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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09947 A godly and holsom preseruatyue against disperacio[n] at al times necessarye for the soule: but then chiefelye to be vsed and ministred when the deuil doth assault vs most fiersely, & doth approcheth nieste. 1551 (1551) STC 20204; ESTC S102567 21,264 82

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A godly and holsom preseruatyue against disperaciō at al times necessarye for the soule but then chiefelye to be vsed and ministred when the deuil doth assault vs most fiersely deth approcheth nieste Be sobre and watch for your aduersarye the deuell as a roring lyon walketh about seking whom he may deuoure whom resyste stedfast in the fayth 1 Pet. 5. M.D.L.I. The preface THys preseruatiue gētle reader is prepared for thy profite that thou reding it at leasure maist chose oute suche comfortable sentences as may bothe staye thi owne cōscience in the time of tēptacion also quiet othe●s when the Deuil shal be busie with them 2. Cor. 2 For we be not ignoraunte of the thoughtes of satan howe he continually furnisheth hym selfe to bende his ordinaunce agaynst mā And now with the cōsideratiō of the greatnes multitude of syn Now with the terrour of death dampnaciō Ephe. 6 do labour to beate the buck let of fayth out of our handes 1. Tess 5 to strike the helmet of hope frō our head Ephr. 6 And to wrest frō vs the swerd of the spriit which is gods word But here christyan reader is thy swerd and buckeler deliuered vnto the here is thy helmete put vppon thy heade here thou shalte find suche armoure and weapon wherbi thou shalt both be able to withstand the force of oure commen enemy the Deuell and also by the counsell to rescue others that they perysh not Yea heare thou shalt find choise of most comfortable sentences wherby mans cōscience may be stayed from dampnable desperacion 1. Cor. 16. Watche therfore stand stedfaste in faithe play the man and be of good comfort Iacob 4. Resist the deuell and he wyll flee frome the Not for feare of thy owne power strength or holynes but for feare of Chryste in whome by faythe thou art ingraffed For it is crist through whome god hathe geuen ● Cor. 15. vs vyctory agaynst synne deathe hell the deuyll Acto 4. Nether is there ani other name vnder heuē geuen vnto man wherin we maye be saued but the name of Iesus Christ our lorde To whome with the father and holye ghost be all honour and glory AMEN A prseruatiue FOrsomuche as the diseases of the body and corporall deathe dothe so trouble mannes mynde that we commonly trimble and quake at the onely mencyon of them How much ought we to feare the sicknes of the soule and death of the same then whiche there can no greater nor more fearefull calamytye chaunce vnto man And seinge that euery man doth auoyde so muche as in hym lyethe the payne myseryes dyseases and deathe of the bodye howe much more ought we to decline and eschewe the causes of these euilles which be sinnes and offences and feare the ire of god which we so by oure enormities do prouoke Yf we be neuer so lytle sick in our body by and by we send for the phisycion we spare no cost we sike for medecines and remedy thoughe they be neuer so chargable al to patch and clout vp this earthen v●ssell of oure bodye which do we neuer so muche can not last long And why vse we not lyke dylygence in desiring seking remedies against the diseases of the soule whyche like as thei be more greuous euē so they bring with them without comparison infinitely more daūger For what can it profit a man thoughe he haue all the riches in the world though he liue a thousand yere and that in such health pleasure that he is not ones touched with sickenes or gryefe hys soule in the meane time being poisoned with sinne being captiue to satan hauing God displeased with him and dampnacion readye for him after thys lyfe For truelye thys lyfe must once haue an ende nether know we whan where after what maner Math. 25. or how sone Therfore sayth Christ watch for ye nether know the day nor hour when the sonne of man wyl come And lest we this shorttime of our abode omittinge thinges mooste waightye and profitable shulde folow trifulles things of smal price he hathe vouchesafe to prescribe vs an order and as it were a breue certaine and sure way to come vnto true felicite sayeng Seke first for the kingdom of god and righteousnes therof Math. 6. and all thynges shal be added vnto you Care for liuing care for ryches care for worldly dignytie worldly fauoure worldlye estimacion and such lyke transitory thinges which in dede doth lytle profitte but many times be cause bothe of filthy vices and also of greuous calameties doth besy doth vexe doth trouble doth euē defatigat vs both day and nyght but in seking for and procurynge of godly heuenly thinges we be most negligent most slacke most dull most forgetfull And I pray you what can be a greter blindnes or a more dangerous madnes whyles we be lustye whyles we be in helthe whyles we be in prosperity we scaselye thinke vpon any lyfe to come we remembre not once that we shall dye But when we be in perell and daunger by syckenes and deathe begynneth to knocke at our dore Euen at that same houre when we shulde playe the menne and fyght agnynst our enimy being sufficiently armed weponed afore thē begin we first to thinke vpon oure armoure to thinke vpon our wepon to think vpon mending of our lyfe These thinges declare vs to be smallye exercised soudiers to be mē of preposterous iudgement and verye weaklings in fayth God be mercyfull vnto vs. Amen But yet though a man be neuer so old though the day be neuer so far past so he amend whiles he is here eare it be night his repētāce cometh not out of season Neuertheles it were to be wished the no man shuld differ his repētance to his last most dangerous cōflict For euē thei shal haue much ado to stand and to defend thē selues from the assaultes the guiles inuasions of the enemy whych in the time of their helth prepared armed them selues what then shall come of them whiche not fearing god neither minding once repentaunce hath led a dissolute filthie and naughty lyfe how shal thei fyghte howe shal they be able to wythstand the force of satan ¶ Seinge therfore the multitude of people is great and the ministers of the gospel very few nether able to be euerye where to do their office to euery man I hauing a wil to help al men haue gathered to gether written out of scriptur a certaine brief forme how to admonishe instructe and comfort such as be sicke that thei either reding these thīges or hearing them red bi others may conceiue certaine hope perfit consolaciō lest in this most daūgerus cōflict they faint geue ouer like cowards so be ouercomed perysh For this is certain whē soeuer a man is takē with extreme sicknes is in daunger of deth he is assauted with diuers many greuous tentacions First
dead to synne by Chrystes deathe we haue also certaine and sure remission of our synnes by chrystes deth we be raised also to a newe and euerlastynge lyfe For baptyme is a couenand betwixt god and vs. And a sygne of his grace and fauour towarde vs wherin we be reconciled and made at one wyth god againe so that we may nowe haue a ioyfull and quiet cōscience for somuch as our sinnes be forgeuē vs through the resurrection of Iesus chryst yea christ also in the institucion of the most blesed sacramēt of his last supper speaketh also to vs saynge that hys bloud is shed for the remission of synne Nowe although we haue not liued alwaye innocentlye nether led suche a lyfe as we ought to haue done Yet we maye not dispaire but without delay resort vnto god by true repentaūce cal faithfully vpon hys name and we shal be saued Rom. x Ye let euery one of vs with a meke harte burst out into these or like wordes and say O most mercyful god father of al mercy father of oure LORD Iesu Chryste be mercyfull vnto me a wretched synner make spede to deliuer me for the moste bitter but moost precious death and passion of Iesu Chryste thy only begotten sonne our redemer and only sauioure Amen Enter not o lord into iudgement wyth thy seruaunte handle me not accordynge to my deseruyng neyther do vnto me after my iniquities but according to thy infinite and botomles goodnes mercye take me vnto the. I a miserable and wretched creature am in thy hand I am in thy debt daunger thou mayst do with me what it please the. O moost mercyfull father forsake me not nor caste me of I am thine all that I am There can no man comfort no man help no man delyuer me but thou alone Thou art the true comforte the most present helpe the surest bulwarke in all necessite Thou god art my refuge my strengthe my helpe in al troubl● Thou art my Lord in thy handes resteth al my chaunce and affaires Shew thy louinge and mercifull face vpon thy seruant saue me in thy mercy O lord but many wayes in our extreme sicknes and affliction let vs beware we loke not to earnestly nether to longe vpon oure sinnes But rather let vs haue the image of Christes moste helthfull and precious deth before our eys Let vs fix that in our mynd and be full perswaded that Christe is now bourdened with his synnes that he hathe nowe taken theym vpon his owne shoulders and so hath satisfied for theim and wasshed them awai that he wil neuer charge vs with thē but frelye for geaue vs theim as we professe in our Crede whē we sai Credimus remissionē peccatorum we beleue the remission of synnes ¶ Here it shal be mete that in our syckenes we call to remembraunce such places of holy scripture as testifieth of remission of synne purchased by Christe of the which some be here subscribed Ioh. i. BEhold the lābe of God which takith away the synne of the worlde We are bought with no golde nor siluer i. Pet. i nether any corruptible price but with the precious bloud of the vnspotted and vndefyled lambe Iesus Christ ¶ So god hath loued the world that he gaue hys onely begotten sonne to the ende that we so beleuynge in hym dothe not peryshe but haue lyfe euerlasting Io. iii I come not to call the righteous but the sinners to repentaunce Mat. ix Come vnto me all ye that labour and are laden and I shall refresh you Lo he calleth all Mat. xi he refuseth he excludeth none we must includ also our selues within his words All we must resorte to him and he wil receaue and reffeshe vs God setteth forth hys loue toward vs For Christ died for vs Rom. v when we were yet sinners muche more now therfore we being iustified bi his blood shal be sauffe frō wrath by him i. Cor. i Christ Iesus is be commed vnto vs wisdom righteousnes holines redempciō Here let vs confort our selues that though we haue be neuer so gret sinners let vs cōfesse and knowledg our synne let vs call for mercye and pardon let vs vnfainedly beleue christ to be our only helth Iustice and redēpt on and strayght waye he is so he wyl by and by couer and put awai our sinnes in such sort that we shal nede fere no peril nor daūger ii Cor. v Him that knew no sinne hath god made sinne .i. a payment of sinne for vs that we shuld becōe the righteousnes of god by hym Gal. i Christ gaue him selfe for our sinnes that he myghte delyuer vs fro this presēt wicked world acording to the wil of god our father In Christ we haue redemption throughe hys bloude Ephe. ● euen the remession of synnes according to the riches of his grace Christ Iesus is come in to this world to saue synners i. Tit. i Christe Iesus hathe geuen hym selfe a redempciō for al mē i. Tit ii This let vs cōstantly beleue vndoubted we be of the nombre of those that shal be saued For whē he is come a redemption for all these thynges the he hath suffered pertayneth no lesse to the me euery one of vs so we beleue than to Peter or Paule Christ hath borne our sinnes in his body vpon the crosse i. Pet. ii Christ died ones for our synnes the ryghteous for the vnrighteous i. Pe. ii The bloud of Iesus chryst clenseth vs from all sinne i. Ioan. i If ani man doth sinne we haue a aduocate with the father euē Iesus i. Ioan ●i Chryst the ryghteouse and he is the attonemente for our synnes Not for ours onely but for the synnes of the whole worlde By these places and suche lyke we maye se howe god the father which wyll not the death of a sinner but that we shulde turne and lyue for that moost feruente burnyng loue that he beareth toward vs hath eased vs of the burden of our sin hath layd it vpō the back of his most dere beloued sonne which his sōne hath so takē borne and suffered for them that they can neuer condemne vs. For god taketh and reputeth the deathe of his sonne for a full satisfactyon paiment for al our sinnes so that we truly beleue in hym For seing that our sinnes thus layde vpon Chryst could not ouercome hym retain him in deth nor dāpne him for why he rose againe vndoubtedly a full satisfaccion is alredye made for them the iustyce of god is fully answered and they be vtterly hid and forgeuen Let vs beleue thys and we shall not perysh euerlastingly For chryst is nowe become ours with al that he hath with hys death with hys resurrection wyth his assencion into heauen with his lyfe Qui proprio filio suo non sepercit his merites hys glorye As saynt Paule wytnesse Rom. viii wherfore Satan hath nowe no title to