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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06520 A ryght notable sermon, made by Doctor Martyn Luther, vppon the twenteth chapter of Iohan, of absolution and the true vse of the keyes full of great co[m]forte. In the which also it is intreated of the mynysters of the Church, and of scolemaisters, what is dewe vnto them. Ande of the hardnes and softenes of the harte of manne.; Predigt am Sonntage nach Ostern. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Argentine, Richard, d. 1568. 1548 (1548) STC 16992; ESTC S108931 20,840 50

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like mēne / but amōgest the blīde / the lame / the dismembred / the halting / the lepers / the deafe / the dead ād amōgest the myserable shepe that were wretchedly seduced and strayinge abroade With those was he present / those dyd he make of / these did he helpe / curyng them both in body and soule / bringing vnto them the moost precious ande inestimable treasure of the worlde / which no creature hath moche more can it not geue it excepte it receaue it from him / that is to saye / Iustyce ande euerlasting health Thus sayth he here / You shall also do it in all places wher as you shall come And for that same cause I sende you / that you runne and be my Apostles ande messangers through all the worlde And vnto this office you shall ordaine ād appointe others also / the which maye teach ande do the selfe same thynge / vnto the whiche I was sent from my father And you are sente by me / vntyll the worldes ende ande I shal be alwayes present with you / that you maye knowe that you are not they that do that thynge / but I by you By the force and strengt● of this commaundement / we also haue obteyned power ande faculté / to comforte the sadde and carefull conscyences / ande to absoyle them from synne Ande we knowe when we execute this mynysterye or exercyse this acte / that we our selues do it not / but that Chryst hym selfe doth it Wherfore euery vertuous man / in this case ande busynes / must thynke / whē he heareth his curate or the precher so in the pulpitt / that he heareth not man / but God hym selfe speakinge / than maye he be certeyn / eande appointe in his mynde / that he hath receaued full remyssyon of all hys synnes / neyther is there left any sticking or doubte any more For trulye Christe hathe so instituted by his resurrection / that if any man that is laufully called the mynister of the Churche / or who soeuer fynally in extreme necessyté doth absoyle from synnes hys neyghbour that is astonyed and doubtefull in mynde ande desyrous of comforte / the same is of so moche effect and value / as though GOD him selfe had done it / if truly it be done by his commaundement and in his name Wherfore / when two after this sorte intreate and talke betwyxt them selues / they are gathered to gether in the name of CHRISTE For lyke as it is aboue sayd vnto vs / none of thē both / here desyreth or seketh for the goodes of the other / lyke as the Papistes ād gapers for advaūtage do / which do not onely pol but also pill the Church / which do synge ande distill into the sicke soche or like woordes / O man / the houre is now at hande that doth call the from hēs Remembre howe thow wylt dispose thy goodes and thy faculties / that they maye be bestowed into vertuous or Godly vses The auarice or couetuousnes of the Papistes See that thou forget not thy wretched soule / ād see that thou prouide for the helth of it Gyue vnto vs one parte of thy goodes / ād we shall praye for the / ande we shall do many good woorkes for the / ād the merites of all our good woorkes / shal be comune vnto the / with vs. The sayinge of a faithfull mynyster vnto the sycke This doth not he / which is godly in dede speake vnto the sicke / but vseth these / or soch like wordes O my frēde the opportunité of the place ād time / or the case of thy infirmeté doth not nowe suffer vs to haue many things to do of thy money ande of thy earthely goodes / let other men take cure of those I see thy harte to be troubled or stryken wyth the feare of death / ād that thou arte in conflict with desperatyon / and that thou haste not sufficiēt helpe of thy selfe wherby thou mayest be able to rydde thy selfe oute of that daūger / and confirme thy minde against those fearfull thynges But take a good harte vnto the / Christ hath instituted a kīgdom in earth full of consolation and beatitude / when he sayde / like as my father hath sent me so do I sēd you / with these wordes / he hath consecrated vs all to be priestes / for this purpose / that one shuld declare vnto other the remissiō of sīnes And therfore / I nowe come vnto the in the name of the same oure lorde Iesu Christ / and I bidde the to be of good comforte There is no cause why thou shuldest feare There is nothing why thou sholdest quake and be of a desperate minde / as though ther were no solace / helpe or counsell any where Doest thou not heare that Christ came not for the iust / but for sinners to the purpose to saue them Wherfore take a good harte vnto the / trust assuredly / receue this glad tidinges wyth a glad minde / ād with thy harte rēdre vnto him thākes for this tidinges whiche he bringeth vnto the by me / without all labour / care ande charge of thy selfe And besydes this / also he hath geuen commaundement / that I shuld remytre vnto the thy synnes / wherfore I forgeue all thy synnes vnto the / in the name of the Father / the sonne ande the holyghoost Wherfore / nowe with a glad mīde / saye these wordes O moost mercifull God O heauenly Father I thanke th● / that thou hast forgeuen vnto me my synnes / by thy derely beloued sonne Iesus Christ nor doubte not / but of the lorde hī selfe the hauenly father thou arte absoyled of thy vniuersall synnes Of this thou seest / that these wordes of the office of the keyes doth ī no wise cōfyrme and establish the tirannie of the po●… For christ did not therfore giue these keies He did not therfore īstitute this ministerie / that I shuld ēriche the / or thou me / or that I shuld be lorde ouer the / or that thou shuldest be cōpelled to be subiect vnto me / as the pope doth conuerte it into wordly power / magnyfycence and dominion by the whiche acte he setteth forth ād doth testifie / moost manyfestly / that he hym self is a great Rybaulde / Antechrist hym selfe / moost wicked / full of contuma●…te ād a despiser of GOD / a blasphem●s and a mocker of CHRIST ande the traitour of his Churche For Christe woulde not this / as I haue sayde He hath not by these wordes instituted any wordly Kyngdome and tyranny / but he had an eye to this purpose / this he wolde / and therfore he dyd institute it / that comming vnto the● wrastlyng with desperation / and gronyng vnder the harde burden of synnes whether it be in the great agony of death / or any other tyme I shuld saye vnto the intending to lyfte the vp with comforte or counsell let power / money / honoures dygnityes and
maye bringe mēne into the knowledge of sinne / not because I wolde binde them for why they were bounde before / ande miserably chayned neyther shall I nowe do first that men may sinne or geve an occasiō to sinne / neither wil I have any thīge to do with sinne as the Pope doth by his lawe and by his keies of bindyng / sayinge / there ●o be synne where none is but I shall have to doo wyth them that naturally are sīners / or have synned agaīst the commaūdementes of God / that is to say / soche as contemp●…e God soche as beleve not in God / soch as despise the woorde of God / soche as gyue not vnto God his due obedience et cetera These sinnes that is to saye the contemp●e of God / crudelite / blasphemie / inobedience and other lyke / are not made by the law of the Pope / but are very sinnes / cleauing and fasted in flesh and bloude / ād borne even wyth man / the which can not be absolued ād takē awaie by the Pope / by the keye as he calleth it of remissyon ād absoluciō / after the sorte as he vseth it / but they cleave styll ād remayne in mā as lōg as he leadeth this life / ād he cā not depose or laie thē a parte vtterly but with the life Wherfore that we maie escape frō these synnes / for the which eternall dampnaciō remained vnto vs / and be deliuered from the payne of everlastyng death Wath the kingdom of Chr●… For that is the kingdome of Christ appointed and erected / ād therfor every where he calleth that his kingdome / not an earthely kingdom or worldly or pollytike / but the kīgdome of heauen because even than it shall take the begīning whē this earthely kīgdom through death shall cease to be / that men may knowe howe after this life / leauing thys earthely kyngdome / they maye come into the heauēly kīgdome Of thys my kīgdom sayth he thys shal be the maner / after this sort shal this my kīgdom be erected / stablisshed / delated ād gouuerned As my Father hath sent me / so do I also sende you et cetera That is to saie The office of the Apostles You Apostles ād your successours vntill the worldes ende shal be my messangers or Ambassadours / by whome I haue purposed to reigne in all the worlde / so that you must take vppon you the same office the which I haue done / vnto the which also I was sēte That is to saie / that those maye be deliuered frō sinne and death / whiche do feale their sinne ād death / and desire to be deliuered frō them Ande contrary / that soche as desire not the helpe wherby they maie be redeamed from them / but do put it awaie / that those beying bound in sinnes to death ād detained / may so remaine This shal be your kingdome / this shal be your ministerie or seruice / ande this shal be your office that you shall take vppon you Vnto this kingdome it behoueth all soche to submitte them selues that are pressed downe and vexed with sinne / yf they wil be deliuered and lifted vp from them / and be partakers of the euerlasting lyfe Vnto those that lygh vnder the heauy waight of theyr synnes / lygh groning / ād are miserablie troubled / Christe biddeth vs to saye / that they shulde be of good cōforte / ād not despayre because of theyr sinnes / but lett them knowe that Chryst by his death and resurrectyon / hath brought fourth vnto vs / the remissiō of all sinnes Yf they heare this ande beleve it / they are saintes and they are saved For yf their sīnes be remitted / than hath death no ryght vppon them But these that feale not nor knowe theyr synnes / nor are feared wyth the feare of death / ande do not penaunce / but procede constauntely / geving them selues vnto bodely lustes / as the pleasure of the flesh requireth / and liuīg after the arbitremēt of the olde man / Vnto these we saye by the commaundement of Chryst / you shall remaine in sinne / in indignation ande eternall death For you aske no remission of sinnes and mercy / ande you do frowardely put from you and treade vnder fote everlastyng lyfe Who I praye the can expresse with wordes howe infinite / howe substanciall ande full of health this cōforte is / that one maie opē vnto an other with one worde the kingdom of heauē / and close vp the gates of hell For as moche as in this kīgdom of grace the which Chryste hath instituted by his resurrectiō we do no other thīg thā that we speake with opē mouth I remitte vnto the thy synnes / not of my self / or by my propre power or vertue / but in the name and steade of Iesus Christ For why he saith not that you shall remitte synnes in your name for no man liuing can remytte or retaine synnes but he saith thus Like as my father hath sent me euen so I sende you I haue not done this by my counsell or arbitrement / but for this I was sent from my father And this commaundement I giue also vnto you / that you do the same vntyll the ende of this worlde / that you and all the world maie knowe this remission or retaining of synne / not to be done by the vertue or power of man / but by the cōmaundemēt of him that hath sent you This is not onely spoken of those that are ministers and preachers of the woorde of God / but of all faythfull Christianes Here maye euery vertuous man / cōforte and absoile his neighboure in the agonie of death / ande other necessities ande temptacions When thou hearest of me thys woorde / then doest thou heare that god will haue mercy on the / ād deliuer the frō death ād synne / iustifie the ād saue the. But thou sayest I haue in dede harde the absolution of the / but who knoweth / whether it be certaine that my synnes also are forgeuen before God I answere Yf I had said and done that / as man or of mine owne or of any other mānes auctothoryte alonely / thā so to saye ād to doubte / thou mightest not without cause / whether the absolutiō geuen / shuld be hereafter effectuall and auailable before God or no. And verely I haue hearde many / euē in the extreme agony of death / doubtīg of this thīge / sayinge / Oh woulde to god I knewe certaīly that my sīnes are forgeuē vnto me I wold buy the certitude therof with all my possiblities and goodes For albeit he be aparaūtly neuer so good a māne that pronoūceth the absolutiō / and as cōcerning his oune parson / neuer so true / yet he that is grudged in conscience ād the minde that is careful / is not cōtēted with him / yea if thou thinkest hī to be a mā / and seest in hī nothīg elles than mā /