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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17031 An introduction to pietie and humanitie containing, first, a short catechisme for vnderstanding the grounds of religion: secondly, certaine briefe and effectuall rules for life and conuersation. Penned specially for the vse of the poore children of Christ's Hospitall in London: but generallie may serue for any other that would be instructed therein. By Gregorie Brovvne. Browne, Gregory. 1613 (1613) STC 3908.2; ESTC S116231 22,945 66

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for benefits receaued Quest Is there any prescript forme of Prayer left vs in the holy Scriptures Ans Yes that which our Lord Iesus Christ hath taught and is called the Lords prayer containing all heauenly wisdome in Matth. 6. 9. Luke 11. 2. that kind consisting of sixe petitions and a conclusion as followeth Our Father which art in heauen c. Quest To whom must wee pray and in whose name Ans To God only the Father Sonne ●ohn 16. 23. and holy Ghost in the name of Christ Iesus Quest Why do we then name the Father only Ans The word Father in this place is not taken personally but essentially for Iude. 20. Rom. 8. 34. in the action of true prayer the holy Ghost is the first Mouer the Son the Mediator the Father gratiously hearing returneth Psal 22. 24. an answere in due time Quest Why must we pray to the Father in the name of his Son Mediator Ans Because God being displeased for Iohn 14. 6. Rom. 5. 10. sinne we can haue no accesse vnto him but by the meanes of Christ our Aduocate in whom he is well pleased Quest Why must we pray by the working of the holy Ghost Ans Because the holy Ghost assureth Rom. 8. 26. Ephes 6. 18. vs that God is our Father and also teacheth vs how to pray and what to pray for Quest What things are to be obserued of vs in prayer First before the action of prayer 1. We 1. Pet. 1. 17. must truly repent vs of our sinnes and hartely purpose to amend 2 In the action of prayer 1. We must Matth. 21 2● haue faith in God through Christ ●mes 1 6 ●arke 11 24 ●atth 5. 44. ●d 6 14. 15 3 Loue to our brethren yea towards our enemies and zeale of affection to perseuere And after prayer 1. Wée must bée ●sal 18 21 thankefull for grace Watchfull ouer our affections to better ●pes 6. 18 ●om 8 25 our obedience after and patiently to tarrie the Lords leasure Quest These being obserued before in and after prayer tell me how many parts be there of prayer Ans Thrée parts Confession of sinne Petition for mercy and grace thankesgiuing for blessings receaued Quest How many parts be there of the Lords prayer Ans Two parts first of those which concerne Gods glory secondly of things concerning our selues Quest Which be those that concerne God Ans The Preface and the thrée first Petitions saying Our Father which art in Heauen hallowed by the name thy kingdome come Thy will be done c. Concluding with Kingdome Power and Glory Quest What vnderstand you by the Preface Our Father which art in Heauen Ans That Iehouah our God Iehouah the Father Sonne and holy Ghost is Deut. 6. 4. Marke 1● 29. one and become our Father by the death and mediation of Christ his Son in whose name if wée approach vnto him with faith Iohn 20. 7 16. 27. and reuerence he will make manifest that he is both willing and able to heare and helpe vs. Quest What more Ans That being in Heauen hée requireth of vs heauenly mindes and affections to worship him in spirit and truth without any superstition of representation Math. 6. 5. Ioh. 4. 24. 25. or wil-worship according to carnal reason as it is forbidden in the first and second Commandements of the first Table Quest What vnderstand you by the first Petition Hallowed be thy name Ans That the glorious names and attributes of God his wisedome power Psalme 99. 3. Exodus 34. 6. Psalme 138. Psalm 145. ● word mercy iustice and workes may be honored and sanctified of vs in our thoughts words and workes which is the end of our creation and redemption the contrary whereof is forbidden in the third commandement of the first Table thou shalt not take the name of thy God in vaine 2 Q. What by the second Thy kingdome come A. That righteousnes peace and ioy in the holy Ghost may be increased in vs by Dan 7. 14. Luke 1. 33. Psalme 145. 11 12 13. the regiment of his Word and Spirit that Christ may raigne and dwell in our hearts by faith driuing out all aduersarie power of sinne and darknes that being his obedient subiects in the kingdome of grace we may speed●ly be fitted and suted with all his Elect in the kingdome of glory 3 Q. What by the third Thy will be done A. That God would subdue in vs by his grace all things repugnant to his word 1 Thessa 4. 3. Rom. 12. 2. will that with all holy desire diligence and integrity resembling his holy angels in heauen we may do his will as in his word he hath manifested it vnto vs being the perfect rule of faith and obedience for the Colos 1. 9. 10. 1 P●ter 4. 2. honor and hollowing of his name the power increase and accomplishment of his kingdome are vnited to the doing of his will according to his word Q. By this wee may see that these three Petitions answere to the foure first Commandements of the first Table A. Yea for in them we learne our duty to God as concerning his worship faith feare and loue which in this wee pray fer grace to practise 4 Q. What vnderstand you by the second parts of this prayer and namely the fourth Petition Giue vs this day our dayly bread A. That God would vouchsafe to giue vs all such things as are needfull for vs and the place where we liue that we may liue without destresse of minde and pride of hart that honoring our Superiours and Parents we may liue a peaceable life in all godlynes and honesty abandoning all excessiue care for earthly things being content Math. 6. 24. 25. Philip. 4. 6. 1 Tim. 6. 8. with sufficient obtained by our lawfull labors that so it may go well with vs as it is promised in the first Commaundement of the second Table where it is said Honor thy father and thy mother that it may go well with thee 5 Q. What by the fifth Petition in the second part of this prayer Forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs A. That confession of s●nnes must goe Prou. 28. 13 before remission because they seperate vs from God till they haue found free pardo● through faith in the merits of Christ the Mediator of the new Couenant who hath made reconciliation for sinne and purchased Dan. 9. 24. euerlasting righteousnes therefore for his sake we desire mercy for our sinnes and the punishments due to bee remoued because Exod. 34. 6. 7. they are pledges of Gods fauour declaring himselfe to be our God and Father Q. Why is this reason added As wee do forgiue others that trespasse against vs A. Lest we should presume to aske forgiuenes of God except we be free from hatred Matth. 6. 14. 15. Marke 11. 25 26. and malice as it is said If yee forgiue others God
ciuill society and peace may bée maintained among men Deut. 32. 3 Ioh. 3. 15. Leuit. 20. 2 Hebr. 13. 4. 7 In the seuenth of his wife that chast wedlocke and holy conuersation might bee preserued and a holy seed continued 8 In the eight of his goods that true dealing faithfull labour in our calling Leuit. 19. 3● 1. Thess 4 6. contented minds with our portion thankfulnesse to God and helpefull furtherance to our brethren may bee practised 9 In the ninth of his good name that truth in word in witnes in report may bée Leuit. 19. 16 1 Thess 5. 22 exercised among men for the preseruing of their good names and estimation 10 In the tenth is forbidden the least degrée of sinne against any o● these Commandements Psal 19. 13. Rom. 7. 23. namely the lust and motion to sinne aswell as the consent and deed Quest Is there prescribed in the Law a perfect rule of righteousnesse Ans Yea verily though there be in vs Rom. 7. 12. 14 no ability to performe the same Quest How commeth that to passe seing man was created perfect Ans Through the sin and transgression Gen. 3. Rom. 5. 17. of our first Parents Quest Did not that sinne rest in A●am alone Ans No but it did flow from him vnto all mankinde ●m 5. 14. 18. Quest What fruits doth it bring forth in vs Ans Nothing but sin in thought word and déed Quest What punishment is due to sin Ans Eternall death and damnation ●om 6. 12. Quest How come we to the knowledge of sinne Ans By the law Rom. 3. 20. Quest Whereunto serueth this knowledge Ans To humble vs and cast vs downe Act. 2. 37. in the sight and acknowledgement of our owne miserie and to bring vs to Christ Quest How is it possible for man to be saued in this miserie Ans By faith in Christ Iesus the Son Gen. 3. Act. 4. 12. of God the promised séede of the woman Quest Where is this sauing knowledge of Christ Iesus briefely set downe for vs Ans In the Articles of the Créed being Of faith twelue in number Quest Repeat them with the sense of euery one Ans 1 I beleeue in God the Father almighty Deut. 5. 6. Ephes 4. 5. 6. Gen. 1. 1. 2. maker of Heauen and Earth the first person in Trinitie maker and gouernor of all things in Heauen and in Earth visible and inuisible 2 And in Iesus Christ his onely Son our Lord the second person in Trinitie who is our King to gouerne and defend vs our Priest and Prophet to offer for vs to teach vs his Psal 110. 4 Hebr. 7. 17. fathers will 3 Which was conceaued by the holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Mary shewing the manner Mat. 1. 19. Gal. 4. 4. of his pure conception and blessed birth taking our nature vpon him without sin by faith in whom our nature i● sanctified 4 He suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried c. which sheweth Esay 53. 4. 5 Marke 14. 3 Gal. 3. 13. his painefull passion infinit suffering and bitter death for our sins performing most absolute obedience to God for vs. 5 The third day he rose againe from the dead Hos 13. 14. Rom. 4. 25. which sheweth his victory after death rising againe for our iustification to life 6 He ascended into heauen and sitteth at the Luke 24. 5 Marke 16. 1 right hand of God the Father almighty which sheweth of his ascention and exaltation in glory hauing all power in Heauen and in Earth giuen him of his father 7 From thence he shal come to iudge the quicke 1 Thess 4. 1. Mat. 25. 31. and the dead which sheweth of his second glorious appearing in Iudgement and restoring of all things ●hess 4. 1. ● 25. 31. 8 I beleeue in the holy Ghost the third Person in Trinity God equall with the Father ●●h 28. 19 Cor. 6. 11. and Sonne sanctifier of all the elect people of God 9 The holy Catholike Church the communion of Saints which doe communicate with ●es 2. 20. Cor. 1. 19. Christ and one with another in the fellowship of faith and bond of loue 10 The forgiuenes of sinnes belonging to all ● 31. 34. ●oh 1. 9. the true members of the Church who only haue peace with God 11 The resurrection of the body from death ● 1● ●5 26 ●n 12. 2. ●uel 20. 12. and corruption to immortalitie both of good and bad 12 The life euerlasting for the godly replenished with all fulnes of ioy and blessednes Cor 5. 1 ●os 3. 4. Th●ss 19. ●atth 25. ●uel 14. 10. ● with God and his holy Angels and of euerlasting woe and torments for the wicked before the throne of God for euer and euer Quest How many principall parts are these Articles of the faith to be drawne to Ans Vnto foure principall heads Quest Which be they Ans First our faith in God the Father the Creator Secondly in God the Son the Redéemer Thirdly in God the holy Ghost the Sanctifier Fourthly of the Church the communion of Saints to whom forgiuenes of sins Ioh. 3. 36. blessed resurrection and euerlasting life and glorie appertaine Quest Why say you I beleeue in God and not rather in Gods seing you make mention of three the Father Sonne and Spirit Ans Because there is but one true and euerliuing God reuealed vnto vs in thrée 1. Ioh. 5. 7. persons in whom my faith is staied Quest Why do you say I beleeue in God and not rather I beleeue a God Ans To declare that I put my trust and confidence in him for the Diuels and wicked Iam. 2. 19. beleeue there is a God but doe not put their trust and confidence in him Quest Why say you I beleeue and not rather we beleeue Ans Because I must bée saued by mine Rom. 5. 2. Hab. 2. 4. owne faith and not by the faith of others Quest What is true faith which saueth vs Ans It is a firme perswasion of the mercies of God purchased by our Lord Heb. 11. 1. Rom. 8. 38. 3 Iesus Christ being the foundation of our hope and sight of things inuisible Quest How must we attaine to this true faith and how is it increased Ans By the spirit of God perswading our hearts by the hearing and reading ● Cor. 5. ●om 10. 4. ●om 1. 3. of Gods Word receauing the Sacraments and prayer assuring vs that we are within the Couenant of grace reuealed by the Gospell Quest Now you haue shewed that the Word of God the Sacraments and prayer strengthen faith shew what is Prayer Ans Prayer is a lifting vp of the minde Of prayer and powring out of the heart before God by the motion of his Spirit in the name of Luke 18. 1. Ioh. 14. 13. Iames. 4. 3. Iesus Christ his son crauing things néedfull giuing thanks