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A13250 The diuine eccho, or resounding voice from heauen moralized betwixt a Christian and his soule, with short and effectuall directions how to liue and die well. Whereby the effects of vertue and the defects of vice, mercy with miserie, heauenly felicitie with worldly vanity, the ioyes of heauen with the torments of hell, are familiarly expressed. Diuided into prayers and meditations for the ease and benefit of euerie Christian. The first part by Iohn Swift.; Divine eccho, or resounding voice from heaven. Swift, John, fl. 1612. 1612 (1612) STC 23545; ESTC S103247 62,765 254

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it Iohn 12.25 and hee that hateth his life in this world shall keepe it vnto life eternall Eccles For thy sake are we killed all day long Rom. 8.36 we are counted as for the slaughter Christ If the world hate you Iohn 15.18 yee knowe that it hated me before it hated you Eccles If God be ou our side who can be against vs Rom. 8 31. Christ The seruant is not greater then the Master Iohn 15 20 Eccles Christ hath suffered for vs leauing vs an example that wee should followe his steps 1. Pet. 2.21 Christ In my fathers house are many dwelling places Iohn 14.2 Eccles Wee know 2. Cor 5.1 that if our earthly house of this tabernacle be destroyed wee haue a building giuen of God an house not made with handes but eternall in the heauens Christ GOD sent not his sonne into the world Iohn 3.17 that hee should condemne the world but that the world through him might be saued Eccl. Let vs therefore goe boldly vnto the throne of grace Heb. 4.14 that we may receiue mercie and finde grace to helpe in time of need Chr. He that beleeueth in the soune shall not be condemned Ioh 3.18 Eccl. There is no condemnation to them Rom. 8.1 which are in Christ Iesus Chri. All the haires of your head are numbred Mat. 10 30 Eccl. The Lord knoweth who are his 2. Tim. 2.19 Chr. Ye beleeue in God Iohn 14.1 beleeue also in me Eccl. We beleeue know that thou art the Christ Iohn 6.69 the sonne of the liuing God FINIS Dialog SECT 122. The true felicitie of this life and the false GOD hath giuen vs a true felicitie in this life a true practick I meane which is the continuall meditation on the Lawes of God Psal 1.1.2 though not a diuine and theorick which is els where yet some men thinke pleasure with swinish Aristippus some thinke honour with vaine glorious Periander and some thinke riches with couetous Midas But how can this bee when as gold and siluer are but the very excrements of nature and found in the most barren and barbarous places of the earth they cannot ease the grief of the bodie much lesse then of minde how againe can honour be the felicitie of this life being but a vapour soone vanishing onely the breath of some mens mouthes Iob. 7 Iob did not regard it when hee said vnto rottennesse thou art my father vnto dust and wormes yee are my sisters and my mother If any one then will bragge of the fame and renown of his auncesters let him looke with holy Iob into their graues and there hee shall see all honor and promotion of this life to be turned into a little loathsome stinking earth And how then beastlie Epicure can pleasure be the felicitie of this life when as it killeth the soule poysoneth the bodie when as it is naught else but scum of venerie and a iakes receptable for all filth and beastlinesse and then againe should dogges bee in as good estate as man if pleasure should bee the happinesse of this life nay now in fine tell me my soule what is was that brought on each wicked one of Israell the Lords heauie wrath and sore displeasure Eccho His pleasure And tell mee againe what space of time may cast downe all the flourishing robes of renowne and vtterly deface the beautie of honour Eccho One houre SECT 123. The world is vnconstant wherefore man must be constant THe world is full of change and alteration here grieses hang ouer pleasures here warre ariseth in the middest of peace here securitie is turned into sudden feare here a friend is soone become an enemie and here all our sommers pastimes are soone changed into winters threatening thunderclaps the sommer turneth into winter the day into night youth into age prosperitie into aduersitie and pleasures into sorrowes so that for riches we exchange pouertie for health sicknesse and for honour and renowne contempt and disgrace nay in fine this life is constant in nothing but in inconstancie it is constant in nothing but that it is vnconstant in all things Seeing then that this life is thus vnconstant and ful of miserie mans heart must be filled with content hee must learne with Paul to bee content with the state whereto hee is called Phil 4.11 without grudging This godly cōtent depending on the Lords will is the onely sluice that staieth and stoppeth all the raging floods of misfortune we know this that there is no part of a mans life so close and secure but that the feare of death may creepe in that there is no mans life so fortified about with peace and happinesse but that griefe now and then may shake and terrifie him wheresoeuer a man hides himselfe calamitie will seeke him out and still attend on him here are many external and outward euils which do intice and tempt vs vnto lewdnes here are also many inward and secret complaints of the conscience many griefes many cares which in time wil exciccate and consume the body yet a ioyfull and contented soule like of sound well headed waster puts them off all without any foile or blemish at all such a cauellering spirit or resolute vnder Christs banner cares not thogh strength be subiect to weakenes riches to pouertie health to sickenesse fame to disgrace or life to death SECT 124. The tokens of a wise man and contented EVery wiseman hath continually this thought in his heart he thinketh that he feeleth death when as hee doth but onely heare thereof hee supposeth that he smarteth with his brothers wants when as hee doth but onely see them hee doth as wel and as willingly entertaine the worlds crosses and calamities as its ioyes and felicities hee despiseth riches as well present as lost or absent or those which hee knowes hee shall neuer enioy he neither reioyceth at their presence nor yet mourneth for their absence hee thinketh Gods blessing neither going away nor yet comming hee perswades himselfe that all the earth is his and that his is for all men and whatsoeuer hee hath hee doth neither miserably keep nor yet prodigally spend it hee conceiueth this in his minde that the friendship and societie of men must bee as the stones in an ouen one must strengthen and vphold another These are the signes of a contented soule Sence Epi. 96. thus to liue peaceably and tell this to all men my soule tell them what will driue away all calamitie Ecch. Amitie SECT 125. The praise of content BRotherly loue and content in this hard iron age is the onely salue for all diseases I am weake but therewith contented why then am I stronge but not contented mith my strength then am I weake I am ignorant yet contented with the portion of wisedome that God hath giuen mee then am I wise I am wise yet would I faine know Quod supra me est that which is aboue my capacitie for to know then am I foolish I am a foole I am poore yet contented therewith why then am I rich I haue abundance yet craue I more then am I poore Content to the weake and feeble is strength to the simple wisdome to the poore riches to the slaundered praise to the sicke health to the aged youth to the afflicted comfort nay what is it not It s all in all And now my soule what shall I be gone shall I bid thee farewell and heere make an end with the worlds discontent Ecch. Yes content I had thought to haue made my race somewhat longer but seeing it is thy will I should end here here then will I place my farthest post good Eccho I say farewell farewell vntill wee talke againe which God-willing shall not bee long first if so bee that these our first buds that now spring be not cropt or blited by some enuious breathing blast which must hang on the good pleasure of God and onely on his will depend Ecch. End I le end and now farewel my spirit Eccho Here it Here yet and yet too you will haue the last I see but yet withall I pray let mee also bid all those farewell 1. Tim. 4.1 2. Tim. 3.1 2. Pet. 3.3 that are enemies to the base humours of this age such as cannot well brooke or digest the lewd and filthie conditions of these latter times So now once againe my soule I cast you on him that made you Ecch. Adieu FINIS
mountaine and a Church pillar wil keepe its height though it stand in a pit-hole and this is our faults for that we neuer esteeme a man as he is but wee ad vnto him transitorie and ourward things but if then thou wilt truely consider the worth and worthines of a man behold him bare and naked onely behold the good parts and qualities of his minde SECT 18. The praise of vertue OFrentimes haue I seene fooles yea and vicious liuers too to get many salutations with cap knee but what may they thank for it their weed not their wit their garments and not their deserts their vestures not their vertues yet howsoeuer he be descended I am sure that hee boasteth in vaine of his great linage and parentage that hauing no good qualitie in himfelse seeketh to be esteemed for the Nobilitie of his auncestours There is nothing on earth more like to God then a man perfectly vertuous who doth so much excell others as GOD excels him as far as the minde exceedes the body in dignitie so farre doth he that is a Gentlemā by his deserts and good qualities exceed the other that is called maister onely through his many Lands and Lordships SECT 19. For what men are esteemed in these daies BVt now the world is come to such an vntowardnesse that an Dines sit omnes quarimus nemo an bonus we all aske whether such a man bee rich or no no man asketh whether he bee godly and vertuous neither doe we demaund or inquire how he came by his riches but how much hee hath and as his goods increase so is he esteemed if a man bee rich and therewithall bountifull though neuer so vicious wee account him a good honest man God saue his life say we thus riches are a band to all villany a rich man may as soone be acquitted as play the knaue the Humble Bee breakes throgh the Cob-webbe when as the poore sillie Flie is catched and it is a thing worthy of note to see how men flocke to the place of execution and thrung together to see an offender loose his life or some naughtie packe carted Strange it is indeed and I wonder thereat and worth the noting if they may be noted when as some of these lookers on haue stolne twice as much and hath murdered twise as many as hee hath that is executed and again when as some of these gazers haue plaied the strumpet fiue times for her once that is now punished and thus tormented by the decree of the Law yet if he that dyeth for his offēce hath stoln thrice as much as thou hast and in the meane space thou art not seene or beeing seene art winked on or rather nodded at tell mee which of you two may challenge the degree happinsse surely me thinkes that friend which laboureth to case vp any heinous fact in a guiltie person knowes not what he doeth for the one is the Butcher and the other the knife and both seeke to rippe vp the bowels of their own soules without the greater grace of God and greater repentance the butcher is the murderer and therefore to be condemned the knife is the instrument of murder and therefore to be contemned and farther there is a third partie to be arraigned at the barre of Gods Iustice and that is the Iudge when the faultie is freed when the guiltie is acquitted for tell me my soule how are most of those malefactors hearts after that by the vniust bribe-taking Iudge they are openly pardoned Ecch. Hardoned SECT 20. A Meditation on Christs going vnto the mount of Oliues OMercisull Iesus Cantic 5. Oh sweet Christ my loue my doue my deare whose eyes are like doues vppon the riuers of the waters which are washt with milke and remaine by the full vessels hee is dou-eyde indeed truely dou-eyde hee is like vnto Noahs doue Gens 8.10 which Noah when as the Deluge was ouer all the world sent forth our of the Ark and the doue came to him in the euening and loe in her mouth was an Oliue leaf which she had pluckt wherby Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth And when the world was drowned with sinne God the father sent foorth from the Arke of heauen his Sonne Christ which prettie harmelesse doue returned with an oliue branch in his mouth too wherby wee may all know that the waues of Gods wrath are abated from off the earth for in this doue he was well pleased this was he in whom he delighted againe we read in the Gospell that this innocent doue Iohn came vnto the mount of Oliues Matth. 21.1 when as he was about by his death to saue our soules the soules of men he came thither First to the mount of Oliues for hee came to make peace betweene God man and the Oliue tree doth betoken peace it is the character of peace as the Oliue branch in the pigeous mouth and Christ hath brought this Oliue into the world Ephes 2.14 for he is our peace which hath made both one and hath broken downe the stop of the partition-wall As in old time Omes 8.9 before that the floods were diminished from off the earth the doue had not whereon to rest the soles of her feet and we before that the roaring streames of Gods wrath were gone through Christs merits from off the world had not likewife wheron to rest the feet of our soules SECT 21. Good and bad must not bee mixt together MAny men there are who haue libertie in their liues what may be the cause of this but want of grace some againe there are who haue libertie in their hands and this is a signe of theft some also haue libertie in their tongues and this betokens folly and many again there be who haue libertie in their mindes and this warranteth their goodnesse and no man liueth truely at libertie but he that liueth godly who so is vertuous who so is freed from the bondage of sin learne thou then not onely to liue but to know how to liue for the first of these each beast doth couet but the latter becommeth a Christian seeke then to purifie thy soule in the fountaine of grace thy soule and heart both must be clesed Matth. 12. for such as the tree is such is the fruit a good tree saith Christ cannot bring forth bad fruit neither can a bad tree bring forth good fruit art thou a bad man and doth a good sentence proceed from thy mouth surely thou disgracest the sentence for we knowe that thou art but a Crab-tree stocke and therefore thy fruit must needs rellish verie sower art thou a good man and doth bad words and come out of thy lippes thou makest thy words not the better but thy selfe the worse thy filthy words are as fruite that is blited this maketh men to curse the stocke though thou in thy selfe mayest come of the right kinde in any case suffer not what is
bitternesse of those gourds that were put therein mors in olla mors in olla death is in the pot oh death is in the pot and by that meale oh Lord thy word which is the breade of life although we seeme to be dead yet are we still renued SECT 70. Old age not to be despised IT is a thing most foolish in the sight of good men and an offence most heynous before God to mocke olde men who are as wee shall bee and who were as wee are now Age Time and death these three a man may fore-thinke of but neuer preuent SECT 71. Wisdome and discretion goe not alway by yeares YOuth neuer runneth wel say we vnlesse age holdeth the bridle this seemes to be true it is so but alas wisdom consists not onely in age as the vulgar sort of people censure for the young man beardlesse may bee as wise as the gray head outward grauitie argues wisdome verie seldome but wisdome continually shewes grauitie the young man fearing God is both graue and wise and he that hath this feare before him is the soules best councellour Iohn 3.5 And this cannot a father bequeath vnto his Sonne it goes not by birth not by our first birth which is full of corruption except we be regenerate and born a new and then this latter birth extinguisheth the flames of the former Neither as I said before doth discretion goe by yeares for there are manye old fooles giuen vp wholy to sensualitie which solely belongeth to the beast amongst all creatures and there are many young men betrothed to ciuilitie and this appertaineth vnto man the image of God euen the best of all creatures this is that vvhich maketh men on the earth famous in the earth glorious and in heauen aboue the earth immortall immortall both in soule and bodie SECT 72. The praise of loue and amitie MEn in the beginning builded townes for societie and safetie but now a man may finde more friendship in the wildernesse amongst beares and tygers then he can find in the contrey wherein he was borne but surely I haue thought with my selfe that if men liue neuer so richly and at variance their liues are farre worse then death for it is a second hell as wee terme it friendship is the chiefest ornament that graceth Christians whereby many mens hearts and wils are vnited in one a bosom-friend me thinkes is a pretious iewell fit to weare about ones necke within whose bosome a man may vnload his sorrowes and vnfold his secrets which he will either releiue with counsel or els perswade with reason and if thou declare vnto him ioyfull newes he wil reioyce with thee if dolefull and heauie Rom. 12.15 hee will mourn with thee and in all thy affaires thou shalt find him Alter ipse a second selfe SECT 73. Men are soone mooued vnto wrath BVt now alas as the nature of the bruit beast is Plin. Senec. philos lib. 3. de Ira cap. 10. such is the condition of man trifles and vaine things doe moue vs vnto anger a red cloth stirreth vp the bull the venemous aspe of Africk riseth vp at a shadow and a white cloth or table napkin mooueth vnto rage the bear and lyon horses wolues nay most things els very fierce of nature are troubled with the sight of very small and friuolous things and in a manner with nothing and euen so it fals out with penish froward people that they are stroke with the very conceit only and suspition of a thing so that now and then they are wrath if a man wisheth them neuer so well or speake them neuer so faire euen at the putting forth of a question they are soone moued vnto rage the vngodly Psal saith Dauid are froward euen from their mothers wombe SECT 74. The end of discord IF a man will liue in rest it is better for him sometimes to dissemble a double wrong then to reuenge a single let him rather bee accounted a dastardly coward then a desperate caitiffe yet valour in rightfull causes is to be commended and if done with discretion highly also to be regarded and rewarded Gal. 5 26. but othervvise all mischiefe that may be doth follovv the heeles of selfe-loue and discord vvhat then my soule had we best imbrace vvhile vve haue time and opportunitie Ecch. Vnitie SECT 75. A meditation on the disciples filling of twelue baskets full of the broken meate that remained WHerefore grant O my sweet Lord that wee laying aside all maliciousnesse 1. Pet. 2.12 Rom. 6.4 and all guile and dissimulation and enuie and all euill speaking we may as new borne babes desire the sincere milke of thy word that we may grow thereby Feed our soules O Lord with the bread of life that spirituall foode and giue vs thine heauenly grace that so we spill none thereof but gather vp the broken meat that nothing bee lost O thou whose mouth is as sweet things and art wholly delectable this thou commandedst thy disciples Iohn 6. and they gathered and filled twelue baskets full with the fragments of the fiue loaues and two fishes but why should there remain iust twelue baskets full and no more nor lesse surely because there were twelue Apostles which those twelue baskets did prefigure who were filled with the bread of life did nourish the soules of the beleeuers into euerlasting life But first O my sweet Lord before thou gauest the people to eate thou diddest comaund them to sit dovvne and there vvas much grasse in that plece and therefore we who desire to be fed with the spirituall food Psal to be refreshed with the sweete dainties of the grace of God and to come taste how good and gratious the Lord is must crush downe kicke and despise the lusts of the flesh which thorowout the whole Scriptures is likened vnto grasse all flesh is grasse saith the Prophet and the glorie thereof as the flower of grasse Esay 40. let vs sit downe then vpon this ground vpon this grasse Col 4.5 let vs chasten our bodies tame our inordinate affections and continually bridle our rebellious hed-strong lusts SECT 76. On the fiue barlie loaues and the two fishes FVrthermore it is said that Iesus tooke fiue barly loaues and two fishes surely by these fiue barly loaues wee may vnderstand the fiue bookes of Moses which he laid wide open vnto the spirituall eyed dayly and hourely to refresh their soules therewith and they may well be likened vnto so many barly loaues from the austeere and sharpe decrees of the Law that was contained in them yet at the last like a good father because hee would not suffer his children to eat any longer drie bread hee added two fishes which were diuided among them that is the two Sacraments whose nature is to make pleasant and moysten the harsh drith of the loaues the lawe killeth and is giuen to the lawlesse 1. Tim. 1.9 but mercie trueth commeth
counsell that it is great follie to thinke to haue that kept secret by telling it vnto another when as thou canst not keepe it secret thy selfe SECT 91. The charitable man WHosoeuer drinketh of the sweete springs of charitie is apt and readie to all good hee laboureth and is not wearie he is wearie feeleth it not bee feeleth it but grieueth not the malitious mock him but he regards them not he is cursed but he blesseth and curseth not SECT 92. Parents must instruct their Children SVrely that childe is not bound in duetie to loue those his parents of whome hee neuer learnt any vertuous instruction it is not enough for a man to say I haue a sonne except the can say I haue a sonne fearing God and profitable for the commō weale and a father that would haue such a sonne must teach him as well by good examples as by Godly admonitions SECT 93. Miracles are euerie day to be seen in the world SOme men looke daily for miracles from heauen yet they regard not these myracles that are dayly sent euerie new borne babe beareth a wonder but who esteemes it worthy of admiration tenne hundred men ten hundred countenances all rare all varying all singular to shew the singular rarenesse of Gods power ten hundred tongs ten hundred voyces some sharp some flatt some shrill some hoarse none alike ten hundred mindes some good some bad and each one disagreeing SECT 94. God doth not defire the death of a sinner A Good musition hauing any key or string of his instrument out of tune doth not immediately cut it off and cast it away but either by straining it higher or slacking it down lower by little and little causeth it to agree and God desireth rather to reforme the transgressions by small corrections then seeke to cast them away for euerie trespasse hee lifteth them vp high by heaping his blessings vpon them to see whether or no these his mercies will bend them but if this wil not serue he vseth then to slacke his loving kindnesse and to thrust afflictions on them to trie whether these his threates will breake them so that it may bee he will make them agree and tunable with his will SECT 95. We beleeue not that God is angrie with our sinnes GOd oftentimes saith Dauid hath bent his bowe and made ready his arrowes to shoot at the wicked and impenitent sinner and yet doe they not thinke that hee is angrie with their sinnes And oftentimes againe with moste fatall and deadly shot hath he charged the roaring gunnes of his wrath and flust many times in the pan still putting the Lenitie of his mercie in the touch-hole betweene the barrell and it to trie whether wee would take the winges of repentance and flie away yet set wee still cheering vp and pruning of our euils like foolish birds thinking nothing not at all expecting death or yet any danger to ensue so that at length wee tumble and totter headlong ouer the pearch wheron we thought we sat most secure Surely men in these daies do presumptuously depend vppon Gods patience they thinke him to bee a God of waxe whome they may metamorphise and change into what shape they please whom they may melt and turne into what fashion they wil but I feare that in this their tempring of him he will so stick to the skirts of all presumptuous offenders that all the waters in the broad seas wil not be able to wash all their besmeering off to wash cleane and cleanse their soules from that horrible sinne of presumption God will not be mocked Non est ludendum cùm sanctis It is ill iesting with edge tooles SECT 96. We must humble our selues before God GOD is loftie and God is lowly he is pitifull and he is terrible he is great in compassion and great also in confusion and in both without passion if thou doest lift vp thy selfe vnto him Num. 16 4. he flyeth from thee but if thou humblest thy selfe and kissest the ground with thy face he soone lighteth vpon thy backe God is a spirit and like a shadow which when thou arisest vp vanisheth away from thee the onely way then to catch it is to fall downe vpon it to fall downe vpon thy knees with the Publican and crie Lord haue mercie vpon me a sinner SECT 97. We can see a moat in our brothers eye but not the beame in our owne IT is a strange matter to seé how euery man will gaze and wonder at a foole yet no man will vouchsafe so much as to looke vpon his owne deformities me thinkes most men haue the eyes of those counterfeiting Lamiae Eras Rothe they can see a farre off yet not discerne hard by discerne then a foole and see thy selfe or see a foole and wonder at thy selfe most of the worlds wisest men haue some babble Satans Scepter Vice the babble Sinne the scepter whereby the diuels kingdome is vpholden SECT 98. Vaine glorie a meere vanitie MAny men hunt after vaine glorie they runne vp and downe to catch a feather and pray what is it but a fether euen as light as nothing they dreame that they haue mountaines of gold but when they awake out of their fleep of blind ignorance they shall finde iust nothing at all in their handes and what is praise and renowne when they haue it for which they gaped for so long truely it is not worth three points for that it is onely the breath of some fewe mens mouthes the men may die their mindes may alter vpon euery light occasion which now maketh him great now little and now nothing at all our Sauiour Christ himselfe was receiued into Ierusalem with trimph of Hosanna crying blessed is hee that commeth in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest Matth. 21. Mat. 27.20 and casting their apparell vpon him and cutting downe branches and strawing them in the way but not long after this they cried as fast crucifie crucifie crucifie him crucifie him let him be crucified SECT 99. We loue not to be told of our faults THough it bee a fault generally for all men to sinne yet very few can indure to heare their sinnes repeated or reproued but wee must heare what we would not when as we doe what wee should not and what though the hearing therof bee vnpleasant to thy soule yet me thinkes the perswasions to amendment should bee sweet mixe one with the other and drowne the bitter and vnpleasant taste of reprehension with a sweete and delectable resolution to lead a more godly and Christianlike life drowne it with a sweet repentance SECT 100. Wee must haue patience in declaring the will of God ANd surely patience in declaring the will of God must needes be very good and necessarie whenas those that are taught and admonished doe thus kicke and spurne at their teachers and whō if they could they would persecute and prosecute them euen vnto the death Petr. Martyr in 2. ca. Rom.
their effect Tell me then my soule what that soule shall obteine in heauen which suffers crosses patiētly here on earth tell me my soule what shal there be cast vpon her Ecch. Honour SECT 120 The reward of such as are patient in troubles ANd what can bee a greater dignitie then to be cloathed with the brightnesse of GOD then to be indued with immortalitie and what can be a greater grace or an higher felicitie to any soule then to see God face to face for his face is the fulnesse of all beatitude to see him that made both heauen and earth to see him that made thy seife to see him that redeemed thee and glorified thee for in seeing him thou shalt possesse him in possessing him thou shalt loue him in louing him thou shalt praise him for hee is the inheritance of his people he is the possession of their felicitie their reward their crowne of glorie in him our soules shall finde all wisdome all beautie all riches all delight all goodnesse whatsoeuer whatsoeuer deserueth loue or admiration or worketh pleasure and contentation Briefly in this kingdome there shall bee ioy without sadnesse health without sicknesse life without labour light without darkenes felicity without abatement all goodnesse without any euill loe thus shal he be blessed that patiently indureth crosses troubles and afflictions their youth florisheth and neuer waxeth olde life that knoweth no end beautie that neuer fadeth loue that neuer cooleth health that neuer diminisheth ioy that neuer ceaseth a song of gladnesse that neuer endeth there shal we sing reioice for euer happie are they Psal 83. saith Dauid that liue in thy house for they shall praise thee eternally there shall we sing vnto that blessed Trinitie God the Father God the sonne and God the holy Ghost we shall sing and cry Aleiluia Aleiluiah world without end Awake now my soule rouse vp thy selfe and arise call to thy friends and companions that wee may all goe together and heare the spirituall talke betweene Christ and his poore afflicted members make hast my soule for I heare the comfortable speeches of my redeemer sounding in my eares alreadie A DIALOGVE BETWEENE CHRIST and his Church afflicted by which wee may easily see what Christ doth require of those that suffer persecution for his name-sake and how they ought to behaue themselues in afflictions Christus IN mee yee shall haue peace Iohn 16.33 in the world ye shal haue affliction but bee of good comfort I haue ouercome the world Ecclesia afflicta Lord increase our faith Luke 17.5 Chr. Come vnto me all ye that are wearie and laden Matt. 11.28 and I will ease you Eccl. Master to whom shall we goe to els Iohn 6.68 thou hast the words of eternall life Christ Follow me Mat. 4.19 Eccles Master I will follow thee whithersoeuer thou goest Mat. 8.19 Christ I am the good Shepheard Iohn 10.11 Eccles We were as the good sheep going astray 1 Pet. 2.25 but are now returned to the Shepheard and bishop of our soules Christ I am the light of the world Iohn 8.12 Eccles Lord lighten my eyes least they behold death Christ I am the way Iohn 14.6 Eccles Shew vs the way of thy truth Ps 119.33 teach mee O Lord the way of thy statutes and I will keepe it vnto the end Chr Blessed are ye that weep now Luke 6.21 Eccles The Lord shall wipe clean away all teares from our eyes Reuel 21. Christ Blessed are yee when men hate you Luke 6.22 Eccles If I should please men I were not the seruant of Christ Gal. 1.10 Christ Blessed are the pure in Mat. 5.8 heart for they shall see God Eccles Create in me a new heart O Lord. Psalme 50. Christ Blessed are they which suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake Mat. 5.10 for theirs is the kingdome of heauen Eccles I suffer all thinges for the elects sake 2. Ti. 2.10 Christ Lay vp treasures for your selues in heauen Mat. 6.20 Eccl. Our conuersation is in heauē Phil. 3.20 Christ Wo be to you when all men speake well of you Luke 6.26 Eccles Wee ought rather to obey God then men Act. 5.20 Christ Reioice and be glad for great is your reward in heauen Mat. 5.12 Eccl There is laid vp for mee the crown of righteousnes 2. Tim. 4.8 which the Lord shall giue me at that day Christ My sheepe heare my voice Iohn 10.27 Eccl If an angel of heauen preach vnto vs any other gospell Gal. 1.8 let him be accursed Christ I came not to cal the righteous but sinners to repentance Mat. 9.13 Eccles This is a true saving 1. Tim. 1.15 This is a true saving and by all means worthy to be receiued that Christ Iesus came into the world to saue sinners of whome I am the chiefe Christ If any man will follow me Mat. 16.24 let him forsake himselfe and take vp his Crosse and follow me Eccles I am able to do all things through Christ Phil. 4.13 which strengthneth me Christ He that beleeueth in mee shall neuer die Ioh. 11.26 Eccles I beleeue that thou art Christ the sonne of the liuing God Iohn ib. Christ Whosoeuer shall humble himselfe as a little childe Mat. 18 4. the same is the greatest in the kingdome of heauen Eccles Wee are vnprofitable sernants Luke 17.10 wee haue done but that which was our duetie to doe Iohn 6.32 Christ My father giueth you the true bread from heauen Eccles Lord euermore giue vs this bread John 6.34 Christ Whosoeuer drinketh of the water that I shall giue him Iohn 4.14 shall neuer be more a thirst Eccles Sir giue me of that water that I may not thirst Iohn 4.15 Christ Feare not my little flocke Luke 12.32 Eccles O Lord in thee haue I trusted let me neuer bee confounded Christ Pray for them that hurt you and persecute you Mat. 5.44 Eccles Lord lay not this sinne to their charge Act. 7 60 Christ Hee that loueth father or Mother more then hee loueth me Mat. 7.37 is not worthy of me Eccles When my Father and my Mother forsooke me Psal 27.10 thou Lord tookest me vp Christ I came not to send peace but the sword Mat. 10.34 Eceles Who shal seperate vs from the loue of Christ Rom. 8.35 shall tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednesse or perill or sword c. Christ Ye shall weepe and mourn but your sorrow shall be turned into ioy Iohn 16.20 Eccles I account that the afflictions of this present life are not worthy of the glorie Rom. 1.18 that shall bee shewed vnto vs. Christ Where I am John 12.26 there shall also my seruant be Eccles I desire to bee loosed Phil. 1.23 and to be with Christ Christ Hee that loueth his life shall loose
thy graue and when thou lyest downe so commit commend thy spirit to God the father that thou mayest arise with his sonne Christ then care not so much for the health and welfare of thy body that thereby thou mayest haue a long life heare on earth as for the safety of the soule how thou mayest liue for euer Me thinkes I see time sit laughing and why for that she runneth swiftly and mocketh men for their slownesse for slacking their duetie towards God our prouerbe is hee that is before hand need not run be not thou slow then in thy repentance behold thy face in Gods Bible that cleare looking-glasse if thou appearest faire and beautifull do such things as becom thy beautie but if thou seemest fowle full of spots and ilfauoured then study to attaine vnto that decencie or comelinesse which thy face lacketh labour diligently to correct those deformed blemishes that are seene in thee SECT 31. On flatterers and dissemblers WE ought to beware of those praises which proceed out of the mouthes of wicked men when as their hearts are most insyncere and dissembling for we our selues know this that when we would kill a sow we vse to clay-pole with her we scratch and tickle her sides and throat and this causeth her to lie downe Senec. de Doct. prine so that we thereby doe with her what we list such mens throats doth Gods prophet liken vnto open sepulcres for that they are very glorious without but very loathsome within Rom. 3.13 for many of these vnder the shew of a stedfast friend cloke the malice of a mortall foe the typ of the tongue soundeth not alwayes the depth of the heart It is better then I thinke to fall among a sort of rauens then amongst flattering companions in that the rauens neuer eate a man vntill hee be dead but these Sycophants will not spare to deuour him euen while he is aliue well then they may seeme gold tho they be but Indian brasse and what thinkest thou Arist de me morab. my soule they may proue when as the depth of their hearts shall bee sounded though now they sound more shril then the purest Latin Ecch. Tinne SECT 32. On the same THe Chamelion changeth the colour of his skinne into the colour of its obiect and this is the cause why they are so seldome caught or yet espied for run they on the grasse they seem greene run they on the lately plowed ground they appeare like a mole-hill runne they on chalkie ground they seeme white nay runne they on what ground they will they seeme that whereon they runne then let flatterers be like Camelions who are drunkards with the drunkard swearers with the swearer Atheists with the Atheist Papists with the Papists and yet good Christian Protestants with the truely religious Protestant these base abiectes are apt for all obiects capable of all colours they cloke hate vnder the habit of holinesse craft puts on him the attire of policie malice the shape of courage rashnes the title of valour and superstition the zealous appearance of religion thus abhominable vices walke along the streets masked in the habit of vertues and faire complezions haue oftentimes filthie conditions alas poore tel-troth alas poore trueth how art thou beset with secret enemies none some say tels trueth but either children or fooles well then be thou a child in the kingdome of heauen Mar. 10. 1. cor 1.20 be thou a foole in the wisdome of this world alas poore truth what will become of thee thou art a vertue indeed but yet not guarded with any one friend nor regarded of any for what alacke saith my soule that these hypocrites do in their hearts whenas they seeme to loue her and thus outwardly to feigne and flatter Ecch. Hate her SECT 33. On the same THe world now is come to such a passe that euery mechanicall fellow that euery trads-man hath his wordes of Arte his fine painted speeches gards of eloquence braue illusions and a thousand more liptrickes only to nyme cosen and deceiue his words shall bee smooth yet not plaine to draw on their false purposes therfore seeing that their speeches are onely feined words of Arte we wil exclude them out of the true predicament of substance what should a man say to such dissemblers such catiffe counterfeits whenas they shal vse the words of a good Christian by answering in trueth yes verely in very deed it cost me so much or it is so when as if the trueth were knowen a lye were manifest helpe me then good Eccho second me O my soule and tel me how thou wouldest answer such a one whenas hee should most falsely and most shamefully protest and say most impudently it cost mee so much or it is so in very deede it s so truely Eccho You lie SECT 34. The reward of a lyar with a sound terrour for the hypocrite INdeed as I remember one Philosopher saith that a man cannot better reward a lyar then in not beleeuing what hee speaketh yet De virtute loqui minimum est virtutibus vti hic labor hoc opus est It is a very easie matter to speake well but a very difficult thing to doe well thrise happie then are they let the world esteeme them as it list whose liues are corespondent to their lines and whose workes answere their words but these halfe-faced Christians these dissembling Neuters are most loathsome and abhominable in the Church of God Paul tels vs that God is not mocked let them take heed then for surely if they make a iest and laughing stocke Psal 2.4 of his seruice the Lord will pay them home the Lord will laugh them also to skorne and haue them in euerlasting derision hee will recompence all their deeds and with what measure they meat vnto him euen with the same will he meat vnto them againe yea it shal be pressed downe and runne ouer SECT 35. Mans neglect in Gods seruice is seuerely punished IF God would not haue man to haue serued him in true holinesse he would not haue made him in his owne image but rather in the shape and forme of a toad of a snake or of some other monstrous creature and surely he is not serued of vs as he requireth he would haue our lusty daies to be vsed to his glorie but we put ouer our old and withered age to adore and magnifie him when me thinkes our youthfull daies are fittest and our old yeeres most vnapt the wine that is first drawen out of the hogshead we see is pure and fresh but at length nothing els comes forth but grouns dregs Senec. Epi. 109. thus the world drawes out the best of our dayes and we reserue the scurffe and garbage for the Lord and why are our youthfull dayes best for that it is vncertaine whither wee shall liue to be old or no and for that then our mindes are most tractable vnto goodnes againe if it seeme hard vnto vs