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A03627 An exposition vpon the .23. psalme of Dauid full of frutefull and comfortable doctrin, written to the citye of London by Iohn Hooper, bushop [sic] of Gloceter and Worceter, and holye martyr of God for the testimonye of hys truth. Wherunto is annexed an apology of his, agaynst such as reported that he cursed Quene Mary, wyth certaine godlye and comfortable letters in the ende. Hooper, John, d. 1555.; Bull, Henry, d. 1575?; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Apologye. aut 1562 (1562) STC 13752; ESTC S113071 47,811 140

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ignorancye As S. Paul saith god befor● tyme spake vnto oure fathers by the prophetes and in these later dayes ●nto vs by his sonne and after the ascention of his sonne by his Apostles and euangelis●es in so muche that non of the prophetes euer spake of Gods word that mayntayned the lyfe of the soule other wyse then they receaued it of the ●ighe shepehearde almyghty god as S. Peter sayeth prophecy came not by the wyl of mā but the holy mē of God spake as they wer taught vs the holy ghost So that God is the onelye authour and fountayn of his true word the foode of all mens soules In like maner he is the only geuer of the same as he is the geuer of it and none but him selfe So none can eate it but such as haue the same deliuered vnto them by the ●●●ye ghost So oure sauioure Christ likewise in the gospell of saint Iohn telleth Nicodemus that it was not possible to vnderstand and to knowe the grace of redemption excepte ●e were borne frome aboue And when saynt Iohn preached the word of God at Philippos amongs the women by the water side the lorde opened the hart of Lid●a to vnders●ād the things spoken of by Paul And when Christ preached among the Iewes wrought wonderful miracles yet they vnderstode nothing nether wer thei any thing the better And Christ sheweth the cause Proptere●uos non ●uditis quia ex deo nō estis that is to say therfore ye heare not because ye he not of god But the faute was not in god but in the obstynacy frowardnes of theyr own harts as ye maye see in S. Mathew Christ offered him self but yet the malice of mā rebelled at al time● S. Paul to the Corinthians wonderfully setteth forth mans vnablenes saith y ● natural man is not able to cōprehēd the things y ● be of god And in S. Iohn Christ saith no man cā come vnto him excepte the heauenlye father drawe him for they must be all taughte of God Now as the prophet sawe theese thinges for him selfe and his saluation in Gods worde Euen so must euery Christian manne take hede that he learne the same doctrin or els it wer no comodity to haue the scripture of god deliuered and taught vnto vs. And euery reader hear●r must learne of this psalme y ● there is none other foode nor meate for the soul● but Gods worde And who so euer do refuse it when it is offered or pr●ached or when they knowe the truth thereof do yet of malyce feare lucre and gayne of the world or any other waye repugne it they be vnworthy of al mercy and forgeuenes let euery man and woman therefore examyne theyr own conscience with out flatteringe of them selues and they shall fynde that the moost parte of th●s realme of Englande in the tyme of oure holy and blessed kynge Edwarde the syxt were fedde wyth thys holy foode of Gods word or els myght haue bene fedde wyth it For it was offerd and sent vnto them as well by most godly statutes lawes of parlament as by many noble mē and vertuous learned preachers If they fedde not vppo● it accordingely or nowe theyr teeth stande on edge and theyr stomacks be closed with it to theyr peryll be it Thus Christ sayth they haue nothinge whereby iustly to excuse them selues of theyr synne And lykewyse he sayeth that who so euer hatethe hym hateth also hys father By whyche words it appeareteth manyfestlye that no man can hate Christes doctrine but he must hate Christ him selfe and no man can hate Christ but he must also hate the father of heauē Wherefore it is expediente for euery manne to marke such places For it was not Christes name nor Christes personne that the Iewas hated so mo●tall●e Christe for but they hated hym to death for hys doctrines sake and it was Christes doctryne that condemned the worlde and shewed the life learninge of the world to be euyll and coulde not abide the lighte of gods worde and therfore in no case they coulde abyde to heare of it As ye see the like in his poore preachers For his wordes sake they be lesse passed of then dogges or brute beastes For they be hated to death and more fauour doeth Barabas the murtherer fynd then Peter the preacher of Christ that wold lead the flock redemed w t Christes precious bloud in to the pastures of gods word with the prophet Dauid yet in thys hatred of Gods worde the foode of gods sheepe they would ●e seene and non but they to loue and honour god but it is not so in theyr hartes For they haue a contempte of God as theyr frutes well declare And Christ sayth they hate bothe him and his father yea that withoute cause But thou Christian reader see thou fede thysoule with no other meat thē w t the holsome pastures of gods word whatsoeuer the world shal say or do Looke vpon this texte of saint Iohn when the comforter shall come whō I shal send from my father euen the spirit of truth whiche doth proceede from the father he shall testifye and heare recorde of me W●y that place and thincke wherefore the sonne of man referred him selfe to the witnes of the holye ghost and ye shall know that it was for no vntruth that was in the authour beinge Christ or in the doctrin that he preached but only to make the disciples to be of good comforte and that they shoulde not esteeme the gospell he preached vnto them any thinge the lesse althoughe it had manye aduersaries enemies and was spoken against in maner euerye where for against the fury and false iudgemente o● the worlde that cōtemn●d the gospel they shuld haue the testimonye of the holy ghost to alowe and warante the Gospell Let vs therefore praye to the heauenlye shepehearde that he wyll geue vs his holy spirits to testifye for the woorde of God the onely foode of our soules that it is true that God sayeth and onelye good that he appointeth too feede vs. And this we may be assured of that in this heauy and sorowfull t●me ther is nothing cā testify for the truthe of Gods word and kepe vs in the pleasaunte pasture thereof but the verye spirite of God whiche we must set against al the tumultes and daungers of the worlde For if we make thys veri●ye of Gode subiecte to the iudgemente of the worlde our fayeth shall quayle and faynte euery houre as mens iudgementes varye Wherefore let vs praye to haue alwayes in vs the spirite of adoption wherby whē our faith shalbe assaulted we may cry father father and the same helpe for the mayntenaunce of the truth God promysed by his holy prophet Esay sayingd Thys is my couenaunt with them saith the lord my spirit whiche is in thee and my wordes whyche I haue put in thy mouth shall not departe
frome thy mouthe nor frome the mouthe of thy seede nor from the mo●th of the seede of thy seede from hence foorth vntyll the world● ende Heare doth the almightye God set foorth what a treasure and singuler gift his worde is and that it shal not deparxe frome his people vntyll the worlds ende And in theese words i● this part of Dauids psalme marua●lously opened and set foorth It is the Lorde alone that feedeth and instructeth faith Esaye the prophet It wa● not mannes owne imaginatyon and intention nor the wysedome and religion of his fathers what so euer they were but it was the Lorde that spake and made the couenaunt with man and put his spirit in manne to vnderstande the couenaunte and by his worde and none other woorde he instructed manne and sayde that by these meanes all men should tyll the worldes ende feede and eate of gods blesse● promises For in his woorde he hath expressed and opened to eueriman what he shal haue euen the remission of sinne the acceptation in to his fatherlye fauoure grace to lyue well in this life and at the ende too be receaued in too the euerlastinge life Of these things the reader may know what maintayneth lyfe euen the word of God as Christe sayth if ye abyde in me and my wordes abide in you aske what ye wyll and ye shall haue it He shall learne also that it is not genenerall counsayle prouinciall counsayle the determyna●●on and agreemente of menne that can be the authour of this foode but onelye God And as God is the only authour of this foode euen so is hys holye spirite he that f●edeth the poore simple soule of the Christyan manne myth his blessed pasture and not the wysedome of man mens sacrifyces or mennes doynge● But as touchinge the foode of mans soule too be the onelye woorde of God I wyll if it be Goddes blessed pleasure to whome in the bytter and paynefull passion of Christe I commytte my wyll wyth my lyfe and death open vnt●o the sheepe and lambes of God at large in an other booke ¶ The .3 parte of the psalme ¶ Howe manne is broughte too the knowledge of lyfe and saluatyon Which part sheweth what man is of him self and how he is broughte in to this life to fede in the pleasaunt pastures of gods word THe Texte He shal conuert my soule bring me in to the pathes of righteousnes ¶ The explanation MY soule erred and wente a stray from the righte waye of godly liuinge but the Lorde conuerted me frome my errours and faultes of liuinge and broughte me to the obseruation of his holy lawes wherein is contayned all iustice truthe and godlines Here is to be noted what degrees and orders the Lord heauenlye shepehearde doeth vse i● bringing his shepe unto y ● pasture of life First he conuerteth the man y e is gone astraye bye his wicked wayes and sinfull manner of liuynge If he were an infidele he bringeth him first to know feele hate his infidelity and afterwardes to a true faith If he be a persecutour he sheweth him first his tyrānye and afterwards how to vse him selfe meekelye If he be a sinfull man that liueth contrary to his knowledge professiō he bringeth him first to the knowledge hatred of his syn and afterwards to the forgeuenes of y ● same As Christ our sauyour wonderfully teacheth in S. Iohn wher he satih The holy ghost when he commeth shall rebuke the worlde of synne iustyce and iudgemente By the whiche wordes he declareth that the faythfull of God can not profyt in the gospel of Christ nether loue nor exercise iustice and vertue excepte they be taughte and made too feele the burden and daunger of synne and be brought to humble them selues as menne that be of them selues nothinge but synne And therefore the lawe and threateninges of god be verye holsome whose nature and prosperity is to cyte and call mennes conscience vntoo the iudgemente of God and too wounde the spyrite of manne with terroure and fcare Wherefore Christe vseth ● wonderfull waye and teacheth the same vnto his Apostles that nether him selfe for that presente tyme nor they in time to come coulde preache profitablye the gospell wherewyth menne are ledde in to the sweete and pleasaunte feeldes of Goddes promises by his word except they vse this order to leade them frome synne to iustice and frome deathe to life And as iustice and life commeth by Christ shewed vnto vs in his bytter passion death glorious resurrection so doth synne and death both appeare and be se●te by the spirit of God shewed vntoo vs in the lawe This order also saw● the holy prophet when he said the Lorde conuerteth my soule and leadeth me in to the pathes of ryghteousenes This is a wonderful s●ntence and muche and deepelye to be considered wayed of thee christia● man The Lord conuerteth my soule sayth Dauid he feleeth in him selfe that as longe as the deuyl and sinne haue the rule and kingdome in man the soule of man beinge Gods treasure is deformed foule horrible and so troubled that it is like vntoo all things more then vnto god vertue wherunto it was created but when the wicked deuil and deformed sinne be by the victorye of Christ ouercome and ●xpulsed the soule waxeth faire amiable swete louinge pleasant like vnto God agayne and cometh in to order and obeysauce vntoo hys creatoure and so broughte in to the pathes of righteousnes feedeth with the rest of Gods well ordered flock● vppon the pastures and foode of hys ●olye worde to be his blessed wyll Oh that we would in the glasse of gods word loke vpon our own soules when they be in the tyrannye of the deuyll vnder the kingdome of synne as this kinge dyd we shoulde more loeth and detest our own soule the company that our soule is accompanyed with all then if we shuld for all oure lyfe tyme be put in too styes wyth hogges and alwayes be bound ●urynge oure lyfe too lyue wyth them feede as they feede slepe and wake as they do and be as they be in all thinges Looke in the gospell of Sayncte Luke and there shall ye see a man by synne so foule so disordered so accompanied wyth swine so hongerbaned so rent torne so beggerly so wretched so vile so lothsome so stincking y ● the very swyne wer better for theyr condycion then hee was But se how the heauenly shepeherd beheld frō his heauenly throne the place of the euerlastynge ioyes thys poore strayed sheepe feedinge not emonges sheepe but emonges swyne and yet coulde not be satysfyed therewyth And no maruayle for swyne feede not vppon the meate of shepe nor yet do shepe fyl thē selues with hog●draffe swillings but this shepehearde vsed his olde wonted clemencye and strake the harte of this sheepe making him to weepe and bewayle his condicion a men to come to suche dishonour to be coupled
heauenlye prayer in Saynt Iohn Non rog● vt tollas eos e mundo sed vt serues eos a m●lo That is to saye I do not sayeth Christe to his heauenlye father praye that thou shouldest take those that I praye for out of the worlde but that thou preserue them from euil And in this praier he hath wonderfullye taughte vs that a christian man is subiect to two troubles one of the bodye and an other of the soule one of the world and an of the deuyll As for the troubles of the world he saith it is not so expedient that christian men be deliuered from thē least in idlenes we shuld seke our selues and not god as the children of Israell dyd but this he knewe was most necessarye that the father shuld preserue vs in the myddes of theese troubles with his helpe from all sin and ●ransgression of his holy lawes and thys he assured his disciples of and all other that put their truste in hym not that they shoulde in thys life be preserued and kept from troubles and aduersities but that the heauenlye father shoulde alwayes geue vnto his such strength and vertue agaynste all the enemyes of God and mannes saluation that they shoulde not be ouercome wyth troubles that put theyr truste in hym For God suffereth and appointeth his to fight and make warre with synne and wyth all troubles and sorowes that synne bryngethe wyth it but God wyll neuer permytte his to be deadlye and mortallye wounded It is therefore expedyente that man know who ●e hys greatest foes and doo worke most daunger There be diuers psalmes wherein he setteth foorthe the perryll that he was in as well in hys bodye as in his soule As when he complayneth of hys banyshemente emonges not onelye cruell people but also vngodlye that soughte too take bothe hys mortall lyfe frome hym and also hys relygyon and trust that he hadde in Goddes worde Wherfore he compareth them too the Tartaryans and Arabyans men withoute pyttye and relygyon And the lyke doeth hee afterwardes in another psalme where as geeuynge thankes for hys delyuery hee sayeth that synners trode vppon hy● backe and manye tymes warred against him he shuld haue bene ouer throwen if god had not holpen him Wherein he speaketh not onelye of battayle wyth the sword agaynst the bodye but also of heresye and false doctrine agaynste the soule As ye maye see how Senacharib and Iulius the apostata two emperours fought against the people of god not only to take from them theyr liues but also theyr religion and true honouringe of god And of all battayls that is the cruelest and of all enemies the principall that would take the soule of man from gods worde and bringe it to the word of man And that persecution trouble openly against gods word continued manye yeares vntyl Christe was preached abroade and princes made christians Then thought the deuyll his kingdome to haue ben overthrowen and christian men might liue in Christes religion withoute any trouble or warre for religion How be it at length for sinne the deuyll entred by subtyll meanes not onelye to corrupte true religion but also persecuted the true professoures thereof vnder the name of true religion and therein vsed a meruailous policye and crafte by men that walked inordinatelye amonges the christians them selues From whose companies sectes and conuersation S. Paul wylled vs to refrayne by these wordes we cōmaunde you brethren in the name of our lord Iesus Christ that ye refrayne from euery one that is accompted a brother that vseth● him selfe inordina●ly and not accordinge too the institution he receaued of vs. And because ye haue not taken heede of this holy commaundement and kepte your selues from daunger and peryll of heresye synne ydolatry and superstition by the rod and staffe of god nor haue not eaten your meate of religion at Gods table nor youre myndes haue bene anoynted wyth the holye ghoste as Dauyd in thys psalme sayeth that hee was against all troubles by theese meanes defended and maynetayned that no peril of the body y ● sword nor perryll of the soule by false doctrine cold hurte hym therefore marke a lyttle see the daungers that haue hurted both you youre conscience also not lyke to be healed as farre as I canne see but more hurt hereafter For the way to heale a man is to erpulse and put awaye sickenesse and not to increase and contynue the syckenesse From whome thincke ye that saint● Paul comaunded you to refrayne in the name of oure Lord Iesus Christ He sayeth from hym that behaueth self inordinately Who is that think ye Sayncte Paul sayeth he that rulethe not hym selfe after the rule and instytution that hee hym selfe hadde taughte the Thessalonyans So that we must refrayne then from all suche as conforme not them selues too the institution of Saynct● Paule yea althoughe he be an Aungell frome heauen This departure frome suche as haue ruled and put foorthe erroures and lyes is not newe but hathe bene vsed in Englande of Englishe men more then 20. yeares synse we departed frome the sea of Rome for the ambition of the Romishe bishoppes that transgressed both this ordinance of saint Paul and also of Christ. Of the which deadly and pestilente ambition the prophet Ezechiel prophesied so did also S. Paul if prophecies by god and commaundementes by hys holye Apostles had anye thinge preuayled in oure dull and naughty hartes Reade the places and see youre selues what is spoken of suche a wicked shepeheard I do put you in mynd of this wicked sea because I do se that contrary to the word of God contrarye to the lawes of the realme moste Godlye againste the popes supremacye agaynste all oure othes that be Englishe men and agaynst all the olde Godlye writers Thys Antichrist and member of the deuyll is not vnlyke to haue the regymente of youre soules agayne whiche God forbyd I do exhorte all men therfore to beware of him as of one that came noughtely to suche vsurped autority and whose autoritye is not onely the trouble of all Christian realmes and princes but also of all christian soules And as he hathe bene alwayes a trouble vnto the one so hath he bene a destruction to the other as I wyl a lyttle declare vnto you that ye may knowe him the better and so by the rodde and staffe of gods word defend your selues from him The greke church for this ambition of the Romyshe bishop seperated her selfe frome the churche of Rome and woulde not haue to do with her For after that the grekes knew that the bishops of Rome meante to take from them their liberties they wold not indure it yet dyd the Romish bishops alwayes to come to the supremacy pycke quarrelles and matters to fall out vppon fyrst with the clargye and then with the laity Platina writeth howe Pius bishop of Rome being deceaued by one Hermes a verye euyll man began a new