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A07328 The reigne of King Henry the Second written in seaven bookes. By his Majesties command. May, Thomas, 1595-1650.; Vaughan, Robert, engraver. 1633 (1633) STC 17715; ESTC S122115 72,475 216

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his Lands in England and in France And to that end that homage should be done By all the Lords that Iohn his yo●…nger sonne To whom the father's favour did encline Should straight be sent to warre in Palaesti●… To these demands whilest Henry does refuse To yeeld assent a sadder woe ensues In indignation Richard straight forsakes His aged Father and him●…elfe betakes Whol●…y to Philip King of France his side And firmest friendship 'twixt these two is ty'd With Richard many of the Barons goe 〈◊〉 her selfe forsakes old Henry too When now proud Philip in disdaine that from This enterview no peac●… at all d●…d come Fels downe that aged Flme whose spreading shade So oft the place of parley had beene made 'Twixt France and Engla●…d's mighty King●… and swore That place should never hold a parley more Sad did the ruines of so fam'd a tree To all the pittying people seeme to be Whose honour'd shade had many ages beene More then a royall Court where oft was seene Such state as one Imp●…riall house although Of gorgeous structure could but seldome show Nor one whole kingdome at ●… time cont●…ine Two rivall Kings together to remaine Beneath the covert of a shady tree Where onely Nature made their Canopy Those old religious trees that heretofore Great Conquerours spoyles and boasting trophees bore Sacred to Mars or to 〈◊〉 name Were not more hon●…ur'd or inde●…t to Fame Then was this stately Elme not 'cause that there The Druides when Druid●…s there were Among the ancient Gaules had pray'd or done Their barbarous rites and superstition Nor that the Fawnes and Dryades h●…d made Their nightly bowers and ipor●…ed in the shade But 'cause the people●… pride had lov'd to shew The place where Kings did stand at enterview This El●…e was fell'd by Philip in his r●…ge Of Henry's following death a s●…d presage Now too too weake is old King Henry's side For those proud ●…oes that so unj●…stly ty'd In combination threaten his estate By his owne sonne and souldiers left of late And by those weapons wounded that should guard His royall person While the Fates so hard Opprest his grieved soule in discontent To his beloved City Mauns he went Hi●… place of birth and high in his esteeme Bu●… angry Fortune will not leave to him That City now Mauns must be tane away Thither while he does with small forces stay For but seven ●…undred souldiers guard their King Philip of France and furious Rich●…rd bring A potent army For the townes defence The King too weake is forc'd to flye from thence And to abandon that beloved Towne He that had never fled before nor knowne What 't was to feare pursuing enemies From his owne sonne and young King Phili●… flyes And looking backe on that forsaken Towne Curses the impious prowesse of his sonne Philip and Richards unresisted powers March further up with ease surprising Tours Vpon which losse another da●… is set For ●…nterview and both the Kings are met Not farre from Turw●…n Where although that cleare The Sky at their first meeting did appeare Yet on th●… sudden from a swelling cloud The thunder issu'd with report so loud It st●…ooke a terror into every heart Ore all the fields and twice they say did part The Kings a sunder once with such a force King Henry there had fall'n from off his horse Had not his servants held him up How ere It was decreed that Henry's honour there Should ●…all farre lower and he suffer more Then all his puissant reigne had felt before He that had given conditions still that ne're Had taken any from what foe soe're Yeelds now to all conditions they demand Yeelds to deliver into Philip's hand Adela now and for those Provinces Which in that continent he did possesse To doe him homage lets his Barons sweare Allegiance to his sonne Prince 〈◊〉 there An●… yeelds to pay for ●…harges of the warre Two thousand marks to Philip a●…d so farre His N●…ble heart not us'd to bow was broke That his griev'd spirit within three dayes forsooke The earthly mansion For a Feaver joyn'd Wi●…h the afflicting anguish of his minde Whose forces soone dis●…olv'd that house of clay A●… Ch●…non then this dying Monarch lay When to encrease the anguish of his thought And more disturbe his peace a scrowle was brought And by ill fate presented to him there Containing all their names that did adhaere In this conspiracy to Philip's side Where first of all his haplesse eye espy'd The name of Iohn his sonne whither that he Were truly one of that conspiracy Or some of Richard's followers to remove Before King Henry dy'd that wondrous love Which towards Iohn he seem'd of late to beare Above the other falsely wrote him there From thence extremity of passions Surpris'd his soule He curst his impious sonnes Curst his owne birth and had despairing dy'd Had not Diviner counsell come to guide His griefes aright and by Religions lawes Direct his wounded conscience to the cause Of those his suffrings making the disease The cure and troubled thoughts the way to peace Wailing his sinnes into the Temple there He bids th●…m his yet-living body beare Where he before the holy altar plac'd In humble 〈◊〉 breaths out his l●…st And of so great a Monarch now remaines No more on ear●…h then what a tombe containes Who lately ore so many Lands did reigne From Scotlands bounds to farthest Aquitaine A Prince in peace of highest Majesty In warre too great to finde an enemy In power above his neighbour Princes farre Who though his sword were often ●…rawne to warre His owne conditions without battels wrought Liv'd still victorious though he seldome fought And might have seem'd above the reach of Fate But that himselfe his greatest foes begate Wrong'd by that power which he had made and crost By those of whom he had deserved most Blest o●…t miraculously o●…t againe Beyond beleefe deprest his various reigne Temper'd with all extremities of Fate And though triumphant yet unfortunate FINIS THE DESCRIPTION OF KING HENRY THE SECOND WITH A SHORT SURVEY of the changes in his REIGNE IT has beene a custome of old Historians when they record the actions of great Princes to deliver also some Characters of their persons and peculiar dispositions that the curiositie of succeeding times who pry deepely into those men whose lives were of so great moment in the world might beefully satisfied and delighted It will not therefore bee amisse to deliver a Character of King Henry the Second a Monarch greater in Fame and Territories than any Christian King that then lived Hee was a man as we finde recorded of a just stature a strong and healthfull constitution but somewhat grosse more by the inclination of Nature then by any fault either of intemperance or sloth For besides the sparenesse and sobrietie of his dyet he vexed his bodie with continuall labour and to ouercome his naturall fat●…esse was almost immoderate in all his exercises Hee was of a ruddy complexion
So long a title to two Crownes can show Then to the North with puissant Armes he makes A prudent Voyage and by Conquests takes To keepe entire his kingdomes ancient bounds From Malcolme King of Scotland all those grounds That to the Crowne of England did belong No Cities could withstand no forts so strong But yeild to Henryes force there with the rest Newcastle Carleill he againe possest But least injustice any staine should be To his great deedes in thankefull memory Of what King Malcolme in the warres had done For th' Empresse Mawde he gives him Huntingdon A midd-land County rich and fitter farre For the b●…hoofe of both from whence no warre Nor troubles could arise and which before Had beene possess'd by Malcolmes Ancestor Yet did one deed with sad injustice blot The reputation he before had gott Whilest too must thirsting for encrease of lands He seiz'd out of his brothers Geoffrey's hands The Earldome of Aniou forgetting both The sacred tyes of Nature and of Oath That Oath which once so solemnly he swore His Father Geoffry Anious Earle before Knowing that Henry was by birth to be Both Englands King and Duke of Normandy Had given that Earldome to his second sonne Geoffrey and put him in possession Of three the strongest Castles in the Land But falling sicke when deaths approching hand He felt mistrusting that hi●… eldest Sonne The potent Henry might when he was gone Diss●…ize young Geoffrey made his Barons sweare For at his death Prince Henry was not there That his dead corps should not enterred be Till Henry had beene sworne to ratify His will Prince Henry though unwillingly Yet rather then his fathers hearse should lye Vnbury'd still that Oath b●…fore them tooke Which afterward when Englands King he broke And though possessed of so many lands And large estates out of his brother's hands That Earledome tooke by force of armes away And did in lieu a yearely pension pay But though the King could for that oath obtaine A dis●…ensation from Pope Adrian A higher power it seem'd would not dispense But afterward in kinde did recompence ●…hat foule misdeede for when King Henry meant To Iohn his yongest sonne the governement Of those three Castles thence his eldest sonne Tooke first pretence for that rebellion Against his father so what injury Impiety had wrought Impiety Reveng'd and scourg'd by an unnaturall sonne What was 'gainst nature by a br●…ther done Yet could not Henry's deedes of highest fame Teach stubborne Wales to tremble at his name Or feare t' offend him by rebellious warre Till she had felt him there a conquerer And beene herselfe enforced to implore His grace and favour with one triumph more T'en●…ich his conquering head not all her great Rough woods could yeild her souldiers safe retreat Nor could those high and craggy mountaines bee Of proofe 'gainst Henry's magnanimity Although the Welsh rely'd not on the aide Of hills and woods their Prince was not afraide To joyne in battell with the English strength Where though stout Owen and his powers at length Subd●…'de did yeild themselves yet so they fought That they true fame to Henry's conquest brought Who now triumphant backe to England goes And leaves strong forts to aw rebellious foes ●…o guard the coasts and marches and appeare ●…e lasting trophees of his conquests there Those large dominions which he held in France The fame alone of his great puissance Preserv'd from tumults from rebellions free Or feare of any forreine enemy King Lewis himselfe was there too weake a foe To doe him damage or his power orethrow Beyond the seas yet though each neighbouring state With envy trembled at the prosperous fate Of Englands King such moderation hee Had shew'd so rul'd his power with equity Seeking no lawlesse and unjust encrease That Europe then possest a happy peace This peace when feirce Enyo had beheld And saw all seedes of warre and faction quel'd She sigh'd and wept for nought could pleasing bee To that dire mayde but warres calamity Nought but dissention did to her seeme good No sights but feilds and rivers stain'd with blood Were her delightsome prospects into aire She mounts and fill'd with fury and despaire Shakes as she flyes her now-extinguish'd brand Which gives no blaze at all then taking stand Above the shore of fruitfull Normandy Vpon a lofty cliffe viewes from on high Great Henry's large dominions that extend From Scotland Northward to the Southerne end Of spatious rance which those high mountaines bound Nam'd from Pirenes death ore all that ground She sees and gnashes for disdaine to see No streaming Ensignes no hostility The murdrous swords to sythes were turn'd againe And cheerefull plowmen till the fertile plaine The heardsmen heare their bullocks gently lough And their owne folds the fearelesse shepheards know Am I then banish'd quite shall Peace quoth she Boast through these lands so great a victory Over Enyo will no power orethrow These nations quiet rest if heaven allow This lethargy and still would have it so I will descend and see what hell can doo A spatious cave there was not oft before Descry'd by mortall eye within that shore Which wealthy France doth to the North display And Brittaines Ocean bounds thither they say The wise Dulichyan Heroe by advi●…e Of beautious Circe came to sacrifice And there restor'd by blood of bullocks slaine To silent ghosts the use of speech againe Through that darke vault did Phoebus nere shoot ray Nor ever glided beame of cheerefull day The grove of Proserpine oreshadow'd quite That dismall shore and damps of drery night Condens'd the aire no birds those boughs did grace Nor with sweet musicke cheer'd the balefull place No Tritons play'd nor did blew Proteus feede His scaly ●…locke nor faire Halcyon breede Beneath the shelter of so sadd a shore But greisly fiends and furyes evermore In hideous shapes did to the cave repaire And ghosts sad●… murmurs did afright the aire Who in unnumber'd companies attend Thither the feirce Enyo did descend And all her strongest arts and charmings bring To hold converse with Hells infernall king The Feind himselfe was busy farre below And ranne with gnashing envy too and fro To finde out plotts of ruine and survey His Master-vices who fast chained lay In adamantine cavernes and from thence So pleas'd the great Creators providence To curbe their might for mankindes sake least all The world should in a quicke confusion fall With all their force at once and licens'd power They cannot goe for soone they would devoure All states all lands and worke more tragicke woe Then earthquakes fires or pestilence can doe Within their severall denns the Vices lay And ore the doores proud pictures did display What severall feates and conquests they had wrought What States what kingdomes they to ruine brought For of destroying housholds or the fall Of private men they made no boast at all And as sterne Aeolus is forc'd to locke The boistrous winds in caves of strongest rocke By Ioves
Caesars both in whom The auncient honour of Imperiall Rome Divided lives the Duke of Saxony The Earle of Flanders King of Sicily From all these Legates at one time resort Together seene in Henry's stately Court Nor doe the Princes weigh his power alone But wisedome too and as to Salomon Send farre to crave his counsell and advise As two great Kings when difference did aris●… About the bounds of their dominion Alphonso then King of Castile was one Tother his uncle Sanctio of Navarre Who loath that the ungentle hand of warre Should judge the cause to prudent Henry send With power for him to heare and ●…ake an end Which ●…e determines in so brave a way That both the Kings are pleas'd and both obey And young Alphonso sends after the strife Had end to crave of Henry for his wife With full assurance of an ample doure His second daughter lovely Elianour Who was according to that King's demand Sent with a rich attendance to his land And there receiv'd with joy and highest state Where they their wished Nuptialls celebrate His eldest daughter Maude before had he Bestow'd on Henry Duke of Saxony Surnam'd the Lyon from whose happy wombe The fates ordaine great Emperours shall come And in this happy yeare did Henry too His third and youngest daughter Ioane bestow On noble William King of Sicily Attended hence with fit solemnity Nor did it seeme enough to favouring fate That Henry's glorious and majesticke state Through Europe onely should be honoured Even to the farthest bounds of Asia spred The fame of his great power and happinesse The holy land was brought to sad distresse By strength of faithlesse Saracens opprest Great Saladine the terrour of the East That powerfull Soldane that possest the throne And diadem of stately Babylon With all that th' old Assyrian Monarchs held Whose unresisted puissance had quell d The strength of all those parts and into thrall Had brought the other Pagan Princes all Entitled King of Kings and Lord of Lords Against the Christians turn'd his conquering swords And now had enter'd with that p●…oud designe Vpon the bounds of fearefull Pa●…aestine His dreadfull hoast had past faire Iordanes flood Sack'd townes adjoyning and in Christian blood Pursu'd the conquest ●…n great feare of him Possest the Princes of ●…erusalem Who all consult about their present state Their king old Baldwin was deceas'd of la●…e And to his nephew then a child no more Then five yeares old had left the regall power Too weake his tender age is thought to beare That weight when such a threatning warre so neere Their wals is brought the Princes all consent To offer up their crowne and government To some redoubted Christian Monarch's ●…and Whose power might guard their now-endanger'd land And with one voyce agree in He●…ry's name To him as to the Prince of greatest fame And best to them for wealth and prowesse knowne They meane to tender Salems royall Crowne And for Embassadour to him they choose The Reverend Patriarch Heraclius Who beares along with him to be a signe That by the generall vote of Palaestin●… This royall tender was to Henry made Things of the greatest note that kingdome had The keyes of that so much renowned place Which our deare Saviour's happy birth did grace And of that honour'd tombe which did containe His blessed body till it rose againe The keyes of David's stately Tower with them The royall standart of Ierusalem Thus Fates for absent Henry did ordaine Their highest graces but alas in vaine As afterward it prov'd when to the King Those honour'd signes the Patriarch did bring For he too much perplex'd about his owne Affaires at home refus'd that sacred Crowne Although the Patriarch did striue to shew That title was by right of birth his due A●…d 〈◊〉 t●…e law●…ull heire of Salems Throne A●… being Geoffrey Earle of A●…iou's sonne Whose brother F●…lke Plantagen●…t had beene Before 〈◊〉 King of Palaestine And ●…hough Pope Lucius had for that intent Persuasive ●…etters to great Henry sent He still refu●…'d God for the Christians sinne Was not at tha●… time pleased to incline His 〈◊〉 to succour their afflicted state Nor any o●…her Christian Potentate Till a●…l ●…oo late sad newes was brought to them That Saladine had tane Ierusalem But long great Henry in that blissefull state Could not abid●… the course of en●…ious fate Soone wrought a change with him Before the Sunne Had twice thr●…ugh his coelestiall Zodiake ●…unne Deep●… alterations in some mindes appear'd And dangers thence the people justly ●…ear'd That happy Genius ●…hich of late did guide Th' affaires of England now in griefe 'gan hide His glorious head lamenting to be gone The dat●… of Henry's prosperous dayes was done ●…nd nought but troubles from that time ensu'de A●…d tragicke woes Oh sad vicissitu●…e Of earthly things to what untimely end Are all the fading glories that attend Vpon the State of greatest Monarchs brought What safety can by policy be wrought Or rest be found on Fortunes rest●…esse wheele Tost humane states are here enforc'd to feele Her kingdome such as floating vessels finde The stormy Ocean when each boysterous winde Let loose from Ae●…l's Adamantine cav●…s Rush forth and rowle into impetuous waves The Seas whole waters when sometimes on high The raised Barke doth seeme to kisse the Skye Sometimes from that great height descending downe Doth seeme to fall as low as Acheron Such is the fra●… condition of mans state Such contrarieties the turning fate Of Henry found to him d●…d Fortune seeme In all her favours and her frownes 〈◊〉 The former re●…ts which dire Impiety Ha●… made in Henry's roy●…ll family Had well b●…ene cur'de againe an●… closed all Without effects so sad and tragicall As all the Land from thence did justly fear●… On easie●… termes was peace establish'd there Then men could hope and gentler salves did serve Then wounds so fester'd seemed to deserue So ●…hen the gracious God was pleas'd but see How ●…ull of danger all relapses be In humane states how s●…ldome permanent Is perfect health deserved punishment Which heaven is pleas'd to respite for a time It oft payes home upon a second crime Henry the sonne in ●…eart revolts againe From his indulgent father Signes too plaine His honest servants saw and sigh'd to see His aymes on every opportunity ●… spi●…it so young and ●…ot could not conceale And now it seem'd no human skill could heale ●…h ' inveterate sicknesse of his impious minde God for old Henry's sinnes did justly finde M●…anes by his sonnes the father to chastise And yet to punish their impieties So double woe is to the father sent Who feeles their crimes and then their punishment Richard the second sonne that held 〈◊〉 And Aquitaine for them refus'd to doe To young King H●…nry p●…rsonall Homage though Their fa●…her Henry had commanded so Yet Richard soone 〈◊〉 and tend●…rs it Bu●… his imperious brother with despight 〈◊〉 then to take it from his hands A strong desire to
Lord Mowbray and divers others No part of al his large dominions was free from warre Normandy invaded by Lewis of France and young King Henry Aquitaine by his Sonne Richard possessed against him as the Dutchy of Brittaine was by Geoffrey The Northern parts of England were all wasted by the great strength of William K. of Scotland the Easterne parts much afflicted by those mercenary troops of Flemmings which the Earle of Leister brought over besides the forces of the Earl o●… Nor●…olk This great Monarch whose felicitie was so lately the envie of his neighbour-Princes is now become the pittie of them all and the injuries done to his estate and person are much lamented by some Princes too farre off to lend him succour But be hold the turning of Fortune againe it pleased God againe to lift him from this depth of calamitie to the height of honour Hee now found the benefit of his frugality and that large treasure which hee before had gathered was his great assistance in procuring mercenarie souldiers to his side besides some faithfull Lords there were whom we have named in the storie that were deeply moved at their masters injuries and so Nobly served him that within three yeares after the beginning of these combustions King Henry according to his owne wishes beheld a happy and victorious end of them as is before expressed Let the fourth Act continue about seven yeares that next ensued a time of honour and highest happinesse to this great King after his troubles were allended according to his wish the King of France daunted the martiall King of Scotland his prisoner all rebels under his feet his Sonnes brought to acknowledge their duty and all his large dominions in great securitie While the mightiest Monarchs of the Christian world admired his wisedome and great successe astonished almost at so wonderfull a change as they now beheld His sumptuous Court was filled with congratulating Ambassadours of whom at one time there were moe seene then ever had beene together in the Court of England as namely from the two Christian Emperours Manuel of Constantinople and Frederike of the Romans from the Kings of Navarre and Aragon ●…om the Archbishop of Triers and the Earle of Flanders During the time of this happinesse hee marryed his two youngest daughters for the eldest was married before to the Duke of Saxony to the Kings of Sicily and Arragon Hee called Parliaments in which according to his minde hee was furnished with treasure he wisely setled the estates of Church and Common-wealth and besides many other wholsome happy constitutions he first appointed Iudges Itinerant for the six circuits of the Realme of England The last and tragicall Act may be considered in the five following yeares untill the end of his reigne and lif●… The date of his felicitie was now expired and nothing followed but trouble and calamitie The beginning of which was a second revolt of his two Sonnes Henry and Geoffrey which was soone taken off by the untimely death of both the Princes as is before declared in the Poëm besides the ill successe in the affaires of Ireland under the government of Iohn his youngest sonne Those troubles that arose from Philip King of France and prevailed against Henry in his old age more then any enemy had beene able to doe before which had not fallen so heavily upon him if Richard then his eldest sonne had not unnaturally forsaken his father and joyned in confederacy with King Philip. That miserable dissention broke the heart of old King Henry and was the end both of his reigne and life FINIS THE SINGLE AND COMPARATIVE CHARACTERS OF HENRY the Sonne and RICHARD LEt it not seeme impertinent if the Reader therby may be informed or delighted to deliver the Characters of these two Princes the eldest Sonnes of King Henry the Second who bore so great and stirring parts in the history of their fathers reigne They were Princes of greatest eminence in those times and upon whom the eyes of Christendome were most set a large Stage they had to act upon and early occasions to discover their worth They were both tall of stature beyond the ordinary height of men of comely visage and majesticall presence for courage and magnanimity they were thought equall and both admired for royall vertue though of a nature different Henry was beloved for his sweetnesse Richard honour'd for his gravi●… Henry was affable and wondrous liberall Richard severe and full of constancy Henry was addicte●… to martiall sports and pastimes Richard more inclined ●…o warre it selfe One was Courtly the other serious One beloved for mercy the other feared for Iustice. The one a refuge the other a terror to all offenders Two Princes brothers of so great worth and yet so diverse have seldome beene observed Yet well might they spring from one root their father Henry in the mixture of his nature was knowne to containe both their different Characters and iudged to have a minde as one ●…peakes of Augustus Caesar full of varietie How much the sweetnesse and lovely carriage of young King Henry had wonne upon the world let one observation which some of his owne time thought like a miracle teach us to judge How strange was it that a young Prince rising in armes against his father possessed neither of lands nor treasure much lesse of a good or just cause was followed almost by all the neighbouring world against a King of so large a territory and so full of treasure that in this great defection from him hee was able almost with mercenary souldier●… to vindicate his right against all those potent enemies This young P●…ince had gained to his side not onely his brothers Richard and Geoffrey and most of the great Nobility of England but the Kings of France and Scotland the Earle of Flanders and many other great forraigne Princes So many rich gifts of minde and body were heaped on this young Henry saith a Writer of his time that Nature as it were envying what she had bestowed soyled it againe with one staine the vice of ingratitude and disobedieuce to so good a father Which sinne of his was thought the cause that plucked downe Divine vengeance and untimely cut off that flourishing youth which was judged worthy if God had prolonged it to have ruled a greater Empire The severity and industrious courage of Richard the second Sonne let this declare the Earledome of Poictou and the Dutchy of Aquitaine which were the inheritance of his mother Eleanor were committed to his government whilest he was very young Yet in that tender age so manly were his vertues so awefull was the hand which he carried over the rebellious and stubborne subjects of those Countryes that he soone reduced them to a more quiet state and setled obedience then any of their former Princes had ever done As he was stout in the action of warre so was hee constant and unwearied in pursuing his fortune and making the full use of any successe according to that marke that Lucan gives of Iulius Caelar Nil credens actum cum quid superesset agendum Hee was so severe in punishing their offences that hee began so great a resemblance sometimes has vice with vertue to be taxed of cruelty till the wiser sort had fully considered the quality of his actions and the necessity of such proceedings How prevalent he was in the managing of warres to omit those great high exploits which he afterwards atchieved when hee was King of England by this one sad observation we may somewhat i●…dge after the untimely deaths of his two brothers Henry and Geoffrey when hee onely of the Sonnes was left at mans estate and unnaturally warred against his father assisted onely by Philip King of France hee more prevailed then his brother Henry with a farre greater confederacy had beene able to doe in the foregoing warres Henry the Sonne had many and great Princes as ●…efore wee shewed that sided with him And yet so victorious an end did old King Henry make of that businesse that hee saw his greatest and most glorious times after the conclusion of that warre but when Ric●…ard revolted from him assisted onely by Philip of France the father was inforced to suffer more and stoope lower than any imagined that a Prince of so great a spirit and power could ever have bin brought unto By which finally his heart was broken and a period set to all his worldly glory Richard in that was more unhappy than his brother Henry that his unna●…urall wars we●…e able to give so deepe and uncurable a wound to his fathers heart and lent him no time at all to obtaine his pardon as Henry had done nor could the father liue to bee a witnesse of Richards forrow and true repentance as hee had beene of the others Which notwithstanding was many wayes after the death of old King Henry testified by Richard and last of all when himselfe was dying he commanded his servants to bury him at Fonteverard and lay him acrosse at his fathers feet to whom his disloyalty and unnaturall revolt as hee with griefe acknowledged had beene so great a crosse FINIS * Polydore Vi●…gil in H. 2 * The Monke of Nuborough lib. 2. has all this * The Monke of Nuborough Ibidem * Hovden Chronicon de passione mi●…aculis Thomae a Math. Paris b Gervase of Dover * Aurea legenda in vita Thomae * Silu Giraldus Cambr. relates all these wonders * Hoved●…n * William Parvus * Stoutvile Glanvile Vrsy Ballioll Vinfriville * Will. Parv●… * William Archbishop of Try
instruments that I from hence shal bring Will soone divert it all and make this king Whose strength the world so much admires and fea●… Whom now they deeme so blest ere many yeares Into themselves revolve againe to be The pity of his foes nature for me Against herselfe is working come and veiw My champions here that shall with speed pursue What I designe with that he leades her by The denns where all along his Vi●…es ly There in her den●… lay pompous Luxury Stretch'd out at length no Vice could boast such hi●…h And generall victories as she had wonne Of which proud trophees there at large were showne Besides small States and kingdomes ruined Those mighty Monarchies that had orespread The spatious earth and stretch'd their conquering arme From Pole to Pole by her ●…nsuaring charmes Were quite consum'd there lay imperiall Rome That vanquish●… all the worl'd by her orecome Fetter'd was th' old Assyrian Lion there The Graecian Leopard and the Persian Beare With others numberlesse lamenting by Examples of the power of luxury Next with erected lookes Ambition stood Whose trophees all were pourtray'd forth in blood Vnder his feet Law and religion He trampled downe sack'd cities there were showne Rivers and feilds with slaughter overspread And stain'd with blood which his wild sons had shed There Ninus image stood who first of all By lawlesse armes and slaughter did enthrall The quiet nations that liv'd free till then And first tooke pride to triumph over men There was Sesostres figur'd there the sonne Of Philip lay whose dire ambition Not all the spatious earth could satisfy Swift as the lightning did his conquests fly ●…rom Greece to farthest Easterne lands and like Some dire contagion through the world did strike Death and destruction purple were the floods Of every region with their natives bloods Next him tha●… Roman lay who first of all Captiv'd his countrey there were figur'd all His warres and mischiefes and what ever woes Through all the world by dire ambition rose Next to that Fiend lay pale Revenge with gore His ghastly visage was all sprinckled ore The hate he bore to others had quite reft Him of all love unto himselfe and left No place for nature ore his den were showne Such tragedies and sad destruction As would dissolve true humane hearts to heare And from the furies selves inforce a teare Those bloody slaughters there to veiw were brought Which Iacobs cruell sonnes in Shechem wrought When all the Males but newly circumcis'd To their revengfull rage were sacrific'd There the slaine youth of Alexandrialy By Caracalla's vengefull butchery The captiv'd fate of Spaine was there display'd Which wrathfull ●…ulian in revenge betray'd To Pagan Moores and ruin'd so his owne Sad house his country and religion Not all these sacred bonds with him prevaile When he beholds his ravish'd daughter waile Wring her white hands and that faire bosome strike That too much pleas'd the lustfull Rhoderike The next Sedition lay not like the rest Was he attir'd nor in his lookes exprest Hatred to heaven and vertues lawes but he Pretends religion law or liberty Seeming t' adore what he did most orethrow And would perswade vertue to be a foe To peace and lawfull power above his den For boasting trophees hung su●…h robes as when Old Sparta stood her Ephori did weare And Romes bold Tribunes Stories carved there Of his atcheivements numberlesse were s●…ene S●…ch as the Gracch●…s fact●…ous stirres had beene In ancient Rome and such as were the crimes ●…hat oft wrack'd Greece in her most potent times S●…ch as learn'd Athens and bold Sparta knew And from their ablest souldiers oft did rue Next to that Vice lay foule Impiety At large display'd the cursed enemy Of natures best and holyest lawes through all Her loathsome denne unthankfull vipers crawle Above those stories were display'd which show How much the Monarchy of Hell did owe ●…or peoples wracke to that abhorred Vice There were Mycenae's balefull tragedies And all the woes that fatall The●…es had wrought There false Medea when away she brought Her owne betrayed countries spoiles before Her weeping father Aeta peicemeale tore Her brother's limbes and strew'd them ore the feild There with the same impiety she kill'd Her owne two sonnes and through the aire apace By draggons drawne she fled from Iason's face There strong Alcathoë king Nisus towne By S●…yllaes impious treason was orethrowne And sack'd with fire and sword the wretched maide Had from her lofty sounding tower survey'd King Minos hoast and doating on her faire Foes face cut off her fathers purple haire This this is she this is the Vice must goe Quoth Lu●…ifer to worke the overthrow Of Englands peace Impiety shall doe What ever thy designes can reach unto She shall ascend to England and possesse The breasts of Henri's sonnes with what success●… Enyo feare not I have seene the boyes Though yet but young I marke to swell my joyes Such forward signes of their ambition They soone will by Impiety be blowne Vp into such attempts as that thy brand Shall quickly blaze againe through every land That Henry rules this is the cause that hee Continues yet in his prosperity His sonnes are not of age they they must grow Their fathers onely ruine th' overthrow Of all his weale besides to further our De●…gue in this and lend us present power 〈◊〉 king himselfe consents who govern'd by 〈◊〉 dotage and disastrous policy Does now entend to crowne his eldest sonne Soone as his feasts at Windsore shall be done Where now with William Scotland's king he lyes Shall Westminst●…r see these solemnityes The●…e see how soone ●…mpiety shall fire The young kings brest and make him more aspire The more his father gives and though of late Sedition well have wrought upon the State By Becket who these five yeares ha's beene fled And yet that strife is not extinguished No warres from thence grow nor has thy desire Enyo beene fulfill'd that fa●…tious fire Has burnt no cities nor has blood at all Beene drawne in that be sure in this there shall Impiety shall doe 't the Feind here ends And pleas'd Enyo from the cave ascends THE REIGNE OF King HENRY the Second The Second Booke The Argument of the second Booke King H●…nry Crownes at Westminster his sonne But soone beginns to feare what he had done He feasts the King of Scotland at his Court. Among the tempting beauties that resort To that great festivall he falls in Love With Rosamond arm'd Pallas from above Appeares to Henry's sleepe chides him as slow In his affaires of Ireland and does show What lasting honour that great Ile shall be To him and his victorious progeny NOw had great Henry his designe declar'd To crowne his Sonne and all that state prepard That might befit the great solemnity The Peeres and people all approove what he Rashly decrees and in the triumph joyne Withglittering pompe the streetes of London shine Their wealth the greatest Citizens display To grace young Henry's
grazing cattell cover all those grounds They feele no want what grass they eate by dayes The dewy night backe to the land repayes And what fam'd Maro of that wealthy field In Mantua spake these meadows truely yeild But so myraculously temperate Prooves Irelands aire sometimes Wolues have of late In middst of bare December whelped beene And young-hatch'd Crowes at Christmas have bin seen What neede I speake of that fam'd Willow tree At Glindelachan which was knowne to be Chang'd from his nature though it yet appeare In outward forme a Willow and each yeare Brings forth faire Apples that have proov'd of strange And medcinable vertue still that change The common people as divinely rare Imputed to S. Keiwin's powerfull prayer Or to your sacred eare relate the story Of our S. Patrick's famous Purgatory Nine dismall caves there are in one of those If any man by night himselfe repose Such most unsufferable torments there As humane nature scarce has power to beare He shall endur●… the silly folke suppose ●…he paines of Hell not much exceeding those But if that all the prodigyes we know Of truth in Ireland or all those that so Are by the common people thought to be We should relate your sacred Majesty Would first be weary'd day would first be done Ere through those wonders our discourse could runne With that the Bishop his relation ceas'd Great Henry gave him thankes and highly pleas'd To heare the nature of his new-gain'd land Rewards those Irish with a bounteous hand That on his Royall Court did then attend And that this action might to happy end Be brought and Ireland setled in a blest And sure estate beginning at the best Of cares God's service he to Dublin then A Synod calls of th' Irish Clergymen With whom were many English Prelat●… joyn'd To sift the state of Irelands Church and finde What errours had by time crept in to be The blemishes of Christian purity While thus great Henry labours to secure His new-gaind Realme to leave it in a sure And peacefull state from these his wish'd affair●… He is diverted by more tragicke cares Sad newes to him though secretly are brought Of what the fiend Impiety had wrought In his bold sonnes their inclinations now And bad designes beyond concealment grow Enough to breake a tender fathers heart But of his sorrow this was but a part Although alas he were enforc'd to see In this unnaturall conspiracie His life and kingly state endanger'd were For other tidings to encrease his feare Came flying ore as mischiefes ever joyne Not singly come Albert and Theodine Were by Pope Alexander sent from Rome As Legates and to Normandy were come There to examine Becket's murder now With power not only to enquire and know But punish it and interdict at once All great King Henry's large dominions Vnlesse that he himselfe in person there Vpon their summons did forthwith appeare And now the feast of Easter was at hand King Henry griev'd that from his new gain'd land He was so soone enforc'd to part away Before well setled yet because delay On tother side did seeme so dangerous Of those affaires he briefly does dispose Makes Hugh de Lacy chiefe Iustitiar And to the chiefest Captaines each a share Of governement he leaves then crosses ore A●…d with a prosperous winde upon the shore Of Wales arrives but making then no stay At all in England sailes with speede away To Normandy to meete the Legates there And does before them personally sweare That he commanded not that horrid deede But for those words that rashly did proceede Out of his mouth and might be thought to be The mooving cause of that blacke tragaedy He is contented to what pennance fit The Pope or they enjoyne him to submit THE REIGNE OF King HENRY the Second The Fift Booke The Argument of the fift Booke Against their Father Henry's impious Sonnes Raise Warre through all his large dominions By forreigne Princes back'd the old King's successe On every side and wondrous happinesse King Lewis of France is chasd from Normandy And Chesters Earle surpris'd in Brettainy At Farneham field the Earle of Leister's tane And almost all his warrelike Flemmings slaine The King of Scotland by a little band Is taken prisoner in Northumberland To Becket's shrine old Henry pensive goes Then freely pardons all his yeilding foes T●…kes in the Forts that were against him mann'd And without bloodshed quiets all the land The wofull newes of murder'd Rosamund Amidd'st these joyes his bleeding heart doth wound A truce twixt Lewis and him young Richard gets Poictou but when King Henry comes submits And by his father is sent forth to winne His yet-offending brothers from their sinne NOw did those fatall and unnaturall jarres Disclose themselues and more then civill wars Began to make afflicted England bleede While Henryes foes from Henryes loynes proceede From Hell to Earth did that accursed fiend The Viper-hair'd Impiety ascend T' infect the Royall houshould such was she As ancient Poets made Megaera be That lov'd no warres but twixt neere kindred bred No blood but such as sonnes or brothers shed Such warres whose tryalls must be ever bad Whose conquests must be losse and triumphs sad Twixt Pelops sonnes t was she that bred despight T was she that made the Theban brothers fight That made Atrides impiously be slayne And impiously to be reveng'd againe She now through France through England sounds alarmes And Henry's sonnes against their father armes Henry the sonne too soone crown'd King on slight Pr●…tences of a wrong resolues to fight 'Gainst his deare Fa●…her in that blacke designe Richard and Geoffrey with their brother joyne As then was thought incensed by the spleene And jealousies of Elianor the Queene With them the Earles of Chester Leister too And Bigot Norfolkes Ea●…le with many moe ' Domestick Rebells joyne nor did so bad So impious a cause as theirs oh sadd Crime of the Fates want forreine aiders too For all the Christian Princes neere as though They understood not what Rebellion were Nor treason knew to th' unjust side adhaere King Lewis of France assists his sonne in Law And to that party Scotlands King doth draw That side does Philip Earle of Flanders take So much old Henry's state now seem'd to shake As nothing almost but th' immediate hand Of heaven alone had power to make him stand Why doe you Princes such Rebellion love Such sadd examples 'gainst your selues approove You that are Kings and Fathers is it hate O●… envy borne to Henry's prosperous state That mooves you ●…hus alas you doe not show A skil●…ull hate to him in arming so Your arming makes those warres that were before Warres civill onely to be so no more But gives the grieved father hope to share A glorious triumph from a tragicke warre For else the conquest which great Henry had Ore his owne sonnes and subjects had beene sad The King of Scotland must a prisoner be And Lewis with shame oft chas'd from Normandy
Lest noble Henry should triumph ore none But onely sonnes and subjects of his owne And you most gracious Soveraigne borne to be Th'admir'd example of true piety To your deceased Father with an eye Secure may read your vertues contrary In Henry's sonnes and read it Sir true story That brands their names will sound your endlesse glory King Iames whilest living did behold and blest Your piety of what you since exprest No little part the wondring people all Beheld and honour'd at his funerall But most of all is what we daily see Your pious truth to his deare memory So may our Princely Hope let God above Be pleas'd young Charles by your example prove And such unto your selfe hereafter be As you to blessed Iames in piety The foes in this great combination ty'd Invade King Henry's lands on every side While Scotlands King fall's on Northumberland While Chesters Earle and Fulgiers armed stand To seaze the townes of Brittaine Lewis of France With young King Henry all their force advance For Normandy attempting to surprise Vernoul a towne that in the confines lyes Thus like a Lyon rows'd on every side Old Henry's prudence must at once provide For all assaults and first in person he To succour Vernoul martches speedily Which Lewis of France by treachery that day Had tane but left it straight and fled away The English King pursues and in his course Surprises many forts of his by force Nor durst the King of France of all the time That warre endur'd in field encounter him But making short incursions as for prey Would never stand the tryall of a day From thence with winged speed old Henry goes To meete in Brettaine with his rebell foes But Chesters Earle and ●…ulgiers durst not bide His puissance but fled and fortify'd Themselves within the castle Dole which he Str●…ightly besieg'd and wonne it speedily There Chesters Earle into his hands he got With fourescore other prisoners of note While thus in France the conquering King proceedes Heavens potent hand assists their valiant deedes That loyall warres for him in England made The Northerne parts does Scotlands King invade To whose resistance their most able men The noble Lucy Lord chiefe Iustice then And Bohun Constable of England bring And stay the progresse of that warrelike King There whilest with loyall and couragious hearts They guard the North in Englands Easterne parts Arise warr●…s fiercer where with numerous bands Of warlike Flemmings furious Leister lands With him does Bigot Earle of Norfolke joyne There their rebellious forces they combine To wast their native soyle the wofull fame Of which to brave Bohun and Lucy came Who hea●…ing this conclude with Scotlands King A speedy truce and all their forces bring Into the Easterne parts where fates provide Fresh strength to succour injur'd Henry's side The loyall Earles of Gloster Arundel And Cornewall there are met provided well Of all munition in their just designe With noble Lucy and Bohun to joyne The Lords all met to Farneham march away There was the tryall of that bloody day Ordain'd there Leister with his Flemish troopes Comes to encounter them with different hopes Though aequall fury the two armies fought The Flemmings prey the English freedome sought To chase from thence the forreiners away Long doubtfull stood the tryall of the day When thus the lo●…all Lords their souldiers cheere Now let your truth and loyalty appeare Brave Englishmen nor is it Henry's right 'Gainst rebells armes for which alone you fight And to revenge your wronged Prince although That were engagement great and high enough You fight lest England should be made a spoyle To vagrant theeves or more your native soyle Here suffer conquest by a forreine sword And after ages in blacke leaves record The fatall field of Farneham fortune meant In this to keepe your valours innocent Though rebell Leister make a civill warre He frees you from it since his souldiers are All forreiners in fight you neede not feare To wound at all your native countrey there Nor shed your kindreds blood the foe frees you From those foule crimes which he intends to doe Fight 'gainst his Soveraigne friends and native land What great advantage on our side doth stand Our armes are loyall 'gainst a forreine foe His warres both civill and rebellious too Such speeches from the Lords had raysed high The English vertue they all wish'd to dye Rather then see what else they sadly fear'd On one side Englands woefull state appear'd On tother side the justice of so brave A cause fresh vigour to their spirits gave The Flemmings armed with resolve as great Whose desperate fortunes on that day were set And no hope left beyond came fiercely on Breathing out nothing but destruction To gaine the price of their adventures there Or to their foes to leave a conquest deare So neere the flockes fight hungry beasts of prey So fight brave dogs to chase the wolves away As then the English and the Flemmings fought How many tragedies that day were wrought How were the fields with slaughter cover'd ore How was th'adjoyning river stain'd with gore At last bright ●…ustice rose and by the lawes Of God and nature ballancing the cause Gave a full conquest to the English side But so the desperate Flemmings fell and dy'd As in their deaths it plainely might appeare With what resolves they had encountred there Ten thousand of them in the field were slaine Their great Commander Leisters Earle was tane With him his Amazonian Countesse too Was taken prisoner and many moe Who by the conquering Earles were speedily Sent out of England into Normandy And to old Henry brought where then he lay With joyfull newes of that victorious day One of the strongest propps young Henry had And bold'st supporter of a warre so bad Is now remov'd ambitious Leister he Who most had sooth'd the sonnes impiety And 'gainst the father beene most insolent Is at his mercy now a prisoner sent The King forbeares revenge and does disdaine With any show of cruelty to staine The joy of this successe but keepes him there As warre had made him onely prisoner But Englands wretched state by one successe Could not be rescu'd wholly from distresse Gainst which so great conspiracies did aime For second newes from thence to Henry cam●… By Richard then elect of Winch●…ster That other forces had arrived there By that rebellious Earle of Norfolke brought By whom outragious mischiefes had beene wrought And th' Easterne parts of England much annoy'd That stately Norwich was with fire destroy'd That greater woes are feared every day That th' Earle of Flanders then at Gravelin lay With young King Henry purpos'd to invade England with all the strength that they had made The King is mov'd to heare his countreys woe And to her rescue straight resolves to goe In person then with his accustom'd speede By which he found his actions still succeede For all his acts and march●…s still did show Such speede that Lewis of
The causes of all future discontent He lends a gentle eare while they expresse In humble sort their former grievances He grants their just demands and does advance With liberall hand their yearely maintenance Which had before bin justly thought to be Too small for them and that this enmity Might not alone be ended but forgot On every side the lands un●…ustly got While this sad warre remain'd are every where Restor'd againe and every prisoner Without a ransome on both sides set free And all their followers in that state to be As when the warre beganne with Henry there A peace King Lewis and th' Earle of Flanders sweare And that the friendship may be firmely ty'd Adela Lewis his daughter is affy'd To Princely Richard to remaine till she Should come of age in Henry's custody There to conclude these sad dissentions Richard and Henry's younger sonnes A personall homage to their father doe Which young King Henry freely offred too But that the father suff●…ed not since he Invested was in regall dignity White-winged Concord come from heaven above Concord of all estates the joy and love Whose sacred armes the spatious world infold And that mixt fabricke from dissolving hold On Henry's countreys now was pleas'd to light With her her lately banish'd sister bright As she faire Piety did not disdaine Descending downe to visite earth againe She that from Englands Court had lately fled As once from Argos tragicke towers she did When Atreus feast did her pure soule affright And made the Sunne obscure his mourning light Nor does the presence of bright Phoebus more Comfort earths drooping face when to restore Her fragrant Wardrobe he returnes in spring Then Pi●…ty and blessed Concord bring True joy to humane hearts the King in thought Is recompens'd for what the fates had wrought So lately 'gainst him his two younger sonnes He sends away to their dominions And wise men with them Geoffrey to remaine In Brettaine Richard in his Aquitaine There with their severall Councells to advise The best for their estates and dignities The two King Henryes father and the sonne Through every part of their dominion Vpon that side the Sea a progresse take To cure the wounds of that late warre and make The rents all whole againe then from that coast The Seas for England they together crost But oh what Muse can at the height relate The joy that Englands long-afflicted state Express'd to welcome their arrivall there Or show how all the wayes from Porchmouth where They landed first and thence to London rode Were fill'd with people numberlesse and strow'd With such greene dresse as then the spring could show And Sol from Taurus gilded hornes bestow Vpon the cheered earth as if that then The season had consented with the men How did the aire with acclamations sound When in that joyous sight the people found Their happinesse they saw two Kings as one Distracting not the quiet of a throne And as a glorious wonder might descry Two Sunnes at once and yet a peacefull sky This sight more joy'd the hearts of people now Then any triumph of a warre could doe Nor could the greatest conquest by the blood Of slaughter'd nations purchas'd be so good So did th' Italian youths follow in throngs Their laurell'd charriots with triumphant songs When captive Kings were brought when woefull stories Of ruin'd lands were made their envy'd glories Before this triumph no sad captives goe To waile in chaines their woefull overthrow No pale dejected lookes no hearts afraid Are found no envy'd glories are display'd But gentle peace does with a gracious eye Appeare and leade the faire solemnity Whose crowne of olive does more glorious show Then any victor's laurell wreath could doe One Court one table now receives againe Whom late this spatious Ile could not containe As f●…iends within blew Neptune's watery armes And they whose presence fill'd with warres alarmes So oft of late great France and England too Without warres feare are seene together now And promise like th' Oebalian friendly starres Health to the late distressed Marriners Nor does King Henry spend in wanton ease The Halcyon dayes of this his happy peace But like a wise and noble Potentate ●…o cure the sad diseases of his state He first beginnes as first it ought to be With holy Church the sinne of Simony Which those corrupted times too much had fill'd A Synod to that end at London held By wholsome lawes and canons did restraine From thence old Henry fully to maintaine His honour goes in person and repaires Some breaches of the late unhappy warres And many Castles of the inner land Which had in those rebellious times beene mann'd And kept against himselfe he rases downe As Leister Walton Groby Huntington To deedes of justice then he turn'd his minde And first of all the English Kings did finde That happy course applauded till this day To give his subjects by an easier way The use of justice England he divides Into sixe circuites and for each provides Three reverend Iustices itinerant That all his subjects farthest off whom want Would not per●…it so great a way to come Might meete bright Iustice twice a yeare at home And that offences there where they were done Might be to Iudges made more clearely knowne A glorious act which shall for ever fame To after times the second Henry's name Those mighty kings who by such specious deedes As founding towers or stately Pyramids Would raise their names and by that vast expence Doe seeke the fame of high magnificence Doe not deserve by those proud workes they raise So true an honour nor such lasting praise As he whose wis●…dome to good manners dr●…wes The mindes of men by founding wholesome lawes And planting perfect justice in a state Those let the vainer people wonder at By those a state showes faire by this it lives They outward beauty this true essence gives But now my faire Calliope relate How high how glorious was old Henry's state In this so happy and establish'd peace When all dissentions on such tearmes did cease As he himselfe could wish when his command Was fear'd in Wales when Englands happy land Was well assured Scotlands strength dismay'd And conquer'd Ireland quietly obey'd His powerfull scepter when he did possesse Without controll those stately Provinces Of France which stretch'd even to the bounds of Spain From Normandy to farthest Aquitaine That King of Connaught Roderike the stout He that in Ireland had so long stood out 'Gainst th' English power does now to England send Embassadours on Henry to attend To yield himselfe to his protection A tributary to the English Crowne And now through Europe the loud voyce of fame So wide had spread this potent Monarchs name That from the farthest part●… of Christendome Embassadours of greatest Princes come To hold their leagues and amity with him And London saw so high was his esteeme In his great Court at once th'Embassadours Of the two mighty Christian Emperours The East and Westerne
seize on R●…chards lands Young Henry had Full well he knew that all The Barons of those Provinces would fall Gladly from Richards sterner government Who had before declared their intent With him in this his brother Geoffrey joyn'd Who to his father bore as false a minde With Richard's lands they meane themselves to make Strong 'gainst their Father and entend to take Thence the first step to their dis●…oyalty Riihard in wrath departs from Normandy Returning home to fortifie and manne His holds within Poictou and Aquitaine And by his brothers is pursu'd He findes A great estrangement in the Barons mindes And is enfor●…'d by their revolt dismay'd To crave his father old King Henry's ayd Who with an army thither straight repaires Yet not to make but to compound the warres There young King Henry labours to maintaine The Barons of Poictou and Aquitaine 'Gainst Richar●…s great complaints and under-hand For his owne ends perswades them to withstand His fathers force and not at all submit Old Henry labours by perswasions fit To pacifi●… these new bred enmities And venturing of himselfe to p●…rleys twice Miraculously scap'd foule tre●…sons hand Once a true servant that did next him stand Instead of him was with an arrow slaine Nor was the traytor found and when againe He made approach a barbed shaft that from Th' adjoyning Castle did with fury come Had pierc'd his royall breast had not his horse Advanc'd his head and ●…ne the arrowes force By which himselfe to save his master dy'd By these abhorred treasons terrifi'd The King no more would venture but prepares To curbe the Barons and his Sonnes by warres But that a juster stronger hand must doe Th' ●…ternall Iudge of all the world had so D●…creed that 〈◊〉 sword should spared be In punishing his sonnes impietie That he himselfe whose just and certaine hand No creature can preuent no force withstand Whose sacred will the Elements obey And all the Starres doe serve would take a way Without old Henry's ayd or crime at all Without a warre so much vnnaturall To punish guilt that justice should be done Yet the old King but lose not kill a sonne Now young King Henry at Martell prepares To meet his father in rebellious warres By by a Dysentery de●…th assailes His youth and spite of youth or strength prevailes The sharpe malignant humour did corrode His guts and thence while there the paine abode A speed ng feav●…r seiz'd his vitall part Oppressed Nature past the helpe o●… art Beyond all hope o●… cure lay languishing When Paenitence from heavens eternall King To save this dying Prince his so●…e is sent And sweeten so his bodies punishment Now late alas though not too late did hee Feele and bewaile his first impiety And to his father humbly sent to craue His pardon now which he as freely gave Yet durst not trust himselfe in person there The late foule treasons justly made him fear●… But to declare a true forgivenesse sent His Ring to him Which when the paenitent And dying Prince receiv'd ●…e humbly kist While floods of teares his contrite heart exprest Then he conju●…'d hi●… servants that did ●…tand About him to fulfil●… his last command Which they in all per●…ormed as they swore A bed of ashes on the Chamber ●…loore They strew'd and thither pensive sackcloth brought Then from his royall Couch so richly wrought With various worke with gold embroyder'd o●…e They tooke him downe the kingly robes he wore They stript him of and put the sackcloth on Then on the bed of ashes layd him downe This quoth the dying king this is the way To heauens bright pallace and this sad array Is fa●…re more glorious in th' Almighty's eye Then purple silks or rich embroydery And sooner enters heaven though that be high No step 's so neare it as humility 'T is not fraile mortals gorgeous dresse that there Can rich at all or beautifull appeare Since 'twixt the Glories of earths greatest throne And blisse of Saints is no comparison Waile not my early death no 〈◊〉 is re●…t Too soone of breath to whom a time is left Of paenitence I had untimely dy'd Had these late warres in my rebellious pride Cut off my youth and left my name to be The curs'd example of impiety And thou my wronged father in this low And humble state vouchsafe againe to know What impious I had once forgot thy sonne No more thy rivall in the regall throne Which whilst I sought I labour'd to destroy The Royall root from wh●…nce I grew so high I crave no interest in thy fortunes now But onel●… that that Nature can bestow The blessing of a childe Seeking thy throne I grew unworthy to be call'd thy sonne Forbeare you lasting Registers of time To name my title lest you speake my crime Or if the truth of story must doe so Be just and publish my repentance too How ere when Englands Kings are nam'd let mee From that high Catalogue excluded bee And witnesse you my friends when I am gone I dy'd no King but Henry's pensive sonne With that the Feaver his strong heart assailes And 'gainst resisting Natures force prevailes From his yong brest the strugling spirit flyes And night eternall closes up his eyes Soone was the newes to old King Henry brought When different sorrow powerfull Nature wrought In his great soule Sometimes he wailes a sonne In flower of all his youth untimely gone Sometimes he joyes to heare that paenitence That wash'd away the staine of his offence Yet thence againe ●…low teares as cause to prove His sorrow good and iu●…tifie his love So Henry wept in all respects but one As holy David did for Absal●…n They both lost sonnes both wail'd their sonnes offence Yet David heard no signes of paenitence In his slaine Absalon that could ●…t all Give comfort to his griefe spirituall Had Absalon●…or ●…or his abhorr'd offence Left markes behinde him of true paenitence Instead of that great pillars pride which he Had rays'd before to keepe his memory Farre lesse no doubt in that respect alone Had David mourned for h●…s slaughter'd sonne The griefe that Henry tooke though wondrous great Yet could not make him his just wrath forget Against the Barons of Poictou from whom The cause of these rebellions first did come He drawes his martiall forces vp to presse With narrow siege the Towne of Li●…oges Which soone was rendred to his powerfull hand And with that Towne and Castle all the Land The Barons pardon crave wi●…h them his sonne P●…ince Geoffrey comes ●…pon submission The King forgives his sonne and is content To take of them an easie punishment But though a fathers deare affection Twice freely pardon'd this offending sonne Soone after did the hand of God on high Pursue with vengeance the impiety Of young Princ●… Geoffr●…y At a Turneament In Paris held to which this Geoffrey went With other Lords in youthfull bravery To prove his active strength and chevalry He fell together with his horse the blow
So sorely bruis'd his body that although He presently expir'd not in the place For God in mercy lent him such a space Of time to breath he might repenting call To him for Grace y●…t of that ●…a tall fall As it appeared plaine in all the pride Of his fresh youth he shortly after dy'd Lib. 7. HENRY the Second The Argument of the seventh Booke Prince John King Henry's youngest sonne is sent To take the charge of Irelands government 'Twixt Henry and King Philip severall jarres And quarrels rise that threaten daily warres A reverend Prelate by the Pope imploy'd Betwixt the Kings all difference to decide Perswades them both an holy warre to make Both Kings with Philip Earle of Flanders take The Crosse upon them But their good intents Are crost againe by fatall accidents And both the Kings against each other bent Towarre againe Richard in discontent His father leaves and takes King Philip's part Ensuing losses breake old Henry's heart THus is the King of halfe his store bereft Two sons untim●…ly dead two sons are le●… The seeming comforts of his age as who Could think but living childrē shold be so Oh who would not suppofe that to have seene Two youthfull sonnes before him dead had beene A grievous c●…rse and punishment to him But he that sees old Henry's end will deeme His living sonnes to be his curse and say God pity'd him in taking two away For furious Ri●…hard who was eldest now And heire apparant to the Crowne as though His brother's deaths could no examples be To shew the vengeance of Impiety Soone after 'gainst his father raises warre Of worse and sadder consequence by farre Then all the rest had beene they caus'd his smart But this of Richard breakes his bleeding heart The Realme of Ireland Henry did entend To Iohn his youngest sonne and to that end Had from Pope Vrban got a grant before That he might freely leaue as successour Which sonne he pleas'd in Irelands government Thither is Iohn with ●…it attendance sent But twelve yeares old to make him early knowne And lov'd among those people as his owne To rule among them as their Governour But not invested in the Regall power Th' example of his eldest sonne whom he Before advanc'd to royall dignity Too soone alas had made him justly feare The same from others But unhappy there This Prince his too too early rule did prove Instead of gaining that rude Nations love Which by a sweet demeanour had beene wonne For they as every barbarous Nation Although they know not what is true respect Yet if respected wondrously affect The youthfull Gallants of that Prince his Covrt Could not re●…raine bur in a scorne●…ull sort The Natives rude behaviours did deride And so distastfull was their mocking pride To those plaine people they began to hate Whom else they would have honour'd and forgate That loyall love and reverence which before They to the English King and Nation bore From thence sad warres the Irish Princes mov'd Which by the losse of men and treasure prov'd Vnhappy to the English side till from His government young Iohn was called home And left it after an expensive warre In worse estate then when he enter'd farre Now daily quarrels 'twixt the Realmes of France And England grow Fresh cause of variance From all occasions does the active minde Of young King Philip 'gainst old Henry finde Sometimes he c●…aimes Gisors and other lands By Henry held from him somet●…mes demands The Princesse Adela his sister now Of perfect age to be deliver'd to Her husband Henry's eldest sonne According to the old conclusion Which in her father Lewis his time was made Or else he is resolved to invade King Henry's Provinces while he delayes His answer forces on both sides they raise While neighbour-Princes kindly enterpose And strive these breaches 'twixt the Kings to close Nor perfect peace nor constant warre ensn'd Their truces often broke were oft renew'd The sword oft drawne and oft was sheath'd againe While this so jarring concord did remaine Betwixt the Kings sad newes was brought to them That Saladine had tane Ierusalem Discomfited the Noble Christian hoast And with their slaughter ●…ad through all that coast Seized the townes of strength into his hands These wofull tidings through all Christian lands In Europe flew excitements every where From Pulpits sounded in the peoples eare To aid their brother-Christians in the East And take revenge on Pagans that opprest The holy land For this great purpose some Religious Prelates sent through Christendom●… To severall Courts of greatest Princes came To draw their succours One of greatest name In that imployment who most seem'd t' advance The cause that Prelate was who then in France Labour'd to draw these armed Kings from thence And turne their swords against the Saracens Betwixt Gisors and Try a day was set For enterview where these two Monarchs met Their royall armies slay'd not farre srom thence No p●…ace was wrought upon the conference Though thither Philip Earle of Flanders came A powerfull Prince and one of honour'd name With Noble purpose to attone their jarres And to prevent so sad and causelesse warres Till this grave Prelate to the place was come And for the generall cause of Christendome Thus humbly spake Most puissant Kings and you Renowned Earle let it in season now Be thought to speake what borne upon the wings Of Fame already through all Europe rings The tragicke slaughter of our Christian hoast And sacred Salem to vile Pagans lost Since by those Christians sufferings God for you Sets ope the way to highest honours now Let that brave cause engage these armes of yours Thither great Kings transport your conquering powers And for the name of your Redeemer move A war●…e more just than any peace can prove Much more a juster warre then this can be For when the foes of Christianity Doe rage if peace it selfe at such a time May in the Christian world be judg'd a crime What crime is that when they to warre can goe Yet not 'gainst him that ought to be their foe But for him rather Let me freely speake When Christian Princes 'gainst each other wreake Their wrath at sucst a time what side so ere Be beat the holy cause must suffer there And every death when your fierce battels joyne A Champion takes from bleeding Palaestine God sure decree'd I should prevaile with you Because he lets me finde you armed now When I am come to speake Your breasts are not Becalm'd with peace your active spirits are hot And what should hinder you from Salems warre Since you have met a juster cause by farre Then that that mov'd this heat that rays'd these armes I doe not seeke to still these loud alarmes But to direct them to an object right Where godly zeale not sinfull wrath shall fight That shall renowne you in all times to come And crowne your dying men with martyrdome Doe you for honour fight as who would make A warre at
his head was large his eyes gray whose aspect was terrible in his anger his voyce was hoarse and hollow Hee was a Prince of great affabilitie facetious in discourse and when he was free from anger or important businesse ●…ee was ●…ost pleasant and Courtly in his whole conversation Eloquent he was by nature and which was rare then very learned The best histories which in those dark times could be gotten in Christendome he had perused with diligence and by the benefit of an extraordinary memorie did retaine them perfectly He was very hardy in enduring either labo●…r or extremities of the seasons couragious in warre but not rash and willing to try all wayes before the chance of a battell yet when there was occasion very resolute and so much feared by those Princes that had to doe with him that hee was never put to any great field Hee was more kinde in honouring the memories of his souldiers that were slaine then hee was in rewarding those that were alive and never seemed truly to value his best Captains till after they were dead Exceeding frugall and parsimonious hee was almost below the dignity of a King but it proved happy to his affaires Though in private hee were very sparing ●…et abroad hee appeared often in great magnificence his bountie to some poore Princes and those large summes which hee disbursed to the holy warre might teach the worl●… that hee was not covetous but wisely provident The greatest taxe that was laid upon him by those that lived in the same age was his too too often breaking of his promises a fault that many Princes great in other vertues have beene guilty of Hee was exceeding fond of all his children especially in their childish age before their carriage had deserved either way which shewed that Nature onely wrought that strong affection in him Yet there where he most loved and by those of whom hee had most deserved it pleased God hee tasted the greatest crosses his Sonnes were his scourges and the onely instruments that did or in l●…kelihood could shake the felicitie of so puissant a Monarc●… So great a contrarietie there seemed to be betweene his affection to them and the returne of theirs to him Hee appeared in nothing almost of a tender nature but in loving them and might have beene thought fomewhat severe in disposition if hee had not beene a father to shew the contrary they were in generall of a Noble deportment taxed in their times almost of no unjust or bad act●…ons but their ingratitude and disobedience to him and had carried a repute of the Noblest Princes if they had not at all beene Sonnes But perchance it pleased God by the fruit of his loynes to punish those sinnes of the flesh to which the King was so much addicted Hee was noted more then any Prince of his time to be given to the love of women but especially after the displeasure conceived against his wife Queene Elianor as a stirrer up of his Sonnes against him when hee altogether forbore her bed hee was growne carelesse of the voyce of Fame and strove not at all to hide his wanton affections All his vertues which indeed were many had occasion often to be knowne by the varieties of his reigne in which felicitie and crosses did so often ●…ceed each other they were not onely tried but declared to the world For very remarkeable were the alterations of Fortune if we consider all things which happened in the reigne of this great Prince Of which if you will take a briefe survey consider it divided as it were into five Acts for as one sayes Tanquam fabula est vita hominis Let the first eight yeares of his reigne or thereabouts be counted for the first Act. Where the bravery and wisedome of his youth for but 24. years of age was he enough appeared in setling the kingdome and vindicating the rights of his royall Crowne after so long a confusion and so many calamities of civill warre He●… expelled the strangers out of the Realme which in St●…phans time had bin the diseases of it He providently setled not onely the revenues but the authority of his Crown as before appeareth and fitly disposed of all the Castles and strong holds which he either kept in his owne power or quite demolished Hee maintained the ancient bounds honor of the Realme not onely in the North but against the Welsh Beyond the Seas he suf●…ered no damage but gained upon all occasions K. Lewis he were sometimes likely to have come to battel b●…t peace was made and King Lewis content rather to sit downe with some little losse then contend with so puissant a foe Chaumont he tooke from him seized against his wil upō Nants in Britain this was indeed the time of K H●…nry's greatest felicity in which hee enjoyed his dignitie without any vexations and the people that had long beene afflicted with miserable times did truly rejoyce in their new King And during these yeares as a farther blessing to him and securitie to the kingdome the Queene was fruitfull and bare him three Sons For the second Act wee may consider his next eleven or twelve yeares in which time though hee suffered nothing by the hand of warre as not molested by rebels at home nor threatned at all by forraigne enemies yet by the opposition of one Church-man he found a long and wearisome vexation For almost all this time did that famous jarre of Archbishop Becket and at the last his lamentable murther a●…flict King Henry and exceedingly disturbe the quiet of his minde The particulars at large have appeared in the foregoing storie and shall not here trouble the Reader Yet in this incumbred time his State and Dignitie had great additions of which the happiest was that easie accession of the Realme of Ireland unto his Scepter And another considering the present occasions of state of as much importance to him the gaining of the Dutchy of Britaine to his third Sonne Geoffrey Which hee with great wisedome and industrie obtayned in the nonage of that yong Ladie Constantia the daughter an●… heire of Coran Duke of Brittaine then deceased Hitherto his happinesse was not at all impaired nor hee afflicted with any thing but the dissention of Archbishop Becket His times of danger and great sufferings now ensue Let therefore the three following yeares of his reigne be taken for the third Act in which the Scene is altogether changed and instead of a glorious and happy reigne nothing but afflictions and the extremest dangers that cou●…d be feared threaten not onely his Crowne but life also This is the time of that great revolt of his three Sons from him besides so mighty a confederacy ioyned with them as Lewis King of France William King of Scotland David his brother Philip Earle of Flanders Matthew Earle of Boloigne Theobald Earle of Bloys besides so many of the greatest and strongest English Peeres as the Earls of Leister Chester and Norfolke with the