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A14157 A fruitfull sermon preached in Christs-Church the 13. of Iulie. Anno 1589. By Anthony Tyrell sometime a seminarie priest. But by the great mercie of God made a true professor of the Gospel, and preacher of his holy word: conteining an admonition vnto vertue, and a dehortation from vice. Taken by characterye Tyrrell, Anthony, 1552-1610? 1589 (1589) STC 24474; ESTC S118810 26,816 78

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himselfe Finallie the last state of a synner is worse then the first in respect of God who punisheth synne For the order of iustice requireth that the more graces and benefits that a man receiueth at the Lordes handes and the more he contēneth and abuseth them that the more seuere and gréeuous shall be his punishment And therefore it stādeth euerie man and woman vpon to take héed that he receiue not the grace of God in vaine That we abuse not Gods mercy by adding now sinnes to our old For as the Apostle sayth Rom. 2.4 because the Lord is mercifull patient long suffering shall wee therefore make this an occasion of sinne God forbid I denie not but in what hower soeuer a sinner shall repent and turne frō his wicked waies that the Lord will receiue take him to mercie if he repent indéede from his hart and haue a full purpose by the helpe assistance of Gods grace to sinne no more the which purpose and intention if the sinner haue not and when he hath it vnlesse he put in practise and execute it his repentance is no repentance hee doth but dallye and mocke with God Almightie hee feareth not his iudgements and therefore he shall neuer be partaker of his mercie And thus ye sée how the last estate of a sinner is worse then the first in respect of God himselfe The conclusion of the whole is this So shal it bee with this wicked generation By these wordes we may perceiue that our Sauiour Christ ment that the hath bin spoken of the Scribes and Pharises who contemned and maligned him for all his miracles and wonders that he wrought among them Let vs déerly beloued for our profit and benefit apply them to our selues and thinke that they are spoken vnto euery one of vs here in particular let vs not abuse the graces and mercies that the Lord hath bestowed among vs as the Scribes and Pharises did least according to the example of the repossessed man we be accounted among that wicked and peruerse generation If I should reckon vnto you the benefites and graces wherwith the Lord hath blessed our Countrie and the aboue other nations I should hold you ouer long Of an infinit number take a few and besides the common benefits note the particular and so I make and end We were al possessed with the Spirit of blindnesse as all other natiōs who tempted vs to al vncleannes to Idolatrie and superstition in as vile and as wicked maner as euer the Gentiles or Pagans were It pleased the Lord to expell this spirite of darknes from vs and to send vs the light of his Gospel by the which hee hath illumined vs that there is no nation at this day vnder heauen that hath it more bright Hee hath sent vs besides a most gratious Quéene and Prince vnder whose most happie gouernment we haue liued these 30 yeares in great peace tranquillitie more then any Nation round about vs he hath mightily miraculously defended both her and vs from the inuasion of our enemies that thought to haue swallowed and deuoured vs vp quicke What shall I say what mercy hath he not shewed vs what wonders hath hee not wrought amōgst vs. And yet behold are we not become almost vnmindful of these benefits do we not abuse these mercies of almighty god in promising vnto our selues peace securitie and thereby remain in our former sinnes and wickednes Bee our liues any thing amended our manners and behauiours bettered whereby the Lord may bee the more glorified and our selues comforted I feare me no How doth sin abound yet amongst vs how doth euerie one walke after his owne wicked concupiscence How doth sin shew herselfe almost with vncouered face If I should enter into the particulars I should amaze you Pride aboundeth lecherie ouerfloweth couetousnes rageth and not in any small portion but in summo gradu in the highest degrée Is it not to be feared if it so continue but the the vncleane spirit wil returne againe and that if hée come do you not thinke that hee will bring seauen worse then himself and that God for our vnworthines wil permit him to make reētrāce So should our end be worse than the beginning So should we haue the maledictiō of that wicked generation That the wrath of the Lord may be auerted frō vs in this I can say no more but repent amend for the day of the Lord is at hād For the which the Lord grāt vs all grace to prepare our selues to be in a redines But for as much as no man is able to make this preparation of himselfe without the especiall grace of God let vs with humble and penitent hartes craue of our heauenly Father for his Sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ his sake that hee would vouchsafe of his infinite goodnes and mercie to take from vs our stonie hartes and put into vs fleshy hartes that may bee pliable vnto his holye will and so to be gouerned by his holie Spirite that in al the assaultes of our enemie he may haue no power ouer vs but that by his power and might we may vanquish and ouercome him and that we may be so fortifyed that no aduersitie put vs downe no prosperite puffe vs vp and that on euery side wée being fenced by the Lords most heauenly protection Sathan that goeth about like a roring Lion séeking whom hee may deuour may make no reentry Graunt this O heauenly Father for thy deare sonne Iesus Christ his sake together with the holy spirite To whom being thrée Persons in Trinitie and one in vnitie be all glorie praise power and dominiō both now and euermore Amen Imprinted at London by Iohn Windet dwelling at the Signe of the Cros-keies by Paules wharfe
A FRVITFVLL SERMON PREACHED in Christs-Church the 13. of Iulie Anno 1589. By Anthony Tyrell sometime a Seminarie Priest But by the great mercie of God made a true professor of the Gospel and Preacher of his holy word conteining an admonition vnto vertue and a dehortation from vice Taken by Characterye 2. Pet. 2.21 Better it had bin for a man not to haue knowen the way of righteousnes then after that hee hath knowen it to turne from the holie commaundement that was giuen vnto him AT LONDON Printed by Iohn Windet and are to be sold at the signe of the Sun in Pauls church-yard by Abraham Kitson TO THE MOST reuerend Father in God Iohn Archb. of Canterb. his humble Suppliant Anthonie Tyrell wisheth aboundance of al spirituall graces and blessings from God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ both in this world and in the world to come I Stood in doubt somwhile Right Reuerende and my especiall good Lord whether I might presume to make dedication of so simple and slender a matter vnto your graue and learned Grace but knowing how much I stood bound vnto your great and exceeding charitie and considering with what fauour you do affect a simple and well meaning minde and how religiouslie you haue prosecuted my irreligious demeanor in receiuing me as a lost straied sheepe vnto the fold of Christ againe and waying therewithal that notwithstanding my true and vnfained returne yet euerie sleight action of mine may seriouslie be Censured of such as are not giuen to speake the best but enclined to iudge the worst I thought it expedient for mine owne comfort to flie vnto your Lordships patronage and I hope for the causes before considered that I may boldlie do it without presumption not doubting but that thereby I shal safelie be defended from the sinister opinion of all my aduersaries May it please you therefore to vouchsafe to accept this simple Sermon which for the vtilitie of many and for the hurt of none I haue caused to be published in printe a matter though small in substance yet great in good will and the grateful acceptance therof at your Lordships handes may be an incouragement to greater endeuours It was not my purpose and meaning at the first to put this forth in print but vppon an occasion as your Lordship may vnderstand in the Preface and since it hath so fallen out that I did determine it to come abroad I thought I could not do better then to shroud it vnder the couert of your wings And in an other respect I am glad that the occasion hath bin offered me to set this foorth in publike that withall I might publish vnto the world yet once againe the constancie of my faith which by reason of my former inconstancy hath bin hardly Censured of manie as well Protestantes as Papistes The Papist thinking that I was ashamed of my late publicke action at Paules Crosse and the Protestant thinking that I did it but dissemblinglie To the first I answere with the Apostle S. Paul Non erubesco Euangelium Rō 1.16 Est enim virtus Dei in salutem omni credenti I am not ashamed of the Gospel for it is the power of God vnto saluation to all beleeuers And to the other I do answere with our Sauiour Nolite iudicare Mat. 7.1.2 vt non iudicemini in quo enim iudicio iudicaueritis iudicabimini Iudge yee not that yeè be not iudged For with what iudgement you do iudge you shall be iudged And therefore leauing the true discussion thereof vnto the euerlasting Iudge that knoweth the secrets of all mens hartes and shall lay open to all the world in the latter day the priuitie of a mans conscience I will say no more but this that I may satisfie him that standeth in doubt of me if I can That I do professe my selfe to be no otherwise in hart soule and conscience then I do set downe here by pen namelie a true seruant of Iesus Christ one that hath bin by his mercie called and reclaimed from the floods of errors Idolatrie and superstition wherewith I haue bin heretofore ouerwhelmed and that mine eies are opened and do behold my Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus in his Gospel and do receaue imbrace him in his word and that I obey and serue him in that true maner forme that he hath prescribed in the same And that I do from my hart as I haue heretofore testified relinquish and abandon the Pope and the sea of Rome so far forth as it mainteineth Idolatrie fauoureth superstition nourisheth schisme and deuision teacheth disobedience both to God and Princes And I do renounce him for Gods Vicar on earth which rebelleth against the Lord in Heauen in ouerthrowing kingdoms murdering of annointed Princes remouing subiectes from their due and naturall obedience and all to mainteine him selfe in pride and Antichristian gouernment acknowledging no other Church but the vniuersall Church of Christ dispersed throughout the world nor any other hed of the same then Christ Iesus by the merits of whose passion I hope to be saued and in whose faith I purpose to liue and die This being my publicke and outward testimonie yet once againe by this occasion vttered I hope all good and Godly men will rest fullie satisfied and as for the mouthes of the vngodlie in time the Lord shall stop them I needed not my good Lord vnto your Paternity haue vsed this protestation and yet I hope the renewal thereof with the cōtinuance shal be no smal comfort vnto you who thirsteth the health of my soule as your owne The cause chieflie why I did it was to stoppe the tongues of such as are alwaies itching to hurt and preiudice other men I haue said my minde it resteth that I pray for them to graunt me patience to beare the rebuke and that I may haue grace to remaine irreprouable vnto the end for the which I doubt not but your Lordship of your Charitie will vouchsafe to say Amen To trouble your Lordship farther by way of Preface I thought not neede wherefore beseeching your Grace to pardon my bold attempt to accept of my poore endeuour I conclude praying God continuallie to blesse you to make you a carefull and vigilant Pastour ouer his flocke to endue you with all graces necessarie for the gouernment of the same And so kissing the hand of your Paternity with all humilitie I take my leaue From my chamber in London Nouemb. 1589. Your Graces most humble and daily Oratour Anthony Tyrell To the Christian Reader IT was not my meaning I must confesse trulie Good Christian Reader to haue this short and briefe exortation which I made for my priuate exercise to come forth thus in publicke partlie for that I knowing mine owne ignorance and imperfectiō might seeme a great deale more bold then wise to set forth so simple and slender an action vnto the view of wise and learned men and partlie least I might be cōdemned of