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A23100 The sinners glasse containing Augustines Ladder to paradise : with diuers meditations and prayers, both for morning and euening / collected out of Saint Augustine and other ancient fathers. Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.; Pimm, Timo. 1609 (1609) STC 953.5; ESTC S1048 46,819 293

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THE SINNERS GLASSE Containing AVGVSTINES Ladder to Paradise With diuers Meditations and Prayers both for Morning and Euening Collected out of Saint Augustine and other ancient Fathers LONDON Printed by Iohn VVindet for John Budge 1609. To the vertuous and honorable Ladie Anne Windsor wife to the right honorable Lord Henry VVindsor AFter I had collected certaine doctrines and Meditations out of sundrie works of Augustine to mine owne priuate contentment In time following some of my learned friends by chance perusing and liking the order and method of them it put me in comfort to make them more knowne through the Englishing of them And honourable Ladie first out of that Booke vnder the name of Augustine intituled of the Spirit and Soule I had according to mine owne purpose disposed framed 15. portions or particulars out of many Chapters in that booke They are especiall easie teachings to many that yet know not what themselues are that thereby considering and beholding well of what they are made and their substance which is of the Soule and Body vnited and yet falling too often at variance will not be perswaded the one by the other they may feeling their owne miserie by it seek and desire higher after many diuine knowledges which may keepe their soules and bodies in vnitie and to bee at peace with God Then for the Meditations that follow I gathered them out of that blessed man his woorkes euery where when I thought which might mooue a godly minde not setting downe whole Chapters neither except foure or fiue but parcels thereof and contented partly with breuitie as also some time in a chapter meeting with the ignoraunce and corruption of that time in praying to Saints I left that part out which inuocation is a sacriledge not possible to haue any office allowed it in prayer through the whole scripture but by the large authoritie thereof it is most forcibly extruded And no doubt but Augustine in his time found it so lib. contra Parmenid 2. cap 8. For he sayeth Christian men doe togither commend themselues in their prayers but hee for whom none maketh intercession but he himselfe for all Hee is the verie onely and true Mediator And saith Ambrose lib. de Isaac anima He is our mouth by which we speake to the father our eye by which we see the father our right hand by which wee offer vs to the father otherwayes then by whose intercession neither wee nor all the Saintes hath any thing with God And I intend not that these abstracts out of those prayers and meditations vnto part of which I haue after my iudgment applied some verses out of the Psalmes shuld be vsed of any for or as in stead of their prayers for that cannot bee they haue beene long sithence offered vp by that holy man they were his owne But now they are to be taken as moouers stirrers vp of others to heauenly contemplation contrition and holy sorrow Our perfect prayer with the duties thereto belonging riseth of faith and knowledge which commeth by hearing and reading the Scriptures whereby thorough the holy ghost we are made able to seeke Christ and so the inuisible father who is not found elsewhere but in Christ that thus wee are come to haue a certaine communication with God in which entred into the Sanctuarie of heauen wee haue to doe with three persons As Gregorie Nazianzene vpon the Trinitie writeth I cannot sayeth he thinke of one but presently I am compassed round with the brightnesse and glorie of three Neither can I distinguish of three but suddenly I am brought again to one And so in our prayers it is with vs. Paul sayth thus Gal. 4. God hath sent the Spirit of his Sonne into our hearts which crieth Abba father which spirit so sent proceedeth from the Father and the Son and sendeth vs forth-with to call on the Father through his Sonne And also Rom. 8. That spirit in our hearts certifieth our Spirit that wee are the children of God And the same most holy 3. persons one God keepeth such an immediate course in our prayer that no Saint in heauen can come betweene the holy ghost and our redeemer to intreat him to heare vs or to bee ioyned with him or to bee in his stead for an in tercessor his leue and worthinesse maketh vs worthy through his spirit to come to him our selues As also that holy Spirit which is the cause that wee haue knowledge in the Scriptures prompteth vs how to pray how to edifie and how to answere our aduersaries visible inuisible Moreouer most excellent and heauenly knowledge is learned out of the Scripture in praise of which and comparing it aboue all other learnings Augustin saith de doct Christiana lib. 2. Whatsoeuer a man can learne without it if it be faultie or offensiue there it is condemned If it bee profitable there it is found And when whosoeuer hath found all things which elsewhere hee hath profitably learned hee shall finde those things the more abundantly by much which are learned no where else at all but in the admirable highnesse and marueilous humility of the sacred Scriptures Thus Madame signifying vnto you the contents of this briefe Collection I pray to the Almightie to enlighten and direct you alwaies with his Spirit to the increase of true honour through you in this life and to crowne you with glorie in the life euerlasting Your seruant to your honour dutifully affected Timo. Pimm A confession of our Sinnes O Lord my God euerlasting almighty Father I acknowledge and confesse before thy holy and high Maiestie that I was bred and born in sinne and corruption and that since my birth I haue not ceased nor doe cease dayly to transgresse thy commandements In respect wherof I cannot escape ruine and destruction according to thy rightfull iustice Notwithstanding forasmuch as I am sory that I haue offended thée and doe condemne both my ●elfe and my sinne and forasmuch as it hath pleased thée to loue vs euen when wee were thine enemies and for assurance thereof to giue vs thy onely and wel be loued Sonne our Lord Jesus Christ to be a Mediator and aduocate betwéene thée and vs promising that wee shall obtaine whatsoeuer we aske of thée in his name Vouchsafe O most louing God and mercifull Father to pardon and forgiue me in his name and for his sake and not only to clense my heart from all vanity and vncleannes but also to gouerne and guide me by thy holy spirit in all my waies that I may liue according to thy holy and heauenly commandements all the daies of my life to the glory of thy holy name through the same thy welbeloued Sonne So be it Morning Prayer O God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ whom no man knoweth but by thy speciall gift grant that vnto the rest of thine excéeding great benefites towardes mée this which is the greatest that can bee bestowed vpon mankinde may be added also
Come the excellent glorie of all the liuing the onely health of the dying Come most holy spirite come and haue mercy on mée prepare mée for thée and discend louingly to me that my vnability and weakenesse may please thy greatnesse and strength according to the multitude of thy compassions through Iesus Christ my sauiour who with the father in vnitie of thée liueth and raigneth world without end Amen A Prayer to the holy Trinity O Thrée coequal and coeternall persons one god and true the Father the Sonne and the holy ghost who onely possesseth eternity and light that no man can come to who hast made the whole worlde with thy power and rulest the round compasse of the earth with thy wisdome Holy-holy holy Lorde God of Sabaoth terrible and strong iust and mercifull to be wondred at to bee praised and to be beloued one god three persons one power wisdome and goodnesse one and vnseparable Trinitie Open to mee calling on thee the gates of righteousnesse and then entring into them I wil confesse to thee O Lord. Beholde the earnest desire of the inward affections of my heart crying out and the complaint of the teares of mine eyes at thy gate O most gracious father before thee is all my desire and my mourning is not hidde from thee and thou O Lord turne not thy face any more from me neyther passe by in thy wrath from thy seruant Father of mercie heare the wailing of thine Orphan and reach out thy right hande an helper that it draw mee backe from the depth of waters and lake of miseries and the puddle of dregs least I should perish the mercy of thine eyes looking on the clemency of thy heart beholding but that I may passe without danger to thée my Lord God that I may sée the riches of thy Kingdome and beholde thy face for euer and sing prayses to thy holy name O Lord which doest maruailous thinges which makest my heart glad with the remembrance of thee which lightenest my youth Despise not mine olde age but make my bones to reioy●e and my gray haires to renue as an Eagle Amen Another of the same O God the true and very excellent life from whome by whome and in whome all things whatsoeuer doe liue are good and glorious to see to God whose faith doth erect vs whose hope doth comforte vs whose loue doth linke vs together God which commandest thy selfe to bee sought and makest thy selfe to bee found and openest to him that knocketh God from whome to bee turned it is to fall to whome to bee turned it is to rise in whome to remaine it is most auaileable God whome no man loseth but is deceyued whome no man seeketh but is warned whome no man findeth but is clensed and healed God whom to knowe it is to liue whome to serue it is to raigne whome to praise ●t is health and ioy to the soule Thee I praise blesse and honour with my lippes and heart and with all the strength and power I am able and I thanke thy mercy and goodnesse for all thy benefites and I sing an Hymne to thy glorie Holy holie holy I call on thee O blessed Trinity that thou wouldest come into mee and make mee a worthie temple of thy glorie I beseech the Father by the Sonne I beséech the sonne by the Father I beseech the holy Ghost by the Father and the sonne that all my sines and weckednesse bee remooued farre from mee Most mightie God from whome all things by whom all things and in whome all thinges are made visible and inuisible which compassest thy workes round aboute which replenishest them within couerest them aboue and sustainest them vnderneath keepe mee the worke of thy handes hoping in thee and trusting in thine onely mercy keep mee I beseech thee heere and euery where now and euer within and without before and behind aboue beneath and round about so that no place lie open in me to the deceits of mine enemies Thou art God omnipotent the keeper and protector of all them that put their trust in thee without whome no man is safe no man is deliuered from daungers thou art God and there is no other God besides thee neither in heauen aboue nor in earth below which doest great things to be wondred at of which there is no number Praise honour and songs to thy laud belongeth To thee al the Angels to thee the heuens and all the powers make Hymnes and sing prayses incessantly as it behooueth the creatures to their Creator the seruants to their Maister the Souldiours to their King Euery creature magnifyeth thee euery soule prayseth thee most holie and vnseperable Trinity through Isus Christ our Lord Amen A Prayer how the word becomming flesh is cause of our hope GOD is not so much an enemy that hee may not loue his owne flesh his owne members ' and bowels verily I might despaire by reason of my too many sins and vices faults and infinite negligences which I haue committed and dayly and continually do in Hearte and Worde and deede and by all the meanes by which humaine frailety may sinne but that thy worde my GOD was become flesh and dwelled in vs. But now I dare not despaire because hee beeing obedient to thee euen to the Death yea the death of the Crosse tooke vp the hand writing of our sinnes and nailed it to the Crosse Crucified sinne and Death Therefore in him safely I rest which sitteth at thy righte hand and maketh intercession for vs. Hauing a sure confidence in him I look for to come to thee in whom we are risen againe now we are ascended into heauen and set together in the celestiall places to thee be praise to thee hee glorie to thee be honour to thee be praise and thansgiuing Amen A Praier that the kingdome of Heauen may be obtained O Happie reioysing and reioysing happinesse to see the holie ones to bee with them and to bee to see the holy God to possesse God for euer and infinitly these things wee should consider of with an earnest minde these thinges wee shoulde desire with all longing that wee might bee able quickly to come to them If thou wouldest consider and inquire how this may bee brought to passe either by what meanes heare mee this matter is put in the power of him that can doe it because the kingdome of Heauen suffereth violence the Kingdome of Heauen O man seeseeketh no other price then thy selfe it is worth so much as thou art giue thy selfe and thou shalt possesse it Why art thou troubled touching the price Christ hath yeelded and deliuered vp himselfe to God his father that thou shouldest purchase thee a Kingdom thou so giue thy selfe that thou be his Kingdom and that sinne may not raigne in thy mortall bodie but the spirit in obtaining of eternall life A Praier for the sweetnes of heauenly loue I Loue thee my God I loue thée and more and more will loue thee O my Lorde my God
although a bad one vnworthy and a sinner But whatsoeuer I am either good or bad I am alwaies thine to whom should I flie but to thee If thou cast me off who shall receiue mee If thou dispise me who shal regarde mee O God I do acknowledge my selfe vnworthy flying againe to thee Lord thy mercy is greater then my iniquitie thy compassion is more then my vngraciousnesse towardes thée Thou canst forgiue more thē I can commit and canst pardon more then I can offend Despise mee not O Lord neither note the multitude of my sinnes but acording to the multitude of thy mercies pitty me and bee fauourable vnto me a haynous sinner Say vnto my soule I am thy sauiour which saydest I will not the death of a sinner but rather that he conuert and liue Conuert mee O Lord to thee and be not wrathfull against mee I beséech thee most gentle father for thy mercies sake that I may end my life well and with true and harty repentance of all my sinnes Amen Short Meditations THy hands O Lord haue made me and fashioned me I may say those hands which were nayled with nayles for mee Lord despise not the worke of thy hands Beholde in thy handes O Lord my God thou hast writen mee reade that writing and saue mee Beholde I thy creature sigh to thee thou art my creator renew me make me againe beholde thy workemanshippe I cry vnto thee thou art life quicken mee beholde I thy clay looke backe to thee thou art the Potter fashion me againe Lord haue mercy on mee for my daies are nothing c· Another THou full of pittie say vnto mee thy wretched seruant say vnto mee through thy compassions what thou art to me Say vnto my soule I am thy health doe not hide thy face from mee least I die Another SAue mee O Lord which art the true safety and that willest not the death of a sinner Lord haue mercy on my sinfull Soule loose the bonds thereof Sweete Iesu regarde my humility and blot out all my transgressions bee my ayde leaue me not neither despise mee O God mine onely comfort but tèach me to doe thy will O bountifull Iesu although though I haue offended whereupon thou maiest iustly damne mee yet thou hast not lost that whereby thou art accustomed to saue Good lord my Iesu why camest thou down from heauen to what ende yéeldest thou thy selfe to death but that thou wouldest saue sinners of which sort I am exceeding O vile sinner that I am take breath againe be of good cheare thou maist not despaire hope in him whom thou fearest fl●e to him from whom thou hast fled call vpon him importunately whome proudly thou hast prouoked Say vnto him Iesu for thy sweete names sake do by me according to thy name Iesus is a name of fauour a name most delightfull a name comforting a sinner and a name of happy hope for what is Iesus but a Sauiour Therefore for thine owne sake O Iesu be Iesus to me be to me a mercifull Sauiour which art magnified and blessed world without ende Amen Godly Meditations of our Lord his sufferings O God who for the worldes Redemption wouldest bee reproued of the Iewes deliuered by the traitor Iudas and bee bound with bonds like an innocent Lambe led to the sacrifice Also vnseemely to bee brought before the beholding of Annas Caiaphas Pilate and Herod to bee acc●used by false witnesses to bee tormented with whippes and reproches to be defiled with spittle crowned with thornes beaten with buffets stroken with a Reede blindfolded thy garmēts put off wouldest be nayled on the crosse lifted vp thereon reputed among theeues drinke vinegar and gal and be wounded with a Speare O most mighty Lord how wonderful is thy kindnes and pitie that wouldest indure all these extreeme torments shames and cruell death and all for to appease the almighty father and be an attonement betweene him and sinfull mankinde I beséech thée most mercifull Iesu sithence all this was of excéeding loue that through those thy sharpe and bitter paines which I vnworthie wretch now meditate of and call to minde thou wilt defende and deliuer mee from the paines of hell and vouchsafe to bring mee whether thou broughtest the thiefe crucified with thee O meek and vnspotted lambe my onely righteousnesse and iustification haue mercie on me who with the father and the holy ghost liuest and raignest world without end Another HOrde Iesu Christ Son of the liuing God which hanging on the Crosse saying father forgiue thē for they know not what they do grant that I for the loue of thée may pardon euery one that doth euill vnto me And which saidest vnto the theefe this day thou shalt bee with me in paradise grant me so wel to liue that in the houre of my death thou say to me this day thou shalt be with me in Paradice And which saydst to thy mother Woman behold thy sonne Moreouer to thy Disciple behold thy mother graunt that thy loue and perfite charitie may accompanie me vnto thy mother And which saiedst My God my God why hast thou forsaken me grant me to say in all my afflictions griefes of mind m● Father my Lorde haue mercie on me a sinner and helpe mee my king and my God which with thy precious bloud hast redeemed mee And which saydest I thirst graunt that I may euer thirst after thee the fountaine of liuing water And which saidest Father into thy handes I commend my spirit Receiue me yeelding my self vp vnto thee And which saydest It is finished graunt that I may bee worthie to heare that sweete voyce of thine saying Come my Loue my dearly beloued spouse come that thou mayest go vp with me with my Angels and Saints to banquet reioyce and remaine together in my kingdome through infinite worlds of worldes Amen Another O Lorde Iesu Christ for the bitternesse which thou sustainedst for me wretch on the Crosse chiefly about that houre when thy most excellent soule departed out of thy blessed bodie Grant I most humblie beseech thee mercie to my soule in the departure thereof and bring it into life euerlasting Amen Another I Beséech thée Lorde Iesu Christ throgh those thy woundes suffered on the Crosse and bringing Saluation vnto vs wounde this my sinfull soule for which also thou hast vouchsafed to die wound it with thy burning and most mightie dart of thy exceeding loue Thrust my heart through with the arrow of thy loue that my soule may say vnto thee I am wounded with thy loue so that out of that wounde teares may bountifully flowe day and night O Lord strike I beseech thee strike my most hard heart with the godly strong point of thy loue yea deepely to the bottome pierce it with thy mighty power who liuest and raignest worlde without ende Amen Another of the same KIng of the elect I beséech thee throgh him holie of all the holie ones through him my redeemer make mee to runne the way
that the one say to the other know God for all knoweth him and beholdeth him all praise h●m and loue him They know him without errour they sée him without ende they prayse him and loue him without wearinesse They euer see him and desire to sée him so much worthy hee is to be séene They euer loue him and euer desire to loue him so sweete is hée to be loued And by how much they loue him by so much the more they will loue him hee is so delightfull to bee enioyed In this delight they repose themselues being full of God full of all blessing and sanctification and cleauing euer to blessednesse they are blessed and happie beholding euer eternity they are eternall And ioyned to the light are made light beholding euer vnchangeablenesse are chaunged into vnchaungeablenesse So much the more willinglier they beholde him in how much hee is the sweeter which countenance is holy and mercifull his face honorable his speeche pleasant O blessed sight to see the King of Angels in his honour to see the holy of all holy by whom all are holy To see him is the chiefest felicity the chiefest ioy a blessed life and life euerlasting Godly Prayers A Prayer to God the Father to vouchsafe to helpe mankinde ALmighty God the ouerséer and searcher of my heart I doe most humbly confesse the omnipotency of thy Maiestie and the maiestie of thy omnipotency But how thou hast vouchsafed to helpe mankinde to the ende of all ages as I beléeue in my heart to righteousnesse and iustification so with my mouth before thée I confesse to my comfort and saluation Thou onely indéede God the father art neuer read as sent but the Apostle writeth so of thy Sonne which is when the fulnesse of time came God sent his sonne When hée saith hee sent hee apparantly sheweth that hee came sent into this world as borne of the blessed virgin he appeared in the flesh very true and perfect man But what is it that the chéefest of the Euangelistes saith of him hee was in the world and the world is made by him In truth thither hée is sent in humanity where hee was euer and is touching his Gothead Which sending I assuredly beleeue with all my heart and confesse with my mouth to be the worke of all the holy Trinity But how hast thou loued vs holy and good Father how much hast thou loued vs mercifull maker which also hast not spared thine onely Sonne but hast deliuered him for vs wretched sinners Hee was subiect and obedient to thee euen vnto the death yea to the death of the crosse taking vp the ha●● writing against vs of our sinnes and nailing it to the Crosse crucified sinne and slew death hee onely free amongst the dead hauing power to lay downe his life for vs and to take it againe for vs. Therefore is he a conquerer and a sacrifice for conquest and therefore a conquerour because a sacrifice to thee for vs a Priest and an oblation therefore a Priest because an oblation or offering Worthily haue I a strong hope in him because thou shalt heale through him all my griefes and weakenesse who sitteth at the right hand and maketh intercession for vs. For Lord my languors and griefes are great and many many they be and great for the Prince of this world hath many things in me I know and confesse it But I beséech thee deliuer mée through our redéemer sitting at thy right hand in whom no euill may be found Thorough him iustifie mee which hath done no offence neither was there found any guile in his mouth through him our head in whom is no spot deliuer me a member of him although very slerder and weake I beséech thée deliuer mée from all my sinnes imperfections faults and negligences Replenish mee with thy holy vertues and make mée to preuaile in good vsage and behauiour make me for thy holy names sake to perseuers in goodnesse euen to the end according to thy will Amen A Prayer to God the Sonne Obountiful Iesu O sweete Iesu O Iesu the Sonne of the blessed virgin Mary full of mercie truth O sweet Iesu haue mercie on mee according to thy great mercy O gracious Iesu I beseech thée by that precious bloud which thou hast vouchsafed to shed for vs wretched sinners vpon the aultar of the Crosse that thou wilt cast away all mine iniquities and that thou wilt not despise me humbly praying thee and calling vpon this thy most holy name Iesus this name Iesus is a cōfortable name for what is Iesus but a sauiour O bountifull Iesu which hast ●reated mee and redéemed me with thy precious blood suffer me not to bee damned whome thou hast made of nothing O good Iesu Christ let not mine iniquitie destroy whom thy omnipotent goodnesse hath made and created O swéete Iesu reknowledge that which is thine in me wipe away that which is contrary from me O good Iesu haue mercy on me whilest time is of taking mercy least thou shouldest destroy mée in time of thy terrible iudgement O good Iesu if I wretched sinner from thy true iustice haue deserued euerlasting punishment for my most grieuous sins yet hauing a sure confidence I appeale from thy true iustice vnto thine vnspeakeable mercy vntill thou hast compassion on mee like a louing Father and a mercifull God O mercifull Iesu what profite is there in my bloud if I descend into euerlasting corruption For O Lord the dead shall not praise thée neither such as goe downe into hell O most mercifull Iesu haue mercy on mee O most swéete Iesu bee vnto me wretched sinner a fauorable Iudge O Iesu the health of those that put their trust in thée O Iesu the health of al that beléeee in thée haue mercy on me O swéet Iesu the remission of all my sinnes O Iesu sonne of the virgin Mary poure into me grace wisdome charitie chastitie and also a holy patience in all mine aduersities that I may perfectly loue thee for euer worlde without end Amen A Prayer to God the holy Ghost GIue sentence with mee O GOD and discerne my cause against the vngodly people Teach me to do thy will because thou art my god I beleeue in whome soeuer thou dwellest thou buildest there the long abyding place of the Father and the sonne togither Blessed is hee that shall deserue to receiue and lodge thee because by thee the Father the son make their mansion with him Come nowe come most blessed comforter of the sorrowfull soule descending in due time In tribulation an helper Come the clenser of euills the curer of woūds· Come the strength of the weake the releeuer of those ready to fall Come the teacher of the humble the destroyer of the proude Come the gentle Father of the fatherlesse and motherlesse the fauourable Iudge of the widowes Come the hope of the poore the refresher of the faint Come thou starre of the Mariner thou hauen of them that escape shipwracke
part of the heart that out of them wee may diligently consider our state or order of life and study and indeuor to doe their workes whose déeds and writings we couet to reade often Bubow shall wee conceiue these things in minde or how may wee take héede least in meditating on some of them falsly and vainely wee should passe the bounds set downe of the holy Fathers except first we shall be instructed by reading or by hearing for bearing after a certain manner belongeth to reading Whereupon wee were wont to say not only to haue read those books which we read to our selus and others but also those which we haue heard of our Masters Also what profiteth it a man when he may perceiu what may bee done by meditations except he getteth helpe by prayer and Gods grace to obtaine to them Euery good gift and euery perfect gift is from aboue comming from the Father of Lights without whom we can doe nothing It required prayer of the Samaritane woman when he said if thou knewest the gift of God and who it is that sayeth to thée giue me drinke thou wouldest haue asked of him and hée would haue giuen thee water of life The woman hearing this as if she had beene instructed by reading meditating in her heart to bee good and profitable for her to haue this water Therefore inflamed with desire of hauing it turned her selfe to prayer saying Sir giue me of that water that I may not thirst neither come hither to draw Note the hearing of the word of God and the meditation vpon it incited or stirred her vp to prayer For how might she bee carefull and earnest to aske except first meditatiō had moued her Or what had meditation going before profited her except prayer following did shew what she had requested to attaine to Therefore to the end that meditation bee profitable it behoueth that deuout prayer should follow the effect of which is as it were the swéetnesse of Contemplation Here are declared all these degrees so to bee conioyned that they are inseperable OVt of these we may gather the reading without meditation is barren Meditation without reading is erroneous Prayer without Meditation is nothing earnest Meditation without prayer vnprofitable Prayer with deuoutnesse and obtainer of Contemplation The obtaining of Contemplation without Prayer is very rare or miraculous For God of whose power there is no number or ende and whose mercy is aboue all his workes readeth vp Sonnes to Abraham out of fiue stones whilest or as yet hard and vnwilling hee bringeth them together to assent that they may be willing And so as prodigall as it is a cōmon saying he draweth the Oxe by the horne whē not called he putteth in himselfe Which thing and if when wee reade to happen to some men as to Paule and some others yet notwithstanding wee ought not as in a manner of tempting God to take vpon vs diuine things but to doe that which belongeth vnto vs that is to read and to meditate in the law of God To pray to him that he wold helpe our infirmities and consider our imperfections Which hee teacheth vs to doe saying aske and yee shall receiue séeke and yee shall finde knocke and it shall be opened vnto you For now the Kingdome of heauen suffereth violence and the violent taketh it by violence Sée if the properties of the foure degrees aforesaid in their agreeable distinctions can bring to passe how they may agrée together and what euery one of them may effect or accomplish in vs. Blessed is the man whose mind is at leasure from other businesses hee alwayes desireth to be exercised in these foure degrées who althings that he hath being solde buyeth that fielde in which lyeth hid the treasure long wished for Marke yee and consider how swéete the Lord is Who that is exercised in the first degrée héedful circumspect in the 2. deuout in the 3. in the 4. lifted vp aboue himselfe he doth ascēd by these which he hath disposed set in order in his heart frō vertue to vertue vntill hee may sée the Lord of Lords in Sion Blessed is he to whom it is grāted to remaine in this highest degrée euen a small time for he may truely say behold I féel the grace and fauor of God behold I contemplate with Peter and Iohn behold with Iacob I am often times delighted with the imbracings of Rachel But let this man beware least after this Contemplation in which hee was lifted vp to heauen hee fall downe by any disordinate occasion into the bottomlesse pitt nor after that visiting ended he bee turned into lasciuious déeds of the world and inticements of the flesh When in truth the weake sight of mans minde cannot long indure the brightnesse of the true light let it descend easily orderly to some one of the thrée degrées by which it had ascended and by course turne now in one now in another it may stay as in consideration of the place and time then is it by so much the nearer to God by how much it is the further from the first steppe or degrée But alas ●he fraile and miserable condition of man beholde wee apparantly sée by the leading of reason and the testimonies of scriptures the perfection of good life to bee contained in these foure degrées And in these spiritual good things mans exercise ought to bee imployed But whois he and we wil praise him To wil is present with many but with a few to performe and would to God wee were of that few Foure Causes which draw vs from these foure degrees BUT there are Foure causes which draw vs often times frō these foure degrées that is to wit vnauoidable necessity Commodity of honest businesse Humane infirmity and worldly vanity The first excusable the second tolerable the third miserable the fourth culpable For those whom such cause withdraweth from a holy purpose had béene yet better not to know the glory of God then known afterwards to goe backe What excuse shall we haue for sin for iustly can the Lord say what should I haue done for thee and haue not done it Thou wast not and I haue created thée thou hast sinned and madest thy selfe the seruant of the Diuell and I haue redéemed thée thou diddst runne a race of the world with the wicked and I haue chosen thée When I gaue thee grace in my sight would make an abiding with thée thou despisedst me and not onely hast cast behinde thée my wordes but my selfe and hast walked after thine owne concupiscenses But O good God gentle and méeke a swéete friend a wise councellor a strong h●lper how vain how rash is he that renounceth thée that putteth back so milde and quiet a guest from his owne heart O vnhappy and dangerous change to put away his Creator and to receiue hurtfull cogitations Yea that secret seate of the holy Ghost the secret of the heart which a litle time before bent and
of thy commandements that I may bee able to come to him in spirit which hath not feared to bee couered with my flesh Merciful father dost thou not beholde the head bowing downe of toy most beloued Sonne resolued to most pretious death Regarde O most fauourable Creator the humanity of thy dearely beloued sonne and haue mercie on the weakenesse of brittle clay Look on O glorious Father the torn lims of thy most acceptable sonne and graciously remember of what I am made See the paines of God and man and release the miserie of mortall man Beholde the punishment of the Redeemer and forgiue the offence of the redeemed My Lord it is hee whome for the sinnes of thy people thou hast stroken although he bee the dearely beloued in whome thou art well pleased the same is hee the innocent in whome no guile is found and yet ●s reputed amongst the wicked Another WHAT hast thou committed most swéet Sonne of God that thou shouldest so be adiudged what hast thou offended most louing Lord that in such sort thou shouldest bee handled What is thy wickednesse what is thy fault what is the cause of thy death what is the occasion of thy cōdemnation Doubtlesse I am the wounde of thy griefe the blame of the slaughter done on thee I am the deseruing of thy death the heynous offence of thy punishmēt I am the print and signe of thy passion the worker of thy torment O marueylous manner of iudgement and vnspeakeable miserie The wicked sinneth and the iust is punished the gui●tie offendeth and the innocent is beaten the vngodly doth amisse and the godly is condemned What the euil deserueth the good suffereth what the seruant trespasseth the master dischargeth what man committeth God beareth c. Behold my vnrighteousnes and thy righteousnes is manifest My King and my God what shall I render againe to thee for all that thou hast done for me That the remembrance of the woundes of Christ is a Preuayling remedie against all aduersities I haue committed a grieuous sinne and am guilty of maay offences neither therfore doe I despaire because where sinne hath abounded also grace hath much more abounded He that despaireth of pardon of his sinnes denyeth God to be mercifull Hee doth great wrong to God that is mistrustfull of his mercy for so much as in him is he denieth God to haue loue truth and power in which thinges all my hope consisteth which is in the loue of his adoption in the truth of his promise and in the power of his redemption Now let my foolish imagination murmure how much it will saying What art thou and how great is that glory or with what mer●is hopest thou to obtaine the same I aswell wil faithfully answere I knowe whome I h●ue trusted because in excéeding loue he hath adopted me for a sonne because he is true in his promise able in the performance thereof and hath power to doe what hee will I cannot bee terrified with the great multitude of sins if the death of the Lorde come into my minde because my sinnes cannot ouercome him The nayles and Speare call vnto me that I am truly reconciled vnto Christ if I will loue him Longius opened to mee the side of Christ with his Speare and I haue entred and there safely doe I rest Hee stretcheth out his armes on the crosse and spreadeth out his hands ready for the imbracement of sinners Betweene the armes of my Sauiour both will I liue and desire to die There safe and sure will I sing vnto him high praises I will praise thee O Lord because thou hast receyued mee neyther wouldest thou suffer mine enemies to triumph ouer me Our sauiour in his death bowed downe his head that he might kisse his dearely beloued So often doe we kisse God as often as wee are pricked in heart with the loue of him Prayers before the receyuing the Communion MErciful lord Iesu Christ I sinful soul nothing presuming of mine own merits but only trusting in thy mercy and goodnes am afraid tremble to draw neare to the table of thy most sweete and comfortable feast for I haue a heart and bodie polluted with many grieuous crimes and a minde and a tongue very euilly gouerned Therefore O gracious Deitie O dreadfull Maiesty I miserable wretch apprehended and taken betweene the troubles and griefes of mind and spirit returne to thee the fountaine of mercie I make haste to thee to be healed I flie vnder thy protection And thee whō I cannot endure to bee my Iudge I hope to haue my sauiour to thee Lord I shew my woūds to thee I vncouer my shame I know my sins to bee many and great for the which I am afrayed yet I trust in thy mercies of which there is no number Lord Iesu Christ eternall King God and man crucified for man look on me with the eyes of thy mercie heare mee putting my trust in thee haue mercy on mee full of miseries and sins thou which euer makest the fountaine of thy compassions to spring Remember Lord thy creature whō with thy pretious blood thou hast redeemed I am sorie that I haue sinned I desire amendment of thy gracious fauour help me take frō me most mercifull Father al my sinnes and iniquities that being cleansed in mind and bodie I may through thee deserue worthily to taste the holy thing of all holiest and graunt that the holy and spirituall receiuing of thy body bloud which I vnworthie intende bee a ful remission of all my sinnes and a perfect purging of all my transgressions a banishing of all euill thoughts and a getting againe of good senses also a most strong defence against all the deceits of the worlde the flesh and the diuell Amen Another ALmighty euerlasting god behold I come to the Sacrament of thine onely Sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ I come as one sicke to the Phisition of life foule to the fountain of mercie blinde to the light of eternall brightnesse poore and needy to the Lord of heauen and earth Therefore I beg of the aboundance of thy exceeding bounty to that end thou wouldst vouchsafe to heale my infirmitie to wash away mine vncleannesse to lighten my blindnesse to enrich my pouertie to cloath my nakednes that I may receiue the bread of Angels the King of Kings the Lord of Lords with so much reuerence and meekenes with so much contrition and deuotion with so much purity and faith with such purpose and intention as is expedient to the health of my soule Graunt mee O Lord I beseech thee not only to take the Sacrament of the body and bloud of the Lord but also the effect and vertue of the Sacrament O most fauourable God grant mee so spiritually to receiue the bodie of thy onelie Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ that I may be worthy to be incorporated in his mysticall bodie and to bee numbred amongest the members of him O louing father grant to me thy dearly beloued Son whom
now as a shadow in the way I purpose to receiue at last his face reuealed to beholde him for euer who liueth and raigneth with thee and the holy Ghost worlde without end Amen Another O Lorde my soule my cōpanion and friend wearie and comming out of the way fainteth lyeth broken torne of those vanities which it had passed through it is hungry and greatly thirsteth and I haue not wherwithall to set before it because I am poore and a begger Thou my Lord God art rich of al good things most rich and a liberall giuer of dainties satisfying from aboue giue meate to the weary bind vp the scattered refresh the broken and torne Sée it standeth at thy doore and knocketh I beséech thée through the vowels of thy mercy with which thou hast visited vs rising out of the déepe open to the wretched knocking the hand of thy deuotion and bid with thy mercifull fauour that it may enter into thee it may liue with thée and bee refreshed of thee with heauenly Bread and Wine whereby béeing satisfied and strength taken againe it may ascend to higher places being taken vp with the wings of holy desire from this vaile of teares it may fly to the celestiall kingdomes Lord I beseech thee that my spirit might receiue wings like an Eagle and might flie and not faint that it might flie euen to the beauty of thy house and to the place of the habitation of thy glorie that there vpon the table of the refection of heauenly Citizens it may bee fedde of thy secrets in the place of thy Pasture next toe most flowing waters c. Prayers after the Communion MOst sweet lord Iesus strike through the inward part of my heart and bowels of my Soule with the most sweete and Healing wound of thy loue with the true cleare and most holy Apostolicall loue that my soule may languish and melt with the onely and continuall loue and desire of thee that it may couet thée and faint in thy porch that it may desire to be dissolued and be with thée Grant that my soule may hunger after thée the bread of Angels the refreshing of holy souls our dayly bread hauing all pleasantnesse of tast and all delectation of swéetnesse yea for euer that my heart hunger and be fed on thee on whom the Angels delight to looke and that the inwards of my soule may bée filled with the plesantnesse of the tast of thée that it may euer thirst after thée the well of life the fountaine of wisedome and knowledge the spring of eternall light the riuer of pleasure the bounty of the house of God that it may euer desire thée séeke thée finde thée come to thee Meditate on thée speake to thée and may worke all thinges to the prayse and glory thy holy name with all humility and discretion with delight and delectation with obedience and affection with perseuerance to the ende And be thou alwaies my onely hope my trust my riches my delight my reioicing my ioy my rest my peace my sweetnesse my wisedome my portion my possession my treasure In whom bee my mind and heart fastned sure and immoueable rooted for euer Amen Another I Giue thee thankes O Lord holy Father almighty and eternal God which vouchsafest to satisfie me sinner thy vnworthy seruant with the precious body and blood of thy son our Lord Iesus Christ not by any of my merits but with the only fauour of thy mercy I beseech thee that this holy Communion be not my guiltinesse to punishment but a healthfull intercession to pardon Be it vnto me an armour of faith and a target of good will be it an auoiding of my faults an increasing of Charity patience humility obedience a sure defence against the wiles and deceits of all mine enemies as well visible as inuisible a perfect appeasing of my motions as well carnall as spirituall a sure fastning in the true and one God and a happy consummation of my ending And I pray thée that thou wilt vouchsafe to bring me sinner to that vnspeakeable feast where thou with thy Son and the holy Ghost with thy elect art the true light the ful satiety the ioy euerlasting the confirmed reioysing and p●rfite felicity through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen A warning to the soule O Sinnes what easie entries you haue whilest you are in counsel but how hard and difficult goings out haue you Whilest you perswade and obtaine you doe delight but after you sting and vexe euen to the death of the soule My soule before all things I warne thee as the Mother of vertues least in the thoughts of thy euils thou shouldest runne into the snares of some Diuill into the which many vnheedily run and through the remembrances of the sinfull delights foolishly fall againe into the same their sinnes and euils The Concupiscence of the flesh the concupiscence of the eye and the pride of life BEhold Lord my God all the world is full of snares and concupiscences which they haue prepared for my feet And who may flie these snares Truely hee from whom thou takest away the euill lifting vp of his eies that the concupiscence of his eyes take him not and from whome thou takest a way the concupiscence of the flesh least the concupiscence of the flesh take him And from whom thou takest away an vnreuerent and a vaine glorious mind least the pride of life subtillie deceiue him O how happy is hee for whome thou doest these things surely he shall passe through free and blameles Now my redéemer I beséech thee for thine owne sake helpe me that I fall not grieuously in the beholding of mine aduersaries takē with their snares which they haue made ready for my féet that they bow not downe my soule Thou Lord God father of the fatherles heare the pitiful cries of the children and spred out thy wings that wee may flie vnder them from the face of the enemie Thou tower of the strength of Israel which slumbrest neither sléepest kéeping Israel because the enemy neither slumbreth nor sléepeth that fighteth against Israel Of the misery of man without God LOrd forsake me not least the shadowes of mine ignorance increase and mine offences multiply for without thee all thinges are darknesse vnto mee all things are euill because nothing is good without thée the true onely and chiefest good This I confesse this I know my Lord my God for whersoeuer I am without thée it is euill with mee not onely of matters external concerning my selfe but in my selfe for all plenty and aboundance without my God is to mee want and misery Then shall I be rich and satisfied when thy glory shall appeare And thou lord my happie life graunt that I may euer confesse my misery to thee With how much bitternes this life is sprinckled I Am greatly weary Lord of this life of tedious pilgrimage This life is a frail life an vncertaine life a painefull life a defiled life a life Ladie
Our Father giue vs this day our dayly bread that with the strength thereof wee may walk day and night vntill wee come vnto thy holy mount Horeb And I a little one among the little ones of thy household O God the father and my strength when shall I come appear before thy face that who now acknowledgeth thee for a time I may heere after acknowledge thee for euer Blessed shal I bee if I be admitted to see thy brightnes Who may grant me this that thou licence mee to come to this I know O lord I know and confesse my selfe vnworthy to enter vnder the roofe of thy house but graunt it for thine honour and confound not thy seruant putting his trust in thee The vision of God is lost by reason of sin and miserie found O Lorde thou art my God my Lord and I haue neuer seene thee thou hast made mee and made mee new againe and hast bestowed all thy good things on mee and yet I haue not seene thee neither know thee Finally I am made to see thee and yet I haue not done that for which I am made O miserable condition of man when hee lost that for which he was made O that cursed and hard fall Alas what lost he what hath he foūd what departed and what remained He lost felicitie to which hee was made and found miserie to which he was not made That departed without which nothing is happy that remained which of it selfe is not but miserable Man did then eate the bread of Angels which now he hungreth for and now hee eateth the breade of sorrowe which then hee knew not O thou lord how long wilt thou forget for euer how long turnest thou thy face from vs when wilt thou looke backe and heare vs. When wilt thou lighten our eies and shew thy face vnto vs When wilt thou restore thyselfe vnto vs Regarde O lord heare and enlighten vs and shew thy selfe vnto vs that it may bee well with vs without whom it is so euill with vs. Recreate vs help vs I beseech thee O Lord My hart is become bitter in his desolation make it sweete with thy consolation Being hungrie I haue begun to seeke thee let me not liue vnfed of thee I come poore to the rich a wretch to the pitifull let me not go away emptie and despised O Lord I am bowed downe and crooked that I cannot see but downward reare me that I may look and indeuour my selfe vpward Mine iniquities are gone ouer my heade they haue couered mee and wrapped mee round about and lode mee like an heauy burden Vnwrap me and vnburden me least the pit shut her mouth vpon me Teach me to seeke thee and shew thy selfe to me séeking thee because I can not seeke thee except thou teach mee neither finde thee except thou shew thy selfe to me I may seeke thee in desiring after thee I may desire thee in seeking thée I may find thee in louing thee and I may loue thee in finding thee A reason intreating God to helpe HElpe mee O Lord my life least I should perish in my wickednesse If thou hadst not created mee O Lord. I had not béen but because thou hast created me now I am If thou gouernest mée not yet I am not for my merits my grace compelled thee not that thou shouldest create mee but thy most fauourable goodnesse and thy mercy That loue of thine O lord my loue of thine O Lord my God which compelled thee to creation I beseech thee now that the same may compell thee to gouerne it For what profiteth that thy loue hath compelled thée to create me if I should perish in my miserie and thy right hand should not gouerne me Let the same mercie O Lorde my God compell thee to saue that that is created which compelled thee to create what was not created Let the loue winne thee to saue which wonne thee to create because that loue is not lesse now then it was for thou thy selfe art the same loue who euer art all one Prayers and Meditations much mouing the hart to deuotion diuine loue BLessed bee the pure in heart for they shal see GOD. Blessed bee they which dwell in thy house O Lord they shal praise thee world without end I beseech thee therefore O Lord through all thy mercies by which wee are deliuered from euerlasting death make soft my hard and stonie heart my rockie and yron hart with thy pretious and rich annointing and make mee through the inward touch and griefe of heart for my sinnes to become a liuely Sacrifice before thee at all times Grant mee in thy sighte euer to haue a contrite and an humble heart with aboundance of Teares graunt mee for the loue of thée vtterly to bee dead to this world and through the greatnesse of thy feare and loue quite forgetfull of transitory things so farre forth that concerning worldly things I neither mourne nor reioyce for them neither that I may feare any thing temporall nor loue it neither that I bee corrupted with allurements nor broken with aduersities And because thy loue is as forceable as death I beseech thee that the very whote and sweet force of thy loue may draw vp my minde from all things which are vnder heauen that I may abide fast to the onely memorie of thy sweetnesse Lorde let thy most sweete sauour descend I beseech thee let it descende into my Heart that thy loue most sweete may enter in let the wonderfull and vnspeakeable fragrant sweetinesse of thy sauour come to mee which may reare vp euerlasting desires in me and may bring the veines of the springing water of my heart into eternall life and that at length I may see thee the God of Gods in Sion and that I may dwell in thy house O Lord world without end Amen Another SWeete Christ bountifull Iesu I beseech thée replenish alwaies my heart with thy vnquenchable loue with thy continuall remembrance insomuch that as a burning flame I may wholie burne in the sweetnesse of thy loue the loue the which many waters may neuer quench in me Make mee sweete Lorde to loue thee and for the desire of thée to put off the heauy burden of earthlie concupiscence which fighteth against and grieueth my miserable soule that running without let after thee in the sauour of thy sweete perfumes I may effectually bee satisfied and thou beeing my guide I may deserue to come to the sight of thy beauty Another SWeete Christ bountifull Iesu as I desire and as I humblie pray with all my mind and heart graunt me thy loue holy and chaste which may fill mee may dwell in me and altogither possesse mee And graunt to me an euident signe of thy loue a watering fountaine of teares continually flowing that also those my teares may witnes thy loue in mee that they may bewray and declare how much my soule loueth thee Whilest for the exceeding sweetenesse of thy loue it cannot reframe from teares
of euils a Quéene of pride full of miseries and errours which is not to bee tearmed a life but death in wich wee die euery moment with diuerse kinde of deathes through sundry the defects of mutability Whether therefore we which liue in this world may call it a life which humors puffe vp sorrowes abate ayres infect meates breed diseases hunger makes leane disports makes dissolute sadnes cōsumes thought shortneth riches maketh proude pouerty debaseth youth aduanceth olde age maketh crooked and sicknesse ouer commeth And after all these euils furious death followeth and moreouer appointeth such an end to all the ioyes of this miserable life that when it ceaseth to be it may be suposed neuer to haue béene This death vitall and life mortal although it bee sprinkled with these and other bitternesses yet alas how many doth it deceiue with false promises And so this life as of it selfe it is false and bitter so also it cannot be hidden and vnknowne to the blinde louers of it yet notwithstanding it soketh and vtterly drunkeneth an infinite number of fooles with the golden cup it hath in hande Happie they are and they be but few that forsake the familiarity of it that despise the flitting ioyes of it and reiect the fellowship therof least that also they be compelled to perish with that perishing deceiuer Prayers in aduersity and trouble HAue mercy Lord haue mercy on me miserable sinner doing wickednes worthily suffering therefore continually sinning and dayly earning thy scourges If I weigh the euill dayly that I haue done it is not much that I suffer grieuous it is that I haue committed easie it is that I endure Thou art iust O Lord and thy iudgements are right all thy iudgements are iust and true Iust and vpright art thou our Lord and God and there is no iniquity in thee for not vniustly neither cruelly doest thou aflict vs sinners almighty and most mercifull Lord who when wee were not mightily madest vs and when wee had béene lost through our owne offence in thy mercy and goodnesse marueyloussy thou restoredst vs. I know and am sure that our life is not guided with rash motions but is ordered and gouerned by thee our Lord God whereby thou hast care of all chiefly of thy seruants who haue put their whole hope in thy onely mercy Therefore I beseech and humbly pray that thou doest not to mee according to my sinnes in which I haue deserued thy wrath but according to thy great mercy which passeth the sinnes of the whole world Thou O Lord which outwardly imposest plagues and scourges graunt alwaies an vnfainting patience so that thy prayse neuer depart out of my mouth haue mercy on me Lord haue mercy and helpe me as thou knowest how because I haue néed therof both in soule and bodie thou knowest all things thou canst doe all things which liuest and raignest world with out end Amen Of the felicity of the life which God hath prepared for them that loue him O Thou life which God hath prepared for them that loue him a life long hoped for a blessed life a peaceable life a glorious life a vndefiled life a chast life a holy life a life without knowledge of death ignorant of sadnesse a life without spot without paine without griefe without corruptiō without vexation without variety and change a life of all beauty and most full of honor where there is no aduersarie resisting where bee no allurements of sin where there is perfect loue and no feare where day is euerlasting and of all one spirit where God is seene face to face and the mind satisfied with this nourishment without want O thou life most happie where that souldiour the conquerer accompanied with all the companies of Angelles singing praises singeth to God without ceasing the pleasant song of the songs of Sion the perpetuall crowne compassing his honorable head I would to God the pardon of my sins granted me and this vnprofitable burden of the flesh put off I might enter to possesse the true rest to thy ioy And that I might go into the bright and beautifull walles of thy City to receiue a crown of life of the hand of the Lord that I might be in presence with those most holy companies that I might stand before the glory of the Creator with the most blessed spirits that I might see the present countenance of Christ that alwaies I might beholde that high and vnspeakeable and vnmeasurable light and so to bée moued with no feare of death but that I might reioyce of the reward of euerlasting incorruption without ende A Meditation of the celestiall Soule O My soul sigh feruently desire earnestly that thou mayest come into the Citie aboue of which so glorious things are spoken in which there is a dwelling of all reioysinges Thou mayest ascende through loue nothing is difficult to him that loueth nothing vnpossible The Soule that loueth ascendeth often and passeth familiarly through familiarly through the stréets of heauenly Ierusalem in visiting the Patriarks and Prophets in saluting the Apostles in marueling at the armies of Martyrs and Confessors and in beholding the companies of Virgins Let not heauen and earth cease to call on mee that I loue the Lord my God That all our hope and desire ought to bee to God ONe thing I haue asked of the Lord and this I request that I might dwel in the house of God all the dayes of my life For as the Hart desireth the water springs so my soule longeth after thee my liuing God O when may I come and appeare before thy face when shal I see my God whome my soule thirsteth for when shall I see him in the land of the liuing For in earth of dying men hee cannot bee seene with mortall eies What shall I doe wretch that I am bound with the setters of my mortality what shall I do Whilest wee are in this bodie wee goe on pilgrimage to God wee haue not heere any Citie to inhabit but wee seeke an other that is to come for our incorporation is in heauen Ah wo is me that I am constrained to dwel with Mesech and to haue my habitation amongest the Tentes of Cedar My soule hath long dwelt amongst them that haue beene enemies to peace Who shall giue mee wings like a doue and I wil flie and take m● rest Nothing is so sweete to mee as to bee with my Lord for it is my good to cleaue vnto the Lorde Graunt mee O Lord whilest I am present in these frail lims to cleaue vnto thee according as it is written Hee that cleaueth to the Lord is one spirit with him Another THou O lord the hope of Israell the desire after which our hearts sigheth dayly make hast tarrie not Arise make speede and come that thou maist deliuer vs out of this prison to praise thy holy name that I may glory in thy light Open thine eares to the cries and teares of thine Orphanes which crie out vnto the.