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A04369 Jehovah a free pardon, vvith many graces therein conteyned, graunted to all Christians by our most holy and reuerent father God almightie, the principal high priest and bishoppe in heauen and earth / first written in the Spanish tounge, and there published by a Spaniard vnknowen, (yet as it seemeth) the seruant of our sayde Holy Father ; and now translated into the mother English tounge, by Iohn Danyel of Clements Inne. Danyel, John. 1576 (1576) STC 14484.3; ESTC S2153 20,076 56

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theire righte hande let them be as duste before the winde and the Aungell of the Lorde scattering them let theire wayes be darcke and slippery and let the Aungell of the lord persecute them when they go to receue Iudgement let them come forth condempned and let theire praiers bee tourned into sinne let their dayes bee shortened and let another take theire charge let the extorcioner consume all that they haue and let the stranger make spoyle of their trauailes let them cloth themselues with curssynges and let it come into their bowels like water and into theire bones like oyle let curssing be vnto them as a cloake and like a girdle wherwith they girde theire loynes and let them perishe for euer in thy presence like as did Coran Bathan and Abiram enemies of thy truth and righteousenes also to thy saintes and holy ministers Amen The fourme of the absolution graunted to al those that receue this holy Iubily and rather fear god then men Misereatur tui omnipotens Deus c. I The minister of God the Father by his auctority in that behalfe to me committed and to all graunted also by Iesus Christ the onely good and trwe pastor or sheepehearde of the shape that he did redeeme with his moste pretious bloud on his behalf by the vertue efficacy strength of the gospel of eternal most gracious recōsiliatiō ▪ the which with your harts you haue beleeued I absolue you from all your sinnes vemall and others which you haue committed agaynst his most greate holynesses deuyne maiestie so that you be penitente for the same can finde in your harts to amend your liues I doe restore you to the Church constituted for the liuing members of Iesus Christ the head and espouse therof and to the participation of the two true sacraments which are the sacrament of baptisme and the sacrament of the true supper of our lord and doe assure you of all the aforesayde graces pardons and priuileges and do pronounce that it is his fatherly wyll and pleasure that you do enioy them with an assuraunce of life euerlasting In the name of the father of the son of the holy ghost Amen go in peace sin no more Iohn ● I am the good shapheard that doth geue my lyfe for my sheepe I doo know my sheepe and they heare my voyce and followe me and I doo geue them lyfe eternal sayth Iesus Christ our sauiour ¶ The .x. Commaundements of Almightie God published by Moyses vvith a short explanation of the effect thereof The first Table HArken O Israell I am the lord thy God which haue brought thée out of the lande of Egipt and out of the house of bondage The first Commaundement Thou shalt haue none other gods but mee THere is no more gods but one in whome it is very hard for vs to put our trust onely in not for that he is vntrusty but bicause we are so corruptible in our fleshe that of our selues we cannot but geue credit vnto vanity for whosoeuer putrech his trust many thīg maketh a strange god of the same that he putteth his truste in so that a man 〈◊〉 many strange gods as are the thinges wherein he trusteth and herevppon it did rise at the 〈◊〉 the worshipping of dombe Idolls Images so condempned of God by the Prophets but to accomplish and fulfill this com●●● 〈◊〉 it is necessary to haue a constant faith and confidence in God that is a perfect loue feare reuerence and hope and to let all our trust depend onely vppon him the which is to worship him in spirit and truth this commaundemēt is a fountaine from whēce doeth spring the whole Lawe and the obseruance thereof The second Commaundement ¶ Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen Image nor the likenes of any thing that is in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath or in the water vnder the earth thou shalt not bowe downe to them nor worship them for I the Lord thy God am a gellous god and visit the sinne of the fathers vppon their children vnto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and shew mercy vnto thousandes of them that loue me and keepe my commaundements BEcause God is a spirite he doth forbid vs heare to represent him in the likenes of any corporal or bodily thing as though he were in it or like it wherfore those that will worshippe visible thinges and maintaine the same contrary to the worde of God are threatned here as Idolatoures and breakers of the lawe because the honoure which they doe owe vnto God they doe vse it vnto his creatures The third commaundement ¶ Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vayne for the Lord wil not hold him guiltles that taketh his name in vayne HE doth commaunde that with our tongue we should testefy that wee haue a God almighty whome wee ought to feare to reuerence and to loue and not to sweare by his name in any light thing nor by his creatures to couer a lie but if we doe sweare we must doe it to his glory our saluation and the helpe of our neighebors in good thinges and then must we sweare onelie by the name of the liuinge god The fourth commaundement ¶ Remember thou kepe holy the Saboth day Sixe dayes shalte thou labor and doe all that thou hast to doe but the seuenth day is the Saboth of the Lorde thy God in it thou shalte doe no maner of worcke thou nor thy sonn nor thy daughter nor thy manseruant nor thy mayd seruaunte nor thy cattel nor thy stranger that is within thy gates for in Sixe dayes the Lorde made heauen and yearth the Sea and al that is therin and rested the seuenth day wherefore the Lorde blessed the Seuenth day and hallowed it The ceremony of keping of the saboth day did finishe and ende with the cerymonies and shaddowe of the lawe by the death of Iesus Christ but the substaunce therof doth remain to this day and perpetually that is to kepe the saboth spiritually to cease from labour worldly worke that god may worke in vs and that in al thinges that wee do we geue him the glory god graunt we may seeke the same for euer Amē Amē The Commaundements of the second table and so the first and fyfte in order Honour thy Father and thy Mother that thy dayes may belong in the lande which the Lorde thy God geueth thee It is commaunded vnto vs by this commaundement that wee reuerence and honoure our carnall fathers euery one in his place that is to say our superiors in eache estate and degree from the lowest to the highest and so backe againe to helpe them in necessitie according to our habilities to honour reuerence and obey them for that they are called to theyr places by god to draw vs vnto it to doe it according to hys word he doth
IEHOVAH ¶ A free Pardon vvith many Graces therein conteyned graunted to all Christians by our most Holy and reuerent Father GOD almightie the principal high Priest and Bishoppe in Heauen and Earth First written in the Spanish tounge and there published by a Spaniard vnknowen yet as it seemeth the seruant of our sayde Holy Father And now Translated into the mother English tounge by Iohn Danyel of Clements Inne ¶ Printed at London by Thomas East for Andrew Maunsell and are to be sould at his shop in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Parrot ¶ To the right honorable Syr Ambrose Nicholas Lorde Maior of the Citie of LONDON To the right vvorshipfull maister VVilliam Fleetewood esquire Recorder of the same To the right worshipful maister Edward Osborne maister VVoolston Dixie esquires and Sheriffes of the same To the right vvorshipful their brethren the Aldermen To the worshipful maister Norton the rest of the priuie counsell for the renowmed and worthy gouernment of the same and to euery of them grace and peace from God the Father and from our Lord Iesus Christ Amen WHen as right Honorable and right worshipful I had made an ende of this my trauaile in translateing this preatie pamphlet and Pardon generall to the receiuers of the same with my musinge mynde remembring with my selfe to whome I should dedicate so worthy a worke and coulde not thinke of any with in this noble Citie more fitter to be my patrōs defēdors in publishinge hereof beinge as I trust with you a poore mēber of one body whose head is Iesus Christ our Lord beholdīg the firmnes of the true faith in one of the mēbres of the same body the aucthor hereof spronge out frō among the principals of Pope Antechrists panyons in Spaine I hauing therin great cōfort ioy did presume to make you partakers of the same Because I doe see dayly euery one of you lyke worthy wightes heades and rulers of such a noble citie do practise and put in vre by all meanes possible suche good and godly acts orders for the good setting forth of Christs faith and true religion as maketh mee to thincke that thus in presuminge herein I do rather please you all then offend any Yf you take it in good parte I am therby encouraged to take a greter trauail in hand to the same effect I trust to the glory of god the treatise is very deuine the conclusion comfortable it is also short and therfore soone reade ouer wherfore I besech you most humbly to accept it with the good will of the geuer who will dayly pray for all you and yours that with faith yee maye florish and prosper in all godly doinges tyll th ende and in th ende that you may inherite the celestiall kingdome with al the benefitts in this Iubily contayned From my house in saint Brides churchyarde the. 13. of Ianuary 1576 ¶ Your honors and worships most humbly Iohn Danyell REmember dearely beloued that ye were not baptised in the name of men of Images nor yet of Idols that be dombe to be their seruauntes to honoure them contrary to the commaundements of God but in the name of Iesus Christ because you shold worship and serue him as he doeth commaunde but for all that since the tyme we were indewed with knowledge and the reason thereof we haue bene blynded and led astraye farre from our duties yet God hauing pitty vpon vs and willing to saue vs did so by his deuyne prouydence although by hys ryghteous iudgement he mighte worthely condemne vs wherefore let vs make no small accoumpt of this benefite of Pardone and Indulgence now offered vnto vs by that most Holy reuerend Father most worthy of prayse and glory for that we see he asketh no mony of vs for it as Antichrist doeth for his trash he demaundeth of vs nothing but that only we shoulde haue a sure fayth hope and confydence in the same for that he himselfe doth graunt it and geue it vs in his sonne Iesus Christ and therefore let vs not for the vayne feare of men leaue nor let slip the inioying of such pardons and graces with the benefite therof but accept thē gladly for as the Lord our god saieth we cannot be saued without them ¶ A short sum of all the Indulgences Graces Pardons graunted of god our most holy father by his sonne Iesus Christ to al faithful Christians in this Iubily mentioned and commanded to bee publyshed because that all those that doe repente them of their sinnes and tourn vnto him may inioy the benefites contayned in the same in this world the fauour of god and in the world to come life euerlasting WHen the fulnesse of time was come and the acceptable daye of our sauyng health according to the determinate wyll of god ordeined in his deuine coūsaile before the begynning and creation of the worlde our most holy and eternall father hauing pitty vppon vs of his mighty free will and bounteous lyberality did send his only begottē son to be borne of a woman and made subiect to the lawe because that by him shoulde be preached vnto vs the great and gracious reconsiliation made by him selfe betweene god the father and vs beeing as we were rebels and the children of rebels for that all by one had incurred the payne of a rebell to his deuyne maiesty by the which the Deuil Death had gotten empery rule and the vpper hand ouer vs absolutely and we made the slaues of sinne and did obey sinne and were made abhomynable and corrupted abhorrors of all righteousenes and louers of all kynde of wickednesse deade in sinne and buried in errors children of wrath by nature and subiect to the curses and malediction preached vnto vs as agaynst the ennemyes of gods truth so that as out castes and desperate people we were without remedy and ready to be cast into the prison of darcknesse and fyre of hell in the company of the deuill his Aungels of whom we did giue so wilful obedyēce But our blessed God and most holy Father as he is rich in mercy so is he willing to shew vnto vs his immēsible charity with the which although wee were his ennemies yet he loued vs to the end to deliuer vs from the power of darcknesse and clense vs from our sinnes to make vs partakers of his righteousenesse to destroy the Empery of the Deuyll by the potency mighte of the redeemer of the world and so to preserue vs from his iust wrath and indignation and or wicked condemned children of darcknesse to make vs children of lighte and so to bring vs to the kingdome of his beloued sonne Jesus Christ he did ordeyne that this his good wyll should be publyquely preached and declared vnto vs to this end after that Christe had accomplyshed and fulfilled the worcke of our redemtion and gloriousely tryumphed ouer all the ennemies of his glory to our
saluation he made to sounde throughout the whole world that trumpette of the predycation of his grace and mercy towardes vs sending his legattes and Apostles to preach his pardon generall by his gospell to all those and vs that had bene traitors and rebels vnto him and his glory for that beleeuyng the grace and doctryne that on his behalfe was pronounced vnto them and vs they with vs and we with them should be absolued made free from all maner of Synnes bothe veniall and mortall and the punishments for the same the which they had broughte themselues and vs into This mercy although it were generall to all yet it did take effect but only in those which did truely beleeue with fayth and that did leaue of the seruice of sinne and did submit them selues with all their hartes to truth righteousenes and holynesse of lyfe for it hath bene séene in our age that men haue bene deceaued forgetting of him who is the fountayne of lyfe and wysdome in whome doeth consiste all trewe health and trusting in vayne thinges we haue lyued like vnbrideled horses in vnrighteousenesse and abhomynable Idolatryes by the cause whereof be and haue bene wars honger pestelence and many other ordynary chastisementes common and perticuler in and through al Christendom the which are testimonies that the wrath of god is iustly inflamed against vs and that the last day of his deuyne iudgement is at hand our moste holy and sempiternall high prieste with desire of our health and saluation and for that by trwe repentaunce we should conuert vnto hym to be made partakers of the lyfe euerlasting moued by his mercy doth charge and commaund now anew that this Iubily in the which is declared the fruit of his death which is the full pardon of all our sinnes and offences be preached to all christians throughout the whole world because that those which by true repentaunce and amendment of lyfe do receaue it be and are reconfiled and put in peace with God and so by consequente sette frée from all euils presente and to come the tenor whereof doth followe ¶ This is the Iubily and full pardon of sins a Culpa et Pena most graciously granted to the church of god dispersed throughoute the whole world BY the auctority of our most holy Father God almighty supreme hed and prouyder for all creatures and in the name of Iesus Christ his sonne the great pastoure and Bishop of our soules and by the vertue of the holy ghost maister and conseruer of the true church it is enioyned and expresly commaunded by the vertue of holy obedience to vs al and to as many of vs as haue receaued the Sacrament of holy baptisme that we reade and vnderstad and that we giue to vnderstand from one to another euery one according to the Talent or gifte that wee shall receaue hereby to preache the nature and propertie of him who doth call vs from darcknes to his admirable light and these immēsible graces the great priuiledges graunted therin perpetually to all the faithfull seruaūtes of Christ to as many as wil be and do receiue him and doe beleeue and truste firmely in the lyfe euerlasting gotten only by the sheading of his most pretious blood for that it is he that is that christ that from the beginning was promysed by god the father to our forefathers to be their sauiour and a sauioure of their séede and descendents by whose vertue strength and power should be destroied that old serpent by whom they their seede and discendēts were brought into the state of perdition the which he did conclude by his death and did appeasethe wrath of god and satisfie to his iudgemente for our sinnes and offences and by hys righteousenesse did obteyn for vs most copious plentious and eternal redemtion and pardon generall for our sins a Culpa et Pena as his most holy Father had decreed and ordeined from before the beginning and creation of the world and afterward to the ende to conuide or inuite vs to the receite of our health and discouering of his ryches and mercy though we be vnworthy yet he notwithstanding did loue vs by his sonne Iesus Christ and dyd promyse vs by his saints and seruants the prophets that in whatsoeuer tyme and place although our sinnes wer neuer so great and in number to the sandes of the sea yet if we did cal vpon him with a penitent heart truste in his mercy and desire pardon and forgeuenesse at his handes yea euen then of his great loue we should be so truely pardoned and restored to hys grace and frendshyppe as if we had neuer offended nor sinned againste him with promyse neuer to remem them agayne notwithstanding they were neuer so greate nor greuous because that Iesus Christe being become man in the parson of our flesh and in all thinges lyke vnto vs did take vpon him our sinnes and so by vs was brought vnder curses and malediction for that he tooke vppon his shoulders our sinnes and did suffer moste cruell death for them vpon a tree and by the infinite power and vertue of the Sacrafice that he tooke vpon him selfe to offer vpon the crosse he did blot out and destroy all our offences and sinnes wholy and did obteyne by his merites onely so riche and plentyfull a liberty for vs. Low the father of all mercy and god of all comfort and consolation to certifie vs of his good will with that which he will saue and take vs from the captiuity and bondage of the devill hauing established in his holy church this inestimable treasure of redemption of reconciliation and grace gayned onely by hys onely begotten sonne hee dothe now most liberally open it vnto vs for that as many as will may enioy the same and receue the benefit thereof euery one with hauing of a sure fayth and affiance that the bloud of the lambe without spott was shed and once offered for the sinnes of all mankynde to be a true oblation for the same and that there nedeth no other satisfaction nor absolution before god but onely it And therfore for as much as this is onely pardon for sinn it is now publyshed by the infinite mercy of god which doth pardon vs by one onely Iesus Christ whose bloud was shed to the same end and ther is no health in none other but in him because there is none other name vnder heauen giuen vnto men by the which they should be saued but onely his he will that all beleuers haue and houlde the same by and for his proper wisdome righteousnes santification and redemption because as he is god and redemer of all generally so is he of euery one particularly and therfore he will that euery one of hys in particular shall take haue hould and enioy the gracious redemption and pardon obtayned and bowght wyth christes bloude
be destroyed by his deuine potency and myght Item to all those which for the loue and obedyence they do owe vnto god wyll visitt them that are imprysoned the sicke the desolate widdowes and poore orfanes and according to theyr power and habilitie with pittie do relieue and helpe them he doth graunt vnto them a confirmation of that hope which they haue to inioy his holy and blessed kingdome which is prepared for them from the beginning of the world Item to those that with charity doe prouide for mainteine helpe succoure and comfort the needefull hungry and naked and that doth lodge the poore straunger he doth graunt a confirmation vnto them of the same hope that is help vnto them in their like necessities Item to all those that with a chrystian effect do teach the ignoraunte and comfort them that be heauy in mynde for good and righteous thinges he doth graunt Indulgentia plenaria Item to all those that are superiours and masters if they do make a christian profession in gouernment and that they with theyr inferriours and seruantes doe with equality in their degréese kéepe a christian lyfe lyke seruauntes of our lord almighty as redeemed a like by the blood of Christe he doth graūt vnto them Indulgentia plenaria Item to al those that accoumpt them selues dispensers or stewardes of spirituall and temporall goods and riches which they haue receaued of God if they distribute them to gloryfie hym and to helpe their neighboures he doth graunt vnto them a multiplication of the same goods and ryches so distributed and therewyth Indulgentia plenaria Item to all those that haue not firmly stoode to and loued the truth but haue beene beguyled and deceaued by the blynde doctryne of Antichrist and his mynysters and induced to followe the doctryne of Deuils whych are tradicions of men in place of the gospell and that now with a true feruent and harty desire are willingly reduced to trowe and deuyne obedyence and do know by the light of godly scriptures the errors superstitions guyles deceites idolatrise and other abhominations in the which they haue béene and doo renounce them withall their harts and hould the trwe god for theyr god do worship him in spirite and truth and let their whole trust depend and be vpon him his goodnesse and promise his high holynesse doeth graunte vnto thē such like pardon general because they may freely performe the same without feare of foule Antechristes excommunications of his inquysitors or other his mynisters because that for all them or any other sensor of theyr church whatsoeuer that is thondred out and doth flame agaynste them hys hollynes doth also graunt them absolution and doeth freely restore them to his fatherly grace that they in his Church maye haue a place for name and being of his faythfull children and that they liue in hope to possesse inioy the immortall inheritaunce not contaminated but incorruptible which is conserued and kept for them in the heauens Item to as many as be and desire to be faythfull seruauntes and disciples of Iesus Christ his deuyne maiesty and most reuerent holynes doeth graunt that with a stoute harte wythout feare of the aforesayd excōmunications or other decree whatsoeuer made by the said antichrist or his ministers that they may do reade in the Spanish French Italien English or other mother tongue or language the bookes of the olde and new testament and all other bookes of trwe and sound doctrine for that they may knowe howe to gouern themselues to liue hollily to know him and so to haue life euerlasting and herewith he doeth expressely commaund that they suffer not them selues to be depryued of this liberty vnder the paine of death perdition and damnation together with the enemies of his grace that do rebell agaynste his holy will and commaundements and that haue made the sayd excōmunication and decreese Item the same Lord Iesus Christ trwe interpreter of no wil of our most holy Father doth declare by these presents that all excōmunications and such lyke as be proceede from the sayd Antichrist chiefe and high priest of the man of same the sonne of perdition or from his inquisitor and false butcherly Bushops are trystes and of no validity nor effect because the offyce nor power to excōmunicate is not geuen to one that is blynd nor to a blynd and apotestaticall church embrewed with the blend of faithfull martirs and the sainctes of god our Lord and gouerned by the doctryne of desperation such as are the traditions of men but that office doth belong to such a one and to such a Church whose head is Iesus Christ to the apostles in his name and to all such as be their trew successors guided by the spirite of truth and that doe teach and liue by the trew doctrine of the gospell so pure as possible the rule lock and key to open and cōmunicate the kingdome of heauen to all beleeuers and to shut it agayne to all that do not beleeue and to the vnfaithfull rebels proceeding from and lyke vnto the Deuill and his members for whatsoeuer excōmunications they bee if they come not from the trwe courte or offyce which is Christes church if they be thondred out with booke bell and candell neuer so fiersly if they bee forged and formed by the free will and forsight of them that haue the name of pastors and yet in truth are very Idols and rauening wolues neuer so firmely yet it is not ratified nor allowed in the kingdom nor by the faithful of Christ but condemned and that with iust reason good right The Scribes and Pharisies were set in Moyses chayre and did set at naught the excomunications that Christ and his Apostles did preach and pronounce vnto and agaynst them yet we are taughte by the holy Ghost to abhorre them their examples and the like examples by whom soeuer they be shewed much more the examples of those Antechristes which are now the mockers of God and euen now do sit not in the chayre of Moyses but in the chayre of pestylence to entrap blinde and be the perdition of the people of Christ if they could and to be the trwe members mynisters of Sathan and enemies to the glory of Christ and of the bloud of the new testament To all those that do renounce these and such lyke false religions of perdition inuented by mē and with all their hartes doe imbrace the true healthfull saludable and celestiall religion that our Lord and holy Father Iesus Christ doth teache and by his spirite the Patriarcks apostles and Prophetes he doth graunte vnto them plenaria indulgentia and that they do inioy all the benefites moste blessed that are herein contayned Item all those that according to the church of God that he taught by the fathers of our faith the holy apostles and Prophetes doe beleeue that for all our sinnes veniall