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B04963 Devout entertainments of a Christian soule. Composed in French by the R.F. I.H. Quarre, P. of the Oratory of Jesus, and D.D. Translated in English by J.M. of W. Prisoner in the Tower of London. Quarré, Jean-Hugues, 1580-1656.; Winchester, John Paulet, Earl of, 1598-1675. 1648 (1648) Wing Q146A; ESTC R182305 43,124 205

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I do not doubt but that you will meet at first with some difficulties in these practices but do not think that before the Judgment of Almighty God you can be exempt from paine and labour On the contrary you ought to animate your self for love and charity which gives us God and opens Paradise to us deserves well that we labour seriously to acquire it and that we be very careful to conserve it if God vouchsafe to bestow it on us 18. To assist you in the acquisition of charity or rather to dispose you to receive it from the hand of God I conceive it fit for you to practice the three ensuing Acts which I am going to set before you 19. The first is that you enter into the poor simple thought of that love and charity which Jesus Christ hath for you or else consider how the Son of God is all love Then stay as little as you please upon this thought adore in your heart this love of Jesus with an humble respect After this you offer your self unto Christ Jesus and give your self intire to Him open your heart to Him to the end he may infuse into it the spirit of love even as he possesseth the plenitude thereof and according to the intention he hath that you should love God 20. The second is that you renounce cheerfully all that diverts you from loving God and beseech Christ Jesus to indue you with a hatred against all that is opposite unto this love or which may separate you from God 21. The third is that you resolve to be very circumspect to avoide all that hinders you from loving God Now nothing is a greater obstacle to it then mortall sinne and the love of Creatures And to aide you herein entertain your self sometimes in thoughts which may produce love in you At least endeavour as much as you may that no day passe away without some spirituall Lecture which may incourage you in these practices of love and charity You may perform these three acts in the form which I am going to prescribe you 22. My Lord and my God! I adore you as the increated love I give my self unto your love to bear the effects thereof in what manner you shall please and I renounce all that is repugnant in me to the love which I owe you Be pleased to gives me only the grace that I may divest my self of all that is opposite unto your love and that henceforward I may accept of nothing which is averse unto it 23. I particularly recommend unto you this last exercise in as much as the eternall Father bestows nothing on us but by his Sonne especially no Graces and Vertues And because our works have no other merit before God then what they receive from Jesus Christ I say that in this exercise you should give and offer your selfe unto Christ Jesus to the end he may bestow on you what is necessary and set on your workes and good intentions the price and value which they are to beare in the sight of God finally that you may reduce into act the desire you have of loving God 24 Moreover when God is pleased to confer any grace on us he would have us to cooperate with it without this cooperation his gifts arc fruitlesse Now we begin to cooperate when we give our selves unto Jesus Christ to beare the effects of the vertue which we desire of him and when we renounce all that is repugnant to it These are the reasons which invite mee so earnestly to recommend unto you this exercise These are the few entertainments which I purpose to present unto you concerning the acquisition practice of Charity Let us treat now of Prayer OF PRAYER AND Of the Presence of God The second Entertainment §. I. Concerning the Excellency of Prayer 1. WE are all bound to pray it is the duty of the Soule it is a lesson which Iesus Christ gave unto his Apostles and Disciples it is the practice of the Church and the customs of all Christians And God will have us to be sensible o● our infirmities and miseries and acknowledge our poverty to the end wee may resort unto him and that he may be honoured by our prayers 2. Prayer is an entertainment communication of the soule with God and of God with the soule And in Prayer the soule elevates her self unto God and God vouchsafes to descen● unto the soule 3. Prayer well made is a mirrour wherein the soule behold her selfe and where shee finde what shee is and somtimes she learnes thereby to know God and begins to relish him 4. Prayer obtaines all things for us Prayer teacheth all It is finally the food and aliment of the soule and so necessary that as without naturall meat the body languisheth so doth the soule without Prayer §. II. Of the Presence of God in Prayer 1. I Advise you then to set your affection upon Prayer There are two sorts thereof the one vocall the other mentall I will not take from you vocall Prayer because it is very good but indeed I counsell you not to charge and oblige your selfe unto many vocall Prayers 2 Nor will I oblige you unto mentall Prayer for few persons are capable of entertaining the inselves with it Neverthelesse I conceive it usefull nay necessary for you to make choice every day of some point or verity of faith to meditate on it as long as you please 3 It is an exercise which I propose to you as necessary for most certaine it is that every one hath need of recalling his spirit and evidently your mind is the more straying and distracted the more you remaine in the world Wherefore if you have any care of your salvation you must strive to recollect your soule which is so much ingaged in exteriour things as it may be said to be scarce in your body 4 Now the true meanes for recalling your soule is to place your selfe every day in the presence of God and to remaine some time in silence taking some good thought for your entertainment 5 What time you shall make choice of I leave unto your own conveniency at least I advise you to take part of the holy Masse for your meditation and to imploy it in this exercise but do it with affection As for the saying of your Beads or other vocall Prayers you may finde time enough If I may be credited you will preferre this little recollection before all the rest for it is more important then it seemeth and experience will teach it you if you please 6. What proportion of time you will imploy therein I leave unto your own zeale and devotion I beseech you onely not to faile in taking every day some good thought and seriously to stay upon it though it be but for some small time and if it be possible doe this every morning Affectionate your selfe unto this exercise which is briefe and will prove more facile then you imagine however it is profitable
withdraw my heart from selfe-love and all affection to creatures But how shall I doe it O blessed Virgin if I receive not powerfull assistance for I am able to act nothing if I want efficacious grace which operates in and with me what God desires of me Now from whence may I have it but from and by you O Mother of grace and mercy since God hath put into your hands the price of my Salvation and since you hold in your armes the fountaine of all graces I repaire then to you O benigne Virgin and I give my selfe to you to the end by the power which you have in quality of my Saviours mother you may produce in my soule the effects of life and death my meaning is that you operate in such sort by your favour that I may really die to my vices and sinnes that I may detest and hate them and lead such a life as God expects of me and to which I obliged my selfe when by Baptisme I was incorporated and made a member of Iesus Christ your Sonne Point II. THe Son of God vouchsafed to unite pains sorrows afflictions and crosses to himselfe and his holy Mother with designe to render them from thenceforth pleasing sweet and worthy to be esteemed and desired on earth Begin to esteem them because they are deified in Jesus and honoured in his holy Mother And if you are unable to aske them of God at least resolve to be are them with humility and patience when they shall happen to you PRAYER YOu have ever been O holy Virgin the wel-beloved of the eternall Father You are amongst all the pure creatures the worthiest object of his love You are his spouse and the true Mother of Iesus as he is his Father and he gives you his Son with him hath put into your hands the treasures of Heaven and earth and all the riches of Divinitie For this reason you are the worthiest of all pure creatures and with my Iesus you are the happinesse of the whole world Neverthelesse O Mother of God I see you in the midst of mount Calvary and at the foot of the Crosse holding your Son dead between your armes You take off the Crowne of thornes you wipe his wounds you wash his body with teares and kisse a thousand times the bruises of his flesh You suffer likewise with him the ignominies and dolors of the Crosse so that humiliations crosses afflictions are both in you and in Jesus In him and you they are become divine sanctified and rendred acceptable And for this cause they are worthie of being esteemed and desired by Christians What must I then doe O holy Virgin if I will love you what other thing can I doe but affect Crosses and humiliations with you and humble my selfe like you I desine and purpose it thus in my soule procure me only the grace that in all occasions I may beare every thing with fidelity and patience in such sort as God requires of me and you desire I should Point III. THe holy Virgin holding her Son between her armes offers him to God and the divine Iustice for satisfaction of our offences And as the Father hath given his Son to the world and the Son delivered himselfe up to the Crosse to save us So the holy Virgin both with heart and will sacrificeth her owne Son that she may in this sort minister unto our Salvation Give her thanks for this extraordinary Charity and beseech her to render you faithfull to all the graces which the death of the Son of God hath acquired PRAYER YOu have been chosen ô Mother of grace and mercy to be the repairer of the world and to co-operate in a most peculiar manner to the salvation of all mankind You did when you gave your Sonne Christ Jesus to be delivered up to the death of the Crosse and you do it when holding him dead between your armes you offer him to the divine Justice as a Victime and Sacrifice of propitiation which satisfies God for the sinnes of the world And in this respect you are our Repairer for Jesus who is the Saviour of men is yours he is your Sonne and you are his Mother And in this quality you have right to his life his preservation and all his condition Neverthelesse O Mother of our Soules you consent to his death you incourage him to torments you conduct him to the Crosse and like another Abraham you sacrifice in will and affection your only Sonne and you sacrifice him for my sinnes so great is your charity and love towards me But what can I doe in recognition of so sublime a benefit Wherein am I able to acknowledge O benigne Virgin so ardent a Charity At least since you give your Sonne for me procure that I may be your slave and since you resigne him to efface the sinnes of the world and that hee may merit for us such graces as are necessary for our salvation be pleased to mediate that I may be faithfull to all the graces which he hath purchased for me by his death and that I may live no longer but for his honour and yours as you give him to the Crosse and deliver him up to death for me Our LADIE of Compassion Point I. Since the Eternall Father can have no compatency in the dolours of his Son he substituted the holy Virgin imprinting in her heart and Spirit the vertue of the Crosse and the Spirit of his sufferings and piercing her heart with the sword of sorrow he made her suffer with her Sonne that in some manner she might co-operate to our Salvation Consider what Jesus and the holy Virgin suffer for you and from henceforth take delight in the thought of their sufferings and in the love of the Crosse PRAYER O Virgin and mother of my Iesus I render you thanks for having contributed to our salvation not only by giving your Sonne but also in taking your share in his Passions for if he indure you suffer with him The scourges the thornes the nailes and the lance have pierced his body but love and sorrow have transpierced your heart and gauled your soule Wherefore holy Virgin the true refuge of sinners I adore Iesus for my Saviour but I reverence you as his Mother and acknowledge you for the Repairer of the Universe since you cooperate doubly in the good of our soules For you give us your Sonne and suffer with him for us Be pleased also to mediate O Virgin spring of life and grace that I may be from henceforward the object of your commiserations And since you have loved me so much as to give me your Sonne and to give him even for the Crosse since your love and charity fastens you to my interests and makes you suffer for mee procure that I may suffer all for you but chiefly engrave in my heart such a hatred of sinne as I may rather indure a thousand deaths then so much as once offend my Jesus your Sonne who died
for my sinnes Point II. THe great love of the holy Virgin hath made her suffer extremely her life is no other but a Martyrdome her thoughts are fixed only upon the Crosse and her eyes have no other object then death and the death of her Sonne Her love is now but languishing and her languishments cause her incessantly to sigh after her God and her Sonne O my soule how happy should you be if you could live no longer but to love and suffer PRAYER Holy Virgin how shall I attaine so light enough to conceive your greatnesse and grace to imitate the severall dispositions of your soule I know and faith teacheth me that you are the Mother of God that your soule is full of grace and I confesse that you are the worthiest object of love and the most capable of favours from the blessed Trinity yet I see your soule all immersed in the bitternesse of the Crosse Your life is no longer but a Martyrdome your love is languishing and the object of your sighs are fixed onely on the death of your Sonne O how content should I be O Virgin life of my soule if I could lead such a life as yours How happy should I be if in imitation of you I had no other repose then in afflictions no other delight but in the Crosse nor other life but in the death of your Sonne I deserve not this favour I have not grace enough to live in so holy a manner neverthelesse I desire to live no longer but to love and no longer to love but to suffer I offer my selfe unto you for all this dispose now wholly of me as you shall please Point III. IF Love makes our Soule live in what she most affects surely the holy Virgin lives no longer but in Jesus suffering and dying since he loves nothing but Jesus And as Jesus is crucified in his body so the Virgin is in her soule The Sonne dies on the Crosse The Mother swounds at his feet The side of the Sonne is pierced with a Lance the heart of the Mother is transpierced with the sword of sorrow thus both of them live and die together What will you doe O my Soule at the sight of this sad spectacle since all this is done and accomplished for you Beseech the Sonne and the Mother to inspire you with true love and to render you worthy of bearing faithfully the grace and effects of the Crosse and Passion PRAYER WEre I unwilling O benigne Mother of my soul yet the affection which you beare me obligeth me to love you I am content nay I desire it with my whole heart but I am unable to effect it without a favour from heaven But as it is a great mercy that you vouchsafe to love and co-operate to my salvation so is it a great grace that I may be able to love you and live in your service I beg then this favour of you O Virgin Mother of my soule and I beseech you to change my heart that from henceforward I may bee yours and entirely dedicated to your service Put me in a state of perpetuall servitude towards you establish me in the true love of Jesus and procure that I may both live and die persevering in that love and service which I owe you I remit my life O holy Virgin into your hands I remit into your hands the houre of my death because I will be wholly yours and depend on you in such sort as my God and my Iesus desires it of me Be pleased then O Mother of mercy to receive me into your protection and to looke on mee as the object of your goodnesse and the subject of your commiseration Accept of my good will fortifie my weaknesse and give mee the grace to put in practice the good purposes which God hath suggested to me by your intercession and no longer permit that I act any thing which may annihilate in my soule the effects of grace but obtaine for me a capacity of receiving in my heart such effects of the Crosse as my Iesus shall infuse into it and fidelity to co-operate therewith in such sort as my God and my Iesus requires of me ASPIRATIONS OF The Soule unto God in forme of PRAYER The oblation of ones selfe unto God Lord Iesus of my selfe I can doe nothing for I am a miserable creature but with you nothing is impossible to me Abide then in me O happinesse of my soule live and raigne over me to effect in me what is acceptable to you You have all power and I offer it you a fresh over my life and actions even from the bottome of my soule I remit into your hands the same liberty will and life which you have given me Be pleased to accept and keepe them as yours for I am wholly yours and will depend on you Another Oblation MY Iesus by the nature of your being by the eminency of your greatnesse and by the state of your miseries you have been pleased to be both my Father my Lord and my Judge I implore all these adorable qualities and I invoke the power which you have over me by these holy properties which are in you and I beseech you by the same mercy and goodnesse which hath made you take on you those states that you would vouchsafe to inspire me with that fidelity which I owe you that I may be by my life your Sonne as you are my Father by grace that I may be your slave by a true subjection since you are my Lord. And as I acknowledge and adore you as my Saviour so let me be your captive being wholly yours and acting nothing but for you And since you are my Judge and that I confesse my selfe criminall be pleased to distill into my soule the zeale of your Justice to the end by your Grace and with vour Justice I may execute Justice on my selfe and satisfie your just indignation occasioned by the multitude of offences which I have presumed to commit against your divine goodnesse Thus I desire it thus doe I give my selfe up unto you O Iesus Saviour and Iudge of my Soule to become the victime of your will and to bear the effects of your grace Spirit and mysteries in such sort as you shall please In this manner I renounce my selfe to enter into all the dispositions and states which the eternall Father will have me beare in you and for your sake O Iesus A Resignation to the will of God O Iesus Father and beginning of all light illuminate my soule with your splendor that I may discerne what is disagreeable to you and give mee the grace to avoid it Grant that I may both know your will and accomplish it in every point for I desire to be wholly yours and to live no longer but for you To put ones self into the protection of Almighty God SAviour of my soule Author of my salvation see the dangers wherein I am remaining in this life sustaine mee with your hand that I may
is the mother of all sinnes is the principall occasion thereof For if you came into the world to ruine and annihilate the Kingdome of death and the empire of sinne much more did you come to combate the pomp of the world and to destroy the pride of men It was to this end you were borne and lived so poore and abject It was for this end that you died in the midst of so many confusions loaden with so many reproaches it was to condemne pride that your whole life your sufferings and death were onely in humiliations Since them O Lord you neither liv'd nor dy'd but to condemne pride which is the spring of all miseries I condemne it with you and detest it for your sake Be pleased to root out of my heart and to ingrave in my soule the love of humility And as in this mystery you abandon your selfe to the false judgments of men who esteem you worthy all the tortures which you indure so vouchsafe to give me the grace that for the combating my pride I may affect contempt despise the false judgments of men And for the completement of my blessing I beg of you that I may partake of the grace and spirit of your Passion and that you will be pleased to form in me your dispositions your actions and sufferings for I shall assuredly raigne with you if I become like unto you IESUS is nailed unto the Crosse Point I. PIlate abandoneth Jesus to the will and malice of sinners and Jesus himselfe became obedient in every thing even to the death of the Crosse He is delivered up to the Jewes and Gentiles to be nailed and fastned to this ignominious piece of wood in such sort as they shall ordaine Adore Jesus who satisfieth by his obedience for the disobedience of sinners and learne to love obedience and to preferre the will of God before all things of this world even before your owne life PRAYER O My Saviour and my God! I remaine not in this world but to fulfill your holy will all my happinesse depends on this point and the perfection of my soule consists in this vertue hitherto both Heaven Earth the Elements and all Creatures in obeying you teach me what I ought to doe But the death of my Iesus ô Eternall Father and his obedience in all the mysteries of his Passion evidenceth to me that I ought to preferre your holy will before my own contentments my private interest and even life it selfe that I must feare neither contempts nor sufferances nor even labours in all occasions which concerne that obedience which I owe your Soveraigne Majesty for if your Sonne hath abandoned himselfe to an ignominious death if he hath given his adorable feet and hands to be cruelly nailed unto a Crosse and if he subjected himselfe to the will of sinners and executioners what can I doe lesse from henceforward then learne of my Iesus the obedience which I owe to all that you require of me In honour then of the obedience of your Sonne and in homage to this vertue which he hath practised rendering himself obedient even to the death of the Crosse I give my selfe unto you O Father of mercy and acknowledge my selfe your Creature and Vassall and I purpose faithfully to obey you and to live under the lawes of your Empire Do not permit Lord if you please that I ever prove rebellious to you or that to fulfill my owne will I forsake yours but by an effect of the Mysterie which I contemplate grant that I preferre your holy will before all earthly things and even my owne life for such is my desire Point II. BEhold the submission wherein Jesus the King of glory vouchsafeth to place himselfe for our sinnes when as with a profound silence he submits to the Iudges to the Executioners and his Enemies And he even abandoneth himselfe to the power of Divels obeying so humbly and readily when they go about to uncloath him to naile and fasten him to the Crosse Subject your selfe for his sake as much as you may chiefly when there shall be occasion of being humbled or suffering any thing for the honour of God PRAYER GIve me the grace O God of love and goodnesse to know you and understand my selfe for if you impart unto me this light and affect me with a sense of this verity it will be easie for me to annihilate my selfe in the presence of your Soveraigne Majesty it will be no longer uneasie for me to condemne and confound my selfe considering the little love I beare you and it will be facile for me to suffer contempts humiliations and the Crosses of this present life For O benigne Iesus I see you all naked in the midst of most cruell Executioners stretched out upon this ignominious wood of the Crosse and if you who are the onely Son of my God have been pleased to endure for my sake the scourges the nailes and the Crosse why shall I refuse for the love of you the pains and contempts of this life No no Lord I detest my pride I accuse my remissenesse and renounce the delicacies and effeminacies of this world to the end I may imitate you and partake of the spirit grace and merits of your death and passion Point III. COnsider Jesus suffering in all things which may bring him pain humiliation and confusion to expiate the abuse we make of every thing which we imploy in offending the Divine Majesty and to condemne the inordinate love wherein we preferre the creature before the Creator Implore his grace to make good use of all things and take an aversion to the wantonnesse of the flesh PRAYER O Amiable Iesus you have created me to love you and have loved me to oblige me to your love nay all that you have done and suffered was but to draw me to you and to ingage me in your service I render you thanks with my whole heart and I beseech you to give me the grace that I may love you above all things and love nothing but your selfe in all things Be pleased to annihilate in me whatsoever is opposite to your love consume in my heart selfe-love and all affections to creatures to the end I may unite my selfe to you and live wholly for you I know very well that my crimes and offences have rendred me unworthy of this grace But O God of love and goodnesse you have suffered death on the Crosse to obtaine for us this grace and to attract us to your love Fix then if you please O benigne Iesus fix I say your love in my heart and your feare in my soule and grant that I may love you with all my power and with all my forces in order to your command Iesus upon the Crosse Point I. IEsus suffers in all the parts of his body who hath nothing whole from the feet to the head for he is covered all over with wounds bruised with blowes and his bloud quite exhausted He indures all these severall paines
to expiate the abuse which we make of our bodies to condemne the pleasures and volupties of the world Offer your Soule your body and life to Jesus and desire strength of him to despise the delights of this life and grace to suffer whatsoever shall happen to you PRAYER BEnigne Iesus what comparison can there be between the grandeurs of your Soveraigne Majesty and the abasement of the Crosse You are life in your divine Essence and you are life and glory to every rationall creature Why doe you then abase your selfe O ineffable greatnesse even to the torment of an ignominious death You undergoe it for me poor and miserable sinner and your love reduces you to a death on the Crosse to give life to me who am dead by sin This state is too unworthy of your greatnesse remaine rather on the Throne of your glory and leave me in the miseries and misfortunes which I have acquired by my demerits And if your goodnesse excite and invite you to shew me favour let it be at least without concernement of your greatnesse or abasement of your incomprehensible Majesty But I clearly discerne O my Iesus that it is your infinite goodnesse that invites you to love us with an infinite love and hath procured the communication of your selfe to our soules in an unconceivable manner for you exhaust your owne person to give your selfe unto men and you even consume your selfe in the flames of Charity to shew me your love and oblige me to love you You suffer and die to the end that having purchased me at the price of your bloud and life I may be no longer mine and live no more to my selfe but remain wholly yours and live only for you Alas Lord when will this happinesse befall me it is what I desire for I am yours my soulde my body and actions are yours I offer and submit them entirely and eternally to your holy will that you may do in and by me what you please for I am wholly yours as you are all mine Point II. JEsus thus covered over with wounds and suffering in all the members of his body is on the Altar of the Crosse as a victime for all sinners offering himself to his Father to heale them of the wounds made by their sinnes and he gives even to the last drop of his bloud for expiation of their offences Compassionate his Dolous render him thankes for the love he beares you and protest never more to offend him PRAYER ALl that you suffer on the Crosse O amiable Iesus and the paines which have consummated your Passion are but the ransome of my offences and the satisfaction of all my crimes for they are my sinnes which have deprived you of life it is my pride which hath humbled you my self and the pleasures of my life have scourged you my perverse inclinations and vaine desires have crowned you with thornes in fine you die upon the ignominious Tree of the Crosse to deliver me from the capiivity of the Divell and sinne and to satisfie the divine Justice justly irritated against me so that I consider you on the Altar of the Crosse as an holy victime which you offer unto your Father to appease him and your death is a sacrifice which you make to him of your selfe to merit life for mee and to obtaine pardon for my offences After so great a benifit can I be so unhappy as seeke to revive sinne in my soul and render my selfe still a slave to it Can I desire to enter into a new commerce with vice and obey my own concupiscences which have crucified you No no succour of my Soule I detest them with my whole heart and hate them with all my force for the love of you I will no longer offend you by the assistance of your holy grace which I beg of you by the merits of your passion Since you die onely to extirpate sinne in my soule and to banish vice out of my conscience Effect Lord effect what you desire and give me a holy inabilitie of offending you Point III. IEsus sheds his bloud in suffering and expires by the effusion thereof But the nailes and Executioners being unable to extinguish the ardor of his love which even in death it selfe cannot die he conserves what remaines of it in his heart and body to poure out upon the Crosse even to the last drop that he may evidence to us the profusion which he intends to make of his spirit of his graces and love Sacrifice unto him your heart and offer your selfe to him to beare the effects of the Crosse as he shall please to imprint them in your Soule PRAYER I Adore you O my Iesus crucified as the beginning of all happinesse and as the Spring of all graces and benedictions which either have been or shall ever be communicated to men I adore all the thoughts and desires which you have had upon the Crosse of giving your grace love to your elect finally my Saviour I adore the profusion you make of your bloud even to the last drop and the excesse of love which you expresse in all the states of your life and death Grant me the grace to beare the effects thereof and faithfully to co-operate with the merits of your Passion for what will it availe me O God of love that you are dead upon the Crosse and bountifull in communicating your Spirit and grace if I render my selfe unworthy of it and oppose my selfe against it by my iniquitie Neverthelesse it is what I feare for I am too miserable and shall surely remaine obdurate in my sinne if you prevent me not with your grace if you guard me not with your succour and if you continue not your favour to me Wherefore O ●●exhaustible goodnesse be pleased not to thinke it enough to have given your bloud and life but bestow on me over and above I b●seech you your spi●it your grace and love And I make a gift to you of my heart my spirit and life and remit into your hands the libertie wherein you have created me to the end I may become from henceforth a slave to your love and that my soule may live no longer then to receive the effects of your death and the life of your Crosse IESUS lying dead betweene the armes of his holy Mother Point I. IT is an unheard of thing to see God upon the Crosse and life in death yet you behold Jesus stretched out between the armes of his holy Mother He is dead but by this meanes he becomes the life of our Soules This manner of death is infinitely distant from the greatnesse of God but love hath wrought this wonder to convey life to your soule and death to your sins Give your selfe to Jesus and Mary to be are in you these two effects of life and death PRAYER IF I desire to live in God and in order to what he requires of a Christian I must needs die to sinne alter my depraved customes and