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A14944 A moste frutefull, piththye and learned treatise, how a christen ma[n] ought to behaue himself in the dau[n]ger of death Werdmüller, Otto, 1511-1552.; Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Grey, Jane, Lady, 1537-1554. aut 1555 (1555) STC 25251; ESTC S100738 68,910 312

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shal we neuer bee able to comprehende how it commeth to passe that the soule muste depart out and yet bee preserued the wormes consume the bodye and that thesame yet shal ryse agayne and lyue for euer Therefore is there required faythe in Chryste and in his word The summe her of haue we in the twelue articles of the olde aunciente vndoubted Christian belefe And though it bee our dewtye alwaye speciallye at the tyme of death earnestly to consider al the articles yet pryncipally whā we dye we oughte to exercyse the foure last articles The communyon of saintes The Frutes of faith the forgeuenes of sinnes the resurreccion of the body and the lyfe euerlastynge For these foure in themselues comprehēde al the power commoditie frute of faythe Namelye whosoeuer doeth stedfastly loke for al grace and help at gods hande thorowe the concepcion and birth death passyon resurreccyon ascensyō intercessyon merytes of Iesus Chryst and standeth lyueth and dieth in the same faith though all synnes deuils death hel would fall vpon hym and oppresse him yet canne they not hurt hym To bee shorte it is not other wise possible he must nedes haue feloshyppe wyth God and the elect and be quite discharged from all synnes and ioyfully rise again to eternal life Yea what soeuer the sōne of god himselfe hath can do and is able that same hath thys beeleuer also obteyned neyther can it goe other wyse wyth hym but prosperously in lyfe death here and in the world to come tēporally and eternally Wytnesse Whoso hath Chryst hath already the true lyfe and all blessing for Christ is the life the resurreccion and a plentefull sufficiency of all good thinges Thorowe fayth Ephesi 3. doeth Chryste dwell in our hartes Therfore thorowe fayth we obteyne all consolacion and blessyng That fayth is the true absolucyon it may be perceaued by the wordes of Chryste whā he saith so oft in the gospell be it vnto the accordyng to thy belefe Item God wyll constauntlye stand to hys worde and promes he is of nature the trueth it selfe Heauen and earth shall passe but hys wordes shall not passe Luke 21. What are nowe the promyses of god Iohn 3. So god loued the world that he gaue hys onelye begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleueth on hym shoulde not peryshe but haue euerlastynge lyfe O howe blessed a promys is thys that if we beleue in Chryste the sonne of god we shall thorowe hym inheryte eternall lyfe Item Iohn 5. vereli verely I say vnto you he that heareth my woordes and beleueth on hym that sēt me hath euerlastyng lyfe and shall not come into damnacyon but is escaped from death vnto lyfe Lorde howe comfortable a thing is thys that a faythfull beleuer by temporall death escapeth thorow yea is already escaped into euerlastyng lyfe Againe Iohn ● ▪ this is the will of my father which hath sente me that euery one whych seeth the sonne and beleueth on hym haue eternall lyfe and I shall raise him vp at the laste day As though he said Thys is the most gētle good will of god the father of god the sonne that such a man as styll endureth in stedfaste confidence vpon the grace worde of God shall bee preserued saued for euer And euen as litle shall synne hell and the deuyll be able to hurte hym as they could hurte Chryste hymselfe A pithie similitude Whan the darknes of the night falleth down it couereth the whole world dymmeth the coloure and fashion of all creatures feareth discomforteth them yet is it not of such power as to darken suppresse quenche the least light of al that is founde in the worlde For the darker the night is the clearer dothe starres shyne yea the lest lyght of a candell wtstandeth the whole night and geueth light rounde about in the middes of darknes A litle sparke also of a coale can not the darknes couer much les is it able to quēch it 1. Ihon ● Now is god the true euerlastyng heauēly light And al they that put their truste in hym are as a burnīg candle For thorow fayth doeth god dwell in our hartes we ar the liuing tēple of god Christs disciples ar called the lightes of the world Hereout foloweth it the though the prince of spiritual darknes thrust in with his noisome poisō plages Yet shal we beholde in faith that he with his poisō plages can neyther apprehēd nor destroy any true faithful mā or womā but shal be sinitten back dryuen away perforce A lytle vayne of water An apte similitude breaketh forth out of the groūd sometyme scace a fynger bygge and whan the water is gathered into a dyche or ponde it spryngeth neuerthelesse And though the water become heuy of certain hūdreth wayght and moue about the fo●●tayne yet can it not dryue backe 〈◊〉 fountaine but it driueth the whol● waighte of the water backward● and forwarde and spryngeth st●● continually tyll the dyche bee s● full that it goe ouer And if the other water be foule and trouble● it can not myngle it selfe among the freshe cleare water of the fo●●tayne but the same remayneth pu●● and fayer tyll in tyme it com● farre from the head spryng Iere. 2. Psal 36. Nowe is god the only plentifull fountayne of all lyfe An● the faythfull are verye flowyng wels For Chryste saieth Whos● beleueth on me Iohn 7. out of hys body as sayth the scripture shal flow streames of the water of lyfe Whyche wordes he spake of th● sprete that they which beleue o● hym should receaue Thus no m●●chaunce of thys world can spoil● any faythful man of his comfort and lyfe forasmuche as god the eternall well spryng of life dwelleth and floweth in hys hearte and dryueth all noysome things 〈◊〉 awaye from it To the intente now The exercyse of fayth that thou mayest be partaker of al the frutes of faith thou must māfulli striue and exercyse thy belefe after this maner If any imaginacion or thoughte concernynge synne or death wil feare the though flesh and bloud tell thee otherwyse though thyne owne naturall reason woulde make thee to beeleue none other and thou thy selfe felest not the contrari but the god of very wrath wyll kyll thee dāne thee for euer yet let no dispayer plucke the noble comforte of the sauioure out of thyne hearte let not thy hart wauer in the louing and fatherly promes of god Let the terrible cogitacions passe as much as is possible Remember the comfortable gracious worde of the lord Iesu Blessed of godis he that ●ath thys ●ynde Comprehend and kepe it sure in a stedfast belefe confydence and hope Plucke vp thi●e heart and say O death thy false feare woulde fayne disceaue me and wyth lying cogitacions pull me awaye from Chryst the worthy I mai not harkē to thy feare neyther accepte it I knowe of a deare
the pestylēce wyth flying awaye leauyng his own wyfe frendes and neyghbours he declareth vnperfectnes of faith and standeth not wyth Chrystian charitie where we owe vnto others the same that we in like case would gladly haue at theyr handes Graunt that the pestylence is such an infectuous sickenesse as one taketh of another What thā If one stande in battayle raye to fyghte for hys country must not he also looke for a gonne stonne to be sente hym into hys bosome to carye home doeth it therefore beseme hym to breake the araye and to fly Lyke as there the enemyes of the bodye are at hande So here doe the gostlye aduersaryes besege the soule of hym that is a dying where one Chrystyan shoulde helpe another wyth worthy talke Therfore is that a folish vnaduised counsayll whan we wyth neglectynge of oure owne members wil flie from the wrath of god thynkyng thorowe synne to escape the punyshmēt of synne Experyence also doth shew that such folkes doe ofte perysh aswel as other yea soner then they that fled not at al. But phisicke is permytted of god as in the tyme of pestylence wyth fyers and perfumes to make the ayer more wholsome from poysō and to receaue somewhat into the bodye for the consumyng of euil humours and to hinder the infeccion Itē whan one is taken with a dysease to be let bloud to sweate to folow the phisicians instrucciō such thīges are in no wyse to be reprehēded So that whether it turne to deathe or lyfe the hearte onely and hope hange vpon God The physicion shoulde neyther bee despysed nor worshypped For to thynke scorn to vse medecyne in syckenesse what were that els but euen to tempt god ¶ That god is able and wyll helpe for Chrystes sake The .20 Chapter SPecially whā death is at hād a man fyndeth no helpe in any creature of heauen and earth whereby he might fortunatly suppresse the exceading greate feare of death but only in god the father in Christe hys sonne and in the holy sprete of them both It is god that knoweth the parels of thy death and can medle wythall Thorowe hys power shalt thou get thorow and drinke the bitter draught Though we dyyet liueth god before vs with vs after vs and is able to preserue vs for euer Chryst sayeth wepe not the damosel is not dead but slepeth Faythles reason vnderstandeth not the mistery of God and laugheth But Chryst the true god hath both the woorde worke together saieth no more but arise and the soule came again to the bodye she arose Oute of thys and suche lyke ensamples oughtest thou faynte hearted man to vnderstande the infinite power of god who can receaue thi soule also and preserue it Not only is god able but wil also helpe graciousli Whi should not he lay vpon thee some greate thyng as death is seyng he addeth so greate aduauntage helpe and strēgth therto Math. 10. d. Luke 12. a. Psal 34. Psal 55. c. 1. Pet. 5. a to proue what hys grace and power maye doe For he hath nombred all the heares of our head that is he alwai hath hys eies vpon vs and careth euer for vs. Yea that he loueth vs more thē we loue oure selues and maketh better prouision for vs then we can wysh he hath openly and euidently testified in his own deare sonne Marke 16. c. Luke 22. c. whō he caused to take our miserable nature vpon hym and therein for the synnes of all the world to suffer to dye to ryse agayne to ascende vp to heauen Acre 7. ● roma 8. ● Eph. 1 ▪ c. 4. Philip. 2. a Col. 3. a 1. Pet. 3. c Heb. 1. a 2 ● 10 b 12 a Psal 110 a where he sytteth at the right hād of god the father almyghtye Among the whych articles euerye one doth helpe and comfort such as are a dying The naturall sonne of god him selfe from heauen became a mortall man The human●●tie of Chry●● to the intent that mans mortal nature thorowe the vnityng thereof with the immortall nature of the Godheade in hys owne onely person myght be exalted to an immortall lyfe He The passion of Chryst hauyng a natural feare of death said my soule is heuy euē vnto the death He prayed also father if it be possible take thys cup from me But thys feare and terrour dyd he ouercome Math 26 ● Marke 14 ● Io 12 c Luke 22 ● for he addeth thereto and sayeth father not my wyll but thyne be fulfylled Thorowe thys victorye of Chryst maye al Chrystyans also ouercome such terrour and feare as they be in Item though the Iewes blaspheme neuer so muche and saye lette hym come downe from the crosse Math 27 Marke 14 d Luke 22 c he hath helped other lette hym nowe helpe hymselfe as though they woulde saye There there seyft the death like a wretche must thou dye and no man is able to helpe thee Yet dyd the lorde Iesus holde hys peace thereto as if he heard and saw them not He made no aunswere agayne but onely regarded the good wil and pleasure of his father Therfore though we haue an horrible temptacion of death as thoughe there were neyther comforte nor help for vs ani more yet in Christ and with Chryst we may endure all and wayte styll vpon the gracious good wyll of god He dyd not onely suffer the horrour and temptacyon of deathe but death it selfe yea the moste horryble death wherby he tooke from vs the death eternall and some deale mollified and swaged our temporall death yea besides thys he made it profytable and wholsome So that death 2 Cor 5 ● Phil 1 c roma 7 c Hebru 2 which of it selfe shoulde els be a beginning of euerlastyng sorowe is become an intraunce into eternall saluacyō Accordyng to this meanyng are the wordes of Paul whā he sayth that Chryst by the grace of god tasted death for all men Item he became partaker offlessh and bloud to put down thorowe death hym that had the lordshyp ouer death that is to say the deuyll and that he myghte delyuer them whyche thorowe feare of death were al theyr lyfe tyme in daunger of bondage Chrystes resurreccyon Moreouer that Chryst is the lyuing immortall ymage against death yea the very power of our resurreccyon and of lyfe euerlastyng he hymselfe hath testifyed wyth hys owne ioyefull and victoryous resurreccion also with that that in hys resurreccyon many other sayntes that were dead rose from death agayne Math 27 Agayne howe full is it of comforte and pure treasure that S. Paul ioyneth our resurrecciō vnseparably 1 Cor 15 to the resurreccyon of Iesus Christ Lykewyse doth S. Paul comforte hys disciple Timothy with the resurreccion and sayeth 2 Tim 2 ●om 6 b 8 b If we dye wyth Chryst we shall lyue wyth hym if we be pacyent we shal also reigne with hym Chrystes ascensyon No lesse must the frute of the
to say eternall damnacyon God setteth to his owne helpyng hande in suche wyse and at such time as is beste of all The .22 Chapter GOd now thorowe Chryst dooeth not onely promes most graciously hys comfort and helpe but faythfully perfourmeth he thesame in due season so farre after suche sorte as is expediente The verye ryghte tyme vndoutedly doth not he omitte Death in dede is a narowe way but god shorteneth it The bitternesse of death passeth all the paynes that we haue felte vpon earth but it endureth not longe Death must make quy●●● spede wyth vs as Ezechyas the kyng of Iuda sayeth Esaye 38 he shall cut of my lyfe as a weeber doth his webbe And whan the payne is greatest of all then is it nere the ende Hereunto may be applyed that Chryste sayde it is but a modicum a veri litle while Iohn 11 Though it were so that the troubles of death dyd long endure Yet towardes the eternitie that foloweth after is the same scace as one pointe or prycke in comparison of a whole Circle In the meane season God can more comforte and helpe thē the most horrible death of all is able to disturbe or greue Sometyme taketh he frō vs the greuous enemy or mortal sickenes so deliuereth vs out of the parelles of deathe Els geueth he some ease or refreshyng outwardely or yf the trouble gooe on styll he sendeth hys swete gracious comforte inwardely so as the pacyēt thorowe then or kyng of the holy gost doth fele a taste a proufe and begynnynge of the heauenly ioye by meanes whereof he is able wyllyngly to forsake all that earthy is and to endure al maner of payne and smerte vntyll the ende ●●m● 8 The sprete of god certifieth our sprete that we are the children of god If we be chyldren we are al so heyres the heyres I meane of God and heyres annexed wyth Chryste if so bee that we suffer wyth hym that we maye also be gloryfyed wyth hym God commaundeth his Aungels that they wyth hym doe loke vnto thee O man whan thou dyest to take hede vnto thy soule to keepe it to receaue it whan it shall depart out of the body Wytnes thys is ▪ the aungell of the Lorde pitcheth roūd about them that feare him Psal 34 and delyuereth thē And Psal 9● ▪ he hath geuen hys aungels charge concernyng thee that they kepe thee in all thy wayes and beare thee in theyr handes that thou hurte not thy fote agaynste a stone The Aungels Hebru ● whiche are many wythout nōber be ministring spretes sente to dooe seruyce for theyr sakes whych shal be heires of saluacyon Therfore a Christian at his laste ende muste bee throughlye assured that in hys death he is not alone but that very many eies loke vnto him First the eies of god the father himself and of hys sonne Iesus Chryste then the worthye aungels and all Chrystyans vpon earth Then accordyng to the cōtentes of the sacrament of baptyme and of the supper of the lord al Christians as a whole body to a mēber thereof resort vnto him that is a dying by hauing compassiō and prayer to helpe hym by that at hys death he maye ouer come death synne and hell ¶ Examples of Goddes helpe The .23 Chapter IN the tyme of the Prophetes and apostles God raised certayne from death to the intēte that oure weake feable nature myght haue the more helpe to beleue the resurreccion eternal lyfe For the dead could not haue been raysed if death dyd bryng man vtterly to naught Abraham fell sicke Gene 25 and died in a good age whan he was olde and had liued inoughe and was put vnto hys people that is hys soule came to the soules of the other saynctes which died afore So is it also of Isaac Gene 3● Word was brought to kīg Ezechias that he should lyue no lōger But after he had made his earneste prayer vnto God there were added fiftene yeares vnto lyfe Whan Lazarus dyed Luke 16 hys soule was caryed of the aungels into Abrahams bosome The murtherer vpon the crosse hearde in hys extreme trouble that Chryst sayed vnto hym thys daye shalte thou be wyth me in paradyse Luke 23 Dayly experyence testifieth that god forsaketh not hys own Therfore vndoubtedlye he that hath begonne hys kyngdome in vs shall graciously perfourme and finishe it ¶ That it is necessarye to prepare for thys iourneye The .24 Chapter IF we could fynde in our hert● gladlye for to heare howe vnhurtefull yea wholsome and vincible death is become thorow Chryst we would not be idell and lynger styll tyll the tyme came that we must nedes dye A good housholder maketh prouision for hymselfe and hys familye and bieth afore hande fewel and victualles and such thynges as he hath nede of for a whole yeare or for a moneth c. accordyng as he is able Muche more oughte a Christian to prouyde that whyche concerneth not onely one moneth or one yere but an eternitye that hath no ende Lyke as faythfull seruauntes wayte for theyr master so ought we to loke for the commyng of Chryst whā he shall call vs out of thys tyme. Luke ●● If the housholder knewe what houre the thefe woulde come he woulde watch and not suffer his house to be broken vp math 24. Therfore be ye also ready for in the houre that ye thynke not wyll the sōne of man come Whoso hath perfecte knoweledge of death as it is hetherto descrybed and set forth he in makyng prouision afore hande hath fyrste thys aduauntage that it is good fyghtynge wyth a knowne enemye Contrary wyse on the other syde what shall an vnmete warryour doe that knoweth not the nature subtiltie weapons and polycy of the enemye Prouisyon concernyng temporall goodes children and frendes which must bee lefte behynde The .25 Chapter AGayne concernyng temporall goodes Let the ryche who hath wyfe and children or other heyres make prouision for them in good ord●● vnder wrytyng accordyng as i● euery place the custome is But i● honour and auctoritie substaūc● or goodes go to nere thi stomack then consyder that they be no● true but vncertayne transitory● and vayne goods whyche bryn● more vnquietnesse then rest Co●syder also that many moe rych● myghtye Prynces kynges an● Lordes muste bee spoyled of 〈◊〉 theyr glorye and bee faine to contente themselues with a shorte narrowe place of the graue Thoughe we here lose all yet dooe we scace lose one farthynge And in the other lyfe we haue not kyngedomes nor empires but GOD hymselfe and euerlastynge goodes In comparison whereof all minstrelsye pastyme pompe myrthe and chere vpon earthe is scace to bee estemed as castynge counters towardes the fyneste coynes of golde Therefore oughte we to learne specyallye in syckenes to geue all temporall goodes theyr leaue and to byd them fare wel And if any manne wyll further more disquyete and trouble vs in tellynge vs styll of
them then muste we requyer hym to depart and let vs alone Whoso hath a trayne hanging vpon hym as father mother sisters brothers wyfe chyldren frendes the same is the sorer laid at For naturally we all are lothe to depart from them Math 10 Here muste we remember the words of Christ He that loueth father or mother mor thē me is not worthy of me And he that loueth sōne or daughter more then me is not mete for me And whoso taketh not vp his crosse and foloweth me is vnapt for me Therfore must thou breke thyne own wil take vp thy crosse and geue ouer thy selfe vnto the will of god Specialli forasmuch as euen they whom thou art loth to leaue behynde thee vpō earth shall shortelye come to thee And in the meane seasō whan thou departeste from thy frendes thou goest the nexte waye and spedest thee vnto better and more louing frendes And therefore the holye patriarke Iacob sayed Gene. 49. whan he should dye I shal be gathered to my people Item vnto Moyses and Aaron sayd god Thou shalt goe to thy people and vnto thi fathers Hereby is it declared that death is a passage to many mooe folkes and better frendes thē we leaue here There is God our father hys sonne our brother hys heauen our enherytaunce and al aungels and sainctes our brethrē systers and kinsfolkes with whō we shal enioie eternal goodes for euer Agayne whoso leaueth behynde hym a poore wyfe chyldren not brought vp and frendes that are in necessitie muste also dooe hys best commyttyng them to the protection helpe and cōfort of god wyth an earnest prayer that he wyl graciously take the gouernaunce of them For our wiues children and posteritie doeth the seconde commaundement sette in goddes tuicion whan it saith mercy and kindnes shew I vnto thousandes of thē that loue me and kepe my commaundementes Exod. 22. Psal 145. Item god wryteth hymselfe a father of the wedowes and fatherles and taketh them into his own proteccyon Nowe if thou receaue not thys godly consolaciō and comfort then to thyne owne greate notable hurte thou disquietst thy selfe so greuously that thou canste consider nothīg that is right and iust eternall or heauenly Preparacion concernyng gostly maters with what cogitacions the mynd ought most to be exercysed The .26 Chapter MOreouer the sicke must geue all other worldlye matters theyr leue that the soule be not tangled wyth any earthye busynes but directed vpwarde into heauen where it desyreth euerlastingly to liue Heare shal it be nedeful that our mynd haue an assured vnderstandīg of the holy gospel In this cōsideracion endure thou styll hang thou thereupon wyth stedfaste faythe where oute growe these fruites prayer ryghteousnes pacyence and all goodnes After the doctryne of the true gospell without thyne owne and religious mens workes without the merites of saynctes arte thou iustified made ryghteous and saued onely thorowe Chryst who alone is thy mediatour aduocat helper satisfaccion hope cōforte and lyfe It is Chrystes wyll to conueye thee awaye from synne from the world from the deuyll and from hell and to take thee to hys grace into the eternall paradyse though all creatures were agaynste thee Probacyon oute of the scripture Iohn 17. Thys is the lyfe eternall that they knowe thee to be the onely true God and whom thou haste sent Iesus Christ With this euāgelicall doctrine with nothing els must our heart be occupyed what temptacions soeuer happē whyche vndoubtedly will not tary behynde While we go about yet mery and in health it bryngethe excedynge great profit if we exercyse oure selues wyth the cogitacyons of death But in sickenes and whan we must dye that is whan the horrible ymage of death would make vs afrayed we must not vnquiet our selues with heuy remembraūce of death We should not beholde or consider death in it selfe nor in our own nature neyther in them that ar slayne thorow the wrath of god But principallye in Chryste Iesu and then in hys saynctes whyche thorowe hym ouercame death and dyed in the grace of god From thys syght maye not we suffer our selues to be dryuē though all aungels and all creatures yea though god hymselfe in our opinion would laye other thynges before our eyes whiche they doe not Howbeit the euyll sprete maketh such an appearāce For Chryst Iesus is nothyng els but lyfe saluacion Yea the more depely and stedfastly we do set prynt and beholde Christ before vs the more shal death bee despysed and deuoured in lyfe the harte also hath the more rest and maye quietly dye in Chryste Therfore sayth Christe Ion 16. In the world that is also in your selues ye shal haue trouble but in me peace Be ye of good comforte I haue ouercome the worlde Apoc. 14. Nu 21 Ion. 3. Blessed are thei that dy in the Lorde Thys aforetyme was figured and signified Whan the children of Israell betyng bitten of fyerye serpentes myghte not struggle with thē but behold the brasen serpente namely Chryst So the quicke serpentes fell away of themselues and vanyshed Whan we now beholde death and the panges of death in it self wyth our own feble reason with out Chryst without gods worde specially out of season that is to say in the daunger of death then hath death his whole power and strength in our feble nature and kylleth vs wyth the greater pain so that we forgette God and are lost for euer ¶ Of repentaūce and sorowe for synne The .27 Chapter TO the intent that our wil hearte and mynde maye ryghte and truly receaue and apprehende the lorde Chryste We must fyrste be throughly sorowfull for oure synnefull lyfe and confesse that there was no remedy but of oure selues we should haue been damned for euer Thys shryft or confession of synnes must not forth with be done to the priest but vnto god wyth harty sorow and repentaunce after the ensample of the poore sinner And of the Publycane Luke 7. ● 18. Therefore muste we also acknoweledge that wyth all our own power and workes we are able to preuayle neyther againste death nor other mischaunce For how were it possible that we pooresely wormes feble and weake in body and soule shoulde be able to endure the stormy waues and intolerable burthen of death yf the ryghte hande of god himself were not presente to helpe our infirmitie Ful truli spake a certain kyng in Fraunce whan he lay on hys death bed I haue been very riche I haue had exceding much honoure my power was passing greate and yet for all my ryches power and frēdes I am not able to obteyne of death so muche as one houres respyte ¶ Of trewe faith The .28 Chapter TO suche a confessyon bee longeth the Chrystian belefe that we turne oure selues awaye from al cōforte of man yea from all creatures to the only creator thorowe Iesus Chryst and to geue our selues ouer wholly vnto him Wyth all our naturall reason and wysdome
valeaunt worthi and victorious man that sayd bee of good comforte I haue ouercome the world That is to say sine deth deuyll hell and whatsoeuer cleaueth to the world And verely verely Iohn 6. he that beleueth and putteth hys trust in me hath eternal life Wyth the whyche wordes the same deare valeaunt worthy and victorious man doth applye also vnto me his victory and power With him will I continew and kepe me to hys worde and comforte whether I lyue longer or must dy Here ought we perfectly to be sure that the greater the battayll of death is the nerer is Iesus Christ to crown vs with mercy and louing kindnes Euident ensamples out of the new and olde testament Paul reioyseth and bosteth agaynste the terrour of death Death is swalowed vp in victory Death 1. Cor. 15. where is thy victory Hel where is thy styng As though he wold say To the fayt●●full death is a comforte O death thou mayest wel make one afrayed as a death image of wood maye doe but to deuoure thou hast no myghte For thy victorye stynge and power is swalowed vp in the victory of Chryste And thorow Iesus Christ our lord hath god geuē vs the victory agaynst thee so that all true faythfull Christians are become lordes ouer death hell Out of suche a fayth is Paul not afrayed to say Whether we liue or dye Roma 14. we are the lordes And agayne thus he speaketh exceadyng comfortably Chryste is to me lyfe Philip. 1. Oh that these wordes were printed in our hartes and death is to me aduauntage For hereby goe we frō labour to rest from shame to honoure from heuynes to ioye frō death to lyfe 1. Iohn 5. We knowe that we are translated frō death vnto life Though I walke in the valey of the shadowe of death Psal 23. yet feare I no euyll for thou lord god arte with me Vnbelefe Therfore let them feare death that know not Christ neither beleue in hym euen suche as from temporal death passe vnto death euerlastynge For God geuethe charge and cōmaundement that we shoulde receaue coumforte in the lord Iesu as the words soūd be of good comforte How god 〈◊〉 blasphemed by our fear of death I haue ouercome the world Whoso now wil not be comforted wyth the lorde Iesu doth vnto god the father the sonne the greatest dishonour as though it were false that he byddeth vs be of a good comforte as though it wer not true that he hath ouercome the worlde The fearer o● death arme●● the deuyll agaynst hymselfe And by this whereas the deuil sinne and death is ouercome alreadye we strengthen them to bee oure own tirannes againste the faythfull true sauiour Trust in ou● own strēgt● is the way to desperacyon Hereof procede such wordes as these I wote not how to endure and abyde it alas what shal be come of me What is that els but to haue respect vnto our owne strengthe as thoughe Chryst were not at hande to take our part and to fynish the matter Item thorowe vnbelefe a man desyreth to remayne here longer whether god be content with all or no. In the sight of the worlde he is taken to bee no honeste man that vily forsaketh hys bodelye master doth not be then procure vnto hymselfe euerlastyng shame that in trouble of death pyketh hymselfe away from Chryst the heauēly master Witnes he that beleueth not Mark 16. Iohn 3. shal be damned He that beleueth not on the sonne of god shal not see lyfe but the wrath of god abydeth on hym ¶ Of hope The .29 Chapter The worke strēgth of the lyuely fayth FAyth though it be no greater then a litle sparke gendreth hope which loketh and wayteth for the deliueraunce to come and shall vndoubtedlye not come to confusion Committe thy cause vnto the lord hope vpō hym Psal 37. and he full wel shal bryng it to passe Ipse faciet he hymselfe wyll be the doer The good Patriarck Abraham is set forth vnto vs for an ensample of fayth and hope Like as he hoped against hope that is to say there as nothyng was to hope euen so must our hope stande fast and sure agaynst al that our own naturall reason or the wycked enemye can obiect or cast in oure waye ¶ Of the Sacramentes The .30 Chapter TO the confirmaciō of faith and hope serue the holye sacramentes of baptisme and of the supper of the Lord. The vse or frute of Baptime Baptime is an vndoubted true token and euidēce of the grace of god fastened euē vpon the bodi wyth the which god promyseth byndeth himselfe that he wil be thy god father for hys sonnes sake and wyl also preserue the with hys owne sprete in thy greateste parels for euermore The sacramente of the body bloud of Chryst muste be exercysed and practised The place of the supper and persons onely in the commyng together of the whole congregacion and church according to the ensample of the Apostles Therfore let the sycke satisfy him selfe with the generall breakinge of bread whereof he was partaker wyth the whole congregaciō But let hym diligently consyder the frute therof after this maner The frute of the supper god hath promysed me his grace in Christ and geuē me an assured token from heauen in thys sacrament that Chrystes lyfe hath in hys death ouercome my death that hys obedyence in hys passiō hath destroyed my synnes Thys godly promes token and euidēce of my saluacyō shal not disceaue me I wyll not suffer thys to bee taken fro me to dy for it I wil rather deny al the world my selfe also then to doubt in gods token and promes Here the deuyl tēpteth a man to say yea but thorow my vnworthynes I may spil the giftes of god that are offered me by the worde token and so bee spoyled of thesame for euer Our worthynes to communicate Answere God geueth thee nothynge for thyne own worthynes sake yea he buyldeth thee vnworthy vpon the worthynes of his owne sonne If thou beleue on the sōne of god thou art and continueste worthy before the face of god Item forasmuche as thou hast gone heretofore vnto the supper of the lord thou art thorowe the same sacramēt incorporated and conioyned wyth al them that are sanctified in god and art already come in to the feloweshyp of the sainctes so that they with thee in Chryst dye and ouercome Of prayer The .31 Chapter NO man shoulde presume to exercyse fayth hope or other spiritual giftes out of his owne power but humbly to prai vnto god for all suche thynges Oure sufficiency is from god as are nedeful And seing we haue nede of one mediatour and aduocate god hath geuen vs hys sonne Iesus Christ Neither is ani of our prayers acceptable vnto god Hebru 1● but such as we offer thorowe Iesus
saidst into thī handes I commende my sprete Euen so now lord commende I my poore soule into thy handes O thou holy sprete Praier to god the holy gost Great is the anguish and distresse of my hert haue mercye vpon me for Iesus Christes sake I am afflicted so are many moe O vouchsafe thou to illuminate comfort strēgthē me and them vnto al goodnes cōuey thou and bryng vs out of all trouble and fayle vs not neither forsake vs for euermore Amen ¶ A fourme of prayse and thankes geuyng The .33 Chapter Thankes geuyng to god the father O Almightie eternal merciful god and father I laude and prayse the that thou hast created me a reasonable man and as a father haste preserued me to thys houre keping me from great daūgers euer sithens I was borne doing me more good then euer I was or am worthy Specyally I geue thee thankes for thy endles grace whiche thou shewest vnto me and all faythfull thorowe thy moste deare beloued sonne In that he for my synnes would be tempted so many wayes and suffer so vyle a death to the intente that I from hence forth myght be assured of faythfull assistaunce Magnified and blessed be thy name that thou sufferest me not to dye wythout knoweledge of the holy gospell I thanke thee also dearest father that thou visiting me wyth thys syckenes and daunger doest not forgette me For in the meane season also thou comfortest fortest and helpest and full graciously shalt thou bryng the matter to an ende Thankesgeuing to the sonne Honour prayse and thankes be vnto thee my most deare lord Iesu Christ for thy holy incarnacion for thy martirdom and bytter passyon wherby I am perfectly assured that thou art my redemer and Sauiour Vpon that onely set I my building thither warde standeth my hope there wil I be founde Rom. 6. b. rom 8. b. 2. Timo. 2. b Cherefully and gladli with thy helpe wil I depart hēce trustyng that as I am partaker of thi troubles so shall I also haue my part in thy euerlastyng glorye Namely that at the last daye thou shalt raise vp this my poore mortall body takyng my soule vnto thee immediatly at my departing hence Thankesgeuing to the holi goost O the holy sprete I rēder vn to the prayse and thākes for the true vnderstandyng belefe comfort pacience al giftes whiche thou graciously doest minister geue by the meanes of our Lord Iesus Christ That the praier is harde The .34 Chapter HEre vnto serue al psalmes of prayer and thankesgeuing Howbeit whatsoeuer cōcerneth prayer it is all cōprehended with few wordes in the holy pater noster if it be diligētly earnestly considered Notwithstādyng no Christian prayer can be done in vayne that it should not be faythfully heard God sayth Psal 91. He hath a desier vnto me and I wyl deliuer him Whan he calleth vpō me I shal heare hym yea I am with him in his trouble whereoute I wyll delyuer hym and bring him to honour He knoweth my name therfore wil I defende hym Wyth longe lyfe wyll I satisfye hym and shewe hym my saluaciō Yea the whole psalter is ful of such cōfortable promyses Luke 23. d. Ensample if thou pray with the murtherer vpō the crosse that Chryst wil remember thee in his kyngdome thou shalte also in thy heart he are the gracyous comfort thys day shalt thou be wyth me in paradyse Neuertheles whosoeuer is in trouble heuines or aduersitie ought earnestly to desyer the intercessions prayers of faythfull beleuers ¶ That the word of God oughte to bee practysed and vsed The .35 Chapter FArthermore he ought alwaye to haue gods word before his eyes and feruētly to exercise him selfe therin For wheras he faythfully calleth vnto god he dooeth it vpon hys worde and in the word of god he is taughte howe to behaue himselfe towardes al what soeuer commeth in his waye If a man now can not geue hymselfe true informacion out of the holye scripture whether it be cōcernīg synnes committed or other tēptacyons then ought he to aske counsayll of hys learned soule shepeheard or of some other mē of godly vnderstandyng The lord saith not for naught My shepe heare my voice and I know them Iohn 10. and they folowe me and I geue thē eternall lyfe and they shal neuer peryshe ¶ Amendement of lyfe necessarye The .36 Chapter THe trewe faith bryngeth wyth it naturally a stedfast purpose to liue from hence forth accordyng vnto all the cōmaundemēts of god Chryst lykewise exhorteth euery man rightly to exercise and well to vse the giftes of god Hereof bryngeth he in a parable A certayn man taking a iourney into a straunge countrye Math. 25. called his seruauntes and deliuered vnto thē his goodes And vnto on he gaue fiue talētes to another two and to the third one c. Vpon the same doth the lorde appointe the faythful seruaunt his reward and punysheth the slougish and euil seruaunt The righteousnes of faith cōprehēdeth the feare of god loue of thy neyghbour pacience all vertue Of thys feare Prou. 14. it is wrytten The feare of god is a foūtain of lyfe to auoyde the snares of death Neyghbourly loue doeth first and principalli require that we frendlye and vnfeynedlye for gods sake forgeue all them that euer haue offended vs and again to vndertake as much as lieth in vs to reconcyle al our enemyes Then dooeth charitie require to geue almes to comforte the heuy hearted and to practyse al works of mercy and loke who hath done the good in thi sicknes it is requisite that thou geue them thankes Among benefites this is not the lest whan one moueth and exhorteth another to kepe himselfe frō al filthines As for bodeli thīgs the sycke shoulde dyspatche thē wyth fewe woordes but such as concerne nourtour honesty the fear of god safegard in hym and the homage which is due vnto hym that ought to be done with more deliberacyon For loke what one speaketh at the poynt of death the same goeth deper to the hearte of such as heare it partly because it cannot be thought that a mā on hys death bed beyng in greatest trouble wyl vse ipocrisye or dissemble partly for that whan the soule begynneth to be discharged of the bodi it oft times sheweth some token of the fredome ioy wyth the which it shall euē now forthwith be perfectly endewed Ensample the deare worthy patriarkes in the olde testament before theyr departyng out of thys lyfe sent and called for theyr children and other folkes instructīg and exhortyng them to submitte themselues vnto the law of god and diligently to walke therein How faythfully dyd Mathathias at hys death 1 Mach. ● speake to his noble sonnes comfortyng them out of gods worde agaynst all theyr enemyes Exhortacyon vnto pacyence The .37 Chapter FInally we can not doe better than wyth gods helpe beeyng pacient in all aduersitie and stedfast
in al temptacions most gently and mekely to geue ouer oure wils into the wil of god I spake not of such a pacience valeaūtnes as vtterly to fele no more terrour of death For that is a verye blockishe vnsensiblenes of wylde madde barbarous people but al suche feblenes as is felte must a Christē man ouercome and with faythful confidence vpon the grace of god cherefully steppe foorthe before the eyes of death In the passion and death of Chryst we haue a perfecte ensample not onli of pacience but also of eueri other thyng that hitherto is written concerning preparacion vnto death 1. Cor. 1. Colossi 2. For he is geuē vnto vs of god not only to be oure redempcyon but also to be vnto vs wysedom wherby we must learne al that is necessary for our health The seuen words that the lord spake vpon the crosse are specyally to be pondered weied and consydered The first father forgeue thē for they wote not what they doe The seconde woman loe there is thy sonne The thyrde thys daye shalte thou be wyth me in paradyse The fourth my god my God why hast thou forsaken me The fift I am a thirst The sixt It is fynished The seuenth Father into thy handes I commende my sprete Thorowe the knowledge of Iesus Chryst Ensamples of saynctes dyd all holye fathers and seruauntes of god in the olde and new testament geue ouer thēselues wyllyngly vnto death the waye of al fleshe Luke 2. Holy Simeon sayth lord now lettest thou thy seruaunt depart in peace accordyng to thy word For mine eyes haue seen thy saluacyon whyche thou haste prepared beefore the face of al people c. Seeyinge than that euerye faythfull Christian A lesson to learne to dye dooeth no lesse see Chryst with the eyes of his heart he ought with prayse and thankes to saye forasmuche as I am assured and doe constātly beleue that I am redemed and deliuered by Iesus Chryste and not destroyed but onelye chaunged thorowe the death of the body I am ryght wyllyng and wel contente to departe hence and to dye whan soeuer nowe it shall please the lord my god The murtherer vpon the crosse dyd wyllingly suffer the death that he had deserued and so he obteyned the euerlastyng tryumphe of a Martyr Actes 7. Holy Steuen was content to suffer the fearce crueltye of the enemyes for in hys laste trouble he kneled downe and cryed wyth a loude voyce Lord Iesu receaue my sprete lord lay not this sinne to their charge Philip. 1 Paul the chosen vessel of god speaketh thus very comfortably My desyer is to bee loosed to departe hence out of misery and to be wyth Chryst whyche thynge is best of all for Chryst is to me lyfe and death is to me aduauntage These and such noble ensamples of other holi martirs should by reason prouoke vs feble sluggishe Christians to bee the more hardy and stoute and to thynke thus well goe to Thou haste as yet suffered no great thyng for the lord Christes sake therfore now euē as a lambe geue ouer thy self cherefullye vnto death for hys names sake Thou haste daylye made thy prayer Prayer requireth paciēce as Chryste hath taughte thee that god wyll take thee oute of thys wycked worlde into hys kyngedome Mathe. 6. and that his wyll be done Now if he wyll gracyously conuey thee into his kingdom thou oughtest frō the botome of thy heart to reioyse and as hys owne chylde willinglye to obeye them Forasmuch as the famous heathen man Socrates being before the seate of iudgement where the mater touched his body and life desyred no aduocate neyther submitted hymselfe to the Iudges but valeauntly disputed beefore them and proued that there is no euil in death It should sound very euil If we which oute of the infallible worde of God are instructed cōcernyng a better lif shoulde forsake thys lyfe of misery with les paciēce and with more vnquietnes of mind thē dyd the heathen mā The original and fruyte of pacyence The .38 Chapter TO the intēt that the feblenes of our nature which quaketh at death as at a thyng terrible may shew Christiā paciēce we must cleaue vnto Iesus Chryste wyth true fayth which shal warme our hartes to haue a loue and desyre after the heauenly glori and euerlastyng saluacion Yea rather to lose an hundreth bodies if it wer possible then to bee destitute of the holy gospell wherby we are assured of deliueraūce from sīne deuil hel by meanes of the bloud shedding of Iesus Chryste Vnpaciēt folkes grudge against god pouryng out al vnthankefulnes for that they wer not created immortal and so imagen thei in thēselues a terrible cruell god Gene. 13. b roman 4. Galathi 3. a. Gene. 12. c 10. a. .26 a. b Yea al maner of vices grow oute of impaciency Abraham who other wyse is set forth for an ensāple of fayth and ryghteousnesse fearyng death to sore synned greuously denying Sara to be hys wyfe Note thys wel What Christē hart can read this withoute ●eares In these later dayes the more pitie god bee mercyful vnto vs it is become a commen thynge for feare of death to cary the true belefe only in hart secret outwardely to deny the holi gospel with mouth behauour gesture to serue Antichrist ¶ That a man whyle he is yet in health oughte to prepare hymselfe afore hande The .39 Chapter THis preparacion ought no man to lynger or dyffer tyll another tyme thoughe he beē neuer so whole and sounde but euery one forthwyth and dayly to begynne to make hymself for death to the intente that at all houres he maye be founde ready Lyke as a stoute and valeaunte souldier whan he muste bee vp and fyght wyth the enemyes ouerslepeth not hym selfe but kepeth hys standyng and hath his weapons and harnes alreadye vpon hym so muche more oughte we Christiās at al tymes to wait vpon our heauēly captayne whā he bloweth the trompe that we mai be readi to pas forth with him Let your loynes be girded about and your lyghtes brennyng Luke 12. and ye your selues lyke vnto me that wayte for theyr master whan he wyll returne from the weddyng that assone as he commeth and knocketh they may opē vnto him immediatly Happy are those seruauntes whom the lord whā he commeth shal fynde wakinge Wyth thys similitude doethe Chryst exhorte euery man that at all tymes we prepare our selues agaynst his comminge whan he knocketh thorowe sycknes and other daūgers whan he calleth vs out of thys lyfe and whan he shal come agayne out of hys heauēly palace to iudge the lyuīg and the dead The ryghte preparacyon is true faith feruent loue and charitie the cleare shyne of al vertues and specially a gentle wyllynge mynde to open vnto the lord to let hym in and with him to passe forth into hys royal and matrimonial palace of the euerlastyng ioifull kyngdome
for the vnspeakable grace of god wyth exhortacyō to forgeue hys enemyes to doe euery man good accordyng to hys power in euery point to amend his own lyfe and conuersacyon but specyally wyth a pacyente gentle quiete and good wyllyng mynde to wayte for delyueraunce Namly thou mayst say thus Take vp thy crosse vpō thy necke pacyentlye and folowe Chryst thy Lorde Remember and beholde Chryste hangynge in great Martyrdome vpon the crosse He suffered pacyently vntyll hys fathers wyll was fulfylled in him Euen so thou also holde styll vnto the Lorde thy god that he maye perfourme hys wyl in the if it be hys good pleasure now to take the stinkīg transitory fleshe from thee to purifie it and to make an eternall gloryfyed body of it thou haste great cause to reioyes At the pointe of death Whan the sick is drawynge a way and specheles hauynge yet vnderstandyng thou maist speke vnto hym these wordes fyght valiauntly as a worthy Christian dispayer not be not afrayed of the rigorous iudgement of god hold thee faste to the comfortable promes of Chryst there as he sayth I am the resurreccion and the lyfe He that beleueth on me shal liue though he were dead and whoso lyueth and beleueth on me shall neuer dye In hym is thy belefe ▪ therfore shalt thou liue with him for euer Chryst thy sauiour shall neuer forsake thee There can no man plucke thee out of hys hand Iohn 10. Heauen an earth shall passe but gods worde endureth for euer Haue thou therefore no doubte Luke 21. thou shalt after thys batayll receaue the crowne of euerlastynge lyfe Aske now the mā whether he vnderstande and beleue desyer a token of hym and crye vnto hym fayer and softly good brother vpon thy soules health depart not shrencke not awaye from Iesus Chryst committe thy soule vnto thy faythfull god and louyng father Speake from thy heart rote wyth Chryst thy brother vpō the crosse Father into thy handes into thy proteccyon and defence I commit my sprete Whan hys vnderstandyng is paste committe hym vnto god Make thy prayer alone or wyth others that god wyll take thys sicke man into eternall lyfe and graunte hym a ioyfull resurreccion at the laste daye onely for the Lorde Iesus Chrystes sake Amen ¶ Of the buryall and what is to be done towards those that are departed hence The .2 Chapter THe soule of the dead assone as it is departed frō hence cōmeth into a state there as prayers if one woulde make thē for him afterward haue no place and ar eyther vnprofitable or els vayn yea offēsyue also and hinderāce to our Chrystyan belefe The body of hym that is departed ought reuerently and soberly to bee conducted vnto the earth and buryed For that is the last seruice that we can dooe for suche as are departed and therbi mai we declare our charitable loue towardes them In the meane season whan we reuerently commit the body as the wheat corn vnto the earth we testifie our belefe of the resurrecciō for to come The scripture also commendeth those that faythfully wyll haue to doe wyth burying of the dead after the ensample of Tobias Of misordring the bodies of the dead wryteth Plato the heithen Philosopher Lib. 7. De repub Is it not a bonde gredye and voluptuous thyng to spoyle the deade coarse and to rage againste the bodye as an enemy whan the enemy that fought in the body is departed awaye What differre they frō dogges which bite the stone that is caste at them and let hym goe fre that cast it There is no dyfferēce Of such points ought we to be ware for they bryng hurt vnto victory Of gorgeous graues and sepulcres it is wrytten in the Poete Euripides mennes myndes are mad whan they beestowe vayne cost vpon dead bodyes For if we consider the matter ryght we must nedes greatly meruaill that euer a man should fall into suche a frēsy as to vse pryde after death Touchyng the place of Burial it is to be noted that by such ordinary meanes as be permitted vs we are bounde to auoyde sicknes and all hurt Now out of graues there come naturalli euil sauours or vapours which alter chaung the ayer and increase the disease of the pestilence whā the church yarde or place of burial standeth in the myddes of Cities or townes Therfore both the Iewes heathē and Christians were wonte to haue theyr Burials wythout the Cities For what tyme as Christe raysed the wedowes sonne from death the Euangelist saieth Whā he came nye vnto the gate of the Citie beholde there was caryed out one dead who was the only sonne of hys mother Luke 7. she beeyng a wedowe and much people of the Citie wyth her Moreouer the sepulcre of our Lorde Iesu Chryst was wythout the Citie But the Pope and hys adherentes wyth theyr money market found here a treasure bagge otherwise perswadyng the people as though to lye here or there dyd further or hynder saluacyon Afterwarde let the dead rest quietly no euill beyng spoken of them of malice but good Good counsayll though they were our enmyes of malice I say for otherwyse muste vyce and synne aswel of the dead as of the liuing be declared and rebuked that others may beware The olde Poete Mimnermus wryteth we al are enclyned to enuye an excellent famous mā but after death to prayse hym Therfore doe they not onely agaynste Christiā charitie but also agaīst mans nature that disdayne to geue vnto the dead theyr due prayse and commendacyon Specially whā one that hath shewed vs frendshype and kindnes is departed we oughte neuer to forget hys benefytes but to declare our thankfulnes to his kynsfolkes or frendes But if we cary the remembraunce of them to the graue and bury it with the coarse thynkīg nomore vpō their gentlenes Then are we like vnto wilde beastes that are hote and burnyng in desyer but assone as the thyng desyred is out of sight the loue is quenched Herof cōplayneth the Poete Euripides seldome are there founde faithful constaunte frendes after death thoughe afore tyme they were ioyned neuer so nere together The thankfulnes that is shewed to him that is presēt passeth away and vanisheth whan one is caryed out of the house The third booke of death How they oughte to bee comforted whose deare frendes are deade ¶ The .1 Chapter NAturallye we mourne wepe and lament whan our kynsfolkes frēdes departe Whan father mother dyeth the sonne and the daughter remēbreth howe many a fote step the elders went faythfully and worthely to prouide them their liuinge yea if it had been possible they woulde haue shewed the chylde theyr owne soule and geuen them the hearte in theyr body Againe the parentes consider howe good obediente chyldren they haue had of theyr sonnes or daughters and what honoure and ioyefulnesse more thei might haue had of theyr chyldrē if they should haue lyued longer The sisters and brothers remember
that they came of one father beyng borne vnder one motherly hearte broughte vp in one house eating and drinking at one table If it were els a mans companion he thynketh he was my faythfull deare frende he dyd no man hurt nor harme but desired to doe euery mā seruice and that so honestlye that a man myghte haue trusted hym with his owne soule If he were a good ruler we thynke he was to hys owne natyue country trew and faithfull and excellently well enclyned to the welfare therof who hath not then good cause to be sory for his departyng Thys is the cause that the bloud naturally gathereth together so that we are sorier for the death of suche one then of another priuate man Suche heuynesse pitie and compassion dooeth GOD alowe For he hath not created vs to bee stones and blockes but hath geuen vs fyue senses and made vs an hearte of fleshe that we myghte haue feling and loue oure frendes beeyng sorye whā they suffer trouble and dye Yea GOD hateth vnfrendlye and vnmercyfull people and whose heartes are not moued whan theyr frendes are vexed or taken awaye from them Therefore the holy Patryarck Abraham Gene. 23. lamented and mourned for Sara his wife whan she was dead Good Ioseph made great lamentacyon for Iacob hys father Gene. 50. Paull lykewyse Philip. ● wryteth thus My helper and felow souldyar Epaphroditus was deadly sycke but GOD had mercye vpon hym and not onelye vpon hym but also vpon me that I shoulde not haue one heuynes vpon another But as in all thynges so in thys there oughte a measure to be kepte that we continue not in fleshly vnordynate heuynes but styll resyste the sorowe and cōforte oure selues with thys accoūpt folowyng what dooe we meane thus to mourn and lamēt What wyll we dooe The Lorde is great and doeth no man wrōg And thesame is an honeste good wyll that conformeth it selfe to the wyll of god A notable saying For the good heathen mā Seneca wrote vnto his scholar Lucillus after thys maner a mā ought to bee contente with euery thing that god is pleased wythall only because it pleased god Nowe is euery thyng ordred by the prouidence of god as holi Augustyne de ciuitate dei saieth Lib. 5. cap. 11 without an orderly diuision and conueniente ioyning together of the partes hath not God lefte so much as the bowels of any best how vile or smal so euer the same be nor the fethers of a birde nor the floure of the herbe neyther the leafe of the tree so that there can nothynge bee founde that is not subiect to the prouidence of god neyther can there any litle birde dye wythoute his deuice charge and commaundemente Yf god now haue so diligent respect to such small things how then could thy frende whō thou mournest for departe awaye by death wythout the prouidence of god Therefore if we speake against the lordes works and cry agaynst hys wyll what is that els but euen as though we therefore lyued vpon earth that we as lordes rulers should prescrybe lawes for the almightie Which thyng to thynke I wil not say to speak were yet horrible Whan thou geuest foorth thy chyld to a nource she hath kept it long inough thou takest it home agayne the nourse hauīg no reasonable cause to complayne vpon the for takyng agayn thine own Yet muche les cause haue we to grudge against god our creditor whā he by death taketh his own agayn For as for father and mother brother and sister wife and childe frende and louer yea and all other thynges that we haue what are they els but lent goods and free gyftes of god whych he hath cōmitted vnto vs whiche we as long as he lendeth vs thē ought to esteme as aduaūtage Whan a Lorde hath lente vs a fayer costelye table whether should we gladly wyth thankes restore it hym agayne whan he requireth it or braull wyth hym after thys maner O thou terryble lord how happeneth it that thou hast robbed vs of so costly a table How cōmeth it that thou hast taken it from vs agayn so sodenly Vpon such a complaynte might not he with good ryghte answer Is that now mi reward for lending you so costly a table whyche I did of loue vndeserued on youre parte that ye mighte haue commoditie pleasure ther of a while Yea the more worthi the gift was that I lent you to vse the more thākful should ye be vnto me Yea with rougher wordes myght god iustly rebuke vs that bee so vnpaciente When the house fell vpon Iobs x. lyuing childrē vii sonnes .iii. daughters and whan his .vii. M. shepe wer brēt wyth fyer from heauen and his enemyes caryed awaye hys fyue hundreth yoke of oxen and fyue hundreth asses as the other enemyes droue away three hūdreth Camels slew also his seruātes in al this misery hurt Iob comforteth h̄imself thanketh God who had lent him such thynges and taken them away again The lord saith he hath geuen thē the lord hath takē thē euē as it hath pleased the lord so is it com to pas blessed be the name of the lorde Let vs therefore also saye wyth Iob the Lorde gaue vs this father that chylde such a frende the Lord hath taken hym agayn blessed be hys name But whā thou shouldst laude and prayse god it hyndereth the exceadyngly if thou feare that god of a wrath and enemitie agaynst thee hath taken away frō thee thy sonne or thy wyfe c. Such an opinion cōmeth not of god but is euen a practyse of the deuyll And herewyth agreeth our feble nature what soeuer is song or sayed we thynke in trouble that god is angrye and that our wyll is good and profytable and not gods wyll Contrary hereunto are we instructed by holy scripture that thoughe we knowe not perfectly for what cause God sendeth vs thys or that punishmente yet ought we to bee satisfied in this that god is gracious and fauourable vnto vs for hys beloued sonne our Lord Iesus Christes sake Neuertheles to the intente that we maye both the better vnderstande and be the more glad to receaue the good wyl of God I wyll declare what profite such a death bryngeth to hym that departeth and to those that remain ¶ That vnto such as dye it is profitable to departe oute of thys lyfe The .2 Chapter IF thei that be dead from hēce hadde not suffered trouble in thys world whan thei were alyue it were no maruaill to se vs mourne out of measure for theyr departyng As for all their ioye and pastyme vpō earth thei are scace to be accōpted dreāes in comparyson of the true ioyes and treasures aboue Agayne who wyll vndertake to nomber the aduersities that al menne of what estate so euer they be must be possessours of We may well say wyth Iob man that is borne of a woman lyueth but a shorte time and is replenished with
feruente loue towardes vs in that he is gelous ouer vs that he taketh oute of our sight whatsoeuer we gape vpon besydes hymselfe And also to the intente we myghte perceaue that whatsoeuer is in the worlde it is but temporall and lasteth but the twynklyng of an eye and that onelye the father of heauen wyll can and maye helpe in all troubles Moreouer what a number is there of thē that of an inordinate loue towardes theyr chyldren parentes and frendes to make prouision for them and to bring thē aloft iopard theyr souls for thē fall into greate vnquietnes and fret within themselues beeynge vnmercyfull couetous brybers vsurers lyers disceauers Franciscus petrarcha wryteth Thou hast lost thy sonne yea but thou haste loste wyth hym also muche feare and an infinite matter of careful sorowes by reason of the whych cares that thou mightest be deliuered from thē it behoued either thee or thy sonne to die Therfore geue god thākes for hys grace whan he dischargeth thee of those thynges that hinder thee in hys free seruice and whā he taketh frō the thy wyfe child frende or others vpon whō thou haste hanged to muche and for whose sakes thou hast done wrōg many a tyme. That thou mayest vnderstād thys thyng the better take for ensample mercye towardes the poore We see that they whose children and frendes are departed geue almes richlye whyche whyle theyr wyues childrē and frendes were aliue woulde not haue geuen one penye for feare that their frendes after their death should haue had nede and ben destitute of mony thēselues Yea rich folkes whych as God sometyme appoynteth haue no chyldren nor heyers of their own bodyes become fathers and vpholders of many poore men Whych thing vnto them and vnto al Christēdom is more profitable and more worthy of commēdaciō thē .x. sōnes of a naughty lyfe such as cōmenly there be many among whom scace one of x. spedeth wel I meane of those that inherite their fathers riches and goods for shamefullye they waste and consume them to the hurt of themselues and of others Item though one know that he ought to loue no man in suche sorte as to displease god for his sake yet many a tyme is one moued thorow hys frendes to doe agaynst hys owne conscience if he wyl not displease them Therfore graciouslie doth God pluck awaye those frendes whose presence serueth vnto thy destruccyon Moreouer thou sayest howe shoulde not I mourne seeyng I am nowe robbed of suche helpe and sucour as I should stil haue if he were yet alyue Answere suche complayning commeth not of a free loue towardes the dead but of a seruyle and bonde stomack the loketh hath respect to it selfe and desireth to woorke hys own profit with another mās hurt Now if thy sonne or frende that myght haue been thy comforte in thyne age be departed god may sende thee others in their place Yea there be some at hande alredy that offer theyr helpe coūsayll to the and thyne wyl not fayle thee at thy nede And thoughe it were so that thou hadest none other chylde nor frende in theyr steade but werst destitute of all bodely helpe yet hast thou a gracyous god thorow Iesus Christ wyth the spirituall giftes which shall continue wyth thee for euer But some say and speciallye great yonkers mi mourning and sorow is because my kīred name and stock myne armes badge perysheth now that I leaue no heyres of my body behynde me O thou great ydiote thou lamētest that thy name and honoure perysheth in thys transytorye worlde and forcest litle how thy name and honour may continue for euer more in the kyngdom of heauen What is become of the mighty kynges emperours whyche foughte for the greatest honour and magnificence that they mighte neuer be forgotten vpon earth The memoriall of them is paste long ago they haue their reward already as our lord sayeth Contrarye wyse the deare worthy saynctes whych despysed al glorye of thys mortall lyfe haue at thys day greater honoure praise and commendacyon then they that trauayled to obteine the glori of thys world Now therfore wyll god helpe thee not to passe vpon temporall honoure and pompe but most of all to care howe thy name may remayne in remembraunce before god wyth those that vnto him haue done faithfull seruyce ¶ Companyons that suffer lyfe heuynesse of hearte The .4 Chapter IF any thyng were practysed agaynst thy chylde or frend that necessaryly must not com to pas so that he mighte well haue escaped it then haddest thou iuste cause to howle and lamente But now behoued it him as a mortal man to end this lyfe euen accordyng to the first ordinaunce of God Thou hast thousandes thousandes of companyons whose deare frendes departed hēce by death Why wilte thou then disquiete thy selfe What tyme as Abrahā was cōmaunded of god to sacrifice hys own onely beloued sonne what mynd had he thīkest thou whā he now drew the swerd thought to slay his sōne greater sorowe had he for hys sonne that yet was aliue thē thou for thi sōne that is dead In what case was the holy patriarck Iacobs heart whan tidings came to him that hys deare sōne Ioseph was torne of wild bests Where was there euer father in greater heuines then euen Dauid whan by hys own sonne Absalom whom he yet exceadingly loued he was expelled frō hys kyngdome Doubtles he was in none other case then as though the hert in his body shronck and melted lyke waxe These suche lyke ensamples oughteste thou to set before thyne eyes wherby thou shalt perceaue that thy sorowe is to be estemed but small towards these and therefore thorowe the contemplacyō therof vndoubtedly it shal be asswaged ¶ Thorowe gods helpe all hearte sorowe is eased The .5 Chapter VNhandsome phisicians are they that well can se the greatnes of the sickenes and braule wyth the pacyent for hys excesse but can not shew a remedy wherby the blemyshe may be healed Therefore nowe that I haue hetherto reproued vnmeasurable sorow heuynes I will not leaue the matter so bare but declare now also a medicine wherby vnreasonable mournyng if it bee not cleane takē away may yet be eased and minished The tyme of it selfe maketh al combraunce lyghter For there be many men and women which in tymes past haue set fynger in the eye knocked vpō ther brests pulled the heer out of their own heades ranne agaynst the wall disfigured their whole bodyes and horribly howled for the dead But now they haue their pastim in all kynde of minstrelsye as thoughe they neuer had ayled any thyng Not wythstandynge to wayte styll tyl heuines forget it selfe is a wynishe thynge and agayne to brydle it by tymes be semeth the naturall reason and sobernes of a man What is thē to be done It lieth not in thy power wythout the speciall helpe of god to expel sorowful mourning First principalli ponder thou the power grace
hope of hym that he hath founde grace at gods hand then of many one that dyeth at home in hys bed Ensāples also are to be cōsidered for a great sort of gods elect died not a ryghte death as we vse to terme it Abel was murthured of his own naturall brother The prophet beeyng sent to Hieroboam was destroied of a Lyon Esaye was sawne a sonder thorowe the myddes Hieremy lyke as Steuen also was stoned to death Iames being thrown downe from the pulpet was slayne of a fuller Peter at rome was fastened to a crosse Vpon Paul was execucion done wyth the sworde such like ensamples hast thou Heb. 11. Item the most excellent heithē men came miserably out of thys world The good Socrates was poysoned Euripides was all to torne of dogges Sophocles was choked wyth a litle stone of a grape bury very sorowfull combraunce dyd fret out the heart of Homerus Innumerable ensamples declare that there happeneth no new thing vnto vs what death soeuer we or oure frendes dye Specially let vs obserue this rule death is terrible to thē that haue no god but of vs which ar gods children ought not the horible ymage of death to be feared but to bee welcome vnto vs. For god himselfe comforteth vs with these wordes folowyng I lyue Iohn 14. and ye also shall lyue Of this ar we assured in Christ Iesu who vpon the crosse dyed the most horrible deth for our sakes to whō with the father the holy goste be all honor and glori for euer and euer Amen ¶ Onely vnto God geue the praise An exhortacion wrytten by the Lady Iane the night before she suffred in the end of the new testamente in Greke whych she sent to hir sister Ladye Katherine I Haue here sent you good sister Katherin a booke whych although it be not outwardly trymmed with golde yet inwardlye it is more worth then precyous stones It is the booke deare sister of the law of the lord it is hys testament last wyll whyche he bequethed vnto vs wretches whyche shall leade you to the path of eternal ioye And if you with a good minde reade it and with an earnest desier folowe it it shal bryng you to an immortal and euerlasting life It wil teache you to lyue learn you to dye it shall wynne you more then you shoulde haue gained by the possessions of youre wofull fathers landes For as if god hadde prospered hym you should haue inherited his lādes so if you apply diligentlye thys boke sekyng to directe your lyfe after it you shal be an inheritour of suche ryches as neyther the couetous shal wythdrawe frō you neyther the thefe shall steale nether yet the mothes corrupte Desyer wyth Dauid good sister to vnderstande the lawe of the Lorde your God Liue styl to dye that you by death maye purchace eternall lyfe or after your death enioie the life purchaced you by Christes death And truste not that the tendernes of youre age shall lengthen your life For assone if god call goeth the yonge as the olde and labour alwaye to learne to dye deny the world defye the deuyll and despyse the fleshe and delite your selfe only in the Lorde Be penitent for your synnes and yet despayre not Be strong in faith and yet presume not And desyer wyth S. Paul to bee dissolued to be wyth Chryste wyth whom euen in death there is lyfe Bee lyke the good seruant and euen at midnight be waking lest whā death commeth and stealeth vpō you like a thefe in the nyght you be wyth the euill seruaunt found slepinge and leaste for lacke of oyle ye be founde lyke to the fine folysh wemen and like him that had not on the weddyng garment and then be cast out from the maryage Reioyce in Chryste as I trust ye doe And seyng ye haue the name of a Chrystian as nere as ye can folowe the steppes of your master Chryst and take vp your crosse laye your synnes on hys backe and alwayes embrace him And as touching my death reioyce as I dooe good sister that I shal be deliuered of this corrupcyon and put on vncorrupcyon For I am assured that I shal for losyng of a mortall lyfe wynne an immortall lyfe The whych I praye god graunt you sende you of his grace to liue in his feare and to dye in the true Chrystyan fayth From the whyche in gods name I exhorte you that ye neuer swarue neyther for hope of lyfe nor feare of death For if ye wil deny hys trueth to lengthen your lyfe god wyll denye you and yet shorten your dayes And if ye wyll cleaue to hym he wil prolonge your dayes to your cōforte and hys 〈…〉 the whyche glory god bring me now and y● hereafter whan it shall please God to call you Fare well good sister and put youre onely trust in god who only must helpe you Your louing sister Iane Dudley