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A04811 The glorious and beautifull garland of mans glorification Containing the godlye misterie of heauenly Ierusalem, the helmet of our saluation. The comming of Christ in the fleshe for our glorie, and his glorious com[m]ing in the end of the world to crowne men with crownes of eternall glorie. Beeing an heauenly adamant to drawe thee to Christ and a spirituall rod to mortifie thy life. Made and set foorth by Frauncis Kett, Doctor of Phisick Kett, Francis, d. 1589. 1585 (1585) STC 14945; ESTC S101081 81,290 126

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righteousnes vnto eternall life That all that beleeue in him walking after the spirite and not after the fleshe might be pertakers of his heauenly kingdome and made the sonnes of God For which cause to the better confirmation of our faith and hope of saluation It is requisite to shewe the ordenance and promyse of God from the beginning touching our iustification in his sonne Iesus Christ that thereby wée may be stirred vp by the great goodnes of god for to séeke by Christe Cor. 1.2 the riches of his glorious inheritance vpon the Sainctes Ephe. 11. hée béeing ordained thereto of God before the beginninge of the worlde was made vnto our glory Touching whome in this Booke of mans glorification wée must especially looke vnto Christes two cōmings séeing that hée is the Author and finisher of our redemption and hath adopted vs to be the sonnes of glory by appearing once in the fleshe to put sinne to flight by the offering vp of him self to death whome the Father raysed vp to lyfe and is entred into heauen to appeare now in the sight of God for vs and shall come againe to chaunge our vile bodyes Phil. 3. to be facyoned lyke to his glorious body Wherfore in that wée haue such an high Aduocate in heauen by whome wée haue an incorruptible crowne of blessednes propounded and set before vs Let vs walke woorthy and laudable vnto God according to the grace giuen vs in Iesus Christe that wée may obteine the rewarde thereof And now to consider the purpose of the heauenly Father how hée hath blessed vs in all manner of heauenly thinges by Chris te according as hée hath chosen vs that wée should be Saints through the beloued Iesus It followeth that wée kéepe alwayes a ioyfull remembrance that as the glory of the last house or teastament of God was greater then the first so is it in the manner of the two commings of Christ for first hée came in the humilitie of the fleshe to be to vs a sauing health béeing borne of the Virgin Mary by the woorking of the holy Ghoste very man and mortall and yet the same very GOD and immortall who béeing in the shape of God and equall with God Collos s ● Phil. 2. in whome dwelleth all the fulnes of the Godhead bodyly yet did he neuerthelesse make him self of no reputation takeing vpon him the shape of a seruant and became lyke vnto man and was founde in his apparell as a man humbling him self to all obedience for though hé e were Gods sonne yet learned hée obedyence Heb. 5. by those things which hée suffered and was made perfect Ihon. 1. and the cau se of eternall saluation vnto al that obey him according to Iohn In the beginning was the woord and the woord was with God and the woord was God and this woorde was made fleshe beeing the lyfe and light of men giuing power to all that beléeue in him to be the sonnes of God for it pleased the father to send his sonne in the sinfull fleshe béeing without sinne and by sinne dampned sinne in the flesh and loused the woorkes of the deuill Rom. ● Whome he maketh heire of all things béeing the brightnes of him self bearing vp all thinges with the woord of his power for so it was the will of the Father that in him should all fulnes dwell Heb. 1. and that in him all thinges should haue their béeing that hée might be all in all Thus the Almighty Creator hath performed his blessed promyse Collossians ● when hée sayde that the séede of the Woman shall breake the Serpents head and when long after he sayd vnto Abraham vnto thy séede will I giue this land Gen. 3. for one that come out of thine owne body shall be thyne heire and thy seede shall bee as the starres in number And Abraham beléeued the Lord and it was imputed to him for righteousnes Gen. 15. And also the Lord sayde againe to Abraham when he was 89 yeare olde I will make my couenant betwéen mée thée and will multiply thé e excéedingly for behold my testamēt is with thée that thou shalt be a father of many nations my bond betwéen mée thée thy séed after thée shal be an euerlasting testament Gen. 17. I wil be good to thē giue thē the land wherin thou art a stranger euen all the lande of Canaan for an euerlasting possession and wil be their God for Sa●a shall beare a sonne and thou shalt call his Name Isac and she bare Abraham a sonne euen the same season which the Lord had appointed Thus it pleased the Almightie God to choose vs and not we him shewing foorth hereby the abundancie of his loue and mercie in that he hath mercie vpon thē which are not yet in the worlde and in that he declareth his great goodnes in multiplying his louing kindnesse towarde those that are present and to them that are past and to them that are to come for after that Adam thorough sinne brought in the corruption of nature that the euill seede of wickednesse was sowen in all mens hearts whereby death raigned by meanes of sinne then this darnell and cockle of vice and iniquitie did grow ripe in the first generations of Adam that they walked after their owne stubborne and fleshly will neglecting Gods goodnes That the Lord was thereby prouoked to bring his water floud vpon the world and destroy all mankind except Noye and his houshold And then after that the ofspring of Noye was againe multiplied to a great people by processe of time they waxed also vngodly and wicked but the Lord had giuen his raine bowe for a couenant that he would neuer destroy the world with watermore And then the most highest did choose him a man from among them whose name was Abraham whom he loued and to him onely God shewed his wil and made an euerlasting couenant with him promising him as is aforesaid that he will neuer forsake his seede and so in his old age gaue him Isaac the first testimonie of Gods promise and couenant begun so faithfully performed in Christ Iesus to the ioy and comfort of man in that we see euidently that God is righteous and true and hath giuen vs an assured hope of our election that by that onely seede of Abraham we shal enioy the euerlasting possession of that new blessed land of Canaan the first lande of promise Therefore this record we must beare in our selues that God is true and that what hee do or say can no man change what he promiseth he can not but perfourme And nowe the more to confirme this ioye faith hope which Abraham our first father of beliefe had to God in respect of the birth of Isac and prosperitie of his seede The Lorde to our example tryed whether righteous Abraham would beare an immutable minde towardes his God to loue him aboue all the dearest thinges which he
seruants to prophesie which is with vnders tanding to offer vnto God by Christ the sacrifice of lande the frute of those lippes which confesse his name Wherfore it is apparent that it is the duety and part of princes and gouernours to follow herein the example of Iehosaphat causting the word of god plainly to be taught among their subiects in the mother language as Moyses law was to the children of Israell And it is the duetie and charge of the pastors and ministers to imploy al their diligence to manifest the holy will of God according to the scriptures by teaching and instructing that euerye where the scripture may be fulfilled according to the prophecie of Ioel and Ieremie that sonnes and daughters can prophesie and the law written in their hartes so that it standeth you vpon to haue care of your soules Coloss 2. Mich. 3. that no man make you shoote at a wrong marke Wherefore Micheas thus prophecieth of the dewe of the gospell of Christ saying In the latter daies the hill of the Lords house shall be set vp higher then anye mountaines and the people shall prease vnto it the multitude of gentils hast to it for the law shal come out of Syon and the word of God from Ierusalem and reforme the people of farre countries Nath. ●● for out of Bethlem shal come the captain which shall be the gouernar in Israel whose out going hath beene from the beginning and frō euerlasting he shal stand fast giue food in the strength of the Lord in the victorie of the name of the Lord his god when they bee conuerted he shal be magnified to the farthest parts of the world Wherby it is declared that in spite of all the aduersaries the tread downe the holy sanctuarie of true righteousnes will they nill they the promise which God gaue to Abraham that all nations should bee blessed in his s eede shal by Christs passion extend to all parts of the world to the praising glorifying of god And likewise Esoras doth plainely foretell the ioyfulnesse of Christes comming in his humanitie saying O ye heathen Esdr 4. ● looke for your shepheard he shal giue you euerlasting reste for hee is nighe at hande that shall come in the ende of the worlde be readie to the reward of thy kingdom for the euerlasting light shall shine vpon you for euermore Flye the shadowe of this world receiue the ioyfulnes of your glorie I testifie my sauiour openly O receiue the gift that is giuen you and be glad giuing thanks vnto him that hath called you to the heauenly kingdome In this he sheweth how much he is inflamed with the glad foresight of the sauiour that shuld come kindlyng the hartes of the Gentiles to the expectation of heauenly rewards Wherein he is able to rauish all mens hartes with exceeding ioy in pronouncing the glad tidinges of such a blessed sauiour comming that bringeth the rewardes of glorie and euerlasting life to al that will receiue and imbrace his gospell And seing the comming of Christ in the flesh was ioyfull and filled the world with the oyle of gladnes and treasures of grace and goodnes how much more we now looking for him to come in the end of the world in the glorie of his father in all power to giue the rewardes of glorification and eternall life ought to awake and arise vp from all worldly and fleshly vanities and prepare our hartes to holines and righteousnes that with the aboundant ioy of a pure faith and a cleere and a stedfast hope we may meete our sauiour comming in the cloudes And touching Christes comming in his humanitie it pleased God that he should appeare in the flesh in all meeknes Zach. 9. Iohn 12. Luke 9. Math. 21. Mark 11. lowlines and humblenes of obedience to teach vs the will of his father in all truth of righteousnes according to Zacharie Reioyce O Syon and bee glad O daughter Ierusalem for loe thy king commeth vnto thee euen the righteous and sauiour lowly and simple is he hee rydeth vpon an Asse he will giue doctrine of peace vnto the heathen and his dominion shall be from the floudes to the end of the world and shall be a sauing health to all nations by this consider ye men vpon the earth how worthy Chris t is and how precious a pearle he is in all mens harts and yet to shewe the contempte of this transitorie world and the vanitie thereof and to teache vs the true path steppes of vertue and holynes dooth hé ere make him self to the eyes of all Ierusalem a looking glasse of all low lines and humblenes of hart ryding into the Cittie in all plaines and simplenes sitting vppon an asse as one of no reputation and nothing estéemed but like an inferiour and yet an eternall king a captaine an heauenly Father and sauiour of the world by whōe we are to note that the true path to vertue and holynes is humilitie obedience and lowlynes for among the conferences of men it is a most accepted thing to common rea son to haue our gouernour our captaine our maister or teacher of whome we are to be gouerned guided or instructed to be gentle humble mé ek louing tractable curteous and mercifull-by that meanes winning drawing our harts volūtarily to loue him follow him imbrace his will then how much more are we boūd to god that all the world sleping in their sin wallowing in their wickednes that it pleased him not to cōe vnto vs with the sharpe rod or with the naked or scored sword to the s laughter but to sende his déere sonne Christ in the humilitie of the fleshe to be like vnto vs being such a true gentle captaine guide so louing and bountifull a redemer so humble lowly a tearher so pure of demenor conuersation as that he is the only true lodestōe of loue to drawe all men which are of them selues stubburn froward disdainfull and wilfull to the louing imbracing of him therby the redier to followe his doctrine of eternall peace saluatiō to vs ward And therfore beholde the abundāt loue mercy of god who thus after so excellēt a meanes seketh to draw vs frō our earthly corroptiō and frō the bdōage of death to his heuinly grace eternall kingdome we being of our selues a froward generation touching goodnes in the sin did dwell in vs as a common rotto all mankinde if the God of mercies had not sent this our redéemer to clense and wash away our filth and foulenes and therefore let no man boaste of him selfe any thing for wee haue nothing which wée haue not receiued of Christ neither according to the saying of Ieremie Let not the wise man reioyce in his wisdome nor the strong in his strength Ieremie 9. nor the rich man in his riches but who will reioyce let him reioyce in Christe who is our only saluation Wherfore o ye
of our selues for it is the gift of God and commeth not of woorkes Ephe. 2. least any should boa st him self for we are his woormanship created in Christ Iesus vnto good woorks that wee shoulde walke in them so that none can looue Christe in purenes of hart but that of verry force hée will walke in good woorks as thinges that are vnpossible to bée seperated from him that is sanctified with the spirit of adoption and grace for as Christ is the fountaine of all holynes and righteousnes and of all grace and goodnes so it must needes followe that whome Christe hath sanctified with his Spirit that they must of necessitie doo the woorkes of grace and righteousnes so long as they labour and indeuour to be renued and confirmed in the spirit of grace which wée receiuing and takeing of Christe must of force confesse that without it wée haue no power to crucifie our fleshe and to resist sinne and therfore by it wée haue power to mortifie our earthly members and to doo the woorkes of righteousnes whereby it is moste euident and plaine that by the grace giuen by Christe through faith wée may assuredly and boldely perswade our s elues that wee are only iustified and saued Therefore saith Peter Pet. 1.1 blessed be God the father of our Lord Iesus which through his aboundant mercie begat vs againe to a liuely hope by the resurrection of Christe from death to inioy an inheritance immortall and vndefiled reserued in heauen for vs after which the prophets inquired and searched prophesying of the grace that shuld come vnto vs by the spirite of of Christ which testified before of the passions that should come vnto him and the glorie that should follow after for by Christ we are made spirituall and not carnall whose spirite doth certifie our spirite that we are the sonnes of God and heires annexed with him who was ordained before the worlde was made that by him our faith and hope might be in God so that our iustification come not by the deedes of the law but by the faith of Iesus Christ according to Paule Thess ●● God hath from the beginning chosen you to saluation through sanctifying of the spirite and through the beleeuing of the truth whereunto he called you by the gospell for Christe is the end of the law to iustifie all that beleeue Rom. 8 Gal. 6. walking not after the flesh but after the spirite for what soeuer a man soweth that shall he reape if he sow in the flesh hee shall of the flesh reape corruption but if he sow in the spirite he shall of the spirite reape life euerlasting for they that are Christes Gal. 5. haue crucified the flesh with the appetites and lustes thereof for Christ hath called vs to holynes and not to vncleannes and hath called vs out of bondage into libertie from the curse of the law vnto grace from darknes to light from death to life from the spirite of feare to a liuely hope from a earthly mansion to an heuenly kingdome from transitorie glorie to euerlasting glorification therefore stand grounded and established in faith not moued away from the gospell but stand fa st in the liuely hope to obtaine the glorie that commeth by Christ Rom. 8. being vnfainedly pers waded that there is no damnation to them that are in Christ Iesus walking after the spirite and hauing their conseruation in heauen For Christ our sauiour sitting now in the right hand of God in his maiestie Ephe. 1. was before the world was by whom wee are predestinated heires according to the purpose of him that worketh all things after the purpose of his owne will that through his gospell should be brought life and immortalitie to all that do beleeue in his sonne Iesus Christ the seede of promise to Abraham who now is declared openly whom we looke for to come shortly in the glorie of his Father and all holy Aungels with him in all power and maiestie And that all eies shall see him and they also that pearsed him so that al kindreds of the earth shall mourne when they behold Christ comming in the cloudes Reu. 1. to reward euery man according to his deedes therfore it behoueth vs to watch and pray and to become new creatures thereby making our election sure by holding fast his gospell in a stedfast faith by walking after righteousnes that we may ouercome and be found faithfull at the appearance of Christ comming in glorie that we also may be crowned with glorie ioyfully saying Blessed is the kingdome that commeth in the name of him Mark 11. that is Lord of our Father Dauid Hosanna in the highest Ephe. 1. BLessed be God the Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ which hath blessed vs with all maner of spirituall blessings in heauenly things by Christ according as he had chosen vs before the foundation of the world was laid that we shoulde bee Saintes through loue who ordained vs before through Christ to be heires vnto him selfe according to the good pleasure of his will to the praise of the glorie of his grace wherewith hee hath made vs accepted through the beloued Iesus by whom wee haue redemption through his bloud euen the forgiuenes of sinnes according to the riches of his grace Therefore to him be all honor and glorie world without end Amen THE GLORIOVS and beautifull garland of mans glorification CAP. 2. How man shall bee chaunged at the sounde of the laste troump from mortalitie to immortalitie and from an erthly nature to an euerlasting nature and appeare before the iudgement seat of Chris t to be rewarded according to his deedes eyther with eternall reproufe or els with euerlasting glorification SVch is the eternall ordenance of the Almightie God touching our saluation in his Sonne Iesus Christe that all men ought too knowe that as by a man came death so by a man come the resurrectiō of the dead for as by Adam all dye so by Christe shall all bee made alyue according to Iohn Iohn 5. The houre shall come in the which all that are in their graues shall heare Christes voice and shall come foorth they that haue done good to the resurrection of lyfe and they that haue done euill to the resurrection of dampnation Esdras 22. as the Lord sayd by the Prophet Those that be dead will I rayse vp againe from their places Daniell 12. bring them out of their graues and they that sleepe in the dust of the earth shall awake some to euerlasting lyfe Acts. 17. some to perpetuall shame and reproufe as it is in the Acts that the Lord hath appointed a day in the which hée will iudge the world according to righteousnes by that man Christe whome hee hath appointed and hath offered faith to all men after that reysed him from death to whome saieth Iohn the Father hath cōmitted all iudgement because that all men should honor the sonne euen as they
therfore to annymate vs in spirit hée confirmed the assured certaintie of his glorie and our glorie and of his glorious comming in the end of the world when he sayde to his Apostles that some there were among them that should not taste of death till they saw the sonne of man Math. 17. come in his kingdome and so in a visiō or spiritual dream by transfiguring him self vpon mount Tabor before Péeter Iames and Iohn he shewed the vision of his owne glorie and of our glorification by Moyses and Helyas appearing also with garments of immortalitie And thus he presented to their spirituall sight the excellencie of his comming again at the latter day when his face did shine as the sunne and his clothes as white as the light and so pure in all whitnes as no Fuller can make vppon the earth Peter 2.1 Wherfore Péeter the chéef beholder thereof dooth testifie saying With our eyes wee saw his maiestie euen then verely when hee receiued of God the Father honour and glorie and when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glorie Iohn 1. This is my deare beloued sonne in whōe I delight And Iohn witnesseth also the s ame That hee saw the glorie of him as the glorie of the onlye begotten sonne of the Father and the great shyne of his glorie appeared vnto Paule after his assention Acts. 9.26 aboue the brightnes of the sun by which hee stirreth vs to expect his glorious comming in the end of the world and inflame vs with the desire of glorifying that wee might walke as Children of the light and sonnes of God in all righteousnes of conuersation according to his Gospell that wee may bee heires of his glorious kingdome of eternall ioy when he shall appeare to saluation to chaunge our vile and corrupt earthly bodies to bee facioned and made lyke to his glorious bodie Phil. 13. Moreouer our blessed Sauiour doth giue vs great consolation and hope by such Reuelations of heauenly expectation of blessednes to come when hée presented to Iohn the vision of his moste wunderfull brightnes and preciousnes of glorie beeing entred into heauen and set down on the right hand of the maiestie on high by shyning shewing foorth the spirituall semblance of his pre-excellent beutie power and glorie in which he is Alpha and Omega the first and the last and was dead and is alyue for euermore and shall come againe quickly and will not tarrie any longer then till his Father hath made his enemies his foote-stoole Cor. 1.15 And now hee appeared in the preheminence of exceeding and incomparable glorie and power in as much as hée hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name then the Angells and creatures Heb. 10. seeing by him all thinges were created thinges that are in heauen Colloss 1 and thinges that are in earth thinges visible and thinges inuisisible whether they be maiestie lordship rule or power all thinges hath their creation and being by him and in him and that hee is the first begotten of all Creatures the head of the congregation and first beginning and begoten of the dead that in all thinges hee mihght haue the preheminēce beeing the only begotten sonne of GOD. So that according to his moste excellent worthines of preheminence hée being the cheife lyuing corner stone of the whole buylding and the eternall head of the Temple of his Father did appeare to Iohn sitting according to his hye diguitie in the cheif and moste royall seate of the Temple in the midst of the seauen Candlestickes Esdras 4. ● according to the vision of Esoras Hée was in the midst of the multitude vppon mount Sion beeing a condigne place for him hauing the goulden and heauenly censour to offer vp the swette cense and odoures of the prayers and petitions of the whole Saincts and congregation wherof he is the head through his owne handes vppe before the glorious presence of the heauenly Father vp vpon the golden Alter of GOD. Reue 8 ● beeing clothed with a linning garment down to the feete as whyte as snow Daniel 10. arcocding to the said vision to Daniell answering héerto being his robes of the eternall puritie and of his euerlasting and royall préesthood for euer according to the order of Melchesedech representing the sanctifying of his precious and eternall holynes and godlynes in prays ing the omnipotent Father of glorie for euer in his holy Ierusalem or Temple of glorified Saincts and hee was girded about the breast or paps with a golden girdell reprsenting the pure and approoued confirmation of eternall veritie vndfiled chastitie and sinceritie perfect obedience and eternall wisdome righteousnes and treuth to be conioyned to his glorious body and his head and his heare were most amiable white lyke pure wooll or snowe shewing thereby a setled grauitie of all true godlynes a modest reuerence of all true honor a confirmed experience of all deuine patience and the only coullor of purenes and clearnes of mynde without chaunge for euer and on his head a golden Crowne shewing that hée was the glorious king of kings Heb. 4. and his eyes as cleare lamps and cleare flames of fire shewing that all things were naked to his fight and that hée was the only light of all things and his armes and feete like fine polished brasse burning bright in the furnace or lyke pillers of fire shewing that he had a sure strength stedfastnes in all his waies bé eing tryed faithfull in doing the will of his Father and in performing all his promises and so tryed pure therin as brasse in the furnace and his body was lyke a Crisolite transparent with the beautifull sintillation of golde fire shewing foorth the absolute mirrour of his glorious beautie in all soundnes of one selfe same in him self eternall clearenes of glorie and maiestie and his voice as the voice of a multitude or sound of many waters shewing that he was the head chéeif of the multitude of his people that all voyces and languages weare as one voyce and as one language vnto him and in his and that they should do all things by the direction of his voice for they that be his doe heare his voyce Iohn 10. And now he shall leade the glorified saints vnto fountaines of liuing water And on his right hand seuen starres shewing that as hee doing his Fathers will doth sit on the right hand of the Father in heauen so his starres which are the ministers of his worde being conteined vnder the figure 7. the Sabboth day number of perpetuall rest and holinesse feeding his sheepe setting foorth his glorie and doing by him and in him the will of his father shall sit with him in his seat euen on his right hand as he hath done with his Father according to Daniel They that haue taught other shall shine as the starres and glister like the shining of heauē Daniel 12. And out of his mouth
mercie had made his promise to Abraham that we should be bles sed in his seede through a redeemer Whereupon the Lord to shew the imperfection of the law touching the giuing of life and saluation The imperfection of the law and perfection of promise And the more to declare the perfection and power of his promise in Christ that in it consisteth the gift of power to obtaine the inheritance of euerlasting life and blessednes doth confirme many yeares after the law giuen his foresaid testament vnto Moyses saying Deu. 18. The promise made to Moises I will raise them vp a prophet from among their brethren like vnto thee and I will put my words in his mouth and hee shall speake vnto them all that I shall commaund him and whosoeuer will not hearken vnto the words which he shal speake in my name I will require it of him according to Iohn he that heareth my words saith Christ and beléeueth Iohn 5. on him that sent me hath euerlasting life Luk ●… and who soeuer stumbleth at that s tone shall be broken for saith Christ Iohn 10. I am the good s hepheard that gaue his life for the sheepe and my sheepe heare my voyce And moreouer after a long distinction of time the Lord not vnmindfull of his testament raised vp his faithfull seruant Dauid to be king ouer Israel being of the loynes of Abraham of whose seede he promised that a branch of righteousnes should arise and sit in his seate The promise to Dauid s aying to Dauid by the prophet Nathan Kings 2.7 Thy house and thy kingdome shall endure without end after thee and thy seate shall be stablished for euer according to Esay Esay 9. vnto vs a childe shall be borne a sonne giuen vpon whose shoulder the kingdome s hall lye and he shall sit vpon the seate of Dauid Esay 11. for there shall come a rod forth of the kindred of Iesse and a blossome out of his roote the spirite of the Lord shall light on it he shall smite the world with the sword of his mouth with the breth of his lips shall slay the wicked Righteousnes shall bee the girdle of his loynes truth and faithfulnes the girding of his reynes Ezech. 17. for I will take s aith the Lord a braunch from an high Cedar tree and wil set it and take the vppermost twigg and yet is but tender and plant it vpon an high hill that it may bring forth twigges and be a great Cedar tree so that all maner of foules may abide in it and make their nests vnder the shadow of his braunches And out of this branch came the virgine Marie springing out of the Cedar tree which is the tribe of Iuda the vttermost twigg is Christ who vpon the hil of Sion did bring forth twigs his twelue apostles and disciples which became a great Cedar tree that is a mightie congregation of the faithful church of Christ the al maner of foules which is that there should be of all sortes of people the should abide in Christs doctrine and build their nest of saluation on him according to Esay Kings ond Princes shall arise and worship the holy one of Israell who is a pledge for the people and helpe vp the earth againe and chalenge the scattered heritage and shall say to them that are in darknes come into the light and to the prisoners go forth and shall gather to his kingdome all nations be they neuer so farre wherby doth appeare that such is the gift of the promise that all nations shall be blessed thereby that such is Christes calling that the people of all lands where soeuer shall partake of the faith of the Gospell so that it is apparant that euery inhabited corner of the world shall receiue the doctrine of the faith before the end of the world according to Mathew Math. 24. this glad tidings of the kingdome shall bee preached in all the world for a witnes vnto all nations and then shal the end come for saith Esay the people that dwell in darknes shall see a great light and vpon them that dwell in the land of the shadow of death shall it shine that the knowledge of the Lord shall bee full vpon the earth as the water of the sea floweth ouer the earth for the Gentiles shall inquire after the roote of Iesse and the Lord shall gather together the dispersed of Israel and the outcastes of Iuda and then shall men reioyce before God as men make mery in haruest for saith hee I will stretch out my hand to the Gentiles and set vp my token to the people for Kinges shall be thy nurcing fathers and Queenes thy nurcing mothers Esay 9. and all they that thinke a scorne of him shall be confounded for behold he bringeth his treasure with him and his works goeth before him hee shall feede his flocke like and heardman Esay 49. he shall gather the lambs together with his arme and carry them in his bosom and kindly intreate them that beare young wherein the prophet foretelleth the power vertue and excellencie of Christ that though he came in the humilitie of the flesh yet such was his miracles his works and his treasures of goodnes as would allure animate and inflame al men toward him and besides that so precious was his conuersation so pure his demenure so louing his humanitie so excellent his disposition so good in his doings and so flowing in holesome doctrine as that he is a most amiable and precious Adamant to draw men to his kingdom yea and in manner to constraine them to loue him which neuer knew him yea such is his gentle intreating like a louing father to his sonne like a carefull shephard ouer his sheepe like a good henne that gathereth her chickens vnder her wings so he is tender ouer man And therefore beware that we shew not our selues vnthankfull For when the children of Israel were cleane gone astray frō God as shéepe without a shepheard then the Lord mindfull of his promise to Iacob said Esay 27. I will root Iacob againe and Israel shall be greene and beare flowers and fill the whole world with her fruit Esay 35. then shall the desert and wildernes reioyce and the wast groundes florish like a lilie Esay 44. And I will power waters vpon the drie ground and riuers vpon the thirstie and shall giue waters in the wildernes and streames in the desert that I may giue drinke to my people whom I haue chosen to praise me By this wee see des cribed as in a metaphor how farre the spirituall water of Christes doctrine shal extend it selfe in al bountifulnes ouer all the world that the wildernes desertes and drie groundes being the barbarous rude and sauage people of all places shall haue offered vnto them the water of the streames of the fountaine of Iacob the gospell of Christ to wash away there vncleannes
souereigne Kings Quéenes yée swéet Lordes and Ladies yee loouing Fathers and mothers yée wise Maisters mistresses yee obedient sonnes and daughters yée diligent and dutiefull seruants and maides reioyce and be glad and behold your king and precious Sauiour Christe ryding into Ierusalem lowly and humbly and now aryse and lyft vp your eyes of repentance to heauen and reioyce and beholde how hée is ready to come in all glory and maiestie with all the powers of heauen to crowne you with glorious and heauenly glorification Therfore cast of from your hartes the euill mantell of pryde disdaine arrogancie haughtines vnmercifulnes frowardnes sinne and vnrighteousnes and put on the mantel of Christes humblenes lowlynes mercifullnes goodnes holynes and righteousnes that you may mé ete Christe with ioy and receiue the incorruptible crowne of eternall glorie for thus saithe the Lord I will set his dominion in the sea and his right hand in the floodes he shall call mee Psalme 89. thou art my Father my God and my strong saluation and I will make him my first borne higher then the Kings of the earth Esay 55. my mercy will I keepe for him for euermore and my couenance shall stand fast with him his seede also will I make to indure for euer and his throne as the dayes of heauen of whome hée sayeth My seruaunt whome I will giue for a witnesse Esay 52. prince and captaine to the people will I keepe to my selfe hee is myne elect in whome my soule is pacified I will giue him my spirit that hee may shewe foorth iudgement and equitie among the Gentiles hee shall not be an outcryer nor high mynded his voice shall not bee heard in the streates a brused ●eede shall hee not breake and the s moking flackes shall hee not quench but faithfully and truely shall hee giue iudgement hee shall neither bee ouer seene nor hastie that hee may restore righteousnes to the earth for I the Lord hath called the in righteousnes and do lead the by thee hand therfore will I also defend and giue thee for a couenāt of the people and to be the light of the Gentiles that thou mayest open the eyes of the blynde let out the prisoders and them that fit in darknes out of the doungeon house In this the Prophet foretelling that Christe shoulde come in the fleshe death shewe that by his meanes only wée shall bee brought to an attonment and peace with GOD the Father expressing the perfectionn of looue and pleasure which GOD the Father hath in his sonne Christe béeing one selfe same nature in another according to Mathew Math. 3.17 This is that belooued Sonne in whome is my delight and according to the saying of the Prophet Dauid in the second Psalme Thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten thée and héerin wé e learne that if Christe is so béeloued of God béeing God according to the fortie nine Psalme the Father of heauen saith to his sonne God Thy seat shall be for euer and euer then how muche are wée bound to looue so beloued a God and Sauiour to vs giuing him all the praise honor and thankes euermore lyfting vp pure hands for so great treasures of vertue and goodnes for his cléernes of trouth and iudgement for the light and brightnes of his moste holy and blessed doctrine for his aboundant swéetnes of his excéeding and bountiful loone toward vs moste miserable sinners in that hée of his meere mercie and goodnes hath broughte vnto vs redemption and delyuerance out of the bondage of sathan sinne and death calling vs to holynesse of lyfe thereby by imitating him to be made by righteousnesse the sonnes of God and pertakers of the euerlasting kingdome And further the Lord saith My seruant shall deale wis ely therfore shall he be magnified exalted and greatly honored like as the multitude shall meruaile at him because his coūtenāce shal be so deformed and hard fauoured aboue the sonnes of men yea he shall haue neither beautie nor fauour whē we look vpō him there shal be no fairnes in him we shall haue no lust vnto him hee shall be the most simple and dispised of all which yet hath good experience in sorrowes and in firmities but wee shall reckon him so vile and base that we shall not regard him how be it of a trueth hee only takes away our infirmitees Whervpon consider according to Paule that Christ dooth make him self of no reputation and taketh vpon him the shape of a seruant and became lyke vnto man and was found in his apparell as a man and that he abasing him self in respect of all worldly wisdome was of the wis e according to the wisdome of this world dispised scoffed and s corned at hée béeing him self verry wisdome it self and the fountaine therof and he being beautie it self and the Author of all beautie and fairnes woulde shewe him selfe without beautie and fauour to condemne the vanitie of fleshly beautfe and extoll the excellencie and woorthines of the spirituall and heauenly beautie of the soule wherfore O yée Children and Daughters of men yee are become so nyce so arogant and coy because of your faces and so proude of your beauties Come from your vaine looking glasses The contempt of fleshly beautie and beholde héer I offer vnto you the bright shyning glasse of all excellencie euin Christe your King and Sauiour the Author and Giuer of all beauties and godlynesse to beholde him béeing without fauoure and fairnesse beeing lowely mé eke and most humble being simple and not gorgeous how hee condemned and dispised your vaine fleshly pleasure and gaynes euen in the cleere example of his owne person giuing you himselfe for a rule that you reioice not in apparell nor vainely conceaue of your vaine flesh and outward comlines of nature but onely in the beautie of your soules by adorning and decking your inward man with all spirituall rayments of holines and precious ornaments of righteousnes which will neuer decay whereas the flesh and all that pertaine to his furniture is as S. Peter saith as grasse and all the glorie of man is as the flower of grasse Pet. 1.1 the grasse therof withereth and the flower fadeth away but the word of God endureth for euer Moreouer the prophet saith that we shall dispise him and yet he beareth our paine Esay 53. and we shall so contemtuously thinke of him as that we shall iudge him as though he were plagned and cast downe of God wheras he notwiths tanding shal be wounded for our offences and smitten for our wickednes for the paine of our punishment shall bee laid vpon him and with his stripes shall we be healed hee shall be pained and troubled and shall not open his mouth he shall be led as a sheepe to be slaine The prophesie of Christes death yet shall he be as stil as a lambe before the shearers and not open his mouth he s hall be had away his cause not
honor the Father that who soeuer heareth Christes wo●des and beléeue on him that sent him Ihon. 5. hath euerlasting lyfe and shall not come to damnation but is scaped from death vnto lyfe for he only hath the keyes of hell and death and shall iudge the quick Reue. 1. and the dead at the appearing of his kingdome were all shall be brought before the iudgement seat of Christe Tim. 2.4 and euerie one giue accountes of him self to God for the time is come that iudgement must begin at the house of the Lord consider therefore what kynde of people we ought to bée in conuersatiō of lyfe Pet. 14. séeing the righteous iudgement of God shall be opened which will reward euery man with prayse honor and immortalitie that hath cūtinued in good dooing Rom. 2. and vnto them which hath béen sinfull disobeying the trenth following iniquitie shall come indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish vpon the soule of euerie man that doe euill for there is no parcialitie with God but dooth iudge without respect of persons according to euerie mans woorkes as shall appeir at the great day of the Lord when God shall iudge the secretes of men by Iesus Christe according to the Gospell when we must appeir ●e before his glorious and shining maiestie that euery man may reape according as he hath sowen Heb. 4. whereuppon wée are moste carefully to looke into our owne selues knowing that our soules shall be wayes vpon the ballance by that moste true and righteous Iudge whose eyes are as a flame of fire that sercheth out the ground of our hartes and knoweth the seceret mouings of our myndes iudgeth all the thoughts and intentes of man to whome all things are naked bare neither is there any creature inuisible in the sight of him who will not fayle to to recompence euery man according to his wayes and according to the frutes of his counsels and imaginations Now then that this generall cytation of our infallible apperāce before that Court regall which God will holde with all fleshe is so apparent wée should perswade that the knoweledge héerof is moste forcible to strike into our hartes a trembling feare and dread of our Lord God who is a consuming fire to all that doe continue in wickednes so that it behoueth vs not to make lighte accompte of so great and fearfull a matter and it standeth vs vppon not to bee necligente and carelesse of the order and maner of our liues séeing it toucheth our Soules so neare the quicke as that by the conuersation of lyfe in this world the marke and garland is so set before vs that if wee run the race of this life Math. 2.5 like to the fiue good Virgines hauing prepared in our selues in the grace of Christ that lamps of righteousnes sanctifying the Lord God in our harts by good conuersation in Christe then wee shall accompanye Christe or bridegroome in the great day of his comming shall go in with him to the wedding and to the inioying of our new heauenly Ierusalem which is to cōe down frō God from heauen preparhd as a Bryde for her husband Roue 19. béeing rayes with the goodly raines of the righteousnes of Saincts for the mariage of the vndefiled Lamb and for the glorious companie of the holy elect who then are happie that they are called vnto the lambes supper ther crowned with the garland of glorification Otherwise if wee run the race of this lyfe like the fiue foolish Virgines not respecting the rule of righteousnes nor imbracing the Oyle of gladnes brought to vs by Christes Gospell but wallowing in wickednes and so seek after our fleshly lusts warldly vanities then we must be shut out from this heuinlie wedding and throwen down from the face of God from his Sanctes into that dreadfull darcknes where all are wrapt in sorrow wot made the dampned children of cursed s●●hā Phil. 2. for which cause we ought to watch pray knowing not what day or hours the sonne of man shall come therfore we ought to watch pray woorking out our sal●●●●●● 〈◊〉 ●●●●es t that our misdéeds seperate vs from our God and our sinnes hide his face for ●●er from vs. Wherfore ye Prachers cry out the voice of heauines the lamenting cryes of dolefulnes which shall come vnto the wicked lyuers vnlesse they repent and yée Preachers sound out the voice of ioy of mirth and gladnes that shall come vnto the godly people and thou hart faint not and thou hand slack not to vtter foorth and wri●● how the gates of heauen stād open night and day for penitent sinners for the faithfull godly and righteous people to receiue them into blessednes and shewe thy self a watchman to awake with this voice all the people round about out of the sléeping bed of sinne blowing into the eares of deafe sinners wretched worldlings fleshly lyuers vicious walkers and wicked dooers how hell gates doe gape very wide ●n moste dreadfull maner to swallowe vp vngodly and wicked men Num. 16. O how did the Isralites tremble and quake when they did se the earth open and s wallow vp Corath Leui. 10. Dathan and Abyron with all that they had that they went down quick to hel O how did the Isralites tremble and shake when a consuming fire came out from the Lord and cons umed Nadab and Abihu the sonnes of Aaron Num. 11. then come hither yée Inhabiters of the earth and behold with gushing teares with sorrow and terrour with sobbes and sighes the day of vengeance with much more terrour of the gates of hell gaping and gas ping in most hydious monsterous and horrible manner to swallow by 〈◊〉 diffent 〈◊〉 and again con sider how the Isralites did sa●●●●or ●●are when ●●●re of the Lord did burne among them and consumed the vtter mo ste of the hoast Exo. 19. Deut. 4. and how againe they shaked for dread when the Lord came down vpon mount Sinay with tempest sound of the trump speaking out of fire ba●nnow come hither all ye people of the Lord beholde the day of the Lord for he cōmeth to take vengeance reward yea he cōmeth him self lyke a goldsmiths are 〈◊〉 the heauens shall perish the elemēts melt the earth all the 〈◊〉 with●●●●●e according to Paule who saith that Thess 2. ● Hee shall come with his mightie Aungels in flaming fire rendring vengeance vnto them that know not God and to them that obey not the gospell of our Lord Iesus Christ which shall be punished with euerlasting damnation from the presence of the Lord and from the glorie of his power when he shall come to be glorified in his saintes and made maruelous in all them that beleeue therefore harken vnto this voice with sorrow of thy sinnes and remember this day with trembling and repenting knowing how miserable those sinners were that continued in wickednes and
rent in pieces ●●me in a consuming 〈◊〉 Now the truth hereof i● so 〈◊〉 ●laine that there need no great circumstance to prooue with many witnesses out of the holy scriptures any so ignorant as to doubt hereof although saith Micheas Micheas 1. the rebellious people hope that it shall not be so ill Peter 2.3 saith Peter in the latter dayes shall come mockers that will say ●●●h where is the promise of his comming But now that you may behold as in a looking glasse the glorious cōming of Christ as from a farre yet use wtin the compasse of our hearts Iohn 11. as Christ saide to Martha If thou beléeuest thou shalt sée the glorie of God I wil place therefore your soule in the spirit of heauenly meditation fixing your féete in the path of righteousnes and standing immoueable at the ●indow of Gods promises beholding in the gla●●e● of t●neth with the stedfast eies of faith Iesus the King of glorie comming in a wonderfull glorious and magnificall progresse from heauen to visite the kingdomes and Lordshippes of the earth and the inhabiters thereof with power of mercie and iudgement touching the which the messengers of this glad tidings haue flow●● thorowe the middest of heauen and gone through all the worlde with the ioyfull sounde of trumpet signifying the ioy of redemption to be come and the day of glorie to be●●ie at hand the kingdome of euerlasting rest to draw néere therefore lift vp your heades Matth. 16. and be ready to the reward of your kingdome make haste to meete the king of glorie comming in the glorie of his Father with al his holy angels set 〈◊〉 his glorious throne of all maiestie there shining in his euerlasting clearnes glittering in his eternall brightnesse appearing in his preciousnes excéeding in his righteousnes exalted in his highnes magnified in his worthines sanctified in his holines triumphing in his gloriousnes when the puisance strength power of his omnipotent maiestie shall lighten into all the secrete places of world and his voice imperial shall pearce thorow the vnspeakable borders of all places to raise frō death to life all humane creatures that euer had being wheresoeuer and to gather them together before his eternall excellencie where all thinges in heauen and earth shall stand before his presence and all knees shall bowe and all tongues 〈◊〉 knowledge to the glorie of God Rom. 14. and then shall take perfourmed that Christ sayd to the high priests that were offended at him when hee was come in his ●owle humanitie saying Matth. 26. You shall see the Sonne of man sitting on the right hand● of power and comming in the cloudes of the skie whereof the two Angels testified to the Disciples at the ascension of our Sauiour Christ Actes 1. saying Ye● men of Galilee why stande yee gasing vp into heauen This sa●●e Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauen is returned to the Father whence he came as he hath tolde you before and shall s●●●●e againe euen as you haue s eene him god into heauen and that according to Matthewe accompanied with all the godly Angels Matth. 25. Iude. and saith ●●och with thousandes of blessed Saintes with him and according 〈◊〉 Iohn In a white cloude sitting in his feare of dominion and dignitie Reuel 14. and in his glorious throne of wonderfull g●●●nes se which is according to Daniel as the 〈◊〉 flame Daniel 7. and his wheeles as the burning fire there went out frō him a fierie streame as glorious sparkes of eternall heauenlinesse like glisterings of perpetuall beames of 〈◊〉 proceeding frō the glory of his Godhead and 〈◊〉 out 〈◊〉 him and yet euer in him shewing the 〈◊〉 treasure of his grace and goodnesse ●he ●●●d ●●prehensible 〈◊〉 out of his right cleare Maiestie the infinite and vnsearcheable vertues and giftes of glorie which issues eternally from his deuine Godhead and ●●nipotent power And thus hee shall appeare most maruellous and all eyes sée him and all nations gathered before him Daniel 7. as saith Daniel A thousand times a thousand serued him a thous and times ten thousande stoode before him And theerfore Blessed be the kingdome that commeth in the Name of him that i● Lorde of our Father Dauid Marke 11. Hos anna Praising him in his holines praising him in the ●●rmament of his power praising him in his 〈◊〉 Actes praising him according to his excellent greatnesse For nowe is the full time whē the mysterie of the will of the Father shall bee opened in his Sonne Iesus Christ comming in the glorie of the father when shall be opened the endlesse clearenesse of diuinitie the incomprehensible ●●●●our of Gods Maiestie the glorious riches of euerlasting glorie the incomparable profoundnesse of Gods wis edome the flowing fountaines of Gods goodnesse the shining light of all trueth the glorious kingdome wherto wée are called and the tresures of rewardes to men with glorie and dishonour and then the brightnes and sight of all things shal be apparent and all things past shall be as one thing present according to Mathew there is nothing so close that shall not be opened nothing so hyd that shall not be knowen Math. 1● such s halbe the omnipotent potentiall and in comprhenssble clearnes of God that before him all that were in power in spirit in act in thought in intent in heauen in earth or in hell from the beginning shall there shew it selfe present apparent cleare and manifest by the endlesse brightnes of God that all the nature of sathan and the power of hell shal be made manifest for euer and the nature of man as it was and now is and shal be in glorie or dishonour shall be expressed for euer and all the great woorkes of GOD and beautie of Angells Cherubins and Seraphins shall there be knowen for euer and all the goodly mansions of God shall then be reuealed mo ste euident and the eternall shyne of Gods maiestie shall then bee vniuersall transparent for sayeth Paul Ephe. 1. The whole misterie of the will of the Father shall then be declared according to the purpose of his owne will therefore moste blessed shall you be that shal be found watching and waiting for his comming looking vp to heauen with pure eyes of faith and lyfting vp cleane hands of righteousnes well washed at the fountaine of penance that you may be found at his appearāce to laude glory and honour pertaking with the treasures of the heauenly misterie of the will of the father ordained in Christe Iesus who béeing the Author of our glorie whereunto hee hath called vs by his Gospell by shedding of his owne moste precious blood to bring vs to GOD and to make vs heires of his kingdōe Did not omit the least godly meanes of all to drawe vs and quicken vs by his spirit diligently and with all our indeuours to seek after his kingdome And
euery parte doeth the selfe same thing as the Spirite and Lambe doeth leade them Coloss 1. hauing the preheminence so that for euermore they remaine glorified with euerlas ting life peace vnitie and puritie of all perfection and brightnesse in the sight of the Almightie for all thinges with them are Symbolicall to Gods Maiestie That as Iesus Christ our Lorde and Redéemer is the Sonne of God begotten of God God of God and God in God that their insearchable nature is such that they are both one in it selfe And the Holy Ghost from them proceeding beeing the euerlasting Spirite of the euerlasting Father and Sonne being of inseparable nature all together in it selfe so that being three persons in Trinitie yet is it one euerlasting vnitie for in them is one Communion of Godhead that the fulnesse of the Godhead dwelleth in the three persons Almightie both bodely and Substantially And nowe as this euerlasting power and Godhead is coadvnited a perfect Trinitie in Vnitie and Vnitie in Trinitie So we of God to God and in God are adopted Saintes of holinesse by Iesus Christ our Sauiour the eternall worde sonne of God by whome we are made in most excellent true resemblance of Godly nature partakers of Gods glorie and purenesse Phil. 3. being ordeined of God to bee fashioned like the Sonne of God Ephe. 1. That what perfect coniunction of Godhead is betweene the trinitie and the vnitie The like heauenly harmonie by adoption shall be for euer of the Saintes of newe Ierusalem adopted true sonnes of God by the Sonne of God so fashioned like to his glorious bodie Phil. 3. So that as the euerlasting seate of Gods maiestie his eternal and incomprehensible place of power doth euer remaine with the Godhead as an eternall brightnes of the most holyest seate of all holinesse that where the Godhead is there is the s hining of his incomprehensible seate of brightnesse as a place eternall and incomprehensible agréeing to an Almightie and incomprehensible god and so an Almightie God with an incomprehensible place of glorie as one in a seate euerlasting vnsearcheable and vnmeasurable of all omnipotent Maiestie being an eternall creator and maker of a vniuersal seate of glorie neuer departing from the same as an immutable God in an immutable vniuersall and incomprehensible seate of honour and power So the Saintes and blessed elect haue a new mansion and glorious Citie descended from god in which they abide a kingly Priesthoode for euer And they shall neuer goe out of it but shall sit therein with Christ the Sonne of God being his seate of glorie giuen of the Father Reuel 3. where the elect shall s it with the Sonne of God in his kingdome as the Sonne did sit in his fathers seate of incomprehensible Maiestie And nowe such is the heauenly s ympathie and consembable resemblance of our heauenly mansion or newe Ierus alem answering to the incomprehensible seate of the glorie of the eternall maiestie That as the incomprehensible seate of glorie is euer with God so our new Ierusalem is euer with the saints being an euerlasting and heauenly clothing Cor. 2.5 with which the elect are euermore clothed That where the first begotten Sonne of God and by him the adopted sonnes of God doe go mooue or alleuate them selues towarde the omnipotent God in like sort doeth the eternal tabernacle or seat as a glorious clothing or euerlasting garmēt with a glorified body continuing inseperably for euer And thus wée are conioyned as one harmonie and perfect consent of many vnited in one cōmunion with Gods holines so glorified in the Author and Father of glorie clothed with the substanciall pertakeing of his goodly seat of glory according to Esay I will make a new Ierusalem saith the Lord that shall be glorious through all posterities Esay 4. ● Peace shall be the ruler and Righteousnes the officer the walles shal be called helth and the gates the prayse of God and God shall bee thy euerlasting light and thy God shall bee thy glorie And she shall be a crowne in the hand of the Lord and a glorious garland in the hand of her God and shall be called a new name the pleasure of God in her and God loueth her and god shall marry him self to her sonnes and as a brydegrome glad of his bryde so god of her Wherby appeare the infinit loue of God to his saincts and of them to God the inseperable coniunction of the glorie of God to new Ierusalem and to her sonnes and the reciprocate coniunction and euerlasting confirmation of them to him in substantiall glorification so that wee shall be in misterie as one pure vnspotted people sanctified in the participiation of the holynes of God being a multitude and yet one heauenly body vnited to one only holy and omnipotent God and thus the Saincts shall be ioyful with glorie behoulding the moste resplendent beautie of God ouer their heads lifting to him with one consent of heauenly melodie all prayse and honor euerlastingly Otherfore yée heauenly Congregation of sainctes sing prayses night and day to your God of glorie that you may dwell before God for euer And thus it is infinit to expresse and moste ioyfull to beholde the admirable treasures and riches layd vp for vs in Christ to come and it is excéeding gladsome to thinke what a plenteous costly pleas ant and glorious feast the Lord hath prepared by Christe for vs And let it reioyce you to the ground of your harts to consider how the Lord shall deck you lyke Bridegromes with the garments of heauenly helth and high blessednes and let your soules leap within you and daunce for ioy to think how you shall be decked with the garmēts of Gods beautie and be you mery in righteousnes and run cheerfully to godlynes of life that you may pertake with this euerlasting happines of new Ierusalem the glorie wherof is so excéeding that the high amplitude thereof cannot be expressed vnto which the spirit of God sayeth to thée come and your bryde her selfe euen Ierusalē saith come Therfore so run the race of your lyfe that thou maiest go into her and taste her water of lyfe there beholding the maiestie of GOD with all abundant ioyfulnes and so remaining in euerlasting glorification with Christ for euer and euer * ⁎ * ALleluia saluation and glory and honour and power and might Reu. 19. bee as crybed to the Lord our God for true and righteous are his iudgementes therefore prayse the Lord God all yee that are his seruants and ye that feare him both small and great for the Lord our God omnipotent reigneth so that let vs reioyce and be glad and giue honour to him for the mariage of the Lamb is come and his wife made her self ready and to her was graūted that shee should be arrayed with pure and goodly raynes and the raines be the righteousnes of Saincts and now happie are they which are
of euerlasting life for he that confesseth the treuth of mée before men Reu● 3. I will confesse his name before God and the holy Angels and hee that denyeth the treuth of me I will denye him O therfore beware and bee not féeble mynded and dismaid at yonder tempest of persecution for why hath not Christe moste louingly tolde thée that such extreame dangers shall come to passe and sayeth to the feare none of thos e thinges but holde out to the end and thou shalt be saued and crowned with eternall glorie why then wilt y● yéeld wilt thou now be shaken down like a figge from his figge trée O man remember thy self consider whereto thou dooest fall what art thou so nyce of thy fleshe so tender of thy skyn Be not remoued from the Gospel so feruent to Wife and Children so geuen to worldly riches and delights so bent to promotions so hastie to please men so adict to this Worlde so foolishe and madde to run with the multitude so ready to yéelde to the persecutors as to forget the day of the Lord when thou shalt altogither tremble and quake and giue an account of thy dooings what I say to thée with heauie gréef wilt thou abide no perrils no torments no imprisonment no affliction no hunger nor shame no wearines no losse of goodes no departing from fré ends no losse of life for Christes Gospell then thou maist say wo is my vntrutefulnes Wherefore pray with all instance that God may strengthen thy faith and that thou maist be endued with patience against all tribulations and that you may be preserued from dogges from Locustes and vnreasonable men And nowe while the doore of the Gos pell is open stablishe your heartes in the euerlasting consolation of faith hope loue and patience in Christ Dan. 12. And suffer aduersitie with him and with his Gospell through the power of God who hath giuen you the gift of grace For it is written that the dayes shall come in which you shall bée purifyed cleansed and tryed as golde in the fire Wherfore holde fast the patience of his name in all stormes of persecutions by looking vp ioyfully to heauen when thou art in the handes of the persecuters Reu. 6. and fettered to the stake of torments then to beholde the golden altar and see there the soules of them vnder the hande of Christ which hath suffred before you in the testimonie of Iesus Christ whether now thy soule skipping ioyfully out of thy body as one loosed out of bondage and prison do goe accompanied with Gods holy angel to those blessed soules there meeting together with praising and magnifying God vnder the golden altar for blessed are those that suffer for righteousnes sake An acceptable sacrfice to GOD And therefore consider what an acceptable sacrifice thou shalt be to God when thou shalt breath forth the swéete odours of prayers through the flaming fire or tortures of death vp before the face of God by yéelding thy life for his cause so that bee assured that thy inward ioy shall quench eat vp the outward paines and torments of death for it is written the Angel of the Lord tarrieth round about them that feare God Psalme 3. and deliuereth thē therefore feare not death for the gospels sake but suffer with christ that you may be glorified with him and so be of the nomber of them to whō he shal s ay Come ye blessed inherite the kingdom and be crowned with the glorious garland of your glorification and so to conclude Luke ●● Reioyce that your names are written in heauen TO THE Reader LIft vp your heades Christ is at hande Hosanna in the highest Receiue the gifte the kingdome come from heauen which is most purest The Lord doth com him selfe from heauen who is the king of kinges Arise you dead and put you on your newe immortall winges At Sion he will shewe him selfe prepare you to be there Where crownes of life and palmes of ioy the chosen then shall weare Arise therefore receiue the gifte of Gods eternall light Imbrace the ioyes beholde the face of God in open sight The holye Citie gloriously in brightnesse which excel Descendeth downe from God aboue wherein the Saintes shall dwell The wicked then shall stande without an heauie wooe to see The Lord shall say Depart ye hence you shall not be with me Arise therefore as true right heires Of that most blessed lande Sing out Hosanna in the highest Christes kingdome is at hande F. K. A PRAYER OF THANKESGIVING TO GOD THAT IT MAY PLEASE HIM TO sanctifie vs with his holy grace that we may dwell in Newe Ierusalem with a petition for our Soueraigne Queene that it may please God that she may reigne ouer vs many yeeres and after this life be crowned with the heauenly clothing of glorification WE most heartily thanke thée O Lorde God our heauenly Father for thy manifolde and inestimable benefits which thou hast giuen vnto vs both for our soules bodies and that fréely of thine owne goodnesse without our desertes wee thāke thée that it hath pleased thée of thy great mercie to create and make vs to thine owne Image and Likenesse and being lost through the sinne of our first father Adam thou vouchsafedst of thy endlesse pitie to s aue vs and redeeme vs againe by the death and passion of thy welbeloued Sonne Iesus Christ our sweete Mediatour and Aduocate whom we looke for to come againe at the day of iudgement as a most louing Lord and Sauiour to carry vs with him into euerlasting glorie there to remaine with him worlde without end Therefore graunt vs sweete Lord God the riches of thy grace that we may haue the fruition of thy ioyes in thy heauenly kingdome of euerlasting blessednes And we beseech thée O Lord Iesus Christ which art the health of al mē liuing the euerlasting life to thē that die in thy faith to preserue 〈◊〉 thy seruant our Queene Gouernes so with thy blessed hand to fé ede ●●●spéede 〈◊〉 lead 〈◊〉 kéepe 〈◊〉 vnder thy holy wings that she may euermore faste the sweetenesse of thy riche mercie and great loue to the praise of thy holy Name and glorie of the Gospel and also to his glorification in the eternall kingdome of glorie And we thy seruantes and children by grace being ordeined by thee to be her faithfull subiectes doe beseech thée of thy great goodnes so to increase her with thy blessings that we may enioye him swéete gouerne●●e to reigne ouer this Realme manye yeeres more in peace and tranquillitie and after this life to partake the euerlasting glorie of Christ to whome be all glorie honour and praise worlde without ende Amen GOD SAVE the 〈◊〉
had yea aboue his sweete sonne Isac whome he loued as his owne life notwithstanding faithfully did Abraham preferre the loue of his almightie God and maker aboue the life of Isac offering him in sacrifice to the Lorde for which cause the eternall creatour to make his promise more certainely to sticke fast in Abraham and in all his posteritie sware by him selfe shewing that there was no God but him selfe saying in Genesis Gen. 22. ● Because thou hast not spared thy only son Isaac to offer him a sacrifice to me I will blesse thee and multiplie thy seede as the starres of heauen and as the sande vpon the sea side and in thy seede shall all the nations of the earth bee blessed because thou hast obeyed my voyce And thus the most merciful god although he cast Adam for his transgression out of Paradise and also destroyed the worlde for sinne yet he sheweth againe the voyce and promise of comfort that hee hath not cast vs off but hath giuen his gratious goodnes to the worlde that all nations through the seede of Abraham should be blessed according to that of the prophet Them I haue created facioned Esay 43. and made for mine honour And nowe the more to iustifie his true promise it is apparent that hee establisheth the foresaide testament to Is aac the first figure of Christ Gen. ●6 by whome all nations are sanctified Saying to Isac I will be with thee and blesse thee The promise for vnto thee and to thy seede will I giue all these countries and through thy seede shall all nations of the earth bee blessed becaus e that Abraham harkened to my voice and kept my ordinances commandements statutes and lawes wherein we are to learne how al our blessednes came of God the father of al goodnes to whom we ought alwaies to be thankefull framing our selues through his grace to be like Abraham in beleeuing and equall with him in obedience and ioyned with him in righteousnes that we may receiue the like praise and honour as God maketh mention of him to Isaac therby to obtaine as Paule promiseth the eternall ioye the praise honour and immortalitie that is due to them that continue in good doing and seeke eternall life Rom. 2. And finally God to seale vp the fulnes of his couenant the more and more to helpe and strengthen our weake harts of beliefe and to allure the children of promise to a fixed hope of his grace and goodnes The promise to Iacob doth reiterate his testament to Iacob that he being the seede of Abraham and Isaac that he shall be the well of liuing waters and that out of his loynes shall come the fountaine of all heauenly blessednes and the water of life grace goodnes saying The land which thou sleepest vpon Gen. 26. will I giue thee thy seed and thy seede shall be as the du st of the earth thou shalt spread abroad west east north and south and through thee and thy seede shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed according to Esay E say 43. I will bring thy seede from the east and gather them togeather from the west I will say to the north let goe and to the south keepe not backe but bringe me my sonnes from farre and my daughters from the ends of the world for all nations shall came in one and bee gathered in one people Gen. 35. for the Lorde saide againe vnto Iacob thou shalt be called Israell grow and multiplie for people and a multitude of people shall spring of thee yea and kings s hall come out of thy loynes and the land which I gaue Abraham and Isaac will I giue vnto thee and vnto thy seede after thee Thus the almightie God of our fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob did seale the earnest of the inheritance of his euerlasting blessednes and kingdome in Christ with his holy spirite of promise made to our first fathers that he should come of the seede of Abraham according to the flesh by whom we should receaue redemption and saluation therby to be made partakers of Gods glorie And now furthermore after the proceedins of time that the seede of Iacob called Israell was increased to a great kindred of people and holden in bondage in the land of Egypt The Lord most mercifull and mindfull of his promise made to our forefathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob that he would be good vnto their seede raised vp among them Moyses a captaine and prophet that should deliuer and lead his people Israel out of Egypt into the land of Canaan which before he had giuen to Abraham and his seed for an euerlasting possession and this through Gods mightie hand who made a waye in the sea and a foote path in the mightie waters which brought forth the chariots and horses the host and power and drowned thē in the red sea And then brought his people vnto mount Synay in the wildernes where he gaue them the lawe figured in s tones shewing forth his wonderfull power that they did all tremble for feare and coulde not abide it for the people stood vnder the hill and the hill burnt with fire euen vnto the middes of heauen and there was the sound of a troump voyce of words tempest Deu. 4. darknes cloudes and mist and the Lord spake out of fire and declared his couenant and ordinance Exod. 19. and so terrible was the sight that appeared that Moyses said I feare quake And thus the law was giuen with great feare Exod. 34 and with great glorie for the children of Israell could not behould the face of Moyses for the glorie of his countenance with out a vayle which in Christ is put awaye for if the ministration of the lawe which is to condemnation bee glorious Cor. 2.3 much more doth the ministration of the spirite of promise vnto righteousnes exceede in glory And thus the law which began many hundred yeares after the promis e was added because of transgression as a schoolemaister to teach what sinne ment and not that it could giue life Gal. 3. or disanull the promise made to Abraham for the promise by faith in Iesus doth bring the inheritance and not the law which doth conclude all things vnder sinne for by the déedes of the law shall no man be iustified before God Rom. 3. but are iustified fréely by grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus who is the iustifier of them that beleeue in him after the example of righteous Abraham Wherefore the Lord to discouer our filthy nakednes and corruption brought by the sinnes of Adam did giue vs the law that therby we should come to the knowledge of our infirmities vices wretchednes which raigneth in our earthly members thereby knowing our state by the first Adam to be miserable and falne into the daungerous house and prison of al vncleannes being most wretched without hope vnlesse God of his