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A02807 An expostulation or complaynte agaynste the blasphemyes of a franticke papyst of Hamshyre. Co[m]piled by Iohan Bale Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1552 (1552) STC 1294; ESTC S114384 18,692 48

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contradyctyon no wylde wytted ruffyane permytted from hens fourth so stubbernely to withstande it Commaunde thys gentyll west winde to haue styll hys plesaunt passage frindely fre course without anye restraynt or cruell impedymente of those angels of darkenesse that the earth sea and trees maye wholsomly be refreshed therwith Gracyously suffre as ye haue done hitherto all sortes of people to haue knowledge df the Gospell Lete the veryte of God so sounde in the eares of all men that they may be marked with the sprete of Christe and neuer denye hym for any vexacyon Thys poore Expostulacyon am I your poore oratour so muche the boldar to dedycate to your hyghnesse that I haue alwayes knowne the same a moste myghtye zelouse and ardente supporter maynteyner and defender of Goddes lyuely wurde Ryghte humbly besechynge your excellente grace to accepte the small gyfte thereof as the simple presente of that poore seruaunte of yours whyche hathe alwayes borne bothe you and all yours a most faythful harte The eternall father of our Lorde Iesus Christe whose inuyncyble verite your grace hathe hytherto most feruently fauoured vouchsafe prosperously to preserue the same with my ladyes grace your most faythfull spouse and all your vertuouse and godly chyldren in contynuall helthe and increase of honour to the glorye of hys holy name Amen iii. Reg. xl If Israel sayth the Lord shall hold vpon other goddes and worship them I wyl cast hym out of my syght and he shall be a Prouerbe and a fable amonge the nacions And they that passe by shall maruel therof and shall hysse at hym ¶ An Expostulation or complaint agaynst the blasphemyes of a frantyke papist of Hamshire Compiled by Iohan Bale DAniel the mā of desyres Iohan Boauerges or the sonne of thōdre bryngeth me to remembraunce of a mouth that vttered blasphemyes Thys mouthe sayth Daniel spake presūptuouse thynges And hys horne whych is y e power that maynteyneth hym made battayle agaynst the sayntes yea and gote the vyctory of them tyll suche time as they had the kyngedome in possessyon Dan. vii To the Beast sayth S. Iohan was gyuen a mouthe that spake great thynges and blasphemyes And he opened that mouthe in blasphemye agaynst God to blaspheme his name and hys tabernacle and thē y t dwell in heauen And power was gyuen hym to make warre with the sayntes and to ouercome them Apoca. xiii Not only is thys to be verifyed vpon the Romysh Antichrist hys synneful synagoge of spiritual calcars but also vpon suche pratlynge papystes as are hys dayly maynteyners For cōsequētly it foloweth in the same reuelacyon of S Iohan. And I sawe sayth he thre vncleane spretes lyke frogges come out of y e mouthe of the dragon and out of the mouthe of the beast and out of the mouthe of the false prophete and they are spretes of deuels Apo. xvi Lo sir the false prophete whych is the wycked papyst is so wele touched here as is eyther the Beast or the Dragon Now to thys frantyck papyst thā whych on the .xxix. daye of Decembre last past in the house of a gentylman of hys affynyte within Hamshire beynge in the full heate of hys frenesye brast out into thys vnreuerent blasphemouse ▪ and cōteptuouse talke of the Kinges Maiestie and of hys mooste godly procedynges Alas poore chyld sayd he vnknowne is it to hym what actes are made now a dayes But whan he cometh ones of age he wyll se an other rule and hange vp an hondred of suche heretyke knaues Meanynge the preachers of our tyme and their maynteyners by lyke For at the same season he had most spyghtfully rayled of one of thē beynge absent whych neuer in hys lyfe ded hym dysple asure nether in dede nor in wurd that he was able to burden hym wyth The fyrst part of this blasphemouse clause toucheth the kynges hyghnes the second hys honourable Coūsell the thyrd the true ministers of Gods wurde By the fyrst is Gods name blasphemed by the second is his tabernacle yll spoken of and by the thyrd are they that dwell in heauen contempned But thys pernycyouse poyson haue thys wycked papyst sucked out of the vngraciouse pappes of hys mother the synnefull synagoge of Rome whose deuylyshe nature hathe it alwayes bene to despyse those kinges y t are not her mainteyners to cōdēpne those magistrates y t wyll not become her slaues to kill those preachers that impugne her Idolatryes Concernyng the fyrst In that thys frantycke papyst wyth poluted mouthe reporteth the kinges maiestie to be a poore Child he blasphemeth the name of God For ther is no power S. Paule saythe but it is of God And who so euer abuseth the power abuseth the ordinaunce of God to hys dāpnacion Rom. xiii Beare no wicked hart to thy kyng sayth Salomon neyther reporte any euyl of the gouernours in thy malycyouse anger For if thou do the birdes of the ayre wyll discouer thy wickednes Eccls. x Double is the blasphemye of this furiouse papyst against the kynges highnes in that he hath disdainously called him both poore and a Childe in contempt of his most christen procedynges Poore is as much to say as contēptuouse abiect wretched forsaken myserable or of such byrth as is nothynge estemed And so is it taken in diuers places of the scriptures whych all are farre vnsemyng the maiestie of a kynge And wele is it knowen to all the world that neyther nature for her parte nor yet fortune for her part hath so left hym hys hyghnes beynge the naturall sonne of so noble a kyng as his father was Neyther is he destitute but on euerye syde most habundauntlye replenyshed with the most graciouse giftes of god specially wyth all kindes of good learning far aboue all hys progenytours kynges of thys imperiall regyon Childishnes in a kyng is reproued by y e mouth of God giuen many times of him to y e people as a cursse plage or scourge for their vnfaithful nes I shal giue you childrē saith the Lord to be your princes babes shal haue rule ouer you Esa. iii. That is ye shal haue for your disobediēce in neglectīg my lawes cōmaundemētes mē to your gouernours that are dyssolute rashe wanton and carelesse yea men vnexpert and vnexercysed in pryncely affayres and men whych wyll not regarde your cōmē welthe but folow their owne lustes Wo be to such a land sayth Salomon as hath so chyldysh rulers and whose princes are early at their bankettes Eccls. x These be those rulars whose lyues are wanton actes lycencyouse and iudgementes babyshe wherby theyr commen welthes in the end are brought to confusyon Yea S. Hierome sayth y t these are suche worldly gouernours as neglectynge Gods holy preceptes do set vp the vayne tradycyons of men synnefull And though all these chyldysh wayes be detestable in a kynge yet is
he is of gods election and ordinaūce Rom xiii Neyther is he for his tendre youthe to be contēpned hauynge gods knowledge as he hath in wōdrefull habundaūce Christ Iesus gaue thākes to his heauenly father bicause he had hydden godly wysdome from the wyse and prudent geuen it vnto babes Math. xi whan Prophecye saythe Salomon is in the lyppes of a kynge hys mouthe shall not go wronge in iudgemente Prouer. xvi ¶ He is proued a Papist THat it may apere to y e reader y t thys maliciouse fellowe is not here called a papyst wythoute iust cause I wyl declare what a Papyst is and by what frutes he is chefelye knowne A Papyst is he that in lyfe and doctryne maynteyneth the Romyshe Popes dyuelish tradycyōs contempnynge the pure testamente and Gospell of Iesus Christe As we saye in the vnyuersyte that he is a Platonyst Ciceronyst Scotyst or Thomyst that defendeth the doctryne of Plato Cicero Scotus or Thomas against them that holdeth not the same Thys frantyck fellowe is of the same kynde of doyng Ergo he is a wycked and an obstynate papyst Wycked for so muche as he dishonoureth god and obstynate because he dysobeyeth hys kynge The Minor whych is the seconde part of thys argument is proued true by hys cursed frutes For a false Prophete or popysh hypocryte whether ye wyl is alwayes knowne by hys wycked frutes Christe sayth Math vii et Luce. vi In ii specyall poyntes shall ye knowe a ranke papyst whych he hath firste of hys father the great Antichrist of Rome and than of hys mother hys malignaunt synagoge For the naturall chylde foloweth father mother And these are they breuely as afore is touched He blasphemeth God and contempneth the christen magistrates Of thys are euydent examples in the Chronicles of our christen nacyons yea innumerable specyally of thys realme of Englande Daniel ones prophecyed of that vnshāfast faced vsurper that he arrogantly shuld stande vp agaynst the Prynce of Prynces whych is God in his Christe and yet in y e ende shulde be destroyed wythoute hande Dan viii Saint Paule calleth hym Gods great aduersary the wycked one the man of synne and the sonne of perdycyon reportynge of hym that he shulde exalte hys fylthie seate here iu earthe aboue god and hys dongyshe decrees aboue Gods set ordynaunce to the vtter dampnacyon of thousandes for not beleuynge the truth ii Thes ii Saynt Iohan in hys reuelatyon calleth the churche of that aduersarye great Babylon the mother of all whoredome and abhomynacyons done vpon the earthe yea such a fylthie whore as hath both subdued to her obedyence the kynges of the earthe and also made them dronke with the wyne of her fornycacyon Apo xvii If yefynde in thys frantyck fellowe these naturall condicyōs naturally planted what els cā ye iudge him but a naturall chylde of that father and mother and so an obstynate papyst The propyrtie whych he hath of that vnhappye father and mother is to blaspheme God and in that he hath shewed hymselfe plenteouse First by a chaplayne whych popyshly mynystred in hys hyred benefyce Secōdly by conueyaunce of certen ymages in hope of a change And thirdlye in iudgyng it a fowle heresye to write any thynge in reproche of the Byshopp of Rome Concernynge the first Vpon the xx day of September last past I was as he wele knoweth at seruyce there to beholde the workemanly conueyaunce of hym and that popysh chaplayn of his and to know what wholsome frutes I shulde fynde after that tyme of their .ii. plantinges Such an other ape of Antichriste as that prest was neuer sawe I afore in my lyfe for he coulde not reade a Psalme neyther yet speake Englyshe beynge an allyen an Armoricall or frenche Britayne And to excuse hys most beastly ignoraunce his own self was cōpel led I being ther presēt to slauer out y e .ii. lessōs of y e Byble with no small stutting stāberyng turnyng his arse to the people after the old popysh maner to helpe forward the kynges most godly procedynges More apysh toyes gawdysh feates could neuer a dysarde in England haue plaied I think than that apysh prest shewed there at the cōmunyon He turned and tossed lurked and lowted snored and smirted gaped and gasped kneled and knocked loked and lycked with both his thombes at hys eares other tryckes more that he made me xx tymes to remembre wylle Somer Yet of them both that prest semed y t more foole a great deale And to amende the matter he had than a new shauen crowne which I rebuked him for By thys I proue hys maistre a mocker of God a deceyuer of the people and a contempner of the kynges iust procedynges Concernyng the second which is y e craftie conueyaunce of certen ymages in hope of a change In that poynt hath he also notable folowed both father and mother to be proued a naturall papyst For God hath he blasphemed in sekynge to vphold ydolatry and the kynge hath he contempned in so derydyng hys most godly ordynaunce The kynge hath commaunded and that by acte of hys parlement that all yma es shulde not only be remoued out of the churches of Englande and Irelande but also that they shulde be defaced mangled and vtterly de destroyed for theyr abhomynacyons How is thys wurthie commauudement obeyed whan they are so subtylly conuayed and so craftely retayned aloft in the belfreye or steple and neyther deformed nor yet altered Parauenture he wyll saye that he was neuer of counsell in that propre poynt of conueyaunce Wherin he doth lye most falsely For who is more of counsell in a noughtie matter thā he that knoweth it and yet wynketh at the doynge therof The abolyshyng of ydolles is a churche matter and chefely perteyneth to religyon If it had touched either offeringes or tithes I doubt it not but he woulde haue stande fourth for the chefe head of the parryshe and no man so hardie to haue medled afore him therin Why was he not then of counsell in thys reckenynge He remayned as maistre and heade of that churche by the space of more thā ii yeares after Wolde not hys syght serue hym to se so fowle a blot in so long tyme space Well sir whan thys matter came ones to a tryall afore the iustyces at wynchestre sessyons a man that had bene dead more thā ii yeares afore was able to discharge him of that horrible contempt of Gods wurd and hys kinges procedinges So workemanly doth one hounde of y t race lycke an other in this age Concerninge the thirde that it is a great heresie to write ought in reporche of the Bishopp of Rome In the weke afore Christmas last past as he chaūced to be in y e house of the forseyd gentylmau af hys owne affynyte where he myght alwayes be bolde to do hys lewde feates hys accustomed