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A10850 The vineyarde of vertue collected, composed, and digested into a tripartite order, conteining XXXII. most excellent plants of fruitful vertue: in most beautiful and blessed maner enuironing the true elect churche of God vpon earth. Euery plant conteining this tripartite order: namely definition testimonie examples of vertue by R.R. Robinson, Richard, citizen of London.; Uvedale, E. 1579 (1579) STC 21121; ESTC S105759 48,653 138

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lowe and he that humbleth him selfe shall be exalted Luk. 7. 18. Let the meeke brother reioice in his exhortation and the rich man in his humility because hee shall away hence as the flower of the grasse Iam. 1. Haue patience when thou arte brought lowe because in the fire is Golde siluer tryed and men acceptable vnto God are tryed by the furnace of aduersities Except you be conuerted become as one of these litle ones you shall not enter into the kingdome of Heauen Whosoeuer therfore shal humble him selfe as one of these little ones shall be greatest c. Matt. 18. Examples Christe Iesus our Sauiour the syncere fountaine of humilitie admonisheth al men to learne Humilitie of him saying Learne of me because I am humble meeke of heart Matt. 11. The Angel of God said vnto Agar Returne againe vnto thy mistresse and humble thy selfe vnder her handes ▪ Gen. 16. Abraham spake humbly vnto the Lord saying I will yet speake vnto my Lord although I am but earth and ashes Gen. 18. Iacob humbled himselfe very much before his brother Esau and so pacified his wrath Gen. 33. Moyses excused himself fiue times before hee would take vpon him the leading foorth of the people which yet the Lorde enioyned him and hee was not perswaded vntil he perceiued that the Lorde was angry Exod. 3. Gedeon when the Angell said vnto him goe in thy strength shalt thou deliuer Israel humbly aunsweared Beholde my stocke is weake in Manasses and I my selfe am the leaste in the house of my father Iud. 5. Dauid beeing tryed in manifolde troubles and finding greate comforte at the hands of God thus said It is good for mee that thou O Lorde hast chastised me Psal. 119. vers 71. Note his humilitie beeing crowned king by Samuell 1. King. 17. before Saule 1. King. 19. The prodigall childe returning to his father humbled himselfe Luke 15. For other Examples looke Saule 1. King. 9. Elisius 4. King. 2. The vii Plant Patience Definition THis vertue Patience is of great excellencie amongst humane kinde and best beseeming Christians namely tending to this effect that God may bee duely obeyed in our aduersities so as we doe nothing against the commaundements of God neither doe heape vppon vs his heauy displeasure but that for Christe his sonnes sake wee shoulde acknowledge him by saith to bee pacyfied and mercifull vnto vs that wee shoulde looke for his helpe and craue his mitigation of such afflictions as he in iustice layeth vpon vs and so in this Fayth hope should patiently beare whatsoeuer burden is layd vpon vs For the word of God doth highly extoll Patience commaunds vs to vse the same promiseth Gods help and deliuerance and teacheth that the godly ones are not heere afflicted by chaunce but by the will knowledge of God not that we should perish but that we should prosper more more after perils and as Saint Paule sayth Rom. 8. beeing made like vnto the sonne of God by afflictions should with him be like partakers of eternall glory Testimonies A patient man is better then one that is strong and he that can rule his affections is of more force then one that layeth siege vnto Cities Prou. 16. The Furnace tryeth the vessel of the potter so doth the tryall of troubles proue those that are righteous Ecc. 27 Troubles worketh patience patience maketh tryall and tryal bringeth hope Rom. 5. My Brethren count it for exceding ioy when you fall into diuers temptations knowing that the tryall of your faith worketh patience and patience maketh your worke perfect that you may be perfect and vpright not fainting in any thing Iam. 1. Now therefore keepe secret thy sorowe within thee and suffer manfully whatsoeuer chaunces shal happen vnto thee 3. Esdras 10. Blessed is the man which suffereth temptation because when he shall be tryed he shall receiue a crowne of life which God hath promised vnto all those that loue him Iam. 1. ●2 Bee patient therefore one with an other and confirme your heartes because the comming of the Lord is at hand Iam. 5. Examples Our sauiour Christ Iesus the most excellent mirror of perfect patience was first tempted of Sathan Matth. 4. Despised hated and disdained of the wicked worldlings Ioh. 17. and lastly persecuted and put to death by the cursed Iewes Mar. 15 leauing vs example that we should suffer iniuryes doone vnto vs and remit the reuenge vnto him that sayth Mine is vengeance and I will rewarde againe c. Deut. 32. Isaac suffered gladly that iniury to be offered him when his Father Abraham would haue sacrifized him Gen. 22. Ioseph patiently put vppe the crueltie of his brethren when they solde him and woulde haue put him into the pit Gen. 37. 45. Moyses prayed for Mary which spake so iniustly against him by his prayer she was healed Numb 12. Dauid fleeing from the face of Absolon said patiently vnto Sadoch If I finde fauour in the sight of the Lord he wil bring me againe 2. King. 15. 16. Tobias when he became blinde shewed a woonderfull Patience vnder the Lords scourge and against the derision of his wife and his friendes Tob. 2. 3. Other notable Examples were Iob. 1. 2. The three Children in the Ouen Dan. 5. and Eleazarus 2. Machab. 6. The viii Plant Perseueration in godlynesse Definition PErseueration or continuaunce of vertuous and godly life is the limitted path of perfection which GOD requireth of all his chosen seruants which haue begun to runne the race of righteousnesse not to stay in the middest neither to start aside neither yet to looke back at any time but to goe forwardes without wauering or distrust in the acknowledgement of God and in the faith of Christe constantly and for euer so continuing vntill the very last breath of our life and not to be discouraged by any sinister chaunces or aduersities neither suffer our selues to bee seduced from so good a purpose by any maner of meanes because whosoeuer haue once tasted the comfortable sweetnesse of Gods good graces may be well assured if they continue with a stedfast faith in Christe vnto the end they shall inherite the promised rewarde euen the Crowne of life for euer Apo. 2. Testimonies My sheepe heare my voice and I giue them eternall life no man shall take them out of my hands Iohn 10. God is faithful which suffereth not vs to be tempted aboue our strength but giueth an end with tēptation that we may be able to goe thorowly with our vocatious Cor. 10. I will not leaue you destitute of comforte but I will come vnto you I will pray my Father and he shall sende vnto you another comforter euen the spirite of trueth which shall remaine with you for euer Iohn 14. My little Children despise not the correction of the Lorde nor faint not when thou art chastised for the Lord chastiseth euery sonne which he receiueth Goe on forwardes in discipline God offereth himself vnto you as to his childrē
The Vineyarde of Vertüe collected composed and digested into a tripartite order conteining XXXII most excellent plants of fruitful vertue In most beautiful and blessed maner enuironing the true elect Churche of God vpon earth Euery Plant conteining this tripartite order Namely Definition Testimonie Examples of vertue By R. R. Iohn .. 15. I am the true Vyne and my father is the Husbandman Euery branch that bringeth not foorth good frute doeth my father plucke away and euery branch that beareth frute dooth my father purge that it may bring foorth frute more abundantly Imprinted by Thomas Dawson To the Godly Vertuous and woorshipful Gentleman M. Edmund Vvedale aliâs Vdale of Shirburne in Dorsetshier long and happy increase of corporall and spirituall good graces in this lyfe with the participation of eternall beatitude in Christe Iesus for euer and euer WEE are taught in that sacred booke of diuine Wisdō this most sacred lesson worshipful Sir Sapient 15. Too knowe God is perfect rightuousnes and to knowe his rightuousnes vertue is the roote of immortality A sentēce surely not so shorte and sweete as effectually and at large comprehending firme comforte from the Creator God vntoo the creature man From which God as we may define godlynes to proceed touching his Godhead and vertue also as touching his manhood so this godlines and vertue including his perfect righteousnes is according to the measure of his grace nowe and then infused vppon mankinde Lactantius Firmianus seemeth to affirme this by his testimony in libro de opificio Dei cap. 12. Where he saith Vir dicitur eò quòd maior vis est in eoquā in foemina hinc virtus nomen accepit And although here man seemeth to haue the prerogatiue of vertue as of most fortitude valiancy or manhood in him yet we must not any thing exclude the feminin sexe from the benefit of vnited godlines vertue in the lord For asmuch as God by the mouth of his Prophet Dauid auoucheth by example too compare as wel the godly vertuous womā as the godly and vertuous mā Like vnto the tree planted by the riuer side which bringes foorthe his frute in due tyme tyde Psa 1. ve 3. But as this true tree of godlynes and vertue according to the prouerb may be planted by Paule that is to say by the holy Ghoste watered by Apollo that is by mans continual exercise and by God and from God receaueth her increase so it is oftentimes seene where God hath his Church there wil the Deuil haue a Chappel Yea where hath any goodnes godlynes or vertue takē root or florished at any tyme or in any age but euen there also enuy malice mischief would haue a fling Plutarch in his morals could say that as the shadowe followeth the body so enuy euermore accompanieth vertue and as where is no body there is no shadow so where is no felicity there is none enuy For the holynes of Dauid innocency of Iob wisedome of Solomon fortitude of Sampson and vertue of the moste vertuous amongst mankinde could not auoide enmity sufficiently when the almighty Iehouah and most holiest Messias had his moste cruell and spiteful enemies the Iewes Scribes Pharisees euer emong inuaying against him circumuēting of him subuerting his doctrine Of the true knowledge of God of his rightuousnes and vertue rooted vnto immortality in the hearts of those that beleeued in him But in their greatest iolity of iustifying their owne wickednes seeming to thēselues to haue perfect holines when they had not bearing the worlde in hande that they brought forth sounde frutes of vertue whē they were filthily corrupted with alkind of vice Our sauiour Christe euen then and therefore scourging them out of the Temple of Hierusalē to their shame and reproch put foorth the parable of the Vineyeard and of the labourers Luc. 19. as thereby not onely confounding their falshood and reuealing their painted hypocrisie but also vtterly discouered thē to be voide of al true godlines vertue yea also the most extreme enemies thereof Touching the defect of this tree of true godlines and vertue amōgst the worldly wyse Philosophers it hath beene from tyme too tyme apparantly prooued that neither the Academici resident in place where they taught morall vertue the Peripatetici preiudicating euentes the Cynici of baser cōuersatiō the Eudomenees for al their woorking good effectes the Philotethes for al their arrogant glory in themselues disdaining others as though they only had perfect zeale of trueth the Phisici for al their skilfull knowledge in thinges natural neither the Ethici which taught their rules of good life and manners neither yet the Dialectici of singular dexterity in disputing and reasoning causes naturall coulde euer sauoure the taste of the true knowledge of GOD and of his righteousnesse and vertue rooted vntoo immortality although in deede they tooke vppon them a kind of prophane godly and vertuous lyfe which they thought in themselues to bee righte which also they taught vntoo the worlde in their tyme. But they were farre wyde from the marke they wādered in darknes for want of light they swallowed the sowre grape in wāt of the sweet and they crackte the shel but founde no kernell they were alwaies learning but neuer learned in the lawe of the Gospell of Christe the Lampe of light vnto saluation for as Lactantius Firmianus saieth libro 3. diuinarum institutionum they saw but a shadow of true godlynes vertue and not the light therof it selfe and they laboured al their life for it but they coulde neuer finde it Bicause saith he they eyther retained an vngodly religion or else altogither maintained the same But the Romishe Antichrist and his cursed crew the suckblood successors of the Scrybes Pharisees the broode of Belial Nemrods neare kinsmen and adherents of wicked Achab haue from tyme to tyme hearde seene knowen and perceaued The affspring of the roote of Iesse which as Esay saith shoulde ryse too beare rule ouer the Gentiles and in whome the nations shoulde beleeue Also they haue bene toulde by the Doctrine of our sauiour Christ in his sacred Gospel and by the testimonies of his Apostles Patriarcks and Prophets who was and is and euer shal bee the true vyne The true husbandman and the true labourers yet of wilful blindnes haue they refused too bee ingrafted in the vyne of the true knowledge of God of his righteousnes and vertue rooted vntoo immortality Yet of obstinate malice haue they not onely refused the calling of the heauenly husbande man Christ Iesus to come as labourers intoo his vinyearde But also with the wilde bore rooted vp euery vyne of good doctrine in the Churche of God with the wicked husbādmen slaine not only their Maisters seruauntes that is too say a nūber of godly preachers and vertuous persons sent vntoo them but also crucified the sonne of God anew by their horrible disordered institutions in their Churches and Synagogues
for what sonne is he whom the father chastizeth not Heb. 12. Put vpon you all the whole armour of God that you may bee able to resist in the euill day and that you may stand stedfastly in all thinges that you haue done Ephe. 6. So runne that you may receiue 1. Cor. 9. But whosoeuer continueth vnto the ende shal be saued Matt. 10. Examples Our Lorde and sauiour Christe Iesus giuing light to the borne blinde person by vertue of the holy Ghost made him constantly perseuer against the Phariseis and to withstand them The Apostles constantly perseuered in preaching teaching and working woonders in the name of Christe Iesus passing from place to place and from countrie to countrie Acts. 1. 4. 11. 13. 20. Ioseph notwithstanding his Mistresse whome he serued did dayly molest seeke to discredite him yet he for all that shewed himselfe dutifull faithfull in his seruice continewed so to his great perferment Gen. 39. Dauid beeing sore rebuked of his elder brother also dissuaded from his purpose by Saule did not yet any whit shrinke from his purpose but fought manfully ouercome Goliah 1. King. 17. Ioab constantly perseuered in the seege of Rabbath till he had woon the cittye 2. King. 12. Also in the battell against Absolon 2. King. 18. Although Nehemias was oftentimes hindred in building yet he ceased not from his woork till hee had fullye built vppe she wall Nehemi 4. 6. Eliachym the high Preest spake vnto all the people of Israell saying Knowe you that because the Lord hath heard our prayers if you continew still in fasting prayer in the sight of god c. Iudith 4. The Sociates of Daniel constantly said vnto the King of Babylon be it knowen vnto thee O King that we worshippe not thy Gods. c. Dan. 3. Other notable Examples were Daniel Dan. 6. Susanna Dan. 13. The vii brethren 2. Mac. 7. The blinde borne Ioh. 9. The Apostles Acts. 1. The ix Plant True Inuocation vpon GOD. Definition AS in the heart of man God the true knowledge of God feare faith and loue of God ought to shine and feruently appeare So our Prayer is the moste excellent instrumentall meane or witnesse of the minde ought godly to confesse and pronounce the Lord God ought rightly to vse the name of God in al puritie and sanctifie or honor the same with all dutifull reuerent and louing feare For to that ende hath God giuen the benefite of the tongue and speech vnto men especially that they should declare the goodnesse of God towardes them that they should praise him in his holinesse pray vnto him for continuance of his gratious goodnesse giue thanks vnto him for the same excite others vnto the consideration of their dueties in those respectes For God requireth that we shuld with thanksgiuing confession supplications and prayers come vnto him and to none other God because he hath made vs as the sheepe of his hands and people of his pasture Psal. 94. vers 7. Testimonies Thou shalt worship the Lorde thy God and him onely shalt thou serue Matth. 4. Whilst thou liuest bearest breath thou shalte confesse thy sinnes vnto God and thou shalt praise him reioyse in his mercies because great is the mercy of the Lord and he helpeth and is gracious vnto those that turn● vnto him Ecclesiastes 17. Before thou prayest prepare thy soule and be not as a man that tempteth god Ibidem 18. When thou prayest thou speakest with God when thou readest God speaketh vnto thee Aug. sup Psal 85. Prayer is good with fasting and almoyse yea of more valure it is then to heape vp treasures of Golde Tob. 12. The continuall prayer of the iuste person preuayleth much Iam. 5. Greate is the vertue of syncere prayer for as a faythfull messenger performeth duetie enioyned and pearceth whether as no fleshe can attaine August super Psal 65. Watch and pray least you fall into temptation Matt. 26. Verely verely I say vnto you whatsoeuer good thing you doe aske of my father in my name he shall surely giue it you Iohn 16. You shall pray for all men especially for Kings and Princes and those in authoritie 2. Tim. 2. Examples Christe Iesus our onely Lorde and sauiour in teaching his Apostles to pray setteth vs to schoole by that example how to pray Luke 11. Also he not onely prayed for him self that the cuppe of bitter persecution might passe from him Matth. 26. but for his very enemyes persecutors he prayed Luke 23. Moreouer he prayed for all those his chosen children which his father had giuen him that they might bee saued Iohn 17. Paule the electe vessell of God gaue thanks vnto God for al them of Thessalonia prayed for their prosperous proceeding in the faith 1. Thessa 1. Abraham prayed vnto the Lorde to spare the Sodomites from destroying them Gen. 18. Iacob prayed vnto the Lorde confessing his infirmitie and want of abilitie Gen. 32. Moyses prayed diuerse times was hearde of the Lorde Exod. 7. 8. 9. 10. 14. 17. 32. Num. 11. 12. 21. Samuel praying for the Israelites against the Philistians was heard of God 1. King. 7. King Iosophat fearing sore the power and multitude of his enemies which he heard say came against him prayed earnestly vnto the Lorde and his prayer was hearde 2. Chro. 20. Manasses beeing king of Iuda prayed meruelous humby deuoutly effectually with a repentant heart 1. Chro. 23. Ezechias turning his face to the wall prayed vnto the Lord bitterly weeping the Lorde hearing him graunted his desire 4. Kings 20. namely long life and prosperitie vpon earth For other examples of praiers Anna 1. King. 1. Dauid 2. Kin. 12. Idem 2. king Elyas 3 Kin. 18. Iosophat 2. Chro. 20. Esdras 1. Esdra 1. 8. Nehemias 1. Iud. 4. 8. Hester 4. Ieremy 11. Daniel 6. 9. 13. Ionas Iudas Machabeus 1. Mach. 4. The x. Plant Thankes giuing Definition THankes giuing is a vertue which ought to bee euermore grounded in the heart minde of man and euermore redy to be vttered with the tonge that good thinges are not bestowed vppon vs by chaunce or by good hap as we vse to say but that God is rightly the author of all benefits And that it is our duties by this our thankfulnes to exhort inuite others to the due acknowledging and seruing of the true God that they may also perswade themselues that it is God onely which hath care ouer them and that we are heard by him if we craue any thing of him in faith And therefore as hee is altogither more ready to giue then wee to receiue and more beneficiall and gracious in giuing then we are thankful dutifull towardes him so are wee euermore debters vnto him and neuer able to repay that we owe him howbeit sith he requireth a thankfull heart and true repentant life according to his will wee ought neuer to be slack or slowe in testifying our vtermost
armour or shield of the minde and senses of all the members of the whole bodie it selfe the fortresse of Chastitie and shamefastnesse the neighbor of Modestie handmayd of amitie peace the neare alied vnto honestie the verie true shunner of all vice sinne Yea he addeth yet further and sayeth This vertue Sobrietie is the obseruer of true iudgement the wisedome of inseparable memorie and remembrance the Closet of secretes the couering of priuities the prompt atchieuer of learning and doctrine the discipline of good artes and sciences togither reputed as Ladie and mistresse ouer humaine wittes and the handmaide of enterprises which is euer desirous of good name ordeyning thinges wholesome and profitable and a singular helpe to vertue disposing al things with reason and alwayes coueting to keepe companie with honest persons Thus much out of S. Augustine touching the definition of this excellent vertue Sobrietie Testimonies Being prepared with the loynes of your minde girded see that you hope soberly and perfectly for that grace which is brought vntoo vs and frame not your selues to liue after your former inordinate lustes 1. Pet. 2. The grace of God hath appeared vnto vs that wee denying and forsaking all vngodlinesse and worldly concupiscences should liue soberly iustly and godly in this present worlde 2. Tit. Beware that your heartes be not greened with surfetting and drunkennesse and with cares of this life that the latter day sodenly steale not vppon you for it shall come vnlooked for as a snare vnto all the worlde Luke 21. Sobrietie especially in women carieth alwayes a lowly countenance towarde the earth remembring that she came from the earth But drunkennesse hauing lost all modestie lifteth vp her loftie lookes on high August ad sacr virgines Sobrietie with great trembling and silence vttereth that worde which cannot be reprehended But drunkennesse both sheweth vnshamefast speach countenance ▪ ibidem Sobrietie is the mother of all vertues But drunkennesse is the fountaine of all vices Origen hom 57. Examples Our Lord and sauiour Christ Iesus as a singular example of sobrietie whose action is our instruction gaue commaundement vnto his Apostles into what house soeuer they enired that they should eate and drinke such as they found as who say they shoulde bee content euen with meane fare and not seeke after any curious or daintie fare Luke 10. Daniel had determined in his mind before that he would not be defiled with the meate of Pharaos table by means wherof God gaue him and his sociates knowledge wisdome Dan. 3. Eleazarus although he was stricken in age had rather die a cruell death than hee woulde eate swines fleshe which was against the lawe 2. Mac. 2. The seuen brethren with their mother also being compelled of the king to eate swines flesh contrarie to the law chose rather to suffer most cruel torments 2. Mac. 7. Saint Iohn Baptist was of such sober life that his vsual meate was only locustes and wild honie Math 3. Math 11. The Lord commended the sobrietie of those Rachabites bycause they woulde drinke no wine as their father commanded them Ier. 35. The xxv Plant Chastitie Definition CHastitie is a special vertue which ought to perteine vnto euerie degree of humane kinde reteyning the puritie as well of the minde being called the inward man voyde of wicked or vngodly cogitations consent motion or any maner of purpose against the will of God as also reteyning cleannesse of bodily gesture in the outward man voyd of wicked and vngodly speach word deed in al things contrary to Gods holy wil. And although god commaundeth that this vertue should bee had in due honor obserued in al ages degrees of men and women yet it ought with special care to be regarded in the state of wedlocke bicause when God hath lincked in mutuall bōds of loue placed in two bodies one soule there ought to be no violation of this vertue nor no breach of this knot For in this chastitie mutual loue consisteth wonderful felicity and manifold comfort eche of other Contrariwise if either chastitie be without loue or loue without chastitie euery felicitie turneth into infelicitie euery comfort into a corsey For Chastitie as S. Bernard saith without loue is a lampe without oyle Take away the oyle the lampe cannot burne so take away loue chastitie pleaseth not Ber. in epist. ad Senon Testimonies O howe faire is a chast generation with vertue for the memorie thereof is euerlasting bicause it is knowne before God and also before men When she is present they folow her steps and when she withdraweth herself they desire her for euer crowned doth she triumph with conquest of reward ouer the multitude of those defiled Sap. 4. Blessed are the cleane and pure of heart for they shall see god Mat. 5. The light of the bodie is the eye if therfore thy eye be simple all thy whole bodie shall be light Mat. 6. For he that is stedfast of minde maketh none necessitie but hath power of his own will and hath decreed this in his heart namely to keepe his virginitie 1. Cor. 7. Know you not that your bodies are the members of Christ Shall you then take the members of Christ and make them the members of an harlot God forbid Know you not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost dwelling in you 1. Cor. 6. Separate not your selues one frō another except it be through both your cōsents for a time continuing in fasting praier least Satā tēpt you for your incōtinency 1. Cor. 7. Let the vnmaried mā care for those things which pertein to the pleasing of god ibid. Let the vnmaried womā seeke that which perteines vnto the Lorde that she may bee holy both in body and soule Ibid. Examples Our Sauiour Iesus Christ the moste precious pure and vndefiled patterne of Chastitie as hee liued heere on earth moste chastely so hath he left vs this lesson as example worthie of imitation namely that there is no treasure comparable to the gift of chastitie Ecclesiasticus 26. So long as our parents Adam and Eue were in Paradise they were in state of virginitie but being once cast out by the displeasure of God it came then to passe that Adam knewe Eue carnally Gen. 4. Ioseph although he was a bond seruant and a yong man of elegant personage without wife being earnestly prouoked therevnto by his mistresse woulde not giue his consent to defile his maisters bed and had rather displease his mistresse and be shut in close prison than be would lose his chastitie Gen. 39. Sara had such care and continencie of her bodie touching chaste life before shee maried Tobia that in her prayer she confessed saying Thou knowest Lorde that I neuer desired companie of man but haue kept my soule pure and vndefiled from al carnall lustes Tob. 3. Iudith after shee had buried her first husband neuer knew any man but kept her selfe a chaste widow ▪