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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A60911 A testimony of love and good vvill unto all them who desire to come to enjoy an everlasting being with the Lord of life when dayes in this world will have an end. Given forth by one that desireth the good of all, and that none may perish in sin, John SOnghurst. Songhurst, John, d. 1688. 1680 (1680) Wing S4687; ESTC R220752 51,316 88

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People this is one of the chief Articles of the Church to Promise and Vow that the Child shall forsake the Devil and all his Works and live so all its Life long this is the first thing they injoyn a Member of their Church in the receiving a Member into their Church as part of their form of Worship and in their Pulpits Preach against it that is against the principal part of their Articles of belief in Baptism inasmuch as they say there is no Perfection here O the Darkness gross Darkness that is over this people the blindness and ignorance they are in concerning their Salvation it is hard to express how they are misled the blind Leaders of the Blind till many a thousand fall into the Ditch But blessed be the Name of the Lord who hath drawn me and many more out of it and hath set our Feet upon a Rock as David said Out of the Miery Clay For all these Performances and their best Duties are but as Mire and Clay in the sight of God and we that were in it as well as others hath the Lord raised up to bear a Living Testimony against this Idolatrous Worship and false Imaginations that others may come to see where they are and come out from amongst them before they fall together into the Pit of Hell where there is never coming out more For the Priests and all other Sect-Masters are blind Leaders of the Blind for do but consider the manner of their proceeding in this matter of Sprinkling of Children and what it doth produce the Priest he sprinkleth Water in the Face of the Child and saith I Baptize thee in the Name of the Father Son and holy Ghost And that they reckon maketh a Christian of the Child to wit a Child of God a Member of Christ and an Inheritor of the Kingdom of God an absolute Delusion and then there they must have some other People good or bad to stand bound for the Child and these they call God-Fathers and God-Mothers as if the God of Heaven and Earth had Fathers and Mothers made of wicked Men and Women for do but mind these people take the Work of God upon them inasmuch as they take upon them to Promise and Vow that the Child shall forsake the Devil and all his Works which is to live without Sin and no less then all the dayes of his Life which is a thing all the World can never do for inasmuch as they promise that the Child shall forsake the Devil and all his Works this doth include all Sin whatsoever for there is no Sin nor never was but is of the Devils work and herein they take that upon them which none can do but God and Christ and therefore Christ is come to destroy Sin to put an End to Sin to finish Transgression and to bring in Everlasting Righteousness for all man's Righteousness is but as filthy Rags and when he hath done all that he can while he is in the old Nature it is all unprofitable And further consider both Priests and People how the Priests Err in compelling people to do that in this case which they are ignorant of and cannot give Answer for what they do and here the Blind are Leaders of the Blind For neither Priests nor People know in this matter what they do for if they did some of them would not do it for when some in obedience to the Lord have asked them why they did do these things which there is no Scripture for they could not well tell what to say some have said The Law of the Nation is for it Others in a blind manner will say That if they should not do it their Children would be Damned because they think that maketh them Christians when few of them know what a Christian is for a Christian is one that walketh like Christ or as Christ would have him and so to be United to Christ Some will Answer and say That it was used in our Fore-Fathers dayes and therefore we will use it It was said In the time of Ignorance the Lord winked but now he hath removed the Clouds of Ignorance and made these things known and hath cleared up the understandings of a Remnant more in this Age than in some Ages past and hath manifested the emptiness barrenness unfruitfulness and unprofitableness of the Traditions of the Ignorant and is calling to Repentance and the People of this Age have as much need of Repenting of this thing of Sprinkling as any one thing for in the manner as it is now used and hath been for some time past it is very wicked and abominable in the sight of God and why may not people as well plead for their Fore-Fathers Drunkenness Swearing Lying and Whoreing as for this For note this one thing when they go to make a Christian as they suppose do but mark them in the Action when they are met together they behave themselves more like People of making Heathens than Christians for it is common for them they take occasion at such times to Feast Play Dance Revel and be drunk at the time when they practise such things And this is their manner of making Christians who make use of those opportunities of their so meeting to commit such Abominations but I would leave to the serious consideration of any sober People whether these Actions and Practices be the way to make Christians O! the horrid Abominations and Pollutions that People do commit in this and almost in all their Duties when they meet together as they say to worship God! the Lord is weary of bearing with it and his Indignation is against them that run into any thing and call it Service and Duty to God when God hath not commanded it nor required it nor his Spirit led them to do it These things are an Abomination to the Lord and Christ is come to judge the World of Sin of Righteousness and of Judgment for people that are got into any Judgment or Righteousness as to Religion and Worship which they are not led and guided into by the Spirit of God although it were a likeness of the true Worship which the People of God in Ages past did do in obedience to the Spirit of God and where things that were accepted of God being done and acted by the holy men of God as they were moved by his holy Spirit were well-pleasing to God in their Day and Time they being but Shadows and Figures of the Substance Christ Jesus which is come and hath put an end to them outward things now is calling of People to worship in the Spirit and in the Truth for Christ said Such the Father seeketh to worship him So now though People may run into these things which were good in their Time and Day as Circumcision was in its day so were other things in their day and time as John's Baptism breaking of Bread and many other things before as the Passover the Brazen Serpent which
Moses set up was good till it was Idolized and in the time of the Law there were many things used as Sacrifice and Burnt Offerings Sin Offerings and Peace Offerings the Blood of Bulls and Goats the Ashes of a Heifer with many outward things but as to the Sprinkling of Children we never read of which made not the comers thereunto Perfect as to the cleansing of the Conscience for that was a Work alwayes done by the Spirit and Power of God though it pleased God to condescend to mans low and weak Capacity in these outward things till the fulness of time was come in which he would send Christ the Substance of all those Types and Figures and Shadowy outward things and the Substance being come to wit the Messiah Christ Jesus the Shadows end in him and the Righteousness thereof comes to be fulfilled in them that believe and obey the Truth to wit the followers of Christ Jesus and John he spoke concerning his Commission or Ministration that he was to Decrease but Christ was to Increase For if you observe John was sent a fore-runner of Christ to prepare the Way of the Lord and make his Pathes straight and to Baptize in Water them that did believe the Testimony of John concerning Christ and this was in order to a further Work which Christ would come to do as John said which was to Baptize with Fire and with the holy Ghost So them that are come to be baptized with the holy Ghost and with Fire they are come to the Substance Christ Jesus and to them the Shadows are ended And as for the Word Sacrament there is no such Word in the Scriptures that I know but as concerning Christ breaking of Bread with his Disciples that was not spoken of as in relation for all men to use it but to his Disciples alone for he thus spoke and said unto them As often as ye do this do it in remembrance of me and in so doing said he to them not to the World you shew the Lord's Death till he come For he had promised to them He that was with them should be in them So they were to stay at Jerusalem till they were indued with Power from on High which was to know his Second Coming spiritually without Sin unto Salvation which accordingly he performed to them and then there was no need for to do any thing without to bring them to Remembrance of Christ the Hope of Glory within them he was then come to guide their Minds and Hearts into all Truth So when his Disciples were endewed with Power from on High then in Authority they went into all Nations baptizing them into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost He doth not say with Outward Water but into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost And the Name of the Lord is a strong Tower and the Righteous flee to it and are saved from the Devouring Adversary we have cause to praise the Lord for this for this is known in our dayes as it was in dayes past But now for People to run into the Imitation of these things and not by Motion from the Lord because it hath been used in times past by the People of God I say for others to run into it that never came to witness a being in that state which the People of God were in this is that Worship which is built upon the Sand which when the Storms come and the Winds of Persecution blow then that Building falls and great is the Fall of it and this Righteousness Christ is come to judge as well as Sin So whatsoever is set up although it may be seemingly Righteous in the Eyes of People which they have been seeking to themselves it must all down as well as their Sins for it is all alike in the sight of God for People have been seeking out easie Wayes to serve God in for this worshipping of God in Spirit and Truth they do not like the Gate that leadeth to it is so strait that they must so much deny themselves that they cannot get in at it with their Body of Sin and this is such a Cross to their own Wills that they that delight in the Pleasures of Sin cannot abide to think on it but get up what they can against it and would fain have an easier Way than Christ and reckon him an hard Master because he would have them leave the Pleasures of Sin that they may be saved in the Day of Account which will suddenly come upon all the World to give an Account of their Deeds done in the Body whether they are Good or Evil. Therefore 't is good for all People to see that their Deeds are Good before it be too late and lay aside that which hindereth that they may enter in at the strait Gate before it be shut never more to be opened for it is God that openeth and it is him that shutteth and if he shut again all the World shall never open more and though they may then seek they cannot find and many times when it pleases God to open the blind Eye so that they come to see they see there is so much to deny and to do away that they are willing to be blind again and so begin to hate that which shewed it them and even them also that are obedient to it for the sake of him who in Good Will would save them from Hell There are many things that hinder People from entring in at the strait Gate for strait is the Gate narrow is the Way which leads unto eternal Life few there be that find it because they are seeking the Wrong Way most People are seeking every one his own Way and the Way of the Lord is neglected for in that Way they cannot walk in their old course of Life for I will render many Instances why many are striving and cannot enter in at the strait Gate This is strait to the Carnal Man but to the Spiritual Man it is easie or it is made easie to them by the Spirit of God but to the Sinner 't is hard the Drunkard because of his Drunkenness cannot enter into the Kingdom of God the Swearer because of his Swearing the Lyar because of his Lying the Covetous Man because of his Covetousness the Cozening Deceitful Envious and Malicious-minded Men cannot enter because of these things the Proud and Lofty or them that spend their time in Playing Sporting in Vanity and Jesting cannot enter these and all such things have and do hinder from coming into the Kingdom of Heaven the Whoremonger Thief and Murderer the Hypocrite or Blasphemer cannot enter and they that be got under a Cover of Religion which is not true but false cannot enter though it make a great shew it being not right this hindreth many from coming to God and is one of the greatest Snares the Devil hath to deceive with among men and doth in this kind deceive Millions of People
and the Life But now here is one thing to be considered that I would have all People well to mind that is Christ being the Way the Truth and the Life to know what Way he is and how he is the Truth and the Life Now to confess to this is one thing and to come to be a Witness of it is another thing for mind Christ his mind in this thing is that he is man and womans Way to Heaven and the Truth that they must come to and be guided by and the Life that they must live in which is by Faith in the Son of God Now here lieth the matter to be considered whether or no thou art come to that state and condition that is to come to know Christ to be thy Way and whether thou art come to know the Truth as it is in Jesus and to live that Life which pleases God yea or nay which Life is in Christ Jesus this every one is to consider for till People come to be Witnesses of this in themselves 't is not a confessing to it or talking of it will do or stand them in any stead in the Day of Account when God comes to reckon with them For this the holy men of God did witness and said The Life which we now live is by the Faith of the Son of God Gal. 2.20 And John said that came to witness the work of God begun and carrying on in himself on this manner That which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our Eyes which we have looked upon and our Hands have handled of the Word of Life this declare we unto you 1 John 1.1 And further the Apostle saith Christ wrought all their Works in them and for them which work was to root out Sin Now this they came to know and witness in themselves and not by report and hear-say of others this state the People of God came to in all Ages and Generations in a measure while they were here in this Life and did not think to have the work of Redemption done for them when they were dead as some now adayes think to have thinking to serve the Devil while they are here and that God will save them when they can sin no longer but mark this such as People sow such shall they reap and they that sow Sin and Wickedness must of the same Wages reap Corruption which Wages the Scripture saith is Death saying The Wages of Sin is Death and that to them for evermore but the Gift of God is Eternal Life Rom. 6.23 For this is a strange thing that a man should be a Servant to one man many Years and at last come to another for Wages for the same time this is Confusion and Madness and with this Cheat a great part of the World is cheated by both Priests and Professors in telling People that they cannot live without Sin and so they serve the Devil all their days and that God would accept with the reward of Peace of them when they can serve him no longer For inasmuch as they tell People they cannot leave off Sinning but must sin as long as they live it is the same thing as if they tell People they must serve the Devil all their dayes for there is no sin committed or brought forth in any but it is of the Devil 's begetting and bringing forth in People for he is the Father of all Sin in all people wheresoever or in whomsoever it is brought forth and therefore this unavoidably must follow that they that live and dye in Sin must live and dye Servants to the Devil if so every man must expect his Wages according to his Works Therefore I would have none deceive themselves for if the Devil must be served all your dayes him you must go to at last unavoidably whether you will believe it or no. And further take notice of this Christ is not the Way of the Wicked nor of Sinners neither are Sinners or they that plead for Sin come to the Truth nor to know it nor to live the Life of it which Life is out of Sin and not in Sin for that is a Life of the Devil for he is the Founder of all Sin and the Wages of Sin is Death and Damnation to all that live and dye in Sin These things are worthy to be considered before it be too late which will be when God's Spirit hath done striving with thee for without coming to know the Devil's Works destroyed in thee or that work begun by the Lord till thou comest to know this thou shalt never know the Truth making Free from Sin and that which makes Free from sin is Christ and till People come to know this Freedom from Sin begun they can never know Righteousness and without Righteousness none shall see God and without coming to see God none can go to Heaven till they come to be Freed from Sin none can be fitted for Heaven And the Scripture saith The Truth makes Free and the Truth is Christ Jesus and if this be to make Free it is to make Free from something and if it be not from Sin what is it that People must be Freed from I would know I do believe it is from Sin for I never heard of any thing that any was in Bondage to but Sin that hindereth People of Salvation and therefore Christ the Truth is come to make an end of it that Righteousness may reign in the room of Sin and these two things were never known to dwell together but one must be known to be pulling down before the other can be set up therefore it was said Light hath no fellowship with Darkness nor a Believer with an Infidel Here Christ is meant the Light and the Devil the Power of Darkness and these two War one against the other in People striving which shall rule and bear sway in Peoples Minds Hearts and Affections one of these two Spirits striveth to lead into all manner of Sin and Evil and the other striveth to lead into all manner of Righteousness and true Holiness both in things Spiritual and Temporal And here I will make a difference betwixt the manner of their working and striving in People and that in all People at one time or another and that all may be sensible of it if they will but if they will not in the day when God's good Spirit striveth with them they shall be brought one day to a Remembrance of it when they shall be unwilling and before they are aware when nothing but Death and Sorrow shall meet together and none to help them will be found Now to the matter and manner of these two Spirits striving the bad Spirit he in all People strives to keep their Minds altogether in Carnal and in Earthly things which is Death to the Soul The Scripture saith To be Carnally-minded is Death but to be Spiritually-minded is Life and Peace and this I do believe is