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A06137 The first part of the diall of daies containing 320. Romane triumphes, besides the triumphant obelisks and pyramydes of the Aegyptians, the pillers, arches, and trophies triumphant, of the Græcians, and the Persians, with their pompe and magnificence: of feastes and sacrifices both of the Iewes and of the Gentils, with the stately games and plaies belonging to these feastes and sacrifices, with the birthes and funeral pomps of kinges and emperours, as you shall finde more at large in the 2. part, wherein all kind of triumphes are enlarged. By Lodowick Lloid Esquire. Lloyd, Lodowick, fl. 1573-1610. 1590 (1590) STC 16621; ESTC S108766 125,621 204

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ouer the Romanes at the riuer Allia in the taking of the Citie of Rome by the Gaules for the great ouerthrowe of the Romanes at the battell of Canes by Hannibal The Bishops and the Southsayers made a decrée that n● exploit nor battell should be taken that day and these daies to be recorded Atros dies Macrob. lib. 1. cap. 16. It was also an vnfortunate day amongst the Aegyptians for the Prophet Ezechiel did foreshew the calamitie and ruine of the kingdome of Aegypt vpon this day Ezech. 29. This day the statue of Commodus Antoninus was thrown downe from the place where it stood within three daies after his death So wicked an Emperour was this Commodus and so farre from the vertues of his father that all Rome honoured the father and hated the sonne and the moneth of September which he commaunded to bee called Commodus was after his death presently restored to his former name Charles the second was crowned king of Hungarie with much solemnitie and pompe vpon this day 1310. Philippus surnamed Longus king of Fraunce died 1320. Pantal. lib. 1. Iohn the fourth king of Lusitania and father in lawe to Charles the second died leauing his wife with childe which within twentie daies after his death brought a sonne and a Prince named Sebastianus 1542. Galeatius Duke of Millaine was slaine in the Church at seruice by a Citezin of Millaine named Andreus Lemponianus 1477. Charles the fift caused a méeting of many learned Catholikes and Protestants at Vnormatia a Towne in Germany for conference sake about the religion 1541. Sleid. lib. 13. Pius the fourth was elected Bishop of Rome vpon this day of whose solemnitie I haue laide downe in his inauguration of his papacie Upon this day Iohn Baptist bare witnes of the true Messias before his comming Math. 3. Machareus priest of Alexandria was martired 314. This day sheweth the nature and state of September The third Daie THe third day of euery moneth was in Gréece consecrated vnto Minerua among the ancient Gréekes of whose feasts sacrifices and ceremonies you shall read in their seuerall places for Minerua had her festiuall daies and all solemne sacrifice in Athens as Iuno had in Rome Marcus Tullius Cicero was borne at what time Quintus Scipio and Quintus Serrano were Consuls before our Sauiour Christ 110. yéeres This verie yéere the Cymbres inuaded Italie Gellius lib. 15. cap. 28. Vitellius was proclaimed Caesar by the souldiers in Germany after the foundation of Rome 821. yeeres Nicholaus Bishop of Florentia was elected to bee Bishop of Rome 157. Antherus Bishop of Rome and many other Christians suffered martyrdome vnder the Emperour Maximinianus 239. There was in Rome vppon this day a meeting of the Citizens to see the performaunce of vowes which they made to the Gods for their victories and to finde out the effect and purpose why these were made but being made they would also knowe the cause of the breach thereof if any were such The order and maner of vowes in what sort they were made and solemnized are set downe Upon this day happened such an earthquake so violent and so straunge that all the parts of the world were shaken therewith and much losse thereby in euery place sustained in the yeere of Christ 1117. The fourth Daie IN the moneth of Ianuary when the daies began to lengthen they held a great solemne feast at Rome with publike games and plaies in which the women went before they sacrificed vnto Venus to wash and to bath themselues in swéet water the next morning they were crowned with garlands of mirtle and so passing most solemnly through the stréetes of Rome into the Temple of Venus they offered to the Goddesse in sacrifice certaine yoong white pigeons In Athens this feast was so celebrated with great mirth and triumph in ioy that the spring came on the yong men had a publike feast wherein they vsed many ceremonies to the moone In India the king with his traine according to the maner of the countrie was wont to wash himselfe at a certaine riuer and after offered to the Gods in sacrifice blacke horses blacke buls for that colour is of greater estimation than white and more holy and acceptable to their Gods and after vsed much mirth He thought himselfe a most happie and fortunate prince to sée the sonne to come to visite him Genial lib. 4 cap. 20. Calis a hauen towne in France for the space of 211. yéeres in the possession of English kings was againe recouered and woonne vpon this day but Aemilius Paulus referreth it to the sixt of Ianuary Pantaleon lib. 1. Sigismundus king of Poland and sonne to Cazimerus was borne this day some say the first of Ianuary Charles the fourth of that name the Emperour entred into Paris in Fraunce with great pompe and brauery to make peace betwéene the king of England and Charles the first of that name king of Fraunce 1378. Iulius Caesar with a great armie passed into Gréece after Pompey the great whom Caesar the next yéere after ouercame in the battell of Pharsalia This day dooth forshew the nature and state of Nouember The fift Daie ALL Nones Calends and Ides marriages were prohibited with the Romanes Macrob. lib. 1. cap 15. The None of euery moneth was made a solemne day and kept holy in Rome for that Seruius Tullius the sixt king of the Romanes was borne vpon the selfe same day vpon the which day the seruants and bondmen of Rome had as much libertie as their maisters in some things like to the feast Saturnalia Caius Iunius Brutus at his beeing Consul in Rome the 2. time triumphed ouer them of Lucania and after ouer the Brutians after the building of Rome 470. yéeres solemnly with such pompe and solemnitie as was then in Rome vsed Rome was not yet come to hir great pompe and dignitie for none of their seuen Kings rode in any triumphant Chariot but eyther on foote like the triumph of Ouation or else on horsebacke from the Temple of Bellona where the Senators met them and brought them through the Cittie into the Capitoll where after sacrifice done they celebrated the feast called Epulum Iouis which feast was also called Epulum triumphale In the Ile of Andria a Well was consecrated to Liber Pater and two other fountaines the one in Caria the other in Arabia which being drunken this day tasted like wine Calend. Rom. Rodulphus surnamed Haspurgensis was crowned king of the Romanes this day 1274. Benth The pompe of Caius Marius in his triumph which hee had in Rome ouer Iugurth king of Numidia at what time Metellus depriued him of much of his honour in the conquering of Iugurth which spited Marius sore that the glory of his triumph should be thus hindered by Metellus but the greatest glory of his triumph had Silla by the meanes of Bocchus king of Numidia father in law to Iugurth who through trecherie deliuered Iugurth into the hands of Lu. Silla This was the
at that time with great solemnitie was according to the commaundement kept at Ierusalem of the often inuation spoile destruction of Ierusalem you shall many times heere for it was destroyed fiue times first by the Egiptians they by the Chaldeans and after by the Romans c. The Frenchmen after many harde conflicts by the Germans and the Germans by the Frenchmen as vpon this day through the aid of the H●luetians vanquished and ouerthrew the imperiall armie of Charles the fift in Pedemontana at what time the Frenchmen got such a victory yet to their smart insomuch that Charles the Emperour and Frances Valoys the French king were both contented to conclude a peace 1544. Leo the fourth Emperor of Rome in the fift and last yeare of his raigne at the earnest sute and request of his Nobles and also of the people elected and made his sonne Constantine the seauenth of that name his fellow Emperour to gouerne with him in the empite which was the onely sure way to staye himselfe in the empire being matcht with his sonne as it was the costome and manner of the Romane Emperours to do 776. Philip a verye y●ong man in the 20. yeare of Lodowike ●urnamed Cra●sus was crowned king of Fraunce vpon the sixteene kalend of Maye which is the foureteene day of Aprill 1128. The 15 Daie THis was the seauenth day and last of the feast called vnleauened after the Israelits passed through the red sea and had giuen thankes to God for their deliuerance they came to the wildernesse of Sin which is betweene Elim and Sinai where they wandred three dayes murmering against God and Moises who tooke them from the flesh pots of Egipt at what time Quales couered their tents and Manna couered the ground so GOD pleased then their humors and yet were these people not pleased Numa Pompilius the second king of Rome instituted a feast to appease the goddes at what time the plague fell vpon their cattell this feast was called Fordicidia in which feast it was not lawful for the priests to offer no sacrifice but pregnantem bouem at what time the Idols of their housholde gods which were called Lares had vpon them a long robe made of Dogges skins and crowned with a Garland made of sweete flowers to whome sacrifice was offered with corne and Frankencense for their Idols were kept in their houses and in theyr gardens to driue sprites away and to watch their houses from any harme or danger that might happen in the night time Pipinus sonne to Charles the great king of Fraunce and Emperour of Rome was crowned king of Italy by his father and Lodouicus surnamed Pius his other sonne who succeeded him both in the Empire and in the kingdome of Fraunce was made king of Aquitania 781. Romanus Argyropylus Emperour of Constantinople when he had raigned fiue yeares and sixe moneths died vpon this daye Iustine saith that he was through treason drowned where he hathed himselfe 1033. Henrie the sixt of that name was crowned Emperour of Rome by Pope Celestinus with great pompe and solemnitie this was sonne to Fredericke surnamed Barbarossa who raigned 38 yeares Emperour during which time this Henrie was crowned king of Rome 1191. Balduinus first Earle of Flaunders and after was elected Emperour of Constantinople after he had raigned scant one yeare leauing the Empire to his brother Henrie who succeeded him and raigned after him sixe yeares 1205. I find in some Chronicle that Charles the seauenth king of Fraunce as vpon this daye gaue a great ouerthrowe to the Englishmen in Normandy but it was well requited for Henrie the sixte king of England in the tenth of this Charles his raigne was crowned king of France in their cheefe Church at Paris Functius could say no lesse with wounds and calamities enough to requite the first ouerthrowe so that Victor became Victus 1450. The 16 Daie I Finde not much that were doone vpon this daye worth the writing sauing of the death and election of some Bishops of Rome amongst whom Anicetus the tenth bishop of Rome suffered death vnder the emperour Seuerus this Bishop instituted that no priest should haue a beard nor let his hatre to growe long 160. Lodowicke Countie of Helsfenstein was most cruellye murthered and slaine in an vprore of the Countrie men in Sueuia but after they were like sheepe slaine in manye places of Germanie for the same 1525. I reade that in Scythia they were wont to celebrate a feast once a yeare in the moneth Thargelion to worship and to honour Mars his sworde in the which beside the sacrificing of a horse they vsed this ceremonie to lay the sword of Mars called Acinax as Mercuries sword was called Harpen vpon a pile of wood vnto the which the Scithians did more reuerence then to anye of their other gods and did sacrifice vnto this sword of euerie 100 prisoner one as the beastes were saficed but in this maner first they powred wine vpon the heads of the prisoners that should be slain in sacrifice after they tooke them into a certaine great vessell where they were slaine and from thence caried to the place where Mars his sword was put vp and taking the bloud of the sacrificed men they powred it vpon the sword of Mars for among the Scythians the chiefe seruice is to drincke of the blood of the first man that they kil of their enemies and to bring his head to the king of whose scull if hee be a great man the king doth drinke of The 17 Day VPon this daie the Iewes were wont to celebrate a feast in memorie of their Passouer which they vsed for a long time after the departing of the Israelites out of Egipt this was called Festum vincite in remembrance of the noble victorie and glorious triumph they had ouer Pharo with all his peers nobles and al the force and power of Egipt at what time the read sea was appointed by God to make an end of Pharos tyrannie and to giue his people victorie Felicianus with his naked sword in his hand most cruelly wounded Carolus king of Hungarie beeing at meat at one table with him and had then slaine him had hee not bin saued by the companie which were with him conuersant at the Table 1330. Martin Luther being as on this day before Charles the 5. and all the states of Germanie shewed and opened the falshod the abhominations and wickendes of the Romane religion of their indulgences and defended most syncerely this religion It is written that as vpon this day the sea brake into Flanders and drowned an hundred thousand people beside the losse of Cattels infinit number the like hath not bin seene before as Munster affirmeth he 18 Daie THe feast Equiria was celebrated with great solemnitie at Rome as vpon this day in Circo maximo with other pastimes and plaies called Circenses ludi which were alwaies appointed
the night following to the day before The Iewes began their day from Sunne setting to Sunne setting Pantaleon saith that the Bohemians Polonians and the S●lesians imitate the Iewes for the beginning of theyr dayes The olde Athenians began their day in like manner as the Iewes did and so Sensorimus and Beroaldus doe bothe affirme FINIS OF THE MONETH Ianuary with the Latins the first with the Hebrues called Thebet their tenth Moneth with the Athenians called Gamelion their eight Moneth and with the Aegyptians called T●bi their fift Moneth The first Daie THis Moneth Ianuary was made by Numa Pompilius the 2. king of Rome the first Moneth of the yéere For Romulus his predecessor the first king of Rome began his yere in March consecrating this Moneth vnto his supposed Father Mars for at this time the Romans had but ten moneths in their yéere called Annus Romuli after Romulus time Ianuary and February were added to Romulus yéeres by Numa Pompilius to make the yéere twelue moneths Ianuary he dedicated to God Ianus and caused it to bee the first moneth in the yeere amongst the Romanes making March to be the third moneth For Numa preferred peace before warre and ciuill things before Martiall and therefore Ianus was set before Mars for were this Ianus either king or demy-God he was in former age very ciuill and politike of whom the Romans brag most for hee had temples altars sacrifices and ceremonies done to him this moneth In the Temple of Ianus the Consuls the Senators all the Magistrates of Rome should solemnly méete to determine and to consult about wars or dangers of the Citie when occasion so serued By the temple of Ianus it was knowne whether the Romanes were in warres or in peace if it were open as alwaies it was it signified wars if it were shut which was neuer but thrée times once in Numa Pomp. time the second time in Augustus Caesar and the third after Titus Vespasian triumphed ouer Hierusalem then it signified peace if there the Senators and Magistrates of Rome had agreed vpon wars one of the Consuls should goe presently to the temple of Bellona and take a speare in his hande and flourish with the speare before the Altar of Bellona and thereby pronounced warres in the Romanes behalfe Genial lib. 1. cap. 14. All Calendes which is the first day of euerie moneth was consecrated to Iuno and the Ides to Iupiter by the Romanes For in the Calendes of Ianuary the king called Rex sacrorum and the priestes called Flamines vsed to offer vp in sacrifice to Iuno a lambe or a yoong dooue for good successe of that moneth for euerie first day of euerie moneth they vse the like sacrifice with all ceremonies therevnto belonging to Iuno for that the olde Romanes supposed Iuno and the Moone all one Macrob. lib. 1. cap. 15. This day in Rome they were wont to elect newe Magistrates and to present them with laurell braunches and giftes with great mirth through the Citie They celebrated the feast of Iuno in Rome called Gamelia as the Greekes were wont to do to Bacchus the feast of Lenaea the same day with all due solemne ceremonies belonging vnto the Goddesse Iuno In this feast of Gamelia Iuno had these ceremonies in hir sacrifice of all married women and of yoong women which were to be married they should come vnto the temple of Iuno to make their supplication to their Goddesse to remoue all bitternes and choler from that present sacrifice and to bury all displeasure and offences which might moue Iuno to anger openly before all the people vnder hir sacred Altar vpon the which they offered their sacrifice that it might be signified that all marriages ought to be without strife bitternes or anger Genial lib. 6. cap. 4. In like manner in Athens the feast of Lenaea is celebrated withall too much licentious and vncomely spéeches with foolish wanton gestures where also the Poets did vse to make slaunderous and biting verses one against another in such sort as he that could excell in scurrilitie scoffes and floutes eyther in prose or in verse hee was crowned with a garland made of Iuy and Thyrsus giuen to his hande as one of the victors in Bacchus feast The Grecians were nothing inferiour to the Romans for their ceremonies in feasts sacrifice Plut. Marius Censorinus likewise this day triumphed in Rome with a victorie gotten in Macedonia 713. Temples were dedicated to Iupiter Aesculapius in the Ile of Tiberina where eyther of them had their yéerely sacricrifice and feasts of the countrymen with all deuotion Albertus the second being married to Sigismundus the Emperors daughter was crowned king of Hungaria was this day also elected Emperour of Rome for they vsed to elect the Emperour eyther being king of Germany or of Rome sometime also they elected the king of Hungaria or Bohemia Lewis the twelfth king of Fraunce in the 18 yéere of his raigne 1515. died at Paris Pantal. lib. 1. Magdalen the daughter of Frauncis king of Fraunce was espoused to Iames king of Scotland Sleid. lib. 10. Fredericus the third was elected king of the Romanes at Franckford 1440. whose election was with great solemnitie and pompe as I haue saide in the crowning and inauguration of the Emperors Titus Liuius a great historian died this yéere at Padua at the age of 70 yéeres and the Poet Ouid was borne the selfe same day in the yeare of Christ 18. Voleteramus Christ Iesus the Sonne of God was circumcised this day to fulfill the law of Moses This day the Image of Ianus was set vp in Rome with a keie in his righthand and a rod in his left hand and vpon the keie was written the figures of 365. to shew the numbers of all the daies in the yéere He had 12 Altars with the iust number of the moneths of the yéere dedicated and consecrated vnto Ianus he had thrée statues which were pictured with two faces in the market place and had diuers names as Geminus pater Quiri●us Visuuius c. In the Calends of Ianuary the feast and plaies called Hillaria in the honor of Berecynthia the mother of the Gods were celebrated Lucius Antonius that yéere when he was elected Cons●ul in Rome had a gallant triumph graunted him by the consent of the Senators for his victorie ouer the people of the Alpes 712. and the yéere after vpon the selfe same day M. Censorinus tryumphed ouer the Macedonians whose solemnitie and pompe were such that I omit to set downe the manner and order of euerie seueral triumph for that I haue set some downe at large you may suppose the like ceremonies and solemnities in all other triumphes more or lesse according to the victory Goltz The second Daie THis was a dismall day to the Romanes and a most infortunate and therefore their Bishops and Southsayers appointed the next day after any Calend None or Ide to be recorded an vnlucky day in remembrance of the vnfortunate victories had
originall cause of the cruell and bloody ciuill warres after in Rome betweene Marius and Silla to the ouerthrow almost of the whole Empire Silla was then but Quaestor vnder Marius in the latter end of the wars Metellus which deserued best the triumph was also cut by Silla howbeit Marius had a solemne triumph granted in spite of Silla and his adherents and that with great solemnitie and pompe Plut. in Mario Charles Duke of Burgundy was slaine and his armie ouerthrowne vpon this day in a great battell at Nausen by the Heluetians whose onely daughter and heire Maximilian the Emperour married and thereby got the Dukedome of Burgundy to him and to his heires for euer as Philip Cominaenus affirmeth 1477. Ferdinandus Archduke of Austria was with great solemnitie and pompe crowned king of the Romanes in Colonia 1509. Sleid. A great slaughter of Frenchmen at Gent began by factions and ciuill discord and ended by shedding of much blood in a battell betwéene partie and partie 1568. Frederike one of the Electors of Saxonie died vppon this day 1429. The old auncient Romanes had vpon the fift day of Ianuary in the first time of their kinges elections certaine ceremonies of white beanes which among the Grecians were signes of good euentes to come as the blacke beanes prognosticate thinges infortunate to come Beside in y ● time of Romulus they sacrificed in Rome with milke and not with wine and so the Athenians did appease the furie of the Gods in sacrifices with water and honie clarified and not with wine of a long time after the first was vnto Dionisius in the which they sacrificed wine honie and milke The sixt Daie THis day among the Romanes was counted vnluckie called Ater dies though otherwise among all Christendome great mirth and feasting for the appearing of the starre this day for the three Kinges called Magi of the East offered then golde mirrhe frankinsence vnto Christ at Bethlem Math. 2. Iulius Caesar entred into Rome vpon this day with thrée seuerall triumphes at what time he was first named Perpetuus dictator He had fiue seuerall triumphes at Rome the first time ouer the Frenchmen the second time ouer the Aegyptians thirdly ouer the Affricans fourthly ouer the king of Pontus and fiftly ouer the Spaniards at what time hee vanquished Sextus Pompeius sonne to Pompei the great Cato and others of Pompeis frends and confederates It is written that in his first triumph he entred Rome with such a pompe that hee passed through the Cittie in the night time with fortie Elephants which carried lampes and light before Caesar twentie on the one side and twentie on the other into the Capitoll beeing set with such deuise as made a solemne sight at what time his Chariot was so laden with rich spoiles treasures and sumptuous tents that it was like to breake Of the region of Pontus hee wrote of his triumph to his frendes before hee came to Rome in thrée words Veni vidi vici hee got the victorie with such celeritie after the building of Rome 225. Pantal. lib. 1. Upon the selfe same day 26. yéeres after Augustus Caesar made his great and last triumph in Rome hauing brought all the kingdomes of the world subiect vnto Rome he caused Ianus Temple to bee shut and was neuer opened during the whole time of Augustus which was neuer shut but once by Numa Pompilius once by Augustus Caesar and once in Titus Vespasians raigne which was in all but thrise during the whole gouernement of the Empire of Rome which was a thousand yéeres and more Philip surnamed Pulcher was solemnly at Rhemes crowned king of Fraunce 1286. This day Henry the fift was crowned king of the Romans at Aquisgraue 1099. 200. yéeres after Henry the seuenth was crowned king in Rome vpon this day 1299. Charolus the brother of Lewis the ninth was crowned king of Rome and of Cicilia vpon this day by Pope Clement the 4. of that name Gethes king of Herulans with all his Péeres and Nobles came to Constantinople and was baptised in the time of the Emperour Iustinian 530. vpon this day Katherine the first wife of Henry the eight died vppon this day 1535. at Kimbalt●n was buried at Peterborow Adulphus Countie of Nassouia was elected Caesar and 18. yéeres after vpon the same day Lodowicke Duke of Bauaria was also chosen to be Caesar. Naucler 1315. Epiphanius saith that Christ wrought his first miracle at a marriage in Canaan a Cittie of Galilie where he turned water into wine vpon this day Idan 2. Pius the fourth was with great ceremonies in Rome vpon this day consecrated Pope Onoph 1560. Alexander Medices Duke of Florence was slaine in Millaine at seruice time by the trechery of one Laurentius an Italian 1536. Iouius Stephanus the sixt Clement the third and Pius the fourth thrée Popes were vpon this day elected yet in time distant 700 yeeres and more one after another The seuenth Daie VPon the seuenth day of the moneth Thebi which is Ianuary a festiuall great day is solemnized vnto Mars in the Cittie of Papremus in Egypt after sunne setting where the priests standing in the verie porches of Mars his chappell with great woodden keies in their handes hauing no leysure to looke vnto the sacrifice within the chappell for the great multitude which would violently enter in to sée the secrets of the ceremonies with these Priests were certaine pers●ns which vowed to do their best with the Priests and to stand with them against these violent persons for in that chappell was the Image of the mother of God Mars honored and worshipped with such secret ceremonies as none might knowe but such as the Priests had appointed No man might enter int● this temple vnlesse he were cleane washed ouer Post venerem which in other countries was lawfull supposing multiplication to be acceptable vnto their Gods sauing in Egypt and in Gréece which abstained to defile their Temple In diuers Citties of Egypt as Heliopolis Butis others they haue this custome for their sacrificed beasts they are kept with such care from the father vnto the sonne being vowed to be sacrificed to the Gods in this manner When any Egyptian doth consecrate any beast or fowle to any of their Gods as in Egypt euery seuerall God hath his seuerall beast or fowle for sacrifice they shaue their childrens heades or halfe the haires of their heades they lay that in the one part of the ballance and in the other ende a piece of siluer that shall weigh downe the haires this money they gaue to those that keepe this sacred beast for sacrifice and by the lawe of Egypt if any man kill any of these beastes willingly he shall die for it if against his will he shall bee so punished or hee shall pay as much money as the Priestes of Vulcan shall set downe but whosoeuer killeth the bird Ibis shal die the death without any excuse The like law is read of the Thessalonians of their storkes and among
Aurelianus was other with Tigers and others with monstrous Dogges To such excéeding pompe and glorie grew the Romanes after their Affrican victories that within the triumphant Chariots were carried with the conquerour the simulacher of Iupiter with his scepter in his hand Neptune with his thrée picked forke Mercurie winged about his shoulders and his legges and Iuno carrying in her hande Quirinus speare thus the triumpher marched into the Capitoll the soldiers crowned with laurell round about the Chariot singing songs in praise of the conquerour where after sacrificing an Ox vnto Iupiter with publike thanks vnto the Gods for the victorie the feast was prepared called Epulum triumphale which was the common banquet appointed after any triumph Ferdinandus the Emperour returning from Frankford and comming vnto Basill was receiued and welcomed with great honour 1563. Pantal. lib. 1. Albertus Marques of Brandenburge after many sharpe battels and long warres in diuers places of Germany died at Fortzhemi 1557. being 35. yeeres of age Celestinus the third Bishop of Rome died and on the same day Innocentius the third was elected into his place this made the Decretals and other bookes this caused the Councell called Laterense to come together 1●98 Volat. Likewise Constantinus Sirus a Pope whom Iustinianus the Emperour and second of that name reuerenced so much that he went from Constantinople to Nicomedia to méete him and there to submit himselfe vnto the Pope to haue his absolution for sinne Seuerinus a godly learned man that preached Christ about the Riuer of Danuby died 483. The ninth Daie VPon this day the feast called Compitalia was celebrated in Rome at what time the Pretor should speake these wordes in presence of the people Die nono post Calendas Ianuarii Quiritibus compitalia erunt Also Compitalia festa were those feasts at Rome when the plaies called Compitales ludi were celebrated in the stréetes in euery towne of the country To these games were there Images and Idols brought with all solemne ceremonies of the people they were set vpon the table where Epulae Iouis were celebrated they were also laid on Altars crowned with all kind of garlands and set foorth with swéet flowers deckt and trimmed with chaines and Iewels c. Also it was commaunded by Seruius Tullius that once euery yéere in the temples of the Gods vpon this feast solemne sacrifice should be consecrated vnto the Goddesse Mania and the Gods called Lares vnto whom the people offered onyons heades in stéed of mens heades Augustus Caesar vsed this play in his daies to bring his country Gods to be carried from the place where these Compitalia were celebrated at what time they began to be called Augustales ludi the sacrifice whereof was solemnized vnto Lares This was inuented first by Tarquinius the proud these plaies had sundry names among the Romanes as Compitales plebei Curales and Augustales For vnderstand that among the olde Romanes there was no games or plaies instituted but had their proper feast with all the pompe that might be and their sacrifice to one God or other more or lesse either before victories vowed in the Temples to the Gods or after victories inuented and he that was conquerour had a Ram for reward of his victorie giuen him Macrob. lib. 1. Likewise the feast Agonalia was solemnly kept to Ianus among the Romanes at what time the best Magistrate of the Cittie should commaund a Ram to be killed being the chiefest of the flocke hee himselfe being the chiefest man in the Cittie whosoeuer he were should solemnly offer vp the Ram in the Temple of Ianus for sacrifice and dutiful seruice to God Ianus these daies of sacrifice were called Agonales The wife of Charles the eight and after married to Lewis the twelfth both kings of France died 1514. she was an English woman as the Chronicles ●f the kings of Fraunce doe record Hadrianus the sixt schoolemaster of the Emperour Charles the fift was elected Bishop of Rome vpon this day Praeter opinionem 1522. Onoph Iohn the twelfth of that name was the 133. Pope elected 938. an infamous and vicious Pope and therefore driuen to exile by Otto the Emperour at what time he died in a ca●e for feare of Otto Iohannes Aduentinus a learned Germaine died vpon this day at Ratisbone 1534. Under Valentinianus the Emperour was martyred vpon this day 358. Iuuencus a religious man of Antiochia and one Marcella as I ●inde in Eusebius Stephanus surnamed Porcarius a Romaine moued sedition and thereby fell to armes in Rome where he was taken and hanged vpon Had●ianus the Emperours Piller or arche 1433. This daye openeth the nature of August before noone and after noone dooth shew the state of Iuly as in Practica rusticorum is laid downe The tenth Daie THis was woonte to be a dismall day to the Romaines for euery fourth day before any Ide Nones or Calends which the Romaines forbad any sacrifice to be vsed or any ceremonies to be done for vpon such dayes they susteined great ouerthrowes and much losse and therefore called Atridies Some write that Ierusalem was by Nabuchodonosar besieged this day being the tenth day of the tenth moneth but they erre much as it shall be said in another place in mistaking the daies and the moneths Charles the fift married with Isabell the sister of the king of Portingale with great pompe and solemnitie Honorus was by his father Theodosius elected and made Caesar and Emperor 393. This vanquished many cruell tyrants for 32. yeares that he raigned Emperour as Eusbeius affirmeth Frederike Lord Elector of Palantine vpon this day changed the state of religion at Heidelberge in Germanie 1546. Gregorie the tenth who made peace betweene the Venetians and they of Genua in Italie died who also called a generall councell at Lugduum where Michael Paleologus Emperor of Constantinople was reconciled to the Latine Church 1278. Fabianus which was consecrated Bishop of Rome 237 suffered martirdome vnder Decius the Emperor vpon this day this Bishop made a lawe that no marriage should he betweene kindered within fiue degrees he also commaunded that all Christians should receiue the communion thrise in a yeare that euery yeare a new Chrisme should bee made and the olde burned This day sheweth the nature of October before noone and after noone the state of September The Sunne entreth into Aquarius The eleuenth Daie THe feast called Carmentalia was as vpon this day celebrated which continued fiue dayes by the matrons of Rome in the honor of Carmenta some suppose her to be the Goddesse of Destinie and hath rule and power ouer the natiuities of men and therefore the women of Rome reuerenced this Carmenta very much others saye that shee was the Wife of Euander the Arcadian which was so inspired by God Phoebus that she was accoumpted and taken for a demie Prophetesse and tooke vpon hir to giue oracles in verse in that sacrifice which
head of anye enemie to the king he● should haue a blacke Horsse and a blacke Bull for his rewarde If in Scythia any victorie had beene gotten the Conqueror should drinke of the kings cuppe which was carried for that purpose with the armie and that euerye yeare during his life he might after that victorie drinke of the kings cuppe as a rewarde for his seruice In the games of Isthmia the victors were crowned with the Garlands made of Pine appointed by Solon that they should haue one hundreth drachmes In the games of Olympia the Uictor should be crowned with Lawrell and haue fiue hundreth drachmes and he that wonne the masterie thrise should haue his statue erected beeing 496. yeares after the building of R●me Martinus the second of that name a French pope of Rome died 884. It is written that this Pope got his office by enchantment or such other euill meanes Upon this daye appeared a great Comet after the which Lodowicke King that time of Germanie died within three dayes after 882. Petrus Benbus a Uenetian cardinall of Rome died 1547. I reede in Pandolphus Chronicles that Peter the Apostle came into Rome first vpon this day 44. In the cittie of Caesaria in Palestina Priscus Malchus and one Alexander three countr●emen were crowned martyrs vnder the Emperor Valerius vpon this day 259. Likewise Prisca a Virgine of that name a martyr vnder Claudius the Emperor 45. Iohn Philpot an Englishman a great deuine was b●rned at Smithfield 1556. Lispia was besieged by Iohannes Fredericke a Saxon being one of the Electors in the Empire but his siege was in vaine 1547. The 19. Day MArcus Aemilius Paulus proconsull of Rome triumphed ouer the Affricans by Sea In this triumphe of M Aemilius Paul as it did in fight differ from others so in victorie and triumphe he was contrarie to others triumphes for their Banners Flagges and Ensignes were set vp in most braue manner their shippes hanged ouer with cloth of Tishue Golde and Siluer decked and trimmed with Garlandes of seuerall floures and the Souldiers crowned with all manner of crownes Nauales coronae Images and statues and all the rich ●po●les set in publike places to bee seene their Captiues and Prisoners bound fast to the Mastes of the Shippes thus with all kinde of Musicke and pompe of triumphe they saile with victorie towards Rome M. Amilius Pau. Procon●ul of Rome triumphed ouer the Affricans by sea 499. yeares after the building of Rome Theodosius Hispanus was by Gratianus appointed Emperour in the East countrie vpon this daie in the roome of Valens the Emperour 389. And after that this Emperour Theodosius appointed his Sonne Arcadius to be with him a Caesar in the Empire died vpon this day at Constantinople 413. Henrie the eight King of England after he had raigned almost 38. yeares dyed vpon this daye as Sleidon affirmeth others saye and affirme it to the eight and twentith of this moneth at what daye Edward the sixte his sonne succeeded him 1541. As vpon this day in France were many martyred vnder the Emperour Antonius Verus specially three notable martyrs Maturus Attalus and Blaudina a Maide of such woonderfull constancie that when she was martyred she much astonished the tormentors and the beholders on Likewise Potentiana and Pontianus and many others vpon this day was made martyrs vnder Commodus the Emperour In Portingale vpon this daye a great Faire or meeting of men for the space of 15. daies is appointed The tvveentith Day VPon this day Gordianus the Emperor was borne 259. of whome games and plaies were celebrated with much mirth at Rome in remembrance of Gordianus birth Theophilus Emperour of Canstantinople being ouerthrowne twise by the Sarizens of very shame and greefe dyed in the twelfth of his Empire 842. Carolus the eight king of Fraunce was created Emperor of Constantinople vpon this daye by pope Alexander the sixte of that name Seruius Fuluius Proconsul at Rome triumphed by sea ouer the Affricans vpon this day 499. years after the building of Rome Frāciscus Valesius king of France with great regal pompe and solemnitie was crowned vpon this day at Remes 1515. some referre it to the 25. of Ianuarie Vladislaus duke of Lithuania was made a Christian by the Popes legat and was crowned king of Poland the selfe same day with great solemnitie in the citie of Cracouia 1320. whose posteritie continueth to this day as Mart. Chromerus a Polonian writer doth affirme Sebastianus a cittizen of Millaine a captaine vnder Dioclesian the Emperour in his warres suffred euerie torment and was martired with diuers others in Fraunce for the profession of Christ as vpon this day 304. Likewise Fabianus bishop of Rome was vnder the emperour Decius tormented with martirdome as vpon this day It is written in Martinus Cromerus that Margareta the countie Verboslay had aliue 36. sonnes Si credi potest Upon this day at Basil the riuer of Rhine was frosen ouer which was seene in no mans age before The 21 Day VPON this day the Iewes began their moneth Schebat their eleuenth month on the which they held a feast as they do vpon the first and the last day of euerie moneth celebrate solemnity in memory of their gouernment vnder Moses in the wildernesse also in remembrance of their deliuerance out of Egypt from Pharaos bondage and crueltie The 21 day of euerie moneth the Calcedonians hold it as an vnluckie and euil day for as the Romanes the Grecians and other countries recorded their altros dies blacke dayes vpon the which daies they would take no warre in hand nor enter into anie battell nor take in hand any great action so this daye the Calcidonians much lamented for that Darius lieftenant and generall of his warres after he had vanquished subdued and had spoiled and ransacked all the countrie to adde more crueltie he caused all the male children within Calcedon to be gelded and to be sent as Eunuches vnto Persea Lodowick king of Germanie died and was buried with his father as Melancthon affirmeth but Scotus referreth it to the 20. of August of the next yeare following Lodouicus the third and the last emperour of the house and stocke of Charles the great and first of that name died for verie griefe on this day for that hee was by the Vngarians ouerthrowne 911. Hadrianus the third was elected the eight pope of Rome who decreed that in the election of the pope the consent of the emperors should not be sought nor looked for 884. Likewise as vpō this day Innocentius the fifth a Burgandin● was elected pope of Rome who raigned sixe moneths Carolus the eight king of France departed from Rome with a great armie vpon this day inuaded Naples and help the whole kingdome for a time 1495. Georgius Sigismundus Chauncelor to the great Emperour Charles the fifth Ferdinandus and Maximilian the second was vpon this day
borne in Augusta 1516. The 22 Daie PErtinax the ninth emperour of Rome which succeded Cōmodus in the Empire beyng a verie aged man of seauentie yeares old after he had raigned eightie daies was slaine as vpon this day in an vprore which fell among his garde through the treason of Iulianus who succeded Pertinax in the Empire 194. Selymus Emperor of the Turkes vanquished the Sou●dan and the Mameluchos in a great battaile of this historie reade Sabel Iouius Carolus prince of Lotharingia was solemly maried to Claudia the daughter of Franciscus the second of that name kinge of Fraunce at Paris 1559. Edward Seimer an English man duke of Somerset and vncle to Edward the sixt king of England was beheaded vpon this day in the tower of London 1552. Ioan●es the second of that name was elected bishop of Rome vpon this day and died after within ● yeare 4. months 332. Anastasius surnamed Iconomachus was created patriarch of Constantinople vpon this day 710. Vincentius was martired vnder the Emperour Maximianus vpon this day which day amongest the auncient Romanes was holded a fortunate day for marriage and as Casparus Goldworne affirmeth being a faire day sheweth much good lucke to the Romanes I can read no more for this day The 23 daie MArcus Attilius Regulus being then Consull at Rome after he had giuen diuers ouerthrowes to the Carthaginiās hauing discomfited Hamilcar with Hannibals father and after ioyned battaile with 3. Carthaginian Captains ouerthrew them and wan 73. citties in Affricke ouer whom he solemly tryūphed vpon this day 485. Antonius surnamed Caracalla the 22. emperour of Rome of the age of 43. yeares s●cceeded his father Seuerus in the Empire and was like to his father in condicion hee was out of measure giuen to sensualitie and vnto carnall concupiscence that he espoused his mother in law called ●uba he founded the bathes in Rome which were called Antonianae he dyed at Edissa as Eutropius affirmeth but Mar. Scotus saith that he was slaine in his viage against the Parthians as vpon this day after he had raigned sixe yeares and two moneths hee wanted the solemnitie of imperiall funerall for he was buried verie poore and simplie Otto the 3. Emperor of Constantinople was poisoned in Italie on this day 1000. his bowels were buried in Augusta and his bodie at Aquisgraine two yeares after that he had named the seauen electors of the empire called Septem●er● Many houses and many other buildings fel down in Thuringia by winde and tempest 1410. as is affirmed in the Chronicles Ioannes Leydenses king of the Anabaptists after hee had laid siege to the citie Monasteria killing and murthering for 6. moneths without mercie was iustlie punished and plagued for his tirannie vppon this day 1536. Emerentia a Romane virgin became a martir vnder the emperour Valentinianus 360. The 24 Daie CAius Caligula the some of Germanicus the fourth emperour of Rome with his wife Caesena and his Daughter were slaine in his owne pallace after he had three yeares raigned a vicious wicked and cruell emperour who had carnal copulation with all his sisters and vpon his daughter g●tten by one of his sisters he was cruell and horrible towards all men altogether addicted to auarice to fleshly lust and as he liued dishonourably so hee was slaine miserably as Sueton affirmeth and Eutrop. Philip king of Macedonia and father vnto Alexander the great ob non punitam libidinem was slaine by Pausanias in the mariage of his daughter with Alexander king of Epire in the middest of his regal pomp going most solemnlie with a traine of Princes into the theaters to see games and publick playes hauing before him twelue statues and Images of the Gods and hi● owne statue besides deckt with chaines Iuels most ritch and sumptuous before Christes birth 334. Anna the daughter of Ladislaus king of Vngaria the wife of Ferdinandus Caesar mother to Maximilian the Emperour and sister to Lodowick king of Germanie died vpon this day 1547. Aelius Adrianus the fifteene emperour of Rome was borne vpon this day in Italicia a Cittie in Spaine for whome the Romanes kept a yearely feast vpon this day and graunted publike playes to celebrate the memorie of Adrianus birthe called Natilitij ludi for hée was one of the number of the best Emperrours 119. Lu. Iul. Libo Consul of Rome vpon this day triumphed ouer the Salentines 486 yeares after the building of Rome Iohn the tenth was elected pope of Rome 914. This Pope gaue an ouerthrow to the Sarazens in Campania and after was taken by some Romanes in the 14. yeares of his papacie and was smoothered by thrusting the boulster where he lay into his throate Timotheus the disciple of Paul and Bishop of Ephesus suffered martyrdome vpon this daye vnder Nero the Emperour 50. Upon this daye the auncient Romanes vsed to sacrifice to Ceres and to Tellus and with all they celebrated the feast called Sementina The 25 Daie VPon this day the Apostle Paul was conuerted from his cruell persecution of the Christians who liued when the Emperor Caligula liued 34. Of this day the Husbandmen prognosticat the whole yeare if it be a faire day it will be a plentifull yeare if it be windie it will be warres if it be cloudie it dooth foreshowe the plague that yeare Clara dies Pauli c. M. Ati Regulus triumphed vpon this day oure the Salentines 486 yeares after the building of Rome Martianus the 64 Emperor of Rome dyed vpon this day after he had raigned sixe yeares And Leo the fourth of that name was vpon this day borne 751 who left behinde him his wife Irenes and his sonne Constantinus Fardinandus king of Sicilia died also this day leauing his kingdome to his Sonne Alphonsus 1494. Selymus the Turke vpon this day gaue an ouerthrowe to the Solthan of Aegipt and tooke Aelcairum which was somtime called Memphis the strongest Cittie in all Aegipt 1517. Gregorie the 4. Pope of Rome died on this daie he instituted the feasts of all Saints 844. Gelasius the second was elected Pope 1118. An Earthquake in Germanie happened vpon this day that 26. Castels fell and many townes beside 1349. The like happened in Uenice Adolphus Duke of Holsatiae was borne as vpon this day 1527. The Greekes were woont to sacrifice a feast in memorie of Theseus for the deliuerie of Greece from Minotaurus beside diuerse other feasts and sacrifices which they had in remembrance of Theseus the tenth king in Athens and the first that brought Athens to any perfection of good gouernement The 26 Day AS vpon this day Maximinus the 26 Emperor was slaine at Aquileia by Pupeinus his fellow in the Empire for after Maximinus time Albinus Pupienus and Gordianus were all three Emperors of Rome at one time and named Augusti This Maximinus was first a Shepheard in Thracia after became a
Souldiour and from a Souldiour became an Emperour who raigned three yeares then was slaine he and his sonne being a verie childe 240. C. Iulius Caesar entred into Rome from mount Albanus with great pompe and triumphe vpon this day 727 years after the building of Rome in the which yeare hee also was slaine Leo the sonne of Martianus the Empepor was chosen emperor of the East after his father vpon this day 457. Editta Wife to Otto the Emperor died vpon this day and was buried at Magdenburge 948. Henrie the eight king of England died vpon this day leauing a sonne behind him his successor Edward the sixt 1547. Lusitania a countrey of Spaine was so shaken with an Earthquake that much harme and great losse of it ensued at what day the Cittie of Ulisbone fell prostrate to the grounde 1531. Upon this daye in Rome was builded a temple and dedicated vnto Castor and Pollux 270 yeares after the building of Rome Polycarpus Bishop of Smyrna Pionicus and diuerse others after much constancie and bouldnesse were martired vnder Antoninus Verus 150. Of Polycarpus death Euseb. writeth very strange things read 3. booke and 15. chap. of his martirdome in Smyrna Sextus Apuleus proconsul of Rome had his triumph granted him out of Spaine vnder Octauianus the Emperour 727 yeares after the building of Rome The 27. Daie COcceus Nerua the thirteenth emperor of Rome who succeeded that deadly tyrant Domitianus after that hee had raigned almost two yeares died vpon this day at Rome 66. This Emperour aduaunced the publike weale behaued himselfe verie soberlie vpright and courteous and yet stoute and manfull he adopted after him a good man to gouerne named Traianus for it was hard to finde a good Emperour then in Rome and harder for a good Emperor to liue in Rome such treacherie and tirannie raigned thē that one Caesar kiled an other and one Emperor destroied another that the empire continued not aboue 400 yeares but was carried from Rome to Constantinople Henricus the s●nne of Fredericus Barbarossa king of the Romanes was married to Constantia daughter to Rogerus king of Sicilia of whome Fredericus the second was borne Seffanus and Constantinus both then Emperors were apprehended and taken by Constantinus the some of Leo and put into a Monasterie being shauen like Friers both head and beard Upon this day by the commaundement of Charles the fift a speach was had concerning religion fiue yeares after the first controuersie at Ratis●one in Germanie but because of the busines and warre ensuing it tooke no effect 1546. Stumpf. affirmeth that vpon this day a great battell was fought betweene the Tigurines and Heluetians at V●ila a towne in Germanie Vitilianus Bishop of Rome died as vpon this daye 670. after he had beene elected 14. yeares this bishop brought into the Romane Church the Organes and musicke Licosth in his bookes of woonders saith that vpon this day appeared two golden pillers the one on the right hand of the sunne and the other on the left 1704. Ignatius bishop of Antioche suffered martirdome vnder Arcadius the Emperor this Ignatus committed his Church to Policarpus bishop of Smyrna The 28 Day VPon this day Charles the Great King of Fraunce and the first of that name of a Frenchman was made Emperour of Rome by Pope Leo this brought the Empire from Rome into Germanie and hauing doone many great exploits after he had erected Colledges Schooles in Bononia Papia and Lutetia died at Aquisgrane in the 46. yeare of his raigne Of this Charles the great the Frenchmen haue their cheefe antiquitie in matters touching the roialtie and dignity of their inaugurations of their kings and of the buriall of their princes the solemnitie of either began by this king and from his time whose Eusignes and reliques are left as monuments to be vsed at the coronation of the Kings of Fraunce at this daye as I haue written in the generall inauguration and crowning of their kings Alexius the 4. emperor of Constantinople was slaine vppon this day 124. Lu. Cornelius Dolabella triumphed ouer the Lusitanians and Spaniads 6●5 yeares after the building of Rome Mari. Scotus saith that vpon this daye 1079. a terrible battaile was fought in Germany by a place called Fladechies where countie Manfridus with many others died A terrible earthquake was heard ouer all Siria vppon this day at what time many townes and manie thousands of people perished Cedrenus in his chronicles of the Greekes 746. Pascalis was elected pope of Rome without the consent of Lewes surnamed Pius king of Fraunce and also Emperour of Rome Upon this day at Darmset by the riuer of Rhine a great solemnitie of the nobles and peers of Germanie with running at tilt and at barriers and other games was celebrated 1496. Amongest the old and auncient Romanes the feast called Equitia was solemnly wont to be celebrated and kept in Mars his field at Rome sometime in Circo Maximo For this feast Equitia they had certaine plaies and games where horses and Mules some lose and some bound together and shoult so run in Circo Maximo Some vsed one race some vsed another These mules and horses made such a sport at Rome that while this play was celebrated Romulus caused the Sabine virgins to be rauished for the which cause great warres grew betweene the Romanes and the Sabines and in memorie of this Romulus appointed the feast called Consualia The 29 daie AS vppon this day the auncient Romanes were woont to create their kinges and euerie yeare they celebrated a solemne feast in memorie of their Kinges The solemnitie of inauguration and crowning of the Kings of Rome I did write in my other Booke Aurelianus Emperour of Rome borne in Ponnonia after he had subdued the Gothes vanquished the French men tamed Egypt and recouered both the East and West countries vnder his dominion and empire of Rome and triumphed ouer Zenobia Queene of Palmeria after he slue Odenatius the king her husband And after manie other famous exploits done he vsed Solons law called Amnistian which Thrasybulus reuiued in Athens after the banishment of the thirtie tyrantes and was as vpon this day slaine by his owne seruants betweene Constantinople and Heraclia some referre it to the fourth of Februarie ●76 Likewise Dagobertus Magnus king of France died at Spinetum of the f●ixe on this day 645. Philippus the 28. emperour of Rome and the first of that name with his sonne named also Philippus were slaine in one daie the elder at Verona the yonger at Rome after they had raigned seauen yeares as Mar. Scot. affirmeth but Eutrop. sayeth 5. yeares Batildis the wife of Clodoueus the second of that name king of Fraunce died at Paris 670. Isabella the wife of Edward the second king of England after manie broiles threw her husband the king into prison and caused her sonne named also Edward being
and his army ouerthrowne to the number of 20000 slaine and the king himselfe taken at Ticinum as Pau. Iouius affirmeth yet Functius saith in his table that he was at Pauia taken 1525. Ferdinandus archduke of Austria was crowned king of Bohemia as vpon this daye at Praga 1527. Charles the fift was on the same daye that hee was borne created Emperour of Germanie in Bohemia by Clement the seauenth of that name Pope of Rome 1530. Charles the fift after hee had resigned the Empire to his brother Ferdinandus who by the consent of the Electors was most solemnly crowned Emperor at Frankeford and receiued into the Empire with great pompe and roialty by al the states of Germanie while yet Charles the fift liued who shortlye after dyed and was with great funeral pompe buried at Angusta by his brother Ferdinandus 1559. The 25 Day THe feasts called Bachanalia and Dionisia were sol●mnly on this day at Rome celebrated banqueting and feasting in houses of neighbours dauncing and leaping in streetes mirth and plaies euerie where the one in the honour of Bacchus the other in the honour of Appollo The feast Bacchanalia is mencioned set forth at large in diuers other places for that this feast was euerye where solemnized This daye was amongst the Egyptians in the Booke of the Priests at Memphis recorded and named Aegiptiacus dies Aurelius Antonius was adopted by Adrianus the Emperour heire to the Empire and tooke presentlie on him the office of Tribunus militaris Annius Verus and Aelius Adrianus bothe Emperours of Rome were adopted by Antonius Pius as heires to the Empire Geta being Caesar was by his owne brother Antonius after Emperor on his mothers lappe slaine Principatus nos admittit socios H●rodian 213. 〈…〉 The 26 Daie _ 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 The 27 Daie 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 The 28. daie 〈…〉 stow it vpon the Romanes I wil here promise and vow before your deuine maiesties to erect you vp altars to build vp temples to make you publicke games and plaies with all worship honor and reuerence which shall be celebrated with feasts and sacrifices with all solemne pompe and glorie in Circomaximo at Rome after victorie had So likewise they vowed for the countrie for the health and sauegard of the people and for taking away any plague 〈◊〉 or any other extreme perill or danger they vowed and promised with all faith to perfourme these plaies called Votiur Iudi and therefore great examinations and search was made of the bishops by whom the licence and aucthority of these plaies were first graunted least thinges extra vota should be found vnperfourmed which the Romanes tooke to be a sacrilige for of all other thinges they perfourmed their vowes to their gods whether it were in feastes plaies or sacrifice Also in Rome as on this day were much vnseemly mirth with plaies and games most riotously feasting and banque●ting called their Carnifex daies vsed in Uenice and in many other citties of Italie On this day Iunius Brutus the first Consull of Rome after the kings were exiled fighting hand to hand in armes with Aruntius Torquinius Superbus sonne killed one another at what time the Citisens and matrons of Rome mourned and lamented his death at what time Torquine the proud with all his friends and aide of Hetruria had the last ouerthrow 246 Lu Scipio surnamed Asiaticus for his great victorie ouer Antiochus the great triumphed most solemnlie with great pompe in the cittie of Rome out of Asia and therefore was named Scipio Asiaticus as his brother was by subduing of Haniball called Africanus 564. Carolus the 7. of that name king of Fraunce was borne on this day 142. Heraclius the 75. Emperor of Rome from Iulius Caesar died at Constantinople as vpon this day 638. Hildegardus the wife of Charles the great and first of that name king of Fraunce and also the first Emperour of Germanie died on this day 783. but Melanc saith the last of April Franci●cus the second of that name king of Fraunce was as on this day borne in Ambrosia 1517. this was son to Henrie the first who was father to the king of Fraunce Fridericus the seacond had a great ouerthrow at Parma 1248. at what time the towne was also burned The names of the noble Romanes which triumphed within this moneth of Februarie M. Valer. Coruus Tit. Coruncanus Fab. Pictor Q. Fab. maximus L. Aemil Regulus L. Cor. Dolabella Iunius Pera L. Papyrius M. Popil Lenas L. Ful. Coruus Q. Fab. ●ax Rullianus Q. Fa. Max. Gurges C. Claud. Caninus L. Anicius Gallus L. Aemyl Regillus M. Ful●●●s nobilior Ca. Sulp. Gallus C. Du●c Nepos L. Cornel. Lentulus M. Claudius Marlus Scipio Asiaticus The names of the feastes and sacrifices done at Rome during this moneth Februarie called Scebat with the Iewes with the Athenians Elaphoboleon Elaphebelea Lupercalia Parentalla Quirinalia Fornacalia Charistia Terminalia Vinalia Bachanalia Taurilia Equiria The names of the games and plaies which were at Rome together with their triumphes and feastes solemnized Ludi Gothici Ludi Geniales Ludi Apollinares Ludi Votini Mensis Februaij ●inis Of the moneth of March which with the Iewes is called Adar the tenth moneth with the Athenians called Munichion the 8. moneth and with the Aegiptians Pharm●noth their 7. moneth The 1. Day VPpon this day the Romanes began their yeare euen from Romulus his time by the name of Annus Romuli on which day the Senate had made a decree that the altars in the temple of Vesta should bee consecrated new fire should be solemnlie set vp by Vestals virgins with greene Lawrell braunches likewise in the howses of Flamines the priestes of Vesta and in the house of the king called rex facroum in the market place and in the senate house great solemnities of 〈◊〉 ceremonies of fire and of lawrell draunches with feastes and mirth and especially the sacrifices of the priestes Besides the Romanes kept a solemne feast called Consualia in memorie of the 600. Sa●●ne virgins who after they were violently rauished by the councell of Romulus war ensued and they with one consent entred ●aked into the field betweene the two armies the one side being their fathers the other their husbands and with tears entreated both parties and reconciled their husbands vnto their fathers and their fathers vnto their husbands this feast was called matrona●a festa this day the women vsed to serue their seruants at supper and the husbands presented their wiues with giftes and therefore it is called of some 〈◊〉 festa This moneth in old time was first dedicated vnto Minerua therefore they keepe a great feast called Quinquatria at what time the Romanes kept the feast of Ancylia when Salij should daunce vp and downe the streetes of Rome 〈◊〉 in their hands small round Targats which fell from the aire in the time of Numa Pompilius singing and calling out vpon the end
the Heathens and Sarazens as ouer diuers parts of France and speciallie the great victorie which he had vpon this day ouer Chilpericus the second of that name and 19 king of Fraunce at a place called Camericus in the 718. yeare of Christs birth Henrie the fourth king of England vpon this day after hee had beene deliuered from many hard chaunces and had diuers good haps in ciuill warres languished in sicknesse and died vpon the 20 of March and was buried at Canterburie One sacrifice the Scythians haue in this manner in the moneth Nisan which is March when one dieth in Scythia of any great state his friends and his neighbours carie all his beasts and kill them for a feast to solemnize the funerall of the dead as the Romans and the Gretians doe celebrate a feast for the honour of Emperours and Princes birthe The sonne of this Scythian dead man causeth his fathers head being filled with all sweete odors to be guilted ouer and to be set as a monument of his father where once euery yeare vpon the very daye that his father died he keepeth a solemne feast wher his friends and his neighbours doe yearely at this feast offer sacrifice with ceremonies therevnto belonging vnto this gilded head abhorring the rites and sacrifices of any countries beside their owne as you heard what they did to Anachares and Siales for the ministring of the sacrifice and ceremonies of the Gretians The 21 Day MAximus the Emperour or rather tirant after hee had raigned in the empire 77. daies and had in that short time slaine Gratianus at Lugdunum after he came from Brittain and had driuen Valentinianus from his empire in the west was vppon this day as Mar. Scotus affirmeth cut in peeces by the souldiers of the Emperour Valentinianus yet Functius saieth that he was beheaded not farre from Aquilea 430. Also on this day 269. Galienus the emper●ur who raigned 15. yeares 7. with his father and eight yeares he gouerned the empire after his fathers death as Eutrop saith but he was slaine with his brother Valerianus both Emperours at Millaine and that vpon this day some varie in his saying that Valerianus was brother to Galienus but I let such controuersies passe After that Carolomaunus the sonne of Lodowicke the second of that name and brother to Lodowick the third who raigned both kinges of France had recouered Italie and setled himselfe quiet hee died vppon this day of a sicknesse called Apoplexia 880. Maximilian the Emperour son to Frederick the third was borne vppon this day in the new cittie of Austria 1459. Rodolphus Sueuus was crowned king of the Romanes by the bishop Sigisfridus against Henry of Mag●ntia who stood against him in the election to be king 1077. The 22. Day THe Iewes whose fiue daies of intercalation do now begin after the moneth Adar which is the twelft moneth with the Iewes and the Egyptians do vse this kinde of intercalation as the Romans do with Iulius Caesar who brought from Egypt to Rome a cunning Mathematician and made the Romane yeare to agree with Egyptians by adding euerie foure yeare a day Henrie the fourth being before elected Caesar returned vppon this day from Campania●o Rome in triumphant sort with great honor ouer the Normans 1084. The English men had an ouerthrow by the French men and the Scots in the territorie of Anioy as vpon this day 1421. Hennibal the scourge of Rome beeing called from Italie into Africk to resist Scipio being made a new Consul and sent from Rome as generall ouer the Romanes Hannibal before he returned from Italie caused a triumphant arch to be set vp by the temple of ●uno Lucina in the which hee caused to bee engrauen his exploits and noble victories and the name of all the Consuls Dictators and gallant Romane captaines which he vanquished and slue at three great battels T●ebeia Trasymene and Cannes which were set in Greek and Punicke letters for a memoriall of his being in Italie as a Trophie and a monument of his feats and victories against the Romanes The 17 Daie POlomie counted this day to be the equinoctiall of the spring being the fourth day of the creation of the world on the which day the Sunne the Moone and the starres were created This was the fifth and the last day of Quinquatria festa which was consecrated to Minerua in mount Caelio vpon the which day all the Trompeters should come to the said mount and there begin to sound from thence through all the streets of Rome sounding the Trompets vntill they came to the Capitol which was warning to the Senators the Cousuls and magistrates of Rome to come to the Capitol to finish the sacrifice of Qui●quatria into Minerua and to make an ende of the feast which is called Tubilusthium Of this day Ouid saith Summa dies ● quinque tuba lustrare canora c. Cornel. Scipio then Proconsuld in Africk in most solemne sort within a triumphant chariot came victor into Rome ouer the Africanes The same Scipio might be wel compared vnto Sesostris who for his victories and conquestes was called the Hercules of Egypt This Sesostris exceeded for his pro●nesse and valure These lef● more trophes and monuments of his triumphes behind him in Egipt in Ethiopia in Asia and in S●ithia then either Alexander or Cirus such 〈◊〉 Archers 〈◊〉 pillers of brasse copp●● and of Iuorie according to the custome of Egypt This Sesostris carried kings captiues bound to his chariot from place in place whose monumentes after his death were by the priestes of Egypt so kept and defended that they would not permit Darius to haue his statue exected before Sesostris though Egypt was at that time 〈…〉 The courage of this Scipio in Carthage 〈…〉 Sardima and in all Africa seemed no lesse but that among a number of Romane Hercules which in Scipios daies florished in Rome he might chalenge 〈◊〉 ouer them all Selymus the Turke and second of that name satled from his 〈◊〉 of Constantinople towards the Ile of Melitea with a great and huge number of shippes and he bestowed there a whole Winters warre without anie conquest done at all In the warres which chaunced betweene the Romanes and the 〈◊〉 after much slaughter on both sides they agreed that there should bee three men vppon the Romans side and three also vppon the 〈◊〉 ●ide which should end this strife and finish this warre betweene them Three Romanes came into the ●ielde which were both horne at one birth beeing Brethren and called Horatij and the other three Sabines called Curiatij these were likewise bretheren in like sort borne 〈◊〉 one 〈◊〉 called ●rigemini fratres cousin germanes to the Romanes they fought it so valiantly that two of the Romanes 〈…〉 other Romans which liued who perceiuing their eagernes the Romane made as though he would flee and the Sabine that was not hurt followed him hard at the heeles the other being sore wounded
the riuer of Almono the sacred ceremonies were called Megalesia sacra This Berecynthia was called Pessinuntia to whome M. Iunius Brutus builded a temple dedicated those games and plaies called Megalenses ludi which should bee plaide in the spring time before the Idol of Pessinuntia by the finest and gallentest yongmen within Rome piched and chosen out by the Alcidebes the matrons of the cittie were cheefe in those plaies in their most sumptuous apparrell for in these playes were moddest shamefast chaste and honest actions vsed gesture Phocas the Emperour by the conspiracie of certaine that sought the Empire was slaine and vpon the same day Heraclius was elected in his roome Emperour yet Scotus referreth this murther vnto the nineteenth of Aprill in the yeare 611. Iohn Valesius the 50 king of Fraunce and father to Charles the fift surnamed the wise dyed as vpon this daye at London in England 1364. Lu. Posthumius Megellus the second time that hee was Consul at Rome with great pompe and glorie triumphed ouer the Samnits and ouer the Hetruscans by the appointment of the Senators 459 yeares after the building of Rome vpon the which selfe same daye 734. triumphed Lu. Cornelius Balbus ouer the Affricans in the beginning of the raigne of Augustus Caesar for the triumphe of those Consuls in those dayes were much obscured for the dignitie of the Consuls was defaced through the glorie of the Emperours who tooke from the Consuls all pompe and glory to set foorth their owne triumphes Upon this day 169. Lu. Septimius Seuerus was borne in a Towne called Lepus which was in Tripolinata a Prouince of Affricke This Emperour willed all men to call him Pertinax for the great zeale and goodwill which hee bare vnto him which Pertinax was slaine by Iulianus This Seuerus the Emperour by his victories ouer the Parthians and Arabians was surnamed both Parthicus and Arabicus Gregorie the eleuenth Pope of Rome died as vppon this day vnder this Pope all the Townes of Italie which were in subiection to the Pope reuolted and therefore this bishop remoued his seat from Fraunce into Rome againe The 8. daie FOr the space of thirtie daies the Israelites lamented much the death of Moses in the plaine of Noab vppon this day for after that God shewed all the land of Canaan hee went to the plaine of Moab to the top of mount Nebo where hee died and no man knoweth his graue to this day In Rome as vppon this day great solemnities of ceremonies and sacrifices were had and celebrated vnto Ianus in the temple of Concord in the temple of Health in the temple of Peace and in the temple of Ceres by all the women and matrons of the Cittie of Rome Aelius Pertinax the 26. Emperour of Rome when hee had raigned but 80 daies being a verie aged man was slaine in an vprore which fell among the gard through the reason of Iulianus who succeded him in the Empire notwithstanding some saie otherwise 194. Mar. Atil Regulus triumphed ouer the Samnites and ouer the Uolscanes I do not meane the great triumph which Regulus got ouer the Africanes when he s●ue 18 thousand enemies and tooke prisoners 5000. men when hee had receiued vnder his obeisance 73. cities and tooke 8. elephantes and sent them to Rome this was vpon an other day of which I shall speake of in an other place 459. Albertus marques of Brabenburge the scourge of Germanie with long warres manie yeares was borne vppon this day 1520 at which time died Henrie Glareanus poet Laure●tus in Friburge a towne in Germanie 1563. Aron and his two sonnes Madan and Abiliu remained at the dore of the taber●acle seauen daies and seauen nights and perfourmed that which Moses commaunded him from the spirit of God 2455. yeares after the creation of the world The 29 Day VPon this day Iosua the second Iudge of Israell that succeeded Moses sent out of Sichim two men to view Iericho and to spy the land at what time Rahab the harlot acknowledged the God of Israel and lodged the two Israelites and hid them from the king of Iericho who sought to kill them C. Claudius the 5. Emperour of Rome sonne to Drusus which was brother to Tiberius and vncle by the fathers syde to Caligula after he had raigned 13. yeares and 9. moneths hee was poisoned by his owne wife in the yeare of our Lord 41. Lectisternium a feast among the Pa●nims in the honour of Iupiter Iuno and Minerua at what time sumptuous ritch beddes were spred in the Temples in the which their Images and Idols dect with all kindes of chaines of gould crownes garlands beset with Iewels and pearles were first laied in most magnificent and roiall manner with all ceremonies and solemnities in these gorgeous beds and a great feast celebrated with musick and mirth before them And after in the residue of the beds which were made within the temple as many as mightlie and eate and bare companie with their gods thinking themselues happie that they in this feast in their temples accompaniing their Idols had the fruition of so sacred a feast The Rabbies do affirme that as at this time our Sauiour Iesus Christ came to raise vp Lazarus from death at what time he came to Iericho and by the way gaue sight to the blind man and lodged in Zachaeus the publicans house The 30. Day THe French chronicles affirme that vppon this day the great and bloody victorie of Edward duke of Yorke fell which afterward was called Edward the fourth king of England Frederick the third being arch●uke of Austria was crowned emperour and raigned almost 54. yeares he was also vpon this day elected and crowned king of the Romans as Nauclerus saith but Cuspinianus who best knew y e state of Austria referreth this to the first day of Ianuarie It is not much to bee maruelled that writers contend for daies syth they in greatest causes varie much in yeares vetustas erroris plena and there●ore I repeat sometime histories that I wrot before The 31 Daie THe old Romans vppon thes day vsed solemne sacrifice and oblation to the moone vpon mount Auenti●e with such rites and ceremonies as the Augurers and high bishops had obserued for all ceremonies and sacrifice were by Numa Pomp. from the nimph Aegiria and also after Numa in the time of Torquine the prowd the booke of Sibill which were kept by the 3. magistrates called triumveri were full of these supersticious vaine ceremonies and sacrifices which the Romanes much honowred Ti. Pomp. Atticus died vpon this day 12. yeares after his frend M. Cicero was slaine by Hierenius and Popilius by y ● procurement of M. Antonius who likewise was ouerthrowen with his frend Cleopatra queene of Egipt by Oct. Augustus in this yeare that Pomp. Atticus died at what time ended the wars in Rome after the building of the citie of Rome 722. Henrie the first of
Souldiers after he had ranne through all kinde of preferment in the field Emperour 517 who as vpon this daye did adopt to the Empire his sisters sonne named Iustinianus in the ninth yeare of his raig●e and dyed within foure moneth after he was a good Christian and rooted out the heresie or the Arians and Ne●torians Conradus the third of that name king of Bonaria borne in Sue●ia nephew to Henrie the fourth being his daughters sonne was by the consent of all Princes of Germanie elected E●perour vpon this day 1139. he made a voiage into Asia against the Saraze●s but returned without any thing doone by meanes of treason at home by a wicked man named Manuell who succeeded after him by treason in the Empire as Onoph and Iustine affirmeth As vpon this day 1081. Alectius surnamed Comnenus was elected to succeed Nicephorus the Emperour who after he had ended many battailes he erected an Hospitall for p●●re fatherlesse children and also a free schoole to be there instructed and brought vp after they were able to come from the H●spitall Clephis king of the Longobardes was slaine in Papia by the Italians 568. ●or before this time they had determined with Albonius there to inuade Italie foure yeares before this king Clephis was slaine Maunt Ae●na in Sicilia was so shaken with an earthquake that the fire that flamed therewith out of this hill destroyed and burned many places at what time the monasterie of S. Leo was vtterlye spoiled and consumed as vpon this daye 1536. Rome was taken vpon this daye by Alaricus king of the Gotes after he had continued his siege two yeares 414 after Christ as Pau. Aemilius in his first booke setteth downe at large Sigismundus king of Polonia died when hee had raigned 42. yeares 1548. after whome succeeded also his sonne Sigismundus Some also hold opinion that our Sauiour Christ came vpon this day to Bethania and called Lazarus from his graue where he had beene foure dayes dead and buried and he liued after as Mar. Scotus affirmeth 24 yeares but he borroweth of the Rabbies all this vncertaine coniecture of the time for the Iewes will be ignorant in nothing The 2 daie VPon this day the old Romanes celebrated a solemne feast with great ceremonies in memorie of Quirinus who was borne vpon this day at what time the Romanes kept the feast Lupercalia with great solemnitie Christ after hee raised Lazarus from the graue would not enter to Ierusalem which was 15 furlonges distant from Bethania for the Iewes hearing of these miracles tooke councell how they might kill him and therefore Iesus went to Ephraim a Cittie fiue miles distant from Bethanie Iane the wife of Philip surnamed pulcher king of Fraunce the 45 king in number died vpon this day 1304. This queene was the onelie daughter of Henrie King of Nauarre Honorius the fourth of that name was elected Pope of Rome as vpon this day at Perusium this pope builded many houses vpon the mount Auentine and assigned to manie poore men certaine Gownes and clothes called Album amictum It is written that a Iew being baptized vpon this day against his will presentlie put fire in his owne house tooke his wife and his children out and ran vp and downe in the streets saying alowd and crying out I am a Iewe I am a Iew and no christian his house being burned and 40 houses more in Constantia by the meanes of this his furie 1349. The 3 daie VPon fridaie before the feast of Aester Christ Iesus our sauiour suffred his passion as vppon this daie by whose death death was swallowed vp and the power of Sathan ouerthrowen Henricus the second king of Fraunce and Philip which is now king of Spaine after many years of warre at length concluded peace vpon this day 1559. Eulalius in a schisme against Bonifacius then Bishop of Rome was elected bishop and Bonifacius rebelled as on this day This Bonifacius while yet he was ●ishop which was 3. yeares and foure monethes ordained that none should bee allowed a priest before he were 30 yeares of age Pub. Posthumius Tubertus Consul then at Rome triumphed ouer the Sabines 250. after the building of Rome This was one of the first triumphes in Rome after the kinges were banished at what time in their triumphes they vsed no such solemnitie and pompe as they did after as to bee drawen in chariots so sumptuouslie with four elephantes or with four white Steedes or with such pompe and roiall solemnitie or in wearing purple robes and triumphant garments neither yet crowned with garlands nor with any great magnificence which was after among them practised The godly Ezechias king of Iuda as some write repaired the temple as vppon this day and therein prepared oblations and sacrifices to please the Lord at what time hee continued therein 8. daies instructing the people and sanctifying of the temple The 4. Day AGrippa Menenius surnamed Lanatns fellow Consull to Posthumius Tubertus in the selfe same yeare 250. after the building of Rome triumphed ouer the Sabines and made also his triumph the next day after Tubertus his fellow ouer the Sabines Liuie said that they both had their triumphs graunted by the senators in one day ouer the Sabines they rode not in chariots but were brought with serieants and officers before them and with such pompe as was vsed in those daies for then they triumphed but within Italie The greatnes of the Romanes triumph grew by the warres of Africa which was the first after they had conquered Italie The 5 Daie PLaies and games called Megalesia were celebrated as vppon this day in the honour of Cibeles the mother of the goddes the sacrifices and solemnities done to this goddesse in the the temple at Rome were vsed in the 27. of March as you before haue read yet some referre these plaies to the last of March but plaies are vsedmanie times as occasion serueth The Israelits vpon this day with their captaine Iosua passed through the flood Iordane at what tyme the water dried before them as the red sea did in the time of Moses and Aaron and Iordane stood still vntil the priests had brought the Arke through the riuer vnto the other side at which time the waters came againe together The Iues as on this day yearly prouided a male lamb of a yeare old without anie spot or blemish on him for the feast of Easter which they kept on y ● 14. daie of their moneth Nisan then they kill him and take part of his blood and strike it on the two side poastes and vppon the vpper dore post of the howse where this lambe should bee eaten God ordained this sacrifice as a token and a pledge of their deliuerance Lotarius sonne to Lodowick surnamed Pius the 24. king of Fraunce and the second emperour of Rome of a French man being then king of Italie by his father thither sent was vppon
this day elected and created emperour of Rome after his fathers death where he raigned 15. yeares hee made his sonne Lodowick the second of that name his fellowe to gouerne with him in the empire Lodowick the 9. king of Fra●ce sailed as vpon this day from thence into Asia with a verie great armie to ease the christians being much vexed and afflicted by the Saracens and afterward returned safe and sound into Fraunce againe as Functius saith but others said that he was taken by the Saracens in Damiata 1250 Charles the fourth of that name and sonne to Iohn king of Bohemia was as on this day crowned emperour of Germany which Lodowick Bauarus being aliue had raigned Emperour 32. yeares tooke it so greeuouslie that Charles should be emperour during his life that falling downe from his house on hunting died more for sorrow of the empire then for the fall 13●5 Upon this day Charles the 5. entred into the citie of Rome accompanied with pope Iulie the 3. who with great triumphe was receiued of the citizens where for a time hee remained to consult with the Pope of all estates of Christendome in matters of state and religion Philip king of Spaine that now is proclaimed peace vppon this day at Bridges betweene Henrie the second of that name king of Fraunce and himselfe 1559. The 6. daie AS vpon this day the magistrats of Athens did examine and visit the whole citie in that sort that the Romans afterward vsed in their Lustrum euerie fift yeare with the Greeks called penrerides In Greece they celebrated a feast in memorie of Dianas birth which fel vpon this day in which feast no sacrifice might be offred of blood but the feast was solemnized with wafers fine cakes and wine they sacrificed frākinsence sweet odors and spices besydes they should honor this feast with all kind of delicate sweete flowers and adorne their Idols with all garlands for in this feast all ioyes and mirth was solemnized with musicke dauncing and feasting but no killing of anie liuing beast vppon this day and therefore it is called Hylaria festa Some also hold opinion that the birth day of Alexander the great and his death was vppon this day but better referred vnto the 8. of Iune Likewise that learned Philosopher Socrates the Athenian died vpon this day as Plutarch supposeth The second circumcision was by Iosua performed by the commaundement of God in Gilgar for now they had left off 40 yeares after the first circumcision and Iosua made him sharpe kniues as the Lord commaunded him and circumcised all those which were borne in the wildernesse after they came out of Egipt for all their olde Captaines and the Isralits that came out of Egipt were circumcised in the wildernesse and for their disobedience to God they died euery one sauing Caleb and Iosua they rebelled against God and contemned Moses for they remained 40. yeares in the wildernesse Our Sauiour Christ returning into Hierusalem curssed the Figge tree for his barrennesse at what time he entred into the temple and taught there and stope the mouth of the Saduces and Phariseis and returning to mount Oliuer tooke occasion by beholding of the Temple to prophesie the destruction both of the cittie and of the world M. Aurelius Antonius Bassianius which is also named Caracalla died on this daye at Edessa when he had raigned sixe yeares and two months Pantaleon saith that he was both borne and dead as vpon one day 218. The 7 Daie THe Athenians vsed vpon this daye to celebrate the feast of Thargelia in the honour and memorie of Apollo also the feast called Carnia was also solemnized in Cirena to Phoebus which is called Apollo and taken for the Sunne for the Sun was worshipped by so many names that almost in no countrie the Sunne escapeth without feasts and sacrifices with all kind of solemne worship doone vnto him for he is worshipped with the Greekes by the name of Phoebus with the Latins by the name of Apollo with the Egiptians by the name of Serapis with the Persians by the name of Onamasdris c. Christ our Sauiour being in Bethania in the house of Simon the lepor at what time the woman powred vpon his head a box full of pretious ointment where Iudas ●he 〈◊〉 was angrie for the waste thereof Zeno surnamed Isauricus a deformed man and base borne was by Leo Iunior his owne father made Emperour 490. who vsed the Empire more liker a tyrant then a Emperour in whose time Constantinople was set on fire and the most part thereof burned at what time 120 thousands bookes were quite burned to ashes amongst which bookes Homers poems were being written with goulden letters In testino draconis of 120 foote long he died very poore as Iustine others affirme Charles the eight of that name king of Fraunce died suddenlie vpon this day at Ambrose 1497. leauing no lawfull heires behinde him to succeed and therefore Lewes the 12. of that name succeeded the 59 king of Fraunce this king was called Pater populi the last king before the stocke of Valoyes became to be king of Fraunce Anastasius the 40 Bishop of Rome after the Apostles was elected vpon this day who instituted that no lame impotent or maimed person should be admitted to minister in the Church and this Bishop also commaunded that men should stand vp at the reading of the Gospell 398. The 8 Daie VPon this daye the Romanes vsed a great triumphe with pompe and solemnitie and with plaies in memorie of Iuba king of Numidia by Augustus Caesar then conquered and brought to triumphe 45. A dis●●all day and vnfortunate among the Iewes for that vpon this day the K. Assuerus otherwise called Darius Hisdaspis king of Persea made a lawe and a decree by his cheefe counceller Haman that all the Iewes being euery where scattered in these his kingdomes which were a 127 prouinces should be destroyed and slaine both man woman and childe and therefore this day was among the Iewes named Luctuosus Iudeor●m dies In the temple at Ierusalem about nine of the clock at night shined such a light so bright about the cheefe altar that it seemed to be day the brasen gates of the temple of their owne accord opened and many woonders seene The 9 Daie THe charge and manner of eating the Passeouer which was to be kept in the 14 daye of the first moneth which is Nisan at euen the first day of the feast of vnleauened bread for this feast continued with the Iewes seauen dayes this was celebrated in memorie of their deliuerance at that night when all the first borne of Egipt man and beast were slaine by the Angell of the Lord and in the remembrance of the bloud of the lambe which the Iewes sprinkled vpon the doores as a warning to the Angell to spare the Iewes of this feast of Passeouer the first was
cittie of Rome were great games and solemne shewes which continued 6. daies either in remembrance of anie great victorie had ouer the enemie or in memory of some kingdom gottē to the Empire of Rome or for some great fortune past The Romans were wont vpon those daies to celebrate with great pomp and solemnitie games or plaies called Ludi magni as these games Circences Cereales Seculares and yet counted one of the vnfortunate daies among the Romanes Aulus Manlius being then consul of Rome when he had waged battail against Phalisa a wealthie citie in Italie he wan it within 9. daies siege where he slue 15. thousand the residue hee graunted life vnto ouer whom he had a triumph graunted by the Senate 512. Anacletus the third bishop of Rome the successor of Linus who succeeded Peter the Apostle if at anie time Peter was bishop of Rome this Anacletus raigned Bishop 12. yeares and two moneths hee ordained that a Bishop should be consecrated by the three Bishops and a priest should be made by one Bishop Carolus the second of that name king of Neaples after he had raigned 25. years died after whom succeeded Robertus 1308. The 5 daie VPon this day Noah had warning to make the arke as God commaunded him saying make thee an arke of Pine tree pitch it within and without the length thereof shall bee 300. Cubites the breadth 50. and the height of the arcke shall bee thirtie c. a windowe of a cubite length and two dores in the syde of the arke and three loftes one aboue another Carolus the great and first of that name king of Frannce and after emperour of Germanie was intreated by Pope Hadrian the first of that name and the 29. pope to come vnto Italie against the Longobards who much molested the Romane state at what time Charles ouerthrew their army and banished Desiderius their king who after yeelded himselfe to Charles and so finished the kingdome of the Longobards which continued in Italie 204 yeares and brought them subiect to the crowne of Fraunce Cazimirus king of Polonia in the 25. yeare of his raigne was by treason poisoned and on this day died 1194. This Cazimirus had four prouinces within Russia hee vanquished the Prussians and brought the Russians subiect to Polonia as Functius saieth Augustinus first a great philosopher and then a great heretick being the reader of the rhetoricke lector in Millaine by often hearing of Ambros his sermons then Bishop of Millaine and by often conferring was conuerted vpon this daie as Vincentius affirmeth vnto Gods church and became the onely doctor of the Latine church at what time raigned in Rome Gratianus and Valentianus emperours 373. Vincentius saith that hee was after disciple to Ambrose and was made bishop of Hipponia in Africk The 6 Daie VPon this day Pau. Iouius affirmeth that the citie of Rome togither with pope Clement the 7. of that name was taken and spoiled by the imperiall armie of Germanie by the Spaniards aide at what time Charles duke of Burbonie was shot through and ●laine at that assault The 7 daie 〈…〉 Ides of May are consecrated laride● to the houshold Gods at what time they vsed solemne 〈◊〉 with such 〈◊〉 and ceremonies as vppon this day the bakers of Rome did vse to crowne their Asses with bread made of dough and made garlandes likewise of Oken boughes about their Asses neckes and in the which feast the bakers of Rome were wont to sacrifice vnto their domesticall Idols called Lares new bread and fine flower this was a great festiual day among the bakers and with great solemnitie in Rome obserued Cai●s Sulpitius Petitus hauing bin three seuerall times consull at Rome and after made dictator who in his office of Dictatorship did triumph ouer the Gaules being afterward called Frenchmen Likewise Q. Fabius Vibulanus an excellent Romane of that time before ten Commissioners called Decemuiri were created seauen yeares and within 50 yeares of the last ouerthrow of Torquinus Superbus the seauenth and last king of Rome triumphed ouer the people called Aqui 294. yeares after the building of Rome Titus the sonne of Vespasian the emperour a man worthy of admiration and full of good vertues called homini delici● being with his father at the assaulting of Ierusalem shot 12. arrowes and ●lue with euerie arrow one of the Iewes he was wont to saie that day was lost in the which hee gaue nothing for hee would say that no man ought to depart from an emperour sad or sorrowful vpon this day through his great agillit●e and courage first woon the walles for Ierusalem was stronglie walled by reason of so long warres for it was fiue times conquered Otto the second sonne to Otto the first Emperour of Germanie was elected king at Vuormatia and was crowned Emperour at Rome and raigned with his father 6 yeares and after his fathers death 10. years he maried Theophania daughter to Io. Zimisces Emperour of the Grecians for the emperour of Constantinople was so called he subdued Henrie duke of Bauaria and had good successe against the Greekes and also against the Saracens hee wasted and spoiled the most part of Bohemia he brought his arm●e against Lotarius the 33. king of Fraunce hee burned and destroied vnto the verie cittie of Paris and also burned the suburbes of Paris he died at Rome poisoned by the Italians for his too much seueritie 〈◊〉 gouernment as is thought 984. Likewise Ladislaus the third and sonne to Emericus the 16. king of Hungaria after he had raigned scant one yeare died as Functius saith the seauenth Calend of September Bonfinus affirmeth that he raigned 16. yeares who in this is before Functius to be beleeued for his decades do entreat only of Germany The 8 Daie THis day was an vnfortunate day among the Romans for the first day of euery moneth after the Nones is recorded vnluckie for some great ouerthrowe which the Romans vpon this day sustained The Uirgins of Rome as vpon this daye in the temple of S. Michael vsed in old time to be married for that the Romans suppose that Michaell the Archangell appeared in that place where they then builded and dedicated a temple in memory thereof in the suburbes of Rome and therefore all the maides of Rome made choise of this day to marrie Henrie sonne to Frederike the second of that name Emperour of Germanie being yet but a boye in Colonia was by his father the emperor caused to be crowned king of Rome and after sent him to Calabria to see good order and peace kept 1222. As vpon this day Letters came from Artaxerxes king of Persia vnto Themistocles at Magnesia to leauie souldiers to assemble Captaines and charging him straightly to haue an eye to the Grecians armie according to his promise made vnto Artaxerxes when he was banished from Athens at what time he was taken into such fauour with the king of Persia as he graunted
vnto Themistocles the reuenues of three great citties of Asia for his allowance of bread wine vittels these three citties were Myontia Lampsacus Magnesia where Themistocles was when these letters came from the king but after Themistocles had wayed the charge of Artaxerxes he resolued with himselfe in this sort After secret sacrifice vnto the gods and solemne feast made vnto his friends first to keep promise with the king of Persia to whome he promised his seruice during his life against the Gretians and therefore he resolued to die like a true Grecian for his promise was but during life for he manfully dranke Bu●● bloud mingled with poiso● and dyed least he might seeme to s●aine the glory of the Athenians or hinder Cimon of his victories and triumphes which he was like to haue ouer the Persians at that time The 9 Day AS vpon this daye at night the Romans vsed great sacrifices and ceremonies for three seuerall nights one after another to purge and to cleanse theyr houses from sprites that walked in the night time called Lemures and therefore they solemnized and dedicated feasts to those sprits called Lemuria ●octurna to driue those sprites from their houses supposing by their sacrifices to appeace them As on this day being the 14. of the second moneth ●air they which were defiled by a dead man or any other way vnclean● should keepe the passeouer vnto the Lord for they were deferred for their vncleannesse from the 14. day of the first moneth vntill the 14 of the second moneth and they should eate it with vnleauened bread and sower hearbes as the Lord had commaunded also they should leaue none of it vntill the morning nor breake any bone of it After that Ezechias had proclaimed throughout all Israell from Beerseba to Dan that they should come and ●ould the feast of the passeouer at Ierusalem the 14. daye of the second moneth the Leuits slue the passeouer the same day and brought in the burnt offerings vnto the house of the Lord in this feast E●echias king of Iuda gaue 1000 yong Oxen and seuen thousand sheepe to the congregation and his Lords gaue also 1000 Oxen and 1000 sheepe and so in this feast a great number of the Priests and of the Le●●ts were sanctified 〈◊〉 there was great gladnesse and ioye in Ierusalem The 10 Daie AS vpon this day Clau. Tiberius Nero the third Emperour of Rome sonne to Liuia Augustus wife by hir first husband triumphed ouer the Germans the Illyrians the Dalmatians and ouer the Pannonians after this great triumphe fell to all kinde of lasciuiousnesse in so much that he became in such contempt with the people that insteed of Tiberius Nero they called him Biberius Mero and he commaunded that the cheefe cittie of Cappadocia called Mazaca should be called Caesarea after him Tiberius Claudius sonne to Drusus and vncle to Caligula the fift Emperour of Rome was borne vpon this day on the which day Camillus a Romane was proclaimed emperour in Dalmatia by the Soudliors and vpon the fift day after he was slaine by the same selfe Souldiors The 11 Daie COnstantinople before time called Byzantium a noble cittie in Thracia was as vpon this day after her second building finished in the 20 yeare of the raigne of Constantine the great and in all points made equall to Rome and by some called Noua Roma but he named it Constantinople after his owne name he rebuilded a new the cittie Drepana in Bethanya and named it Helenopolis after his mothers name which was named Helena Lotarius sonne to Lewis surnamed Pius the 24 king of Fraunce and the second Emperour of Rome of a Frenchman after that his father Lewis the godlie dyed Lotarius succeeded him in the Empire but his two brethren rebelled against him Lewis and Charles surnamed Caluus a battell was fought betweene them at Fon●oniacus where after the shedding of much blood they concluded a peace Lotarius should hould Italie and the empire Charles should be king of Fraunce and Lewes should gouerne Germany and Hungeria 824. The 12 Daie IN the 600 yeares of Noach life and in the 17. day of the second moneth entred Noah with his three sonnes Sem Cham and Iaphet and their three wiues into the arke Come thou and all thy house said the Lord to Noah to the arke for thee haue I seene righteous in this generation and take of euery cleane beasts seauen and seauen the male and his female but of the vncleane cattell take two the male and the female of fowles of the ayre seuen and seuen the male and the female to keepe seed a liue on earth and they came two and two male and female into the arke as God had commaunded them In Athens as vpon this daye a great feast was solemnlie kept and celebrated in the memorie of the most famous and glorious victorie at Mantinaea the cheefe cittie of Arcadia the glorie thereof fell to the Thebans through the prowisse and courage of Epam●ondas their generall Lu. Cornelius Maluginenses then Consul at Rome triumphed ouer the Voli●cans and the Antiates after which triumphe the triumphant banquet was celebrated with great pompe and solemnity from Bellonas temple vnto the Capitol in the 294. yeare after the building of Rome Charles king of Fraunce hauing subdued the Neopolitans entered into the Cittie of Naples with a most solemne triumphe with great pompe and honour most sumptuous and riche in his imperiall robes but he was troubled by the Venetians and by the power of Millaine in his returne from Neapoles to Fraunce this Charles had married a Duches of England espoused before to Maxilian the Emperor The 13 daie THis was the third and last daye of the feast Lemuria at what time the men and the women celebrated a feast with great pompe and solemnitie according to the old auncient rites and ceremonies of the Romans for feastes and sacrifices were the onelie meanes they vsed to appease their gods for euery victory or triumph they had they celebrated a feast in memorie of that day and for euerie ouerthrow they receaued they recorded that to be a most vnfortunate day The Romans began their games and plaies as vppon this day which were called Persici ●udi which continued for the space of fiue daies in memorie of the victories which the Romanes obtained against the Persians ouer whom triumphed T. Flaminius with great pompe and after him againe triumphed P. Aemilius with woonderfull great regall solemnitie The temple of Pantheon was as on this day consecrated at Rome with great solemnitie vppon whose alter cherries and beanes were offered in sacrifice c. Also the Iewes do celebrate a solemne feast in memorie of the great plague in the which died 3000. learned Iewes as vpon this day ended this feast which was kept by the Iewes 30. daies after their feast called Manupulorum festum The 14. Day LEwis the eleuenth king of Fraunce
camped before the Lord there the Lord commaunded Moses to sanctifie the people and that they should be ready vpon the third daie to heare the Lord saying you shal bee vnto mee a kingdome of priests and an holy people In the first day of the thirde moneth the word of the Lord came to the prophet Ezechiel who spake vnto Pharao king of Egypt Assur is a Cedar in Libanon with faire braunches and thicke bowes of a high stature all the foules of the aire made their nestes in his braunches all the beastes of the field brought forth their yong vnder his bowes and vnder his shadow dwelt all mightie nations thus the Prophet setteth foorth the prosperitie of the Assirians and prophesieth a like distruction vnto them both Germanicus the sonne of Drusus and father to Caius Caligula which was the fourth emperour of Rome had a solemne triumph graunted him at Rome ouer the Cheruscians Angriuarians the Catteians and ouer the nations that dwelt as farre as Albis This Germanicus chaunged the name of the moneth September to be Germanicus as Iulius Caesar and his nephew Augustus changed the two monethes before called Quintilis and Sextilis to Iuli and August after their names which still continued but Germanicus after his death y ● moneth called Germanicus recouered his first name which was September Malancthon in his fourth booke saieth that vpon this daie Lotarius King of Fraunce also emperour of Germany was fought withal by his brethren in this great battaile all the whol stock af Charles the great were slaine for it is set downe that aboue 100000 were on both parties slaine of this day writers varie some referring it to the 11 of Maie and some to other daies 841. Ladi●laus sonne to Charles third King of Sicilia entred Rome in armes threw downe Adrian the emperors pillers raised many auncient monuments and got the possession of the Cappitoll but by the meanes of Paulus Visinus a noble Romane who ayded pope Gregory the 7 Rome was recouered and Ladislaus put to flight 1410. Upon this day Basilius Macedo of a poore boy became one in Michaell the emperors chamber and whome the emperor often times commanded to be slaine for he had some diffidence in Basilius yet he was slaine by this Basilius and after was crowned Emperour of Constantinople such was the state of emperours in those daies 870. Alphonsus king of Arragon besieged Iohanna queene of Naples in the castle at Capua but he was thence remoued put to flight at that time but with in a while after he tooke Neapoles and subdued Apulia and draue their king Reuatus to forsake his kingdome and after comenced warres against the Florentines 1443. The 27 Daie GReat solemnities sacrifices rites and cerimones were in Rome on this day in the temples of welthe honor vertue three goddesses among the Romans of great authoritie whom they celebrated with seu●rall seruises according to their custome The people of Israel being sanctified and their cloathes washed also hauing abstained from their wines being commaunded the second day to be ready for the next morning at what time God appeared in thunder and lightning commaunding the priests and the people not to touche the hill least they should perish The birth day of Antonnius surnamed Geta sonne to Septimius Seuerus the 21. Emperour of Rome who was slaine by his brother Antoninus Caracalla in his mothers lap 213. Spartianus referreth this to the first of Iune Lewis the 12. was as on this day with great ioy and gladnesse of all the kingdome of Fraunce elected king after his Father Charles the eights death as Aemilius affirmeth 1497. Some say that he was crowned vpon the very same day in the yeare following The 28 daie THis was the third daye wherein Moises and Aaron were commanded by the Lord to co●e to mount Sinai and the people to stand at the foote where they sawe the thunder and lightning and the noise of the trumpet and the mountaine smoking and the Lorde deliuered vnto Moises the second table of the commaundements As vpon this day the games and plaies called Fabrici lud● the feastiuall day of Smithes who met vpon the Theators and made a common feast together with great pompe which they sacrificed vnto Vulcan with all solemne ceremonies according to their supersticious customes Titus the sonne of Vespasian the 11 Emperour of Rome after he had liued 42. yeares died in the third yeare and eight moneth of his raigne at the same manner place where his father the good Emperour Vespasian died this emperor builded the Theator at Rome yet Sueto and others referre his death with more reason to the 13. of September 83. The Cathedrall Church at Misena when they sang Te de●m for ioye and gladnes of the taking of the Elector the author of a great commotion where many were slaine and the church burnt vnto the very ground by lightning 1547. The 29 Day AS vpon this daye Octauius Augustus M. Antonius and M. Lepidus three mē called Triumuiri after some bibering betweene Octauius and Antonius were made by the meanes of Lepidus friends after which all three ioyned their forces together against the Cittie of Rome at what time diuers of the Senate were banished and many that had beene Consuls were slaine as Cicero and diuerse other noble men The famous Cittie of Constantinople after long warres and often repulses giuen was vpon this day being on the feast of Penticoast by Mahomet the second of that name and the sixt Emperour of the Turkes taken and the head of Constantius then Emperour being slaine at that assault as hee fled set vpon a long pole and carried through the Cittie of Constantinople Philippus Valesius the 49. king of Fraunce and the first king of the house of Valoyes was with great pompe and solemnitie crowned as vpon this daye king of Fraunce during this kings raigne Fraunce had most terrible wars with England and since Fraunce neuer had the like since the Romane warre this is called with writers Atrox cruentum funestum bellum 1328. The 30 Day BErna a towne of Heluetia was besieged as vpon this daye by Rodulphus countie of Haspurge who after 12 yeares of interregnum which was with out y ● Empire was elected emperor of Germanie not by the Pope of Rome crowned but by the Bishop of Lusitania for said he manie emperours went into Italie with an huge armie few or none retorne resiting the fable of the foxe being desired by other beastes to come to visit the Lion being sicke I wish him wel sayd the foxe but I passe not for the sight of him I saw the steps of many going in but I saw the steps of none comming out 1287. The 31 Daie THe Iewes kept the feast called Pentecost on the 6. daie of the third moneth called Syuan which was 50. daies after the feast of the first fruites In this feast they
offered vnto the Lord two waines loaden with fine flower also they offered 7. lambes without deformitie of one yeare of age and one young Bullocke and twoo Rammes to bee a sacrifice of sweet sauor vnto the Lord. Damiata a great cittie of Egypt being once ouerthrowne by the Saracens to the great losse of the Christians is now againe besieged and taken by the Christians and by them inhabited Rolandus sisters son to Charles the great the first French Emperour a man of great courage a skilfull souldiour after a terrible battaile fought about the mountaines Pyrenei died for meere penurie and want of water to coole his thurst The Romanes celebrated as vpon this daie a feast wherin were vsed manie sacrifices vpon manie altars in Rome much like to the feast of Hecatombea at what time in Athens they sacrifice● vppon an hundreth Altars and therefore the Scythians could not abide the superstitious ceremonies of the Grecians for they had no Altars no Temples no images nor no such ceremonies as y ● Egyptians had but in this sort the Scythians do vse their feast or sacrifice the beast that is to bee sacrificed is made to kneele vppon his legges the sacrificer standeth behind the beast to strike him downe then making his praiers to that God to whom he sacrificeth this beast not with fire not with vowes nor vpon altars in temples for the Scythians haue none but simplie after their Scythian manner hee taketh the skin off and putteth the flesh into a great cauldron of brasse or else in the skinne of the beast and so he laieth all the boans of the beast vnder the ch●ldron and puts fire into it and seethes it and after he sacrificeth the bowels of the beast either to Vesta which is chiefly worshipped in Scythia or to Mars of the rest they make this feast This is the order of al Scithian sacrifices The names of those Consuls and Captaines that had their triumphes graunted them by the Senators at Rome within this moneth of Maie are these that follow 1 Pub. Valerius Publicola 2 Qu. Pub. Philo 3 M. Claudius Marcellus 4 Q. Fab. Vibulanus 5 A. Manl. Torquat Atticus 6 C. Sulpitius Peticus 7 Tibe rius Caesar 8 L. Cornel. Maluginensis 9 C. Plautius Proculus 10 T. Manlius Torquatus The names of the feastes and sacrifices celebrated with great solemnitie in Rome within this moneth of May. Lenuria 1 Lemuria 2 Lemuria postrema Scyrpea simulacra Bendidia Agonalia The solemne games and plaies in Rome within May are thus named Ludi Maximi Ludi celebris Fabrici ludi Finis mensis Maij. Of the Moneth of Iune which the Hebrewes called Siua● their third moneth with the Athen●ans Hecatombeon their first moneth and with the Egyptians called Pauni their tenth moneth The first daie ON this moneth the Athenians began their yeare which they called Hecatōbeon a month dedicated and also consecrated by the old ancient Romanes to Mercurius The Athenians as vppon this day being the first day of their yeare celebrated a solemne feast in the honor of Apollo at Athens which they call Hecatombea after the name of their first moneth vsing the ceremonies rites of such sacrifices according to the custome of Athens In Rome they held a feast to the goddes Carna called Fabaria in the which they were woont to vse sacrifice with great solemnitie and to offer vp new fresh beanes mingled with fine flower to this Carna and after their sacrifices and religious ceremonies were ended they kept this feast with much deuotion and great holinesse making cakes as the old Romanes in ancient time vsed of these beanes mingled with flower euerie man kept a peece of a cake or a whole cake in his house vntill that time in the next yeare following To this goddesse Carna Iuu●us brutus the first Consull at Rome after the king when hee had banished Torquinius the proud the 7 and last king of Rome solemnised a great sacrifice without the gate called Capena in mount Caelio and after celebrated a feast in memorie of this victorie according to a vow which he had made to the goddes Carna before the battaile on this day Likewise the Romanes builded a temple consecrated the same and dedicated it to Tempest In the 690 yeare after the building of Rome when Lucius Murena and Cecus Iuuius were Consuls at Rome Q. Metellus triumphed ouer Creet at the same verie day that Pompei the great eriumphed ouer the Pyrats on sea Uppon this day a famous combat was appointed betweene Carolus king of Cicilia and Petrus king of Aragon about the kingdome of Sicilia this was committed to an hundred chosen men of either side and they should fight it out the king of Aragon with an hundreth men the king of Cicilia should come with another hundreth men and on whether side the victorie should goe thether also the kingdome should goe Lodowick the fourth sonne to Iohn king of Bohemia was crowned king of Lumbardie at Millaine by his father who thē subdued Luca Parma Rhegium Mutina and other citties in Italie before he was elected Emperour of Germanie 1337. Iulianus Didius borne at Millaine in Italie a nobleman by birth and learned in the ciuill lawes yet factious and very ambitious after hee had raigned seauen moneths Emperour of Rome Functius saieth hee raigned but 65. daies was slaine by Sep. Seuerus and beheaded and his head put vppon a pole in the market place at Rome Nicolaus the second Pope of Rome died as vppon this day 1061. This Pope crowned Henrie the thirde Emperoure of Germanie and he caused that the Popes should bee chosen by the election of the twelue Cardinals onlie Robertus or as some say Rupertus Emperour of Germanie made a great preparation at Augusta with his armie to passe to Rome but the princes of Germanie at that time were against him hee returned without anie great thing done and tooke money of the Florentines to commence warre against Galeatius but before he came to Germanie from Rome hee died in Achaia after he had raigned ten yeares The 2 daie BY Henry the fourth and his armie the city of Rome was assaulted who after three sharpe terrible battails fought with Rodolphus duke of Suenia at y ● time elected K. of y ● Romans came and reuenged his mallice vppon pope Gegorie the 7. otherwaies named Hildebrandus draue him out of Rome and possessed all the cittie of Rome but when Gregorie was restored by Rodulphus as Pantaleon af●irmeth to his papacie againe Hildebrandus the Pope sent a crowne with this inscription to Rodulphus written rownd about the sam● after this manner Petra dedit Petro petrus diadema Rodulpho Uppon this day Valterius duke of Aquitania with a great armie of the Saracens entred into Fraunce wasted and spoiled the countrie vntill king Pipinus sonne to Charles the great came and gaue battail in the which Valterus was slaine and the
armie of the Saracens was ouerthrowen and killed at Petragoricon 968. The 3. daie M Fab. Ambustus at his third time being Consul of Rome triumphed with great solemnitie ouer the Tiburtines vnder whom the Torquinians which were subdued and taken to the number of 307. souldiers in his first Consulship were slaine and sacrificed in Rome for that they rebelled with Torquinius their last king against their countrie and now again by this Fabius in his third Consulship 348. of the best noble men were brought prisoners vnto Rome where they were whipped and scourged and after put to the sword in the maket place at Rome 397. yeares after the building of Rome Charles the third king of Neapolis leauing his sonne Ladislaus behind who after his father succeeded in Apulia went vnto Hungaria and their was created king 1386. but shortly he was slaine through the conspiracie of these noble men in Hungaria but Boof referreth this day to the 5. of December and also affirmeth that this king was bidden to Buda to a feast and was slaine sitting at the table Antioche a famous cittie in Siria was besieged by Godfredus and his armie which were Christians and was taken in that voiage they went to Ierusam into the holy land to fight against the Saracens and Infidels which were scattered into al partes of Asia and then dwelt in Ierusalem against whom manie Christian princes went to commence warre and to seeke to vanqtish out of the holie land 1090. The 4. Day VPon this daie a temple was builded and dedicated to Hercules in Circo Maximo a place where the Romanes vsed all kind of exercises and agilitie both on horsebacke and on foot at which time they also celebrated a feast in memorie of Hercules with solemne games and shewes in Numitia Also an other temple was dedicated to Bellona with great solemne sacrifice in the which Ap. Claudius a noble Romane caused this day to be celebrated in memorie of the victories of Pub. Sulpitius and also Fabritius against king Pyrrhus when he was wounded his Elephantes slaine and his armie vanquished to the number of 20000. men The 5 daie AS vpon this day the Romans builded a temple vnto Faith and yerely on this day they did vse solemne sacrifices to Iupiter Sponsar their patron for the Romanes had Iupiter in most honor to whom chiefly they did sacrifice the 2. was to Mars the 3. was to Quirinus which they named Romulus during his life putting him in the nūber of the Gods they called him by the name of Quirinus The Boetians had a great ouerthrow by the Thessalians vpon this day at Gerestion two Countries in Greece long before the Peloponesian warre which war was the destruction of Greece As vpon this day the Thebans had that famous victorie ouer the Lacedenionians at which battail Cleōbrotus the king with al the peeres and chiefest of the Lacedemomans were slaine that noble Greeke Cleomines was slaine at the kinges foote with a thousande of the most valiant Spartans about him at that time there was a great feast at Sparta When this newes came to the Ephories of the victorie of the Thebanes This battaile was 30. years after the ouerthrow of Athens by Lisander the Lacedemonian and now the ouerthrow of Sparta by Epaminondas the Theban these two citties were named the two eies and the two legs of al Greece and yet Sparta could not abide Athens neither could Athens abide Sparta Gauerus countie of Egmond and Philip countie of Hornia were vppon this daie at the commaundement of Duke Dalbe at Brussels in Brabant beheaded The 6. Daye VPon this day Moses was called vp to mount Sinai by the Lord with his minister Iosuah where he was sixe daies couered with a clowde and in the seauenth the Lord appeared vnto Moses whose glorie seemed to bee like vnto consuming fire and Moses was in the mount fortie daies and also fortie nightes The huge and monstruous Temple of Diana at Ephesus which for the greatnes thereof was deemed to be one of the seuen wonders was burnt as vppon this daie at what time the priestes of Diana cried out running vp and downe and saying that this daie is borne the tormentor and plage of all Asia for at that verie daie Alexander the great was borne when the Temple was on fire which afterward verified the priestes sayings yet some hold opinion that hee was borne the 6. day of Aprill 3610. Philip king of Mac●donia gaue a great ouerthrow as on this day to the Illiricans by Parmenios courage then being lieuetenant vnto him hee tooke the cittie of Potidea and there wan the garland of price in the games which were vsed in the mount Olimpus for running tilting also iusting with other exercises on horseback which were vsuall and had in great estimation among them Iulianus Apostataan exceeding great persecutor among the Christians and of the Christian religion resembled by Eutropius to M. Antonius whom this Iulianus endeuored in all pointes to imitate hee was well seene in the liberall sciences hee excelled in the Greeke tongue who in his warres against the Parthians after hee had conquered Assiria and returned thence was slaine by his enemies after he had raigned ninteen moneths as Eutrop saith who was present in these warres that hee was slaine in the 7. yeare of his raigne and the sixt calend of Iulie when hee had liued 31 yeares Alexander sonne to Ba●ilius and brother to Constantius raigned two yeares a most vicious and wicked Emperour nether like father nor brother geuen to lust and slothfulnesse calling those to honor and to bee chiefe with him which were most like to him in vice and therefore hee died by such a filthie surphet as is most straunge with bleeding at his nostrels and also at his priuities when he had raigned two yeares not so long as Iustin writeth The 7 daie ON this daie the Romanes builded a Temple called Templum mentis for that they had bowed going to the African warres if they returned with victorie to build vp a Temple in memorie of the same and to dedicate it vnto Minde for they supposed Faith Mind Peace Concord and Fortune to bee canonised goddesses and therefore builded to these Temples feastes and sacrifices The temple of Vesta was opened in Rome as vppon this day to renew the lampes where the Uestals Nunnes kept the holie and immortall fire this ceremonie of keeping the holie fire was also in the Temple of Apollo in Delphos and likewise at Athens but they differ in the ceremonies for in Greece old women which were past mariage and in Rome yong maides who might not marie with great deuotion and religion These lightes were neuer put out but once in Athens in the time of Aristion once in Delphos when the temple of Apollo was ●●rnt by the Medes and once in Rome in the time of the ciuill ●●rres betwee●e Pompei the great and Caesar when altar fire
and al were consumed and the vestall virgins forced to 〈◊〉 with the Idol of Vesta with them The play and games called Piscatorij which were celebrated in the fields of Mars as on this day by the fishmongers at Rome with their deuised mirth and sportes according to their custome The 8. daie AFter that Theseus had killed Scyron the Arcadian wrastling with him and a litle after slue Demastes in the citie of Herionia a great tirant imitating in al pointes Hercules who sacrificed Busirus and Aper cruell tyrants enen so Antheus the 8. daie of Hecatombeon at what time he saw his father Aegeus but of this Theseus and his exploits hereafter you shall read more In Vienna a towne in Austria a great meeting of the peers of Germanie with all the imperial state at what time the chiefe noble men of Austria ordained great games and plaies with great pompe and solemne shewes both on horsebacke and on foot which continued as Pantaleon saith the whole moneth of Iune at the which plaie Ferdinandus the Emperour brother to Charles the 5. was present 1559. Uppon this day Isacius Commenus was crowned Emperour of Greece by the Patriarch then of Constantinople and became afterward vngracefull to the Patriarch This Emperour after he had raigned two yeares and three moneths tooke the habit of a Munck vppon him and gaue vp the empire vnto Constantine Ducas and so afterward hee liued a monasticall life 1059. The 9. Day A Great feast in Rome was as vppon this day celebrated in the which they were wont to decke their Asses with garlandes about their neckes and Crownes vppon their heads and so to lead thē solemnly through the cittie of Rome into all streetes onely by the Milners and Bakers leauing their Mils and Ba●khouses fully dressed with all kinde of flowers and greene boughes these asses being thus gorgeouslie and brauelie set out were loaden with bread of the which at their returne they kept a great solemne feast to the which they inuited their neighbours to celebrate the same after they had doone sacrifice to God Pan. Seruius Tullius the sixt king of Rome was vpon this daie slaine through the wickednes of his sonne in lawe Lu. Torquinius who was sonne to the last king before him whom Seruius succeeded also his owne daughter Tullia whom he had espoused to Torquinius was of the conspiracie and the onely means of her Fathers death in the 219. yeare after the building of Rome Pub. Rutilius Lupus then Consull at Rome after he had fought most valiantly with Marses was slaine in the battell at the riuer Thebonium the same very day Nola was taken by the Samnits and the yeare next following they gaue an ouerthrowe to Didius 664 M. Crassus a noble Romane equall in force and power to Caesar or to Pompey after many great victories was as vpon this day among t●e Barbarians and Parthians ouerthrowne at what time many noble captaines ●lew themselues for shame and sorrow of their ouerthrowe by Surena the Leiutenant of Parthia Censorimus Octauius Petromus and diuers other Romane Gentlemen slew themselues they strake off Pub. Crassus head and sent him to his father yet a liue but on that day slaine also In this battell 10000 Romanes were slaine and 1000 taken prisoners and after that Surena had bathed Crassus head in bloud and had melted gould into his mouth to the great reproche of the Romanes he sent both the heads of Crassus and of his sonne to Hyrodes king of Pa●●hia 50 yeares before Christ was borne Now Charles duke of Bugundie sonne to Philip brought 100000 armed men to Marten a towne in He●uetia assaulted it but in vaine after tooke Lotoringia vpon the which offence warre grewe betweene Lewes king of Fraunce and this Charles this warre Paulus the second of that name pope of Rome pacified after this he came to the Emperour Frederike the third which lay then at Treueris with a braue companie of Horsemen expecting to bee created king of the Emperour but missing of that hope hee entered againe into armes and was slaine with 20000 of his men with him in a great battaile giuen him by Lewes the eleauenth king of Fraunce 1478. Alphonsus king of Arragon assaulted Naples as on this day tooke it and dwelt there then he warred in Apulia draue Renatus out of Apul●a and possessed the kingdome this king Iohana Queene of Sicilia depriued of his interest and title which he had through hir into Sicilia for she had adopted him after her dayes to be king of Sicilia and now she adopted into his place Lewis the third The long broiles of Henrie the fourth his furie and rage of ciuill warres was vpon this day ended at what time Rodulphus duke of Sueuia who also had married Henries sister and his great secret enemie was slaine at the riuer of Vuseredom in Saxonia as Marian Scotus affirmeth 1079. The 10 Daie TItus Didius Proconsull for the Romanes against the Celtiberians in Spaine whome hee most valiantly ouerthrew in a great battell ouer whome hee had his triumphe graunted him by the Senators with great honor into Rome as vpon this daye in the 660 yeare after the building of Rome Cruell Nero the sixt Emperour of Rome sonne in lawe to Claudius who adopted him his successor in the Empire not vnlike vnto his Unckle Caligula giuen to all riot and strange lust a tyrant that committed diuers murthers vpon his owne kins●olkes slew his owne brother his mother and his wife hee murthered a great number of the Senators and cheefe men of the Cittie of Rome and at last he set the Cittie on fire that he might see how and after what maner fashion the Cittie of Troye burned when it was set on ●●re vy the Gretians and hearing that he was adiudged by the Senators that he should be drawne naked through the Cittie with a forcke thrust into his head and so whipped vntill he were dead fled fourth of his pallace and slue himselfe three miles off from Rome 69. Frederike the first surnamed Barbarossa Emperour of Germanie in the voiage that he made to the holy land waged wacres against the Turke and ouerthrew him and subdued him and in Armenia died some say that he was drowned after he had raigned 37 yeares 1190. The 11 Day THe solemne feast called Quinquatria was in Rome most solemnlie celebrated with great mirth this feast endured fiue dayes in the honour of Minerua of this feast I haue spoken before Constanti●us surnamed Monomachus Emperour of Greece was maried vpon this day to Zoes and was crowned Emperour by Alexius Patriarch of Constantinople this Zoes whom he married had beene before married to the Emperour Romanus Argyropylus whose death she conspired with Michael Paphlago whom after she married who dyed within seauen yeares after then shee adopted to the Empire Michael Calaphates who likewise abused hir saying that Zoes went about to poison him