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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A79860 A cloud of vvitnesses: with whom I also appear to bear testimony, that Christ Jesus is the word of God, and not the Bible which is called the Scriptures. For which the word the prophets, apostles, and servants of the Lord, obeying, and bearing their testimony thereunto, have suffered by all generations of men, cruel mockings, stripes, bonds, and imprisonments, by the Egyptians, Philistians, Babylonians, Caldeans, idolaters, back-sliders, Roman Papists, and in generall, the heathen that know not Christ Jesus to be the word of the Lord. ... / Written by him, who is known by the name of Henry Clark. Clark, Henry, 17th cent. 1656 (1656) Wing C4452; Thomason E872_2; ESTC R206562 39,859 39

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the people that are ever learning of the Priests and others but are never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth 2 Tim. 3. chap. Tit. 1.10 11.16 by such Teachers who are discribed by Paul a Minister of the Word to be such as are lovers of their own selves covetous proud boasters blasphemers saying they are Ministers of Christ but are not teaching such things which they ought not for filthy lucres sake subverting whole houses disobedient to Parents unthankful unholy unruly vain-talkers deceivers truce-breakers false-accusers incontinent without natural affections fierce despisers of those that are good traiterous heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more then lovers of God having a Form of Godliness but denying the Power thereof All people from such turn away for they resist the Truth and are men of corrupt mindes Reprobate concerning the faith of which you have been long hearing and ever learning and yet you are not come to the knowledge of the truth Therefore while you have time prize it for those that are turned from such Teachers and are turned to the Lord Jesus Christ the Light of the World they are come to the Way Iohn 8.11 Iohn 14 6. John 17.3 Psal 73.4 Rom. 8 14. 1 John 2.20.27 Tit. 2.11 12. 1 Pet. 2.3 4.5 6 7 8 9 10. to know God and Jesus Christ which is life eternall For Christ is the VVay the Truth and the Life and no man comes to the Father but by him it is he that guides them continually and brings them to glory the children of the Lord are not taught of man but of the Lord as many as are the Sons of God are led by the spirit of God and the spirit of God leads them into all truth and the Vnction wherewith they are anointed teaches them all things so that they need not to be taught of men for the Grace of God teaches them to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts and to live soberly righteously and holy in all manner of conversation and these that are thus taught are Members of the true Church which is built up of living Stones Christ Jesus being the chief corner Stone and this is the house of God not made with hands but is a Spirituall House the House of God where God doth dwel and in it walk Eph. 2.21 22. Coll. 1.18.24 1 Cor. 6.19 2 Cor. 6.16 17 18 i9 1 Tim. 2.15 Heb. 12.22 23 24 25. This Church is not without but in God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ and the Body of Christ is the Church and is the Ground and Pillar of Truth and the Members thereof are one Body and Christ he is the Head of the Body and they who are Members of this Church are come to Mount Sion and to the City of the living God the Heavenly Ierusalem and to an innumerable company of Angels to the generall Assembly and to the Church of the First-born which are written in Heaven and to God the Iudge of all and to the Spirits of just men made perfect and to Iesus the Mediator of the New-Covenant and to the blood of sprinckling which speaketh better things then that of Abel Therefore all people high and low rich and poor bond and free hearken unto Chr●st Jesus hear ye him that your souls may live he that hears the voice of the Son of God shall live 1. Thess 4.3 see that ye refuse not him that speaketh and hearken to the Word of the Lord that is nigh you in your hearts and in your mouths to it incline your ear Oh hear that your souls may live and to day if you will hear his voice harden not your hearts for this is the wil of God even your sanctification Exod. 34.6 7. Mic. 7. chap. 1 Thess 5.24 Therefore why will ye die O people of England Return return unto the Lord God who is Light and in him is no darkness at all for who is a God like our God merciful gracious long-suffering and abundant in Goodness and Truth pardoning iniquity transgression and sin he wil subdue iniquity and will cast sin into the depth of the sea and he wil perform the Truth unto Iacob 2 Tim. 2 13. 2 Cor. 1.20 Rev. 22.11 and the Mercy to Abraham which he hath sworn unto our Fathers from the dayes of old He is a faithful God and all his Promises are Yea and Amen He that hath an ear to hear let him hear what the spirit saith and he that wil be filthy let him be filthy stil Here followeth some QUERIES to be answered by any of those who are called by men Ministers that preach in the High Places or any other that plead for and uphold them Quaery 1. WHether those be Ministers of Christ that makes Bargains with the People of a Parish to have 100 l. a Yeer more or less for their preaching and take Bond of the People for the payment of the same seeing that Christ said to his Ministers Freely ye have received freely give and Peter said The Flock of Christ is to be fed willingly and not for filthy lucre sake yea or nay Mat. 8.10 1 Pet. 5.2 2. Whether those be Ministers of Christ that Preach for Hire and Divine for Mony yea or nay Mic. 3.11 3. Whether those be Ministers of Christ that seek for gain from their quarter like greedy dogs which think they can never have enough yea or nay Isa 56.11 Ezek. 22.25 4. Whether those be Ministers of Christ that feed themselves with the Fat and clothe themselves with the Wool and care not for the Flock but let it become a prey Read Ezek. 34. chap. 5. Whether those be Ministers of Christ that take Tithes for their preaching seeing that the Apostle Paul witnessed the Priesthood changed and the Law disanulled by which Tithes was paid yea or nay Read Heb. 7. chap. 6 Whether those be ministers of Christ that sue men at Law for Tithes seeing that the Prophet of God cryed out against them that prepared war against those that put not into their mouths yea or nay Mic. 3.5 7 What that Hire is that Christ said the Labourer is worthy of Luke 10.7 8. and whether that be not an unrighteous thing of a man that demands wages of men and compels them to pay him wages who never set him to work nor he never wrought for them yea or nay Read Luke 10. chap. to the 15 verse 8 Whether it is the work of the Ministers of Christ to stay at home to bury the dead or to go into all nations and preach the Gospel according to Christs command yea or nay Matt. 28.19 Mark 16.15 Luke 9.59 60. 9. Whether the Prophets or Apostles of Christ used to observe the Statutes of Omri or to take delight in the works of Ahab or to walk in their Councels yea or nay Mic. 6.16 1 King 16. chap. 10. Whether those be ministers of Christ whose god is their belly whose glory is their shame who minde earthly things
beleeved and consorted with Paul and Silas but the Iews which beleeved not moved with envie took unto them certain lewde fellows of the baser sort and gathered a company and set all the city in an uproar and assaulted the house of Iason and sought to bring them out to the people Read Acts 17. chap. to the 10. verse and when they found them not they drew Iason and certain of the brethren whom Iason had received into his house unto the Rulers of the City crying These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also and these all do contrary to the Decree of Cesar saying there is another King one Jesus Now seeing the thing is so plain here before you that it was the unbeleeving Iews and the certain lewd fellows of the baser sort that set all the City in an uproar I wil ask this question VVhether the unbelieving Iews with the certain lewde fellows of the baser sort ought not to have given security to the Magistrates and to have answered for setting the City in an uproar yea or nay And whether Jason and his brethren who were peaceable in hi● house together ought not to have been set at liberty without giving security yea or nay Secondly VVhetheer that were not a piece of injustice done by the Rulers who took security of Jason and the others with him and let the others that made the uproare go unpunished yea or nay And again VVhen Paul was come to Ierusalem and had purified himself he went into the temple to signifie the accomplishment of the days of purification and when the Jews which were of Asia saw Paul in the Temple they stirred up all the people and laid hands on Paul crying out Men of Israel help this is the man that teacheth all men every where against the People and against the Law and this place c. And all the City was moved and the people ran together and they took Paul and drew him out of the Temple and shut the doors and as they went about to kill him tyding was brought to the chief Captain of the Band that all Jerusalem was in an uproare I now appeal to all men every where who was it that set Jerusalem in an uproare was it Paul that stood in the Temple or was it the Jews of Asia who stirred up the people I say it was the Jews of Asia that stirred up the people and made the uproare and not Paul Then ought not the Jews of Asia to have been bound with Chains for making the uproare and to have been examined by scourging and sent to Prison for going about to kill Paul yea or nay and ought not Paul the Apostle of Iesus Christ to have been protected and set at liberty that he might have gone on in the work of the Ministry yea or nay So likewise the people called quakers who at the Command of the Lord have gone one or two at the most into some high place which is commonly called the Church without multitude or tumult and there have stood peaceably and as they have been moved of the Lord so have spoke to the people more or less as utte●ance had been given them some has not spoken before all has been done but straightway the people of the City or the Town who have been gathered together in the high place that day have by the priests means rise all up in a tumultuous manner and have set the city or town in an uproar just like the Jews of Asia beating and hawling the man or woman that has come in and spoke and straightway had them before the Mayor or Justice who have sent the innocent to Prison Bridewel Stocks or whipt and sent them away with Passes and they that have been the evill doers by making the Tumult have been set free and just as Paul was commanded to be bound with chains and to be examined by scourging and kept in prison and sent from place to place till he came to Rome So have the people called quakers been sent to prison by some of the Mayors and Justices in England and there they have had Fetters of Iron hung upon their Legs and kept close Prisoners their friends not suffered to come at them and have laine there from Sizes to Sizes and from Sessions to Sessions before they have been set at liberty AND now to you Judges Mayors Justices Sheriffs and Constables who have done all these things to those innocent harmless people and Servants of the most High God that are scornfully called quakers it is in love to your souls that I write thus unto you And to that of God in every one of your consciences do I appeal which bears me witness Whose example have you followed in doing that to them which you have done have you followed the example of Christ who came to proclaim liberty to the Captives and the opening of the prison doors to them that are bound or did you follow the example of Pharoah King of Aegypt who kept Israel in bonds and laid heavy burthens upon them Have you followed the example of meek Moses who said I would to God all the Lords people were Prophets Or did you not follow the example of Annas the high Priest Caiaphas John and Alexander and as many as were of the Kindred of the High Priests Ru ers Elders and Scribes Read Acts 7. chap. who commanded Peter and Iohn to preach no more in the Name of Jesus Do you follow the example of Abraham the Father of the Faithful who received the Messengers of God and gave them meat and when they rose up he went with them to bring them on their way Or do you not follow the example of Ahab who said of M●cah the Prophet of the Lord Take this fellow and put him in prison and seed him with bread of affliction and with water of affliction Do you follow the example of just Lot who intreated the angels to go into his house and made them a feast and baked for them unleavened bread Or do you not follow the example of Asa who was wrath with Hanani the Seer and in his rage sent him to Prison Have you followed the example of the widow Woman of Zarepheth i King i3 i7 chap. who had but a handfull of Meale in a Barrel and a little Oyle in a Cruse for her self and her son in the time of draught yet at the Word of the Lord spoken to her by Elijah she did make for Elijah a Cake first and afterwards for her son and her self and took the Prophet into her house and they did eat many dayes and he did dwell there and the woman said I know that thou art a man of God and that the Word of the Lord is in thy mouth Or have you followed the example of Ieroboam who put forth his hand from the altar and said Lay hold on him meaning the prophet of God that came out of Iudah by the Word of the Lord