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A06660 A brief and compendiouse table, in a maner of a concordaunce openyng the waye to the principall histories of the whole Bible, and the moste co[m]mon articles grounded and comprehended in the newe Testament and olde, in maner as amply as doeth the great concordau[n]ce of the Bible. Gathered and set furth by Henry Bollynger, Leo Iude, Conrade Pellicane, and by the other ministers of the church of Tygurie. And nowe first imprinted in Englyshe. D.M.L. [sic] The third boke of the Machabees a booke of the Bible also prynted vnto this boke which was neuer before translated or prynted in any Englyshe Bible. The contents of this booke are conteyned in the next leafe. Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Juda, Leo, 1482-1542. aut; Pellicanus, Konrad, 1478-1556. aut; Lynne, Walter. 1550 (1550) STC 17117; ESTC S102763 104,729 292

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oughte to be fedde Deu. xxiii a Iud viij b. i. Regum xxi a xxv b.c. ij Regum xvi a Esay lviij b Ezech xviij a Math. xxv c Medes take in the kyngdome of Babell Dany v.e. Melchysedecke a pryeste and kynge of Salem Gene. xiiij d Hebre. vii a Menahen a kyng in Israel iiii Regū xv.c. Menelaus a traytoure of hys countre became hyghe pryeste by vyolence ij Mochabeo iiii e dyed shamdfullye xiij a.b Man Man is created after the Image of God Gen. i.d. ij b v.a. ix a Sapyen ij d. Eccli xvij a Job x.a. Psalm Cxviij k Iacob iij. b Man is cursed Gene. iij. d Is blessed agayne in Christ Gene. xii a xxij c Galath iij. b Of the regeneracyon of man Math. xviii a Ioan. i.a. iij.a.b. iiij b vij d i. Corynth iiij c Gala. iiij b Ephe. iiii c Colloss iij. a i. Petr. ij a Iacob i.b. Man is dust and earth Gene. ij b iij d. xviij d Eccli xvij a xl b Iob. iiij b x.a. xxxiiii b Psal lxxvij d Cij.b. Cxlv a. Esay xl.a. Mekenes and Reste Nume xij a Iosue vij.c.d. i. Regum xxv * iii. Regum xij b Eccli i.d. Pro xv a Math. v.a. xi.e. Gala. vi a Ephe iiii a. Mephiboseth the sonne of Ionathas ij Regum iiii a. Founde fauor at the hande of Dauid ix * Was falselye accused to Dauyd xvi a. He was fauored in the destruccion of the chyldren of Saull xxi b Is called Merybaall i. Paraly ix c. Mephyboseth the sonne of Saul was hanged ij Regū xxi b. Mercyfulnes and pytye ☞ Of the mercyfullnes and goodnes of God towardes the faythefull Gene xviij d.e. Exody vi a ix f xi b. xx a xxxiiij a. Numery xx a. Deutero iiii e v a. b vii b x d. xxviii a. xxx a. xxxii a. ii Regum vii c. xii c. xxiiii c. iij Regum viij c. iiii Regum xx a. ij Esdre ix b. iiii Esdre ij d. vij f. Sapy xi d. Eccli ii b iij b. xvii c xviii b Psalm xxxi a. xxxv a. lxxxv a. Cij * Cxxxv * Cxliiii a. Esay xxx c. liiii a b lv b. Ieremy xii c. xviij a xxxviii a d. Ezeche xviii e. xxxiii c Osee ii c. Iohell ii c. Ionas iiii a Mathe. xi e xviii c. Luke i. d vi d xv c d. xxiii d Roma xi a d. ij Corynthy i a. Ephe. ij a i. Timoth. i.b.c. Of the mercyfullnes of the faythfull towardes theyr neyghboure and the rewarde therof i Regum xv b ij Paralyp xxviij b.c Psalm xl a. Cxi a. Prouerb iii. a xiiii c xix c xxv d Esay lviij b Osee vi b Myche vi b Zacha vii b Eccli iii. d xxviii a xxxv a c. Math v a. ix b. x e. xviii c xxv.b.c. Mark ix e. Luk vi d x d. Rom xij c. Gala. vi b. Coll iii b. i. Timo. v a. ¶ Seke almes Of vnmercyfullnes and the punyshement therof Exody i c. Deute xxiii a Iud. viii b i Regum xxv a.b. Eccli xij a. Iob xx b. Prouer. xxi b. Isay lvij a. Amos i b. Math xviij d. xxv d Luk xvi c. d Iacob ii b. Merary the sonne of Leuy Nume iii c. Of the offyce of the Merarytes iii. e iiii e ▪ Merob the daughter of Saull i. Reg xiiii g. was promised Dauid to be hys wiffe i Regū xviii d Mesach ¶ Seke missael Mesulla ¶ Seke Sorobabel Mychas mother maketh an Ephod of syluer Iud. xvij b He hyreth a Leuyte xvij c The Ephod and the Leuyte were caryed away from hym xviij d * Mycha the sonne of Mephyboseth ij Reg. ix c Micha prophecyeth agaynst CCCC false prophetes iii. Regū xxij b.c.d is called Mychaya ij Para. xviij d Mychael fyghteth wyth the Angels Dan. x.b. xij a Iude. i.b. Apoc. xij c Mychael the daughter of Saul was wedded to king Dauid i. Regum xviii e. Accordynge to the promyse xvii c.d Saued hys lyfe xix c Was caryed awaye from hym and gyuen to Paltyel xxv g Was delyuered vnto ●ym agayne ij Regum iii. c mocketh hym vi.e. Mydyan the sonne of Abraham Gene xxv a God byddyth to vex the Mydyanytes Nume xxv c The Mydyanytes wyth theyr kynge are slayne xxxi ab They rule ouer Israel Iudic. vi a They are smytten vii * Mynystrynge to the poore ¶ Seke Almes Myryam the syester of Aaron prayseth the lord Exod. xv.c. was stryken wyth leprosye Num. xii * Deut. xxiiii b dyeth Num. xx a Myssaell was caste into a hote burnynge fornace Danyel iii. d Is called Mesach i. b Moab the sonne of Lott of hys eldeste daughter Gene. xix g The Moabytes shoulde not be vexed Deut. ii b Become tributaryes to the house of Iuda Israel ii Regum viii a They fall a way from Israell iiii Reg. i.a. iii. a They fall in to the lande of Israell xiii e They shal not come in to the temple of God for euer Deuter. xxv a ii Esdre xiii a Agaynste Moab is prophecyed Numeri xxi.d.e. xxiiii c Psal lix.b. Cvii b. Esa xv * xvi * xxv b. Ieremy xlviij a Ezechye xxv b Amos. ii a Zephon ij b Moloch an Idoll Leuy xviii c xx a Actuū vii e Is called Mylcon iii. Reg xi a Malchom Amos. v.d. Mone ¶ Seke Sunne Moyses was borne of Leuy Exo. ij a vi c Act. vii.c. Slewe the Egypcyan fled into Midian Exody ii b To●…e Ziphora the Midianite to hys wyffe ij c.d Became a iudge sent to Pharao into Egypte iii. b * v.a. vi b vij b.c.d viii a b c.e. ix a c. x.a. Went in to Egypte wyth wyffe and chylde iiii d. Prayeth for Pharao viii c f. ix.f.g. x g. Prayeth for the people xiiij d. xvii b.c. xxxii c.d.g. Numery xi a xiiij b. c xxi b Deuter ix c d e Receiueth the fyrste tables Exody xxxi d. Receyueth the seconde xxxiiii d Israell coulde not beholde hys face Exody xxxiiii d. ij Corynth iij. a Sente out spyes Num xiii a Testyfyeth hys callynge xvi d e. Seeth the lande of promyssyon and dyeth xx b xxvij c Deuter. xxxiiii a.b Appeareth in the transfiguration of christe Math. xvii a Luk. ix d Mother ¶ Seke in this worde father N Naball the vnthankfull man was fauoured for hys wyues sake i. Regū xxv d.e Naboth was stoned because he denyed the kynge hys vyneyarde iij. Reg xxi a Nadab and Abyhu are consumed thoroughe the fyer Leuyt x.a. xvi a Num iij. a xxxvi g Nadab a king in Israel iij. Reg. xiiij c. was destroied xv.e. Naeman the Capytayne of the hoost of the kynge of Syrya was clensed from hys leprosye iiij Regum v.c. Luk. iiij c Naemy the wyffe of Elymelech Ruth i.a. Nahas the father of Abygayll the syster of Dauyd ij Regum xvij e ¶ Seke Iesse Nahas kynge of the Amonytes fyghteth against Iabes i. Reg. xi a dyeth ij Regum x.a. Nahesson the sonne of Aminadab prince and capitain of the tribe of Iuda Num i.a. ij a vij b Nahor the grand sir
not be troubled of Israell Deuter. ij c Shall not come in to the temple for euer xxiij a ij Esd xiij a They are smytten of Israell Iud. xi.f. i. Reg. xi c ij Re. viii b x* xij f Agaynst Ammon is prophecyed Psal lxxxij* Iere. xlix a Ezech. xxi d xxv a Amos. i.c. Zepho ij b Amnon the sonne of Dauid defyleth hys syster Thamar ij Reg. xiij d Wherfore he was kylled of hys brother Absolon xiij f Amon the sonne of Manasse kynge in Iuda was kylled iiij Reg. xxi.d.e. Lefte behynde hym hys sonne kynge Iosias xxij a Amori the sonne of Chanaan Gen. x. c The Amorites would geue Israel no lycence to passe thorough there land Nu. xxi c.d Iud. xi c * Amos the prophet was dryuen away Amos. vij b Amri a wycked king in Israel iij. Re. xvi b.c agaynst Amry Mich. vi c Anamelech an Idol of Sepharnaym i. Reg. xvij f Ananias selleth the feld wyth deceyte Act. v. a Ananias was sente to instruct Paul Act. ix b.c Anathoth a cytye of the land of Beniamin Iere. xxxij b in the whyche Ieremye was borne Iere. i.a. xxix e and the aboue named Antiochus was made king i. Mach. vi c went wyth a greate armye into Iury. vi d Brake his othe wyth Israel vi.g. was slayne vij a reade ij Macha x Apollo an eloquent man and myghty in the scryptures act xviij c Apollonius a prince of Syria was slayne i. mach iij. a x. g Apostles The apostles are chosen out of the disepples Luc. vi b they are sent to preache the kyngdome of God in Iury. mat x. * Luc. ix a xxiiij d they returned agayne ix b They are sent to preache the gospel into all the worlde math xxviij c marc xvi b Luce. xxiiij d Iohan. xv.b.c. xx c act i.a. x. e The apostles and prophetes haue had the spyryt of god Exod. iiij c ij re xxiij a Daniel ix b Iohan. xiiij b act i.a. ij a iiij d xix a i. Corin. ij b ij Corint xiij a i. Thessa iiij a ij Timoth. iij. b i. Pe. i.b. ij Petr. i. b.d Christ the great apostle Hebre. iij. a Appearyng Vysyons Sightes or hearynges Iosue v.d. iiij Reg. vij b ij Macha iii. d v.a. x.e. xi b iii. Macha s Arad the king of the Cananites fought against Israell Nume xxi a Aram whiche is also called Ram the sonne of Hezron begat Aminadab Mat. i.a. Luke iii. b Aquila a benefactour of Paule Acto xviii a Archelaus reigneth in the stede of hys father herode Math. ij d Aristarchus a compaignion and pryson fellowe of Paule Acto xix d xx a xxvij a Coloss iiij b Arcke The Arke of the conuenaunt of God is made Exo. xxv.b.c. Is caried to Gilgal Iosu iiij d From thence to Sylo xviij a From thence into the hooste against the Phylystians i. Regum iiii a From thence into the handes of the Phylystyans i. Regum iiij c From thence into the house of Dagon v.a. From thence to Bethsemes vi * From thence to Kiriathiarim into the house of Abinadab vij a Frō thence to Mitzpa vij b x.d. From thence to Gilgal xi d From thence to Nobe xxi a Frō thence to Gibeon i. Para. xxij.e. ij Paral. i.a. From thence into the house of Obededom ii Reg. vi b From thence to Zyon vi c xv.e.f. i. Paral. xvi* From thence to Ierusalem into her place iij. Regum viij a ij Para. v* What thyng there was in the Arcke Exod. xvi f Deut. x.a. xxxi f iii. Regum viii b ij Para. v.b. Heb. ix a Arpharat the kynge of the Medes was vanquyshed of Nebuchadnezar Iudyth i. a.b Arrogancy ¶ loke in thys word prides Arsaces kinge of the Persians and Medes goeth forth against Demetrius i. Mach. xiiij a Arthasastha kyng of the Persians receyueth letters of complaintes agaynst the Iewes i. Esdr iiij b.c Wryteth an aunswere forbyddeth the buyldynge of the temple iiij d dyd graunt Israel to buylde the temple i. Esd vij Sendeth a commaundement thorough out al hys kyngdome ij Hest iij* Asahel was kylled of Abner ij Regum ij c Asaph a renoumyd Chaunter of Dauid i. Para. vij c xvij a Asaria the sonne of Amasia kyng of Iuda became a Leper iiij Regum xv a ij Para. xxvi d Lefte behynde hym hys sonne kynge Iothan iiij Regum xv.g. i. Para. iij. b Is called Vsia ij Para. xvi d. Osia Math. i.b. Mattha Luk. iij. e Asaria the prophet was sent to kynge Assa ij Para. xv a Assa came vnder the powre of the Romaynes i. Macha viij a In Asia is the word of God preached Act. xix a Asnath begetteth Ioseph Ephraim and Manasses Gene. xli.g. xlvi c Assa the sonne of Abian a ryghteouse kyng in Iuda putteth doune the Idolls iij. Reg. xv.a.b. Seketh help by a Syryan and dyeth xv.c.d. Left behynde hym hys sonne kynge Iosaphat i. Paraly iij. b Assarhaddon after that he had kylled hys father Sanheryb He was made kynge in hys sted iiij Regum xix g Esa xxxvij f i. Esd xiiij a Assur the sonne of Sem the sonne of Noath and begynner of the kyngdome of Assyria Gen. x.b. i. Para. i.b. Assur is a rod of goddes wrath Isa x.a. against Assur is prophecyed Num. xxiiij d Esa x.b. xiiij xvij.d. xxx e.f xxxi b Athalia the daughter of Isesabel and Ahab a wycked wyfe of Ioram kyng in Iuda iiij Regum viii d Destroyeth allmost all the royall stocke of Dauid xi a Reigneth sixe yeres in Iudea ij Paral. xxiij d She was also destroyed iiij Reg. xi.c.d. Athenobius was sente to Symon i. Mach. xv d Athniel taketh to his wyf the doughter of Caleb his fathers brother Ios xv d was Iudge in Israell Iud. iij. b B Baal an Idoll of the Samaritans iij. Reg. xvi d Baals groues are destroyed Iud. vi.ef. Baals prophetes are slaine iij. Regū xviij e iiij Regum x.c. xxiij b Baalzebub the Idoll of Akaron was asked counsell iiij Regū i.b. Baalzebub the prince of the deuels Math. xij c Babell was builded Genes x.b. was confounded and called Babell xi b The captiuitye of Babilon for lxx yeres is prophecyed Leui. xxvi.e. Deu. iiij d xxviij d.e iiij Reg. xx c Isai v. b vij c Iere. xiij d.e xvi b xx.a.b. xxv.a.b. Eze. vij * xij * xxij a Mich. iiij c Abac. i.a. Baruc. vi a Is fulfilled iiij Re. xxiiii * xxv * ij Par. xxxvi iij. Esd i.e.f. The goyng forthe is promised prophecyed Leuit. xxvi g Deut. iiij e xxx a iij. Reg. viij e ij Par. vi.e.g. Esa xiiij a xl.a. xliij a xlviij d Iere. xi c xij c xvi c xxiiij b xxv b xvi e xxix b xxx* xxxi b xxxij e xlvi.e. Ezech. xi c Dan. ix a Baruch vi a Is fulfylled i. Esdr i. * ij * iij. Esdr ij a Occasion of the captiuitie iiij Reg. xvij b.c.d Agaynst Babylon Psalm cxxxvi b Esa xiij* xiiij a xxi a.b xlvij* Iere. xxv b. * l. * li. * Baruch iiij e Apoc.
sonne of pineas was born i. Regum iiij d Idelnes and Slouthfulnesse ij Regum xi * Prouerby vi a x.a.d. xij b xiij a xviij xix xx.a.b. xxi d xxiiij d xxvi b xxviij Ezec. xvi c Eccli xxxi c xxxiij d Roma xij b Idolles and Images Idolles and Images are forbydden Exody xx.a.d. xxxiiij c Leuiticy xix a xxv g Deuteronomy iiij c.d v.a. xvij a xxvii b Isay xliiii b.c.d Ezech. xiiii a.b. Osee viii a xiii a Actuum xv.c. Idolls Images ought to be destroyed Gene. xxxv a Exody xxiii c xxxiiii b. Nume xxxiii f Deute vii a.e xii a i Reg. vii a. Isay xxx.d. Ezeche xxii a. Idolles and Images are set vp Exo. xxxii a Deu. ix c Iudic. ix c Iudi. viii g. xvii.b. iii. Reg. xii d xiiii d.e iiii Reg xvii f xxi a.b ii Parali xxv c xxviii a Dany iii. a Osee xiij a i. Machab. i.e. Idols and Images are taken awaye and destroyed Exody xxxii e Deute ix d Iud. vi.e.f. x.d. i. Regum vii a.b iii Regum xv b iiii Regum x. d.e xi d xviii a xxiii * i Paraly xv a ii Paral xiiii a xv.b.d. xvii a xxiii e xxix c xxxi a. xxxiii b xxxiiii a i. Mach. v.f. xiii f xiiii Of worshipping and seruice of Idols ¶ Seke Idolatrye Idolatrye and seruynge of Idols Idolatrye is forbydden transgressed and punyshed Exody xx a xxii c. xxiii c.d xxxii b.f Leuytycū x.a. Numery xxv a.f Deuteronomy iiii cd v.b. vi c vii d viii d xic xii d. xiii * xvii a.b xxix c d xxx.d. Iosu xxii c.d xxiii b.d xxiiii c.d.e Iudicum ii * iii a.b. iiii a vi a viii g x.b. xiii a iii Reg ix b xi a.b.f xiii a xiiii b.d iiii Regū xvii b.c xvi b.c xxi * xxiii b ii Para vii d xii a xxiiii d xxv c xxviii a xxix a b xxxiii a.b.c. xxxiiii e Psal xcvi a Isay i.d. ii.b.c. Iere. v.c.d. vii b xvii a xix a.b Treno i.a.b. Ezech. vi a xxiii e.d. Osee iiii b.c Mychee i.b.c. Abac. ii c Zephon i.a. ii Hester v.b. Acto xv.c. Roma i.c. i. Corinth vi b x.a. Gala. v.c. Col. iij. a v. i. Ioan. v.i. Iebusi the sonne of Chanaā Gen. x. c Dwelleth vnder Iuda Iosue xv.g. Iudi. i.d. Iebus was called Ierusalem Iosu xv b Iudic. xix c i. Paraly xij a Israell could not conquere the Iebusites Iud. i.d. They are ouercome of Dauid ij Regū v.b. Iechonias the sonne of Iosias sonne kinge of Iuda was taken prisoner iiij Reg. xxiiij b according to the prophecy Iere. xxij d Is called Chonenias Iere xxij d Iehoiakim or Ioakim before called Eliakin the sonne of Iosias became king in Iuda iiij Regū xxiij g iij. Esd i.d. Burneth the boke of Ieremias sermōs Iere. xxxvi c Is called Melchi Luc. iij. d Dyed iiij Reg. xxiiii a.b After him succeded his sonne Iehoiakim iiij Reg. xxiiij b Iehoiakin the sonne of Iehoiakim became kynge in Iuda iiij Reg. xxiiij b was caryed in to Babylon xxiiij c.d was delyuered out of prison and exalted xxv d Is called Nery Luc. iij. d Is called Chonia Ieremias xxij d and Iechonias xxxvij a After him was kinge hys fathers brother Mathonia iiij Regū xxiiij d Iehu the sonne of Hanani the prophet rebuketh kinge Iosaphat ij Para. xix a was sent to Baesau kinge of Israell iij Regum xv f.g was slayne of hym xvi a Iehu the sonne of Iosaphat the sonne of Nimsy was a noyntheth kynge ouer Israell to roote oute the house of Ahan iiij Reg. ix a.b according to the cōmaundement iij. Reg. xix c destroyeth Iesabell iiij Reg. ix e destroieth the lxx chyldren of Ahab x. a killeth the brethern of Ahasia kinge of Iuda x. c kylleth the priestes of Baal x. d.e Dyed x.f. Iephthah a hoeres sonne and Iudge in Israell Iud. xi * xij a.b is praysed Hebre. xi.e. Iephonne the father of Caleb and sonne of Hesrom i. Paralypomen iiij b Ieremye the prophet was borne at Anatot Ieremy xxix e was called and sent i. a was persecuted xviij b.c. xx a xxvi b xxxiij a xxxvij c. xxxviij a.b. Founde fauoure in the sighte of Nebuchadnezar xxxix b.c was set at lybertie xl.a. Lamented kynge Iosias ij Paraly xxxv e Ierycho was ouercome and burned Iosue vi c Is buylded agayne iij. Regum xvi d Is called the cytye of palme trees Deut. xxxiiij a ij Para xxviij c Ierobeam the sonne of Naboth seruaunte to Salomon became enemye to Israell iij Regum xi.e. ij Paral. xiij a Was made kynge ouer the tenne tribes iij. Regum xij c Accordynge to the worde of Ahyas xi.e. Reareth vp the calues and false godes seruyce xij d.e. Thys dede is reproued and condemned iij. Regum xiiij c xv.e.f. xvi c iiij Regum i.a. iij. a x.e.f. xiij a.b.c xiiij d xv b.d.e xvij.d. xxiij d Hys hande wytthered iij. Regum xiij a was made whole xiij b Dyed xiiij d Hys seede was rooted oute xv.e. Accordynge to the woorde xiiij c Agaynsts Ieroboam Amos. vij b Ierobeam the sonne of Ioas was made kynge in Israel iiij Regū xiij c xiiij d dyed xiiij e Ierusalem was wonne of Iuda Iud. i.b. Was chosed of God for an habytacyon iij. Regum viij * ij Paraly vi a vij c Is called Iebus ¶ Seke Iebus Is called Salem Psalm lxxv a Agaynste Ierusalem and the Inhabytans therof iiij Regum xxi c xxiij f Esay ij b iij. a iiij a. v.a.c.d. viij b xxij a.b xxix a.b xxxiiij b.c lxv.a. Ieremy iiij a.b vii * xiij* xvii.e. xix a.b. xxi a xxiij f xxv b xxxii a.d xxxiiij a xxxviij a xxxix b Ezechy iij. d iiij * v* x.a. xv * xxi a xxii * xxiii * Zepho iii. a What kyndredes of Iacob dwelled at Ierusalem i. Paraly x.a. ij Esdre xi a Ierusalem was beseged of the kynges of Syrya and Israell iiij Regum xvi a Of Nabugodonozor iiij Regum xxiiij c xxv a Burned and destroyed xxv b Was buylded agayne ij Esdre iij. * vi d That Ierusalem shoulde be destroyed by the Romaynes Danyell ix Zacha. xiiij a Math. xxiiij.a. Luk. xiij d xix d xx b xxi a Ioan. xi e Of the spyrytual Ierusalem whyche is the congregatyon of God Psalm Cxxi a Esa xxxiij b.c liiij b lxv c.d Ezechie xvi d Tobie xiij c Baruch v a.b. Galat. iiij c Heb. xi b xij c.d Apoca iij. c xxi a Iesse the father of Dauid Math. i.a. Is called Isay i. Regum xvi* Is called Nabus ij Regū xvij.d. i. Para. ij a Iesus the sonne of Iosedeck was hygh priest Agge i.c. ij a Eccli xlix c Iethro a priest in Midean Exod. ij c became brother in lawe to Moses ij d iij. a Cometh vnto Moses in the wyldernesse xviij a Geueth a fayethfull and godly councell xviij c Is called Reguel Exod. ij c d Ietzear the father of Korah the rebellar Num. xvi a Is called Aminadab i. Paral. vij b Images ¶ Loke in thys word Idoll Innocency Euery
xxvii b xxviii* xxix b d e Ezeche xiii* xiiii b xxii c xxxiiii a b c Amos vii b Myche iii b Zachary xiii a Mathe vii b xxiiii a Luke xii a Actuum xx d i Corynth v. a Phylyp iij a Colloss ij b i Tymo iiij a ij Petr ii* i Iohn iiii a. The greate prophet and reacher Christe is promysed Deut xviij c Is geue●… and testyfyed Math iii b xiii g Luke vii b Iohn iiii c vi b. Ptolomeus was assaulted of Anty ochus i. Machabeo i.b. maketh frendshyp with Alexander the son of Autyochus x.f. warreth against Alexander dyeth xi a.b. Ptolomeus Macer killeth him self ii Mach x b c. Publius lodgeth Paule Act xxviii a Phull the kinge of Assiria went forth against Israel iiij Regū xv d. Q Questyons Vnprofytable and foolyshe questyons oughte to be auoyded Genesys iii a b Prouerb xxv d Eccle vii b. Eccli iii c Math xxiiii a Iohn xxi d Roma xii a Act i a i Timo i a vi a ij Timo ii* Titū iii b. Quyene The Quyene of Arabya commeth to Salomon iij Regū x a. ij Paral ix a Math xij d Luk xi c Ouyetnes ¶ Loke in thys worde peace R Rabba is beseged ij Reg. xi a i Par xxi a. Is wonne ij Regū xij.f. Rabsakeh a capitayne of Sennaherib iiij Reg. xviij c Esa xxxvi* xxxij a.b Rachell kepeth the shepe of her father Genes xxix b was gyuen to wiffe vnto Iacob xxix e Stealeth her fathers Images xxxi c Dyeth in the birthe of Bemamin xxxv d Raguell the brother in lawe of Tobias Tobie vij a Rahab the hostesse of Iericho lodgeth the messengers of Iosua Iosu ij a Iac. ij c Was delyuered wyth all her kyndred Iosu vi c.d was maried vnto Salmon i. Para. ij a Math. i.a. Her fayth is magnyfyed Hebr. xi c Ram ¶ Seke Aram. Raphaell the Angell of Bod a physycyou and lodeseman of Tobyas Toby v.b. vi* xij c Razis a stedfast Iewe killeth him self ij Mach. xiiij f.g Rebeka the daughter of Bethuel Gen xxij d was wedded vnto Isaac xxiiij f Bringeth forth two twines xxv c Rebellyon ¶ Loke in thys worde sedycyon Rehab the father of Ionadab the frende of Iehu kynge of Israel iiij Reg. x. c The Rechabites be obedient to there father Iere. xxxv a Reguell ¶ Seke Iethro Rehabeam the sonne Salomon was made kynge in Iuda iij. Regū xij a From him fall the tenne tribes of Israell xij.b.c. God forbadde hym to go forth agaynst the tenne tribes ij Paral xi a Was assaulted with warre of Sisake kyng of Egypt xij a.b Dyed iij Reg. xiiij e Is called Roboam Math i.a. Lefte behynde him Abiam iij. Reg. xv a Remission ¶ Seke Pardon Resurrection of the deade Of the generall resurrectyon and the elaryfyenge of the fleshe Exody iij. a Iob. xiiij a.b xix d xxxi d Esay xxvi c lxvi c Ezech. xxxvij a.b Dan. iij. e xij a. Ionas ij a Zepho iij. b iiij Esrde ij c. xiiij d Sap. ij.a.b. ij Mach. vij b.c.d Mathe. xxij c.d Luk. xx d Iohn v.b. c vi e xi c d. Actuum xxiiii b i Corynth xv* ij Corynth iiii c v* Colloss iij a Phil iij c iiij a i Thess iiij b c ij Tim ij a Apoc xx d. Respecte ¶ Loke in thys worde persons Ryche Howe the Ryche of thys worlde oughte to kepe and behaue them selues towardes the powre Leuyty xxv f. Deut viii c xv a b Eccli iiij a vij d xi b xxix b xxxi a Iob xxxi b Psalm lxi b Prouerb xiiii d. xvii a xix c xxi a xxij a xxviii d xxx a Eccle xi a Esa xxiij c Mathe vi c xix c. Luke xiiij b xvi* xviij c Actuū ij e iiij d i Timot vi d. Of vanytye and contempte of Ryches and that we maye not truste in them Psalm xxxviii a xlviij* li b Prouerbyor x. a xi a.d xv b xxij b xxiij a xxviij b xxx a Eccles v bc vi a. Esay ij b Ieremy xvii a b xxij b c Ezeche vij d Zephony i c Eccli v a. b x b xi c d xiiij a xvij a xxxi a Mathe. ix c xiii c xix.c.d. Luke viii b xij b i. Timo. vi b Iac. i.b. Of and agaynste the wycked and vngodlye Ryche men i Regum xxv a Iob. xx.b.c. xxiiii* Proue xxij.e. xxviij b.c.d. Eccli vi a Esay v.b. xxxij b.c Ieremy xv.c. Amos. vi a viii a Abac ij b Luk. vi c xvi c.d Iaco. v.a. ¶ Seke of couetousnes Reson an aduersarye to Israell iij Regum xij d. Rezyn king of Sirya went forth with the kynge of Israell agaynste Iuda iiii Reg. xvi a Esay vii a Was destroied iiij Regū xvi b. Ryghteousnes Ryghteouse and with owte synne is noman before God Genesys vi b viii d. Exody xxxiiii a Numery xiiii c iij. Regū viii g ij Paralyp vi f Iob. iiij b. ix a.c.d xxv a Psalm xiij a. l.a. lij a Cxlij a Prouerby xx b Eccles. vij c Esaye lxiiij a Ieremye ij c.d xxx b Myche vij a Nahum i a. iij Esdre liij c iiij Esdre viii d Sapyen xij b Eccli vij a Mathe. vi b Luk. xvij a.b Gal iij. d Ephe. ij a i. Iohn i.b. ¶ Seke synne Chryste is our ryghteousnes and iustyfycacyon before God throughe grace and fayth Gene. xv b Esay xlv c. liij b.c. Iere. xxiii a.b xxxiii c Dan. ix d Abac. ii a Zach. ix b Actuū x.e. xiii d Rom. i.b. iii.b.c. v.a.c. x.a.b. i. Cor. i. d Gal. ii c iii. b v.a. Philip. iii. b Titum iii. a i. Petr. iii. c Agaynste the Righteousnes of the Law Math. v.b. Rom. ii b x.a. Philip. iii. b Titū iij. a Hebr. ix b Apoc. iii. c Ritzpa Sauls concubyne was defyled of Abnex ii Regū iij. a Kepyth the bodyes of them that were hanged xxi c Rodochus a traytoure ij Machabe xiii d The Romaynes make a conuenaunt wyth the Iewes i. Macha viii b.c.d xij a xiiij b.c Of the praise of the Romains viij a.b Rest ¶ Seke mekenes That the Romains shal destroy Ieru salem and the temple Numery xxiiii d Esa v d. vi b Dan. ix e xi.d.e. Luke xix d Iohn xi.e. Ruben the fyrste sonne of Iacob was borne Gen. xxix.f. Defyleth the bedde of hys father xxxv e Therfore lost he his first byrth right xlix a i. Para vi a Desireth to deliuer his brother Ioseph xxxvij d.e.f Becommeth suertie to hys father for Beniamin xlij e The Rubenytes are fyrste sett in theyr 〈◊〉 Nume xxxij* Deut. iij. b xxix b Iosue i.c. xiij c. They are also for other yuells smytten iiij Regum x.f. and dryuen oute of theyr lande and caryed away xv.f. Accordynge to the prophecye Gen. xlix a They reare vp an aulter Iosu xxii c* They fyghte agaynste the Hagarenes i. Par. vi c Ruth a Moabytesse Ruth i.a. Became the wiffe of Boos and mother of O bed Ruth iiii b * i. Par. ij a Mat. i. a Repentaunce To trewe repentaunce conuersyons
Reg vi b i Para. xiiij b. Vsia a kynge in Inda fought agaynst the Phylistians in censing became leperous and Died. ij Par xxvi c.d. Is called Asarias iiij Regum xv a And Ose as Math i b. Vsury and superfluitye Exod xxij c Leuyt xxv f Deut xv a xxiij c ij Esd v a b Psal xiiij a Prou xx●… b xxviij b Ieremye xv b Ezeche xviij a.b xxij b Luk. vi d xix a W Warning ¶ Seke Correction Warres ☞ Warres are the punishement of sinne Leuy xxvi d Deut. xxviij d.e.f Iudy ij c.d iij.a.b. iiij a vi a x.b. xiij a Esay v.d. Iere. v.c. Howe the faythfull haue kepte thē selfes in tyme of warre Exody xvij c.d i. Regum xvij c * ij Paralypo xij a.b. xiiij c.d xviij * xx a xxxij a.b Iudyth viij b * i. Machabeor iij. b.c iiij a.b vij e.f ii Machabeor viij c.d For what cause and occasyon the faythfull haue begonne warres Genes xiiij c Iudyc xix g xx * Iosue x.a.b. i Reg. xxx a.b God fyghteth alwayes for hys and teachet them also to fyghte Exody xiiij c Deuteron i.e. iij. d i. Regum xvij d. ij Paralypo xx c Psalm xvij.d. Cxliij a Esaye xxx.c. ¶ Seke vyctorye Against the vngodlye warres Proue i.a. ¶ Seke Murther Wattchynge We oughte allwayes to Wattche and to loke for the commynge of the Lorde Mathe. xxiiii d xxv a xxvi d Marke xiij d Luke xij d xxi d Roma xiii b Ephe. vi c Colloss iiij a i. Thess v.a. i. Petr. iiij b v.b. Apocalyps iij. a xvi c Witnes Of trewe and false wytnesse Exod xx c xxiij a Numery xxxv e Deuter. v.c. xvii.b. xix.c.d. iij. Regū xxi b Psal xxvi c xxxiiij b Prouer. vi b xiiij a xix a.b. xxi d xxiiij d xxv c Sus e. * Math xviij b xix c xxvi f xxviij b.c Marke x.b. Act. vi b ij Cor. xiij a i. Timot. v. c Heb. x.c. ¶ Seke lyeng Wedloke ¶ Seke Matrimonye Wyttche crafte Exody vii b viii d xxii c Leuytyc xix g. xx.a.d. Numery xxiij d Deute xviij b. i. Regum xxviij * iiij Regum xvii c xxi a Iob. iij. a Esaye ii b xliiij e xlvij c. Ieremye x.a. Danyel ii.a.b. Mych v.c. Mathe. iij. a Eccli xxxiiij a Actuū viij a xiij a xvi c xix b Gal. v.c. Apoc xviij f xxi b Wyues Of the offyce and dutye of the wyffe towardes the husband Genes ij d iij. c Numery xxx b.c Deut. xxij a i. Hester i.b. * Tob. x.c. Prouer. xi c xij a Esa iij.c.d. i. Cor. vij* xi a.b xiiij e Ephes v.c. Colloss iij. c i. Timo. ij b iij. b v. ab Titū ij a i. Pet. iij. a Wisdome ☞ Of the begining and propertie praise and commodytye of godlye wysdome Deut. iiij a xxix b Iob. xxviij b.c xxxij b. Psalm xviij a ij* iij* iiij* v* vi* viij* ix a xxiiij a.b Eccles. vij b ix b Ieremy viij b Sapi. vi a vij a.b ix* x* Eccli i. * iiij b.c xix c xxi b.c xxiiij* xxxix a Luk. xxi b Rom. xi d i. Cor. i.c.d. ij.a.b. iij. c Col. ij a Iac. i.a. iij. c Of mans wisdome Exod. i.b. Proue iij. a xiiij b Eccles. i.c. Esay v.c. xxv c Iere. li.c. Mathe. xi.e. Roma i.c. xij c i Cor. i.c. iij. c Iaco. iij. c Wyll We must referre owre wyll to the wyll of God i. Regum iij. d ij Regum x.c. xv.e. i. Machabe iij.g. Mathe. vi b xxvi d Mark xiiij d Luk. xxij c Actuū xviij c xxi b Hebr. vi a Iac. iiij b ¶ Seke forsakynge and leauynge The wyll and intent counteth God for the dede Genes xx a.b.c ij Regum xi c xij b iij. Reg. xxi c ¶ Seke harte Wydowes To the widowes ought we to good Exody xxij c Deuter. xvi c xxiiij c.d xxvi c xxvij c ij Esdre ij c Eccli iiij b Iudith xvi d Iob. xxiiij.a. xxxi b Esay i.c. Ieremy xxij a Zach. vij b Malach iii. a Mathe. xxiij b i. Timothe v. a.b Iacob i.c. Worde of God The worde of God ought we alwais to haue before our eyes Deut. iiij a vi b.c xi c Nume xv d Psalm i.a. Prou iij. a iiij a.c vi c vij a Frō the word of God ought we not to shrynke Deuter. iiij a v.d. xvij c.d xxviij b Iosue i.b. xxiij b Prouer. iiij c Esay xxx.c. The worde of God must not only be hearde and spoken but also wyth harte beleuid and kepte Deuter. v.a.d. vi a xxxi c Esay xxix c Ezech. xxxiij f Mat v.c. vij c xv a xxviij c Luke vi c xi c xii.c. Iohn xiij b Heb. iiij a Iac. i.c. Of the despysynge of godes worde and the punyshemente of the same iii. Regum xiii a iiij Regum xvii c.d ii Paralyp xxx b.c xxxvi c Prouerb i. bc xxviij b Esay xxviii c xxx b.e lxv b lxvja Ieremye ij b v.c.d. vij b xvi b xix * xxv a Ezech. xxxiij f Mathe. x. b xi d. xx a Luk. x.b. Actuū xiii e xviij a Roma i.c.d. ij Thess ij b Hebreor ij a ¶ Seke Obedyence To the worde of God oughte nothing to be added nor ought to be taken from Deut. iiij a xij d xxviij b Proue xxx a Gal. iij. c Apoc. xxij d The worde of god endureth for euer Numery xxiii c Tobye xiiij b Psalm xxxij b Cxvi a Cxviij m Esa xl.a. xli b li b. liiij b Math. v.b. xxiiii c Mark xiij d Luk xvi c. xxi d i. Pet. i.d. Wrathe Of wrath and what yuell therof enseuth Genesys iiij a Iob. v.a. Prouer xij c xiiij d xv.c. xvij.d. xix b xxvij a xxix c Eccles. vii.c. Eccli xxv c xxviij a.b. xxx.c. Mathe. v.c. Luk. iiij d Gall v.c. Ephes iiij c Colloss iij. a Tytum i.b. Iacob i.b. The furyous and wylfull oughte we to flee Genesis xxvij g Iosue ij c Prouer. xxij d xxix c Esay iij. a Eccli viij c Math. ij c Z Zacharyas the sonne of Ieroboam be came kynge in Israell iiii Regum xiiij e xv b Zacharye the sonne of Ioiada or Barachye was stoned ij Para. xxiiij d Math. xxiij e Zacharie the father of Iohn the Baptist Luk. i.a. Zacharye prophecyed in the tyme of Darius Zacha. i.a. Zacheus lodgeth Chryste our Lorde Luk. xix a Zadocke the sonne of Abiathar became hir priest iij. Reg. ij f Zalmuna and Seba the kynges of the Medyanytes are taken Iudycum viij b.c.d.e Zeale ¶ Seke Augre Zebedeus the father of Iames and Iohn Mathe. iiij c Bys wyffe Salome prayeth for her sonnes vnto the Lorde xx c Zedechyas a false prophet of Ahab iii. Regū xxij b ij Paral. xviii b Was burned Iere. xxix d Zolaphrades daughters requyre the inherytaunce Numery xxvij a xxxvi a Iosue xv d xvij a Zeruya the daughter of Isay and syster to Dauid she bare Abisa Ioab and Asahell ij Reg. ij c 1 Par. ij a Ziba the seruaunt of Saul was ordeined to be ouer fear to Mephiboseth ij
Hanania i. Pe. iij. c ¶ Abstinence seke in this word fasting Abner the captyue of Saules hooste maketh Isboseth kyng ouer Israel ij x e. ij b was disconfyted in the flighte ij c lyeth wyth Rizpam iij. b maketh a couenaunt wyth Dauid was destroyed of Ioab iij. * Abra a handmayd of Iudith Iu. viij e Abram the sonne of Tharah taketh Sarai to his wyfe Gen. xi d he goyth forth of hys natyue country accordinge to the commaundement of God into the lande of Canaan xij a goeth into Egypte xij c Cometh agayne oute of Egypte into the land of Canaan xiij a delyuereth Loth hys brother out of the handes of his enemyes xiiij c Receyueth the promyse of a sonne xv a xvij c xviij b Lyeth with Agar xvi a Receyueth the promyse and token of conuenaunt and is called Abraham xvij a Prayeth for the Sodomites xviij c.d.e Isaac is borne vnto him xxi a He woulde offer Isaac xxij b Sendeth hys seruaunte to seke a wyfe for Isaac xxiiij.a. dyeth xxv a Eccl. xliiij c Is called the father of manye nacyons and of all beleuyng Gen. xvij a Isai li. Mat. iij. a Luk. xiij b xix a Ion. viij d Rom. iiij b.c.d ix a Galat. iij. a Of hym and hys sonnes reade Ios xxiiij.a. Isa xli b li.a. Ezec. liij d ij Esdr ix b Mat. viij b Act. vij a.b Hebr. xi d Absalon the sonne of Dauid ij Re. iij. a kylleth hys brother and fleeth to Thalmai xiij f.g was called agayne xiiij d.e maketh insurreccion agaynst hys father xv a Lyeth wyth hys fathers concubynes xvi d accordinge to the prophesye xij a was destroyed of Ioab xviij a.b.c Achab and Zedechias falle prophetes were burnid Iere. xxix d Achā was stoned Iosu vij d i. Par. ij a Of the vally of Achor vij d xv b Isay lxv b Ose ij b Achior a capitayne of the Ammonytes Iudith v.a. was geuē into the hands of the Iewes vi a became a Iew. xiiij a.b Achis geueth vnto Dauid the cytye Ziklag i. Reg. xxvij a Achsa the daughter of Caleb was geuen to be the wyfe of Athniel Iosu xv d Adam was created Gen. i.d. He was set in paradise and the tree of knowledge was forbydden hym ij c was broughte into dysobedyence by the woman and dryuē out of paradise iij. b dyeth v.a. into what calamytye mankynd is broughte thorough hys dysobedyence Eccle. xl.a. Adonias presumeth to occuppe the kyngdome of hys father Dauyd iij. Re. i.a. whan he desyered Abysag to be hys wyfe he was slayne ij.c.d.e. Adonibeseke was taken prysoner Iud. i. a.b Adoram receyuer of Dauids trybute ij Reg. xx d and afterwardes receyuer of Rehabeams trybut was stoned iij. Reg. xij c Adramelech an Idol iiij Reg. xvij f Adramelech wyth the helpe of hys brother Sarrezer slew hys father Sanherib iiij Reg. xix g ☞ Adultery forbidden transgressed and punyshed Gen. xx.a.b. xxvi b Exo. xx c Leui. xviij a xx b Num. v. b* Deut. v. c xxij c.d Iud. xix a ij Reg. xi a xij a.b.c Iob. xxiiij c xxxi a.b Prouer. v.b.c. vi c.d vij* Iere. v.b. Hos iiij a Mich. iij. a Sap. iij. d Matth. v.c. xiiij a xix b Ion. viij a i. Corin. vi a.b i. Thess iiij a Heb. xiij a Iaco. iiij a Of spyrytuall adultery Psal lxxij d Esa liiij a lvij.a. Ierem. iij. a xiij d Hos ij a ¶ Seke horedome Agabus prophesyeth of dearth to come Acto xi c Sayth that Paule shall be taken and delyuered into the handes of the enemyes xxi b Agag the king of the Amelechytes was taken of kyng Saul i. Regum xv b and was hewen in peaces xv.g. accordynge to the prophesye Num. xxiiij b Agar the mayd of Sarah beareth Ismael Gen. xvi d She is dryuen out with her sonne xxi b The Agarenytes are dryuen oute of theyr lande by the Rubenytes i. Paral. vi c Ay was burned and her king hanged Ios viij.f. Alchimus the wicked Iewe obtayned the priesthode by subteltye i. Mach. vij a.b ij Mach xiiij a.b dyeth of sodayne death i. Mach. ix e Alexander the kinge of the Griekes after that he had slayne Darius he parteth the kingdom in to foure partes i. Mac. i.a. Read Daniel vij a viij b xi a Alexander the sonne of Antyochus made a confederacyon with Ionathas i. Mach. x.a. fyghteth with Demetrius x.e. His hede was smitten of xi b Alexander the coppersmith departeth from the fayth i. Timot. i.c. Doth moch yuell vnto Paule ij Timoth. iiij b ✚ Of Almuse and mynistring to the poore Exod. xxij c.d xxiij b Leui. xix c xxiij d xxv.f. Deuter. xv.a.b. xxiiij d iij. Reg. xvij b ij Esdr viij c iij. Esdr ix e i. Hest ix d Psalm xl.a. lxxxi a cxi.a. Prouerb iij. a.b.d xi.c.d. xiiij c.d xv a xviij b xix c xxi b.d xxij a.c xxviij d xxxi c Eccle. v.b. xi a Esay v.b.d. lviij b Ezechiel xvi e Dan iiij d Eccl iij d iiij a vij d xij a. xiiij b xvii.b. xxix b xxxiiij c.d xxxv a Tob. i.a. iiij b xii.b. Mat. vi a x.e. xix c xxv.c.d. Luk. vi c xi d xij d xiij d xiiij b xvi b.c xix a xxi a Act. ij e vi a ix e x. a xi c xx e Rom xij b xv d i. Corin. xvi a ij Corin. viij a.b ix* Ephe. iiij c i. Iohan iij. c Hebre. xiij c ¶ Seke of mercyfulnes Alpheus the father of Iames the apostel Math. x.a. Mark iij. b Luke vi b Act. i.b. Aulter The aulter of the burnt offerynges Exod. xxvij a xxxviij a Num. vij b* ij Reg. xxiiij e iij. Reg. xviij d iiij Regum xvi c ij Parali i.a. iiij a xv b i. Esdre iij. a Ezech. xliij d i. Mach. iiij f.g Of the aulter of incense Exod. xxx a.b xxxvij d xl b The aulter of the faythful is Christe Esay lvi.b. Hebr. xiij b Amalecke the sonne of Esaus sonne was borne Gene. xxxvi b.c fyghteth agaynst Israell Exod. xvij c Num. xiiij f Iud. vi a was ouer come vij* i. Reg. xiiij g was rotted out xv.a.b. according to the sayeng Exo. xvij.d. Nume xxiiij d Deute xxviij c was ouer come agayue i. Reg. xxx d Amasa the sonne of Abigail syster vnto Dauid i. Para. ij.a.b. was made captayne of Absalons hoost in the stede of Ioab ij Reg. xvij e Was made captaine of Dauids hoostes xix c was kylled of Ioab xx b The cause xix b Amasias the sonne of Ioas numbreth the people ij Par. xxv a putteth to death the manquellers of hys father iiij Reg. xij d xiiij a Smyteth the Edomites xiiij b was taken and slayne xiiij c leaueth behynde him his sonne kynge Asaria xv a Is called Leui Luk. iij. e Amasias the priest at Bethel complaineth vpō the prophet Amos Amos. vij b.c Aminadab the sonne of Aram Mat. i. a leauyth behinde hym his sonne Naheson Num. i.a. vij b x. b Ammon the sonne of Loth his daughter Gen. xix g The Amonites should
the Hebrues and whereof certayne of them do springe Genes xix.e. xxxij c xliij f Iud. xi.g. Ruth iiii b ii Paral. xxxv e ●ouet●…snes Couetousnes and Nigardnes Iosu vij d i. Reg. viij a xxv.a.b. iij. Reg. xxi a iiij Reg. v.d.e. Psal xxxvij b Prou. i. b xi d xij d xv b.c.d xxviij b.d xxx b Eccle. ii.d. iiii b v.b. vi a Esay v.b. lvi c. Iere. vi b viij b Amos. viii a Miche vi b.c Osee ix a.b Abacuc ii b Ecclli xiiii a xxix c.d xxxi a.b xl.c. Tob. v. d ij Mach. iiii h x.d. Math. vi c xxvi b.e xxvii a Mar. viii e Luk. xii.b.c. Ioan. xii a Act. v.a. viii b xxiiii c i. Cor. vi b Ephe. v.a. Phil. iiii b Coloss iii. a i. Timo vi b Tit. i.b. Hebr. xiii a ●ounsel Counsaylyng In doubtefull matters ought we to aske counsayll of God hys worde and prophetes Gen. xxv c Exo. xviii c Leui. xxiiii c Nume ix a.b xv d xxvii b Deut. i.c. xvii b.c xxi a Iosu ix c. Iud. i.a. xviii b xx.c.d. xxi a i. Regū x.d. xxiii a.b.c xxx.d. ii Regum ii a v. c d. xxi a iii. Regum xiiii a. xxii a.b iiii Reg. iii.b.c. viii b xxii c ii Paral. xviii a.b. xxxiii d Psal cxviii c Prouer. iii. a Esa viii d ix b xxv a xlv b xxx a iere xxxvii a.b xlii a Ezec. xiiii a.b Zacha. vii a Eccli viii.c. ix c xxxvii a xlv d Tob. iiii c Luk. xvi d By the deade sorcerers and false prophetes oughte wee not to seke councell Leui. xix g xx a Deut. xviii a.b i. Reg. xxviii a.b iii. Reg. xxii a iiii Regū i.ab. iii. b ii Par. xviii a Esa viii d Dani. ii a iiii a v. a God breaketh wicked consailes Gen xi b xxxvii d l.c. Num. xxii * ii Regū xv * xvii b. ii Esdr iiii b.c i. Hest vii b iii. Mach. iii. s Iob. v.b. Psal ii a xx b. xxxii b Esa vii b xix a Math. xxvii g Act. v.c. ix d xxiii b.c xxvii e Cursing and blessynge Gene. iii. c.d viij a ix d xxiiij g xxvij a xlviij c.d Num. v.c. Deu. xi d xxvij b Iosu viij g Iud. ix c i. Regū xvij f ij Regū ij a iij. f xvi b iiij Regū ij e ij Esd v.b. Prouer. xxvi a Iere. xxix d xxxi d xiviij d xlix b. Zach. viii Cusan Rysathaim kyng of Syrya ruleth ouer Israell the space of eyghte yeres Iud. iij. a D Dagon an Idoll of the Philystynes i. Reg. v.a. i. Macha x.i. Damaris heareth Paule and beleueth Act. xvij e Damascus the head Citie of the Syrians was wonne of Thiglat pylnesser iiij Regū xvi b Agaynste Damascus is prophecyed Esay viij a xvij a Iere. xlix d. Amos. i. a Dames ¶ loke in thys worde hell Damnatyon ¶ loke in thys word hell Dan the sonne of Iacob Gene. xxx a the trybe of Dan seketh an heritage for them selues Iosue xviij a They fyghte agaynste Lesen conquered them xix d Danyel is called Belschazar Dany i.b. expoundeth dreames ij c iiij a.b.c.d was caste into the burnynge furnace iij. d Was ordeyned the gouernour of the whole kyngdome of Babel vi a was caste into the lyons denne vi c Beell e. delyuered Susanna Sus g. h Darius the sonne of Ahasuerus Danye ix a Taketh in the kyngedome Babel v.e. Suffered an vngodlye blasphemous acte to goo forth vi b Maketh a great feast iij. Esd iij. a Daryus reneweth the commaundement of Cores i. Esd vi a Darius was slayne of Alexander of Macedonia i. Mach. i. a Dathan and Abyron rose vp agaynst Moses Num. xvi* Deut. xi a Dauid the sonne of Isay whyche is called Iesse Math. i. was of Samuell annoynted kyng i. Regum xvi c Slewe a lyon beare and Golyath xvij e.f maketh a bounde wyth Ionathas xviij a xx.b.c.d. xxiij d Eateth the shewebreades xxi b Fayneth hym self madde before kynge Achys xxi d Flyeth wyth hys father and mother to Mizpa xxij a Cutteth a pece of Saules garmente xxiiij.a. Sendeth to Nabail xxv a Taketh away Saules speare xxvi b Flyeth to Achys the kynge of Gath. xxvii a was crowned at Hebron ouer Iuda ij Regum ij a Curseth Ioab iij. f Toke the strong hold of Zyon and was annoynted ouer all Israell v.a.b. i. Para. xij a xiij e After the worde of Ionathas i. Reg. xxiij c and of Saul xxiiij d Commytieth adultery and murdre ij Reg. xi* Repenteth xij c Flieth from his sonne Absalon xv.c. He was letted to go to the battel xviij a was restored to hys kyngdome agayne xix c Enclosed hys tenne concubynes xx a Offereth the water vnto the Lorde xxiij c Noumbreth the people xxiiij.a. Byeth the thresshynge floore of Araphna xxiiij e Prepareth for the house of the lorde i. Para. xxiij a Ordeyneth offycers i. Para. xxiiij* xxv* xxvi* xxvij* xxviij* Leaueth behynde hym hys sonne kyng● Salomon iij Regū i. e Dyeth and is buryed ij b Is praysed Eccli xlvii a Daye of Domine Of the lastdaye and the iudgemente of God whyche Christ shall kepe at the ende of the world Psalm xvi b xlix a Esay ij.b.c. xiii a.b.c xxvii a lxvi c Iere. xxx.d. Dan. vii b Zepho i.a. Malac iii. d Mat. xii d xiii e.f xvi d xxiiii* xxv c.d. Marc. xiii* Luke xvii c.d Acto i.b. iii. c xvii.e. Rom. ii.a.b. i. Corin xv* ii Cor. v.b. i. Thessa iiii c v. a ii Thess i.b. ii a Tit. ii b ii Petr. iii. b Hebr. ix d Iude. i.c. Apoc. i.a. xx d Debora goeth with Rebecca to Isaac Gene. xxiiii g Dieth xxxv b Debora a prophetesse whyche iudged Israell Iud. iiii a Debyr is taken Iosue x.g. Iud. i. c Delila the concubine of Samson betrayeth hym to the Phylystyans Iudi. xvi * Demetrius the sonne of Seleucus ruleth tyrannyously i. Macha vii a maketh a confederatyon wyth Ionathas x a. Brake conuenaunt wyth hym xi g Demetryus the syluersmyth exalteth hym selfe agaynst Paule Acto xix c Death and Dyeng Death is the punyshmente of synne Gene. ii c iii. d Rom. v.b.c. vi c i. Corinth xv.c. Ephes ii a Col. ii b i. Timo v.a. Iaco. i. b Death also daye and tyme is appoynted for all men Deute xxxi d Iosu xxiii d. i. Regum xxvi b Iob. xiiii a Psalm lxxxviii f Eccle. iii. a viii a Eccli xvii a. xli a Ioan. vii.c. viii b Roma v.b. vi c. Hebr. ix d The houre of death is vnknowne and hydden Eccli ix c Math. xxiiij d Luke xij d i. Thess v.a. ij Thess ij a Iac. iiij b Of the bewaylyng and buryal of the deade Genes v.c. xxiij* xxv b xxxv e xxxvij f xlvij g xlix.e. l.a. Leui. x.b. xix f Num. xix c xx d Deute xiiij a xxviij c i. Regum xv.g. xvi a xxv a xxxi c ij Regum i.b. ij a iij. f x.a. xii d.e xiiij a xix a xxi c.d iij. Regum xiij f.g iiij Regum xxij d iiij Esdr ij c Eccli
xx a Leuit. xxij d xxvi b Deut. iiij f v.a. vij b viij c xvi b Iud. ij a vi b i. Reg. x.d. iiij Regum xvij b Miche vi a xiij a Egipt was wonne of the kyng of Babel iiij Reg. xxiiij b Ierem. xlvi a The Egiptians went forth agaynst Iudas ii Para. xij a Egipt was assaulted wyth warre of Antiochus i. Macha i.b. Into Egypt dyd Christ flee before Herode Matt. ij c Eglon the cytye was wonne Ios x. f Eglon the kyng of the Moabites ruled ouer Israel .xviij. yeares and was slayne Iud. iij. b* Ehud a iudge in Israel Iud. iij. b * Elam the sonne of Sem. Gen. x.c. Agaynst the Elamites Esa xij c Ierem. xlix f Ezech. xxxij d Dan. viij a Eldad and Modad prophecye in the campe Num. xi f Elders ¶ Loke in this worde Father Eleazar the sonne of Aaron Exod. vi d. xxviij a Diuideth and distributeth wyth Iosua the lande of Chanaan Iosue xiiij a According to the commandement of God Num. xxxiiij c was annointed priest Leu. viij c was after the death of hys father made hygh prieste Num. xx d Deut. x.b. Dyed and was buryed Iosu xxiiij f After him was hygh priest hys sonne Pinehas Exod. vi d Eleazar the sonne of Saura kylleth the Elephant and was destroyed i. Mach. vi f Eleasar wythdraweth hym selfe from the dissembling of euyll ij Mach. vi c.d Eli the priest of Sylo i. Reg. i.a. his chylderen are reproued ij c d Dyed iiii d Eliab the capitayne of the trybe of Sabulon Nume i. a Eliakim the sonne of Iosias was kyng in Iuda and called Iehoiakim iiij Reg. xxiij g ¶ Seke Ieoiakim Eliakim the sonne of Helkia was stewarde of the house of kynge Ezechias in the steade of Sobna iiii Reg. xviii c Esay xxij c Elias was nouryshed and fedd of rauens iij. Reg. xvij a Rayseth a dead bodye to lyfe xvij c Kylleth Baals priestes xviii e Fled from Isebel xix a was sent to Damascus for to annoynt Hasael kynge ouer Syria xix c was sent to Ahab xxi c Bringeth the fyer vpon the Capitaynes wyth theyr fyftyes iiii Regum i.c. Was taken vp thorowe the whorlewynde into heauen ij c Was sene in the transfiguracyon of Christ Math. xvij a Luce. ix d Elasaph a Capytayne of the Gadites Num. i. a Eliasib the hygh prieste buyldeth the gate of Ierusalem ij Esdr iij. a xii a Elieser the sonne of Moses Exod. xviija i. Para. xxiiij b was circumcysed Exod. iiij e Elimas the sorcerer became blynde Act. xiii a Elimelech the husbande of Naemi Ruth i. a Elisa is annoynted for a prophet iii. Regum xix d Accordynge to the commaundement xix c Goeth thorough Iordan iiii Regum ij c Maketh the water swete ij e Raysed the dead chyld to lyfe iiii d Clensed Naeman of hys leprosy v.c. Stryketh the Syrians wyth blyndnes vi d Prophecyeth plenteousnes of victuale vij a Sykeneth and dyed xiij c.d Elisama an Hedman of the trybe of Ephraim Nume i. a Elizabeth the wyfe of Zachary conceyueth in her age Luc. i.b. Bryugeth forth John the Baptist i. e Elisur an Hedeman of the trybe of the Rubenites Num. i. a Ella a kyng in Israell is slayne iii. Regum xvi a Elon a Iudge in Israel Iud. xij c Eloth was buylded iiij Reg. xiiii d Came into the handes of the Syrians xvi a Eneas is made whole Act. ix e Enemies Vnto oure enemies ought we to do good ¶ Seke Loue Not to despise the enemie i. Reg. xiiij b. xvij f ij Reg. xxi.e. iij. Regū xx* iiij Reg. xiiij b Not sodenly to trust a man that is reconcyled i. Regū xxiiij d xxvi d ij Reg. iij. e i. Macha xij e Enui and hatred Gen. xxvi b xxvij g xxx a xxxvij ab Exod. i.b. xx c Leuit. xix d Nume xij a. xxxv c.d Deut. xix c i. Regū xviiij ab Sap. ij d Eccli xiiij a xxviij a.b Prouerb x.b. Ezech. xxv c Dan. vi a Amos. i.a. Luc. xv d Ioh. xij a Galat. v.b. Epaphara a true and a faithfull mynister of Christ Coloss i. a Epaphroditus a felow souldiar of Paule Philip. ij c Ephesus receyueth the preachyng of Paule Act. xix a Ephraim the sonne of Ioseph Gen. xli.g. was receyued of Iacob hys grandesyre for hys sonne xlviij a The Ephraites receyue the inheritaunce Iosu xvi* Ryse vp agaynst Iephtah Iud. xij a.b By Ephraim are vnderstanded the tenne tribes of Israel Esa vij a.b ix.c.d. Ose v* Ephron because that they denyed to Iuda the passage they were spoiled and beaten downe to the grounde i. Macha v.c. ii Mach. xii e Erastus the treasurer of the cytye of Corinth Rom. xvi c ij Tim. iiij c was sente wyth Tymothee to Macedonia Act. xix c Esaias the sonne of Amos. Esay i. a Is called and sent vi b xlix a Esau the sonne of Isaac is borne Gen. xxv c Sellith hys fyrst byrth ryght xxv d Heb. xij c was begyled of hys brother Iacob xxvij a.b.c.d Taketh to hys wyfe the daughter of Ismael xxviij b xxxvi a Goeth forth to mete Iacob wyth foure hundreth men xxxij.a. Sheweth fauor to hys brother Iacob xxxiij a To fyghte agaynst Esau Was forbidden to Israel Deu. ij a ¶ Seke Edom. Esdra the scribe goeth forth of Babylon i. Esdr vij a Separateth the strange wyues from Israel ix* x* Readeth the boke of the law ii Esd viii a. iii. Esdr ix d Is called Iozadack i. Paral. vii a Euilmerodach was after the death of hys father Nabuchadnezar kyng of Babel iiij Regum xxv d Ierem. lij e Eupator the sonne of the vngodlye Antiochus ij Macha x. b Eutychos the yong man was raysed from death Act. xx b Excommunication of the Faythfull The faythfull ought to excommunycate and exclude all those that teache or lyue amisse Prouer. xxij b iii. Mach. f. Math. xviii b Rom. xvi b i. Corinth v* ij Corinth ii a b. ii Thessa iii* i. Timo. i.c. vi a ij Timoth. ij.b.c. iij. a Tit. iii. b ii ioh i. b ¶ Seke Felowshyp or couenauntes or appoyntement Of the excommunicatyon of the Pharyses Iohn ix cd xi.f. xii f xvi a Prohibition of Eyes Gen. iij. b vi a xxxiiij a xxxix b ij Reg. xi a xiij a Eccli ix a.b xxv d xlij b Ezechias the sonne of wycked Ahab a ryghteous kyng in Iuda iiii Regum xvi d Breaketh the brasen Serpent xviij a Rebelleth agaynst the kyng of Assyria xviij b Sendeth to the Prophet Esaye xix a Esay xxxvii a Lyeth sycke vnto death iiii Regū xx a Esay xxxviii a Sheweth vnto the Babylonyans the treasure and was punyshed iiij Regū xx bc Esay xxxix a Is praysed Eccli xlviii c Ezechiel was wyth other prysoners caried to Babylon Ezech. i. a was called and sent Ezech. ij a Is praysed Eccli xlix d F Fayth Fayth Of the powre strength and operatyon of the true and lyuely fayth Math. ix xxi c Mark xvi b Luk xviii d Iohn i. a iii. bc.e vi
a Psalm lxxxviij b Esay xxxvij c xlij.a. xliiij e xlv b Math. xi.e. Iohan. i.a. Acto iiij c xiiij c xvij.d. i. Corinth viii a Ephes iij. b Coloss i.b. Heb. i.b. iij. a God is vnmeasurable and incomprehensible in all places iii. Regum viii d. ij Para. ij b vi d Iob. xi a Psalm Cxxxviij a b Isay vi a lxvi a Ierem. xxiij d Amos ix a Sap. i. a Acto vii f God promyseth and affyrmeth hym selfe to be the God that is the sauyour and comforter of Israel and of all them that call vpon hym Genesis xvij a b Exodus vi a xx a xxix g Leuit. xxvi b Psalm xvii a xlix a Isay xxx a Iere. xxxi f xxxij e Ezech. xxxvij d Ioh. xx b God is the father of all beleuers Deut. xxxii a Psalm Cii b Prouer. i. a Ierem. iii. a d Malach. i. a Math. vi b xviij b xxiii a i. Corinth viij a ij Cori. i. a Ephes iii. a.c iiii a ij Thesse ij b God doeth good to all the worlde of hys mere mercy and for hys names sake that is for hys owne sake Deuter. iiii f vii a b i. Regum xij d iiii Regum xix f Psalmus xxij a lxxviii b Cv. a Cxlii. a Isay xliii d xlviii b Ezech. xx b xxxvi d Ephe. i. a God is faythfull a●d true Exodus xxxiiii a Numer xxiii c Deutero vij b xxxii a i. Regum xv.f. Isay xlix b Ioh. iij. e viij c Rom. iij. a i. Corinth i. a x. b ij Thessa iij. a ij Timot. ij b Titum i. a i. Iohn i. b v. c Hebr. x. c Of Gods mercyfulmes pacience loue wysedome and word ¶ Seke euery of them in hys place Gods seruice Of the trewe Goddes seruice and Goddes acceptable workes Exod. xix a. xx a b c xxiij c d Deute v. a b c x. c Iosue xxij a.b i. Regum xv e Psal ij b. xxxix b xlix b Prouerb iij. a b xiiij d xxi a Isay i. c lviij b Jere. xxij a Ezec. xviij a Osee ij vi b Mich. vi b Zach. vij b viij c Math. v. c d e Luk. i. f iii. b Iohn xij c Roman xij* xiii* xiii c Philip. iii. a Iacob i. c True Goddes seruice or worshyppyng requyreth the hart and the wyll Deut v. d vi b x. c xi b xxvi d xxviii e xxx a. b c Iosue xxii b i. Regum xii d Eccli vij d Isay xxix c lxiiii a Math. xv a xxii c Iohn iiij c God ought onely to be worshypped and serued Deuteronom vi c i. Regum vii a Danyel iii. c Mathe. iiii b Luke iiii a Of false Goddes seruyce ¶ Seke Idolatrye Good thinking and good intent Leuit. x. a Num xv d Deuter. iiij a xii a xxix c i. Regū xv b ij Reg. vi b Prou. xii c xiiii b xxi a Esa v.c. vii c xiiii b xvi c lv b c Mathe. iij. b xvi d Mar. viii e Ioh. xii a xiii a Galat. ij b Good workes What are good workes ¶ Seke Goddes seruice God counted the workes to be done to hym selfe whyche are done to oure neyghboure Whether they be good or euell i. Regum viij b Esay xxxvii d Zach. ii b Mathe. xxv d Acto ix a i. Corinth viii b Gospell That is of the comfortable and gracious predication of Christ Gene. iii. c Esay liii* lv.a. lxi a Mathe. i. c xi c xxviii c Mark xvi b Luk. ii b xxiiii d Iohn iij. c vi b viii b x. a xii f Roma i. b iii. b c viii a i. Corinth i. c xv a ii Corinth v. c Galata i. a b Ephes i. b i. Timoth. i. c ij Timoth. i.b. ij a H Hadad the Edomite an aduersary to Salomon iij. Regum xic d Hadadeser the kynge of Zoba was smytten ij Regum viij a Ham the sonne of Noah Gene. v. d ix c was cursed ix d Haman after that he was exalted became a mortal enemy to the Iewes i. Hest iij* Was hanged vij.v. In lyke maner hys tenne sonnes ix b Hanam was sent to Assa kyng of Iuda ij Paral. xvi b Item to Baesa kyng of Israel iij. Regum xv f Hanania the sonne of Sorobabel ¶ Seke Sorobabell Hananias prophecyeth agaynst Ieremye Ierem. xxviij a Hanna beareth the prophet Samuel i. Regum i. c Hanna the prophetesse prayseth the lorde God Luk. ij f Hannas the hygh priest sent Ihesus to Capphas Iohn xviij c Hanoch was taken awaye of God Gen. v. c Hanum kynge of the Ammonytes doeth vylaynously entreate the messengers of Dauid ij Regum x. b Haram the brother of Abraham and the father of Loth. Gene. xi d Hasael seruaunt to Benhadad kynge of Syria was made kynge ouer Syria iiij Regum viij b.c accordynge to the commaundement iij. Reg. xix c Smot Israel in all theyr landes and coastes x f. xij d xiij a As it was prophecyed iiij Regum viij b.c Dyed xiij e Hasor the head cytye was taken and burned Iosue xi b.c Hatred ¶ Loke in thys worde Enuye Hearyng ¶ Loke in thys word Appairynges Heliodoms the stewarde of Seleucus would cary awaye the treasure of the temple ij Macha iij. b.c.d Helcana the father of Samuel i. Regum i. a Hell and damnatyon Whyche after thys tyme is prepared for the dyuell and all wycked persons Sap. v* Iob. x.c. xxxvi b Esay xxiiij c xxx.f. lxvi d Dan. vij b Math. iii. b v. c vi b viii b.d xiii f xviii a xxii b d xxiii d xxv c d Marke ix e Luk. iii. c xvi c d Hebreo x. c Iude. i. b ij Pet. ij b Apoc. xix d xx c Hemor was slayne of Symeon and Leui Gene. xxxiiii d Hermon mayster of the Olyphantes of kyng Philopatar iii. Mach. m Herode the Asculonite kylleth the innocent chylderen and dyeth Mathew ij c d Herodes Antipater the sonne of Herode Tretrach in Galilee Luke iii. a kylleth Ihon Baptiste Mathe. xiiii a made frendshyppe wyth Pylate Luke xxiii b Actu iiii c Herode the sonne of Aristobulus killed Iames and toke Peter Acto xii a Dyed xii d Herodias the daughter of Aristobulus Breaketh wedlocke wyth her husbands brother Math. xiiii a Harte of man The hart of man is vncleane euyll of nature ¶ Seke ryghteousnes The harte is made holye and powre thorough Christe Psalm l. a Iohn xiii b xv a xvij c Acto xv b i. Corinth vi b Ephe. v. c i. Petr. i. d i. Iohn i. b iii a. Hebreos i. a ix c x. a b xiij b God regardeth the harte and the wyll and not bare wordes and workes Gene. iiii a xxii c Exod. xxv a xxxv a Deute xix a.b Esay xxix Ezech. xxxiii f Mathe. xv a Marke xij d Luke xxi a ii Corinth viii b Hesrom the sonne of Peretes Gene. xlvi b Mathew i. a Leaueth behynde hym Arain and is called Iephimne i. Para. iiii b Hester was maryed vnto kynge Asuerus i. Hest ij* Sauyth the lyues of the Iewes viii a b Heua was made of the mannes ribbe
Gen. ij d Tasted the forbydden fruyte iij. b was called Heua iij. d Helkias fyndeth the boke of the law iiii Regum xxii b ij Para. xxxiiij c The heauēly kingdome Heauen and saluatyon is prepared after thys tyme fett all the angels of Goddes elect ¶ Seke Saluatyon Himeneus a falle Apostel of Christe ij Timoth. ij b Hiram the kynge of Tyrus sendeth word to kynge Dauid ij Regum v.c. And to kyng Salomon iij. Regum v. b Hiram a connynge worckeman in brasse iij. Regum vij b Hebab the sonne of Reguell and brother in law to Moses Numer x.d. hys chyldren dwelled vnder Iuda Iud. i. d Whom kyng Saul fauoured i. Regum xv b Honor. Temporall honor and powre oughte we to eschue Num. xvi a Iud. ix a.d.e i. Regum x.e. ij Regum xv a iij. Regū i.a. ij Paral. xx c i. Hest iij. a Eccli ix b x.d. xi a Ierem. ix d Math. vi a viij a. ix d xvij b xx.c.d. Mark i.d. v e. vij d viij c ix a x.d.e. Luk. xxij b Iohn vi b viii e xij.f. Acto x.c. Gala. vi a Philip ij a i. Thessa ij a Goddes honor and prayse ought to be sought in all thynges Iosue vij c Mathe. vi b Iohn ix c xvij a Acto iij. d xij d i. Corinth vi c x.d. Philip. i.c. Titum ij b Hope trust confydence The hope of the faythfull must not be directed vpon any temporall thynge but onely vpon God and hys eternall worde Gene. xxvi a Iud. vij a b i. Regum iiii a xvij f xxii a iii. Regum xx e i. Para. xx c xxv a b xxxij b ij Paraly xvi b xx c d Sapi. iii. a b Eccli ij a b xiiii b xxxij c xxxiiii b Judith ix c i. Macha iii. b viij c Psalm ix b xiii a xxi a.b xxx a xxxix a lxi* lxvi a lxx a xc a Cxiii b c Cxli. a Cxlv a b Prouerb iii. a xviii b xxii c xxviii d xxx a Esayas xxvi a xxix c xxx a c xxxi a xxxvi a xl.d. Ieremy ij e vij a ix a.d xvij b xxij d xxxix c Tren iij. c Ezech. xxix a Osee xij a Miche vij a b Nahum i.a. Mathe. x.e. xij b Romano v. a viij c ij Corinthio v. a Collossen i. c i. Thessa i.a. i. Timot. i.a. vi d i. Petr. i. c Heb. iii. a The hope of the vngodlye and all wheresoeuer they trust vnto is deceyuable vnstable and corruptyble iiij Regum xviij d Sapi. v. c Eccli v.a. i. Macha ij.g. Iob. viii a b xiiij c xx a Prouer x. d xi.a.c. xxv c Esayas xxviii c d xxx a.b lvij b Ierem. ix d xvij b Holofernes the Capitayne of Nabuchodoneser was sent out agaynst Israel Iudith ij a Blasphemyth God vi a Beseged Bethulya vij a Was beheded wyth hys owne sworde xiij a Hys hedde was sett vpon the walles of the cytye xiiij a All the hoste of the Assyryans fled xv a Hulda a prophetysse in Iuda iiij Reg xxij c Whordome Horedome and other vnclennes is forbydden commytted and punyshed Genesys vi a xix b.c.f.g xxxiiij * xxxviij d.e Exody xxii c Leuytycy xviij * xix f xx.b.c. xxi b Numery xxv.a.b. Deuteronomy xxij b.c.d xxiij c Iudycum xix a i. Regum ij c Ecclesiasticy xxiii e xxv a Toby iiij b Prouerby ij.b.c. v. * vii b xxij b xxiij c xxix a Ecclesyastes vii d Ezechy xxii a.b Actuum xv.c. Romano i.c.d. i. Corynthy v.a. vi b.c x. a Ephesy v.a. Collossen iij. a i. Thessalony iiij a i. Tymoth i.b. Hebre. xiij a Of Spyrytuall whoredome whyche is Idolatrye Exody xxxiiij c Deuter. xxxi d Iudycum ij c viij.f. Esaye i. c lvij.a. Ieremy iij. a Ezech. vi b xvi b c. d Oseas i.a. ij a iiij c Apoc. xviij a Hospytalyty keping for the poore and straungers Esay lviij b Matheus xxv c Luk. xiiij b Roma xij b i Tymot iij. a i Petry iiij b iij. Ioannys i.a.b. Hebreo xiij a Iacob i.c. Examples of Hospytalytyes Genes xviij a xix a xxiiij d Iudycum xiij c xix a.e iij Regum xvij b.c iiij Regum iiij b.c.d Iob. i.a. xxxi b Tobye ij a Luk. x.d. xix a Actuū xvi b xxviij a.b Of vnhospytalytye Deute xxiiij.a. Iudycum viij b xix.e. i. Regum xxv bc Isay xvi a.b Sapien. xix.c.d. Humilytye vmlenesse Trewe humylytye and despysynge of hym selffe dothe God regarde Genes xviij d xxix.f. xli f Exody iij. b iiij c Iudycum vi.e. i. Regum i. * ij.a.b. vij b.c ij Reg. vi.d.e. ij Par. xij a.b. xxxij e. xxxiij c xxxiiij e Psal xxxiij c Prou. xi a xvi c xviij b xxij a xxv a xxix c Esai xxxvij a lvij.a. lxvi a Iere. i.a. Ionas iij. a Eccli iij. c vij b xi a xxxv b Iudith iiij b.c ix c Math. iij. b v.a. viij a xi.e. xv.c. xviij a xx d xxi a xxiij a b Mark ix d x. e Luk. i. d ix e xiiii ab xv.c. xviii b xxij b Ioan. xiij a Acto x.c. Roma xi c xii.c. i. Corinth iiij b xv a. Philip. ii a Coloss iii. b i. Petr. v. a Iaco. i.b. iiii b Hebre. xi d Apoca. iiij b xix b Husai a faythfull frende of Dauid sheweth the deuyces of Absalon ij Regum xv.g. xvij a b I Iabes in Gilead was destroyed of Israell Iud. xxi b They are besyeged i. Regū xi a They shewe mercy vpon Saul and hys sonnes xxxi c Iabin the kynge of the Cananites bryngeth Israell vnder hys handes Iud. iiij a was humbled iiii d Iacob the sonne of Isaac is borne Gene. xxv c Byeth of hys brother Esau his fyrst byrthryght xxv d Stealeth from Esau the blessyng xxvii a Goeth to Laban xxviii a Seeth the ladder and maketh a nowe xxviij c.d Serueth Laban for hys two daughters xxix d Retourneth agayne into hys owne countre xxxi c Wrestleth wyth the angell of God xxxij b Is called Israel xxxij e xxxv b iij. Regum xviii d Sendeth hys sonnes into Egypt xlij.a. Goeth wyth all hys familye and houshold that is wyth lxvi soules into Egypte xlvi* Deut. xix d Taketh the sonnes of Ioseph for hys owne chylderen xlviii a.b Blesseth hys twelue sonnes and dyeth xlix a Was buryed by hys fathers in Chanaan l.a.b. Accordynge to the promyse xlvij g and accordyng to the commaundement xlix.e. Is praysed Eccli xliiii d ¶ Seke Israel Iames the sonne of Zebedee is called Mathe. iiij c was kylled Acto xij a Iahell smott a nayle thorough the tēples of the Haed of Sissara Iud. iiii d Iair a iudge in Israel Iud. x. a Iairus daughter was raysed from death Mark v.e. Luke viij e.f Ioannes and Iambres two false prophetes of Pharao ij Timoth. iij. a Iaschub the sonne of Esaye the prophet Esay vij b Iason the brother of Onias laboured to be hye pryeste ij Machabe iiii b was slayne ij Macha v. a.b Iason was assaulted because he lodged Paule and the other brethren Act. xvii a.b Ibzan a Iudg in Israell Iud. xii.c. Icabod the
ij Reg. ij b He was kylled for the pleyser of Dauid iiij b Iesabell a wycked woman the wyffe of wycked Ahab iii. Regum xvi d. xxi a b destroyeth the prophetes of the lorde xviii a b Threateneth the death of the prophett Elia xix a. She was tourne in peaces of dogges iiij Regum ix g. accordyng to the worde iij Regū xxi d. Ismaell the sonne of Abraham of Agar is borne Gene. xvi d. Dieth xxv b Ismaell the sonne of Nethanya kylleth Godolias and many other Iewes Iere xli a b. Israell was he called whyche before was Iacob ¶ Seke Iacob Israell is the peculyar people of God Exody iii b. v a. vi a. xix a. Leuytycū xx d. Deu iiii c. vii a. ix e. x c. xiiii a. xxvi d. xxxii b. i Regum x a. xii d. ij Regum vii d iii Regum viii h. Esaye xix e. xliii a. Ieremye xiii b. Ecclesyastycy xvii b. The tenne tribes of Israell seperat thē selues from the house of Dauid iii Reg xii a b c. Accordynge to the worde of Ahyas the prophet xi e. They are caryed in to Assyrya iiii Regum xv.f. xvii a ¶ Seke Babell Accordynge to the prophecye Deuterono iiii d. Many oute of Israell went after the Leuytes to Ierusalem ii Para xi b. against the ten tribes ¶ Seke Samaria Christe the trewe Israell Esai xlix a. Ithay a trustye frende of Dauyd ii Regum xv d e. was chosen for a capitayne xviii a. Ithamar the sonne of Aaron Exod xxxviii c. was annoynted prieste Leuy viii c. Iuball the father of all suche as handell harpes and orgaynes Gene iiii d. Iudas the sonne of Iacob was borne Gene xxix f. Lyeth vnknowen to hym wyth Thamar hys doughter in lawe xxxviii d. Becommyth suretye for hys brother Beniamyn xliii b. The rule and powre be longeth to Iuda xlix a b Deuteronomy xxxiii a. Iud i a. ii Reg vii c. i Paralypo vi a Agaynste Iuda and Ierusalem ¶ Seke Ierusalem That they people of the Iewes shall be conuerted to Chryste before the laste daye Deuteronomy iiii c Ieremye xxxi a.b.c Ezech. xxxvii d Iohn x.b. Roma xi.c.d. Iudas Machabeus was chosen to be the heade of his brethern i. Machab ii.g. Fyghted manlye iii. iiii v. * vii f ii Machabeo viii a * x.c. * xi b.c xii xiij xiiij xv Was slayne i. Macha ix b Iudas Iscarioth was chosen to be an Apostell of Chryste Mathe. x.a. Agreeth wyth the pharyseis Luc. xxij a. Betrayed Chryste our Lord. Math. xxvi b.e Mark xiiij e Ioh. xviij a Accordynge to the prophecye Psalm xl b liiii b. Cviii. a Ioan. vi.g. xij a xiii c Repenteth an hangeth hym selffe Mathe. xxvii a Actuum i.c. Iudas of Galylee was scattered a brode wyth all hys adherentes Actuū v.e. Iudas and Sylas are sente wyth Paule and Barnabas to Antioche Act xv.c.d. Iudith a riche and a godly widow of Bethulia Iudith viij a Slaieth Holofernes xiii a.b dyeth xvi a Iulyus entreated Paule courteouslye Act. xxvij a Iudges Of the offyce and authorytye of Iudges Exody xviii c d xxi * xxii * xxiij * Leuyt xix d xxiiij c.d Deut. i.b.c. xvii * xviii c xxv a xxvij c Iosue vij d i. Regum viij a xii a .ij. Paraly xix b Eccli iiii b x.a. xlii a Psalm lxxxi * Prouerb xviij a.b xxiiij c xxviij c Esay v.c. x.a. Ieremy v.e. Luk. xviii a xxiii a.b.c Ioan. vij b viij b Iacob ij a ¶ Seke of the hyer powre Iudgement Iudges in Israel haue ruled CCCC.l. yeres Act. xiij b God is Iudge of all the world and recompenseth euerye man accordynge to hys waye and deseruynge goode or yuell Genes xviii c Deuter. x.d. Iob. xxxiiij b Psalm vii.b.c. xciii a Esay xi a Eccli xxxv b Mathe. xvi d xxv.c.d. Roma ij a ij Tymoth iiij b Heb. xii d Iudgment Agaynste peruerse Iudgment Eccli xi a Mathe. vii a xii a Luk. vi d vij d Ioh. vij b ix b Actuum xxviij a Roma ij a xiiij a.b i. Cor. iiii a i. Tim v.c. Iacob iiij b Before Iudgmente muste go experience Gene. iii. b xi b xviij c Exody iii b. xxiij a Deu. xiii b xvij b. xix d Ios vij d xxij c Iud. xx.a.b. Pro. xviij b i. Mach. vij a Eccli xi a Susanna g. Iudgmente of the doctryne standeth by the faythfull Deuteronomy xiii a Iob. xxxiiii a Iudyth viii e Mathe. vii b Iohn x.b. i. Corynt xiiii d Col ii b i. Thess v.c. i. Ioh. iiii a The iudgmente of the deade is wyth owte mediacian of the inuented Purgatory to death or els to lyfe Mar. xvi b Luke xvi d xxiii d Iohn iii. e v c vi f. The worlde shall be iudged of the saynctes Sap v a Math xix d. i Cor vi a Iud. i.c. K Kahat the sonne of Leuy Num iij e of the offyce of the kahatytes iii d e. iiij a b. Kegyla is beseged of the philistynes delyuered by Dauyd i. Regum xxiii a The keper of the pryson at Philipus was conuerted Actu xvi d e. Ketura the wife of Abraham after the death of Sara Gene. xxv a Keyes The keyes an authorytye of the churche are promised Mathey xvi c. They are gyuen Iohn xx c They are vsed Math. xviii b Acto ij d ¶ Seke curse Kyryatharba ¶ Seke Hebron Kys the father of Saull the fyrst king of Israel i. Regum ix a ij Regum xxi d Actuum xiii b Korah Dathan and abyron rebell agaynste Moyses Nume xvi a b. they are punyshed xvi e Kyndnes ¶ Loke in thys worde loue Kynges and prynces Of kynges and theyr offyce and authorytye Deuterono xvij c d. i. Regū viij * iij. Regum ij ●… x.b. ij Paralyp ix a xix b c Sapy vi * ix * xi a. Eccli x a. Iob xxxiiij c Psalm C * Prouer xiiij d. xvi d. xix xx b d xxiiij xxv a. xxviij c. xxix b xxxi a Ieremy xxij a. Kingdome of Chryste and of God Of the euerlastynge spyrytuall and inwarde kyngdome of God Genes xlix b. Numery xxiiij c i. Regum ij b vii bc i Paraly xviii b xxix a.b Psalm ij a ix b xxi d xliiii b lxxi a Cix.a. Cxliiii b Esay ix b xi * xxxij c xl b xlii a Ieremy xxiij a.b xxxiii * Ezech xxxiiij b. xxxvii d Dan. ij g iiij e vij cd.e ix.d.e. Ose iij. a Mich. iiii a.b. v. a Zach. ix b Matt. xiij * Luk. i.c. xij c.d xxij b xxiij a Ioh. vi b xii b.d xviij d.c i. Timoth. i.c. Hebre. i.b. ij b L Laban receyueth and lodgeth the seruaunt of Abraham Gene xxiiij d Hyreth Iacob to be hys seruaunte xxix c d. Foloweth after him vij dayes iourney xxxi d Labour Labour and tra●…ell is layde vpon all men Gene iij b. Exod. xx b. xxxiiij c. Deut v b. Toby ij d. Psal Lxxviij a Prouer vi a. x a xiiij a. Ioh xxi a. Act xviij a xx e. i Cor iiii b. Ephe iiii c i Thess ij b iiij
Mathe. vij a xix c xxij d Ioh. xiij b.d xv b. Roma xij b xiij b i. Corynthy xiij * Galat. v.b. Ephe. iiij b v.a. Phylypp ij a Colloss iij. b i. Thessal iiij b i Timo. i.a. i Petr. iiij b. i. Iohn iii c. iiij b Hebr. xiij a. ☞ We muste also Loue our enemyes Exody xxiij a. i Regum xxiiij a b. xxvi a. xxx b ij Regum xix d iiij Reg vi e. Iob. xxxi c. Prouer xxv d. Math v e. Luk vi c.d. xxiij c. Actuum vij g. Rom xij c. Lyenge Gene. iij a. xxxvij d. xxxix d. Leui xix c. ij Regum ia.b. xvi a iiij Regū v e. Sap i b Eccli vij b xx c.d. xxv a xxvi a. Pro vi b. xij d. Ose iiij a. Ioh viij d Act v a.b. Ephe iiij c Col. iij. a ¶ Seke wytnesse Lysyas the capitayne of Antiochus host i Mach iij d maketh a Couenaūt with the Iewes vi g. was taken prisoner and by the commaundement of demetrius slaine vij a. Lottes casting of lottes Leuit. xvi b Num xvij * xxvi f. xxxiij f Iosu vij c xviij b i Regum x d xiiij b.f. ij Para. xxv a. ij Esd xi a. Pro. xvi d. xviij c. Ezec. xxi c. Ione i.b. Act. i d. Lot was deliuered out of Sodome Gene. xix c.d. ij Petry ij b. Hys wyffe became a pyllar of salte Genes xix e Luk xvij d. Laye wyth hys two daugters Genes xix f g. Luke the Euangelist a phisicion Coll iiij b. dwelleth and walketh with paule Act xvi b. ij Timo iiij b. Lucifer falleth from heauen Esa xiiij b. Luk x b. Apoc xij c. Lunaticke was healed Math xvij b c Mark ix b Luk ix d. Luste●…s ¶ Loke in this worde desyres Lus called Bethell Gene xxviij d M Maacha the daughter of Thalmay the kinge of Gessur was mother of Absalon ij Reg. iij. a Macedonia maketh a destribucion for the poore at Ierusalem Roma xv d ij Corynth viij a ix a. Paule was called to Macedonia Act xvi b Maecha the daughter of Abisalom mother of Abiam the kynge of Iuda iij. Regum xv a. Is called mychaya ij Par. xiij a Magdalene losed from seuen diuels foloweth Chryst Luke viij a. Standeth by the crosse of the Lorde Ioh xix c. Christ appeareth vnto her Mar. xvi b i Corint xv a. Makeda was wonne Iosue x e. Malchus eare was cut of by Peter Iohn xviij a. Maydens ¶ Loke in thys word seruauntes Manna the breade from heauen Exod xvi * Nume xi b. Deut. viiij a Iosu v c. Sap xvi d. Psalm lxxvij b Iohn vi d Manasse the first sonne of Ioseph is borne Gen. xli g. xlviij c. Manasse a wicked sonne of the good Ezechyas fyrste a wycked afterwardes a good king in Iuda iiij Reg xxi a b. ij Par xxxij f xxxiij a Iere xv a Was caryed prysoner to Babell Repented and was restored agayne to his kyngdome ij Paraly xxxiij a. b c. lefte behynde hym Amon. iiij Reg. xxi b Math. i.b. Is called her Luk iii d. Man Of the offyce and authorytye of the man towardes the woman Gene ij d iij d. xxxix d. Nume iii a b. v b c. xxx b c. Deut. xxii a b c. xxiiij a. Eccli vii c. ix a. xxv d. xxvi a. Prou v b c. xviij c. xxxi b. Eccles ix b. Malach. ij.b.c. i. Corynth vij * xi a b. Ephes v c. Colloss iij c. Tytum ij a i Petr. iij a. Manslaughter murther bleudshedyng Gen. iiij * ix a xxxvij d. Exo ii b. xx b c xxij a. Leuyt xxiiij d. Nume xxiiij d. xxxv b * Deuter v c. xix a c. xxi a xxvij c. Josu xx a b. Iudyc ix a. i Reg xviij d. ij Regum iiij b c. iij Regum ij a e. iiij Regū iiii c xiiij a xxi e. Eccli xxxiiij d. Prouerb vi b. xxii a. xxviij c. Tren iiij c. Ezeche xi a b. xxij a xxiiij a. Osee iiij a. Abacuck ij b. Mathe v.c. xix c. xxiij e. xxvi e. Ioan viij d. Rom xiij b. Galat. v.c. i Ioh. iii b. Apocalip xiii b Manners ¶ Loke in thys worde costomes Masters ¶ Loke in thys worde Lordes Mardachay the bringar vp of Hester was caryed in to Babylon i Hester ij a.b. Bewayleth the destruccyon of the Iewes iiij a. Was exalted of the kynge Assuerus vi c. Came agayne to Ierusalem i Esdre ij a. ij Esdre vij b Mary receiueth the salutacion of the Angell Luke i.b.c. Wysyteth Elyzabeth and prayfeth God i.c.d. Goeth wyth Ioseph to Betleem to the taxynge ij a Goeth wyth Ioseph into Egypte Mathe. ij c Retourneth agayne from thence vnto the Lande of Israell ij d Fyndeth Chriyste in the Temple ij.g. Mary annoynted the fete of the lord Math. xxvi a Luke vij d.e Iohn xi a xii a Martha lodgeth the lorde Luk. x.d. hath a stronge faythe Iohn xi c Mathan Baals priest was slaine iiij Reg. xi d ij Par. xxiij e Mathania the father of Iehoyakym was kynge in Iuda iiij Regum xxiiij d Is called Zedechia i. Paraly iij. b Leauyth behinde hym hys sonne Sealthiel iij. c Matathias the prieste had a Zele togots lawe i. Mach. ij c Fyghteth valyantly ij e. Exhorteth his sonnes to the kepynge of the Lawes of God ij.f.g. Matrymonye or wedeloke Gene. i.b. ij d iij c.d. viij c. ix a xxi b. xxiiij a. xxviij a. xxix d Leuyty xviij * Deute vij a xij d. xxiij a. Iosue xxiij c. Iud. iij. a xiiij a b c i. Esdre ix a. ij Esdre xiij e. i Hester ij d. Prouer. xviij c. Malach ij c Eccli xxv a. xl d. Toby vi d. vij c. Math. viij b. xix a. xxij c Luk xiiij c Ioan. ij a. i. Cor vij * ix a i. Tymothe iij a. Tytum i b. Hebre xiij a ¶ Seke Letter of dyuorcement Of the spyrytuall maryage betwene God and the faythfull Canty * Esay l a. liiij a. lxij a Iere. xxxi d. Ezeche xvi b. Osee ij c. Math ix b xxij a xxv a. Marke ij b. Luke v e. Ioan iij d. ij Corynth xi a Apoc. xix b. xxi a Mathewe the publycane was called Math ix e x a. Is called Leuy the sonne of Alpheus Mark ij b Luk v d. Matthyas was chosen for an Apostel Act i a. Meat Of meates whyche God for badde the Iewes Exody xxi c xxij d Leui iij c. vij c. xi a. xvij c.d. xix b xxij d Deu xij b c. xiiij a.b. i. Regū xiiij e. Ezeche xliiij d. Of the lybertye of meate Gene i.d. iij d. ix a. Mathe. xv b. Luk x a. Actuū x b. xv c. Roma xiiij * i Corynth viij* x c. Coll ij c Tytum i.c. Hebr. xiii b Meate and dryncke oughte to be receyued wyth thankes geuynge Leuyt xxiij c. Deuter viij b. i. Regum ix b Mathe xiiij c. xv d. xxvi c. Mark viij a. Luk ix b. Ioan vi a. Actuum xvii d i Corynth x c. i Tymo iiij a The hōgery
death Actuū ix e f. Thaddeus ¶ Seke Lebbeus Thalmai king of Gesur ii Reg. xiij g Thamar conceyued of Iuda Her brother in Lawe Genesys xxxviij d Bringeth forth Peretz and Sarah xxxviii e xlvi b Thamar was defyleth of Ammon herbrother ij Regum xiij d Thamar the daughter of Absalon ij Regū xiiij d Thara the father of Abraham Genes xi d Thebetz was beseged and wonne Iudic ix.g. Theft or stelynge Theft is forbidden transgressed and punyshed Genesys xxxi c. Exody xx c xxi b xxij a Leuytyc xix c Numery v.a. Deuter. v.c. xxiiii b Iosue vij a Toby ij d Prouerby vi d Osee iiii a ij Machab. xij e Math. xix c Iohn xij a. i. Corint vi b The woman of Thekoa a Merueylouse wise woman stepte before Daued ii Regū xiiii a Theudas because his matter was not of God peryshed Act. v.e. Thibui a kynge in Israell iii. Regū xvi c Thiglat Philesser went forth against Israell and caried a parte of them into Assyrya iiii Regū xv.f. Thola a Iudge in Israell Iudic. x.a. Thomas Dydymus woulde go with Christ vnto death Iohn xi b Was vnfaithfull xx.c.d. Timotheus was slaine ii Mach. x.f. Tymothy was circumcised went wyth Paule Actuum xvi a Was sent of Paule into Macedonya xix c Tyme Oportunytye of the tyme muste be vsed in all thynges Eccli xx a xxxij.a. Prouerb x.a. Eccles. iij. a viij a Rom xij b Tythes and thentes Of tythes and the vse of them Gene xiiij d xxviij d Leuy xxvij d.e Nume xviij d.e Deut. xii a.c.d xiiij c xxvi c i. Regum viij c ij Para. xxxi b ij Esdr x.d. Eccli vij d Heb. vij a Tytus the gentell coulde not be suffered of Paule to be cyrcumcysed Gal. ii a Was made Byshop of Creta Titū i.a. Tobye a Ryghteouse man Toby i.a. Wared blynde ij c Receyued hys syght agayne xi c Tonnges Of yuel tonges ought we to bewarre Leuy xix d Deut. xxij c Iob. v c. Psal li.a. Cxxxix a.b Cxl.a. Prouerb iiij c x.c. xi b xij.b.c. xv a xvi c.d xvij.d. xviij* xx c xxi d xxvi c xxx a Eccles v.a. Sapi. i.b. Eccli v.b. vij b ix c x.c. xi a.b xiiij a xix c xxij.e. xxiij b.c xxv xxviij* xxxij a.b. i. Corint xv d i Petr ij a. Iacob i b iij a b iiij b. In good trewe profytable and honest communicacion ought the faythfull to be occupyed Exody xxii.d. Eccli vij d Psalm xiiii * Prouerb xiii a xxiiij d xxv b xxix c Eccles v a Mathe v d xij d Ephes iiij c v a Colloss iij a i Petr iij b. Treason Of Treason and the punyshement of the same Gen. xxxvij e. Iud i e i Reg xxiij d Esay xxij c ii Machab iij a iiij e x d xiii d Math xxvi b e. Triumphe ¶ Seke victorye Trust ¶ Seke hope Triphon a souldiour af Alexandry i Machab. xi e. Betrayed Iudas xij e f Was periured an Simon xiii b c. Murthered Antyochus the sonne of Alexander xiii d V Vasthy despyseth the kynges wordes whrefore she was deuorced from hym i. Hest i b c. Vengeaunce The vengeaunce and recompensing is the Lordes and hys mynysters the higher powres wherefore she is forbidden to all men Genesys xv.c. Leuytye xix d Deuteron xxxij e. Eccli xxviij a Iudyth viij d Psalm vij a ix b xciij a Prouerby xvij b xx c xxiiij d xxviij d Esaye xliiij b xlviij d xlix b liiij a Ezeche xxv.b.c. Nahum i.a. Mathe. v e. Luke ix.f. xviij a Roma xii.c. Galla v.b. Ephes iiij a i. Thess iiij b v.b. ij Tymo iiij b i. Pet. iij. b Heb. x.d. ¶ Seke Forgyuyng Vyctorye and tryunphe All vyctorye commeth onlye from God Genesys xiiij d. Exody xvij c Deuter. vij d Iosue xi b Iudycum vij a. i. Regum xiiij a xvij f ij Parali xiiij c. xvi b xxiiij e xxv b. Psalm Cxvij b Prouer. xxi d Iudith ix c iiij Esd i.c. Fewe obtaine the victorye agaynste many Gene xiiij c Iud vij a b Iosue xi a b i Reg xiiij a b ij Par xiij c xiiij c d xxiiij e i Machab iij b c. After the vyctorye obtayned is Ioy and tryumphe kepte Numery xxi b. Iudycum xi f i Regum xviij b ij Machab iij a. Vilenes ¶ Seke humilitye and Free will Visions ¶ Seke oppearinges The vngodlye The thoughtes or Imaginacions of words and workes of the vngodlye against the ryghteouse Sap ij* Psal ix d e x* xi* xiij* Prouer iiij b. The prosperytee and welfare of the vngodlye causeth the faythfull to meruayle Iob xxi a. b Psalm lxxij a Eccles vij c Ierem xii a Abakuk i c. Vpon the wyched or vngodlye cometh the myscheyfe and destruccyon whyche he prepared for the ryghteous i Regum xvij f xxxi b i Hester vij b. Psalm vij b ix c xxxiiij b xxxvi b Prouerby xxvi c Eccles. x.a. Isaye xxxiij a Ieremye xlviij Dany iij d vi e. Eccli xxvij e Iudyth xiij a Beell g Apoc. xviij b Vnto the vngodlye happeneth that which he feareth Iob. vi b Prouer. i. c x.c. Esay lxvi a Of the sodayne punyshement and destructyon whyche shall fall vpon the wycked and vngodlye Gene. vij d xiiij c xix e xxxiiii d. Exod xiiij f Leuit. x a Numer xi g. xvi e. Iosue x b xi b Iud iiij d vij d. e f viij c. xvi g i. Regum xxx d ij Regum xiij l iij Regum xvi a i f xx b c Iob iiij a. v a viij b xv c xviij* xx* xxvii b c xxxvi b Psalm ib xxxvi* Prouerb i c vi b x c xij a Esay v c xlvij b Ieremy xv b Dany v e i Machab ij g iiij a Mathe xxiiij d Luk xij b e xvi c d xvij c d i Thess v a. Vowes Gene. xxviij d Leuit xxvij a Numer vi* xxi a xxx* Deut xxiij d i Regum i b ij Regum xv b i Paralyp iiij a b Psalm lxxv b Eccles v a Baruch vi e Actu xviij b xxi c. Of vngodly vowes Iud xi f i Regū xxv d e f Math xiiij a Actuum xxiij b Vses ¶ Seke Customes Vnmercifullnes ¶ Seke Mercyfullnes Vnthankfullnes and the punyshemente therof Gene. xxxi a xl b c Exody i. b Deut xxxij a b c Iud ij a vi b viii g xij a i Regū x a d xij b xxv a b ij Regū xiiij e ij Para xxiiij d Prouerb xvij b Esa i a v a Ieremy ij a Ezech xvi* Ose x a xiij a b Myche vi a Sapi xvi e i Mach xvi b c Math xi d Luk xvij b Iohn xi c Rom i c ij Timo iij a. Vrias receyueth the letter of Dauid ij Reg xi c. Vrias prophecyeth againste Ierusalē wherfore Iehoakim caused hym to be putt o death Iere xxvi e. Vrias Ahabs prieste buildeth the aulter iiij Reg xvi b c Esa xvij c. Vryell a pryncipall Angell of God iiij Esd iiij a v c. Vsa touched the arke of God and dyed ij
xxxij yere of Darius vntyl the .xlij. yere of Augustus in the whiche Chryste was borne From Adam vnto Chryst are noumbred iij. M.ix C.lxxiiij yeares .vi. moneths .x. dayes The noumbre of yeres from the natiuitie of Christ vnto the yere of our Lord God M.D.L. is sure ynoughe Thus are there counpted frō the beginninge of the worlde vntil the yeare of our Lorde M.v. C.L. v. M.v. C.xxiiij yeres .vj. moneths and .x. dayes Finis All the testimonyes of the olde Testamente Whyche Chryste Iesus the true expositour of the Scrypture and his Apostles and Euangelistes by the inspiratyon of the holy Ghoost haue repeted in the newe Testamente Christe saith Iohn v. Serche the Scriptures for they testifye of me To the Reader HIre haue ye all the testymonies and wytnesses of the olde Testamēt which are repeted and rehersed in the newe to thintent that all men maye perceyue howe and after what sorte our Lord Iesus Christ the true expounder of the Scriptures and his Apostles and Euangelistes by the motion of the holy Goost haue repeted and rehersed the same and that we maye also learne to vse them in lyke maner whyche God graunt vs to oure soules helth Amen The nombre which standeth in the begynnynge of the lyne signyfyeth the chapyter of the boke of the olde Testament whiche standeth afore in a lyne alone and the last sheweth were men shall fynde it in the newe Testament Genesis i.d. GOd made them man and woman Matt. xix a Marke x.a. ij a God dyd reste the seuenth daye from all hys workes Heb. iiij b ij b The fyrste man Adam was made a lyuynge soule i. Corin. xv.f. ij d A man shall leaue father and mother and cleaue vnto hys wyfe Matt xix a Marke x.a. Ephes v.g. and .i. Corinnt vi d ij d They twayne shall be one fleshe Mat. xix a Mark x.a. i. Corint vi d Ephe. v.g. xij a Come out of thy contree from thy kynred Act. vij a xij a In thy sede shall all the kynredes of the earth be blessed Actuum iij. a Galat. iij. b xv b So shall thy sede be euen as the starres of heauen and as the lande of the sea Rom. iiij c xv b Abrahā beleued God and it was counted vnto hym for ryghteousnes Roma iiij a Galat. iij. a Iacob ij d xv.c. Thy sede shall be a straunger in a straunge lande Act. vii a xvij a I haue made the a father to many nations Rom. iiij c xviij b Aboute thys tyme wyll I come and Sara shal haue a sonne Rom ix b xxi b Put awaye the bonde woman her sonne Galat. iiij d xxi b In Isaac shall thy sede be called Rom. ix b xxii c Surely I wil blesse the and multiplie the indede Heb. vi c xxij d In the shall all nacyons be blessed Galat. iij. b Actuū iij. d xxv c The elder shall serue the yonger Rom. ix c Exodus iii. b I am the God of abrahā the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob Mathe. xxii c Marke xij c Luke xx.f. ix d Euen for thys same purpose haue I stered the vp to shew my power on the. Rom. ix d xij g Ye shall not breake a bone of hym Iohn xix f xiij c. Euery man that fyrste openeth the matryx shal be called holy to the Lorde Luk. ij d xvi d He that gathered much hadde neuer the more aboundaunce and he that gathered littel hadde neuer thelesse ij Math. v.d. Corinth viij c xx c Thou shalt not cōmitt aduoutry xx c Thou shalt not cōmitte aduoutry thou shalt not kil Thou shalt not steal thou shalt not beare false witnes againste thy neighbour Thou shalt not desyre Rom. xiii c xx c Thou shalt not luste Rom. vij b xx c Thou shalt not kyll Mathe. v. c Luk. xviij d xx c Honour thy father mother Matt xv a Mark vij b Ephes vi a xxi c He that curseth father or mother shal sustre death Mat. xv a Mar. vij b xxi c An eye for an eye a tothe for a toth Math. v. f xxij d Thou shalt not curse the rueler of thy people Act. xxiij a xxiiij e This is the bloude of the Testament whiche God hath appointed vnto you Heb. ix c xxv g Take hede that thou make al thinges according to the patrone shewed vnto the vpō the mounte Heb viij b Act vij f xxxij.a. Make vs goddes to go before vs. Act. vii e xxxiij d I will shew mercy to whome I will shewe mercy Rom. ix c xxxiiij d Not as Moyses whyche put a vayle ouer hys face ij Corint iij. c Leuiticus xi.g. Be ye holy for I am holy i. Petr i.c. xix a The man which doth the thinges of the lawe shall lyue therin Rom. x b. Gal iij. b xix d Thou shalt not forswearethy self Mat. v.e. xix c Thou shalt loue thy neyghboure as the selfe Math. xxij d Marke xij c Rom. xij d Gal. v.c. Iacob ij b xix d Thou shalt loue thy neyghbour as the selfe Math. v.g. xx b He that curseth father or mother shall suffre death Math. xv a xxiiij d An eye for an eye Math. v.f. xxvi b I wyll dwell amonge them and walke among them ij Cor. vi d Numerus ix b Ye shall not breake a bone of hym Iohn xix f Deuteronomium iiij d Oure God is a consuminge fyre Hebre. xij g v.b. Thou shalt not luste Rom. vij c xiij c v. Thou shalt not kyll Mat. v.c. Luke xviij d v.b. Thou shalt not committ adultery Matt. v.d. Luk. xviij d v.b. Thou shalt not steale Luk. xviij d Rom. xiij c v.b. Thou shalt beare no false wytnes agaynste thy neyghbour Luke xviij Rom. xiij c v.b. Thou shalt honour thy father and thy mother Math. xv a Marke vij b Ephes vi a vi a Heare Israell the Lorde God is one only Lorde Marke xij c vi a Thou shalt loue thy Lorde thy God wyth all thyneharte wyth all thy soule and with all thy minde Mat xxij d Mark xij c Luk. x.c. vi c x.d. Thou shalt worshyppe the Lorde thy God and hym onely shalt thou serue Mat. iiij b Luk. iiij b vi c Thou shalt not tempte the Lord thy God Mat. iiij b Luk. iiij b viij a Man shall not lyue by breade onely Mat. iiij a Luk. iiij a x.d. God loketh on no mans person Gal. ii b xviij c A prophete shall the Lorde your God raise vp vnto you euen of your bretherē Act. iij. d vij c xix d In the mouth of two or thre witnesses shal euery thinge stande ij Cor xiij a Mat. xviij b Iohn viij c xix d An eye for an eye a tothe for a toth Math. v.f. xxi d Cursed is euery one that hangeth on tree Gala. iij. b xxv b Thou shalt not not mosell the mouth of the oxe that treadeth oute the corne i. Cor. ix a i. Timoth. v.c. xxv b Yf a man dye hauynge no chyldren Math. xxij c Mark xij b Luk. xx
e xxvij d Cursed is euery man that continueth not in all thynges whiche are wryten in the boke of the lawe Galat iij. b xxx.c. Who shall ascende into heauen Rom. x.b. xxx.c. The word is nye the euen in thy mouthe and in thyne harte Roman x.b. xxxii c I wyll prouoke you for to enuy by them that are no people Roma x.d. xxxij e. Vengeaūce is myne and I will rewarde Roma xij d Iosue i.a. I wyl not fayle the nether forsake the. Hebre. xiii a Regum ij vij c I wyll be hys father and he shall be my sonne Heb. i.b. Regum iij. xix b Lorde they haue kylled thy prophetes and dygged downe thyne aulters Rom. xi a xix b I haue reserued vnto me seuen thousande men Rom. xi a Iob. v.c. He compasseth the wyse in theyr craftynes i. Corinth iij. d Psalter ij a Why dyd the people rage Actuū iiij e ij b Thou arte my sonne thys same daye begate I the. Actuū xiij e Hebre i.b. v.b. ii c Thou shalt rule them wyth a rodde of yron Apoc. ij.g. xix c iiij b Be angry but synne not Ephess iiij f v.c. There throte is an open sepulchre Rom. iij. b vi c Departe fro me ye workers of iniquitie Mat. vij d xxv d Luk. xiij f viij b Of the mouth of babes and suckelynges thou hast ordeyued prayse Mat. xxi b viij c What is mā that thou art minde full of him Heb. ij a viij c He hath put all thynges vnder hys fete i. Cor. xv d ix c Whose mouthes are full of cursynges and bitternes Rom. iij. c xiij a There is none ryghteous no not one there is none that vnderstandeth Rom. iij. b xiij b There fete are swyfte to sheade bloude Rom. iij. c xv.c. I haue God alwayes before me for he is on my ryght hande that I shoulde not be moued Act. ij d xv d Thou wilt not suffre thy holy to see corruption Act. ij e xiij c xvii a I wyll put my truste in hym Heb. ij c xvii g For thys cause I wyll prayse the amonge the gentiles Roma xv b xviij a Theyr sounde went out into all landes and theyr wordes into the endes of the earth Rom. x.d. xxi a My God My God why haste thou forsaken me Math. xxvij e Mark xv a xxi c They dyuyded my garmentes among them Mar. xxvij d Iohn xix c xxij c I wil declare thy name vnto my bretheren Hebr. ij c xxiij a The earth is the Lordes and al that therin is i. Cor. x.f. xxiiij c They hated me without a cause Iohn xv d xxx a Into thy hādes I commende my spryte Luk. xxiii f xxxi a Blessed are they whose vnrighteousnesses are forgeuen Rom. iiij a xxxiij c What man is he that lusteth to lyue and woulde faine se good dayes i. Pet. iij. b xxxix b Sacrifice and offerynges thou wouldest not haue Heb. x.b. xl.c. He that eateth breade with me hath lifte vp hys hele agaynste me Iohn xiii b. xliij d For thy sake are we killed al day longe Rom. viij g xliiij b God thy seate shall be for euer and euer Heb. i.c. l.a. That thou mightest be iustified in thy wordes Rom. iij. a liiij d Cast all your care vpon the Lord i. Pet. v.b. lxi.d. Euery man shall receyue hys rewarde i. Cor. iij. b lxvij d He is gone vp on hye and hath led captiuite captiue Ephess iiij b lxviij b The zeale of thy house hath Euen eaten me Iohn ij d lxviij b The rebukes of them that rebuked the fell on me Rom. xv a lxviij c Let theyr table be made a snare Rom. xi b lxviij c His habitaciō be voyde Act. i. d lxviij c Whan I was thyrstye they gaue me vynegre to drynke Ioannes xix f lxxvij a I wyll open my mouthe in a parable Math. xiij e lxxvij c He gaue them breade from heauen Iohn vi d lxxxi b I sayde ye are goddes Iohn x.g. lxxxviij d I haue founde Dauid the sonne of Iesse Act. xi ij d xc c He hath geuē hys angelles charge ouer the. Math. iiij a Luk iiij b xciij b The Lord knoweth the thoughtes of the wyse that they be vayne i Cor. iij. d xciiij d As I haue sworne in my wrath Heb. iiij a xciiij c Thys daye yf ye heare his voyce be not harde herted Hebr. iiij b xcvi b All the Angelles of God shall worshippe him Hebr. i.c. Ci.d. Thou Lorde in the begynninge hast layde the foundacion of the earth Hebr. i.c. Ciij a He maketh hys angels spretes Hebr. i.c. Cviij b And hys byshoyryke let another take Act. i.d. Cix.a. The Lorde sayde vnto my Lord Mathe. xxij d Luke xx g Actuum ij f Cix.a. Sit on my ryghte hande Hebre i.d. Cix.a. Tyll I make thyne enemyes thy foote stoole Hebreor i.d. i. Corynth xv d C.ix.b. Thou arte a pryeste for euer Heb. v.b. vij c C.ix.b. The Lorde did sware wil not repente Heb. vij ● C.xi.b. He hath sparsed abroade and geuen to the pore ij Cor. ix c C.xv.a. I beleued and therfore haue I spoken ij Cor. iiij c C.xv.a. Euery man is a liar Rom. iij. a C. xvi.a Prayse the Lorde al ye gentiles and laude hym all nacyons Rom xv.c. C. xvij.a The Lorde is my helper I wil not feare what man doth vnto me Heb. xiii a C. xvij.d The stone whyche the buylders refused the same is made a corner stone Mat. xxi d Mark xij a Act iiij b i. Pet. ij b C. xvij.d Hosanna to the sonne of Dauid Math. xxi b C. xxxi.c Of the frute of thy body shal I set vpon thy seate Act. ij e xiii d C. xxxix.a Adders poysō is vnder their lippes Rom. iij. b Prouerbia iii. a Be not wyse in your owne conceit Rom. xii d iij. b My sonne despyse not the chastenyng of the Lord neither faynte whā thou arte rebuked of him Heb. xij b iij. b Whome the Lorde loueth hym he chasteneth and yet delyteth in him euen as a father in his owne sōne Hebr xij b Apoc. iij. d x.b. Loue couereth the multitude of sinnes i. Pet. iiij b xvij c Se that none recompence euyll for euyll Thess v.d. i. Pet. iij. b xx c He that curseth father or mother Math. xv a Mark vij b xxv c Yf thine enemy honger fede him Roma xij c xxvi b Euen as the dogge tourneth again to his owne vomite c. ij Pet ij d Esaias i.c. Except the Lord of Sabaoth hadde left vs sede we had ben made as Zodoma and hadde ben lykened to Gomorra Rom ix d v.d. A certayne man planted a vineiard Mat. xxi b Luk. xx b Mark xij a vi a Holy holy holy is the Lord. Apoc iiij c vi c Wyth the eares ye shal heare and shall not vnderstand Mat. xiij b Mat iiij b Luk. viij b Act. xviij f Iohn xij f. Rom. xi b vij c Beholde a maide shal be with childe Math. i.d. viij d Behold here am I the children wiche God
hath geuen me Heb. ij d ix a The lande of Sabulon and Neptalim sawe a great light Mat. iiij c x.c. Though the children of Israel be as the sande of the sea Rom. ix.f. xi a. That wicked shal be vttered whome the Lord shal cousume by the spyrite of his mouth ij Thess ij c xi c There shal be the roote of Iesse Rom. xv.c. Act. xiij d xxi c Babilon is fallen that great citye Apoc. xiiij b xxij d Let vs eate and drinke for to morowe we shal dye i. Cor. xv.e. xxij f This saith he that is holy true whyche hath the keye of Dauid Apo iij. b xxv c And God shal wipe awaie al teares from theyr eyes Apoc. vij d xxi b xxviij c With other tonges wyth other lyppes wyll I speake vnto thys people i. Cor. xiiij d xxviij b Behold I put in Syon an heade corner stone Rom. ix.g. i. Petr. ij b Act. iiij b xxix d This peole honoureth me with their lippes Matt. xv a Mark vij b xxix e I wil destroie the wisedome of the wise and will cast awaye the vnderstandinge of the prudente i. Corynth i. c xxxiij c Where is ths wyse Where is the scrybe where is the sercher of this worlde i. Cor. i.c. xl.a. The voyce of a cryer in wyldernes prepare the Lordes waye Math iij. a Marke i.a. Luke iij. a Ioannes i.c. xl b All fleshe is as grasse i. Petr. i.d. Iaco. i.d. xl.d. Who knoweth the mynde of the Lorde or who shall informe hym i. Cor. ij d xl.d. Who hath knowen the mynde of the Lord or who was his conseillour Rom. xi d xli b xliiij a I am the first and the last Apo. i.d. xxij c xlij.a. Beholde my chylde whome I haue chosen Mat. xij b xliij c Beholde I make all thinges newe Apoc. xxi b ij Cor. v.d. xlv d As truely as I lyue sayth the Lord all knees shal bowe to me Romano xiiij b xlv b Shall the worke saye to the worke man why hast thou made me on this fashion Rom. ix d xlix b I haue made the a light to the gētiles Act xiij g xlix c I haue hearde the in a tyme accepted and in the daye of saluacion haue I succoured the. ij Cor. vi a xlix.e. They shall honger no more neyther thyrst Apoc. vij d l.c. Then spat they in hys face Mathe xxvi g lij.b. Howe beautyfull are the fete of them that brynge glad tydynges of peace Rom. x.e. lij.d. Come oute from amonge them and separate your selues ij Corynth vi d lij a The name of God is euyll spoken of amonge the Gentyles thoroughe you Rom. ij c Ezeche xxxvi d lij c. Th whome he was not spoken of they shall see him Rom. xv.c. liij a Lorde who shall beleue oure sayenges Rom. x.c. Iohn xij.f. liij b He toke vpō him oure infirmities Math. viij b liij c He was led like a shepe to be slain Act. viij.f. liij d He was counted amonge the wycked Mark. xv.c. Luk. xxij d liij e Which did no synne neyther was there guyle founde in hys mouth i. Petr. ij d i. Iohn iij. a liij e Whyche hys owne selfe bare our synnes in hys body i. Petr ij d liiij b Reioyce thou baren that bearest no children Gala. iiij d liiij c And they shal al be taught of god Iohn vi.e. lv.a. And let him that is a thyrste come and let who soeuer wil take of the water of lyfe frely Apoc. xxij d lv.b. The holy promyses made to Dauid I wyll geue them faithfully vnto you Actuū xiij e vi b My house shal be called the house of praier Mat. xxi b Mark xi c Luk xix g lvi.b. Destruction and wretchednes are theyr wayes Rom. iij. c lix c Take to you the shelde of fayth Ephes vi c i. Thess v.b. lix.d. There shall come oute of Sion he that doth delyuer and shall tourne awaye the vngodlynes of Iacob Rom xi d lx.c. And the gates of it shal not be shut by daye Apoc. xxi.g. lxi a The spirite of the Lorde is vpon me Luk. iiij e lxij d Tell ye the doughter of Sion beholde thy kynge cōmeth Math. xxi a lxiiij b The eye hath not sene and the eare hath not hearde i. Cor. ij b lxv.a. I am founde of them that fought me not Rom. x.d. lxv.a. All daye longe haue I stretched forth my hādes vnto a people that beleneth not Rom. x.d. lxv.a. I sawe a newe heauen and newe earth ij Pet. iij c. Apac. xxi a lxvi a Heauen is my seate and earth is my fotestole Act. vij f lxvi Where theyr worme dyeth not the fyre neuer goeth oute Mark ix.g. lx.d. And the cytye hath no nede of the sonne neither of the moone Apoc. xxi d ●… d And there shal be no nyghte there Apoc. xxij a Ieremias vij b But ye haue made it a denne of theues Mathe. xxi b Marke xi c Luk xix g ix.g. He that reioyceth let hym reioyce in the Lorde i. Cor. i.d. ij Cor. x.d. x.a. Who shall not feare the o Lorde Apoc. xv b xvij.d. I am he whiche serchet the reynes and hertes Apo. ij f xxxi d In rama was a voyce hearde Mathe. ii.d. xxxi a I will be a father vnto you ye shal be vnto me sonnes ij Cor. vi d xxxi e Beholde the dayes wyll come sayth the Lorde and I wyll fynyshe vpon the house of Israel and vpon the house of Iuda a newe Testamente Hebr. viij c xxxi f Thys is the Testamente that I wil make vnto them after those daies saith the Lorde I will put my lawes in their hartes Heb. x.c. li.a. Graet Babilon is fallē Apo xviij a Ezechiel iij. a Take the boke eate it vp Apo. x. d xx b The man whyche doth the thynges of the lawe shal lyue therin Rom x.b. xxxij b The sonne shal be darkened and the moone shall not geue her lyghte Math. xxiiij c xxxvi e The name of God is euyl spoken of amonge the Gentyles through you Rom. ij c Daniell ix.g. When ye shall se the Abhomynacyon that betokeneth desolacyon spokē of by Daniell the prophete standing in the holy place Math. xxiiij b Mark xiij b Luk. xxi d Ozeas i.d. And it shal come to passe in the place where it was saide vnto thē ye are not my people that there shall be called the chylderen of the lyuynge God Rom. ix e ij d. I wyll call them my people which were not my people Roman ix c i. Petr. ij b vi c I haue pleasure in mercy and not in offering Math. ix b xij a x.b. Then shall they begynne to saye to the mountaynes fal on vs and to the hilles couer vs. Luk. xxiij d xi a Oute of Egypte haue I called my sonne Mat. ij c xiij d Death is consumed into vyctory i. Cor. xv.g. Ioell ij.g. It shall be in the laste dayes sayth God of my sprete I wyll powre oute vpon all fleshe Act. ij c ij.g. Who soeuer shall call on the
name of the Lorde shal be safe Rom. x.c. Amos. v.g. Gaue to me sacrifices and meate offerynges by the space of .xl. yeares in the wildernesse Act. vij.e. vi a Wo be to you that are ryche Luk vi d ix c After this wil I retourne and will buylde agayne the tabernacle of Dauid Act. xv.c. Ionas ij a As Ionas was thre dayes and thre nyghtes in the wales belly Math. xij c. Luk. xi d iij. b They amended at the preachinge of Ionas Mat. xij d Luk. xi.e. Micheas v.a. And thou Bethleem in the lande of Iury arte not the least concernynge the princes of Iuda Math. ij a vij b I am come to set a mā at variaūce agaynste his father and the daughter agaynste her mother Math. x.d. Luk xij g Aggeus ij b Yet ones more wyl I shake not the earth onely but also heauē Hebr. xij g Habacuck i.b. Beholde ye despysers and wonder peryshe ye for I do a worke in your dayes whyche ye shall not beleue yf a man would declare it you Act. xiij f ij a The iuste shall lyue by fayth Rom i. c Galat iij. b Nahum i.d. Howe beautiful are the fete of them whiche bringe glad tidinges of peace Rom. x.c. Zacharias viij c Euery mā speake trueth vnto his neighbour Ephe. iiij d ix b Beholde thy kinge cōmeth Math xxi a Iohn xij b xi c And they toke xxx syluer plates Mat. xxvii a xij c They shal loke on hym whome they pearsed Iohn xix g xiij c I wyl smyte the shepe herde Mat xxvi c Mark xiiij b Malachias i.a. Iacob I loued but Esau I hated Rom. ix c iij. a Beholde I sende mine Angel Mat xi b Mark i.a. Luke vij d Iohn i.c. iij. b Thys is Helias whiche shoulde come Math. xi b iij. b Why saye the scribes that Helias must first come Mat xvij b Mar ixb iij. b To tourne the hartes of the fathers to the children Luk. i.b. The ende of the first Table ¶ These testimonyes followynge of the newe Testament do not iustly agree in words but in the sence meaning of the olde Testament Genesis i.a. THoroughe fayth we vnderstand that the worlde was ordeined by the word of God Hebr. xi a i.a. The heauens were a great whyle a go and the earth that was in the water appeared vp oute of the water by the word of God ij Pet. iij. b i.d. He hath done al thinges well Mark vij d i. d Adam was fyrst formed then Eua i. Timo. ij c ij d The man is not of the woman but the woman of the man i. Corinth xi a iij. a The serpent begyled Eue thoroughe hys sutteltie ij Corinth xi a iij. b Adam was not deceaued but the woman was deceaued i. Timoth. ij d iiij a By fayth Abell offered vnto God a more plenteous sacrifice then Cayn Heb. xi a iiij b Frō the bloude of the ryghteous Abel Math. xxiij e iiij b Not as Cayn whyche was of the wycked i. Iohn iij. b liij b Wo be vnto them for they haue folowed the waye of Cayn Iude. d. v.c. By faith was Enoch translated that he should not see death Heb. xi b vi c When the longe sufferyng of God abode exceding paciently in the daies of Noe whyle the Arke was a preparinge i. Pet. iij. d vi c By faith Noe honored God after that he was warned of thinges that were not sene Heb. xi b vij a Saued Noe the eyghte preacher of ryghteousnes ij Petr. ij b vij b For as in the dayes before the floude they dyd eate and drynke mary and were maried euen vnto the day that Noe entred into the shyppe c. Math. xxiiij d ix a All that laye hande on the sworde shall peryshe with the swearde Mat. xxvi.e. Apoc. xiij c xij a By fayth Abraham when he was called obeyed to go oute Hebreos xi b xiiij d Thys Melchisedech kynge of Salem whyche beynge prieste of the moost hye God Hebre. vij a xvi d Abraham had a sonne by a bonde mayde Gala. iiij c xvij b He receyued the signe of circumcision as a seale of the ryghteousnes whyche is by fayth Romo iiij b Act vij a xviij a Thorough faith Sara receyued strenght to be with chylde Hebr. xi c xviij b Euen as Sara obeied Abraham and called him Lord. i. Petri. iij. a xix b He tourned the cities of Sodome and Gomorre in to ashes ij Petr. ij b xix.e. Euen as Sodome and Gomorre and the cities aboute them Iude. c xix.e. Remēbre Lottes wife Luk. xvij g xix.e. As it chaūsed in the daies of Lot They ate they dranke c. And euen the same day that Lot went out of Zodome it raygned fyre brimstone frō heauen Luk. xvij f xxi a Abraham had a sonne by the free woman Galat. iiij c xxij a In faith Abrahā offered vp Isaac when he was tempted Hebre. xi d xxij c Euen as he promysed to oure fathers Abraham and to his seede foreuer Luk. i.c. xxv c Rebecca was wyth chylde by one I meane by our father Isaac Rom ix b xxv d Noman be vncleane as Esau which for one breakefast c. Heb. xij d xxvij d In fayth Isaac blessed Iacob Esau Hebre. xi d xlviij c By fayth Iacob whan he was a dienge blessed bothe the sonnes of Ioseph Hebr. xi d xlix b Of whome moyses in the Lawe did writte Iohn i.g. l.d. By fayth Ioseph whan he dyed remembred the departynge of the chyldren of Israel and gaue commaundement of hys bones Heb. xi.e. Exodus ij a By fayth Moyses when he was borne was hyd thre Monethes of his father and mother Heb. xi.e. ij b By fayth Moises whan he was great refused to be called the sonne of Pharaos doughter Heb. xi.e. ij b And whan he sawe one of them suffre wornge he defended him Actuū vij c iij. a And whan fourty yeares were expired there appeared to him in the wildernes of mounte Syna an Angell of the Lorde Act. vij d xij d Thoroughe fayth he ordeined the easter lambe and the effusion of bloude Heb. xi.e. xiiij e They were all baptysed vnder Moyses in the cloude i. Cor. x. a xiiij e By fayth they passed thoroughe the read see Heb. xi.e. xvi c Your fathers did eate Manna in the wildernes Iohn vi.e. xvi d He gaue them breade from heauen to eate Iohn vi d xvi d They did all eate of one spiritual meate i. Cor. x.a. xvij b They dranke of that spyrytuall rocke that folowed them i. Cor. x.a. xix b If a beaste had touched the moūtayne it must haue ben stoned Hebre. xxij.e. xix c An holy nacyon and a peculiar people i. Pet. ij b xx b Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vayn Mat. v.c. xx c Thou shalt not kil Math. xix c xx e For ye are not come vnto the moūte that can be touched Heb. xij e xxiiij c When all the commaundementes were redde of Moises vnto al the people
well quoth he let them thynck that I slepe so longe to daye but thow wythout tarieng prepare men the elephantes agaynste to morowe euen after the same facyon to kyll thees Iewes cruelly When all they that were there were glad had praised thys commaundemente of the kynges euerye man wente whome to hys owne house where they bestowed the night not so much in slepe but to deuise as it was thought al maner of meanes howe to mock thees selye soules Zurich part O So as soune as the cock cruw erly in the morning Hermō begā to dryue thees armed beastes in a great walking place al the people thorow out of the city came to see this pitifull sight loking euer when it should be daye But the Iewes all that whyle almost deade wyth weapinge prayers and wofull sounges holding vp there handes to heauen prayed allmyghtye God that he would helpe them shortly agayne And or euer it was daye when the kynge receyued hys frendes Hermon stode and called them out and declared vnto them that it was the kynges minde which thing when the kyng heard marueling at this cruel sight as a man that hadde forget all axed what was the cause why he did such thinges so dylygently part D But thys was the mighty worcke of God that ruleth all * Deute ●xviij c Iob xij c Mic iij b Rom. i c whyche made hym forget all thynges thought vpon before And when Hermon sayde Bothe all thy frendes beastes and men of armys O kyng are redye after thy pleasure the king was for thees sayenges very sore angrye that he hadde loste the remembraunce of all thees thynges * Iob. v. b thorough the prouydence of God loking shortly and with great threateninges saide As many as be here that hath chyldren or that bee borne of free parentes that haue giuen vnto this cruel beastes this much meat let them be serued as the innocente Iewes should haue byne whiche haue excellently declared theyr sure perfecte faythfullnes both to me and myne auncytours all though noman for fauor that they haue byne broughte vp wyth vs and done seruyce was euer depcyued of hys lyffe for them Zurich part P Thus Hermon had sore checkes vnloked for and was maruelously abbashed and affraied and euery one of hys frendes went there waye wyth heauy cheire and sent away thoos that were cōme euery man to do hys owne busynes And when the Iewes knewe what the king had sayd the praysed the myghtye Lorde * Dan. xij a. king of kynges of whome they hadde gott thys healpe i. Timot vi c Apo. xvij c. xix c And when the kinge after his old coustome had prepared a feaste and exhorted them to be mery callyng Hermon vnto hym wyth greate threates he sayde Thou wretche how ofte shall I commande the to do any thyng Let me se yf now at the last thou canste prepare the elephantes to kyll the Iewes Then his kynsfolkes that sat with hym meruelyng at the inconstantnes of his mynde sayd thees wordes O king how long wylt thou tēpt vs as though we were mad whyche now commaundest them to be slayne the thyrde tyme and chaunged again in doing the thing breakest that the thou hast apponted Verely the cytye for thys cause is in a greate romublyng and many come to gether threatenynge that they wyll go awaye Wherfor the king full of madnes euen in all poyntes lycke an other Phalaris not regardinge the chaungynge of his minde toward the sauing of the Iewis sware styfly that he woulde kyll them with out deleye and that they shoulde be all to troden with the fete and knees of the beastes And that after he would go in to Iewry and there wyth swerde and fyre wast it all and the holy place also of the Iewys * iij. Mac a. that he might not come into and burne al them that there dyd offer sacrifice Then hys frendes and kinsfolke when they were gone appoynted for the armye the most conueniēt places of the citie to be surely kept Zurich part Q And the master of the elephauntes had broughte hys beastes euen almoste to madnes wyth swete drynckes tempered wyth franckensence and decked fearefully to loke to And now aboute the mornynge the cytye beynge replenished with innumerable people about the place where horses be coursed one went vnto the kinge mouynge hym to come to thys syght Then he wyth an angry and cruell minde came out with al his mighty elephantes with a fearce mynd desyrynge to see the lamentable destruction of the aforsayd selie soules And when the Iewes sawe aboute the gate the dust that the elephantes made in there commynge oute and the hooste that folowed in harnes and of the dust of the peoples fete and heard the horrible noyse thynckynge it to be the laste moment of there lyffe and the ende of ☞ there mysery that they loked for tourning them selues to mournynge eche embraced ayssed an other and toke there kynsfolke about there neckes the father the sonnes and the mothers the daughters and some put the infantes to there brestes to suck there last And remembrynge of the help that they had before from heauen wyth one consent they fell flatt to the grounde takynge there children from there pappies And wythe one voyce cryed alowde making there prayers to almyghtye God that he woulde come and helpe them that were nowe comme to deathes doore chapter 6 part A ☞ ANd one Eleazarus a noble man one of the Priestes of that countrey a very aged man vertuous all his lyfe with other sadde men about hym callynge vpon the holy God prayed thus O myghtie kyng and most hyest almyghtye God which mercyfully gouernest all thynges that thou hast made locke vpon the seade of Abraham and the chyldren of thy holy Iacob The chosen people consecrated vnto the beyng straungers in an other lande and that shall be slayne vniustely * Exo. xiiij f. Psalm lxxxiij Cv. Cvi Esa xi c. Sap. x. d O father Thou destroyest Pharao hauing many chariottes sometyme the kyng of the Egiptians puffed vp with cruell stubbernes bostinges of tongue thou drownest hym his proude hooste in the sea and with thy lyght of mercy dydest shyne vpō the Israellites Zurich part R * Esaye xxxvij f iiii Reg. xix g Tob. i. d ii Mach xv d Thou O Lord ouer truwest Senacherib kinge of the Assirians being proude for his innumerable sorte of men whiche had subdewed vnto his powere all the whole lande and was lift vp against the holy citie speakyng cruell and proude wordes shewyng openly vnto the gentiles the power part B * Dan. iij d Thou sauest those thy trie frendes in Babylon whiche with good there gaue there liues to the fyre because they woulde not worship vayne thinges and didest cast downe vnto the burning forne is sauest them vnhurt euen the very heares of their heddes turning the flāme vpō all their enemies * Dani. vi