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A46867 The friendly enquirer's doubts and objections answered concerning the light within, the word of God, the church of Christ, gospel ministers, ordinances in general and in particular, water baptism, and the Lord's supper : together with a brief testimony against oaths and swearing / first intended and written for the satisfaction of some particular acquaintance and now published for more general service by James Jackson. Jackson, James, fl. 1674-1708. 1698 (1698) Wing J73; ESTC R34952 26,741 110

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Land of Egypt from whence ye came out where thou sowedst thy Seed and didst carry Water to it as to a Garden of Herbs Verse 11. But it is a Land of Hills and Valleys and drinketh Water of the Rain of Heaven no need here of Man's Pumping Draining or Forceing Verse 12. A Land which the Lord thy God careth for the Eyes of the Lord thy God are always upon it from the begining of the Year even to the end of the Year And observe what a good account Caleb and Joshua gave of the Land in the presence of these Men who had brought up the aforesaid evil report to the jeopardy of their Lives Numb 14.7 It is say they an exceeding good Land a Land that floweth with Milk and Hony and as for those Gyants and mighty Men of stature say they fear not the People of the Land they are bread for us and upon hearing of this all the Congregation bad Stone them with Stones Whereby it is very observable how readily the common People close with and embrace the evil suggestions of the Enemy and also how hard a thing it is to undeceive such as are prejudiced against the Truth tho' grounded only upon bare report and false accusations and thus the Hearts of People are perverted 2. And yet these Evil Men do not only discourage the Hearts of the People by despising and Reproaching the good Land but they also deter and hinder them by suggesting such difficulties as possibly cannot be overcome such Enemies as never on this side the Grave can be conquered Altho' the Lord had graciously promised a total subduing of all Israel's Enemies Deut. 11.22 Saying If ye shall diligently keep all these commandments which I command you to do them to love the Lord your God to walk in all his ways and to cleave to him then will the Lord drive out all these Nations from before you and ye shall possess greater Nations and mightier ●han your selves and there shall no Man be able to stand before you All this and much more did the Lord promise to Israel of Old concerning a perfect dominion and victory over all their Enemies And in a more especial manner hath he promised an absolute Conquest and Deliverance from the Kingdom and Powers of Darkness to all that are Travelling to the Spiritual Canaan even unto all that receive Jesus Christ that love him believe in him and obey his Voice John 1.7.9 They who walk in the Light as he is in the Light have fellowship one with another and the Blood of Jesus cleanseth from all Sin and if we confess and forsake our Sins God is faithful and just to forgive us our Sins and to cleans● us from all Vnrighteousness John 12.46 I am come saith Christ a Light into the World that whosoever believeth in me should not abide in Darkness And indeed for this very end is our Lord Jesus promised sent and manifested to put an end to Sin to finish Transgression and bring in everlasting Righteousness to destroy the works of the Devil to bind the strong Man though never so well armed to cast him out and spoil his Goods not in part but to save even to the uttermost all that come to the Father by him But these Men do not only refuse and despise the Land of Promise and the only way to Life and Salvation but hinder and shut up the Kingdom that others who would enter in cannot yea they deny the only means of eternal Salvation by their confidently affirming that Revelation is ceased whereas our Lord Jesus hath declared and all the Faithful Servants of God in all Ages bear witness That none know the Father but he to whom the Son reveals him 7. And we are against all those who are and have with Judas through envy and avarice been the betrayers of the Interest and cause of Christ and People of God into the Merciless Hands of cruel Persecutors who will not yet see But saith the Lord they shall see and be ashamed for their envy against my People Of these therefore I shall only say with Jacob Simeon and Levi are Brethren Instruments of cruelty are in their Habitations O my Soul come not thou into their Secret unto their assembly mine honour be not thou united for in their Anger they shed much Blood and in their self-will they digged down a Wall Gen. 49. But the Ministers of Christ whom he has sent as his Ambassadors we own and none else if you say who are they I answer they who have received their Commission and Embassie from Christ for saith he to his Father As thou sent me so have I sent them into the World and to his Disciples he said As the Father sent me into the World even so send I you into the World John 17. 1st Christ was the Son of God and a Voice from Heaven testified saying This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear him 2ly he was immeasurably anointed with the Spirit 3d. by Vertue of his Sonship and Unction he endured and conquered all the Assaults and Temptations of Satan and 4ly he went out and preached the Gospel and 5ly that Doctrine which he had preached and witnessed to in his Life he confirmed and sealed by his Death in his Blood So are all true Ministers in their measure Children of God his anointed ones fitted through Sufferings to preach the Doctrine of the Gospel in the Life Power of the Eternal Word and thereby made ready to Seal thereto with their Blood if required Answ 2. As concerning Churches we believe that the Lord had a Church and peculier People whom he hath preserved through all Ages from the beginning to this present time in and with whom he will also abide for ever and this Church we own which is in The Communion of Saints one with another in the things of God through their Vnion with Iesus Christ which differs from the Churches of Men 1st In their constitution not gathered by Force Fear Favour or Will of Man but drawn of the Father adopted through the new Birth and so become a Spiritual Society first united to Christ by the Spirit of Faith and then knit together by the Bond of Love and Peace 2ly in their Discipline not by a Temporal Sword nor by humane Officers that act in the strength of natural or acquired parts but built beautified and governed by Christ himself Isa 54.12 Zach. 6.12 and by Instruments helped so far as the Spirit of Jesus Christ acts in them 2 Cor. 13.3 in the Church of Christ all are taught of God Isaiah 54.13 Tit. 2.11 1 John 2.27 4ly the Churches of Men are often broken to pieces scatered and confounded But the Gates which is the Power of Hell shall never prevail against the true Church Mat. 16.18 5ly in the Churches of Men are more Wicked than Righteous nay all of them being unrighteous and unclean are more or less the Synagogues of Satan the Habitation of Anti-christ
until John so John was until Christ and John must no more exceed his bounds than the Prophets theirs for as the Prophets continued and gave way to John so John resigned up to Christ John's Temporary Ministry had a Temporary Baptism but the Everlasting Gospel of Christ Jesus had an Everlasting Baptism I must decrease but he shall increase saith John therefore we leave John and his Baptism where we found them viz. Without the bounds and limits of Christ's Kingdom as to his dispensation Mat. 11.11 Verily I say unto you among them that are born of Women there hath not risen a greater Prophet than John Baptist nevertheless he that is least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he and if ye will receive it this is the Elias which was for to come But now to bring Signs and Ceremonies into Christ's Kingdom the true Church is acting directly against Christ and him crucified and surely none are so weak as to rely upon Water Baptism as sufficient which I fear many Thousands do without the Sactification of the Spirit or to think that Christ's Spiritual Baptism is not compleat with John's these do worse than to build Tabernacles for Moses and John the Baptist equal to one for Christ and so debase the greatest Glory of the New Testament the Baptism of the Spirit Object 1. But have all our Christian fore-Fathers been in the dark about this Thing that Water Baptism which gives us our Christendome hath no room now in the Church and Kingdom of Christ Answ 1. The Judgments of the Lord are unsearchable and his ways past finding out 2. that Christianity which proceeds from Water Baptism is but low and mean it is but Skin deep However it is only the Baptism of Christ's Spirit which maketh a true Christian Also our Lord said to Peter Vnless I wash thee thou hast no part in me John 13.8 even so it is with us unless we be sanctified and cleansed by the Spirit of Jesus we shall perish our Uncleanness Object 2. But Christ who is Lord of the Kingdom and Head of the true Church submitted to this Ordinance and was baptized with Water I Answer very true and Jesus was also circumcised and honoured John's Baptism 1. because he was born under the Law 2. to fulfiill and finish all legal Righteousness and so he that knew no Sin was made Sin for us That we might be made the Righteousness of God in him wherefore beware least any spoil you through Philosophy and vain Deceit after the Traditions of Men after the Rudiments of this World and not after Christ for he is the Substance and in him dwelt the fulness of the Godhead bodily And ye are Compleat in Him in whom also ye are circumcised with the Circumcision made without hands in putting off the body of the Sins of the Flesh by the Circumcision of Christ Buried with Him in Baptism wherein also ye are Risen with Him through the Faith of the operation of God blotting out the hand writing of Ordinances which was against us and contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to the Cross and having spoiled Principalities and Powers he made a shew of them openly Triumphing over them in it Col. 2.8 to 15. Object 3. But does not the Lord justifie Water Baptism in saying Except a Man be born of Water John 3.5 and commands it Go teach all Nations Baptizing them c. Answ Not at all for the Lord does not say Except a Man be baptized of Water but born of Water whence it plainly appears such Water is here intended as can give a new Birth or a new Life And saith he if thou hadst known the Gift of God thou wouldst have asked of him and he would have given thee Living Water And so all that are regenerated know this Well of Living Water and witness it to be in them springing up to Everlasting Life John 4.14 and I have long observed when Baptism in Scriprure is mentioned presently it is by some assigned and confined to Water Baptism whereas nothing less can be intended as Mat. 28.19 there is Christ's Commission to his Apostles Go teach all Nations baptizing them how or wherewith 'T is soon answered with Material Water but we say Material Water is not mentioned and no more intended in this Baptism than the material Element of Fire is meant in these Words He shall baptize you with the holy Ghost and with Fire Mat. 3.11 and therefore in full answer to this last Objection I say that our Lord Jesus never practised instituted or commanded the use of Water Baptism in his Church John 4.3 Jesus our Lord commanded to Baptize Mat. 28.19 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 into the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Here is the Commission at large and not a word of Water mentioned neither doth it appear that these words In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost was at any time expressed by the Apostles when they or any of them condescended to the use of Water for they understand the import of their Embassie consisted not in the use of those words but that by the effectual ministration of the Word of Faith they might implant such as believe into the Name i. e. the Power Vertue and Life of God the Father Son and Spirit Besides Paul whose Commission was as full as the other Apostles speaking of Water Baptism saith thus Christ sent me not to Baptize but to Preach the Gospel 1 Cor. 1.17 Object 4. But the Apostles practised Water Baptism not only before Christ's Spiritual Baptism came in but afterwards also Answ It is granted and they used Circumcision also but neither of these practices were in obedience to any command of Christ but from the Example of Moses and John Baptist and in condescention for certain it is all and every outward Sign or Ceremony having at first Divine Institution are not easily laid down by reason of that Honourable Account they have obtained in the Church as the brazen Serpent the use whereof was only in the Wilderness but being appointed of God and very Serviceable in that time yet it remained many Generations though of no use unless for an Idol till the Reign of Hezekiah who broke in pieces the brazen Serpent which Moses had made for unto those days the Children of Israel did burn Incense unto it In like manner Circumcision being ended an Ordinance of God of great esteem and service amongst the Jews was continued long after it was abolished by Christ but the Apostle affirms of it to be nothing even as it 's said in another place an Idol is nothing in the World so says Paul Circumcision is nothing and Vncircumcision is nothing nor is he a Jew that is one outwardly neither is that Circumcision which is outward in the Flesh but he is a Jew which is one inwardly and Circumcision is that of the Heart in the Spirit
THE Friendly Enquirer's Doubts and Objections ANSWERED Concerning The Light within The Word of God The Church of Christ Gospel Ministers Ordinances in General and in Particular Water Baptism and The Lord's Supper TOGETHER With a Brief Testimony against OATHS and SWEARING First Intended and Written for the Satisfaction of some particular Acquaintance And now published for more General Service By Iames Iackson London Printed and Sold by T. Sowle next door to the Meeting-House in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street 1698. THE Friendly Enquirer's Doubts and Objections ANSWERED c. THat which was from the beginning even that good Word of Life which is the Light of Men that which we have seen and heard and tasted of is here declared unto you that ye also may have Fellowship with us And truly our Fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ and for this and no other end write I unto you but that your joy may be full This then is the Message that God is Light and in him is no darkness at all and if we say that we have Fellowship with him and walk in darkness we Lie and do not the Truth But if we walk in the Light as he is in the Light we have Fellowship one with another and the Blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all Sin If we say we have no Sin we deceive our selves and the Truth is not in us but if we confess our Sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our Sins and to cleanse us from all our Unrighteousness 1 John to the 9th Whoever therefore would attain unto the blessed Work of Sanctification to be cleansed from all Sin by the Blood of Jesus Christ and so come to enjoy the comfortable fellowship of the Holy Ghost which proceeds from the Father and the Son Must turn from Darkness to Light Acts 26.18 must Believe in the Light John 12.36 And walk in the Light even as he is in the Light and will know that this Turning is an Inward Turning from the Darkness which is within unto the Light within where the Day dawneth his Star ariseth and the day spring from on high doth visit us even in our Hearts 2. Pet. 1.19 Wherefore blessed are they who are not offended in the Light but turn to it believe in it and obey it in all things 1. Objection But we are afraid of being deceived This is a new and strange Doctrine did ever Christ or his Apostles bid Men believe and obey the Light within Answer 1. Are you not already deceived Consider and faithfully examine your own conditions if you are delivered out of the deceived State wherein the greatest part of the World yet remain are you not in a sinful Trasgressing State For 't is said The Woman being deceived was in the Transgression 1 Tim. 2.14 2. They who believe and abide in the Light know that they are not deceived seek not to deceive any nor fear any deceiving them tho' whilst we walk in the imaginations of our own Hearts and warmed our selves with the sparks of our own kindling that then as the Serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty so our Minds were corrupted from the Simplicity that is in Jesus in which State we see many yet to stand whom the Lord will undeceive in his own time But evil Men and seducers will wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived And never fear deceit in those that turn you to the Light unto which they that do the Truth bring all their works Verily you ought cautiously to be aware of and suspect all those who pretend safe conduct but reject and hate the Light 3. Search and Prove this Doctrine freely without prejudice or partiality judge nor condemn it unheard speak not evil of any thing unknown for so we may unhappily condemn the Innocent and make our selves Guilty We should rightly understand what another holds before we contend against him least for want of this Wisdom and Patience we oppose not so much his Judgment as our own Conceit Better it is to hear a Mans mind with meekness and candor than hastily to guess at it 4. Be not wedded I beseech you to any Opinion nor wise in your own Conceits so as to build upon your own or other Mens Judgments and rest satisfied therein because it is strengthned by Multitude Custom Authority and Antiquity for undoubtedly many have erred grosly in those things they have thought themselves infallible Better it is to cleave to the clear and naked Truth 's of God alone than to follow the Doctrines and Examples of the most learned and Eminent Professors in the World when they hold not the Truth as it is in Jesus 5. Reproach not this Doctrine saying it is new and strange or that ye never heard it so before for this discovers your ignorance more than my Error for this which to you may seem to be a new Error being rightly examined by the Scriptures will evidently prove an old Truth and if you will needs reject whatsoever to you savours of Novelty how shall the Truths we yet know not be brought in and the Ignorance and Error which yet remain be purged out 6. This is the same Doctrine which was preached by our blessed Saviour and his holy Prophets and Apostles which was believed and obeyed by all the Faithful Saints and Servants of God since the Creation the same which the Lord gave in charge to the Israelites by the mouth of Moses saying Behold I send my Angel before thee to keep thee in the way and to bring thee to the place I have prepared Beware of him and obey his Voice Exod. 23.20 But the Soul that doeth ought presumptuously reproacheth the Lord and shall be cut off from his People because he hath despised the Word of the Lord Numb 15.30 what is here meant by the Word of the Lord Answer Nothing less than the Light of Christ in their Hearts For saith Moses It is not hidden from thee neither is it far off but the Word is very nigh even in thy Heart and in thy Mouth that thou shouldest hear it and do it Deut. 30.11 to 14. to which the Apostle gives his Testimony that this Word or Light within is not Diabolical nor Natural nor Legal but Evangelical and affirms that obedience thereunto is of the Righteousness of Faith Rom. 10. from the 5th to the 8th David calls it a Lamp to his feet and a Light to his paths and prays that the Light and the Truth may be his Leader and Guide Solomon says The reproof of instruction is the way of Life And the Prophet Isaiah testifies thou shalt hear a Word behind thee saying this is the Way walk in it Isa 30.21 John the Baptist preached Christ the Light which was the Word which was in the beginning of the World and He was sent to bear witness of this Light which is not a false Light or a natural Light but the true Light which lighteth
done despight to the strivings of the Spirit as the old World did such as are complained of Jer. 6.29 and such as Stephen reproves Acts 7.51 even such as God hath given up cast off and rejected yet doth not this prove but that the Light and Spirit of Christ was once in them and at work in their Hearts Answ 3. And yet further in the next place the Love of Christ constraineth us thus to Judge because if Christ died for all then were all dead 2 Cor. 5.14 and as Christ dyed for all Men so his grace is free for all Men For the Grace of God which brings Salvation hath appeared to all Men Tit. 2.11 for he is able and willing to save all that yeild obedience to the tenders of his boundless endless unlimited universal love to Mankind without exception and this we are verily persuaded of from these and such like considerations 1. Because the Lord is no respecter of Persons he maketh his Sun to rise on the just and on the unjust and sendeth Rain on the evil and on the good he accepteth not the Persons of Princes nor regardeth the Rich more than the Poor for they all are the work of his Hands 2. Because that Light which shined in our dark ignorant unclean and unbelieving Hearts before Conversion is the very same in which we ought to live and abide since our Conversion that which formerly stood by and in us was an Eye witness too and bore a faithful Testimony against us while we walked in Darkness is the same which since the time of our Believing and abiding in his Light witnesseth with our Spirits that we are the Children of God That very Light which before reproved convinced judged and condemned us for all unbelief and unrighteousness both in Heart and Life is still the same which doth convert confirm cleanse justify and save yea that Light which before shined in Darkness when we were as vile as the worst of Sinners doth now to the praise of God shine out of Darkness whereof we are not Ashamed 3. Because our Lord Jesus who cannot lye hath said that Man's Condemnation ariseth only from the contempt of and disobedience unto this Light saying this is The Condemnation that Light is come into the World but Men love darkness rather than light John 3.19 Now most certain it is that Man's Damnation is occasioned from viz. either want of Light or thro' the deficiency of this Light or rather from Man's Rebellion and disobedience to this Light First we may not think so hardly of God that Man's Condemnation ariseth from the want of saving Light this is to charge God with Injustice as the evil and unprofitable Servant said Lord I knew thee to be an Austere and hard Man reaping where thou hast not Sown and gathering where thou hast not strewed And what greater Unmercifulness can be charged upon God Than that he withholds from any Man the benefit of his saving Light or withdraws it before Man's Rebellion against it And Secondly 'T is no less than Blasphemy to say that the Light of Christ is insufficient and not able to save all that come to God thereby for tho' his appearance at first be as the day of small things as the least of all Seeds a little Stone disalowed and despised of Men who stumble and are offended at him yet chosen of God and exceeding precious to all that Believe who know him to be the Almighty Arm and Power of God to Salvation the alsufficiency whereof is further demonstrated by its Divine Nature and Powerful effects 1. The Nature of this Divine Light in which we believe and Know to be that measure of the immortal unchangeable undefiled and perfect Principle of Life Light and Holiness which never fell nor consented to any Evil but ever opposed and stood against the whole corrupt nature will and affections of faln Man a Measure I say hereof is given to every one to profit withal 1 Cor. 12.7 so that the Light I speak of is nothing of Man's Nature but of the Divine Nature whereof he hath made us partakers by revealing his Son in us even that great Mistery Christ in you the hope of Glory the blessed Seed promised Gen. 3.15 yea even the Son of God who is sent into the World that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have Eternal Life 2. The Effects of the Light when Christ was upon Earth John saw and bare Record saying Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the Sins of the World and yet the Lord said A Greater Testimony have I than that of John for the Works that I do in my Fathers Name they testifie of me so we say of his Light however slighted and despised by the World if his Works be not such as none else can do believe him not Effect 1. Hereby the Sinner is convinced of and condemned for all Sins that ever he commiteth of what kind or nature soever they be John Come said the Woman of Samaria and I will shew you a Man that hath told me all things that ever I did Is not this the Christ John 4.29 Effect 2. Hereby the true fear of the Lord which is the beginning of Wisdom is actually planted in the Heart for while a Man in his Imaginations supposes God and Christ only as circumscribed at a great distance he persists with boldness in his evil ways but when his mind is turned into the Light he is thereby made to understand and see his condition and misery and to see him whom he hath pierced which forces this or the like general Cry Lord I have heard of thee by the hearing of the Ear But now mine Eye sees thee wherefore I abhor my self in Dust and Ashes Effect 3. This causeth not only repentance thorough Faith in Christ the Light but also worketh in the Heart Obedience of Faith Rom. 16.26 Effect 4. Hereby Man's insufficiency to answer the requirings of God is discerned and the Alsufficient Strength and Power of Christ discovered The Spirit of Truth shall guide you into all Truth for he shall Glorifie me For he shall receive of mine and shew it unto you John 16.13.14 Effect 5. They who have believed and do abide in the Light and they only are hereby enabled and made willing freely to declare and preach their experiences to others and to confound and put to silence the weakness ignorance and folly of all that reproach and oppose this Doctrine as the illiterate young Man did to the learned Scribes and Pharisees Why this is a marvelous thing said he that yee know not whence he is and yet he hath opened my Eyes Since the World began was it not heard that any Man opened the Eyes of one that was born Blind J●hn 9.30 wherefore let all who look out for another Saviour remember the answer of Christ to John Baptist on the like account Go saith Christ and tell him that sent ye to ask saying art thou