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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A36345 A form of reconciliation of lapsed Protestants and of admission of Romanists to the communion of the Church of Ireland / written by the Right Reverend Father in God Anthony Lord Bishop of Meath. Dopping, Anthony, 1643-1697. 1691 (1691) Wing D1911; ESTC R36097 18,380 90

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who has put these good resolutions into your heart give you grace and strength to perform them through Jesus Christ our Lord. ¶ After this let the party read his abjuration openly in the Church if he can read and if not let some one of the standers by read it for him and at the end of it let him be asked by the Priest whether he assents to the contents of it Then say let us pray O Most merciful God who according to the multitude of thy mercies dost so put away the sins of those that truly repent that thou remembrest them no more open thine eyes of mercy upon this thy servant who most earnestly desires pardon and forgivness renew in him whatsoever has been decay'd either by the fraud of the devil or by his own carnal will and frailty preserve and continue him in the unity of the Church and restore him to thy peace and favor in heaven upon our admission of him into the communion of thy Church on earth Give him Grace to perform the good Resolutions that he has made and let the sense of his former frailty in departing from the truth have so strong an influence upon his Soul as to make him embrace it the more firmly for the time to come through Jesus Christ our Lord. MOst Gracious God and Merciful Father receive we beseech thee this wandring Sheep into thy Fold which by the snares of the Tempter the frailty of his nature has gone astray from it pardon his sin in so doing accept of his Repentance for it let thy Fatherly pitty be extended towards him and receive him into the Arms of thy Mercy now that he desires to return into the way of truth that so the Enemy may not triumph in the ruine of thy Servant but that the Church may rejoyce like an Indulgent Mother at the conversion and return of her lost Child through Jesus Christ our Lord. ¶ Then let the Priest stand up the Penitent kneeling and lay his hand on his head saying BY vertue of the Authority to me committed by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ I do readmit this person into the communion of the Church and restore him to the prayers of the Church and the participation of the Eucharist and to all other Rites and Symbols of communion in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Amen Let us pray MOst Gracious God and merciful Father who hast vouchsafed to call this thy Servant from the darkness of error to the light of thy truth and to recall him into the bosom of the Catholick Church send down upon him we beseech thee the the Holy Ghost the Comforter and daily encrease in him the gifts of thy Holy Spirit the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding the Spirit of Counsel Ghostly strength the Spirit of Knowledge and true Godliness and fill him O Lord with the Spirit of thy holy fear now and for ever Amen ¶ After this let the Minister make some short exhortation to him on these heads 1st The nature of the Promise and Obligation that he has entred into 2ly the necessity of performing a promise that has been made so publickly and upon such solemn occasion 3ly The shame danger hazard of breaking it The Form of Abjuration I H. E. of S. in the Parish of T. and Dioces of M. Do acknowledge my self to have been an unworthy Member of the Reformed Church of Ireland until by the treachery of my own sinful heart and for sinister ends and worldly respects and especially for I forsook the same I am truly sensible of my great sin in so doing and am heartily sorry for the same and do for the future renounce all the errors and corruptions of the Church of Rome as they stand determined by the Council of Trent and are at present taught and practised in that Church and do resolve by the grace of God to live and die in the unity of the Catholick faith in the Communion of the Church of Ireland as it is reformed from the errors and corruptions of Popery Intestimony whereof I do hereunto put my hand this day of 1691. This Abjuration should be signed by the party and witnessed and then delivered to the Priest that it may be entred into the Parish Registry then let it be sent to the Bishop of the Diocess that it may remain on Record on his Registry also If the lapsed person has done injury to any of his Protestant Neighbours by robbing them of their goods he ought not to be admited till he makes restitution or professes a willingness to it A Form of Admission of Romanist's into our Communion First WHensoever any person that has been educated in the communion of the Church of Rome desires to forsake it and to embrace the communion of our Church it is fit that he should give notice of his intentions some time before to the Minister of the Parish wherein he lives to the end the Minister may be satisfied in the motives of his change and spend some time with him in convincing him of the errors and corruptions of Popery If the person be ignorant and uninstructed in the common principles of Religion contained in the Creed the Lords prayer and the Ten Commandments as I am afraid many of the Papists are the Minister ought to spend the more time upon him First in instructing him in the common agenda credenda of Religion and then descending from them to the doctrines of the Church of Rome and shewing him the errors of them out of the word of God For it is in vain to gain a Proselyte to our Church that is not acquainted with the common grounds of Christian Religion that are owned by all Chistians as necessary to Salvation the admitting any person as a member of a distinct communion doth necessarily presuppose him instructed in those principles of Religion in which the Christians of all communions are agreed But if he be better educated and instructed in the grounds of Religion the Minister of the parish need only examin him in the reasons and motives of his intended change And if he finds him able to give a good account of his Change Then let him ask him in private whether he has had any hand in the Rappareeing of his Neighbours and if he confesseth he hath let him lay the danger of that sin before him and acquaint him with the necessity of making restitution and let him not be admitted till he makes some restitution if he be able or where he is not profess a willingness to do it 2ly Let him appoint him to attend him at the Church door the next Lords Day after notice given as formerly and then let the person that desires to be admitted stand at the Church door and say in the presence of some of the Congregation Sir I have formerly been a Member of the Church of Rome and being sensible of my sin and
danger in continuing so long in the communion of that Church I am willing to forsake it and to embrace the communion of your Church and am now come hither with an earnest desire to be admitted into it 3ly Then let the Minister tell him as before directed that he must go into the Church and enquire the consent of the Congregation to his admission and if the Congregation be willing to it let him return to the party with three or four of the Congregation and introduce him into the Church placing him in the penitents seat and saying as before directed in the Office for the Lapsi § 6. except only as to the time of his standing in the penitents seat which is left to the Minister's discretion to enlarge or abridge as he sees cause 4ly Then let the prayers of the Church begin and after that a Sermon preached on the heads formerly mentioned § 6. then let him be put in mind of appointing a day once a week for fasting and prayer according to the directions § 7. 5ly Let him acquaint him also that a publick Abjuration of the errors of the Roman Church together with an open promise of continuing in the Communion of our Church will be expected from him before he be admitted and to prevent surprize at any thing that he is to do let the Minister preacquaint him with them before he come to perform them 6ly When the party has observed the foregoing Rules and has stood in the penitents seat according to the time limitted by the Minister let him on the last day tell him that he intends to admit him to the communion of the Church the next Lords Day and when the day is come letthe directions formerly prescribed § 9 be observed 7ly After the prayer Prevent us O Lord is finished let the party standing before the Reading Desk say Reverend Sir I am come hither with a design to renounce the errors and corruption of the Church of Rome in which for many years past I have been educated and to implore your paternal assistance in admitting me to the Communion of your Church as also your holy prayers and the prayers of this Congregation unto God in my behalf for the pardon of all the sins errors and ignorances of my life past and for the assistance of his spirit to preserve and strengthen me in this Communion all the days of my Life ¶ Then let the Priest say Sir BEfore you are admitted to the Communion of our Church it is fit that you make some publick profession of your Faith acquaint the Congregation with the motives of your change that it may appear to them that you have neither forsaken the communion of the Church of Rome nor embraced the communion of ours for finister ends and worldly respects but upon sober grounds and solid arguments of conviction I demand therefore of you First Do you believe all the Articles of the Christian Faith Ans I do 2ly Repeat them for the satisfaction of the Congregation 3ly Do you here in the presence of God this Congregation heartily and sincerely renounce all the errors and corruptions of the Church of Rome as they stand determined by the Council of Trent and are at present taught and practised in that Church Ans I renounce them all 4ly Are you sensible of your sin and danger in continuing so long in the communion of that Church Ans I am 5ly Do you desire to be admitted into the communion of our Church Ans I do desire it 6ly Are you resolved by the grace of God to live and die in the unity of the Catholick faith and in the communion of the Church of Ireland as it stands reformed from the errors and corruptions of Popery Ans I am so resolved 7ly Read your Renuntiation ¶ After the reading of it let the Minister say ALmighty God who has put these good Resolutions into your heart and has discovered to you the light of his Truth give you grace and strength to walk in that light and perform those good resolutions through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ Then let the Minister use the two former Collects then proceed as in the former Office except only in the first Collect instead of these words let the sense of his former frailty in departing from the truth let these be inserted Let the sense of his former ignorance of the truth have so strong an influence c. After the two Collects let the Minister stand up the Penitent kneeling and lay his hand upon his head saying BY vertue of the Authority to me committed by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ I do receive this person into the communion of the Church and admit him to the prayers of the Church and the participation of the Lords Supper and to all other Rites and Symbols of communion In the name of the Father and of the Son of the Holy Ghost Amen ¶ Then shall follow the Collect in the former Office and after that a short Exhortation upon these following heads First To shew to him the advantages that the Protestant communion has beyond that of the Church of Rome in allowing the liberty of reading the Scripture and the benefit of the publick prayers in a known tongue in drawing its Members off from relyances on Saints and Angels on hallowed Beads and Medals and and fixing their trust and confidence only upon God 2ly To lay before them the necessity of continuing stedfast in the communion that they have embraced 3ly To shew them the danger and hazard of breaking the Promise which they have so solemnly and publickly made and to forewarn them of and arm them against the loud clamours of Heretick and Schismatick and their being out of the Church which they must expect will be raised against them said unto them by the men of the communion which they have forsaken The Form of Abrenuntiation I H. T. of B. in the Parish of M. Diocess of M. Having been educated in the communion of the Church of Rome by means whereof I was neither able for some time to enquire into the Doctrines of that Church nor to shake them off without much difficulty after enquiry But now being sensible of the errors and corruptions of that Church and the great hazard of my salvation by continuing longer in it I am desirous to renounce her communion and to be admitted into the communion of the Church os Ireland as it stands reformed from the errors and corruptions of Popery humbly imploring the Divine Mercy for all the Ignorances and errors of my life past and desiring all Christian people to pray to God for me that they may not be laid to my charge and also humbly intreating you my Spiritual Pastor to admit me a Member though a very unworthy one into the communion of your Church in which by the grace of God I do fully purpose to live and die And this Declaration I do make willingly sincerely and unfeignedly without any Equivocation or Mental Reservation So help me God through Jesus Christ this _____ day of _____ 1691. FINIS 2. 5. an t c. c. 54 2. Peculiar places appointed for the Penitents Nic. c. 11. Ancyr c. 4. Tert. de poen Basil ad Amphil. c. 22. 56 When first introduc'd how long continued Hist Eccl. 6. 34. L. 5. c. 71. Where those stations were Can. 11 Ep. Can c. 56. 75 The place for the hearers can 11. in can 4. Ancyr lib. de paenit c. 10. The place of the prostrate in can Nicen. ● 1. 12. Ancyr 4. 5. in can praed syntag lit m. 6. The place of the faithfu distinction in habits prayers c. made between them Pacian in paraen ad paenit Ambrosad virglaps c. 8. Cypr. de laps Hieron Ep. 30. ad Ocean Conc. Agath c. 15. Tolet 3. c. 12. B●rc in c. 6. Eligius hom 8. Laod. c. 19. Clem. const l. 8. c. 6. 7. 8. l. 2. c. 57. Dion Hier. Eccl. c. 3. Basil Ep. can c. 56. 75. Sozom hist l. 7. c. 16. Chrys hom 72. in Math. hom 3. in Ep. ad Ephesios Confession required de paenit c. 9 in Sal. 37. Hist Eccl. l. 7. c. 16. Bishop Taylor Un. Necess ch 10. S. 4. fasting injoyned Tert de paenit c. 9. 10. 11. 12. Morni de paenit l. 4. c. 9. 1. Corinth 5. 2. Corinth 2. Euseb 3. 23. de paenit c. 9. 10. Cypr. de lapsis Ancyr c. 16. Nicen c. 11. 12. Basil Ep. Can. how far the antient discipline is practicable present methods fit to be used distinction to be made between the lapsi Penitents Seat Conference with them Penitents address to the Minister and his answer Consent of the Church necessary Sermon for the occasion Fasting and Prayer publick confession Form of admission Penitent's address to the Minister Interr●…tories Prayers to be used Absolution Exortation * Here let him mention his reasons