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A49334 Catechetical questions, very necessary for the understanding of the principles of religion conformed to the doctrine of the Church of England / by Simon Lowth ... Lowth, Simon, 1630?-1720. 1673 (1673) Wing L3324; ESTC R14549 47,430 154

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Ephesus and to St. Titus in Creet c. And therefore they only that is the Bishops are to be acknowledged to have this Authority of Jurisdiction and Ordination who can derive it from the Apostles and prove themselves in these very things to be the Apostles Successors Q. VVhat do you chiefly learn out of the Articles of the Christian Faith 1. I learn to believe in God the Father who hath made me and all the world 2. In God the Son who hath redeemed me and all mankind 3. In God the Holy Ghost who sanctifieth me and all the elect people of God Q. VVhat Do you believe there be three Gods A. No There be three Persons and but one God The Father the Son and the Holy-ghost are onely one Con-substantial Co-eternal and Co-equal Essence but three persons Q. VVhat do you mean by a Person A. A Person is one who hath his own subsistence which no other besides hath proper to himself Q. How is it possible that there should be three Persons in one Essence A. With men it is impossible but not with God Indeed this is such an high and and dreadful Mystery that it is not safe to say any more of it but that I do believe it that there is three in one The Father is made of none as it is in St. Athanasius his Creed The Son is of the Father alone and the Holy-ghost is of both And by these several properties they are really distinguished each from other For the substance of God with this property to be of none maketh the Person of the Father The very self-same substance with this property to be of the father maketh the Person of the Son The same substance having added to it the property of proceeding from the other two maketh the person of the Holy Ghost So that in every Person there is implyed both the Substance of God which is one and also that property which causeth the same Perrson really and truly to differ from the other two This is the truth But how cometh it to pass I cannot say you need not nay you must not search only believe Q. Out of what words in the Creed do you learn to believe in God the Father who hath made you and all the world A. Out of the words of the first Article I believe in God the Father Almighty maker of Heaven and Earth Q. What do you observe in this Article A. 1. That there is a God 2. That there is but one God 3. That there are divers Persons in the Godhead implyed in Father 4. That God expresseth himself to us 1. By the Unity of his Essence God 2. By Trinity of Persons Father 3. By his Attributes as Almightiness Infiniteness c. 4. By his Works expresly of Creation and consequently of Preservation of Heaven and Earth and all things that are therein visible and invisible Q. Do you not believe that the Son and the Holy Ghost is also Almighty and Maker of Heaven and Earth A. Yes For as we say the Father is God the Son is God and the Holy Ghost is God and yet they are not three Gods but one God So we say the Father is Almighty the Son is Almghty and the Holy Ghost is Almighty and yet there are not three Almighties but one Almighty And so we say the Father is the Maker of Heaven and Earth and the Son is Maker of Heaven and Earth and the Holy Ghost is Maker of Heaven and Earth and yet they are not three Makers but one Maker of Heaven and Earth For although by a peculiar manner of speaking according to our capacity in respect of the Persons we call the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth because he is the first of the Persons in the Godhead And we attribute Wisdom to the Son because he is the eternal Word of the Father And Goodness to the Holy Ghost because he is the Love of them both Yet indeed these and all other outward Actions and Attributes of God are common to all the Persons of the Godhead Q. In what Articles do you learn to beleive in God the Son who hath Redeemed you and all Mankind A. In the 2 3 4 5 6 7 Articles Q. What is the reason that the work of Mans Redemption done by the second Person in the Trinity is more largly and in more Articles set down than the work of the Worlds Creation A. 1. Because it cost more to Redeem the Soul than to make the World The work of Redemption is greater than the work of Creation and consisteth of more circumstances 2. To teach us that as we ought to respect other Doctrine so this in a more special manner as that we determin to know and rejoyce in nothing more than in Jesus Christ and him Crucified Q. Could not God have Redeemed Mankind by a word as easily as have made the World A. Yes For with God all things are and ever were possible God had other means in his power to save us than by the death of his Son but a better and more convenient way to demonstrate his Love and Mercy towards us and to manifest his Wisdom Power and Justice against Sin Death and Satan He had not for God chose the best When He first decreed this way to save Man it was in His Power to have appointed another way if it had pleased Him So that God was not tyed to determin this way upon any necessity as if the choice of other means failed Him But this in the Wisdom of God common to all the three Persons in the Holy Trinity was allowed as the most honorable and acceptable way to God and the most favourable and comfortable way to Man Q. Did Christ Redeem none but Mankind A. No. God spared not the Angels that sinned but cast them down to Hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto Judgment 2 St. Pet. 2.4 St. Jude 6. Q. Did Christ Redeem all Mankind A. Yes The words of the Church-Catechism are express and plain who Redeemed me and all Mankind And so it is written that He dyed for all 1 Cor. 5.14 15. and that He is the Saviour of all men 1 Tim. 4.10 As by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation so by the Righteousness of one the free gift came came upon all men to justification of life Rom. 5.18 Q. Is the price of Christs Death sufficient for the Redeeming of all Mankind A. Yes doubtless For He gave himself a Ransom for all 1 Tim. 2.6 by which He is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him Heb. 7.25 For He is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world St. John 1.29 Q. But was it Christs intention and purpose that all Mankind should be Redeemed and Saved by His death A. Yes surely For He will have all men to be saved 1 Tim. 2.4 that is He is not willing that any should perish 2
the Kingdom to God the Father Q. Why is it said that Christ shall come again Did He ever come before to Judgment A. No. But this word again relateth to Christs first coming by His Incarnation for our Redemption and teacheth us that as He came then in the fulness of time to visit us in great humility so He shall come again at the end of the world in His glorious Majesty to Judge both the quick and the dead Q. Why are quick and dead mentioned in this Article A. To shew that all shall not die before the last day of Judgment but some shall be then found alive and these shall only be changed from corruption to incorruption and shall be caught up together with the dead into the clouds to meet the Lord in the ayr and so without separation of the body and soul by death they shall be ever with the Lord 1 Thes 4.15 16 17. 1 Cor. 15.51 c. Q. In what Article of your Creed do you learn to believe in the Third Person of the Trinity the Holy Ghost who hath sanctified you and all the Elect People of God A. In the 8 9 10 11 12th Articles Q. What do you observe in this part of the Creed A. 1. The Person sanctifying 2. The Persons sanctified Q. VVho is the Person sanctifying A. The Holy Ghost called the Paraclete or Comforter Q. VVhat do you mean by the Holy Ghost A. A Ghost is the same that a Spirit which is pure a incorporeal immaterial substance So by the Holy Ghost I mean the Holy Spirit that is the Third Person in the Sacred Trinity Q. But are there not other Spirits besides the Third Person in the Trinity A. Yes The Angels are Spirits Heb. 1.14 And there are the Spirits of just men made perfect Heb. 12.23 which are the souls of the Elected after they be delivered from the burden of the flesh And these are holy too And in general any thin substance in Nature wanting solidity and grossness of matter by way of resemblance and similitude may be called a Spirit But these are created Spirits and to distinguish the Third Person in the glorious Trinity from these we must call Him Uncreated And to make this distinction plain and evident the Fathers in the Councils of Nice and Constantinople have expounded this Article thus I believe in the Holy Ghost the Lord and giver of life VVho proceedeth from the Father and the Son VVho with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified VVho spake by the Prophets Now here Being Lord distinguisheth Him from Ministring spirits Heb. 1.14 and being giver of life proceeding from the Father and the Son being worshiped and glorified together with the Father and the Son communicating with them in their Substance Nature Power Majesty Glory and Eternity and speaking by the Prophets distinguisheth Him from all creatures whatsoever Q. But is not the Holy Spirit said equally of the Father and of the Son too A. It is true both the Father and the Son are a Spirit and both holy also And therefore indeed this Third Person is not distinguished from the other two by His proper name but is called by a name common to the other two And this comes to pass because of our want of words For we can conceive God under no other Names but such as we borrow from created things so far as we can resemble Him to something that is in Nature and no farther And therefore we can call the First and Second Persons by their proper names because the First Person his communicating of His Substance to the Second is like to Generation that is the Act of Generating or begetting in Nature and so the Substance Generating is one Person of the Father and the Substance Generated is another Person of the Son But the Coming or Proceeding of the Third Person from both the other is like to nothing in Nature and therefore we can call the Act of this communicating of the Substance of the other two Persons to the Third by no other but by the general Name of Comeing or Proceeding and therefore the Person Proceeding in such manner as cannot be expressed no nor conceived by any thing that resembleth it must of necessity to us want His proper name and be called by the name proper to the other two Yet whensoever the Holy Spirit though it be the common name of all Three is joyned with the First and Second Person in the Trinity or with either of them by way of distinction then this particularly signifieth the Third Person in the Deity who ineffably inconceivably and eternally proceedeth from the Father and the Son and is Very God Co-eternal Co-equal and Con-substantial to both and to be worshipped with the same Faith and with equal Honor and Adoration Q. But why is the Third Person called Holy as it were in distinction to the other two A. We must not speak of any Person of the Godhead without holiness and all other Attributes of Perfection either expressed or understood And so the Third Person as the First and the Second is Holy ab intra by nature from all Eternity and Co-equal with them in this as in all other Nominal and Real Relative and Absolute Attributes But He is said to be Holy in distinction to Them by an Holyness of His Office ab extra begun in time as He is the Author and Maker of Holiness in us the Giver of Holy and Spiritual life the Sanctifier of all the Elect People of God Q. How doth the Holy Ghost Sanctifie and make Holy the Elect people of God A. 1. He dedicateth us early to Christs service in our Baptism 2. He alienateth us from the allurements of the world by a religious education 3. He acquainteth us with the holy Scriptures and with the Principles of Religion drawn from the same which ●re able to make us wise unto Salvation ●hrough faith that is in Jesus Christ 4. He exerciseth us therein that is 〈◊〉 the Scriptures and those Principles ●hrough the assistance of grace to have ●lways a Conscience void of offence ●oth towards God and towards men Q. How doth the Holy Ghost exercise 〈◊〉 to have a Conscience thus void of sence A. Many ways 1. By moving us to keep and restrain ●●r five outward Senses that sin by ●●em as by open windows enter not in●● our hearts 2. By enabling us to practise the four ●●rdinal moral Virtues 3. By infusing into our hearts the three Theological Virtues 4. By endowing us with the seven guifts of the Holy Ghost 5. By working in us the twelve Effects or Fruits of the Holy Ghost 6. By giving us a heart and power to do the three kinds of good works as also to perform the seven works of Corporal mercy the seven works of Spiritual mercy and the Offices of Christian Justice 7. By propounding unto us as the excitements of holy duties and the reward of our labours all the external internal and
eternal happiness of the eight Beatitudes Q. Which be the five Senses A. 1. Seeing 2. Hearing 3. Touching 4. Tasting 5. Smelling Q. Which are the four Cardinal Mora● Virtues A 1. Prudence 2. Justice 3. Fortitude 4. Temperance Q. Which be the three Theological Virtues A. 1 Faith 2. Hope 3. Charity Q. What be the seven guifts of the Holy Ghost A. 1. Wisdom 2. Understanding 3. Counsel 4. Fortitude 5. Knowledge 6. Godliness 7. The Fear of the Lord. Q. Which be the twelve Fruits of the Holy Ghost A. 1. Love 2. Joy 3. Peace 4. Patience 5. Benignity 6. Goodness 7. Longanimity 8. Mildness 9. Faith 10. Modesty 11. Continence 12. Chastity Q. Which be the three kinds of Good Works A. 1. Alms. 2. Prayer 3. Fasting Q. What be the seven works of Corporal Mercy A. 1. To feed the hungry 2. To give drink to the thirsty 3. To cloath the naked 4. To visit and redeem the Captives 5. To harbour the harbourless 6. To visit the sick 7. To bury the dead Q. What be the seven works of Spiritua● Mercy A. 1. To correct the sinner 2. To instruct the ignorant 3. To counsel the doubtful 4. To comfort the sorrowful 5. To take wrongs patiently 6. To forgive wrongs willingly 7. To pray for all men Q. What be the Offices of Christian Justice A. 1. To decline all evil 2. To do all good Q. VVhich be the eight Beatitudes A. 1. Blessed are the poor in spirit For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven St. Mat. 5. 2. Blessed are the meek For they shall possess the earth 3. Blessed are they that mourn For they shall be comforted 4. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness For they shall be filled 5. Blessed are the merciful For they shall find mercy 6. Blessed are the clean in heart For they shall see God 7. Blessed are the Peace-makers For they shall be called the Sons of God 8. Blessed are they that suffer persecution for righteousness sake For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven Q. VVho are the persons sanctified by the Holy Ghost A. In one word they are the Church Q. VVhat is the Church A. The Church is a visible company of Christs faithful people for whom He the Son of God taking upon Him the Nature of Man did and suffered all things necessary to their Salvation Q. VVhat do you observe in your Creed concerning the Church A. 1. Her Being that there is a Church 2. Her Proprieties 3. Her Priviledges Q. What are the Prproieties of the Church A. 1. One 2. Holy 3. Catholick 4. Apostolick 5. A Communion of Saints Q. VVhat are the Priviledges of the Church A. 1. Concerning the Soul Forgiveness of Sins 2. Concerning the body Resurrection of the Body 3. Concerning both Body and Soul Life Everlasting Q. What needs this be an Article of your Christian Faith that the Church hath a being For do not all Jews Turks and Infidels c. believe that there is a Church A. They believe that there is such a Sect of Christians in the world as we call the Church But they believe it not to have such means of Salvation such saving truth in the Word such efficacy in the Sacraments such power of binding and loosing such proprieties and priviledges as I believe to be in the Church Q. VVhat is the first propriety of the Church A. To be one Q. How do you say the Church is but One A. The whole multitude of Believers dispersed far and wide over the whole world is but One Collective Mystical Body of our Lord Jesus Christ Therefore I say I believe the Church Not Churches in the plural number but in the singular number One Church as it is intimated in the Apostles Creed and expressed in the Nicene Creed And so it is written There is One Body and One Spirit even as you are called in One hope of your calling One Lord One Faith One Baptism One God and Father of all who is above all and through all and in us all Eph. 4.4 5 6. As it is but One Body so it hath but One Head One Supream invisible Rector or Governor even Christ Jesus our Lord whom the Father hath given to be Head of the Church which is His Body Eph. 1.22 23. Thus the Church is but One because She teacheth in all places and at all times one and the same Doctrine of Faith Administreth the same Sacraments is guided by the same Spirit and hath the same invisible Head And so the particular Members though they cannot be all together in one place ought to be of one mind and endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace Q. What is the second Propriety of the Church A. She is Holy Q. How is the Church said to be Holy A. First As all things consecrated and set a part for Religious uses are said to be holy so all the Faithful are holy that have dedicated themselves and given up their names in Baptism unto Christ And so then again In Him the Church is holy as a Body that is joyned to an holy Head from Whom as from the Fountain of all holiness the Graces of the Holy Ghost and the Riches of the goodness of the Father are diffused and derived Lastly She is Holy because of the Holy Word that is Preached the Holy Sacraments that are Administred the Holy Service that is performed and the Holy Lives that are practised in the Church Q. VVhy is She called Catholick A. Catholick is as much as General and Universal and then therefore She is called Catholick because being dispersed throughout the whole world She doth in Her Motherly bosome receive embrace and safe-keep all persons of all times places and Nations so that they be of one mind and consent in the Faith and Doctrine of Christ Q VVhy is the Church called Apostolick A. This was added by the Fathers of Nice and Constantinople to prove the Church truly Catholick in that the Doctrine thereof which all men of former ages in all Nations had received and all for the present and hereafter are bound to stand to as received from the very Apostles themselves and from their writings Q. VVhy is the Church called the Communion of Saints A. 1. In respect of Christ the Head in whose benefits every Member hath a common interest in that He took upon Him the Nature of Man not of this or that particular but of all in general and so for all men that believe in Him He effectually suffered all things necessary for their Salvation 2. In regard of the society of all the Elect people of God all the faithful Members of the Church both Militant and Triumphant that have been are or shall be in all times and in all places who hold an inseparable Communion and Unity among themselves as Members of one and the self same body and do help and assist one another with mutual acts of mercy and all good works among whom there is
Are you able now to do all those things that are necessarily required and to walk in the Commandments of God and to observe them as you ought to do A. No. Not of my self in all points and at all times as in strictness I ought to do yet I may being assisted by Gods help perform and keep them so far as that God may graciously accept of it Q. Did ever any man keep all these Commandments in all points at any time or any of them perfectly at all times A. No. No man ever kept all of them at any time perfectly according to the parts nor any one of them at all times according to the degree of obedience that is required except our Saviour Christ who alone did all things well who did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth 1. St. Pet. 2.22 Q. How do you mean then that it is any way possible to keep Gods Commandments A. In a word For the possibility of keeping Gods Commandments to us that are in Christ for without Him we can do nothing there must necessarily concurre with our true endeavours the grace of Gods assistance helping our infirmities and so we may be able to do something and the grace of Gods acceptation not weighing our merits but pardoning our offences and so we may be able to do what is sufficient Q. How may a man come by this grace of assistance and acceptation A. He must call to God for it by continual Prayer Q. What is the most absolute and best form of Prayer A. That which is taught us by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ called The Lords Prayer THE LORDS PRAYER Our Father c. Q. VVHat do you chiefly observe in the Lords Prayer A. 1. A Proeme or Preface 2. The Petitions 3. The Conclusion Q. What is contained in the Preface A. The Person to whom we Pray to wit God in whom we believe and whom we are to obey described 1. By His relation to us that He is a Father and in this we have Faith that He Will 2. By His Habitation that He is in Heaven and by this we have hope He is able to help us And 3. By the Common interest that we all have in Him in that He is Ours and by this we have Charity and pray with others and for others as well as for our selves Q. How is God said to be our Father here A. By Adoption in and through Christ and so He is Ours that is all ours who are Christians who all in the judgment and exercise of Charity are to be taken and used as the children of God Q. But is not God in all places A. Yes Q. Why then do you call upon Him as limited and circumscribed in Heaven A. God is said to be in Heaven not because He is there limited or confined by the bounds of that place but because Heaven is the Throne of His Majesty the place of His most glorious Residence in which He is by a more special and eminent presence than in any other Q. May we pray to none but God A. No. To none but God as the chief Author and Giver of what we pray for Q. But may we not pray to one another A. Yes We may pray to them with whom we live and converse for any thing thing wherein they can assist us as subordinate means and instruments in and under God Q. But may we not pray to the Saints departed A. No. Q. But are not they more able and ready to help us in their Prayers to God for us being of the Church Triumphant than any of the Church Militant A. Yes no doubt Q. Why then may we not pray to them to pray for us as we do for one another here on earth A. 1. Because we have no warrant in Gods Word for our so doing 2. Because we are not assured that they hear us as we do one another to whom we speak face to face Q. How many Petitions are there in the Lords Prayer A. Seven To some of which all Manners and Forms of Prayers ought to be referred Q. What do you desire in the first Petition Hollowed be thy Name A. That Gods Honor and Glory may be preferred and advanced above all things That the Confession and Practice of Faith Hope and Charity and holy Conversation of Christian Life may so shew forth their power and force in us that others beholding the same may take occasion to praise God in our behalfe when we make our light so shine before men that they may see our good works and glorifie our Father that is in Heaven Q. What do you ask of God in the second Petition Thy Kingdom come A. 1. That Gods Kingdom of Power and Grace may come that Christ may reign in the Church and that the Church may be propagated over the whole world 2. That also His Kingdom of Glory may come that in this the Church may reign with Christ for ever That it may please God of His gracious goodness shortly to accomplish the Number of His Elect and to hasten His Kingdom that we and all they who are departed in the true Faith of His Holy Name may have one perfect consummation and bliss both in body and soul in His Eternal and everlasting Glory Q. What is the substance of the third Petition Thy Will be done A. That we upon Earth though weak and but of small power may exhibit and yeild unto Almighty God exact and perfect Obedience according to all the parts and degrees that are required in our duties such as the Angels and Saints do in Heaven desiring nothing so much as that we may chearfully submit our selves to His good pleasure both in Prosperity and Adversity and renouncing our own wills which are prone to evil we may rest and settle our minds in the Will of God Q What is the meaning of the fourth Petition Give us this day our Daily Bread A. That God may send us all things which be needful both for the body and soul in giving us bread that is corporal the food of the body that we may have bread to eat and clothes to put on and all outward things that belong to this life and also Spiritual bread too that there be not the Famine of the Word and Sacraments which are to nourish our souls to life everlasting Q What do you pray for in the fifth Petition And forgive us c. A. Pardon and Forgiveness of our sins and offences against our Father which is in Heaven upon Condition that we forgive all them that offend against us And it is to be observed that this request to God is but upon this Condition which if we perform not on our part God is desired to do nothing for us neither will He on His. See St. Mat. 6.14 15. 18.35 Q. What do you pray for in the sixth Petition Lead us not into Temptation A. Because this life is a Warfare in which we wrestle with the World the