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A51669 The spiritual vvorship exalted. Or A treatise concerning the worship and service of God shewing how uncapable men are in their natural and unconverted state of worshipping and serving God acceptably in this Gospel day. And that it is the light, grace and spirit of Christ revealed in men, which doth renew, fit, prepare and [q]ualifie them for performing that pure spiritual and acceptable worship which was instituted by our Lord, and practiced by his disciples and followers. As also several other things here inserted, worthy of observation. By a lover of truth, and wel-wisher of the souls of all men, George Myers. Myers, George, 1653?-1714. 1687 (1687) Wing M3174; ESTC R213894 43,291 111

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of the legal forms of Worship Sacrifice and Oblations which were by Gods appointment yet because their Hearts were defiled and polluted with Sin and Iniquity and that they presented not their Offerings and Sacrifices in a right frame of Spirit nor under that disposition of Soul that was required therefore they incurred the wrath and displeasure of God against themselves and with great aggravation he declared against them and terribly renounced their Worship as appears in Isa 1. and 66.3 Amos 5.21 22 23. If it was so then that the Jews under that Dispensation displeased the Lord in appearing before him with Offerings and Sacrifices whilst their Hearts were polluted and unprepared as aforesaid it may be a caution unto all those that make profession of the pure and undefiled Religion of our Lord Jesus Christ and of that Worship which was instituted by him that they be not found attempting the performance thereof in a spiriritual unpreparedness and whilst their Hearts and Souls are polluted with Sin and Iniquity lest it be said unto them as it was unto the Jews Who hath required this at your Hands to tread my Courts Isa 1.12 Again if the Jewish Sacrifices in the time of the Law were Sprinkled before they were offered and the People were Consecrated that offered them before they presented themselves before the Lord and that the touching of a dead or nuclear Beas then made People unfit for the Temple or Sacrifice yea society with the Clean until they were first Sprinkled and Sanctified as the Scriptures hold out Numb 8. and chap. 19 2 Chron. 29.36 and 30. 16 17. How car any think so meanly of the worship instituted by Christ in Gospel times as that it should admit of unprepared and unsanctified Offerings or allow that those who are spiritually defiled with Sin and Iniquity and in Words or Deeds do daily touch that which is unclean can in that state well and acceptably worship the pure God until their Consciences be sprinkled from dead works by the blood of Jesus and that they be inwardly prepared and consecrated by his divine Spirit and Power in order to serve him It is also observable that when the Temple at Jerusalem was built before the glory of the Lord descended to fill the same it was purified and cleansed and all polluted stuff removed out of it yea and the place for the Tabernacle was overlaid with Gold the most pretious clean and purest of Mettals 1 Kings 6 7 8 chapters So also before God be truly worshipped in the inward Temple of the Heart it must also be purged of the filth and pollutions that are therein that so it may be fit to receive the Spirit of God so as to be acted by it And yet further let it be considered how it can be available to the High and Lofty in Mind and Spirit the Rich and Full in the Pomp and Grandure of the World the Proud Covetous and Self-conceited and such as go on in a road of Unrighteousness Ungodliness and Vanity to utter a multitude of unseasoned Words before the Almighty God or to cry Lord Lord whilst they have neither received nor are subject unto that Blessed Spirit which has right to call him so 1 Cor. 12.3 Or how any can rationally suppose that he who is clothed with divine Honour and Majesty who covers himself with Light as with a Garment who stretches forth the Heavens like a Curtain and walks upon the Wings of the Wind who maketh his Angels Spirits and his Ministers a flame of Fire and is of purer Eyes then to behold Iniquity can be truly and acceptably Served and Worshipped by such as do not only resist and rebel against that which brings into acceptance with God but also remain and delight in that which is an abomination unto him Section III. Concerning the necessity of receiving the Light Grace and Spirit of Christ in order to quicken and renew to God and so to prepare and qualifie People for his Worship and Service SInce then it appears that the Worship instituted by Christ is spiritual and that no man in his natural and unconverted state is capable of performing the same acceptably we may conclude and that upon sure grounds that the preparation of the holy Spirit is that which is absolutely necessary for men to know in the first place before they go about to perform their Devotions before the Lord Such as desire to worship God acceptably must believe in him whom God hath sent to redeem lost man unto him self viz. the Lord Jesus Christ who by his Light Grace and Spirit doth manifest Sir and Evil in the Hearts and Souls of People and reproveth for the same and also lead them that truly own and receive him unto Repentance and converteth them unto God he by his Power revealed in man doth Crucifie the Flesh with the Affections and Lusts he cleanses from Sin and Iniquity and quickens the Soul unto God raising up the same unto newness of Life so that those who in their natural and unconverted state have been Aliens unto God and Strangers to the Covenant of Promise through Faith in Christ and the work of his Grace and Spirit in their Hearts such come to be delivered from the Power of Darkness and translated into the Kingdom of Gods dear and wel-beloved Son to be made Heirs of Glory Fellow-Citizens with the Saints of the Houshold of God Col. 1.13 Ephes 2.19 and so are rendered capable of Worshipping and Serving God acceptably according to divine institution Being born again as the Apostle said not of corruptible Seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God which liveth and abideth forever 1 Pet. 1.23 As to the quickening and renewing Vertue of this divine Spirit and Light of Christ the Saints and Children of God have not only a living and blessed Experience thereof in this our day but also the Scriptures do afford us divers Testimonies concerning the same Jesus saith As the Father raiseth up the Dead and quickeneth them even so the Son quickeneth whom he will John 5.21 Again It is the Spirit that quickeneth the Flesh profiteth nothing John 6.63 And also the Apostle Paul in his Epistle to the Romans saith If any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his and if Christ he in you the Body is Dead because of Sin but the Spirit is Life because of Righteousness but if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the Dead dwell in you he that raised up Christ from the Dead shall also quicken your mortal Bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you therefore Brethren we are Debtors not to the Flesh to live after the Flesh for if ye live after the Flesh ye shall Dye but if ye through the Spirit do mortifie the deeds of the Body ye shall Live for as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the Sons of God Rom. 8.9 10 11 12 13 14. And again the same Apostle in his Epistle
Law which was delivered unto the Children of Israel by the Ministry of Moses it pleased him according to his determinate Will and everlasting Counsel to send his own Son the Lord Jesus Christ who was born of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem of Judea of whom Moses and the Prophets did write and whom John testified of to be the Lamb of God who taketh away the Sins of the World John 1.29 He perfectly fulfilled the Law and the Righteousness thereof and gave witness unto the Dispensation of the Gospel drawing Religion into the secret of the Heart he made it to consist in a higher state of Righteousness then that of the Law called Evangelical he also approved himself and the excellency of his Doctrine by many great and wonderful Signes and Miracles and sealed it with his Blood for that after he had preach't that heavenly Doctrine and wrought many Miracles among the Jews he was apprehended and by wicked hands was Crucified and Slain yet God raised him up again so that he triumphed over Death of which it was impossible for him to be held and after he was so raised up from the Dead he appeared to his Disciples and Followers who had believed in him comforting them with the hope and assurance of the pouring forth attendance of his Spirit by which he was to be with them unto the end of the World and by which they and all such as afterwards should come to believe in his holy Name might be rendered capable of bearing and holding forth a true certain and faithful Testimony for him whom God hath appointed for Salvation unto the ends of the Earth and also of performing that Worship and Service which was instituted by him which Worship is Spiritual and cannot be truly performed by the Art Strength Wisdom and Policy of men in their natural and unconverted state but only by those who are spiritually quickened and renewed unto God in some measure and whose Hearts and Souls are fitted and prepared by the Light Grace Spirit Power of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ That the Worship instituted by Christ is Spiritual is very plain from his own Words unto the Woman of Samaria John 4.21 22 23 24. Jesus said unto her Woman believe me the hour cometh when ye shall neither in this Mountain nor yet at Jerusalem worship the Father ye worship ye know not what we know what we worship for Salvation is of the Jews but the hour cometh and now is when the true Worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth for the Father seeketh such to worship him God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in Truth This is the chiefest and most ample Testimony that Christ gives of the Christian worship as different and contradistinguished from that under the Law he tyeth not his People to the Temple at Jerusalem nor unto any other place but plainly holds out that the season is now come wherein the worship must be in Spirit and in Truth he also gives the reason for it and excellently argues from the anology that ought to be betwixt the Object and the Worship directed thereunto viz. God is a Spirit therefore he must be worshipped in Spirit This Testimony of our Lord is so clear in the case that I need not enlarge much further upon it but only add the saying of the Apostle Paul to the Church at Philippi We are the Circumcision that worship God in the Spirit and rejoyce in Christ Jesus having no confidence in the Flesh Phil. 3.3 By which it appears that the Saints and People of God in those dayes were in the practice of that worship which was instituted by our Lord as aforesaid Section II. Concerning Mans incapacity of Worshipping and Serving God acceptably in his natural and unconverted State. THat Men in their natural and unconverted state are uncapable of performing this spiritual Worship is certainly true for that whilst they remain in that state they cannot do any thing that is really good and acceptable unto God being subject unto that depraved and ungodly Spirit which leads People into Iniquity and rules in all the Children of Disobedience it comes to pass that not only their Words and Deeds but also the Imaginations of their Hearts are evil continually their Thoughts Notions and Conceptions concerning Divine and Spiritual matters are unprofitable both to themselves and others which thing doth yet further appear from divers Testimonies in the Scriptures of Truth Moses said That God saw the Wickedness of man was great in the Earth and that every Imagination of the thoughts of his Heart was only evil continually and that it repented the Lord that he had made man on the Earth and it grieved him at his Heart Gen. 6.5 6. David saith The Lord looked down from Heaven upon the Children of men to see if there were any that did understand and seek God and says They are all gone aside they are altogether become filthy there is none that doth good no not one Psal 14.2 3. And again But unto the Wicked God saith What hast thou to do to declare my Statutes or that thou shouldst take my Covenant into thy Mouth Psal 50.16 Jeremiah saith The Heart is deceitful and desperately wicked who can know it Jer. 17.9 Our Lord saith An evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things Matth. 12.35 Also the Apostle Paul alluding to the saying of David says Thero is none Righteous no not one there is none that understandeth there is none that seeketh after God they are all gone out of the way they are altogether become unprofitable there is none that doth good no not one Rom. 3.10 11 12. Thus it is to be observed that what is thus spoken relates to men in their natural and unconverted State wherein their Souls are dead unto God and the things of his Kingdom and cannot live unto him nor do any such lively act as to serve him until they receive the Lord Jesus Christ and know the vertue and power of his Grace Spirit inwardly to quicken them unto God That so they may serve him in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the Letter Rom. 7.6 For alas it is not the bare performance of such things as are supposed to be religious duties that brings into acceptance with God unless the Heart Soul and Spirit of man be renewed fitted prepared and qualified by that which is holy and pure it s the rise of the performance that God looks at more then the outward act he that searches the Heart and tryes the Reins of men before whom all things are naked and bare looks not so much upon the external Fabrick as the internal frame of the Soul Vnto this man will I look saith the Lord even to him that is poor and of a contrite Spirit and trembleth at my Word Isa 66.2 We read that although the Jews were in the practice
THE Spiritual Worship EXALTED OR A Treatise concerning the Worship and Service of God Shewing how uncapable men are in their natural and unconverted State of Worshipping and Serving God acceptably in this Gospel day And that it is the Light Grace and Spirit of Christ reveaved in men which doth Renew Fit Prepare and ●ualifie them for performing that Pure Spiritual and Acceptable Worship which was instituted by our Lord and practiced by his Disciples and Followers As also several other things here inserted worthy of observation By a Lover of Truth and Wel-wisher of the Souls of all men George Myers But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritualy discern'd 1 Cor. 2.14 But the hour cometh and now is when the true Worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth for the Father seeketh such to worship him John 4.23 God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in Truth John 4.24 Give unto the Lord the Glory due unto his Name Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness Psal 29.2 THE PREFACE TO THE Reader FOrasmuch as Divine Worship is the supream act of mans Life and a duty incumbent upon all for that thereby we answer the end of our Creation and pay those Respects and Acknowledgments which we owe to the Divine Majesty for all his Bounties and Favours towards us It greatly behoves all People to be very serious and weighty in that respect and truly to inform themselves what that Worship is which is acceptable unto God and how People ought to be qualified for performing the same the want of a right understanding upon these accounts has occasioned great Miscarriages and Defects among People in Religions matters and is one great reason why there are so many Jars and Divisions about the several Forms and Ways of Worship now extant in the World. The consideration of these things together with the drawings of Divine Love have induced me to the publication of this following Treatise wherein divers things relating to the Worship and Service of God are declared and held forth and whereby it is manifest that it is the Light Grace and Spirit of Christ revealed in the Hearts of the Sons and Daughters of Men that rightly Renews Fits Prepares and Qualifies them for Worshipping and Serving God acceptably and opens their Vnderstandings in Divine and Spiritual matters insomuch that in all acts of Worship and Service unto God the Holy Ghost is to have the Precedency so as to move act influence and assist the Persons exercised therein whether it be in publick Preaching Testimonies and Declarations for God and his Truth or in Prayers Praises and Thanksgivings unto him And also that those who in their own Will and Time do go about to perform acts of Worship and Service unto God in their Natural and Vnconverted State whilst they are despising and dis-regarding the Counsel Drawings and Directions of the Light and Spirit of Christ in themselves such Worshippers in that State and under those Circumstances may please themselves with such pretences but can no way perform that Divine and Spiritual Worship which is acceptable unto God in this Gospel day Although I might have produced divers Testimonies both of Antient and Modern Authors in favour of this Discourse yet for several Reasons I rather chuse to keep close to the Holy Scriptures inasmuch as I conceive those who are inclined to be Religious will not dare to make exceptions against that which is concluded to proceed from the Divine Spirit Let none be Offended that I do not admit of human Learning and natural Arts and Sciences to be of such absolute necessity for the Qualification of a Gospel Minister as some would have them For by what is here Written I do no way intend to undervalue human Learning or lessen its esteem in the minds of such as are inclin'd to make a right use thereof for I do grant that it is good and serviceable in its place yea it is and may be serviceable upon many accounts to a Gospel Minister where it is reduc'd to a blessed Subordination and Conformity to the Spirit of Truth but then if People will attempt to exalt it above the teachings of the Divine Spirit and lay that stress upon it for opening the Mysteries of Truth which the Holy Ghost will not admit of in that case I found my self concern'd to bear a Testimony for the Truth and against the Vanity of such as would extol human Learning and natural Arts and Sciences above their proper use and service Albeit the consideration of those many Treatises which have been writ by other Hands upon these accounts did at first seem to divert me from this undertaking yet for clearing of my Conscience in the sight of God and in performance of that Duty and Service which I owe to him I thought fit to cast my Mite into the Treasury desiring that what I have here Written in Humility may be Read and Expounded in Charity and that God Almighty who is the Author of all our Blessings may by his Grace and Goodness make this small Treatise effectual for informing the minds of People upon these accounts and for reducing them into that pure and spiritual Worship which is acceptable unto him through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen So desireth and so prayeth thy Christian Friend George Myers THE CONTENTS § 1. COncerning the Worship that was Instituted by Jesus Christ and Practiced by his People pag. 1. § 2. Concerning Mans incapacity of Worshiping and Serving God acceptably in his natural and unconverted State. pag. 4. § 3. Concerning the necessity of receiving the Light Grace and Spirit of Christ in order to quicken and renew to God and so to prepare and qualifie People for his Worship and Service pag. 10. § 4. Concerning the Gospel Church and Evangelical Temple pag. 15. § 5. Concerning silent waiting upon God for the help and concurrence of his holy Spirit in the performance of Divine Worship pag. 20. § 6. Concerning the Preparation Call and Ordination of Gospel Ministers pag. 25. § 7. Concerning Women Preaching pag. 34. § 8. Concerning the Rise of Gospel Performances the Qualifications of Gospel Ministers showing that they are not from Human Learning Worldly Wisdom and Natural Arts and Sciences but from the Divine Spirit pag. 43. § 9. Concerning outward Force and Violence in Religious matters and the unlawfulness of forceable resisting the temporal Magistracy p. 55. § 10. Concerning the Maintenance of Gospel Ministers pag. 63. § 11. Concerning Prayer pag. 75. § 12. Concerning Singing of Psalms and Artifical Musick pag. 88. The Conclusion pag. 98. THE Spiritual Worship EXALTED Section I. Concerning the Worship that was Instituted by Jesus Christ and Practiced by his People AFter the Lord God in his own appointed time saw meet to put an end to the Dispensation of the
should Prophesie what not but he was speaking of that order and decency which such as Prophesie ought to observe he was treating of Spiritual Gifts and of Speaking and Praying in an unknown Tongue and of the method that such should use If any Man says he speak in an unknown Tongue let it be by two or at the most by three and that by course and let one interpret but if there be no Interpreter let him keep silence in the Church and let him speak to himself and to God let the Prophets speak two or three and let the other judge and if any thing be revealed to him that sitteth by let the first hold his peace for ye may all Prophesie one by one c. then he adds Let your Women keep silence in the Churches for it is not permitted unto them to speak but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the Law and if they will learn any thing let them ask their Husbands at home for it is a shame for a Woman to speak in the Church And so he goes on and concludes that Chapter with these Words Let all things be done decently and in order By all which it is very clear plain that the Apostles drift was to advise them unto a decent comely and orderly method in the Church and that he did not intend a general prohibition unto Women howsoever they were called or qualified for then had he not only opposed their approved Practice in the Church but even his own Testimony in the very same Epistle where he saith Every Woman that Prayeth or Prophesieth with her Head uncovered dishonoureth her Head chap. 11.5 Thus he is so far from disallowing of Women Praying or Prophesing that he adviseth how they shall be covered and demean themselves in the performance of such Services and Devotions Again the Apostle says Ye may all Prophesie one by one and if All then Women as well as Men forasmuch as without any restriction he directs his Epistle to the Church of God at Corinth which no question consisted of Women as well as Men if then these words Ye may all Prophesie have relation unto them to whom the Apostle directed that Epistle as is certain then Women may Prophesie as well as Men provided they be truly called and qualified by the Spirit of God and that any thing be revealed and enjoyned upon them to declare and hold forth unto People from him who is and ought to be the sole orderer and disposer of the Hearts and Spirits of all his People And as for that saying of his unto Timothy it is much to the same purpose for he was speaking how Women should adorn themselves and how they should not adorn themselves then he subjoyns Let the Woman learn in silence with all subjection but I suffer not a Woman to Teach nor to usurp Authority over the Man but to be Silent 1 Tim. 2.9 10 11 12. There is no question but there were such Women at Ephesus where Timothy then was who had need of this care to be taken concerning them and at Corinth too such as were unlearned proud and tattling Women not come to the true silence and therefore he says Let the Women learn in silence with all subjection Again its probable there might be such as would be teaching and usurping authority over the Man such had need to be silent indeed that 's without dispute for if they were for usurping authority over the man they were very unfit to be Teachers of others But what of all this although Proud Vain Tattling Ignorant and Unlearned Women are not to be permitted to Speak in the Church nor to make disturbance there with their unseasonable and unlearned Questions and Discourses but are to learn in Silence with all Subjection and to be under Obedience as also saith the Law yet it does not therefore follow but that such Women as are become Meek Humble Sober Grave Temperate Wise and Discreet and keep their Place and Station in the blessed Truth and have been content to learn in silence with all subjection may do and perform such Services and Devotions in the Church of Christ as they may be called unto and have a necessity from the Lord laid upon them to be found in the practice of whether it be in publick Declarations and Testimonies for God and his Truth or in Prayers Praises and Thanksgivings unto him The Scriptures do afford us divers Testimonies that Women as well as Men have been concerned upon these accompts to pass by divers that might be mentioned whose Names are recorded in the writings of the Old Testament in whom the Spirit of the Lord has been so prevalent that they have appeared Zealous for the God of Israel we shall only speak of those mention'd in the writings of the New Testament who have been concerned in the Work and Service of the Gospel We Read that Anna the Daughter of Phanuel was a Prophetess and Preached to the People in the Temple at Jerusalem the Clorious Day of Israel's Redemption Luke 2.36 37 38. The next is the Woman of Samaria with whom Christ himself Conversed she was taught of Christ himself that he was the Messiah and then she went and Publish't the same in the City Sychar John 4.26.28 29. Again we find that ridings of Christs Resurrection was first publish't by a Woman viz. Mary Magdalen and that she was commanded by Christ himself to go to his Brethren and say unto them I ascend unto my Father and your Father and to my God and your God John 20.17 18. And also Philip the Evangelist who was one of the seven mentioned Acts 6.5 had four Daughters Virgins which did Prophesie Acts 21.8 9. Moreover the Apostle Paul himself was so far from discouraging Women upon these accounts that he mentions several being concerned with him in the Work and Service of Gospel he begins the 16 chapter to the Romnus thus I commend unto you Phebe our Sister which is a Servant of the Church which is at Cenchrea Again Greet Priscilla and Aquila my fellow helpers in Christ Jesus Salute Tryphena and Tryphosa who labour in the Lord. Salute the beloved Persis which laboured much in the Lord Rom. 16.3 12. All these were Women except Aquila Also the same Apostle in his Epistle to the Philippians writeth thus And I intreat thee also true Yoke-Fellow help those Women that laboured with me in the Gospel with Clement also and other my fellow Labourers whose Names are written in the Book of Life Phil. 4.3 Thus it is manifest that serious godly and wel-disposed Women whom the Lord by his Grace and Spirit stired up in former Ages to serve him and to bear a Testimony for his Name and Truth were owned by the Apostle in their Service and accepted of in the Church of Christ and indeed they ought to be so still wherein it is manifest that their Exercise and Service stands in the Truth and in the fellowship
as no question but there is those Prayers and Devotions which are thus begun carried on and concluded in mans own natural Will Strength and Wisdom without the help and influence of the Grace and Spirit of Christ are of that number Object It s probable some may alledge That our Lord taught his Disciples to Pray and gave them a Form of Prayer Answ In answer whereunto I say That although he did so yet they were in some sort Disciples before he taught them not worldly men and his teaching them at that time is not an argument that every one in their own will and time can say that Prayer acceptably but we may rather infer from thence That as they then were not to pray as the Hypocrites and Heathen did but according as he taught them being then outwardly present with them even so his People are not to pray now as the Hypocrites and Heathen do but according as he teaches them being spiritually presents with them yet nevertheless that Prayer which he taught them as it was then so it is now very good and useful unto such as can express those Words there set forth in Truth and Righteousness Those who have received the adoption of Sons by vertue of the holy Spirit have right to call God Father and may say in Truth Our Father which art in Heaven hallowed be thy Name thy Kingdom come thy Will be done 〈◊〉 Earth as it is in Heaven c. But on the contrary How can those who are Children of Wrath and subject to the power of Darkness truly call God Father How can they who are altogether unholy hallow the Name of God What will it avan such to tell of the coming of Gods Kingdom who daily rebel against that which would give an entrance thereunto How can those do the will of God in Earth who neither regard that which would enable them thereunto nor will believe that any such thing an be done Thus al tho wicke ungodly men may tell of Prayer yet in that state they are quite out of order and utterly uncapable of performing it acceptably until they have received the Spirit and have the help and influence thereof in some degree or other which thing yet leads me to this further observation If no man can call Jesus Lord but by the Holy Ghost as the Apostle positively affirms 1. Cor. 12.3 Then how can any truly call God Father but as they are in some measure acted by the Spirit of the Son. Howbeit I would have none to suspect that I do in the least intend hereby to discourage People in being diligent in Prayer and Supplication unto God Almighty but I would Caution and Exhort them in the Light of Christ to wait for the help and influence of his Grace and Spirit in such undertakings that so they may be enabled to perform those Duties acceptably before words be uttered unto the Lord let it first be considered how the Heart is prepared and from what root the words do proceed for it is not simply the words but the rise thereof that the Lord looks at in all our Services and Devotions before him And as those that fail in the Foundation do hazard the Superstructure even so where People fall wrong in the very ground of their Devotions their further proceedings therein will be in danger to prove Insignificant and Unsuccessful I do not say but that God who is rich in Mercy and waits to be gracious unto People doth and will pass by many Weaknesses and Imperfections upon these accounts yet none ought so to presume thereon as to make the particular acts of Gods Love and Condescension unto some and upon some accounts to be a general rule for all or to be an excuse or cover unto any for Disobedience and Rebellion it is certainly the duty of all to be diligent in Prayer and Supplication unto God and I cannot but exhort all People thereunto but then it does not follow that any shall attempt such performances or go about the same being unprepared by the Spirit of God for that thereby if they have been negligent in Prayer before they will be so far from mending the matter that they will incur a fresh censure therefore let it be the care of every one that goes about to perform the duty of Prayer to watch and wait upon God diligently for the help and concurrence of his blessed and holy Spirit in all such undertakings and also when they feel and witness themselves to be rightly disposed in Spirit for approaching before the Lord in Prayer and Supplication unto him let them consider themselves in his presence and be careful to appear in an humble and reverent posture of Body as well as Soul that is in a decent orderly and comely manner as much as well can be with bowed Knees Ephe. 3.12 1 Cor. 11.4 and men with uncovered Heads according to the Practice and Direction of the Apostle in those cases thereby shewing forth that holy Submission Reverence and Respect every way which we all owe to the Divine Majestly unto whom all Honour Glory and Praise is due world without end Section XII Concerning Singing of Pssalms and Artisscial Musick THe next thing to be considered is Singing of Pssalmes which is confest to be a part of Gods Worship and very acceptable as it proceeds from a true sence of God Love in the Heart and arises from the influence of the holy Spirit whereby the Lords People are led to breath forth unto God in a sweet and spiritual Harmony or in Words sutable to their present Condition but then on the contrary when vain minded People do go about to 〈◊〉 in their own will and time 〈◊〉 a for●al seigned and customary way 〈◊〉 having the knowledge of the motion and concurrence of the Divine Spirit and Word of Life in the Heart such Singing can no way be acceptable unto God nor beneficial unto those that use it for as it was in the case of Preaching and Praying so it is in this of Singing the holy Spirit is to be the chief and principal Author Mover and Actor in these respect Which thing will yet further appear if we consider the Words of the Apostle Paul upon this account Be not drunk with Wine wherein is excess but be filled with the Spirit Speaking to your selves in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs Singing and making Melody unto the Lord Ephes 5. 18 19. And again Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all Wisdom Teaching and Admonishing one another in Psalms and Hymns and spiritual Songs singing with Grace in your Hearts to the Lord Col. 3.16 From whence it is manifest That those Songs and that Melody which the Saints and Children of God are to be sound in the practice of are to spring and arise from that which is pure and holy therefore it is to be observ'd that he tells them of being filled with the Spirit and of the Word of Christ dwelling richly