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A08332 The description of Swedland, Gotland, and Finland the auncient estate of theyr kynges, the moste horrible and incredible tiranny of the second Christiern, kyng of Denmarke, agaynst the Swecians, the poleticke attaynyng to the crowne of Gostaue, wyth hys prudent prouidyng for the same. Collected and gathered out of sundry laten aucthors, but chieflye out of Sebastian Mounster. By George North. Set forth accordyng to the order in the Quenes Maiesties iniunction.; Cosmographia. English. Selections Münster, Sebastian, 1489-1552.; North, George, gentleman. 1581 (1581) STC 18662; ESTC S113287 33,016 56

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hasard of battel they haue with great discomfiture and destruction of the Romaines suppressed ouerthrowen their mighty and almost inuincible armies Also not seldome times with equal victorye The gothe● sackt Rome they possen Italy they occupyed Fraunce made sure four da●●● in Spayne or litle losse they haue departed And at length treading downe ouercōming their whole Empire they past through Italy where with great wast destruction they sacked Rome They possessed Italy no smal tyme they occupyed Fraunce and they grounded them selues so in Spayne that theyr chiefe Nobilitie dothe discende from them as the Romayne histories doth mencion Gothland boundeth wyth his Northe limites to the South of Swecia lyeth from the West to the mountaynes of Norway The noble cities of 〈◊〉 t●lād wy●●●●s Du●●●omrs which are frō the lymites of Swecia to the mouth of the Riuer Trolheta frō the South and the East it ioyneth on the sea The townes cities of this Country be many and great Lodhusia a Porte towne wher great trafike is vsed Wald burgurbs hath a strong fayre Castel Halmstat Elsinburg Landskrō Calmaria with a goodly Castell Stegholm Suderco pia Norcopia Lidercopia a city that standes vpon the riuer of Vener Vasten Huetland .2 trymme townes Vestrogothia a Dukedom whose cities be Scaris and Varnem where are the Sepulchres graues of theyr auncient kyngs Ostrogothia a Dukedom whose cities be Schemingt● Lincopia where their byshops sea is Halladia Smalandia Tnischia Verindia Blechingia al Dukedomes Visby a City of the Gothes wher was wont to be their auncient famous Mart 〈◊〉 my a● by the 〈…〉 ●●●tes but now by the often incursions afflictions of the Denmarke and M●scouite Pirates it is depopulated and left desarte The ruined monuments do yet apeare bearing wytnes of the flori●hing estate of the place Here was the fyrste certaine abiding building of the Gothes the whyche the Meotides dyd occupy There is at this present daye a goodly Castel a Monestary wherin is a brotherhod of the order of Saynt Benedic 〈◊〉 ●●●ary 〈◊〉 sun 〈◊〉 ●●●hur● hauynge a Librarye of ●000 Anethors old auncient Histories Out of thys Countrye and other the Northeast Regions doth come the rytch furres of noble Beastes chiefelye the costlye Sabels which are wonderfullye estemed They neuer hunt them but in the Wynter for then Nature makes their furre thickest and surest They haue an Ilande enuironed with the Sea 〈…〉 of 〈…〉 reported to be in length 28. Germayne myles it is greatlye adorned wyth fruitfulnes for hys fertillitie and plentiful abounding of al thinges it is called the Mother or norisher of Swecia ¶ Of the auncient Kynges of the Gothes Swecians after the aucthority of Iohn Magnus Archbishop of Vpsalen 〈…〉 ●ie●t 〈◊〉 ●f for 〈…〉 Agog nephew to Iaphet Noes sonne as witnesseth Ioseph in his firste booke of Antiquities the. 11. chapter was the father foūder of the Scithians was the firste that raygned kyng among the Scithians in that part of Europ that now is called Finland This Magog had 5. sonnes the eldest called Swenus Magogs Sonn●s from whom the Swecians recefued fyrst their proper name He succeded his father in the kyngdome And after him his second brother named Gother of som Gog raigned king After Gother Vbbo the third sonne of Magog was elected kyng whose raygne was after the flud .246 yeres Thys Vbbo long before the tyme of Abraham dyd build the city of Vpsalen which now is their Metrapolitan seat Vbo bylded Vpsalen be for the tyme of Abraham he dyed and was buryed in the same City After whose death Siggo attayned to the kyngdome and ruled wyth muche honour the terme of .65 yeres geuyng place to nature the .402 yere after the floud was buryed at Vpsalen Whylst Siggo raygned in Swecia The vertu●●● gouernment of the fyrst Eric Eric the fyrst was chosen Kyng in Gothia he gouerned with so muche Iustice as anye prince thē myght do he made lawes decrees such as the world then best myght beare Vertue did so gouern hys kyngly aucthority that many histories report him to be These names onelye remayne Vddo Alo Othē Charles B●orn● Gother Siggo not onely the chiefe worthiest but also the fyrst king of the Gothes and the Swecians he dyed after the floud 425. From hym to Berico onelye the names of theyr kynges remayn as Vddo Alo Othen Charles Biorno Gother Siggo Berico by the common consent both of the Sweciās and Gothes dyd enter into the Monarchy of both kyngdomes Berico the 14. kynge the fyrste that led thē out of their contrye after the floud .836 he was the .14 kyng and the first that led them out of theyr Country They departed out of Gothland Swedland from the creation of the world .2831 and after the floud .875 before the cōming of Christ .1430 at what tyme Othoniel iudged Israell This Berico left the crowne to hys sonne Humulfus geuing him therwithal a fatherly charge for the wel gouerning of his Country After hym raygned Humelus cousyn to Humulfus vnder whom the Danes rebelled which the Saxons seing 〈…〉 inuaded Denmarke wherby they were compelled of necessity to yelde submit them selues againe to Humelus After whose death his sonne Gothilas succeded he raygned with no lesse valiant●es then did hys father he dyed lefte the crowue to Sichtruge Thus farre by the aucthority of Iohn Magnus Archbishop of Vpsalēs with others hereafter foloweth Sebastian Mounster whose aucthority I haue chiefely folowed ¶ The antiquitie the doynges the encrease and the rytches wyth the naturall situacion of the most florishyng and largest Country of all the Northeast Regions named Sweonia or Swecia as it is commonly called Swedia SWecia hath lying vpō his west partes the Gothes vpon the North the Wermilanes wyth the Scricfins on the East Finland and Russia and vpon the Southe the sea Balthicke Thys country doth yelde his greatest aboundaunce of al fruites towardes the North where the earth bestoweth her norishing giftes of kinde plentifully And also there is gathered muche store of honye very ritche of Syluer Bras Leade Iron and Cattell Rytche of Syluer and other mettals They haue lykewise all kinde of fyshe which is not onely receaued of the Sea but also generallye of theyr Riuers and Pooles And for Beastes to hunt bothe wylde and tame eyther for pleasure or profite no countrye can haue more Swedia dothe excell Norway Swecia as it is wel knowen in largenes people metall and al other thinges doth twise excel the kingdome of Norway yet there be in many places hils so sharpe hye and Marasis so deepe and watry that they are not passable neyther wyth Norse nor Chariot Stockholm their 〈◊〉 City Their Imperial City is named Stockholme not so byg in quantity as it is wel fenced and furnished bothe by Nature and Arte. It standeth in a Marish
to his expectacion he dyd wyth muche speede and lyttle gayne returne into Denmarke At length the Portes townes adioyning to the sea made this concord agrement betwene Eric and Engel bert Eric shuld be king on this cōdicion A kyng vpō condicions that no Danes but Swecians should beare office in their holdes their Cities shoulde keepe their olde liberties and their marchauntes their accustomed fraunches The kyng beyng resident in the country should receiue hys whole reuenewe and beyng absent but the one halfe These thynges agreed vpon he saild into Denmarke where the Danes takynge example of the Swecians prescribed certayne rules and orders which they would haue compelled their kyng to folow wherby much trouble happened in their country He therwithall wonderfully offended 〈◊〉 fors●oke hys kyngdome did gather together as much treasure as he might And swearing neuer more to medle wyth the troublesome state of a kyng dyd sayle into Prussia After whom Christopher Prince of Palatine Duke of Bauar consin to Eries sister was generallye chosen by the chiefe Rulers of the three kingdomes Whereby they thought to haue prouided a great tranquilitie and quietnes to their Marchauntes This man altered nothyng in Swecia tyl such tyme as not contented with his owne prosperitye he began to enuy their countrye And then he heaped vp al the treasure of the kingdome as wel that which was gathered of many yeres before as his own and sent it away by the sea After whose death the Swecians would ioyne their kingdome no more with the Danes The Swecians refuse to be knyt wyth the Danes but with a muche better wyl dyd chuse to their kyng Charles Canutus one of their owne a worthy Ientleman nobly borne of the old auncient bloud of the kinges of Gothea and Swecia He scant had finished .vii. yeares in his raigne when he began to ware very greuous couetous in all thinges Peruers counsel brede●● contemple to the Prince altring his noble nature from vpright Iustice to seuere cruel punishment accounting his wyl in eche decree to be a law which caused hys faythfull louyng subiectes to reuolt and turne from hym When he perceiued that they sweld so agaynst hym suche thinges as he had before his election he gathered together and placing the treasure of the crowne in a sure hold imbarked him selfe and went to Gedamus When the kyng was crosse saild and wanting nothing for hys departure but onely waying of Ancker one of his noble men demaunded of hym it he had not left something a shore vndone This is not sounde in Mounster but ye shall re●de●● in the history of the B●thes whych he would haue executed To whom the Kyng with a great sygh answered Yes verelye I haue neglected longe tyme synce the executyng of thee and thy lyke which yf I had then done I had nowe quietlye remayned in the common wealth Then Christiern whom the Danes and Norwayse had elected for their Kyng was called into the kingdom to be crowned whereby the thre kyngly titles did ioyne agayne in one Not long after the Swecians did moue iust rebellion agaynst kyng Christiern because he kepte not promise with them nor did not wisely obserue those thinges he had taken in hand The kyng therfore the .7 yeare of his raygne the yeare of Christ .1469 dyd enter with cruel battel into the coūtry of Swecia wher as the inhabitantes being knit together did easely resist him Notwithstanding thys repulse he had .2 Castels in the Country that wonderfully vexed troubled the Swecians Afterwarde the Kyng entryng agayne wyth an army into Swecia could doo no good for hym selfe nor damage to his enemye for the strayghte passage of the mountaynes In the meane season Charles Canutus that was Kyng of Swecia dyed in whose place they chose Steno one of theyr worthy Captaynes The Swecians chuse Steno to be gouernour to whō thef giue the aucto●i●ye of a kynge but not the name to whom they gaue the authority of a Kyng but not the name He myght call commaund all the Swecian Princes and Rulers to anye affayres about the Realme suche one whom the Germaynes name a Marshal the Frenchmē a Constable the Romaynes a Mayster of the Horse In great reuerence and estimacion was thy Steno among the Swecians For they accounted hym as well worthy of the crowne as any of his predecessors which they not seldom tymes offered hym wyth the name of a Kyng but he continually refused it Iohn the sonne of Christiern ●ohn kyng of Dēmark 〈◊〉 gape for the crowne 〈◊〉 ●●ecia beyng placed successor in both the kingdomes of Demnarke Norway dyd also gape for the crowne of Swecia Whose expectacion they lykewise had satisfied if he would haue bene bound as the rest of his predecessors were to the obseruances of al their old lawes and customes whych he refused vnles he myght haue it wyth the franke auctority of a Prince Many yeares passed whilst the affayres of Swecia remayned in thys state and chiefe lye because theyr protector was of such Iustice that the people had no desyre to a Kyng Now Iohn the sonne of Christiern gatheryng together an excedyng great and myghty army ●ohn kyng of Dēmark dothe vanquysh Swecia did lead them into Swecia Where after many bloudy battels he conquered the Country Not long after when the Kyng was busyed about the determinacions and apoyntmentes of hys doynges ther rose a rumir among the people how easely they myght recouer theyr liberty The kyng beyng so busely occupyed aboute the establyshyng of his own estate But he perceiuyng theyr murmuryng myndes dyd leaue hys wyfe wyth a Garyson in the Castel of Stockholme priuely departed out of the Country The Quene thus left the Swecians did besiege the Castel ●●●ng Thōs 〈◊〉 is al●●●st ● yere 〈◊〉 N●nste wherein she was at lengthe by the extremity of famyne hungar she yelded and went to the Monastery of saynt Brydget from whence she was after the space almost of two yeares delyuered by Raymond Legat of Rome In the meane tyme kyng Iohn dyd leny a huge army to cary into Swecia where he hauyng many friendes whych sent hym word eyther to bryng fifty thousand men or els his trauel should be in vayne Notwithstandinge he attempted thys warre Fyfty thousand Danes go into swecia and preuayle not wherein he litle preuayled hauing his sonne Christiern a soldiour wyth hym After the trauel of a smal tyme in these doutful doynges he dyed and lefte Christiern hys sonne in hys place ¶ The tragicall hystorye and tiranicall doynges of the second Christiern king of Denmarke CHristiern the second king of Dēmarke son to Iohn dyd plainly demōstrate in his youth where vnto he would be chiefely addicted in his age For beyng a soldiour vnder his Father in the Swecian warres he vsed hym selfe verye fierce and cruel in peace at home double deceitfull
by Eric a man of wyt excellent of toung eloquent of handes ready valiaunt who vanquished Alric and raygned kynge after hym Thys was the same tyme that Christe descended from heauen tooke vpon hym our mortal nature At 〈◊〉 tyme Christ descended oute of heauen Haldan the sonne of Eric succeeded hys father in the kyndome of Swecia who was slayne and hys sonne Siward as heyre to his father possest the crown Then Eric the sonne of Siwardes doughter and the sonne of Froto kyng of Denmarke dyd both step in for the kyngdome Betwene 2. stooles the ●●●le goeth 〈…〉 ground but they ended theyr raygne by mutual battell Haldane the second did get into the Regall seate a man onely geuen to the warres regarding neither the maryage of wyfe nor the gettyng of chyldren esteming more the field conquest then the bed victory rather delighting in the bloudy dedes of Mars then in the pleasaunt pastimes of Venus not wythstandyng he apoynted who should weare the crowne after hym which was Vngulnus He dyed left both Swecia and Denmarke vnder the gouernment of his sonne Siwald After whom Reignold and after Reignold Aluer one of the noblest men in Swecia successiuely raygned kynges Then Ingus the eldest of Aluers three sonnes dyd lawfullye succede hys father The kyngdome deuided betwen thee bretbrē But he deuidyng the Realme wyth hys brethren Olaue and Ingellus did onely reserue to him selfe the general decree of al lawes He was slayne with his brother Olaue in the Denmarke warres Ingellus by the victors consent enioyed the whole kingdome Ringus beyng yet but a chylde dyd raygne after hys father Ingellus and after hym Gotare who was slayne in battell agaynste the Danes whereby the crowne of Swecia came to Iarmeric kyng of Denmarke Thys was aboute the yeare of Christe 380. at what tyme the Gothes that longe before were gone oute of Swecia and Gothia made great spoyle and wonderfully troubled the Romaynes both in Italye Spayne and Fraunce The Gothes which continually remained in theyr countrye dyd vnit and knyt them selues to the Swecians bothe in lawes and maners and euer synce haue bene subiectes to the Kynges of Swecia ¶ Who were Kynges of Swecia after Charles the great SInce the yearely histories and actes of Swecia from Iameric to Fro is vnknowen to me I am compelled to let slyp and ouer leape that tyme. Fro was kyng of Swecia when Lodowic the sonne of Charles the great Fro kyngs of Swedia was slayns by the wemen of Norway dyd syt in the Imperial seat of Rome Thys fro was slayne by the wemen of Norway And Herot chosen kyng in hys place which left the succession to Sorle whom Regner kyng of Denmarke ouercame in battell whereby the crowne came to Biorne the eldest sonne of Regner who after the trauel of a few yeares in Swecia gaue place to Fortune For Vnichsert the second sonne of Regner was chosen kyng for hys brother And after hym Eric the thirde sonne of Regner was apoynted to raygne in Swecia But Often a man nobly borne of the bloud royall of Swecia did oppres and ouerthrow Eric and tooke the gouernement and rule of hys natiue countrye into hys own handes Now the brethren of Eric both to reuenge his death and also to get their old regiment did so trouble and vexe the kyngdome of Osten that they brought the crowne to Sturbiorne Kynge Biorns sonne wyth whom Fortune dalyed but a whyle for he was lykewise ouercōmed and driuen out of Swecia Olaue the first kyng that professed Christe i● Swedia was christ●ned Iames the yeare of Christ 〈◊〉 by Eric sonne to Olaue cousin to Regner This man enioyed the crown wythout any let trouble or daunger who left the kyngdome to his sonne Olaue which quietly possest the same and was the first among the Sweciā kyngs that openly professed Christ He receyued the holye sacrament of Baptisme and was named Iames. There were manye in Swecia that longe before hys time did secretly professe the faith and tooke vpon them the holye order of Anscharius Thys was the yeare of Christ 1000 at such time as holy Hary was Emperour of Rome After Iames his brother Emonde borne of a harlot a Christian onely in name dyd succede to the crowne a man in marcial affaires nothing fortunate He left the kyngdome to Stinkell a very good Prince better worthy of the place then his predecessor for the Christian religion dyd greatlye increase in hys tyme. He pulde downe banished the Idolatry that the Vpsalieus did vse whereby he much honoured his country wan him selfe a fame perpeiuallye He also appointed the same place to be their Metrapolitane City About the yeare of Christ 1100. he yelded to nature her due What two ●riueth for the third eni●y●th after whose deathe twoo Erics not wythout great slaughter effucion of noble bloude contended for the crowne But Halsten sonne of kyng Stinkell vpon the vnlucky end of both these Erics who perished in battel as lawful heire possest the kyngdome from whence he was by rebellion driuen out agayne Animander chosen kyng in hys place Who for hys crueltye to religion with in a lytle while after was compeld to treade the steps of hys predecessor Aquine elected kyng in hys roume Then Magnus the sonne of Nicholas kyng of Denmarke by the helpe of the Gothes whych were wearye wyth their often chaunge in Swecia was made kyng The Goth●● deuided ●●om the ●wedians The Gothes deuiding them selues once more from the body of Swecia and gaping for an alteracion dyd trust that the Imperiall Crowne shoulde chaunce to hym whom they would assigne it to The Swecians beyng valiant of mynde would not beare so great an iniurye that their old auncient custome of chosyng their prince should be by any astred Wherfore they determined that their king should be elected and appointed at their pleasure They aduaunsed to the crowne one of their owne countrey and not onely not regarded but also despired the kyng which the Gothes had made The Gothes stubburnly and rebelliously resisting the decree and sentence of the Swecians dyd make ciuyll warres agaynst their newe kyng whom they dyd ouercome And because they would haue Magnus to raigne which was of the Gothes election they made the Imperiall seate voyde of a Ruler The Swecians anoyding domestical discencion internal hatred did condiscend and agre wyth the Gothes not by compulsion The Swedians s●the of ciuyll wa●ris but by request that Magnus shoulde be kyng After whose death they generallye exalted Swercone to the kyngdome Who left a sonne named Charles that quietlye peaceably succeded his father al the tyme of Waldimar kyng of Denmarke to whose doughter he was maried After Charles reigned Eric who quietlye passed hys lyfe with the Danes was about the tyme of Christe 1249. Whose fate fortune beyng at an ende they made great variaunce discord with the kyng
Birgerius He left the kyngdome to Waldimare who takyng his viage into the holy land did leaue the protection of his realme to his brother Magnus which with vnnatural rebelliō did vsurpe the same would neuer surrender it againe The vncertayne s●aie of a prin●● Birgerius succeded Magnus and tragecally enioyed the crowne For when he thought him selfe most assured and in the type of al hys glory he was depriued by Eric his brother cast into the wretched bandes of imprisonment From whence at length being by good fortune deliuered he ioyned his sonne Magnus quopartner with him in his raigne Birgerius now at libertie knitting amalicious reuenge with his auctoritie did cal to remēbraūce the spiteful wrongs he had suffred at the handes of his brethren His vnquenchable colour kynled so fast for repaying the like euyll that he would by no meanes be pacified til that with their bloud he was satisfied A vnnaturall murder among brethren When hys brethren least feared hym and when they thought the stinking mist of al malice to be voide then did he with a tained coulour of frendshyp request them to a banquet where in the myddest of their mirth they were cruelly slaine This horrible detestable fact dyd so creepe into the eares of the Commons that it moued euery mā to the iust reuengement of so murdrish a dede Then he with his Quene fled left his sonne Magnus behinde him whose heade recōpensed the offence of his father After whō they aduaunced Magnus the son of Eric which was behedded at his brothers banquet to the imperial crowne His raigne was so prosperous that with the help of vertue and the fauour of good fortune The kyngdom of Norway knyt to the crown● of ●we●ia he ioyned the country of Norway to his kingdom of Swecia was crowned king of both countries He yelded Nature her due the yeare of Christ 1326. and left a sonne called Magnus heire to bothe the kyngdomes Magnus did promis the mariage of his sonne Aquine to the natural sister of the Earle of Holst on this condition that if Aquine receiued her not a Maide al the noble men and rulers of Swecia shoulde be free of theyr othe and alegeaunce to the King This Maide saylinge into Swecia was taken vpon the sea of Waldimar King of Denmarke Margaret Waldimars doughter was maried to Aquine Which thyng the Gouernours of Swecia perceiuyng denyed their duty homage to their Prince because he kept not promise with them forthwith they were sent of the Earle of Holst to Albert Duke of Magnopolis father in law to the sayd Earle who had maried Eufemia the kings sister whose sonne named Albert they would haue to their king and so depriued Magnus from al his royall dignitie But he seing him selfe deposed forsaken dyd ioyne with Aquine to make cruel war against Albert whose force nought auailed for Alberts power was more able to resist them then theirs was to ouerthrow him Magnus of ●d●iuexyle Wherfore Magnus was compelled in the ende to be contented with his banishment wherein he dyed Albert being now established and with princely auctority confirmed in his kingdome did apoint hymselfe with al honourable furniture syt for a King leauing the charge of the regall gouernement in the handes of Dismarie did sayle to his Countrey Magnopolus The valyāt and haught mynde of a woman In the meane season whilst these thinges were a doing Margaret the doughter of Waldimar king of Denmarke Norway after the death of her husbande protected the two kingdomes with her litle sonne Olaue And hauing a desire to the regiment of Swecia she began to quarel with Albert king of the same They both leuied two mighty armies committing the successe of their good or euyl fortune to the bloudy lot of war Albert who hadde finished the course of hys prosperous raygne was wyth his yonge sonne Eric of Margaret taken prisoners with whom they were kept in miserable captiuitye the lyngring tyme of seuen yeares Margar●● Queene of the three kyngdomes By which ouerthrowe of Albert the thre kyngdomes were once more subiectes to one crowne and haue alwayes remained so euer since The Norwaise neuer chaūging nor disagreing but the Swecians refusing to beare the troublesome yoke of a straunger haue often tymes shaken of the societie of the Danes Now Albert vpon this condicion was deliuered oute of myson that he should within three yeares folowyng pay three score thousand marke or els deliuer the town and Castel of Stockholme otherwyse to be imprisoned againe Albert would haue surrendred the City but the Swecians would not by any meanes agree to it he being therfore in dispaire and voyde of all hope of recouering hys kyngdome dyd geue vp al and contented hym selfe wyth his old Magnopolus The mightye Margaret triumphantlye raygnynge Quene of the three kingdomes passed her youthe wyth great pompe among the Swecians tyll suche tyme as crooked age with creping pace ouertoke her whose stalking steps none can ouer runne and then by the cōmon counsel and consent of her rulers and gouernours she adopted Eric Captaine of Pomeranie to her sonne The Capytaine of Pomeranye is made kyng ●ome say the this Phillipp● was the kyngs dang●ter of England After whose death he was made Kyng of the three kyngdomes quietly passed his tyme a great while amonge the Swecians For Philippa the Quene his wife and daughter to the kyng of Portugal dyd most commonly lye in Swecia where in the end she dyed Now the kyng hauing continual warres wantyng money dyd contrary to his othe spoile the Swecians and sought al the meanes he myght to impouerishe the country because it semed welthiar much more rytcher then the rest Which made the Nobilitie to declare their impacience with open enuy for the Swecians as they are slow to conceiue a wrong so are they quicke in the reuenge of iniurie but when this was reported and perfectly related to the Earles of Eric he which for his euil estemed nothing litle regarded it The smal regard of princes is 〈◊〉 tymes cause of their more ●●struction Tyll suche tyme as Engelbert a noble man both by birth condicion dyd rayse rebellion against him And where as he had tortified the Castels and fortes of Swecia with captaines officers of the Danes Thys Engelbert remoued thē and did constitute apoint Swecians in their places Then Eric at the first wyth great expedicion sought to feare Engelbert wyth cruell threatnynges whyche nought auailed for his magnanimity was able to counterpaise the others enuy Wherefore he raysed a mighty army thinkyng thereby to pacefy the Swecians furye He saylinge with hys parnicious companye towardes Swecia was preuented of his purpose by a terrible tempest wherin most of them were drowned And Eric him selfe compeld to land with a few where he sawe by experience that fauour and not force wold vanquish the Swecians Althinges chauncing contrary
in question Whether the Kyng or hys Country had most cause to reioyce The Father for that he had gotten such a Child to rule after hym or the Country for that they should haue such a Prince both learned wyse to raygne ouer them he declared beyng young what fruites he would yeld in age Notwythstanding because Princes do often degenerate from perfect Nobilitye and altering their noble nature from the beginning do incurre into a thousande euyls in the end though his vertuous doinges hitherto haue yet set forth no such lykelyhoode I leaue hys present praises to the good or euil desertes of his actes here after Not douting or it be long to see the valiaunt and prosperous raygne of his Father in publicke print who ruled the Swedians the Gothes and the Vandoles the space of .38 yeares Yelding nature her due the yeare of Christ .1560 and left the crowne to his Sonne Eric the 14. kyng of that name ¶ The descripcion of Finland after the aucthoritie of Seba. Mounster FInlande is called a fayre Countrye because it is more plesaunter then Swecia Plini seemeth to name it Finnonia of the bowing arme or bosome of the sea Finnonicus It is so large a Countrye that it once was called a kyngdome but now it hath onely the title of a Dukedome The Sclauous in this passed age did inhabite there whych nacion vsed the Grecian language so long as Moschus was Lorde ouer them But now it is vnder the crown of Swecia and doth vse the rites and ceremonies of the Western Churche Muche wyne is transported thither out of Spayne by the sea Balthic which the people of the Country much desyreth onely to exhillerat their myndes The inhabitants professed Christe after the Swecians vnder Eric then king of Swecia This Country doth excell Swedia in corne and grain both for plenty and goodnes because it is for the most part playne and not so fenny nor hylly as Swecia is There be trym townes in Finland as Gusta a towne fortified for the warres Abo their Byshops sea Rasbing Viburg Karelia a Dukedome Abo is not far distant from Vplandia Viburg is situated at the extreme borders and farthest boundes of all Fynlande towards and against the Russes and Muschouites It is the chiefe and principal place where theyr Soldiours and Garisous do lye that defendes and kepes those people from inuadyng the Countrye It is also a Marte towne of great trafficke whereunto the Ruthines doo often frequent They saye that the Northe pole dothe ryse ouer this town aboue the horisont .61 degrees and a halfe and they nomber the length to be .78 They account the degrees of Stockeholme to be in breadth .61 and in length .64 The Finnons haue continual warres wyth the Muscouites in the arme or bosome of the sea Finnonicus vsyng in Summer the ayde of Shyppes and in Mynter they combat vpon the Ise Howe populous was this Country and others lying aboute it manye great and wyse men doo wytnes as Methodius Martir Iordanus Gothus and Paulus Diaconus the which Aucthors do wryte that this people dyd swarme out lyke Bees And they call these Northe Regions the Store house or Garnar of Nacions and chieflye of them are proceded these names folowing The Gothes The Ostrogothes The Vestrogoths The Gepides The Samogets The Massagets The Hunes The Amasons The Cimbrians The Parthians The Swedians The Lōgobardiās The Turcilingiās The Auarians The Herulians The Winulians The Sueuians The Bulgarians The Suicers The Taliphaliās The Danes The Sclauons The Rugians The Alanians The Burgundiās The Sembrians The Liuonians The Scirians The Nortmaniās The Pictians The Carpians The Caibians The Cimerians The Daciaus The Inhabitantes of Fynland do speake twoo sundry languages From Viburg to Berga or Sibb●na they do for the most part speake the Sclauon tong but nere the Sea coastes they vse at thys present the Swecian language and in the myddest of the Country theyr proper speeche And on the lymeth and borders they occupy both Wherefore in manye places their Preachers doo preache and interpretate the Scriptures in bothe tounges The Swedian language and the same that the Gothes the Danes the Norwaies do vse is one but that they haue sundry pronouncinges and propes accentes in voyce They do also agree muche wyth the Germaines as for example suche as can speake or vnderstand the Germain tong may here reade the Lordes prayer in the Swecian language whereby they maye iudge the difference of their speeches ¶ The Lordes prayerin the Swecian Language FAder vuar som er i himulum heiligat vuar de dit namen tilkomen tit rike sckedin vuillige som i himulum so opo iordene vuar taglig brodh gif os itag verlath os vuaren schuld som vni verlatten vuare sckuldiger och inledhos icke i frestilse vt an lo●ss i froonda Amen ¶ Imprinted at London by Iohn Awdely dwelling in litle Britaine Streete by great S. Bartelmewes Anno .1561 The .28 of October
humaine he spoyled hym of hys apparel and in contempt naked nailed him on a crosse Who long hangyng there in great payne penurye dyd commit the reuenge of his innocencie to God with lamentable teares be wayled the miserable estate of the City The Wane 〈◊〉 in 〈◊〉 The Dane ouercommed with furious wrath and wrapped in odible mischiefe dyd cause the natural secret members of the deade to be cut of cast at the face of him that was on the crosse Afterwarde they stroke him through the syde 〈◊〉 ●●●th his 〈◊〉 where they tooke out his hart slonge it in hys face So great so large and so immoderate was his irefull mynde that he doubled hys tyrannye wyth violent force The family of Ribigu● cruelly persecuted They chiefely persecuted the whole house and family of Ribingus towardes whom they vsed such so much cruelty that when there was no more lefte of sufficient age for slaughter they tooke the yonge children A pityfull murder of Chyldren tying their tender heare in knots hanged them on cages Commaunding his flagitious Tormentours to cut of theyr heades and let the deade carkases to fall on the fylthye ground This done be willed that al their bodies wyth the rest of those that wer murthered should be brought into the Market place where on with gasing gapyng like a fury of hel he fed his wrathful eyes satisfied hys monstrous lust A most hortyble syght to loke vy●̄ fulfylled the desyre of his most horrible mynde with this his outtagious fierce mischiefe Three dayes dyd their dead bodies lye there in moste loth some wise wrapped defiled all ouer in their owne clottred and congeled bloud Three daies dyd theyr dead bodies lie in the mas ket place Those that yet plunged in the panges of painful death aspiring with panting and feable breath to their fatal end did with trembling flesh neither quicke nor dead dequeth their wofull spirites to God What eye so merciles could stay from teares to behold such torne bodies dismembred of their lymmes and to see such pale wan visages as dead carkases do represent whose innocent ghosts no doubt the hoauens possest No hart but Christierns woulde haue executed such dete●table tirannies Chri●●●●● hatte wa● s●ony● No men but Monsters could haue bene apt instrumentes for such a murther As he was such was his seruauntes For what he commaunded that they fulfylled in most extreme wyse After al this Christiern not yet fully satisfied nor perfectly glutted in these facinorous factes gaue strayght commaundement that their carkases should be cast into stincking sinckes ●●●●k beab 〈◊〉 are ●●●yed in ●●yules filthy pits priuies without the City He drew the bodye of Steno out of his sepulture so much did the rage of tiranny gouerne him Stebi is ●●●●en out of his graue that his desire of deuouring was like a gredy Hound Who coulde be safe from his fury or how was it possible for anye to be free from his malicious dedes when as the close and secret graues could not hide nor kepe their dead frō him When he had on this maner depopulated and wasted the City of men leauing not one that the biting edge of weapon myght harme nor sparing of any that the twyned cord might strangle he turned all to rapine theft The cruel countenāce of homici●●●● The Wiues were spoyled of their Husbandes the Infantes tender Sucklinges of their Parentes the Widowes of those thinges they best loued namelye theyr Children their Friendes their Kinred and of all their goodes Virgins were destoured Maydens were rauished their auncient Monuments wer rased their Temples ruined no prophane nor sacred thyng was spared Whylest the Tiraunt was executing of these detestable mischiefes with in he kept fast the gates of the Citye least the horrible fame cruel cry of their euyls shoulde haue fled into the eares of the Countrye whereby iust warres myght partly haue reuenged theyr moste abhominable doinges What studdes of teares shewrd down from euery mans eyes The lamen Racid of the Country with dolerous sobs What plunging sighes boiled out of euery mans brest with mased myndes What thundring noyse roared foorth of euerye mans hart What desperat musis what terror wyth what inward feare euery one was laden clogged with al through the whole Country when the horror of thys incredible newes was perfectlye reported vnto them there is none but may iudge Some Fathers lamented the losse of their Sonnes Some Childrē bewayled the cruel end of their Fathers Some Myues playned the woful death of their Husbandes some friendes sorowed for the terrible tormentes of their Familiars but generallye euerye one pitied the miserable slaughter of their country men and with great despight enuyed the hellysh doynges of the Danes Christiern departeth from Stock holme When Christiern had thus finished the end of all hys murdrish factes he departed the City and in his iorney went to an Abbey called the New valley Where of the Abbot and Monkes he was honorably receiued friendly entertained and gently vsed hauing al thinges ministred to him his at their desire Christiern commeth to an Abbey called the New valley where he executeth a crucl tirany The Tiraunt did faine a great loue towardes them taking verye thankfullye their diligent curtesy And beyng there on Candelmas day he went to their Church and heard seruice neuer offering nor shewyng anye signe of mischiefe tyll suche time as their ceremonies wer done The vnquenchable flaine of his ripe euyls pestilent doinges woulde not be by any meanes repressed nor extincted Tirani wa● rooted in 〈◊〉 hart of Christiern for the bloudy seede of murther was so rooted in his tyranous harte that the hurle winde of mischief renting breath of vices had ship wrackt in hym al princely vertues For after he had receiued such honorable chere wyth an adiniracion of the Abbots prouision A cruell account Immediately when theyr sacred seruice was ended he belched out his poysoned nature callyng the Monkes to account for his good entertainment rewarded them wyth bynding beatyng and drowning The Abbot by fortune escaped their handes and prouyng to saue his lyse by swymmyng the cruell and most parnicious companye of the Saylers dyd so wounde hym that loosyng hys strengthe he was lykewyse drowned Thus thys Christiern full gorged wyth the bloude of the Swecians 〈…〉 wyth ●●●dy sp●ll ●●●urns in●● Dēark and laden wyth rytches slaughter and spoyle leauing a garyson of Danes in the Castel of Stockholme saylde wyth his horrible praye into Denmarke He scourged Swecia with the plages of battell theft murder al other kinde of mischeuous euyls The diuelysh sury of ●ostaue the ●ounterfayt Byshop Gostaue the false and counterfaite Bishop desyryng contrary to his sacred profession to excel in the bloudy fury of a soldiour and delyghtynge in the daungerous broyles of battel dyd thrust out irradical and