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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B01950 The catechisme in the Book of Common-prayer explained. 1672 (1672) Wing C1475AB; ESTC R173609 20,632 60

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141.2 Heb. 14.15,16 Phil. 4.18 Psal 51.17 Rom. 6.13 12.1 3. Prophets in applying that knowledge we have to the benefit and good of others Luke 22.32 Q. Why is Christ called the only Son of God since we also are the Sons of God A. He is the Son of God by nature and by eternal generation we are the sons of Gods by Grace and by Adoption John 1.14 Rom. 8.15 Gal. 4.5 Q. What do you learn from hence that Jesus Christ is the Son of God by nature A. I learn to my comfort that he is very God and that therefore whatsoever was performed and suffered by him is infinitely meritorious for our salvation John 1.14 Col. 2.19 Q. Why is Jesus Christ called our Lord A. Because having redéemed our souls from sin and Satan he doth challenge us as his own to do him service Rom. 14 8,9 III. Art Q. How was Christ conceived by the Holy Ghost A. In that his humane nature was supernaturally framed by the powerful working of the Holy Ghost in the womb of the Virgin L●ke 1,35 Q. Why was he conceived by the Holy Ghost A. To sanctifie the séed of the woman and to unite two natures in one person God and man in one Christ Luke 1.35 Rom. 9.5 1 Tim. 2.5 Q. Why must our Saviour be both God and Man A. He must be a man because man had sinned and therefore a man must die for sin to appease Gods wrath he must be God to sustain and uphold the Manhood to overcome and vanquish death 1 Tim. 2.5,6 Q. What learn you out of these words which was conceived by the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary A. I learn 1. By his birth that he was man that so he might suffer for my sin 2. By the manner of his conception by the Holy Ghosh that he was without all manner of sin and so the Sacrifice of himself being most pure it was precious for our redemption IV. Art Q. VVhat was Pontius Pilat● that condemned Christ A. He was at that time the Governo● of Judea under the Roman Emperor Luk● 3.1 Q. VVhat death did Christ suffer A. The death of the Cross Q. VVhy suffered Christ the death of the Cross rather then any other kind of death A. 1. Because that kind of death was most shameful 2. It was most painful 3. Thereby he took upon him the curse to free me from the curse of the Law Gal. 3.13 Q. Seeing Christ hath thus died for us why yet must Gods Saints die A. Not as a satisfaction or penalty for sin but for two special benefits First for that sin is thereby abolished in my nature Rom. 6.7 Secondly death is made an entrance for our souls into Life eternal Phil. 1.23 Q. Could the sufferings of Christ which were but a short time countervail everlasting damnation and so appease Gods wrath A. Because Christ who was God suffered though not in his Godhead and that is more then if all the men in the world had suffered for ever Acts 20.28 Q. VVhat followed upon his death A. His burial and descending into hell that is his subjection to the power and dominion of death and the grave for a time Heb. 2.14 Acts 2.24 Q. Why did he abide thus under the power of death and the grave A. That it might be certainly known that he was dead and that the body of sin might be utterly destroyed and abolished in us for ever Rom. 6.6 V. Art Q Was it needful that Christ being dead should rise again A Yes it was for his own glory and our good Q. How for his glory A. That being formerly abased as a servant and crucified as a sinner he might thus be declared to be the Son of God and exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour Rom. 1.4 Acts 5.30,31 Q. How for our good A. That having paid the price of our redemption by his death we might have good assurance of our Iustification by his Life Rom. 4.25 Q. Why did Christ rise again the third day A. Because it was prophesied of him that he should see no corruption Acts 2.27 Q. Why did he not rise before the third day A. Lest rising so presently upon his death his enemies might take occasion to cavil that he was not dead Mat. 27.63 Q. Why would he not put it off untill the fourth day A. Lest the Faith of his Disciples should have been weakened and their hearts too much cast down and discouraged Luke 24.21 Q. What learn you out of the 5 th Article the third day he rose again from the dead A. 1. That he is risen and hath overcome death and Hell for my Iustification 1 Cor. 15.17.7 2. I learn to rise from sin and to delight in righteousness Rom. 6.4 3. By his rising I am assured that my body shall rise again 1 Cor. 15.16 VI Art Q. Why did Christ ascend into Heaven A That he might triumph more gloriously over his and our enemies and make way for our ascention thither Eph. 4.8 John 14.2.3 Q. What is meant by Christs sitting at the right hand of God A. 1. The honour that God hath given him Heb. 1.3 2. His exercising of the Sovereign power which he hath as he is our Mediator over all the world Eph. 1.20,21 VII Art Q. What learn you out of the Seventh Article from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead A. 1. I learn to my comfort that he that is my Saviour shall be my Iudge Job 19. verse 25. 2. To the terror of the wicked and ungodly that he shall be their Iudge whom they have refused and despised 2 Thes 1.8 Q. Who are the quick and the dead that are to be judged by Christ A. All men that ever were from the beginning are or shall be to the end of the world whether they shall be alive then or dead before Q. Why doth Christ defer his coming A. He waiteth till the number of the elect be accomplished till the measure of iniquity be fulfilled till his enemies be all subdued and abolished Rev. 6.11 Mat. 13.30 Heb. 10.13 Q. What need is there that the dead should be brought to Judgment seeing particular judgment was given of them before whether they be good or evil A. It is needful for two causes 1. Because the first judgment pertains only to the soul but the latter to the whole man both body and soul 2 Cor. 5.10 2. That that particular Iudgement may be made manifest before all men and that there may be a more manifest declaration of Gods just judgment Rom. 2.5 VIII Art Q. What is the Holy Ghost A. The third person in the Trinity equal in majesty and glory to the Father and the Son and joyn●ly proceeding from them both Acts 5.3,4 John 15.26 Q. Ghost is an old English word and signifies Spirit why is the third person called Spirit A. 1. Because God is a Spirit that is an immaterial and pure essence John 4.24 2. Because the Holy Ghost is the
THE CATECHISME IN THE BOOK OF Common-Prayer EXPLAINED The Third Edition Corrected and Amended 1 Pet. 3.15 Sanctifie the Lord God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear London Printed by T. R. and N. T. for Richard Thrale and are to be Sold under St. Martin Outwich in Bishopsgate Street 1672. THE CATECHISME IN THE Book of Common-Prayer EXPLAINED Quest Is set before many of the longest and hardest Questions c. * Is a mark of Explanation Question WHat is your name A. N. or M. Q. How many names have you A. Two a Christian and a Sirname Q. What may they put you in mind of A. Of a twofold Parentage Natural and Spiritual Q. Who are your Natural Parents A. My Father and Mother Q. Who are your Spiritual Parents A. God and his Church Q. Which of these two names are demanded of you A. My Christian name Q. Why so A. That by this name I may be put in remembrance of my Baptism wherein it was given me Q. Why was your name given you in Baptism A. That thereby I might be distinguished from other men and that I might be put in mind as often as I hear my name of the Covenant then ratified between God and me Q. VVho gave you this name A. My Godfathers and Godmothers in my Baptism wherein I was made a member of Christ the child of God and an inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven Q. What benefit did you then receive by Baptism A. Three First I was made a member of Christ Secondly the child of God Thirdly an inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven Q. What hath a Member relation unto A. To a Body Q. How many bodies hath Christ A. Two a Natural as we have and a Mystical Q. of which are you a member A. Of his Mystical Body Q. What Body is that A. His Church Col. 1.18 Q. What is Christ to his Church A. He only is the Head thereof Q. What doth Christ the Head for his Body the Church A. He giveth it Spiritual Life motion and direction as a head doth to the body Q. What must you feel in you to be sure that you are a true member of Christ A. That I live by him to God am mooved by his Spiri● and directed by his Word 2. Q. How are you made the child of God A. By the Grace of Adoption Q. How knowest thou that thou art the child of God by Grace A. Because he hath given the earnest of the Spirit into our hearts crying Abba Father which Spirit witnesseth to our spirits that we are the children of God Rom. 8.15,16 Q. Is Baptisme of that virtue that by the only outward washing thereof every one is made a member of Christ the child of God and an inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven A. No for unless a man be born again of water and also of the Holy Ghost he cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven John 3.5 Q. Why then saist thou that by Baptism thou art made a member of Christ A. Because Baptisme is the laver of Regeneration by the power of the Spirit * And therefore we may rightly say that we are thereby made the Members of Christ and the children of God and believe the same touching all others that are baptized Q. Why is it added That we are Inheritors of the Kingdom of Heaven A. Because being sons by Adoption we are heirs and heirs of God and heirs annexed with Christ Rom. 8.17 1 Pet. 1.3,4 Q. What did your Godfathers and Godmothers then for you A. They did promise and vow thrée things in my name First That I should renounce the Devil and all his works the pomps and vanities of the wicked world and all the sinful lusts of the flesh Secondly That I should believe all the Articles of the Christian Faith And Thirdly That I should keep Gods holy Will and Commandments and walk in the same all the days of my life 1. Q. How are you to renounce the Devil A. By refusing to hearken to any of his wicked suggestions Q. How are you to renounce the world A. By withdrawing mine affections from the honors riches pleasures and other contentments which the world affordeth as they are a means to draw me from God 1 John 2.15 Q. How are you to renounce the lusts of the flesh A. By denying satisfaction to my own natural desires and affections so far as they are any way repugnant to the Word of God Rom. 13.14 Q. Dost thou think that thou art bound to do as they have promised for thee A. Yes verily and by Gods help so I will and I heartily thank our Heavenly Father that he hath called me to this state of Salvation through Iesus Christ our Saviour And I pray God to give me his Grace that I may continue in the same unto my lives end Q. Art thou able to perform all these things A. Not of my self but in some measure I am enabled thereunto by Gods Grace Phil. 4.13 Q. What dost thou chiefly learn out of the Articles of your belief A. First I learn to believe in God the Father who hath made me and all the world Secondly in God the Son who hath redéemed me and all mankind Thirdly in God the Holy Ghost who sanctifieth me and all the elect people of God 1. Q. What is God A. God is a Spirit invisible incompre●…ensible infinite eternal and Almighty one in nature and substance but distinguished into three persons the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost John 4.24 John 1.18 Job 11.7 Isa 40.12,13 Deut 6.4 Mat. 3.16,17 1 John 5.7 Q. For what end did God make all things A. For the praise of his great power goodness wisdom perfection and glory Rev. 4.11 Prov. 16.4 Q. What was man especially made of A. Man consists of Body and Soul the first mans body was made of the dust of the earth but our Bodies come by generation and are with his mortal and both his and all our Souls by inspiration and are immortal Q. How can our Souls be sinful that come not by propagation but by inspiration A. 1. For that Adams Soul was deputy for all Souls of men naturally begotten 2. Because man sinned and man is not man before body and soul be knit together which being conjoyned become together as man partakers of mans fall and corruption Q. In what state was man first created A. In the Image of God that is to say holy and righteous enjoying the favour of God and all happiness Gen. 1.27 Eph. 4.14 Q. How did man fall from this estate that is deface the Image of God and lofe his favour A. By the transgression of our first Parents who eating of the forbidden fruit both themselves and in them all mankind became first guilty of eternal death and liable both to temporal and spiritual miseries Secondly deprived of original righteousness Thirdly corrupt in