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A07605 The Mahumetane or Turkish historie containing three bookes: 1 Of the originall and beginning of the Turkes, and of the foure empires which are issued and proceded out of the superstitious sect of Mahumet. 2 Of their conquests and the succession of the house of Ottoman, vntill the present reigning of Mahumet the third. 3 Of the warres and seege of Malta, which Solyman the great made to the great maister and brothers of that order. Heerevnto haue I annexed a briefe discourse of the warres of Cypres, at what time Selimus the second, tooke from the Venetians the possession of that iland, and by reason thereof I haue adioyned a finall discourse conteining the causes of the greatnesse of the Turkish Empire. Translated from the French & Italian tongues, by R. Carr, of the middle Temple in London, Gentleman. Dedicated to the three worthy brothers Robert Carr, William Carr and Edward Carr, in the county of Lincolne, Esquires. Carr, Ralph, of the Middle Temple.; Foglietta, Uberto, 1518-1581. De causis magnitudinis imperii Turcici. English. 1600 (1600) STC 17997; ESTC S112763 141,432 259

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others in dignitie So hath the Soldain foure Emir Quibir surmounting the rest in honour next vnto the Soldain For this word Emir betokeneth an Admerall and Quibir signifieth great So as this woord Emir Quibir is as much to say a great Admerall Besides they had in their society a great constable called in their tongue Derdard Quibir whom Paulus Iouius calleth the great Diadaro The Soldain being but a Mammaluch is chosen to that dignitie by the rest of the brothers as they doe elect the great Maister of the Rhodes and most often hee is of one of their Emirs Who being thus elected to be Soldain giueth to euery of the other Mammaluchs by way of reward a hundred Duckets for his welcome All which Mammaluchs were Christians Renies or sonnes of Christians as are the Ianizaries who in no case would receiue any Turke Moore or Iewe to be of their societie being all Liuerous for so the Turkes doe name them This Liuerous were aunciently named Hiberi and Circassi whom they call Cercaz among whom the Colchi Georgii Albani and others Christians who were Iacobits and Nestorians remaining about the riuer of Phaso otherwise called Phasis were accounted This Circassi beeing young whan the Tartarians dyd surprise and take them were carryed by troopes and solde to the saide Emirs with whom they were brought vp in the exercise of armes but chiefely on horsback who beecomming very valyaunt were made Mammaluchs obseruing the Mahumeticall law This order of the Mammaluchs beganne at such time as the king saint Lois was taken prisoner before Damyate which some cal Heliopolis among whom the first Soldain was named Melechsalem whom they dyd kill and was the cause that the sayd saint Loys was the more easily deliuered But to returne to Bazait this ouerthrow that the Turkes thus receiued nigh to the Golfe of Layasse by the Mammaluchs was the greatest calamitie that euer came to the Turckes whereof Bazait hauing receiued intelligence and perceiuing that his affaires had small good successe on that side retired his force into Sclauonye and there tooke the towne of Durazo aunciently called Dirrachium and Epidamnus perteigning to the familie of the Carlouichs who affirmed themselues to haue descended out of the house of the kings of Fraunce That is to say from Charles of Durazo surnamed de le Faix sonne of Peter Duke of Grauyn sonne of Charles second king of Naples and of Hungary in the right of his wife The which Charles was sonne of Charles D'aniou king of Naples brother to the said king saint Loys IN the yeere of our Lord God 1493. Bazait sent eight thousand horsemen vnder the leading of Cadum Bacha to ouer runne the Countries lying betweene Hungarie and Sclauonie against whom certaine of the Nobility of Hungary Croace and Sclauony dyd assemble themselues and encountered the Turckes nigh vnto the Riuer of Moraua auncientlie called Moschus where the Christians were ouerthrowen Fiue yeeres after Haly Bacha the Albaneze and Enuch with a great armie by sea made towardes the towne of Iara or Iadera situated on the shore of the Golfe of Venice in the coast of Sclauony And albeit that the forces of the Venetians which was very mightie on the sea pursued the Turkes yet durst they not charge thē which Haly Bacha perceiuing tooke at their noses the towne of Lepantho aunciently called Naupactum IN the yeere of our Lord God 1500. Bazait came in person to Modon that somtime was called Methones in Moree and tooke the same And after when Lewes the twelfth the French King ioyned in aliaunce with the Venetians against Ludouic Sforza the vsurper of the Duchie of Milayn Bazait at the request of Sforza caused tenne thousand horsemen to inuade the territorie of Friol insomuch as they approched euen to the towne of Triuiso in the view of the Citie of Venice For which the Venetians prepared immediatly a great armie on the sea against the Turkes with whom the Gallies of Fraunce vnder the charge of Seigneur Rauestaing as also the Gallies of the king of Aragon vnder the leding of the famous Don Ferrando Consaluo ioyned with which armie they dyd win from the Turks the Islands of Cephalonia and saint Mauro But vpon certaine conclusions of peace traicted by the meanes of Messire Andreas Gritti who afterwardes was Duke of Venice betwixt the Venetians the Turkes were againe surrendered yet the Gallies of Fraunce passed forwardes to the Isle of Lesbos otherwise called Metheline hopeing to haue subdued the same but not able to bring their enterprise to passe they returned home againe About this time beeganne the fame and renowne of Siach Ismael the king of Persia by surname called the Sophie according to the name of his father who was sonne to the Daughter of Vssuncassan and of one Seich Ayder that is to say the good Religioux for he was reputed among the Persians to bee a very good and holy man and a Prophet called Sophi of that sect new begunne among the Mahumetists which they call Sophi or Sophilar of the which I dyd speake beefore according to the which hee lyued Some holde opinion that hee was called Sophi of the Countrey of Sophena which was vnder his dominion But neyther the Turkes nor yet the Persians know what Countrey Sophena is The sayde Seich Ayder after the death of Vsuncassam was shamefully slayne by the commandement of Iacopbeg his brother in law doubtting that the people of Persia who meruailously were affected owardes Seich would haue deposed the sayd Iacopbeg and made Seich to haue beene theyr King For which Seich Ismaell hearing of his fathers death beeing than not passing eyght yeeres of age fledde to the towne of Leziam situated vppon the Sea of Abacuth commonly called Caspium where hee remayned vntill hee came to mans age and than returned into Persia where finding meanes to assemble but three hundered men thorough theyr help hee tooke the towne of Sumach and after increasing his number hee wanne the Citie of Taurys in Armeny with the towne of Syras where the good Armours are made Hee afterwardes vanquished and slew in fight Aluant sonne of Iacopbeg who made him-selfe King after the death of his father who was sonne to Vsuncassan Vncle to the sayde Ismaell and entered in league with the Prince Aladulad or Anaudule and the Soldain of Egypt by whome hee was drawne to mooue warre against Bazait against whom he obtayned sundry victories About this time Selym the youngest sonne of Bazait departed from Trebisconde whereof he was gouernour and without the knowledge of his father married with the daughter of the Cham of Tartarie Prezecopie Thorough whose aide and a great number of Horsemen which his brother in law called of the Turkes Chamogly or Canogly brought to accompany him hauing already gained the hearts of his fathers Iannizaries Hee enforced Bazait his father to leaue to him his Empire Which Bazait purposing to draw himselfe to the cost of the sea Maior otherwise named Pontus Euxinus and there to leade
last king of the line of the Gothes was slayne And taking hold of occasion the Sarazines so farre then proceded that they conquered in manner the whole kingdome of Hispain where they lost the name of the Sarazins and were called by the Spanierds Moores of the name of the countrie in Afrique from whence they came called Mauritania THE yeere 725. Eudes Duke of Aquitain otherwise called the D●chie of Guien discended from Alarie king of the Gothes who in the yeere of our Lord 412. at such time as the Emperour Honorius reigned dyd possesse the same duchie of Guien from whence passing into Hispain and from thence chasing the Vandales as before I haue sayde brought into Fraunce against Theoderick brother of Chilperick sonnes of Dagobert the second of that name which Theodorick was the last king of the ligne of Pharamond Those Sarazins who at that time were in Hispain conducted by Abderaman whom the French Historiographers doe call Adramar King of Cordoua who after their entrie into Fraunce tooke the townes of Bourdeaulx Tholose Narbone Nimes Arles and Auignon Platina Blondus Sabellicus and other Historiographers doe write that those Sarazins came euen to towres where they were fought with by Charles Martel father of Pipin and ouerthrowen so as all that euer was wonne by them before was againe recouered by the same King Charles and the Sarazins chased into Hispain where after they remayned more than 700. yeeres Vnto such time as Ferdinand the king of Aragon did win from them the Citie and Countrie of Granado which was in the yeere of our Lord God 1487. Howbeit ther tarried and remayned still sundrie townes and villages entier peopled with the Sarazins whom the Emperour Charles the fifth of that name comming to his dominions in Hispain found ther dwelling and caused to embrace the christian faith yet they could neuer bee cōpelled to chaunge their habit or the language of the Sarazins nor perhaps secretly their abhominable Mahometical sect what face outwardly so euer they shew In the yeere of our Lord God 500. the Sarazins of Africk did take the Isles of Corsica and Sardinia and two and twentie yeeres after they pilled and sacked the Isles of Candia and Sicilia and so held them more than two hundreth yeeres at what time Pope Leo was persecuted by the Lumbards and succoured by Charlemain The yeere of our Lord God 837. The Sarazins vnder the leading of Sultan Saua wan the port of Ciuitauechia in Italy and sacked the citie o Rome and the Church of Saint Peter with the Mont Cassin otherwise called Saint Germain which is the chiefe monestary or abbie of Saint Benet And twentie yeeres after that they tooke the port of Ancona and ouer ran all the coasts on that side of the Golfe of Venice and likewise those on thother side on the coast of Sclauonie and this done in the reignes of Lotharie son of Lois le Piteux king of Fraunce and Michaell Emperour of Constantinople about the yeere of our Lord God 900. they likewise assailed the territories of Pulia Calabria in the kingdome of Naples wan Mont Gargan otherwise called Le Mont Saint Auge when as Constantine sonne of Leo who was sonne of Basilius Emperour of Constantinople reigned and that Berengier of the ligne of the Lombards caused the eics of Lewes who was last Emperour of the ligne of the French men and sonne vnto to the Emperour Arnold to bee put foorth In the yeere 923. Roman the Emperour of Constantinople did stir the Sarazins to inuade the territories of Pulia and Calabria which rebelled against him Howbeit the Sarazins were ouerthrowen at the riuer of Garriglian by the Marquiz of Tuscan named Aulbry or Alberic at the especiall instance of Pope Iehan the eleuenth of that name In the yeere 930. the Sarazins wonne the towne of Gennes and spoiled all that coast of the Sea when the Berengiers occupied the Empire fortified the towne of Fraxinet which they kept 100 yeeres Thus the Sarazins continued inuading and spoiling the sertile regions of Italy while the controuersies were depending about the right of possessing the Empire betweene the French the Greekes and Lombards the discentions were on foote betweene the Popes the people of Rome in such sort as they enioyed the most part of Pulia and Calabria which they kept euen vnto the yeere of Grace 990 or thereabouts that they were chased both from thence and out of Sicilia also by Tancred de Haulte Ville or Haulte Fu●ille in Normandy who first beegan with them but ended by Guillaume Ferrabach sonne of the said Tancred with the help of Maloch leiuetenant of Michaell Cathalau Emperour of Greece And so they did bring back from the hands of the Sarazins Pulia Calabria and Sicilia whereof the said Guillaume remained lord in the time of Robert the French king and of the Emperour Otho the third of that name In the yeere of our Lord 1040. the number of Sultains or Soldains began to be many For in euery Prouince the Caliph as I before declared did institute one as at Damasco one at Hames another at Halep the third in Egipt another the like in sundry other places who falling at dissention one with the other did in the end reuoult from the obedience of the Caliph In Hispain likewise euerie of the Moors that could get vnder his obedience a citie or towne would immediately vsurpe the name of a king as at Granado Cordoua Toledo Sarragosa Ciuilia and Valentia In like manner was it vsed in Africk as at Tunes Tripolis Bugia Maroch Fesse and Tremessen and other places also there so as in manner no kinde of amitie or friendship was maintained among these kings but for the most part continuall dissention wars Wherof when the Turks had got intelligence who as yet rested vnder the obedience of the Caliph who were meruailously this while encreased both in wealth number of people and withall perceiuing that the Sarazins were wonderfully weakened and diminished through these intestine deuisions wars thus among them selues they made a king whō they called Sadoc which name is so much to say as Iust and inuaded the Sarazins whom within short time they ouerthrew so as therby they made thēselues shortly dominators ouer whole Persia and Syria alwaies with great reuerence regarding in no wise to touch the Caliph for the high estimation that they bare him who was suffered still to liue quietly at Baudras And at whose hands the said Sadocke would be named and created the Sultan of Asie howbeit he liued not long afrer After Sadoc his sonne Dogriz succeded who did annex to the gotten Empire of his father the country of Mesopotamia which Diogines the Emperour of Constantinople had recouered from the Sarazins at such time as they had warres among them selues as likewise the whole countrie of Cilicia which hee gaue to his cosen Arthot To Dogriz succeeded Aspalam his sonne who about the yeere of our Lord God 1080. did send his
which vnto that time had endured aboute sixe hunderd yeeres THE yeere of our Lord 1260. Allau and the King of Armeny againe did assemble their armies in the plains of Rohaiz to the ende to recouer the Citie of Hierusalem and the residue of the holy land Who when they had taken the tower of Rohaiz they remoued to Alep which was rendered to them the ninth day after the besieging thereof though the castle of Alep held foorth vnto the eleuenth day after that they besieged the Citie of Damasco which also was rendered where the Souldains of these two places beeing taken prisoners were sent into PERSIA with theyr Wiues and Children The Prince of Antioche at that time was called Raymonde de Austriche that married the daughter of the sayde King Hayton of Armenie to whome were giuen backe all the landes and territories which the Turkes before had bereft him And to the sayde king of Armenie was giuen the sayde towne of Alep and other places which were frontering and nigh to his dominions Howbeit as Allau was nigh to Hyerusalem there came intelligence that his brother Mango was dead Wherevppon Allau purposing to depart into Tartarie leaft in Sury with the king of Armenie a nephew of his called Guibogan named by Sabellicus Garbocao and by others Guithboga with tenne thousand horsemen And so ALLAV departed out of Sury towardes the towne of Almalech where MANGO deceassed But there hee vnderstood that the Tartaires had chosen to theyr King another of his brotheren named Cobila whome Paul the Venetian doth call Cublay with which Cublay the sayde Paul was verie familyar by whome the same Paule was sent into Fraunce vnto Pope Clement the fourth of that name in the yeere of our Lord God 1268. at such time as the French lost the Empire of Constantinople and that Carles de Aniou brother of the king sainct Lewes was made king of Naples and Sicilie Guibogan pursuing his enterprise conquered a great part of Surie with the help of the king of Armenie Howbeit he would not vtterly driue forth the Turks but onely made them Tributaries Whereby it came so to passe that the Christians of Sydon could not there abide the Turkes to bee so nigh their neighbours inuaded certaine villages of the Turkes theyr neighbors being tributaries to the said Guibogan and spoyled them and tooke prisoners of them and draue away their cattell Such as escaped came to Guibogan to complaine Who immediatly sent to the Christians at Sydon for redresse Howbeit in stead of amendes the Christians slew the messengers of Guibogan Wherevpon Guibogan gathered his power against Sydon and in the ende hee ouerthrew the wall of Sydon and the castle of Beaufort and therwith also did set a side a great part of the amitie that beefore hee dyd beare to the Christians of Surye The Christians in Sury being thus at dissention with Guibogan who also was a christian and come vnto their aide the Souldan of Egipt named Cathos and surnamed Melechmees that is to say a King of people made wars vpon Guibogan so that in a battell Guibogan was ouerthrowen and slaine wherby the countrie of Surie remayned vnder the obedience of the said Melechmees sauing certaine townes which the christians kept still in the yeere of our Lord 1274. At which time the towne of Damasco was shamefully lost and beetrayed and sold by a Sarazine that had the same in garde to Melechmees Allau this while being in Persia and aduertised of this ouerthrovv of Guibogan and the victorie of Melechmees thereof giuing intelligence to the kinges of 〈…〉 ie Georgie he raised a great army that ioyning with the forces of these two kings he purposed to haue entred into Surie to haue recouered that which there was lost and being in readines to haue set forward hee was sodainely taken with sicknes wherof within a while after he died Abagan sonne of Allau succeeded his father would not become a Christian as his father was but tooke vpon him the supersticion of the sect of Mahumet and made wars vpon his neighbours whereby the power and might of the Souldans of Egipt began meruailously to augment and encrease insomuch as Bendecar otherwise called Benedecadar whom Hayton calleth Benededar and by himselfe named Melechdaer which signifieth the aboundant or puisant king being Soldan of Egipt did winne the citie of Antioch vpon the christians with sundry other townes and after allied himselfe with the sarrares of Cumdnie and Cappad●●● after inuaded Armenia during such time as king Hayton the king of Armenia was tournied and gone to A●●al●●● towards Cobila or Cublay cham The two s●●● of the king of Armenia vpon such inua 〈…〉 made by the Souldan encountred ●he Souldan with a great Armie which consisted of twelue thousand horsemen fortie thousand f●●●●●●n 〈…〉 Souldan ouerthrew them did 〈…〉 with the 〈…〉 of one of those sons of the king of Armenia the other so● led captiue into Egipt Hayron hearing of this ouerthrow hastely 〈…〉 Armenia p 〈…〉 g that he could not 〈…〉 of Abagan to 〈…〉 he proceeded no farther but fell to composition with the Souldan Melechdaer and rendred to him the towne of Alep with Sangolassar a nigh kinseman of the said Souldan for the recouerie of his said sonne beeing prisoner as aforesaid who vpon the same conclusions was accordingly redeliuered to his said father King Hayton vpon the returne of the same his sonne did crowne him king of Armenia whose name was Thyuon after that Hayton entred into religion and named himselfe Macarie which signifieth blessed whē he had reigned ouer the Armenians fortie fiue yeeres died soone after how beit afore he died he pacified king Abagan with his neighbours the yeere of Grace 1273. After the death of king Hayton Melechdaer that had conquered Antioche Cilicia purposing further to enter into Natolye where were sundrie gouernours Captains of the Tartares beeing subiect to Abagan among whom thene was a Sarazin named Paruana who had secret conference with the Soldan Melechdaer wher of Abagan getting intelligence raised a great army and marched towards the Souldan which the Souldan vnderstanding the Soldan would not abide him but fled Abagan folowed him into Egipt so far as he could for the great heats of the countrie which enbarred him to proceede any further neuertheles in this chase he ouerthrew ●oe than two thousand ●●●●emen pertaining to the said Souldan and after Ab again returned into Natolie tooke Paruana caused him to be sawed in sunder with a sawe after the manner that the Far●●res doe vse so to be cut in go●●i●s pecces wherewith they being serued at their table they did ●ated 〈…〉 as the same meat endured After that Abagan had thus set in quietnesse the countrie of Natolie hee offered to giue the same to King Thyuon of Armenia but hee durst not receiue the same through seare of the Souldan of Egipt in excusing curteously himselfe aledging
for their feared harmes is much spoken of you may with others see the manner and growing of this continuing and admired felicitie heere by me deciphered though the meanes how by very few is seene saue such onely as are true spectators and obseruers of high reaching pollicie what my paines hath effected in this point I freely giue as you may boldly chalenge it for your due who desire nothing more then euer to be found the generall and perticuler seruant of your selfe and your most worthy brothers true iointenants by vndeuided moieties as our lawiers terme it of mee and what I may whereof the suruiuor whilst I suruiue may dispose of the whole And so with all duety done which may be demanded of a most affectionate kinsman and seruiceable friend I take my leaue from the middle Temple in London this 20 of March 1600. Your worships of all others most at command R. Carr. The second Booke Of the conquests made by the Turkes and the succession of the house of Ottoman I Supposed to haue ben acquited dispatched from your earnest suits and fully to haue satisfied your demaunds to the best of my knowledge and power touching the affaires and matters concerning the Turks Now you desire of me their progresse and continuances as it were from the father to the sonne how they haue proceeded attained vnto the conquests of so many regions which at this day they possesse and keepe Yet you consider litle the affaires wherwith I am cōtinually occupied nor the imbesilitie of my memorie that so redely should write vnto you a Historie of matters that haue passed two hundred yeeres more in Countries so far of sundry full of vocables names both right strange and different from our vulgar language Wherefore in this request if I satisfie you not in such good sort as your desire yet you ought to accept my paines in good part for be it well or euill it beehoueth mee to doe as you will haue me In the yeere of our lord God one thousand three hūdred at such time as the Emperour Henry the seuenth of that name purposed to renew in Italie the partialities diuisions of the Guelfes Gibelins at which time also reigned in France Philip le Bel there were in Natolie or Asia the lesse certaine Captaines of the Turks wher this nacion had continued euer sithens the passage and famous iourney of Godefroy de Bologne duke of Boullon and there had remained euer since the time that they presented themselues against the army of the christians before the citie of Nice which we may name Victoire anciently called Antigonia vnder their valiant generall named Solyman or Soleyman After which passed an hundred yeeres more that not any did speake of this Nation vnto such time as I haue said there were in Natolie sundry Captaines among the which more famous than the rest were Othman Caraman and Assan or Azam called by way of dignitie Begy or Bey which is as much as Seigneur or Mounsi●ur in our English tongue Lord howbeit the Turks doe abstract and withdraw from this word Begy this letter y and so doe call them Othmanbeg Caramanbeg Assambeg Othmanbeg who was very valiant and a man of great actiuitie allied himselfe with two Greeks Reniez and a third being a Turke borne the one of these Greeks was called Michali the other Marco Of the saide Michali are discended the Michalogli of whom there continue some at this day as likewise such of the lignage of Marco who are named Marcozogli the Turke was named Aramy of the race of whom called Auramogly none can be found that any knoweth the successours of this Auramy are accounted and reputed to bee of the bloud royall of the Turks and to them the Empire of the Turks should appertaine if euer the Othmans line should be extinguished With the helpe aid of these three Othmanbag aforesaid became of meruailous credit puissance in such sort as he cōquered sundry cities townes situated vpon the sea side of La Mer Maiour otherwise called in latin Pontus Euxi●us amōg them the towne of Syuas which the Greeks call Sebasie was one which is named by vs in fraunce Auguste Caraman did draw himselfe towards Cilicia where he rested called that region according to his owne name Caramania Assam repaired into Persia which the Turks do call Pharsic as also into Assiria which according to his name he caused to be called Azamie These last two and their successours haue euer sithens beene vnmercifully persecuted by Othman and his posteritie In such sort as vtterly they haue destroied Caraman his bloud gotten his countries But Assambeg notwithstanding which is called the Sophi right valiantlie doth defend his owne and liueth in continuall warres and enmetie with the Othmans This Othman reigned twentie and eight yeeres vnto the beeginning of the reigne of Phillippe de Valloys the french King Which Othman was so surnamed of a certaine towne or castle called Othmanach situated in Natoly betwixt Synope and Trebisonde the famous cities and left a sonne named Orcan who succeded his father in his dominions Or●an the sonne of Othman maried the daughter of Caramanbeg and after made cruell war vpon him causing to bee put to death his eldest sonne brother to his wife whom before hee had taken in battaile he tooke also the citie of Bursie which the auncients named Prusias At this very same time Andronico Paleologo then Emperour of Constantinople dieng did leaue his sonnes named Caloiany and Andronico vnder the gouernance regiment of Iohn Catacusan who though hee very prudently behaued himselfe during the time of this his regiment yet through the malice of the Patriarch and of an other person of base conditions and birth howbeit of meruailous credit after with the Emperour Catacusan was expelled who notwithstanding found the meane after to returne againe to Constantinople more strong than beefore and for the more assurance of himselfe he caused his daughter to bee giuen in mariage to the young Emperour Caloiany howbeit they could not so long remaine in concorde but that the Emperour secretly departed to the Isle of Tenedo where an army of the Geneuois to the number of threescore Gallies came to succour him who brought him backe to Constantinople and chased from thence Catacusan Now he immediatly repaired for aide to the Venetians through whose help retourning home assailed the army of the Geneuois riding with their Gallies in the Canall of Constantinople aunciently called Propontis howbeeit the victorie remained to the Geneuois and the Citie with Caloiany who in recompence of their worthy seruice rewarded them and their Captaine named Francis Cataluz with the gift of the Isle of Methelin in times past named Lesbos Who continued the possession thereof vnto the time that Mahumet the second did winne the same from Nicolas Cataluz the last Duke thereof This little deuision engendred after most cruell wars betwixt the Geneuois and the Venetians
if it had not beene that into Natolie was entered the great Prince of Tartary called Tamerlaine or Tamburlaine but by the Turkes Demirling and by some French Historiographers as Enguerrant named Le Grant Tacon de Tartarye but the Tartariens themselues doe call him Temircutlu that is to say the Fortunate Sw●ord or luckie iron descended of the race of one Cham of Tartarie called Zaym Cham of the Horde or multitude of Zauolba and Czahaday which is towardes the riuer of Rha or Volha which falleth into the Sea Dabacuth by the latins named Mare Caspium and Hircanum which Zaym was he whom the Polonians doe call in their Histories Bathy the first Mahum●tist of all the Tartares Tamerlaine was afterward Lord of Tartarie Precopie called by them Prezelzoph situated betwixt the riuers of Tanais which they call Don and Boristhenes called N●per and D●r●●z the which countrie of Precopie was in auncient time called Scithia Inferior now in possession of the Turke This Tamerlayne was for the most part resident in the great Citie of Samarcand which is toward the sea Caspium who caused himselfe to bee called the Scourge of God though his verie title of his dignitie was Vlucham which is to say the mightie Lord. Bazait hauing intelligence of the entrie of Tamerlayne into Natoly thought it requisit to raise his siege of Constantinople and with all diligence to encounter with the innumerable army of Tamerlayne where nigh the city of Dangory by our ancients called Ancira not far from the mountaine Stella which Enguerrant de Monstrelet doth call Appadi where Pompeius Magnus ouerthrew the famous Mithridates the mighty armies encountred and cruelly did fight in which conflict Bazait was vanquished and taken prisoner whom Tamerlaine caused to bee bound and made fast with chaines of gold and so to be put in a cage as though hee had beene a Lyon in which sort hee carried Bazait about with him through euery region of Asia as he passed so long as Bazait lined which was not aboue two yeeres after or therabouts who died Anno Domini 1400 after he had reigned twentie seauen yeeres about the twentith yeere of the reigne of Charles the sixth the french king From this conflict escaped certaine of Bazaits sons who supposing to haue passed into Europe chanced to fall into the hands of the Emperour of Constantinople who caused the seas surely to bee kept at that time An other of his sonnes named Cyris and by the frenchmen Quirici whom some also doe call Calapin or Calepin escaped ouer to Adrinopoli whose sirname beeing called Ciris Cheleby was but a little of dignitie and Noblesse giuen to the children of the great Turk as Achmat Cheleby Mahumet Cheleby or Mustapha Cheleby which is as much as to denominate a gentleman according as the Spaniards doe name their Nobilitie Don Alonso or Don Rodrigo and the frenchmen Charles Monsieur or Loys Monsieur being appropriate to their blood roiall Cyris reigned sixe yeeres or thereabouts and left behind him a son named Orcan when as his three bretheren named Musach Mahumet and Mustapha escaped out of Constantinople while the Emperour was gone into Fraunce to the sayd king Charles to require succours against the afornamed Cyris Musach slew Orcan his nephew for recompence himselfe was after slaine by his owne brother Mahumet And than first began they to deuise how the one brother might kill another which vnto this time they haue right well practized and put in vre Mahumet the first of that name after he had slaine his brother Musach vsurped the Empire and recouered all the whole Countries of Natolie which Tamerlayne before had wonne of Bazait This Mahumet remoued his seat imperiall from the citie of Bursie in Natolie to Adrianopoli in Grecia He made wars vpon the region of Valachie which some french histories doe call Valaigne and other Blaquie and of the ancients named Bessi and Triballi He also ouerthrew in battaile the Emperour Sigismond in the plaines of Selumbez and was the first of his nation that passed the riuer of Donaw or Danuby hee subdued the countrie of Bosnia made war vpon Caraman and died the yeere of our Lord God 1418 and in the xxxviii yeere of the reigne of the said King Charles after hee had reigned eighteene yeeres reconing therewith the yeares of Cyris which some doe not and left a sonne called Amurath Amurath the second of that name was in Natolie when his father died whereof so soone as hee was aduertised passed into Europe albeeit the Emperour of Constantinople did what he could to stop his passage who sent against him Mustapha his vncle sonne of Bazait whom the said Emperour had kept prisoner sithens the taking of Bazait as before I haue tolde howbeit Mustapha beeing to weake was vanquished slaine in battaile by Amurath who to reuenge himselfe vpon the Emperor of Constantinople spoiled and burnt the whole territory of Thracia in Grecia and tooke from the Venetians the notable towne of Thessalonica called now Salonichi which Andronico Paleologo before had sold them in dispite of the Emperour Constantine his brother after that the said Amurath entred into Seruia or Rascia constrained George Vucouich the Despot or Prince of that country to giue him in mariage his daughter named Irinye surnamed Catacusine notwithstanding which affinity hee afterward came against this Despot with an army and enforced him to flie into Hungary towards the Emperour Albert sonne in law to the late Sigismond the Emperour leauing his sonne George for the defence of his said Countrie this George was taken by Amurath who caused his eies to bee put forth though he was his brother in law After the death of the said Albert Lancelot brother to the king of Pole was chosen by the Hungarians for their King albeit that Albert had left his wife with childe who after the death of hir husband was deliuered of a sonne that at his Baptisme was also named Lancelot who after wa● nourished and brought vp vnder the keeping of the Emperour Frederic the third of that name and was the onely cause that the said Lancelot of Polen durst make no maner of enterprize against the Turks nor to inuade them least in the meane time the Emperour Frederic should haue annoied him vpon some other part and so haue set the other Lancelot the true king in his realme of Hungary During this time Amurath who could not long rest besieged Belgrado which they call Nandoralba and Alba Greca and by the Hungariens Chrieschisch but by our elders Taurinum situated betwixt the riuers of Danubia or Donaw and Sauus or Saua vpon a verie necke of lande where those two riuers doe ioyne togethers the which towne of Belgrado the said George Vucouich before had giuen in exchange for others to the said Emperour Sigismond for that it was the key and entrie to the kingdome of Hungarie After which at the suit and perswasion of the same George Vucouich the said king Lancellot raised a very great army
the residue of his yeeres in quietnesse dyed in his going thither empoysonned as was iudged by his sonne Selym in that they did drinke togethers at their departure Bazait reigned thirtie yeeres lyued threescore and three yeares dyed in the yeere of our Lord God one thousand fiue hundered twelue And in the fourteenth of the reigne of Lewes the twelfth the French king leuing behinde him Selym Achmat and Corchuth SELYM thus hauing attained to the Empire through the meanes aboue declared endeuored himselfe aboue all things to dispatch himselfe from the feare of his bretheren For which first hee caused Corcuth his brother to bee put to death who before had fled to the sea cost ouer against the Island of the Rhodes and there had hidden himselfe vntill hee might haue gotten shipping to haue past vnto the great Maister but being shamefully discouered by one of his owne men in the ende was strangeled with a bow string Achmat his brother dyed by lyke death being taken in battell accompanied with an able armie which hee had gotten togethers thorough the ayde of Siach Ismael and of Campson Ciauri Soldain of Egipt Yet through his fatnesse and vnweldinesse of body whereby hee was not able to abide labour on horseback and so to flye was taken put to death Selym being thus deliuered from his father bretheren deliberated to inuade the Sophy aswell for the auncient enmitie that was betwixt them as to reuenge himselfe of this new iniury for ayding his brother Achmat to make wars against him Howbeit that the more easely he might bring his purpose about he found meanes first to make peace with Lancelot the king of Hungary than for his greater suertie renewed the alliance league that he had with the Venetiās after which he set forward towards the Persiās whome the Sophy met accompanied with a great nūber of men at Armes nigh to Assiria wher these great Princes with their Armies fought a wonderful sore battell in vvhich the Sophy through the Turks Artillery had the worst was put to flight forsomuch as the Persian horses vvere neuer frequented to the noise thundring of artillery which they could not abide to heare This battell vvas fought in the plain of Calderan betwixt the cities of Tauris and Coy which citie of Coy sometime hath bene called Artaxata The maner of this battel is painted in the counsail chamber at Venice vvhich ther I haue seene is reported that Selym caused so to be done sent to Venice to the Senat ther. After vvhich conflict the citie of Tauris came into the hands of the Turks vvith a great part of the Realme of Persia Howbeit the Turks had no long possession of the same For Siach Ismael recouered al that he had lost right soone after In such sort as Thomas the sonne of the said Ismael holdeth the same at this day Selym now retourning out of Persia came to Trebizonda where he taried all the winter but the sommer next ensuing he inuaded the prince Aladolus othervvise called Anardule vvho frontered vpon the Soldain of Egipt towards a Towne of his called Alep by the french men named Halappe by the Turks Adelphe by our anciants Epiphania supposed to be called Aleph because it is the first Towne which that vvay leadeth into Sury Vpon an other coast he bordereth on the Turks toward the prouince of Icony vnto Armenia the lesse pertaining to the Persians All this country of Anadule vvas subdued by Selym Anadule himselfe taken and his head smitten off by commaund There rested now no mo in the contrary of Selym but onely the Soldain of Egipt vvho vvith a great Armie vvas come against Caythby the Emyr of Alep vvho being subiect to the Soldain had reuolted against him The armie of the Soldain was supposed to be about eight twentie thousand Horsemen the most part of vvhich consisted of the order of the Mameluchs vvho litle estemed the Turks considering that heretofore they had encountred them in other vvars giuen them the ouerthrow as before is declared But Selym politickly feigning as though he purposed to inuade the Sophy vvhereof he made a bruit to runne vvhan he vvas come nigh vnto the Towne of Aman called by our ancients Apamea situated betwixt Alep and Damas vvas instantly required prayed by the sayd Caithby to giue him succours and ayde against the Soldain Wherunto Selym accorded right soone as he that found vvhat he desired and a redy occasion for vvhich he had long looked Yet vvould he not vtter his thoughts therein least the two armies of the prince and subiect being ready in the feeld to fight and perceuing his purpose vvho in taking part sought so to ouer throw them both should accord togethers against him Wherfore immediately he raigned with the Emir Caith by bidding defiance to the Souldain Campson Ciauri with vvhom he fought in set field vvhere the Souldain vvas slaine and Caithby also as some doe say vvherby Selym remained Lord ouer all Siria Damas. Hierusalem Iudea The M●mcluchs vvho saued themselues in that battaile returned into Egipt vvhere vvith the others there they chose an other Souldain named Tomombey vvho before vvas Emyr of Alexandria hovvbeit Selym hotly follovving his fortune and victories entred into Egipt vanquished Tomombey in an other battaile tooke the great citie of Caire vvhich of some vvrongfully is called Carra named of other by more aparant reason Memphis vvhere vvhilst Tomombey vvould haue saued himselse on the other side of the riuer Nyle he vvas pursued by Canogly vvho passed the riuer by ships vvith ten thousand Horsemen the bridge that vvas made on boats ouer the same being cloyed vvith Ianizaries so as he vvas not able to passe that vvay by vvhich Canogly Tomombey being taken and brought back to Selym caused him straight to be strangled vvhereby the said Selym remained King of Egipt Anno Domini 1518. These victories thus attained Selym returned to Constantinople and purposing to remoue to the Citie of Adrianople died in his iournyeng at a village called Chiorlich vvhere before vvith his Tartarians he did fight vvith his father Bazait and vvas ouerthrowen Thus he died in the yeere of our Lord God one thousand fiue hundred and twentith of his reigne the eightenth yeere of his age the sixe forty yeere and of the reigne of the right Christian king Erancis the French King the eight yeere After that he had put to death three of his most worthy Bachas Chenden Bacha because he would haue mutined his Iannissaires entring into Persia Bostangi otherwise called Constantin Bacha his sonne in law for sundry exactions and spoiles that he had committed Ianus Bacha wher of none could tell the cause sauing that Selym thought him to be high minded This Selym left but one sonne named Solyman called by the Turks Selyman whom he recommended to the custody of Peribacha who before had gouerned him in his youth SOLYMAN came to his reigne the xxviij yeere
paine taking pen that might transfer so rich treasure from straungers vnto vs. If new things delight according to the naturall ingrafted condicion of man these are new If benefit be expected in bookes especially in histories for counsayle forewarning mischiefs in the examples and harmes of others frō what former historie may we reap greater then this stored with so many and notable presidents of all sorts fresh bleeding as it were before our eyes and which should be a greater motiue telling of ensewing danger not much deuided frō our owne doores when daylie we lamentably see our neighbours houses not farre of flaming New fashioned clothes deriued from straungers are euery day much esteemed new fashioned manners new fashioned wittes are affected then either for the worth or fashion let these French and Italian traductions receiue your fauorable censures I dyd propound no greater gaine in my paines and hope of your curtesies to obtaine no lesse which graunted shall encourage me to shew you yet somewhat more worthie ere long in this argument wherein I hauing first for aught I know broken the ice sauing onely the Historie of Scanderbegg of the late Persian warres that of Tamberlain though exceding well done yet but perticuler parts of this discourse shall be glad to heare of any companion for further paines to whom this subiect will afford enough of sufficient and worthie matter And so crauing you would friendly correct what faults in the Impression haue passed either by me or the Printer I take my leaue and rest the seruant of euery well willing reader R. Carr. The Originall and beginning of the Turkes and of the foure Empires which are issued and proceeded out of the supersticious sect of Mahumet COnsidering that I haue the penne in hand I make so mine accompt that I were as good to make an ende as to staie vntill you required of me from whence the nacion of the Turkes are come what manner people they be that haue bene so much vnknowen to our predecessors sauing about three hundreth yeeres agone and that Pomponius Mela and Pliny haue made some mencion of them and numbered thē among the Scythians But to declare truely their originall and beginning it behooueth to beginne at the Sarazines and than to write of the Empires that haue beene engendered of their wicked and abhominable superstition and sect as the Caliphe of Baudras the Miramamolin of Aphrick the Souldain of Egipt the Assan or Sophie of Perse For these are they from whom the Turkes are proceeded MAHOMET whom some doe call Muhamet and the Turkes mehemet that is to say loued or praysed was an Arabian borne in a village nigh to Mecque called Itrarip about the yeere of our Lord sauiour Iesus Christ 600. at such time as the Emperor Heraclius gouerned in Grecia king Dagobert reigned in Fraunce his father was named Abdala which word may be interpreted the seruaunt of God though in deede he was a Gentile and very Idolator But Mahumet being an Orphan at the age of eight yeares was left in the regiment of one of his vncles named Abutaliph who caused him to be instructed by a Iewe in the Mathematical and naturall Sciences and after that to be married at the age of fifteene or sixteene years and then instructed him in the trade of Merchandize which hee practized both in Egipt and Sury wher not a litle he frequented the company of Iewes Christians but chiefely with a Moncke of the order of saint Benet called Iohn as the Bishop of Ptolomais or A●on reporteth as also with another Monck called Sergius an hereticall Nestorian of whō he learned the holy Scriptures especially the old new Testament To which knowledge whē he had attaigned cōsidered with himself that it was no great difficult matter vnder the shadow of Religion so to draw to him the Arabians being but grosse rude and Idolators he therefore absented himselfe out of companie and remayned secret by the space of two yeares And after that presented himselfe to the people saying that all the while of his absence he was with the Angell Gabriell who taught and gaue to him the law of God and that to beleeue in Idols was foolish vaine But perceiuing that at that time his woords could obtaine small credit he inuented another policie For which purpose he had an Esclaue called Zeidimy to whom he told that the will of God was that all men should be free therfore dyd giue him immediatly his libertie wherby frō euery part all the Esclaues in a countrey repayred to Mehemet and gaue him such credit that whatsoeuer hee commanded they obeyed him In so much as this companie thus drawne togethers brought no litle dread and feare to some great and welthie families in Mecque as were the Caraxins Haximins and Benimitains who vpon the intelligence of the drawing togethers of this wicked packe tooke armour against them Whereof Mehemet getting intelligence fled immediatly and retired himselfe to the towne of Almedine sithens called Medinathalmaby which is so much to say as Medin of the Prophet where he began in such sort to preach to the Iewes that in steede to beleeue him they beat him in sundrie fights and his Esclaues also So as in one of these skirmishes Mehemet gat such a stroke ouerthwart his face that not onely hee lost two of his sore teeth but also was left for dead in a dike ther wherin he was cast though in the ende he ouercame the Iewes And because the Arabians which indeede be discended from Ismaell the sonne of Abraham and of Agar his wiues maide were called Agarins hee caused to be ordained in that it was not honorable for his people to carie the name of a woman seruant that from thence forth they should be named Sarazins deducted from the name of Sara the lawfull wife of Abraham alledging that Ismaell was engendred of Sara and not of Agar hir maiden The which name of Sarazins so long endured vnto such time as the Turkes dyd abolish both the name and the nation as heereafter I will declare Mahumet hauing thus crept into credit among ths ignorant and rude people that hee was a Prophet and messenger of God hee acquainted himselfe with a Lady of no litle wealth and riches named Tadiga or Cadiga being a widow and so to the purpose hee behaued himselfe towards hir that hee married hir although hee had three other wiues besides hir whereof the one was called Anosse the second Ahasse and the third named Seick or Zeich whom he rauished from one that was one of his bringers vp beesides a Concubine that he had called Marie a Christian woman of the sect of the Iacobits And than he began to publish his damnable law that it was lawfull for any man to haue foure wiues Howbeit thorough the marriage of this Lady Mahumet was wonderfull re'nforced and strengthened in such sort as that thorough his welth that hee dyd get he was able to
who maried the daughter of King Baldwin succeded in the kingdome of Hierusalem ouerthrew the Turkes at Ybelim which Place holy Scripture calleth Geth The yeere 1140 or ther abouts Alaph or Balach Souldan of Hames tooke the towne of Rohaiz there vnmercifully murdered a great number of Christians The yeere 1143 King Baldwin the third of that name sonne of king Fulque discomfited at Hierico the valiant Norradin son to Baldecan Soldan of Damaz The yeere 1146. The Emperour Conrad and King Lewes of Fraunce sonne of Lewes le Groz passed into Surie where with king Baldowin they besieged the towne of Damasco but could not take the same and therefore they returned home into their Countries The yeere 1148 after the departure of these said two Princes Norradin the Souldan of Damasco besieged Antioche wher Raimond the Conte of Antioche issuing forth in a skirmish was vnfortunately slaine the Contes of Rohaiz and Tripoli taken prisoners which Contee of Tripoli after was shamefully murdered by an Assassin The yeere 1160 Almery king of Hierusalem brother to king Baldowin tooke the towne Alexandria beesieged the great citie of Caire in Egipt The yeere 1170. Saladin the Souldan of Egipt began to inuade the holy land in the time of king Baldowin the fourth of that name king of Hierusalem at what time likewise the Emperour Frederic made war vpon the Pope the church in burning destroying Italy The yeere 1174 king Baldowin discomfited the Souldan Saladin at the towne of Tabaria which sometime was called Tiberias after that ouerthrew a second time at the towne of Ascalone The yeere 1179 king Baldowin aforesaid fought againe with the Souldan Saladin at Margelion nigh to the towne of Tabarie where king Baldowin then was discomfited The yeere 1184 began that discention among the Christians in the holy land which was the cause of the losse of the same The originall of which was this Guy of Lusignen hauing married the Lady Sibil sister of the late king Baldowin and widow of William Longuespee Marquis of Monferrato by whom she had a son named Baldowin who at that time but sucked his Nurce to whom appettained the kingdome of Hierusalem the said Guy of Lusignen father in law of the infant would needes haue his title and wardship against the will minde of Bartrand Contee of Tripoly to whose tuition and gouernance the childe was giuen by force of the testament of king Baldowin brother of the said lady Sibell when in the mean time the infant died ther vpon Guy of Lusignen named himselfe king in the right of his wife wherwith the Contee of Tripoly was wonderfully wroth The yeere 1186 Saladin tooke prisoner Guy of Lusignen king of Hierusalem with the maisters of the Templars and of the order of Sainct Iohn that came to succour the towne of Tabarie which the said Saladin had then besieged so as vpon restoring of king Guy the both aforenamed maisters to their liberties Tabarie Lique and Ascalone were rendred to Saladin who in the end wan also the citie of Hierusalem after that the towne of Acres The yeere 1147 the Templars reencountred Saladin nigh to Casal Robert where Saladin ouethrew them slew in fight the maister of the order of Sainct Iohn Hierusalem named Brother Roger dez Molins which hapned the first day of May that yeere In the yeere of our Lord God 1149 ther passed to succour the holy land the Emperour Frederic Barberossee Philip the French King and Richard King of England Frederic tooke his way by land and comming into Cilicia where thorough extreame heate desirous to bath himselfe or as some say in passing the riuer which some doe call Cauno and the frenchmen the riuer of Salif the latins doe name Cydnus which passeth through the famous citie of Tharsus at this present named Therasso was vnfortunatly drowned The two kings his confederates ariued in Sicilia frō the towne of Mossana they passed into the holy land came to the towne of Acre which after two yeeres beesieging they tooke King Richard in his passage thether tooke the Island of Cypres which he gaue to king Guy of Lusignen in exchaunge for the kingdome of Hierusalem But after the taking of Acre king Phillip being sickly returned into Fraunce The yeere 1204 Baldouin Earle of Flaunders and Henry Conte de Sainct Paul with his brother Loys Conte de Sauoy and the Conte Boniface Mont ferrat with a great company assembled themselues at Venice to passe from thence into the holy land To whom the Venetians did graunt ships vpon condition that beefore they passed they should aide them to recouer the towne of Zara in Sclauonie which before had reuolted from them and so hauing done they after proceeded on their voyage to Constantinople whereof they possessed themselues in the Empire which remained in the frenchmens hands about threescore yeares after The yeere 1210. Ichan de Brene maried the daughter of Conrad of Montferrat and the Lady Isabell daughter of king Amaulry who was sister of Baldouin the Meseled and of the Lady Sibel that was wife to Guy of Lusignen Which said Ichan de Brene was made king of Hierusalem crowned at the towne of Tyrus which commonly is called Sur and Sor by reason that it is situated vpon a rocke in the sea But Alexander the great to the intent to winne that towne filled vp all that distance of the sea betwixt the same and the land with stone and earth so as at this day the same remaineth firme groūd which towne of Tirus came into the possession of the said Conte Conrad who afterward was shamefullie on a suddaine murdered by a couple of the sect of the Assassins In the yeere 1216. Pope Honorius the third of that name did send the Cardinal Colonne into Surie accōpanied with Henry Contee of Neuers and Gualtier of Sancerre constable of Fraunce with others in a great nūber who after their landing in Acre discended into Egipt tooke there the towne of Damiat which within sixe yeeres after vpon composition was surrendred to Cordier son of Saladin Souldan of Egipt whom the frenchmen doe call Le Admiral des Cordes In which time also Iehan de Brene king of Hierusalem accōpanied with his brother Garin de Montaguae great maister of the order of Saint Iohns came into Fraunce in passing through Italy the said king of Hierusalem gaue his daughter Yolant in marriage to the Emperour Frederic second son to Henry who was sonne to Frederic Barberousse with the whole interest title which he had to the kingdome of Hierusalem which the Kinges of Sicilia doe intitle themselues to claime at this day The yeere 1229. the said Emperour Frederic departed out of Italy giuing hopes that hee would passe into Surie but incontinently hee returned againe as one hauing small deuocion to performe that voiage In the yere 1230 the aforenamed Soldan Corder caused the vvals of Hierusalem to be
which as it brought the Citie of Venice to such extremety that it seemed readie to render it selfe to the mercy of the Geneuois so in the ende it was cause by the alteration of fortune that the Geneuois beeing in sundry fights and conflicts on the seas a●ter ouerthrowen by the Venetians came to miserable ruine and seruitude for thereby they were enforced to yeelde themselues to the Archbishop of Milane whom they made gouernour of their Citie of Geanes and to sell all their lands and Seigneuries to the communaltie and brotherhood of Saint George which is within their Citie and lastly to submit themselues to the french Kinges protection vnder whose subiection they remained a while vntill hee gaue them to Iohn Duke of Calabre sonne to Reignard King of the realme of Naples vntill they reuoulted to Philippe Duke of Milane whom in the end they forsooke to in such sort as through their inconstancie they did not know well to what good Saint to vow themselues howbeit the greatest mischiefe was that this forenamed warres gaue an vndoubted occasion to the vtter losse of Surie the realme of Hierusalem what was worse then that the same opened to the Turks the gate and entry to Greece and other parts of Europe as heereafter I shall declare all which was about the time that Lewes de Bauiere Frederic of Austrich contended about the obtaining of the Empire of Alemaign The said Orcan reigned two twenty yeres vnto the beginning of the reigne of Iohn the french king which was in the yeere of our Lord God 1350. leauing behinde him his sonne Amurath Amurath whom the Hungarians and the Scla●●nes doe call Ammarat and the Turkes Moratbeg which is as much to say as the Lord Morat but Frossart supposing to pronounce this name as they doe calleth him Lamorabaquin entred to his dominions when as Catacusan pursued the Emperour his sonne in law through the aide of Mar● Carlouich the Despot of Bulgaria this word Despot is so much to say in our English tongue as Prince or Lord and the Prouince of Bulgaria is that Country which anciently was named Gaetae and Gepidae This Amurath was secretly fauored among certaine of the Nobility of Grecia whom the Emperor Caloiaun hated who finding that hee was to weake to encounter with the Nobilitie that reuoulted hee was constrained to demaund and require aide of Amurath who forthwith sent him twelue thousand horsemen through whose help when the Emperour had pacified his affaires hee gaue the Turks leaue to returne home But they hauing seene tasted the sweetnesse beautie of the region of Grecia after their returne perswaded as it was easie to doe Amurath to goe in person to inuade Grecia Which he so did who accompanied with threescore thousand men by the help of two great ships of the Geneuois among whom he bestowed a threescore thousand ducats Amurath passed the famous straits called by the ancients Hellespontus and now the straits of Calipoli or the Castells by reason of two castells whereof the one is situated in Asia and the other in Europ wherin ancient time were also the townes of Sestus and Abydos The french doe call these straits Le Bras de Sainct George Saint Georgesarme where the said Amurath wan the towne of Calipoli beeing on this side those straits in Grecia than tooke Adrianople and Philippopoli aunciently called Olympias and so ouerran the Prouince of Romany in times past called Thracia vnto the Mountaine Rhodope which the Greekes doe name 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Queene and Lady of those Mountaines which some a so do call the mountaine of Siluer by reason of the mines of siluer that are found in the same and after ouercame in ●attaile the aforenamed Marc Carlouich taking prisoner the Conte Lazaro of Seruia which is Misia Inferior whom Frossart calleth Le Conte ●e Lazaran whose head hee smote off which was when Charles the fourth was letted from resisting the sonnes of the Emperour Lewes of Bauer to de●end himselfe against Frederic Marquiz of Misne the Countie of Wittenberg his competiteurs leauing the Empire after him to his sonne Lancelot who sold the Cities and Segneuries of Italy as Milane to the family of the viconts and others In the ende Amurath was slaine by a seruant of the said Conte Lazaro as reuenging the death of his saide Maister the yeere of our Lord God 1373 after that hee had reigned 23 yeeres about the beeginning of the reigne of Charles the fifth the french king and left two sonnes Pasait and Seleyman Pazait or Basait as the Turks doe name him who neuer pronounce this letter P. and called by Frossart le Roy Basant sonne of Lamorabaquin and sometime ●morabaquin according to his fathers name Enguerran Master Nicol●● G●les that collected the Annales of Fraunce call him the king Basaa●g This Pazait was hardy diligent and very couragious he s●●w●ia● battaile Marc Carlouich where with him the whole Nobilitie of Seruia and Bulgaria ended their liues and after did ouerrun the territories of Thessalia and Macedonia now called Thumnestie and Albanie He wasted whole Grecia vnto Athens which at this day is called Cethine and spoiled the territories o● Bosna which is called Misia Superior Crocia and Sclauonie that are named aunciently Dal●●tia and Liburnia and this at that time when the Emperour Lancelot sonne of Charles the fourth liued so vertuouslie that his subiects sundry times did enprison him but in the end was deposed by the Alemans who elected at one time two Emperours the one called Ioce Nephew to Lancelot and the other Robert of Bauiere otherwise called Ruebrecht which is interpreted in their Alleman language Trouble Peace But to returne to Bazait who then inuaded Hungary there ouerthrew king Sigismond that afterward was Emperour of Alleman called by the Historiographer Engerrant de Mountralet Sagimont in the renowned battaile of Nicopoli the cause of the losse wherof was for that the french men ther seruing would not bee aduised by the king Sigismond nor frame themselues according to the pollicie of these wars as the Allemans also counsailed them the which Frossart imputeth likewise to the orgulitie and pride of the french where was taken prisoner the Conte of Neuers Iohn who afterward vvas Duke of Burgoign sonne of Philippe the first duke Philip Darthois Conte de Eue constable of Fraunce Iohn le Maingre called Boucicault and sundrie others beeing men of estimation to the number of seauen or eight vvho all vvere sent to Bursie the rest of that nacion vvere slayne to the number of a thousand horsemen This battaile was foughten on Michaelmas euen Anno Domini 1396 and these prisoners vvere after redeemed for no little ran some in expedicion vvherof great dilligence vvas vsed by one Iames Hely a gentleman of Picardie vvho also vvas taken prisoner among them and beefore had serued in the Court of Amorabaquin After this battaile Bazait beesieged the Citie of Constantinople and had wonne it
against Amurath and therewith recouered the territories of Seruia and Rascia which he rendred againe to the said Despot George Vucouich to reuenge which wrong Amurath leuied a great power vnder the leading of one Carabey who encountring with the Christians nigh the mountaine Costegnaz anciently called Hemus was there ouerthrowen and Carabey taken prisoner The which two victories with sundrie others before and after were obtained by the famous prowesse and valiantnesse of Iohn Huniad called by Enguerrant de Monstrelet and Philip de Comines Le Blanc Cheualier de la Velaign and by the Hungarians Ianc● Ban or Vaiuod that is to say Prince of Transiluania at this present Moldauia and by the Hungarians named Sibenbourg that is to say Septemcastrum but by our elders Dacia This worthy Iohn Huniad was father to the valiaunt Mathias king of Hungary who not long agone reigned there After this battaile there was an abstinence from armes condicioned betwixt the Hungarians and the Turks for two yeres by reason wherof with the paiment of fifty thousand ducats of ransome Carabey was deliuered the which trewse beeing soone after broken by the said king Lancelot at the instance and perswasion of Eugenius the Pope the fourth of that name to king Lancelot was very infortunate for afterward he was slaine in the battaile soughten beetwixt him and Amurath nigh the towne of Verna aunciently called ●yonisiopolis vpon Saint Martins day the eleauenth of Nouember Anno Domini 1444 wher the said Iohn Huniad was put to flight Of this victory Amurath had small cause to reioyce considering it cost him very decre both in losse of his best friends choice souldiers after this Amurath toke the towne of Sophie beeing the head towne of whole Bulgaria Scopie and Nouomont and ouerran all the territories of Acarnania called at this instant Ducat or Duche and the Prouince of Cymera aunciently called Epirus where hee spoiled and wasted alongst the riuer of Achelous at this day named the riuer of Pachicolan vnto the mountaines Du Diable in times past called Acroceraunii which are part of the Mountaines called Pindus hee tooke also the famous port towne named Velone sometime called Aulon and passed the Gulfe of Larta in latin called Sinus Ambracius vnto the towne of Oricus now named Rigo and so went forward towards the Gulf of Cataro which is called Sinus Risonicus beeing fiue and twentie miles from the towne of Ragusa in ancient ●●me named Epidaurus Hee enforced Iohn Cos●●i●th the Despot of Cymera to giue him the enpregnable towne of Croia with his three sonnes in hostage and pledge of fidelitie all which hee caused to be● come Turks the yongest named George Castrioth at that time not aboue nine yeeres of age was called by the Turkes Scanderbeg that is to say Alexander the great who after became so valiant a Captaine that for his worthie acts hee was comparable to the famous and most renowmed Pyrrus and others his worthy predecessours dominators and rulers of Epirus for hauing commaund vnder Amurath he conquered Seruia and did bring to the Turks obeisance the Countrie of Carmania how beit afterward this Scanderbeg retourning to the christian faith caused Amurath to loose the territorie of Seruia and then toke from him the strong towne of Croia with all the countries townes castells that before belonged to his said father Iohn Castrioth besides that in twentie or thirty battels wherein valiantly he fought with the Turks he alwaies caried away with him the victorie so as Amurath had neuer iuster matter to obiect to this Scanderbeg then to reproch him with vnkindnes that beeing so carefully brought vp by him in his tender age should so without cause reuoult calling him by sundrie letters the ingrate vnthankfull sonne howbeit Scanderbeg cared so little for Amurath that vpon occasion he departed from his owne Countries to succour in person Ferdinand king of Naples against Iohn Duke of Galabre which Ferdinand hee restored to his realme expelled the Duke from the same for which deede Ferdmand afterwards curteoushe receiued the spoiled and calamitous children of Scanderbeg whom 〈…〉 the second after the death of their father exiled and 〈…〉 of all their liuelihoode gaue them lands in the kingdome of Naples so as they became Marquizes of Saint Angelo and of Tripaldo so as a worthy gentelman of that race named Ferdinand Castrioth Marquiz of Saint Angelo was slaine valiantly fighting on the imperiall part in the late battaile before Pauia Amurath after that did winne the countrie of Moree which in latin by our elders is called Peloponesus through the discord of two bretheren the one called Thomas and the other Demetrius Despots of the same country being brothers of Constantine Paleologo last Emperour of Constantinople who by reason that the Albanois moued warres against them sought for succours to Amurath and became his tributaries but after denying to pay their promised tribute Amurath draue them out of their whole countrie of Moree Howbeit Demetrius afterwards retired himself towardes the Turque but Thomas repayred to Rome to the Pope where hee ended his life leauing foure children two sonnes and two daughters Amurath beeing now become aged and wearie both of the world and of his victories withdrew himselfe among certaine Heremits and other Religieux of his supersticious sect pretending to leade the rest of his daies solitarilie and in quietnesse established in his place his son Mahumet being but yong of yeeres to reigne and gouerne his Kingdomes appoynting for his gouernour one Haly Bassa called of some Caly Bassa Howbeit when the famous Iohn Huniades with the Hungarians had gathered togethers a mightie army to haue inuaded the dominions of this young Mahumet Amurath at the great instaunce and suite both of his sonne as also of the sayd Haly Bassa that could not bee obeyed was enforced to take vppon him the administration and gouernment of the present affaires who making head against the saide Hungarians in the ende vanquished and put them to flight After which Amurath inuaded the dominions of the valiaunt Scanderbeg beesieged his strong towne of Croia howbeeit hee could not winne the same And in his retyring by the Mountaynes there hee was spoyled by the Paisaunts and verie manie of his armie slaine whereby Amurath entered into such a meruaylous melancholie and displeasure that what by disease therewith taken and his olde age togethers hee dyed in the yeere of our Lord God 1451. of his age seauentie fiue and of his reigne thirtie two and of the reigne of Charles the French king the seauenth of that name twentie sixe Thus Amurath was the first that instituted the Iannisaries MAHVMET the second of that name called by Enguerrand and other french Historiographers Morbesan perhaps they would haue said Morbesalem which is as much in the Surien or Moresque language as these woordes in the Gospell Vade in Pace depart in peace This woord Morbesan among the Turkes signifieth so much as Duke or Duchie This Mahumet was sonne
of his age who the yeere next ensuing by the coūsail of Peribacha beseged Belgrado did win it from king Lewes of Hungary the son of Lancelot who at that time was very young hauing the Princes Lords of his Countrie at discord among them selues about the Regimēt of their King and of his Realme Whereby it came to passe that no maner of Order was foreseen either for the defence or succoring of that famous Place The next yeere after hee beesieged the Rhodes espying alwayes after the custome of his elders the discords diuisions among Christian Princes the which enterprice was cleerely against the minde and counsail of Peribacha who accompted that Iourney very doubtfull and of no litle aduenture Howbeit the same succeded too well with him as he desired In the yeere of our Lord God 1527. whan Italy was in wars troubles Solyman entred into Hungary in fauour as he said of Iohn de Ziphs the Vayuod of Sibenbourg who pretended that the kingdome of Hungarie dyd to him onely of right appertaine wher it came to passe that the young King Lewes comming in person to the fight was slaine after which the said Iohn attaining the kingdome dyed leauing a yong son an Infant behinde him vnder protection of Solyman with his Kingdome likewise The same Selyman in the yeare 1535. going in expedicion against Thomas king of the Persians toke from him the whole country of Mesopotamia vvith the citie of Babilon and in 1538 continuing at Aulona hee gaue an attempt to the vvinning of the Isle of Corcyra 1540 hee both besieged and tooke the strong fortres called Castell Nouo in Dalmatia In the yeere 1541 Iohn de Ziphs king of Hungaria being dead as aforesaid his widdow calling Solyman to hir aide who as then vvas besieged in the citie of Buda by Ferdinand king of the Romains The said Solyman not onely came to releeue hir but beating back the army of Ferdinand tooke the said citie placed therin a Bassa and sent the vviddovv vvith hir infant son into Transiluania The yeere following the same Solyman defended the city of Pestum in Hungaria against the vnited and assembled forces of the whole Germain Empire and after toke from them the two strong holdes of Strigonium and Alba Regalis and in fine concluded peace with Ferdinand king of the Romains and Hungaria vpon condicion of a yeerelie pension which they doe call a tribute to bee paied him In the yeere 1549 and 1550 hee vndertoke another expedicion against the Persians and established a Beglerbeg at Vanum in the confines of Media and Armenia after which he possessed himselfe of Tripolis in Africa Temeswar in Hungaria the which with the adioyning countries he committed to the defence of a new Bassa In the yeere 1553 he commanded his eldest son Mustapha to bee put to death at Halep gaue order though in vaine that Zegethum in Hungaria should be besieged afterward enforced his son Baiaseth desirous to succeed his father hauing first ouercome him in battell to fly to the king of the Persians where being apprehended he the said Baiaseth with his foure sons Solyman his nephews were cruelly slaine 1560 the Turks gaue a great ouerthrow to the Christians at the Iland of Garbe while the saide Christians were desirous to recouer the towne of Tripolis formerly taken as is said by the Turks After which the said Solyman attempted but with small succes the Iland of Malta yet toke that of Chios belonging to the state of Genua Lastly being againe recald into Hungaria by Iohn of Transiluania he died before Zegethum in the yeere 1566. and of his age seauentie sixe To whom succeeded his son Selimus the second this Selimus made peace with Maximilian the Emperour euery eight yeeres to be renewed toke from the possession of the Venetians the Isle of Ciprus in the yeere 1571 receiued that memorable ouerthrow in that worthy sea fought battell at Lepanto Hee likewise by Sinamus Bassa his generall toke in the kingdome of Tunis in Africk forty yeeres after that Charles the fift the Emperor had held it in his command caused that famous fort of the Gulet to be ouerthrowen leueled with the ground This Sinamus Bassa is he who at this day is the great cōmander of all ● Turkish forces in Hungaria And so the said Selimus in the end of the yeer 1574 died Who left behind him a son called Amurath the third the which Amurath for the space of 14 continued yeers held wars both long some variable with the Persian king called Mahemet Hodobende as much to say as the seruant of God which wars scarce determined he began to make head against the Christians the Emperour Rodolphe by whose soldiors the Bassa Bosnensis 1593 and others at Sisciam in Hungaria had ben slaine This Amurath after many miseries inflicted vpon the poore remaynder of Hungaria the confines of Austria in the end of March the yeere 1595 concluded his daies To him succeeded Mahumet the third his son who now reigneth a yong man then of the age of thirty two yeeres little more or lesse of a great spirit able body infaligable minde who before the performance of his fathers funerall rites caused xviii of his brothers fathers sons by seuerall concubines to bee strangled all which with their said father he toke order should honorably in the same monument be enterred seauen twenty of his sisters he inclosed in the Seraglio a place in manner of a monestary deputed for the retyring of the great Senior his children the safe keeping of his concubines This Mahumet is thought to prosecut the wars against the Christians which his father left vnfinished with more feruent desire greater forces then any other before him In this sort as you see haue I for your content entred and finished this matter which required more largely to haue ben touched to haue busied one of better knowledge which things though but slightly run ouer may suffice to make aparant that since but meane princes in regard of the vnited Christian forces haue thus encombred the course of their conquests it is not Impossible the like againe may be done greater when God shall encourage vs thervnto The end of the second booke To the VVorshipfull his very good cosen Edward Carr of Sleford in the countie of Lincolne Esquier and one in hir Maiesties Commission of peace there SIR one and the same loue and duetie deriued from an infinit desire to serue and honour you formerly protested to your worthy brothers and now continued towards you hath drawen on this third booke in such sort as you see not without some speciall reason for heerein beeing in most liuely and faire lines laide forth the perfect modells of true valour and resolution with many other parts of action and exact military discipline admired presidents both for rule and example I could not in my owne conceit better dispose of then in commending vnto you beeing