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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16944 A sermon preached at Pauls-Crosse, May 30. 1626 vvherein may be seene whom we are to repute hereticks, and schismaticks, what sleights they vse to deceiue, Gods iust iudgements on them, and how we may escape those nets which they lay for vs : also good councell to the magistrate, minister, and subiects, necessary for these times / by Mattheuu Brookes. Brookes, Matthew, fl. 1626-1657. 1626 (1626) STC 3837; ESTC S4166 26,742 50

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agreed vpon in certaine Articles in the Conuocation confirmed by the royall authority which Articles are a declaration of what our Church approueth in the most principall points concerning saith and the publike seruice of God Let mee beseech them to marke those that cause deuisions and offences contrary to that receiued doctrine Yet with a iust distinction as well of the persons of those that cause deuisions and offences for some are obstinate and some are tractable as also of the deuisions and offences by them caused and maintained for of those also some are damnable some onely dangerous and to the honour of the Church of God scandalous For the better effecting of this let me remember them further that the old Aegiptians who were not altogether sottish in worldly matters were wont to paint their Iudges blindfolded and their President or chiefe Iustice without hands as intimating that Iustice should neither see the person of any man or feele his reward which if it be to bee practised in matters temporall how much more in this great matter which so neerely and meerely concerneth the soules of men Secondly let mee beseech the Ministers of the Word whom Christ calleth for the worke of their profession the labourers of his haruest who are the ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God To looke backe vpon those forenamed Articles and to remember whereunto they haue all subscribed with their owne hands not with equiuocation I hope as Arius but with synceritie and with a good conscience as good Christians ought to doe and more especially as men of God should doe and therefore ioyntly with their hearts and mouthes to stand in defence of that truth vnto which they haue giuen their hands On the other side if any man preach another Gospell or defend or maintaine any contrary opinion by which the peace of our Church is disrupted with such a one according to the Apostol call counsell to haue conference and to admonish him to returne to the soundnesse of faith and into the bosome of our Church like Noahs Done into the Arke againe A m●n that is an Hereticke after the first and second admonition reiect Where I desire them to obserue that admonition in that place is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which word pointeth out the end and purpose of our trauells rather than the paine and labour of them namely to put a right minde into him or to bring him into his wittes againe For hee is madde as Nazianzen spake of Apollinaris and as Eusebius saith that Manes was madde according to his name therefore must wee labour to reduce him to his right wits againe Indeed to cure a mad-man seemeth to bee a most miraculous thing seeing how few will bee reclaymed But let vs not despaire seeing that God hath sometimes blessed the labours of his seruants in this kinde Berillus Bishop of Bostra in Arabia who denyed that Christ was existent before hee tooke flesh of the Virgin by the painefull trauell of Origen was brought into his wits againe In like manner Coracion who had beene infected with the error of Nepos an Aegiptian Byshop father of the Chiliastes was conuerted to the faith by Dionysius B. of Alexandria But if none of our admonitions will preuaile with them but because they are filthy they will still be filthy let vs then reiect them for their prophane and vaine babblings will increase vnto more vngodlinesse and their word will eate as doth a Canker Let vs haue no more acquaintance with them than the Iewes had with the Heathen men or Publicans or St. Iohn with Cerinthus Let those that haue authority in the Church after the example of the Apostles and the godly Fathers of the prime age of the Church deliuer them to Sathan that they may learne not to blaspheme And let vs after the like examples vtterly auoide their companie and societie as knowing them to bee the diuells sonnes which doe gigantum more bellare cum dijs warre against God as the Poet feigned certaine monstrous Gyants to wage warre against the gods Let vs leaue to conuerse with them which say they are Iewes and are not but are the Sinagogue of Sathan In a word if wee cannot conuert them let vs be sure to auoide them and vtterly to reiect them lest God say vnto vs as he said to the Angell or Bishop of the Church of Pergamos thou hast them that maintaine the Doctrine of Balaam c. For if we proceed not against them by that lawfull power which God and the King hath giuen vs or if we will not doe so much as to auoide them it cannot be denyed but that we haue them Lastly let me speake a few words in the eares of the people and because they are of two sorts either those whose hearts are deceiued by good words and faire speeches or those pillars of the sonnes of Seth against whom the flouds of Beliall which haue euen ouer-flowen the world like the great and generall Deluge haue not preuailed Let me first direct my speech vnto those that are fallen whom I will not terrifie with the greatnesse of their fall by pointing vpward from whence they fell and downeward to let them see whither they are fallen I beseech them to looke on our Christian charitie who doe not esteeme them to be Heretickes or Schismatickes but doe denie them so to be vnlesse with obstinate mindes they will defend and maintaine their dangerous conceipts My counsell vnto such therefore is that they will resort to our Sermons and Lectures where they may heare the reasons giuen in publique for the faith which we professe and if ioyntly with this they will follow Christ his counsell searching the Scriptures adding instant prayer vnto God that hee would be pleased to reueale vnto them the mysteries thereof they shall doe well and I doubt not but they will returne againe into the bosome of our Church to bee ingrafted as naturall branches into the true Oliue from which for a time they haue been cut off and wee shall reioyce exceedingly that they are come againe yea the Angells of God in heauen shall ioy for their conuersion Secondly to those whose hearts are not yet inuenomed let me speake a word in due season Obedience must be giuen to the faith Therefore let them cleaue close vnto it and not suffer themselues in any sort to be seduced It is a rule to interpret the Scriptures Let them expound the Scriptures according to the proportion of faith For if they meete not in all places with the naturall sense and the direct meaning of the holy Ghost for that in the Epistles of St. Paul and diuers other bookes of the Scripture Some things are hard to be vnderstood yet so long as they interpret nothing contrary to the Articles of their faith Augustine will tell them that they are like vnto a certaine traueller who hauing lost the direct way wandreth in those
plagues hang ouer our heads in this life and eternall damnation in the life to come The Lord doth hate and therefore take reuenge on the very places of hereticall conuenticles a late experience we had in the ruines of certaine roomes of a house in this Citie nota est historia though I feare it bee almost forgotten such are the first sort of the deceiuers here mentioned those that oppose the grounds and principles of Christian religion The second sort wee call Schismatiques from the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth division because they deuide themselues from the body of the Church and Congregation and haue their conuents by themselues the difference betweene Heretickes and Schismatickes St. Augustine wi●l haue to bee Quod illi falsis d●gmatibus fidei sinceritatem corrumpant hi autem interdum etiam in fidei similitudine societatis vinculum disrumpant that Hereticks with false doctrine doe corrupt the sincerity of the faith but Schismatickes sometimes euen in the similitude of faith doe breake asunder the bond of loue Whereby it is plaine that the properties of a Schismaticke are these two first hee must make profession of the faith secondly he must deuide himselfe from the body of the Church and it skills not whether for some point of doctrine or for Ceremonies or any other thing with which hee is discontented the matter is hee deuideth himselfe from the Church and is therefore a Schismaticke Vpon this reason was Lucifer Bishop of Calaris in Sardinia iustly taken and reputed as a Schismaticke for that hee deuided himselfe from Eusebius B. of Vercellis and from the Church of Antiochia for that they disapproued the ordination of Paulinus whom hee had ordained to be Bishop there A man would thinke it a small matter to bee discontented and therfore to be deuided for such a trifle but it is that which St. Paul blameth among the Corinthians where there is among you enuying strife deuisions are yee not carnall and walke as men if carnall then not spirituall for the flesh and the spirit are opposed To walke after the flesh is one thing and to walke after the spirit is another thing Vpon this reason Schismaticks haue not the Spirit of God and therefore walke as men euen as those that are carnally minded which is death For to bee carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace If I dissemble not with you or goe about to deceiue you I must needs conclude with a learned Diuine that schismes are crimina atrocissima most crying sinnes For behold Gods iust iudgements in one particular vpon the heads of Sschismaticks Corah Dathan and Abiram made a diuision among the people of Israel but the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them vp aliue A iudgement able to warne all succeeding ages to take heed how they goe apart from the congregation of the Lord and more especially those that will separate themselues from our Church for some few Ceremonies and formalities retained therein For the lesse cause they haue to doe so the greater is their crime I pittie the case of those that delight more in priuate conventicles than in publike Congregations and will be deuided because they will seeme to be singular as the Scribes and Pharisees I would to God they were all of them acquainted with thus much of Cyprians Theologie Habere non potest Deum Patrem qui Ecclesiam non habet matrem Hee cannot haue God to be his Father that hath not the Church his Mother But let vs now see the particulars that wee may receiue direction how to deale with them 1. I beseech you brethren Vnto whom he writeth his Epistle them he saluteth by the name of Brethren These were not the Elders or Rulers of the Church onely but euery one who being called to the knowledge of the truth made profession of the blessed name of Iesus To these he dedicated his Epistle To all that be in Rome beloued of God called to be Saints and all these hee here styleth by the name of Brethren This is done vpon a double reason first we haue all one common Father which is God One is your Father Which is in heauen Vpon which respect you shall neuer see the Apostle so vncharitable but he will repute the very Iewes his brethren Secondly the members of the Church are ioyned together in a more neere fraternity for God doth become our Father in Christ his Sonne by faith wee are made the sonnes of God As many as receiued him to them gaue he power to be the sonnes of God and we are adopted to bee the heires of God and ioynt heires with Christ it is therefore no indignitie to the person of the Apostle to salute the meanest Christian by the name of Brother and account him so to be for hee is redeemed by the same price and bought with the same blood he is the adopted sonne to the same Father and hath the same inheritance Why then should not the Apostle receiue him and repute him as a brother O yee that aduance your selues aboue your brethren and because yee haue place either in the Church or Common-wealth or gifts more excellent than your brethren haue presumptuously thanke God with the foolish proud Pharisee in the Gospell that you are not as Other men are come hither and learne humilitie lest because you exalt your selues now God humble you hereafter As good a man as the best of you A chosen vessell vnto God As great a man as the greatest of you all An Apostle of Iesus Christ is ioyous to bee rankt in this fraternitie And when you shine in your gold and siluer like Herode in his royalty and with admiration of these outward things like that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that boasting bird the Peacocke beholding his goodly feathers with great reioycing then remember your poore kindred if yee be Christ his seruants the meanest Christian is brother to the greatest he is redeemed with the same blood hee is bought with the same price and heire vnto that kingdome to which all the kingdomes of the world are not worthy to bee compared behold his noblenesse And let that proud Commander of the world who will be called Vniuersall Bishop the head of the Church the Ruler of both the Swords the high Conveener of Councells who dareth to haue it affirmed that the whole world is his Diocesse that hee hath all power both in heauen and in earth that hee cannot bee iudged by all the Cleargie nor by all the people that all Kings and Emperours haue all their power authority from him that he is seuenty times seuen times greater than the greatest Kings that his power is more ample than all other Patriarkes that hee is the Lord God no pure man but something made and compounded of God and man who is wont to command Purgatorie and the