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A89813 The plain mans defence against popery: or, A discourse, shewing the flat opposition of popery to the Scripture. By J.N. chaplain to a person of honour J. N. 1675 (1675) Wing N22; ESTC R9788 31,034 79

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our Saviour excepted keep all the commandements without the least sin A. There is not a just man upon Earth that doth good and sinneth not Eccl. 7.20 Who can say I have made my heart clean Pro. 20.9 If we say we have no sin we deceive our selves 1 John 1.8 In many things we offend all Jam. 3.2 Note we are so far from perfect keeping the Law that we cannot perfectly do any good work as the Church and St. Paul confesses Esa 64.6 Rom. 7.21 Note The Papists have taught the Quakers this arrogant Doctrine of perfection whereas the ancient Fathers affirm that the highest perfection of a Christian in this life is to see his own imperfection Note The grace of God in this life never raiseth man to perfect exact unsinning obedience but it creates in him a sincere obedience to the whole Gospel and quickens him to bewail his frailties and infirmities all the perfection attainable in this life is when the will habitually entertains nothing that is contrary to the love of God Note If a man could perfectly fulfil the law then he need not daily pray as our Saviour hath taught for the pardon of his sins 2. Then after grace received and sanctification he would no more need Christ as a Mediator 3. Then he might be justified and obtain eternal life by the law which is contrary to the Doctrine of St. Paul Note The impossibility of keeping Gods commandments perfectly is not from the nature of his commands but the corruption of mans nature and thus we are to understand the ancient Fathers when they say that God doth not command things impossible 25. Q. May a true believer in this life be certainly assured that he is in the state of grace is this certainty more than a bare conjectural hope is it an infallible assurance grounded upon the promises of God the inward evidence of those graces unto which those promises are made the Testimony of the spirit witnessing that we are the children of God A. Hereby we know that we know him if we keep his commandements 1 John 2.3 We know that we have passed from death unto life because we love the Brethren 1 John 3.14 These things have I written unto you that ye may know that ye have eternal life 1 Joh. 5.13 We desire you to shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope Heb. 6.11 The spirit it self beareth witness with our spirits that we are the Children of God Rom. 8.16 Grieve not the spirit whereby ye are sealed to the day of Redemption Eph. 4.30 God is willing that the Heirs of the promise should have strong Consolation Heb. 6.17.18 Give diligence to make your calling and election sure 2 Pet. 1.10 Note All the ancient creeds agree to this they have this article expresly I believe the forgiveness of sins now the meanning of it as St. Augustine and the Schoolmen observe is this I believe that Remission of sins by Christ is given to me because I believe in him So that it was the judgment of the primitive Church that men should believe the forgiveness of their own sins Note A Papist in saying the Creed believes no more than the Devil himself doth viz. That God gives Remission of sins to his Church and people and so in saying the Lords prayer he believes no more than the Devil doth viz. That God is a Father to some not that he is his Father in Christ Oh! into what a gulph of discomforts doth Popery plunge men their Souls must hang in fears and doubts all their dayes they cannot tell whether they shall be saved or damned it 's a Hell on this side Hell 26. Q. Should we pray to the Apostles and Saints departed the B. Virgin Mary c. Should we give Religious worship to them or to God alone Should we go to God in the mediation of Christ alone or do we need the Saints departed to be mediators and intercessors for us what direction doth the Scripture give A. Call upon me in the day of trouble Psal 50.15 Say our Father which art in Heaven Luke 11.2 Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only Mat. 4.10 My glory I will not give to another Esa 42.8 How shall they call upon him in whom they have not believed Rom. 10.14 Let no man beguile you in a voluntary humility and worshipping of Angels Col. 2.18 There is one mediatour between God and men the man Christ Jesus 1 Tim. 2.5 Through him we access unto the Father Eph. 2.18 Do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Col. 3.17 Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name I will do it John 14.3 No man comes to the Father but by me John 14.6 We have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous 1 John 2.1 27. Q. Is there any ground for us to believe that the Saints in ●eaven know our particular persons wants necessities desires or doth the Scripture intimate the contrary A. Doubtless thou art our Father though Abraham be ignorant of us and Israel know us not Esa 63.16 Thou sendest man away his Sons come to honour and he knows it not they are brought low but he perceives it not Job 14.21 28. Q. If an Angel should appear to us or if the Apostles were present upon Earth with us or the blessed Virgin would they suffer us to kneel down and give religious worship and adoration to them with such solemnity as the Popish Crue adore and worship Angels and Saints departed and their Images A. I John fell down to worship before the feet of the Angel then saith he see thou do it not for I am thy fellow servant worship God Rev. 22 8 9. Cornelius fell down at Peters feet and worshipped him and Peter said stand up I my self also am a man Act. 10.25 They would have done Sacrifice and Paul and Barnabas run in among the people crying Sirs why do yee these things Act. 14.14 Note The Papists pray as much or more to the Virgin Mary and Saints departed as to God What is spoken of God and to God in the Psalms they apply to the Virgin Mary in a book called our Ladies Psalter they teach that it is lawful to say the Lords prayer to the Virgin Mary and the Saints departed that we say to them our Fathers hallowed be your name and so of all the other Petitions Note We find in the word of God but two kinds of worship a Religious worship due only to God and a civil honour used amongst men the Popish distinction of Religious worship into Dulia and Latria the former to men the latter to God is blasphemous contrary to Scripture directly a new coined device to palliate Idolatry Note The Papists by praying in that manner as they do to the Saints departed do give them the highest Religious worship and adoration that can be and so are guilty of fearful Idolatry Note The Angel Gen. 48 16 must be understood of Christ who is called an Angel Mal.
Triumph and Insultation as if they had wone Carthage 5. Q. Are all things necessary to salvation plainly and clearly propounded and opened in the Scripture so that even the unlearned in a due use of the ordinary means may understand them A. The entrance of thy word giveth light it giveth understanding to the simple Psal 119.130 The commandement is not hidden from thee neither is it far off it is nigh unto thee in thy mouth and in thy breast that thou mayest do it Deut. 30.13 Rom. 10.8 Thy word is a Light unto my feet and a Lanthern to my path Psal 119.105 We have a sure word of Prophecy whereunto ye do well to take heed as to a light shining in a dark place 2 Pet. 1.19 Note the Scripture is called a light and what is more clear and perspicuous than light Note the Papists deny the Scripture to be plain and intelligible by believers even in things necessary to salvation because 1. They would set the Authority of the Church of Rome above the Scripture 2. Bring all Christians to a blind belief of what ever they say 3. Discourage people from reading the Scripture 6. Q. What places of Scripture demonstrate the Pope of Rome to be the great Antichrist A. That day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed who exalteth himself above all that is called God sitteth in the Temple of God c. 2 Thes 2.3 c. I beheld another Beast and he had two horns like a Lamb he deceiveth them that dwell on Earth and exerciseth all the power of the first Beast Rev. 13.11 c. The great whore upon a scarlet coloured Beast having seven beads and ten horns upon her forehead was written mystery Babilon c. Rev. 17.1 2. see also 1 Tim. 4. 1. Dan. 7.20 Dan. 11.26 2 John 2.22 Note How could Daniel St. Paul St. John draw a Picture so like the Pope and never think upon him yea the Papists themselves and the ancient Fathers generally acknowledge that the great Antichrist is described in the forementioned places 2 Thes 2. Rev. 13. Dan. c. 7. c. 11. and it 's almost generally agreed by all that in Dan. c. 7. c. 11. Antiochus Epiphan is described as a Type and figure of Antichrist Note The Roman Empire when it was in four did hinder the Popes rising but the Empire decaying the Pope seized upon Rome and exalted himself upon the ruines of the Empire that this is the meaning of St. Paul in 2 Thes 2.7 He that letteth c. is generally granted by the ancient Fathers Note The seat of Antichrist is notably described Rev. 17.1.2 to be Popish Rome Note By the Dragon Rev. 12.3 understand the Devil as the Pagan and Heathen Roman Empire by the Beast with ten horns Rev. 13.1 understand the Christian Roman Empire corrupted with Popish Idolatry as the two horned Beast or false Prophet Rev. 13.11 is evidently the Pope Papists themselves grant this Beast to be Antichrist by the two witnesses Rev. 11.3 understand a succession of holy men testifying against Antichrist in the whole time of his Reign Antichrist shall Reign 1260. years as expositors generally agree and prove by Rev. 11.3 Rev. 13.5 Though there is difficulty when to begin his rise and Reign Prophetical dayes are years 1260 dayes are 1260 years Prophetical months are so many years as there are dayes in a month 42 months reckoning for every month 30 dayes are 1260 years so long Antichrist shall Reign and the witnesses Prophesie Therefore when the Papists ask where was the Church before Luther's time we answer it was in and among them though it was not of them in the several ages under the Reign of Antichrist some still opposed his Errours 7. Q. What is the infallible rule of interpretation of Scripture A. No prophesie of the Scripture is of any private interpretation 2 Pet. 1.20 Let us prophesie according to the proportion of faith Rom. 12.6 To this agree the words of the Prophets as it is written Acts 15.15 Note When there is a question about the true sense and meaning of any Scripture it must be known by comparing it with other places which speak more cleerly so that the Scripture it self is the only infallible rule of expounding the Scripture 8. Q. Who is the supreme Judge by whom all controversies in Religion are to be determined is it the holy Spirit speaking in the Scripture A. To the Law and to the Testimony if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them Esa 8.20 They searched the Scriptures daily whether those things were so Acts 17.11 Search the Scriptures John 5.29 Note The Papists contend that the Church is the supreme and infallible judge of Controversies in Religion and interpreter of the Scripture but being asked what they mean by the Church they confess they mean not the people but the Pastors the Church representative that is Bishops and Prelates assembled in Counsel And being asked what they understand by Councils they are forced to answer that all Counsels may err and so are no infallible judges nor certain interpreters of Scripture unless they be allowed and approved by the Pope whom they would have to judge in and of Counsels and so they resolve all power of judging and interpreting into him who they say cannot err and thus the supream and infallible judge of the Scripture and all controversies in Religion according to the Papists is the Bishop of Rome But he cannot be the supreme and infallible judge because 1. Their own Histories confess that many Popes have been Hereticks 2. Many have set forth contrary Decrees 3. Many Popes have beengrosly ignorant of the Scripture and in their Decrees have ridiculously and absurdly misapplyed it 4. Many of them have been prophane impious wicked and addicted to Magick and Sorcery 9. Q. Ought not the Scripture to be set forth in the vulgar and common speech is it dangerous for people to read the Scripture will it make them fall into Heresie or ought all people to be diligent readers of the Scripture what saith our Saviour what say the Prophets and Apostles concerning this A. Search the Scripture John 5.39 Ye do err not knowing the Scriptures Matt. 22.29 Thy testimonies are my delight and my Councellers Psal 119.24 Seek ye the book of the Lord and read Esa 34.16 They were more noble in that they searched the Scriptures daily Act. 17.11 They have Moses and the Prophets let them hear them Luke 16.29 From a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures 2 Tim. 3.15 Let the word of God dwell richly in you Col. 3.16 Sitting in his Chariot he read Esaias the Prophet Acts 8.28 Take the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God Eph. 6.17 Note The true reason why the Church of Rome forbids people to read the Scripture is because it would make people abhor the Popish Religion it being so plainly
contrary to Scripture 10. Q. Hath every Christian liberty and power to examine and judge of things belonging to faith and salvation of the true sense of the Scripture or is he bound absolutely to submit his judgment to Ecclesiastical Judges and to receive their doctrine without Examination A. I speak as to wise men judge ye what I say 1 Cor. 10.15 Try the Spirits whether they be of God 1 John 4.1 The spiritual man judgeth all things 1 Cor 2.15 Take beed of false Prophets Matth. 7.15 Not that we have Dominion over your faith 2 Cor. 1.24 Try all things 1 Thes 5.21 Note The Church of Rome deals with people as the Philistins with Sampson when they put out his eyes they have no hope that Christian people will receive their doctrine if they be not first blinded and the light of their reason and judgment taken away they are not ashamed to affirm 1. That private Christians must receive the doctrine of the Church without examination 2. That they do not offend God nor are blameable for holding any errour or heresie or committing any sin if by so doing they follow the Doctrine of their Pastors and Spiritual Guides 11. Q. Are the Books commonly called Apocrypha any part of the holy Scripture or were all the Books of Divine Scripture written by the Prophets and Apostles or by other Apostolick men allowed by the Apostles and do the Divine Scripture contain nothing but truth by reason of the immediate assistance of the holy Ghost afforded to the Pen-men of them A. Thy word is truth John 17.17 The Scriptures of the Prophets Rom. 16.26 Ye are built upon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Eph. 2.20 Note The Apocrypha may not be received as Scripture for 1. The Apochryphal books were not received by the Jewish Church as Divine Scripture yet to them were committed all the Scriptures of the Old Testament Rom. 3.2 2. The Apocrypha was written after Malachie the last Prophet so that they could not be written by any of the Prophets and it is evident they were not written by any of the Apostles the Prophet swrote in Hebrew and did prophesie of Christ but these books were not written in Hebrew nor do they propose any Testimony or prophesie of Christ whereas all the Prophets speak of Christ Luke 14.27 Act. 10.13 3. The Apocrypha Books were not received as Divine Scripture by the primitive Christian Church as the ancient Fathers plainly testifie 4. These books are not cited and quoted by Christ and the Apostles as the books of the Old Testament are frequently 5. These books contain some things erroneous false superstitious and contradictious both to the Scripture and to themselves see Tob. 5.12 Tob. 6.7 Tob. 9.2 judith 9.2 Bar. 6.3 Ecclesiast 46.20 2 Maccab. 14.42 c. 2 Maccab. 12.9 2 Maccab. 12.42 43. c. Note Some of the Apocrypha the Church doth read for example of life and instruction of manners but it doth not apply them to establish any Doctrine 12. Q. Is the corruption of nature it self and all the motions of it truly and properly sin even in those who are regenerated hath concupiscence and lust of it self the nature of sin though a man doth not consent to act and fulfill it A. I had not known sin but by the Law I had not known lust except the law had said thou shalt not Covet Rom. 7.7 With the mind I serve the Law of God with the flesh the law of sin Rom. 7.25 Lust is not of the Father 1 John 2.16 The flesh lusteth against the Spirit c. Gal. 5.17 Note The Apostle in Rom 7. more than once calls concupiscence or lust sin and that not only because it is from sin and inclines to it but also because it is contrary to the law of the mind and lusteth against the spirit in which thing the true nature of sin doth consist viz. in non-conformity to the Law of God Note If concupiscence were only the punishment of sin St. John would not have said that it is not of the Father for from him is the punishment of sin Note The motions of the mind to evil are of three sorts 1. Such as are rejected as soon as they arise 2. Such as remain a while and tickle and affect the Soul with some delight 3. Such as both tickle the mind with pleasure and a man doth resolve to put them into practise There is no controversie about the first or third sort but the dispute is about the second sort which indeed are forbidden in the tenth Commandement for what else can it forbid for motions of the first sort are not sinful and motions of the third cause are forbidden in the other Commandements as is evident by our Saviours exposition in Matt. 5. Note The Papists deny concupiscence and the lusts thereof to be sin because otherwise their other errours are not defensible their doctrines of merits of perfection of superrogation yea they are so blasphemous as to say that concupiscence and the lusts thereof are so far from defiling the Soul that they make the operations of it more meritorious and if so then our actions are more meritorious than the actions of our Saviour Christ who had no manner of corruption or lust in him to wrestle or strive against the will of God 13. Q. Are some sins Venial that is so small that they do not deserve or bind over to the wrath and curse of God and everlasting death A. Cursed is every one that doth not continue in all things written in the Law Gal. 3.10 Whosoever shall keep the whole law and offend in one point he is guilty of all Jam. 2.10 The wages of sin is death and the gift of God eternal life Rom. 6.23 so Rom. 6.16 Note The Apostle saith all sin deserveth death that is everlasting as appears by the opposition of life everlasting which the Apostle joyneth in the same verse Note without this filthy distinction of sins venial and mortal the Popish doctrine of a regenerate mans perfect keeping the whole law and so meriting a heaven falls to the ground and it is the less wonder that some debauched persons turn Papists when they precisely mention drunkenness as one in their Catalogue of veinal sins Note The ground of this Popish mistake about sins venial is that they take the measures of sin from the Act which is finite and not from the Object which is infinite so God offended by it Now this must needs be a false rule for so no sin would deserve infinite punishment but all sins would be venial for all sin is finite in it self and yet becomes infinite in merit because it is committed against an infinite God 14. Q. Must we disavow all communion with and separate from the Church of Rome in their Idolatrous worship or is Idolatry a sin not so heinous but that it may stand with the fellowship a Christian ought to have both with Christ the Head and with his