie hath and if it be not presentlie voide they are content with a reuersion though it be manie yeares to come yea and often sue for the same thing that the poore man came for saying another would haue had it if he had not staied it and so vnder a cloake of freindship make him paic more then he needed We seeke what should be the cause of such needelesse dearthes as the realme is full of surely though manie be giuen yet I thinke none greater then this For when these leases be graunted the landlord hath but his olde rent and the tennante no more but his olde fermeholde but the leasemonger that is crept in betwixt the landlord and the tennant goeth awaie with the sweet from them both For first he racks the rent and sacks the tennante so that he is not so able to sell his things so reasonablie as els he might nor serue the Prince nor his landlord as he should nor the landlord paying so deere for all thinges is able to liue as his Elders did before This vndermining micher liueth better then they both taketh no paines at all for it that they both shoulde liue on and the one releeue the other Haman walked afore the courte gates to see who would reuerence him as he passed by and who would not poore Mardocheus because he would not was brought in great daunger of his life and al the Iewes with him but God that ouerthroweth such courtiers diliuer vs from the like and raise vs vp some godlic Nehemiah to fauour the common-wealth religion as he did The miscrable end of Absalon Haman and such as we haue seene in our dayes maketh wise men to take heede how they liue and behaue them selues in the courte for none is so high but by like offending of God they maie haue as great a fall As this toucheth not the honest sorte of courtiers so the good ones will not be offended and those that be guiltie God graunte them to amend it 3. And they said After that Nehemiah had of good will towards his people countrie so diligenlie inquired how they did and in what case they were Chanani and the other Iewes that came with him declard in what miserable case the people were in hatred despised of all people about them that Ierusalē their citie where God was cheifly worshiped lay waste burned vnbuilt Thus God bringeth goodmen togither one to comfort another things are not ruled by chance for both Nehemiah these Iewes lamented the miserable state of their people and countrie and by their talke God prouided a remedy Nehemiah was in good state to liue in great fauour whith the King and needed not to trouble him selfe with the cares of his countrie if God had not otherwise mooued his mind to pitie with talking with his countrie men This good then courtiers lawiers and great men may haue by talking with poore suters that if there be anie sparke of grace in them they wilbe mooued with the lamentable complainte of poore suters Surely thou that art in authoritie or hast learning oughtest to thinke that the poore suter commeth not to the by chaunce but the same God that gaue thee thy authorite and learning hath sent this poore man to thee to be releiued by thee Looke therfore vpon him heare him as Salomon teacheth saying the good man heaereth the cause of the poore Hide not thy selfe from him consider his complainte pitie and help him and not so much for monie as for charities sake for so did good Nehemiah What can be a greater greife to an honest hart then to haue all things that he doeth or saith be they neuer so good to be taken in ill parte to be hated ill spoken ofby all his neighbours to be slaundered and beelied
to haue displeasure where none is deserued In this case were the miserable Iewes then the beloued people of God though now iustlie cast of for their wicked hate to our Christ the Sonne of the liuing God Beside that their Citie was burned the gates stood open that enemies might rush in murther and spoile them when they list except they should keepe a continuall greate watch which was to trouble some and costlie for them 4. And it came to passe What good commeth by hearing poore men speake appeareth heere plainlie in them that feare God For that pitiful state which he vnderstood his brethren the Iewes and that famous Citie Ierusalem to be in by their reporte did so mooue his hart and greiue him that he satte downe and wept certaine daies was sad for them fasted and praied vnto the Lord of heauen for them Hearing and seeing bee tow sences which bring into the minde of man to consider all things that be painefull or pleasant to others for except we see them or heare them we cannot learne or vnderstand them much lesse pitie them or be glad of them S. Paul saith likewise in Gods cause Faith commeth by hearing For when thou hearest the preacher declare the glorious maiestie of God his sharpe punishing of sinne the wretched estate of man that of him selfe can doe nothing but sinne and the euerlasting paines appointed for all hardharted sinners it maketh him to quake to enter into him-selfe condemne him-selfe aske for mercie from thenceforth to become a new man so when he heareth Gods great mercie declared to man in Christ it maketh him to beleeue loue obeie and follow so louing a father This profit then commeth by hearing the poore mans complainte that it mooueth them to pitie to teares to fasting and praying the Lord to releeue the miserie of thy oppressed brother Turne not therefore thy face from the poore but heare them and pitie them as thou woldst be heard and pitied thy selfe So in religion if thou wilt learne to feare God aright to know thy selfe amend thy life and what blessing God hath prepared for thee run not from the Church as many doe some for one cause some sor another but none for good but humble thy selfe in the sight of thy God and his people heare his worde reuerentlie beleeue it stedfastly obey it diligentlie praie earnestlie and God shal heape his blessings on the plentifullie And that we may the better vnderstand how this miserable case of his breethren countrie did touch his hart inwardly he sheweth it by his behauiour outwardly for the affections of the minde declare them-selues openlie in the face and behauiour of man when they growe great in the hart As if we be sorie our countenance is heauie sad and clowdie if we be merry our face hath a good culloure sheweth it selfe pleasantlie when we be ashamed of ill doing we blush in feare we be pale in anger high culloured and swolne in the face c. So this sorow for his breethren did so pinch him at the hart that he could not stand but sat downe as a mans leggs in heauines are so weake that they cannot beare him his hart was so burdened that he could not forbeare but brast out into teares for certaine daies he could not be merry eate nor drinke but fasted and in the end found no other remedie but turned him-selfe vnto the Lord fell vnto praier assuring him-selfe that God would heare him and releeue them in his due time when he thought good By this we may learne how coldelie they praie that cannot bend nor kneele when they speake to the Lord or if they kneele it is but on the one knee that must haue a soft quishion vnder it and a softer vnder his elboe Weepe he may not for disfiguring his face fasting is thought hipocrisie and a shame and when his panche is full then as priests with their drunken nowles said mattins and belked out Eructauit cor meum verbum bonum with good deuotion as they thought so he blusters out a fewe blustring words without due consideration of them then he thinketh he hath praied well O wretched man that forgettest thy God and thy selfe Remember what thou art alumpe of carth a sinke of sinne wormes meate and that bellie which thou carest so much for is but a stinking dunghill Downe proud pecocke consider when thou praicst that thou speakest to the Lord of heauen earth at whose beck the deuiles doe tremble his thunderbolts flie abroad to punish thy sinne who in his anger drowned the whole world except eight personnes burned Sodom and Gomorah with fire brimstone from heauen to pull downe thy proud hart and teach thee to feare his maiestie Learne of the poore Publicane which was so ashamed of his wicked life that he durst not looke vp vnto heauen but condemning him selfe cried O God be mercifull vnto me a sinner whereas the proud Pharisie stood stoutlie craking of his holynes as thou doest Learne of the woman of Chanaan to be earnest in praier goe not awaye from the Lord vntil thou feele thy conscience comforted and mercie promised for no doubt the Lord will heare such a praier These out ward things as kneeling weeping fasting are good helps preparations vnto praier as Sara continued three daies in fasting and praier that the Lord wold deliuer her from that shame and so Tobie marketh a generall rule ofit saying praier is good ioinedwith fasting Ecclesiasticus saith The praier of him that humbleth him selfe pearceth the cloudes she will not be comforted vntill she come nigh nor goe her waie till the highest God haue respect vntoher God graunt vs here to learne to pitie our poore breethren thus to prepare our selues to praie for them that our praier maie be heard in their need although I noted afore the disordred life of some leud courtiers which make so much of their painted sheath esteeme them-selues more then all the world doth besides and when they thinke they deale so cunninglie that they be not seene manie one espieth them laughes full drilie in their sleeues at them yet now in this godlie gentelman appeereth a contrarie dealing he may be a worthie paterne for all courtiers to follow The court is not ill of it selfe but a man if he will maie setue the Lord vprightlie and also defend his Church and profit the common-wealth mightelie and good men maie liue in it honestlie It is a daungerous place I graunt to liue in and manie occasions of ill are offred dailie in it yet not so wicked but good men liuing in it maie take great occasions to doe much good in it Ioseph in Pharaos courte a godlesse king prouided for all the countrie in the time of their great dearth scarcitie releeued his father breethren then the onely knowne Church of God in their necessitie Moses in the same courte though not vnder the
Citie and the place of my fathers burials lieth waste and the gates are consumed with fire 4. And the King said to me for what thing doest thou aske And I praied to the God of heauen 5. And I said to the King if it be thought good to the King and if thy seruant finde fauour in thy sight send me into Iuda to the Citie of my fathers burials that I may build it 6. And the king said to me the Queene sitting by him how long will thy Iourney be and when wilt thou returne And it was thought good in the kings sight and he sent me and I appointed him a certaine time THe moneth Nisan as it is called in the Hebrew here is the first Moneth of the yeare as the scripture vseth to recken and answereth vnto our March beginning at the first chaunge of the Moone after the 12. day of March when the daies and nights are both of one length And although manie doubt who this Artaxerxes was I take it certenly to be him that was called Longimanus long hand because the one hand was longer then the other as Edward the first was called Long-shanks because of his long leggs I loue not to fil vp bookes with mouing doubt vnto the vnlearned for whose cause speciallie I write namely such doubts as be harder in searching then profitable in vnderstanding The learneder sorte that list to trie their wits may search many mens writings and see diuers opinions but a most apparant truth simply told is best for the vnlearned Yet in the 4. Cha. of Ezra I haue fully enough opened the matter which I think after good consideration wilbe best liked of most men Among many thinges which prooue the good disposition of Nehemiah these certaine times that he appointeth of his doing most cleerely declare the same In the 9. moneth Nouember in the latter end of the yeare reckning the yeare by the course of the Sun he receiued these heauie newes of the misery of his people and countrie And in the first moneth of the yeare following yet both these moneths fell in the 20. yeare of the king Artaxerxes God gaue him this occasion to speak for the releife of them to the king It oft falleth out that the latter end of the yeare by the course of the Sunne is the beginning of the yeare by the reigne of the king As our gratious Q. Elizabeth began her happy reigne in Nouember yet March in the yeare following is parte of the same yeare of her reigne that Nouember was in the beginning Al this while 4. moneths at the least from Nouember to March was Nehemiah sad weeping fasting praying seeking some good occasion to seeke to the king for the releefe of his country After this sorte wil good men commend their sutes vnto Princes first by weeping fasting praying vnto God because they know the Princes heart to be in gods hand to dispose and turne as he thinketh good but the wicked worldlings that haue not God afore their eyes nor thinke not God to rule the world and Princes to seeke cleane contrary wayes and by rewardes by him and by her by flattering and dissembling make their way and breake their sutes vnto Princes When Quene Ester should speake to the king for the deliuerance of the Iews her people as Nehemiah should here she bad Mardocheus goe and will all the Iewes to fast pray for her that she might finde fauour in the kings sight and obteyne her sute for them and by these Godly meanes both Ester and Nehemiah prospered in their requests But because euery one cannot haue accesse to speak vnto the king breake his sute him selfe nor it is not fit that it should so be it is not amysse to vse the meanes of some good man about the prince to open the sute vnto him symply in the feare of God committing the successe thereof by earnest prayer to Gods goodwill and pleasure And better it shalbe for them thus symply to walke in the feare of god to faile in the sute then by lying flattery or briberie to obtaine it A hard lesson for Courtiers to follow but a most true and godly waie When Absalon was out offauour with his father Dauid by the meanes of Ioab and the woman of Thecoa he was brought in againe-but by practise rather then vpright dealing and therfore it prospe red not Nehemiah had hitherto kept his inwarde sorow so secret that the king perceiued it not but it ouercame him now and he was not able to couer it anie longer What earnest loue was this in him toward his countrie that thus long fasted and prayed and we are so nyce that what daunger soeuer hangeth ouer vs we cannot forbeare a dynner that by some abstynence from the bellie we maie more earnestlie giue our selues to prayer They that with reuerence will consider Gods secret prouidence and care that he hath for his people how he gouerneth all things yea euen those that seeme outwardly of no value after such a sorte that his heauenly wisdome and fatherly loue doeth most manyfestly appeare in them toward those that seeke him may here see a manifest example of it Not by chaunce for so nothing falleth out but by gods greate prouidence the king had wyne afore him was drie and called for drinke Nehemiah also as God had appointed stood by and as his office required being his cupbearer toke vp the cup tasted and gaue it to the king to drinke looking verie sadly whichhe was not wonte and Princes loue not to haue anie to do so about them Vppon this sadde looke falleth out all the matter which otherwaies he durst not open The king demaundeth what maketh him so sad Nehemiah openeth his griefe the king asketh what he would haue Nehemiah maketh his petition the king graunteth it and sendeth him tobuilde Ierusalem and giueth him liberally things necessarie to the doingof it A weightie matter to rise by occasion of a sad countenance but thus our God of small things can bring sotth great matters Dauid vsed to sit at king Sauls table vntil he fel in displeasure with him when he saw his place empty Saul would aske where he was that he came not to dinner And yf he spake angerly Ionathan Sauls sonne would let Dauid know that he might keepe him out of Sauls daunger thus by an empty place at the table Dauids life was diuers tymes saued Ester when she would goe to speake for her people and oflong tyme afore had not seene the king nor might not come in his presence except she were sent for putteth on her costly apparell and standeth afore the kings window where she might be seene The king seeing her sendeth for her she spying her tyme maketh her sute to the king for her people and delyuereth them Thus of smale occasions God worketh great things that we may know that he ruleth all things be they neuer so smale in mans sight But among many
it neuer so small be in paine the rest of his body is greeued also euery member seeketh to ease it as they may so they be naturallie linked together So should all Christians being members of Christs mistical body one beare the griefe of another help to releeue him when Nehemiah had bene thus long sad weeping fasting praying he was now cast into a verie greate feare by reason of the kings earnest re quiring the cause of his sadnesse Thus one sorow followeth a nother and a Christian mans faith and patience is continually e xercised when one griefe is ended it hath another streight-wayes following The king said this sorow must needs come from a heauy heart seing thy body is not sick This toucheth a man neere when he must needes open the secrets of his heart to a king whom he cannot tell how he wil take it or what opinion he hath of him Many thoughts and suspitions rise in good mens hearts as wel as ill mens and cast them into great feare for euery man is subiect to affection of his owne nature Nehemiah might feare lest the king had heard some accusation against him or had taken some displeasure with him or would not graunt his request or some other would hinder his sute or might lose his office c. and therefore no marueil if he were sore afraid but a strong faith will boldly passe through all such cares and trusting in God will continue his good purpose The troubles of the righteous be many saith Dauid but the Lord will deliuer him out of them all 3. And I said After that he had something ouercome his feare and recouered his spirits he declareth vnto the king the cause of his sadnes The Maiestie of a king wil make anie good nature afraid to speake vnreuerentlie though they be daylie in company with him and fauour as Nehemiah was And though the curtesie of a Princebe such that he will abase and humble him selfe familiarly to vse his subiect yet the subiect should not ouer boldely nor saucely behaue him selfe toward his Prince Diogenes said Aman should vse his Prince or peere as he would doe the fire The fire if he stand to neere it will burne him and if he be to far of he will be a colde so to be ouer-bold without blushing or reuerence bringeth in contempt of both syds For the King will thinke him tosaucie the subiect will forget his duety And to be ouerstrange and afraid will cause the King to thinke him to be of an ill nature and not bearing a good heart towards him Therefore Nehemtah not ouer-bold with his Prince with most humble obeysaunce wisheth the king good life as the common phrase of the scripture vseth to speake plainly telleth the true cause of his sorow and sad countenance Here we may learne the duetie of Christians that liue vnder heathen Princes That is they may not onely serue them but ought humbly to obey reuerence them For surely this kinde of salutation in Nehemiah to pray for the kings life was not holy-water of the court from the teeth outward Saluta libenter but from an vnfeyned heart desiring it S. Paul who liued vnder Th'emperour Nero as wicked a man as euer the earth bare biddeth to pray for all kings them that be in authoritie which then were all infidels that vnder them we may liue a quiet life with godlines honestie And if thou thinkest such ill men ar not to be praied for yet for the quietnes of gods Church thou must pray for them that God would so rule their hearts that vnder them we may liue a peaceable and godlie life For that is the reason that Saint Paul yealdeth though such wicked men will not learne their owne saluation them-selues After that Nehemiah had thus dutifullie behaued him-selfe to the king so that there could be thought no iust cause of any euil suspicion in him toward the king then he boldly declareth the cause of his sadnes and saith the Citie where his fathers lay buried lay waste the gates were burned And is this so greate a cause why Nehemiah should be so sad weepe faste and pray so long had he not seene nor heard of greater Cities and countries then it was which were destroyed as miserably as it was Babylon which was much bigger then Ierusalem was conquered not long afore by Cyrus Samaria their neighbour by Senacharib and Salmanasser c. But this Citie had a greater cause to belamented for then others For it was taken from wicked men by gods mightie hand giuen to gods people It was increased with many benefites from God beautified with religion Priests a Temple to worship the liuing God in strengthned by manie worthie Princes and lawes and was a wonder of the world It was the holy Citie because it was dedicated to the Lords seruice though the people were euill that dwelt in it and misused it The gospel saith the Deuill tempting Christ our sauiour tooke him into the holy Citie set him on a pinacle of the temple and Christ our lord foreseeing the destruction of it to be at hand wept for it This was then the cause of Nehemiahs sorrowe that God was dishonoured for that this Citie which was dedicated to his name and giuen to his people to serue him in was now defaced by heathen Princes his religion decayed people subiect to straungers Azelous man cannot abide anything without great griefe that seemeth to deface the glorie of his God But if these causes were not yet the natural loue to his countrie had beene sufficient to moue him to teares For as it is a pitifull sight to see a Prince or Noble man to be cast from his dignitie to be spoyled of his honour landes and goods and become a carter and driue the plowe or lie tyed in prison so surelie it must needes moue any heathen man to see the Citie where he and his elders were borne and buried to be ouerthrowne lie open to all enemies vnfenced with walles or gates and be inhabited with a few cottegers and no better then the poorest ragged hamlet in a countrie much more Nehemiah must needs be touched for this citie wich was so famous through out the world There may be good reasons alledged beside these why he should weepe for his Citie and countrie as because it was a great reliefe and succour in all needes to all that liued in it from time to time and a greate strength to the countrie about it But what is that to be sad for the place where his elders were buried Is there any holynes in the ground that it is better to be buried there then els where Or the deade men aniething the worsse if they be pulled out of their graues What is the cause In deed it was called holie in diuers places of the Scriptures as other outward things be that are appointed and consecrated to a holie vse S.
Mathew sayeth that diuers dead bodies after the resurrection of our Lord and Master Christ Iesus rose out of their graues came into the holie Citie and appeered to many This holines came not by holie-water casting or hallowing of popish Bishopps which halowed Church or Church yeard but by gods appointing choosing it for his dwelling place where he would be worshipped as the Psal. teacheth The Lord hath chosen Sion he hath chosen it for adwelling place for him-selfe this is my resting place for euer heere will I dwell because I haue chosen it So on gods behalfe and appointing it for a place where he would be worshipped it was holie though the wickednes of the people had defiled it and iustlie procured gods anger to destroy it Christ Iesus our Lord finding his temple ful of all vsurers buiers and sellers gata whip and draue them out saying my house is a house of praier but ye haue made it a denne of theeues So by Gods appointing it was a house of prayer and by mans misusing of it a denne of theeues And he seeing the wickednes of the people in it wept for it and said Ierusalem which killest the Prophetes and stonest to death them which are sent to thee how oft would I haue gathered thee as the henne doeth her chickens vnder her wings and thou wouldst not The Prophets of old time for the wickednes of the people in it haue likewise rebuked Ierusalem sundrie times How is this faithful Citie which was ful of iustice now become an harlot And againe heare thou harlot speaking to Ierusalem Thus one thing by Gods appointing it to a holie vse may be called holie and by mans misusing of it become most vnholie But the place it selfe maketh nothing holie as it is written God chose not the man for the place sake but the place for mans sake and therefore this Citie did not make the dead men holie that were buried in it nor anie thing the worsse if they were buried out of it Therefore the papists are both wicked in teaching the people that one place is more holie then another to be buried in as in the Church rather then in the Churchyeard neere the high altar rather then in the body of the Church and they are theeues also in picking poore mens purses for the same In these were many abuses as in any one thing But he that wil keepe these three rules shall not erre First That he doe not cast out the dead bodies vnburied to be deuoured of wilde beasts nor burie them in dunghils ditches or such like places where none else is buried Diogenes when his friends asked him How he wolud be buried bad them cast him out it skilleth not how Why saie they the beasts will deuour thee Nay then saieth hee lay my stafe by me and I shall driue them awaie A barbarous saying and meete for a heathen man Yet I thinke the laying of the metyarde in the graue with the dead man came vp on some such like cause or else to driue away deuils Socrates whē he was asked the like question answered more honestly and bad burie him so as were moste easyfor his friends The second is to auoid great cost sumptuousnes as Shrines Tombes Tapers Torches Candles mourning-coates feastings c. which do no good to the dead are to chargeable vnprofitable to their friends Yet if Ciuil pollicy adde some solemnitie to Princes noble men as their coate Armoure flagge sword heade-peece recognisaunce I dare not vtterly condemne it and yet would wish it more moderatly vsed then many times it is As there was difference in them while they liued from the common sorte state so there may be in their burialls for polliciessake but for no religion or holines at al. The third thing to be obserued is that no superstition should be cōmitted in them wherein the Papists infinitelie offend As in masses diriges trentalls singing ringing holi water halowed places yeares daies moneth mindes crosses pardon-letters to be buried with them mourners de profundis by euery lad that could saie it dealing of money solemnlie for the dead watching of the corps at home bell and banner with manie moe then I can reckon These three abuses taken awaie remaineth that comely order which Christian charitie requireth as to haue neighbours quietlie to accompanie the corps to the graue as it was in the poore widowes sonne of Naim Brotherlie to comfort those that lost their friends as the Iewes did Marie Martha for their brother Lazarus to confirme faith in the resurrection of the dead in the selfe same bodie that there is put in the earth to prepare them-selues to die daily not knowing when our course shal come To praise the Lord that graunted the man so long a life among vs with honestie and in the end gaue him a stedfast faith to seeke his saluation onelie in Christ Iesus who hath conquered death hel sinne by his owne death and by his rising from death hath iustified vs and will raise vs vp from the graue in the end to liue with him in heauen without end The comely vsing ofthese in Gods Church is a great comfort to all good Christians and the want of them a token of Gods wrath and plague Abraham was promised burial in his ripe age as a blessing from God Iosias was promised that he should be buried in peace and not see the plagues that should follow the Gabeonites are praised of God and rewarded also of Dauid for that they buried King Saul and his sonne though the father was an ill man contrariwise to King Ieroboam and Achab was threatned for a plague that he and his posteritie should not be buried but deuoured of beasts and to King Ioachim was fore-tolde it that he should be buried as an asse for his falling from God Tobias was cheifelie commended for burying the dead bodies of his countrie men that were cruellie slayne Thus burial is commended to want it was great reproofe Ieremy threatneth them that for their wicked life they should be pulled out of their graues The place of burial needeth no bishoppes blessing nor Popish halowing but euerie comelie place is holy enough so it be reserued for that vse onelie It is called in the Greeke Coimiterion that is a sleeping place and in the hebrew Beth-haiaim that is the house of the liuing thereby to teach vs that the body sleepeth the soules liue as Salomon saith the earth shal goe to the earth from whence it was and the soule shal returne to him that gaue it Abraham bought a feeld to burie his in and there was he and his posterity buried and that was a common custome continued long after by the iudges and kings of Iuda So Gedeon and generallie the rest were buried It is said of King Osias that he was buried in the feeld where the other Kings
which might iustlie offend the king also that he would so moue the Kings heart that his request might be graunted A worthie example for all Christians to follow in their sutes making to the Prince He goeth not to anie great man nor to anie other which was in fauour with the king to desire him to speake for him to commend his cause to perswade the King to graunt his request which he might lawfullie haue done Also he offereth no rewardes nor like pleasure to any man but turneth him to the God of heauen as the cheifest gouernour of all goodnes which setteth vp rulers putteth downe Kings and is King of Kings and praieth him to prosper his sute He praieth to no Idols nor saintes though he liued among that Idolotrous nation for he knew they could not help him but faithfully called on the liuing God which his good fathers had worshiped of olde time This prayer was not so much in speaking or kneeling but a lifting vp of his minde towards God and desiring him to further his sute Anna made like prayer when she powred out her sorow before the Lord mouing her lippes but speaking neuer a word In so much that the hie Priest thought she had bene dronken For it falleth out oft that in great sorow a man cannot let a teare fall the heart being oppressed with griefe and yet he at another time will weepe tenderlie So in prayer oft times the more earnestlie that a man prayeth the lesse he can speake his heart being so earnestlie giuen to call on the Lord. As when Moses was in great heauines and prayed for the children of Israell being in that great distresse God sayd vnto him why criest thou vnto me and yet there is not one worde written that he cried or said It is the praying and crying of the heart that God is so much delighted withal and yet neuer the worse if it burst out into words and shew it selfe Let no man then excuse him selfe say he cannot pray except he were in the Church or in his Chamber alone for in all places he may lift vp his minde to God though he were in the market or Mountaine and with hartie prayer though he speake not at all desire the Lord to heare him as Nehemiah doeth here in the presence of the King and manie others and no doubt if he pray in faith and for such things as further the glorie of God the Lord will heare him Let vs learne here to begin all our doings with prayer vnto the Lord we shall speede so much the better 5. And I said When Nehemiah had made his short prayer in so earnest a faith and perceiued the Kings good will towards him then with all humblenes not appointing the King what he should doe but referring all to his consideration and wisdome desireth him that if he thought it good if Nehemiah him selfe were thought a fit man for the purpose or his seruice had bene acceptable to the King that it would please him to send him to Iury to the city where he was borne and his Elders lay buried that he might build it vp againe No marueil that Nehemiah was afraid and prayed earnestlie for good successe in his sute for he knew well that the Iewes were counted a rebellious people and hated of all countries about them and the King might thinke him to make his sute for building of Ierusalem that they might settle aud strengthen them-selues against him other Kings and claime their olde liberties that they had a fore But God so mooued the Kings heart that he had no suspition of any such enterprise by Nehemiah his faithfull and trustie seruant With such modestie Princes would be dealt withal and not roughly nor vnreuerentlie for so Nehemiah doeth here most dutifullie Yf many men had their choise at the Kings hand now adaies to aske what they would as Nehemiah might haue done here would they not haue asked Castles Lands Offices and authority for them and their issue that they might haue bene great men in the world and not the building of a Citie which would haue bene a trouble and cost vnto them rather then any profit and when they had finished it it had not bene their owne but other should haue enioyed it and they little the better for it But such is the zeale of them that loue the Lord that they will seeke to build and not to pull downe as many doe and will preferre all things that may further the glorie of God though it be with their owne losse rather then seeke their owne profitte with the hinderaunce of it Terentius a noble-man Captaine vnder the Emperour Valens when he had bene in warres and sped well the Emperour liking well of his good seruice bad him aduise him-selfe what he would make sute for and he would reward him liberally Terentius being a zealous man in Religion and perceiuing the greate herisie of the Arrians to be much fauored and the Emperour himselfe being thought to be infected there-with could not abide such blasphemie against Iesus Christ our Sauiour put this supplication in writing and with most humble reuerence and earnest desire required the Emperour to graunt him his request he would think his seruice fully recompensed The effect of his supplication was that it would please th'emperour to graunt the true christians a Church to serue worship the Lord Iesus in seperatlie from the Arrians which disnoured him for it was not fit among the Christians to heare such blasphemie against the lord Christ as they spewed out The emperour reading his supplication and considering the effect of it was very angrie pulled it in peeces and threwe it away chyd with Terentius that he could deuise nothing to aske but that Terentius gathered vp the peeces of paper curteously and said If he could not be heard in Gods cause he would not make further sute for his owne profit O noble Captaine where is thy fellow who hath done the like but Nehemiah here Ester and some few other God increase the number of such religious men about Princes and then they will not gape so fast as they doe to pluck and pull away from god and his ministers al that they may scratch or scrape to the dishonour of God defacing of his glory decay of the ministery Religion al good learning thinking most highly of them-selues that they be worthie to haue all things where in deed they deserue least and the more they get the lesse ar they satisfied It is a full contentation to all good men when they see God glorified in his Church word and ministery for then they know if they dutifully seeke that the Lord wil not see them lacke that which shalbe necessarie for them and they wil content themselues with that portion that God giueth them and will not greedely seeke for other mens things wrongfully to the dishonour of the high God 6. And the king said When the King
others vntil he haue aduised him-selfe priuatelie first what is best to be done and so shall he be best able both to render a reason of his owne doings and also to iudge who giueth best aduise 16. The Magistrates knew not whither I went or what I did and to the Iewes the Priests the Nobles the Rulers and the rest of the worke-men I tolde nothing hitherto 17. And I said vnto them ye know the miserie that we be in how Ierusalem is wasted and her gates burned in the fire come let vs build the walls of Ierusalē that we be no more a reproch 18. And I told them of the hand of my God that it was gratious toward me and also the Kings word that he spake vnto me and they said let vs rise and build and they strengthened their hands to good NEhemiah not onely like a Godly zealous man is diligent to set forward this worke but also like a verie wise man sheweth in his doings the chiefe properties of him that hath weightie matters committed vnto him He that hath great matters to doe must be faith ful and trustie and also secret and keeping counsel close as the Poet saieth Fide taciturnitate est opus And where euerie sorte must be made priuie in such a worke hitherto he had opened it to neuer a one 19. And I saied vnto them After Nehemiah had thus long kept his purpose secret and diligentlie vewed the walls how great the breach was how it might be best and speedelie repaired and was able to talke with all sorts and render a reason of his doings to euerie one both high and lowe in authoritie to the common sort of the Iewes to the workemen Priests and Rulers he now propoundeth the matter vnto them all in few words after he had declared the miserie that they were in and how that famous Citie laie open to all enemies to inuade to their great shame exhorteth and encourageth them to fall to the building of the walls and liue no more in such shame and reproch as they had done but recouer their olde estimation againe for he had found fauour both in Gods sight and the Kings There be two kind of reasons to perswade a man to doe anie thing the one is if he declare how hurtfull and shameful it is to doe or suffer such a thing to be done or vndone The other reason is to open vnto him what good help and encouraging there is to set it forward The shame was great that for their great sinne and disobedience gods people who craked so much of their good god should liue in such slauerie vnder infidels as though their God could not or would not deliuer them The hope to prosper well in this building was great for that both God the King had shewed great tokens of their goodwills for the furtherance of this good worke Both these kindes of perswasions he vseth here his words be not manie but effectual For as the shame was to loose their Citie so the glorie shold be greater in recouering it wise men vse loue few words for either those will serue good men or moe will not The wofull sight of those broken wals this miserable slauery of the people in it were sufficient to mooue a stony heart to pitie though neuer a word were spoken by anie man but those weightie reasons well considered made them all to fall to worke with great courage What man had so litle feeling of God and honestie that would not help to build Gods Citie and their owne countrie Those that loue to heare them-selues talke and with many words to couller their ill meaning may here learne how a simple trueth plainlie tolde in few words worketh more in good mens hartes then a faire painted tale that hath litle trueth and lesse good meaning in it An honest matter speaketh for it selfe and needeth no coullouring and he that vseth most flatering subtill words maketh wise men mistrust the matter to be ill A few words well placed are much better then a long vnsauerie tale 18. And I tolde them After that Nehemiah had brieflie set afore them the miserie they liued in the cruell destruction of Ierusalem which God chose for him selfe to dwell in and what shame it was for them not to recouer by weldoing that which their fathers for their wickednes lost he now declareth vnto them as a ful reason to perswade any man that would be perswaded and saieth both the hand of his God was gratious toward him in this enterprise and the Kings words were very comfortable When a man hath both God and the king of his side what needeth he more who can hurt him what should he doubt or be afraid of what would he haue further God had giuen him such a fauour in the Kings sight that as soone as he asked licence to goe build the Citie where his fathers lay buried it was graunted and the liberalitie and good will of the King was so great that he graunted him both souldiers safelie to conduct him to Ierusalem and also commission to his officers for tymber to this great building What should they mistrust or doubt of now There wanted nothing but a good will and courage on their side if they would rise and worke lustelie no doubt the worke would be finished speedelie Nehemiah still calleth him his God as though God heard his prayer onely and moued the kings heart to giue him licence to build this Citie which many diuerse times had wished and laboured for and could not get it He thought this to be so great a blessing of God that he can neuer be thankfull enough for it and therefore calleth him his God He that loueth his God earnestlie reioyseth in nothing so much as when he seeth those things prosper whereby Gods glorie may be shewed forth He careth more for that then for his owne pleasure profit And when such things goe backward it greeueth him more then anie worldly losse that can fall vnto him selfe And though some wauering worldlings may say the King might die or chaunge his good wil from them and god many times when he hath giuen a good beginning for a while yet in the end he cutteth it of by this meanes discourage other from this worke will them not to medle The time might chaunge and then they might be blamed and Nehemiah although he was in great fauour with the King at this present yet being absent long from the Court might sone bee forgotten others that beare him no good will might creepe in fauour and bring him into displeasure for in the Court commonly out of sight out of minde These and such other reasons would soone withdraw dissemblers from their good furtherance of this worke Yet God so wrought with them all that they all boldly tooke this worke in hand and finished it God of his great goodnes for the better exercising of our faith hath thus ordered the course
of things that although when we looke into the world we shall finde many things to withdraw vs from doing our dueties to his maiestie yet by his holy spirit he hath giuen vs faith and hope of his promised goodnes that nothing should discourage vs from doing our dueties for we haue him on our side that hath all things at his commaundement and whose purpose none can withstand Let the world therefore wauer neuer so much Let it threaten neuer such crueltie let it counsel and persuade as crastily as it can to medle in no such matters of God Yet good men cannot be quiet vntill they haue shewed their good will to the vttermost of their power for the furtherance of Gods worke and obedience of his will Abraham when he was bidden to leaue his countrie and kinsfolke and goe into that place that God would shew him might haue manie reasons to stay him as that he could not tell how to liue when he came there that he should want the comfort of his friends liue amongst strangers and those that would rather hurt him then help him yet none of these could stay him but he would follow whether the Lord would lead God badde him sacrifice his sonne Isaac hauing no issue and yet promised him that in his seede all nations should be blessed Abraham could not tell how these two should stand together both to kill his sonne and to haue issue of him yet he doubted not in faith but rather then his promise should not be true God would raise him from death to beget and raise vp seed after him When Isaac going to besacrificed asked his father where the sacrifice was that should be killed for he had the wood on his back and the fire in his hand Abraham not doubting though not knowing how where nor when it should be done said God will prouide him-selfe a sacrifice my sonne and proceded to sacrifice his sonne vntil the Angel staied him and shewed him a Ramme in the bushes which he should offer vnto the Lord in stead of his sonne The Apostles when our sauiour Iesus Christ sent them out to preach without bagg or wallet monie or staff made no question how they should liue or defend them-selues against so many enemies or how they should teach others that neuer went to schoole them-selues to learne but obeying his commaundement and beleeuing his promise went forth boldly and did their message diligently and God blessed their doings wonderfully When they came againe vnto him and tolde him how well they had sped he asked them whither they wanted any thing by the way while they were in his seruice and they said nay Thus good men will not be withdrawne from seruing their God though many worldly reasons might withdraw them and God will so encrease their faith to goe forwarde that nothing shal discourage them They wil rather stick to Gods promise then any cunning practise of man A good beginning is a great reason to persuade a man that God will giue good successe vnto the end Dauid comforteth him-selfe to kill Goliath because he killed a Lion and a Beare when he was young keeping sheepe God neuer doeth anything in vaine but when his faithfull seruants take things in hand of meere loue and duty to further his glorie he euer bringeth it to good effect The good successe that God hath giuen vs afore should persuade vs that he will giue vs more Hipocrites faint harted souldiers dubble dealers and those that be not grounded vppon a sure faith hope of his promised goodnes oft faile of their purpose through their owne default God hath promised nothing to such dissemblers those that trust him he neuer faileth Let al those therefore that feare the Lord vnfeinedly boldly begin the Lords worke continue it sted fastly looke for the mighty furtherance of the same faithfully no doubt they shal haue it Who euer to this day trusted in the Lord in vaine but he had good successe in his doings Let no man mistrust Gods goodnes to further those good things that he taketh in hand let vs worke diligentlie and commit the successe to him boldly no doubt he will bring it to good passe When they had well considered Nehemiahs words and his good counsel they cast all perils away and said lett vs rise and buyld those decaied walles Let vs linger no longer but speedely fall to labour and recouer that with our diligence that our fathers lost by disobedience Now they buskle and bowne them-selues to this worke they spit on their hands and take better hold then afore they buckle them-selues to labour with courage not to be driuch from it any more So much can a few words spoken in the feare of God vprightlie by some man at some times doc that cannot be gotten at other times by many persuasions Aggeus when they had lien many yeares on sleepe forgeting the buylding of Gods house with like few words so encouraged them to worke that they finished the Temple in foure yeares which afore had lyen almoste 40. yeares vnlooked at So can God make them earnest in a shorte time when pleaseth him which afore had bene colde and negligent And this courage that they gather now camerather by gentle persuasions then by fearefull threatnings for good natures are moued rather with the glad tidings of the Gospel then sharpnes of the law The law threatneth correction the gospel promiseth blessings the law killeth the gospel quickneth the law breedeth feare the gospel bringeth loue the law casteth downe the gospell reareth vs vp the law laieth our sinne to our charge the gospel saith Christ hath paied the price for our reconciliation A gentle kinde of preaching is better to winne weake myndes thē terrible thundring of vengeaunce yet is the law most necessarie to be taught to pull downe froward hearts and bring them to knowledge of them-selues I see diuers of the Prophets terribly threaten the wickednes of their tyme yet I see none of them that doeth so mightely dissuade them from their vngodlie life as Aggeus and Nehemiah with their milde dealing bring so many to repentaunce Both be good and necessarie but the gospel more comfortable and the law fearefull feare maketh a man many tymes to flie from ill but loue maketh him willingly to do good Salomon saith loue is as strong as death for as all things yeald vnto death so nothing is to hard or painfull for him that loueth but he will aduenture at all perils vntil he get the thing that he loueth S. Paul saith who shal seperate vs from the loue of Christ Iesus Shall trouble anguish persecution hunger nakednes Ieoperdie or the sworde if thou wouldst haue a man earnest in any thing rather draw him to it by loue then driue him to it by feare bring him once to loue it earnestly and nothing shall make him afraid to stand to it manfully Feare maketh men colde discourageth them and
When Belsazar King of Babilon made his drunken feast to his great men and called for the vessels and Iewels which Nebuchadnezer hrought from Ierusalem that he and his harlots might eate and drinke in them in despite of the liuing God of Israell A hand appeared writing on the wall which Daniell expounded when none of his sowthsayers could doe it and said his Kingdom should be taken from him and so it came to passe For the same night Belsazar was slaine and Darius King of the Medes possessed his Kingdome A iust rewarde for al such drunken mockers of God his people Religion and Ministers and yet our merrie tossepots will take no heede Sara saw I smaell playing with Isaac her sonne and said to Abraham cast out the handmaid and her sonne for he shall not be heire with my sonne But S. Paul alledging the same text calleth this playing persecution saith as he that was borne after the flesh didpersecute him that was borne after the spirit so it is now but the scripture saieth cast out the handmaide and her sonne for he shall not be heire with tbe sonne of the free-woman so shal all scornefull mockers Iesters and Railers on God his worde Religion and People be cast out into vtter darknes and not be heires of gods Kingdome with his children This playing and mocking is bitter persecution and therefore not to be vsed of good men nor against good men and louers of Religion yet at this day he is counted a merie companion and welcome to great mens tables that can raile bitterlie or iest merely on the ministers Such is our loue towards God his worde and ministers but sure he that loueth God and the worde in deede cannot abide to heare the Preachers ill spoken of vndeseruedly I cannot tell whither is worsse the scoffer or the glad hearer If the one had no pleasure in hearing such lewd talke the other would not tell it The other thing they charge the Iewes with all is Rebellton falling from the King and setting vp a Kingdome amongst themselues When Elias rebuked Achab and the people to returne vnto the Lord Achab saith vnto him art thou he that troubleth Israeli nay said the Prophet it is thou and thy fathers house rebuking him and teaching trueth was counted troubling of the common wealth and the King What was the cause that King Saul and his flatterers hated poore Dauid so much and so cruellie sought his death but that the people songe after that Goliah was slaine that Saul had killed a thousand and Dauid his ten thousand which was as much to saie as they thought that Dauid was a mightier man then Saul and meeter to be King Daniel set open his windowes and contrary to the Kings commandement prayed thrise a day vnto the liuing Lord and therefore was accused of disobedience to the King and cast to the Lions den to be deuoured of them The Israelits in Egipt when God blessed them and encreased them to a great people were accused that they waxed so many wealthie that they would rebell against the King and therefore to keep them vnder were oppressed by the taskemasters and set to make Bricke for their buildings When our Lord master Christ Iesus was borne the wisemen asked where the King of the Iewes was Herod was mad and killed all the children of two yeares olde and vnder lest any of them should come to be King and put him downe When our sauiour Christ said his kingdome was not of this world then said Pilate thou art a King then Whereupon the Iewes tooke occasion to accuse him of treason and said eueryone that maketh him selfe a King speaketh against the Emperour for we haue no King but the Emperour The Apostles were accused that they had troubled the common-wealth by preaching Christ and filled Ierusalem with their doctrine contrarie to the commaundement of the Priests and Elders Iason was drawen out of his owne house for lodging Paul being accused that he had troubled the world and disobeyed the Emperour When Saint Paul had preached Christ in Athens he was accused for troubling the state by teaching his new doctrine thus euer the building of Gods house by preaching of the Gospell hath bene charged with rebellion disobedience to Princes and troubling of the common-wealth and peace But good men haue not bene dismaied at such bigge wordes but with good courage haue proceeded in their worke hauing the testimonie of a good conscience that they be not guiltie of anie such thing 20. And I answered This was the first push but not the worst that they had to discourage them for proceeding in this building and not vnlike but it made some afraid to heare such bigg wordes and so great matters laide to their charge by men of such authoritie as they were But as they were not ashamed so vniustlie to accuse Gods people so Nehemiah steppeth forth as boldly aunswereth for them all and defendeth their doings A worthie example for al those that be in authoritie to follow they haue not the sword committed vnto them in vaine they ought to defend both by word and deede in their well doings those that be committed vnto them Their duetie is not to suffer Gods enemies to inuade or hurt sclaunder or blaspheme those that they haue charge ouer but draw the sword if neede be to driue awaie such wolues and punish such wicked tongues It is not as we commonlie say when any daunger or persecution ariseth for the doctrine or that the ministers are vntruely reported of let the preachers defend it it is their duetie and vocation we are not learned it belongeth not to vs our care is for the common-wealth onely Religious magistrates will neyther doe so nor saie so they will not suffer as much as in them lieth the Church Religion doctrine nor the ministers to be ill spoken of reuiled defaced nor ouerrunne They be mouthes to speake for Gods people as Moyses was vnto Pharao they be hands to fight for them they be Rulers to defend the good and punish the euil Iephthe when the Ammonites fought against Israel defended the cause in disputation by words and after in battaile with sword The good King Ezechias when he receiued the blasphemous message and letters from Rabshakeh against God his Temple people and Religion he seeketh by all meanes to defend them all and encourage the people not to fall awaie from their God in that great daunger When Holophernes railed on God and his people Achior and Iudeth defend them and shee cutteth of his head When the great Giant Golias reuiled the people of God and prouoked them to fight with him hand to hand if they durst for the victorie none we found that durst doe it but poore Dauid with no strong weapons but his sling and a few stones killed that lustie champion and deliuered his people When Dathan Chorah and Abiram with 〈◊〉 fellowes railed against
that be hid in it is to be reuerenced of all sorts of men and with diligence and prayer is to be searched out as far as we may The new building of this olde destroyed Citie by Gods enemies putteth vs in remembrance how Sathan by his members had ouerthrowne Gods Citie and chosen people and where now all sortes of men lay on hands Iustelie to repaire it againe it teacheth vs our duetie how diligent euerie one should be in his degree to the restauring of Gods Citie his Church to his olde beautie and strength againe This Citie Ierusalem was first called Salem or Solyma where Melchisedech was king and met Abraham returning with the spoile which he recouered from the king of Sodom and his fellowes Melchisedech by interpretation of his name is first called the King of righteousnes and after the King of Salem that is of peace who representeth vnto vs Christ Iesus as the Epistle to the Hebrewes saith which is the King of all righteousnes and by whome all we are made righteous as the Apostle saith and is a Priest for euer after the order of Melchisedech and offered vp that sweete and sauing sacrifice of his owne bodie and hearts blood to pacifie the wrath of God against man and make peace betwixt them both as it is written to the Eph. 2. This citie afterwards was called Iebus where the Iebusits one of the nations did dwel whose land god gaue to his people of Israel these Iebusits came of the cursed seede of Canaan whome Noe his father cursed for mocking him in his drunkennes and inhabited this countrie vntill that worthie king Dauid recouered the strongest parte of it from them called Sion named it the Citie of Dauid after himselfe That noble captaine Iosue in deede conquered the whole land and deuided it among the Israelites but these Iebusits were partlie so strong dwelling in the mountaines that they could not be vanquished in short time partly the people so negligent that they wold not driue them out or destroy them as they were commaunded but suffered them to dwel among them to their great shame harme for they were euer like thornes in their sides to prick hurt them as it is written Iosue 23. Whereby we learne that as the Iebusites Gods enemies could not fully be conquered vntil Dauid came no more could the kingdome of Sathan be cleane ouerthrown vntill Christ Iesus the King of glory was borne of the seede of Dauid who conquered sin hel the deuil and possessed the holy hill Sion and made his people citizens of the heauenlie Ierusalem And like as they suffered the Iebusits to dwell amongst them to their great harme so sinne remaineth in our mortall bodies conquered in deede that it doeth not reigne ouer those that serue the Lord yet not cleane taken away but left for our exercise who hauing our mortal enemie dwelling within vs should fight against sinne vnder the banner of faith in Christ Iesus who onelie hath can and will continuallie defend his people subdue their enemies and giue his children the victorie How King Dauid wanne this Citie from the Iebusits is fullie declared in the 2. of Sam. 5. chapter And how Christ Iesus the Sonne of God conquered the whole kingdome of Sathan sinne death and hell the whole historie of the gospell declareth And as king Dauid when he had reigned 33. yeares noblie in Ierusalem died with great victorie so Christ Iesus our Lord and graundcaptaine after he had preached the kingdome of his father gat this noble victorie against death and all his enemies in the 33. yeare of his age by suffering death and triumphantlie ascending into heauen where he reigneth a glorious King for euer After that Dauid had recouered this Citie from the Iebusites it was continually called Ierusalem which is by interpretation the Lord he will see Salem alluding to both the olde names ioyned togither Iebus Salem chaunging one letter onelie In the gospel it is called the holie citie as when the deuil tempted Christ he tooke him into the holie Citie and set him on a pinacle of the temple which name it gate rather of the holie law word and Sacrifices that were taught there and offered then of that wicked and vnholie people that denied the Lord of life and required Barrabas to be deliuered But when it was destroied by the Romanes and not one stone left standing on another as Christ foretold it should be Elius Adrianus the Emperour for vaine glorie builded a new Citie and called it after his owne name Elia or Capitolina And when the heathen had gotten it from the Christians Pope Vrbane the second kept a councell in Fraunce and by his flattering friers stirred vp all Princes to recouer the holie land againe more like a superstitious Iewe putting holinesse in the place which then was inhabited with wicked people then like a true preacher of true holinesse But it cost manie Princes their liues lands and goods and yet not recouered wherof England felt his parte when King Richard the first went thither and was taken prisoner paid a great Raunsome to the impouerishing of the Realme As God gaue this Citie and people falling from him into his enemies hands so will he cast vs vp if we frowardly forsake him This Citie Ierusalem aster that it was recouered from the Iebusites was inlarged and fortified by Dauid Salomon Ozias and Ezechias and other good kings and had within it two chiefe hils Sion where the Kings Palace was built Moria where the temple was And after when the people encreased other two hils were taken into it Acra and Bethera as Iosephus writeth It had three wardes and walles within it Within the Innermost wall was the Kings Palace and Temple and the Preists lodging in the midle ward were the Prophets noble-men their schooles Leuits and Doctors By which we are taught how to place and esteeme learning and learned men schooles vniuersities and preachers which are not now much regarded In the vttermost dwell the Citizens marchants and artificers It was then 4. miles about and after enlarged to 6. It was most glorious in the time of our sauiour Christ for Herod and Agrippa had made great cost on it and Christ wept for it Dauid in the 48. Psalme describeth the beautie and strength of this Citie and biddeth them goe round about it marke and behold it and count the towers of it that were manie that the Lord might be praised for it The vttermost wall had towres 90. The midle wall had towres 14. And the innermost wall had towres 60. In the whole 164. towres as Iosephus and others doe write But I take it that it was so rather in the time of Christ then of Dauid or of this building now for as it increased in wealth beautie and strength so it did in pride riotousnes superstition contempt ofGod al wickednes so that this last and vtter destruction was at hand for refusing
to be suffered in any company so Gods Citie will not suffer such ill doers to liue amongst them but cast them out The Staires which be spoken of in the 15. verse and the Tombe of Dauid in the 16. verse conteyne good lessons in them if they be well applied forall outward things in this worldlie Ierusalems building haue a signification in them to teach vs to build the spirituall Ierusalem By these Staires the King came downe from his Palace on the hill Sion into the lowest parte of the citie and by the same steps all Suters went vp into the Pallace to make their petition So the mercifull Lord Iesus by taking our nature on him and being made man in his mothers wombe came downe from the boosome of his father in heauen into the lowest parte of the earth yea and humbled him selfe vnto the vilest death and hell too that we by the same ladder Steps and Staires of humblenes may climbe by faith from vertue to vertue into the heauens by Christ Iesus our Lord who is our onelie spokes-man and meane-maker vnto that high and mightie king God his father And as Dauid borne in Bethlehem when he had reigned 33. yeares ouer all Israel was buried in Ierusalem and great treasures laid in the graue with him with parte of which Hircanus deliuered the citie when cruel Antiochus besieged it so Christ Iesus borne in Bethlehem in the 33. yeare of his age was crucified and buried in Ierusalem in whose graue we finde great treasures of our Redemption for both our filthie 〈◊〉 sinnes are there buried with him and the sweet Balmes Spices Oyntements that he was imbalmed withall are there to be found by faith and no holines of the place that is forgiuenes of sinnes rising with him to life euerlasting in heauen In the 17. verse and the rest of the chapter following to the end is almost no great matter to be noted but the earnest 〈◊〉 of the Lenites and Preists which were sonie cheise men and Rulers as appeereth here and their bondseruants to set forward this building and for the most parte in repayring the innermost walls in the 1. and 2. warde Wherby we shall learne that they were not so beggerlie as manie would make them in our daies if they might haue their will but of good wealth How vaine are those foolish exemptions which the Pope giueth to his shameles shauelings that they should not beare the common burthens of the Church and common-wealth Saint Paul biddeth them and all others to pay tribute and taxes to whom they bedue and shew their obedience to the high or powers in all Godly things as well as any of the Laitie Our sauiour Christ paid tribute for him selfe and Peter and willed the Pharisies to doe the like but these vnprofitable Pharisaical drones because they will be most vnlike to him will pay none at all There is yet remayning here amongst vs a sorte not Popish as they pretend but carnest builders of Gods house in their owne opinion where in deed they be the ouerthrowers of it which are in effect as il Pharisies as the Papists be They wil take a benifice cute of soules promising solemnlie to feed the flocke but whe they haue turned their back they haue a dispensation in a box to lie from it and flock aud floute who so euer would haue them to continue there and doe their duetie con tending by lawe they may doe it stand on their defence Domine nos exempti sumiv God for his mercie sake take awaie such lawes graunt disereete officers that wil not dispence so vnaduifedly with euerie one for smal causes as is too commoblie vsed and giue those vnprofitable Caterpillers such remorse of conscience that they will take paines to seede the flock as wel as they feede them-selues eating vntil they sweat againe become Pillers to vphold Gods Church not powlers of his people nor so greedie to picke their pursses and plucke of the fleece as painfull to releeue and comfort the weake both in bodie and soules with holesome doctrine and corporal sode as the great God wil aske a straict account of them at the last day where their dispensation may not be pleaded nor will be alowed nor the dispensor can 〈◊〉 excuse him-self not them but both like wolues and 〈◊〉 shalbe charged Vae pastor Idolism 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 eorum de manu 〈◊〉 Ezec. 3. Full litle doe such men consider what assewel God hath committed to their charge and lesse they 〈◊〉 the charge 〈◊〉 haue taken in hand Iesus Christ came downe from heauen to preach his fathers wil vnto his 〈◊〉 sheepe and 〈◊〉 his pretious blood to purchase vs 〈◊〉 and these Idle laborours will not take paine to visit teach or feede them whom our Lord God hath bought so deerly God amend vs nll This second measure another part of building which is so of spoken of here is thought of the most parte of writers to be the second ward and wal which was called 〈◊〉 where the 〈◊〉 Prophtes and learned men did dwell and was deulded into 〈◊〉 man his portion to build or els were they appointed first to build the halfe hight of the wall for a time to be some succour for them against the enemies Some were so earnest in building that they finished the second hight vnto the top of the wall afore other had built the halfe hight As in the 20 verse 〈◊〉 burst out in a heat for soreadeth the hebre 〈◊〉 being angrie both with him felfe and others that were so 〈◊〉 in working and had done no more and in a 〈◊〉 rose vp and finished his portion in a short time Such anger is good when a man is offended with him-selfe or others that they be so slow in seruing their God and building his house it will make him more earnest and diligent afterwards In the 〈◊〉 verse 〈◊〉 is commended that he built so farre as the 〈◊〉 of the high Priest raught A small praise if the house were not of some greatnes And so other Priests against their houfes in the verses following and in the 28 verse I do but note it because that manie disdaine that any ministers should haue a house of any countenaunce But among all builders none are worthie more praise then these 〈◊〉 be They were no Iewes borne but descended from those heathen 〈◊〉 which deceiued Iouse by puttingon olde shoes and hauing 〈◊〉 bread in their bagges clowted sackes and broken bottles feining them selues to haue come a long iorney to be receiued amongst gods people By law the Iewes should haue destroied all heathen people at their entring in to the land of promisse but where by this pollicie Iosue had graunted them life libertie and so could not destroy them for his promise sake he gaue them to the Lord to serue the Priests in carying water cutting wood and such other drudgery works for the sacrifices So that Hebrew word signisieth
few words Standstil saith Moses behold and marke the end when ye are not able the Lord him selfe will sight for you these cruell enemies whom ye see this day ye shall neuer see any more And so it came to passe for by Gods mighty hand the Israelites passed through the Sea safe and Pharao with his people were drowned The scripture teacheth that the fearfull vnfaithfull murtherers adulterers inchaunters Idolaters and liers shal haue their parts in the burning lake of fire and brimstone If ye will not sticke vnto this God and feare him as children ought to loue and reuerence their father yet feare him as seruants doe their masters and as ill men doe which are afraid of punishment and forbeare ill doing for feare rather then for loue The greeuous punishment which is threatned to fearefull men is the second and euerlasting death bothe ofbodie and soule which whosoeuer hath any true feare of God in him will tremble quake when he thinketh on it be not therefore afraid of them but plucke vp your stomaches and boldlie stand in the defence of that Citie which the Lord God hath giuen you to serue him in To fight for sonnes daughters wiues and houses I thinke it were an easie matter to perswade anie man for they be our flesh and bones and we be readie ynough to such matters and surelie not without a cause for both the law of god the law ofnature bindeth vs to defend them in their wel doings Moses in his law saieth that if thou traueyling by the way doe sinde thine enemies asse fallen in the mire vnder his load thou shalt not passe by but help him vp surelie the meaning of this law was not for the asse but as Saint Paul alledging the like law thou shalt not mussle the mouth of the oxe that treadeth out the corne sayed Had God care for the Oxe Nay verely but for you it is writen that ye should feede your painful teachers which labour for you as the Oxe So I say this law was not made for the Asse his sake but euen for thy enemie who is ouerloden as the Asse was and speciallie those to whom thou art bound by nature for else thou art worsse then an infidel But in this matter men are sone resolued what to doe there is a harder matter in mens minds that is whether we should fight for Religion as these men did or no. We see great troubles in manie countries against their Princes in our days for religion and many doubt what they may do herein Let the case stand as these mens did it is sone answered These Samaritans Sanballat and his fellowes were no Princes but subiect to Artaxerxes as the Iewes were nor had anie authoritie ouer them they were Gods enemies and did the Iewes wrong that would not suffer them to goe forward with that building which the King had giuen them licence and commission to do Therefore they might iustlie defend them selues against such theeues Further here is to be noted also that they defend thē selues onelie doe not inuade the other offering anie violence to them but would quietlie enioy their owne if they might And this is a greate difference in the warrs whether a man stand to defense of him selfe his people in any cause or doe inuade others and offer them wrong Defending a mans selfe is alowed by all lawes in manie causes and yet in religion by flying and not by drawing the sword against his Prince but to rebell and draw the sword against thy lawfull Prince for religion I haue not yet learned nor cannot alow off it nor I cannot see how so manie martirs in all ages would haue submitted them selues to death willinglie if they might haue fought for it Peter drew his sword to cut of Malchus eare and would haue fought for his master but Christ Iesus bad him put vp his Sword for if the matter stoode by fighting he could aske his heauenlie father and he would giue many thousands of Angels to fight for him The Prophet biddeth the Israelites in their captiuitie in Babilon pray for the life of Nebucadnezar Balthasar his sonne seeke for the peace of the Citie in which they were prisoners and not trouble them S. Paul biddeth pray for all them that were in authoritie and then was Nero Emperour a beast in condition rather then a man yet he must be prayed for Dauid would neuer hurt King Saul though he might and had him in his daunger sundrie times might haue killed him if he would Therefore as Christ ouercame his enemies by suffring so they that be Christes shall get the victorie by patientnes bearing the crosse not by rebelling drawing the sword As Nehemiah therefore here encourageth the Nobles Rulers and people manfullie to stand in defence of their countrie Citie wiues children breethren and howses against their enemies so in the spirituall kingdome of Christ must the Preachers Pastors encourage all sorts from the highest to the lowest manfully to stand to that wholsome doctrine of saluation which they haue bene taught out of Gods holie booke and not be afraid nor chaunge with euerie blast of winde and turne with the world as all sorts in this land haue done to the offence of Gods maiestie and their great reproch and specially ofthose that were the heades and should haue bene staies to others Religion is not a thing at the pleasure of Princes to chaunge as they list though the outward circumstances in it may be chaunged by them but it is the vnchaungeable will and determinate pleasure of the almightie Lord of heauen and earth decreed by high Court of parlament in heauen afore the world was made and declared vnto man by his Prophets and Apostles in such times as his infinite wisdome thought meete and cannot be altered by anie man nor authoritie in anie age I am God and am not chaunged saith the Lord my thoughts and my waies are not like your thoughts and waies which are euer changeable and vncertaine but I am euer one and chaunge not Stick therfore fast vnto that Lord which shrinketh not a waie from his people but manfully deliuereth them by suffering we shall haue the victory as our Captaine Christ Iesus had for if we suffer with him Saint Paul saith we shall reigne with him In bearing his crosse and sufferance then standeth our conquest not in Rebelling in dying to him and not liuing to our selues Marke now the mightie hand of God fighting for his people and the cowardly harts ofthese boasting braggers how sone they come to nought they but hard tell that the Iewes vnderstoode their conspiracie how they thought to haue come sodenlie murthered them that they were readie in armoure to withstand and defend them-selues against them their harts faile them they runne away lay downe their weapons and the Lord defeated their whole purpose and deuises Thus lightheads they had that when they heard tell