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A19533 A short summe of the whole catechisme wherin the question is propounded and answered in fewe wordes, for the greater ease of the common people & children. Gathered by M. Iohn Craig, minister of Gods word, to the Kinges Maiestie. Craig, John, 1512?-1600. 1583 (1583) STC 5963; ESTC S111197 45,051 122

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conuersion to God A. He must lighten our mindes and molifie our heartes that we may vnderstand receiue and reteine his promise Q. But Adam did knowe his sinne and Gods voice A. Yet that knowledge brought him not to repentance Q. What was the cause of that A. For the feeling of mercie was not yet giuen to him Q What then is knowledge calling accusation and conuicting A. A way to desperation if mercie be not apprehended Q. What if mercie be offered and apprehended A. Then these things are the beginning of our repentance Q. How did Adam and his posteritie receaue the promise A. Onely through their owne liuely Faith in Christ Q. What thing was their Faith A. A sure confidence in Gods mercie thorow Christ to come Q. Who wrought this faith in them aboue nature A. Gods spirite through the preaching of the promise Q. What is this promise called in the scripture A. The Gospell or glad tidings of saluation Q. Then the Gospell was preached in Paradise A. No doubt and also the lawe Q. What neede was there of them both A. By the law they were accused and humbled and through the Gospell comforted and deliuered Q. What thing then was the Lawe and the Gospell A. Instruments of Gods spirite to the saluation of man Q. Wherein stood their saluation A. In remission of their sinnes and reparation of Gods image Q. What followed vpon the repairing of that image A. Continuall battell both within and without Q. From whence doth this battell proceede A. From the two contrarie images in mankinde Q. What are these images A. The image of God and the image of the Serpent Q. What shall be the ende of this battel A. Uictorie to the seede of the woman and destruction to the seede of the Serpent in mankind Q. Was all Adams posteritie deliuered and reformed A. No but they onely who beleeued the promise Q To what end were these deliuered A. To acknowledge and serue their God Q. Wherein stood their seruice chiefely A. In the exercise of faith and repentance Q. What rule gaue he them for this purpose A. His most holy word and Scriptures Q. What things were conteined in the worde giuen to them A. The law the gospel and the sacramentes Q. What did the lawe to them A. It shewed their sinne and the right ways to knowe and serue God Q. What did the Gospell A. It offered to them mercie in Christ Q. What did the Sacraments to them A. They did helpe their faith in the promises of God Q. Was this order kept in the old Testament A. No doubt as Moses the Prophets bears witnesse Q. What should wee gather of this discourse A. That the Church was euer grounded vpon the word of God Q. What followeth vpon the corruption of the word A. The corruption of the true Religion and Church at all times Q. Was the faith and religion of the Fathers different from our faith A. Not in substance but in certaine circumstances Q. What is the substance A. The couenant in Iesus Christ Q. Why then call we it the olde Testament A. In respect of the obscure shadows and figures ioyned with the doctrine and religion Q. What profite came to the Fathers at all times through faith A. By this way onely they were blessed and happie Q. Wherein did the vnhappines of men stand A. In the misknowledge of the true God Q. Are we in the same estate A. No doubt as our maister doth testifie Q. When knowe we God aright A. When we giue him his due honour Q. What are the chiefe points of his due honor A. Faith obedience praier and thankes with their fruits 4 The first part of Gods honour Q. VVHy is faith put in the first place A. because it is y e mother of all y e rest Q. What doth faith worke in vs A. It moueth vs to put our whole confidence in God Q. How may we be moued to do this A. By y e knowledge of his power goodnes Q. But we are vnworthy and guiltie A. Therefore we apprehend his promise in Christ Q. Which are the principal heads of his promise A. They are contained in our beliefe called the Creede of the Apostles Q. Rehearse the beliefe or crede of the Apostles A. I Beleeue in God the Father almighty maker of heauen and earth ANd in Iesus Christ his only sonne our Lord who was conceaued by the holy ghost borne of the virgin Marie suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crusified dead buried and descended into hell He rose againe the third day frō death He ascended into heauē sitteth at the right hand of God the Father almighty From thence he shall come to iudge the quick the dead I Beleeue in the holy Ghost THe holy Church vniuersall the cōmunion of Saints the forgiuenes of sinnes the rising againe of the bodies the life euerlasting Q. Why is it called the Creede of the Apostles A. Because it agreeth with their doctrine time Q. Into how many partes is it deuided A. Into foure principall partes Q. What are we taught in the first part A. The right knowledge of God the father Q. What are we taught in the second part A. The right knowledge of God the Sonne Q. What are we taught in the third part A. The right knowledge of god y ● holy spirit Q. What are we taught in the fourth part A. The right knowledge of the Church and giftes giuen to it Q. How many Gods be there A. Only one eternal god maker of al things Q. Why then name we God thrise here A. Because there are three distinct persones in the Godhead Q. Wherfore is the Father put in the first place A. Because he is the fountaine of al things Q. Why is the Sonne put in the second Place A. Because he is the eternall wisedome of the Father begotten before al beginnings Q. Why is the spirite put in the third place A. Because he is the power proceeding frō the Father and the Sonne Q. Why is the Church put in the fourth place A. Because it is the good worke of these three persons The first part of our beliefe Q. VVHy is it said particulerly I beleeue A. Because euerie one should liue by his owne faith Q. Should euery one knowe what he beleeueth A. Otherwise he hath not true faith Q. Are we bound to confesse our faith openly A. Yes no doubt when time and place doth require Q. Is it inough to beleeue that there is a God A. No but we must know who is the true God Q. Is it inough to know who is the true God A. No but we must know also what he will be to vs. Q. How may we know that A. By his promise and workes done for our comfort Q. What doth he promise to vs A. To be our louing father and sauiour Q. What craueth this promise of vs A. A full trust and confidence in
The battell of flesh against the spirit Q. What battell haue we without A. The temptations of satan and the world Q. What armour haue we A. True faith with feruent praier to our God Q. Is prayer the cause of our victory A. No but it is a meane by the which God doth saue vs and he is honoured thereby 6 The third part of Gods honour is Of prayer in generall Q. VVHat thing is prayer or calling vpon God A. It is an humble listing vp of our mindes and heartes to God Q. Why go we to God onely in our prayer A. Because prayer is part of his true worshipping Q. Why then seeke we needfull things at men A. Because they are appointed stewards to vs Q. How should we go to them A. As to Gods instruments onely Q. To whom should we giue prayse A. Only to God to whom al praise belongeth Q. May we pray to Saints and Angels A. No for that is manifest idolatrie Q. Are the Angels appoynted to serue vs A. Yes but we haue no commandement to seeke to them Q What shall we say of the common custome vsed in time of blindnesse A. We should be content with the order appoynted by God Q. How should we pray to our God A. With our minds hearts for he is a spirit Q. What is prayer without the minde heart A. It is vnprofitable and cursed of God Q. What manner of minde and affection is required A. First an earnest feeling of our own misery through sinne Q. What thing is next required A. A feruent desire with faith and hope to obtaine Q. Who moueth vs to pray feruently A. Gods holy spirit onely Q. Should this make vs colde in prayer A. No but rather feruent in calling on y ● spirit Q. What auaileth prayer with the tongue A. It profiteth much if the mind be with it Q. What is prayer in a strange language A. It is a plaine mockery of God Q. Should we be sure to be heard in our prayer A. Otherwise we pray in vaine and without faith Q. What are the groundes of our assurance A. Gods promise his spirite in vs and our mediatour Q. In whose name should we pray A. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Q How can that be proued A. By Gods commandement and promise to heare vs in so doing Iohn 16. ver 23. Q. What thinges should we aske of God A. All things promised or commaunded in the word Q. May we not follow our owne fantasie in our prayer A. No for thē our prayer should be very vaine Q. Wherefore that seeing all men desire good thinges A. Because we neyther know nor desire the things that are best for vs. Q. What then should we do in our prayer A. We must learne of God what and howe we should aske Q. How then should we beginne our prayer A. We should first submit our affections to Gods will Q. What rule hath God giuen vs for this purpose A. The Scriptures and chiefly the Lords prayer Q. Rehearse the Lords prayer A. Matth. 6. ver 9. Our Father which art in heauen 1 HAllowed be thy name Thy kingdome come Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heauen 2 GIue vs this day our dayly breade And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. And lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs frō euil For thine is the kingdome the power and the glory for euer and euer So be it The diuision and order of Prayer Q. How is this prayer diuided A. Into a Preface and in sixe petitions Q. How differ the sixe petitions A. The three first appertaine to the glory of God onely Q. Whereunto do the other three appertaine A. To our comfort principally Q. What thing should we seeke first in our prayer A. The glory of our God before all things Q. Is not that hard to fleshe and bloud A. Yes but it is the worke of Gods holy spi Spirit onely Q. Are we not happy when God is glorified in vs A. Yes no doubt but we should looke onely to Gods glory Q. Do not the other three tend to the same end A. Yes but we are permitted to looke to our selues also Q. For what vse serueth the preface A. To prepare our selues to pray aright The preface Q. Why call we him Father A. To assure vs of his good will Q. Wherfore call we him our Father in common A. Because our prayer should be for our brethren also Q. What is meant here by the heauen A. His maiestie power and glory Q. What serue these things for in our prayer A. Herby we are prepared to reuerence hope 1 The first part Q. What thing is meant here by his name A. His due honour glory fame estimation Q. Can his honour eyther increase or diminish A. Not in it himselfe but in the hearts of men onely Q. What thing then craue we here first A. Our Fathers honor glory in his world Q. When and how is this done A. When with heart mouth and deede he is extolled aboue all things Q. How are men brought to do this A. By the liuely knowledge of his maiestie Q. How can his insearchable Maiesty be known A. By his worde Sacraments and manifolde workes Q. What should men learne by these names A. His infinit powre goodnesse mercy iustice prouidence trueth and constancie c. Q. Is it not inough that we our selues honour his name A. No but we should desire and labour that the same be done in all men according to our power and vocation Q. When and where should we do this A. In prosperitie and aduersitie priuatly and publikely Q. What if wee finde fault with his worde or workes A. Then we extoll our name and prophane his holy name Q. What if we be nothing moued at the prophaning of his name A. Then are we not the sonnes of God Q. From whence doth this petition flowe A. From a vehement affection to our Fathers glory Q. What is this affection to vs A. A plaine testimony of our adoption Q. What desire wee when wee pray for his kingdome A. That hee might raine more and more in the heartes of his chosen Q. When is this thing done A. When his Spirit reformeth and ruleth our heartes Q. What other thing aske we here A. That the tiranny of Satan be beaten down Q. To what purpose serueth the third petition A. Through it the other two are performed Q. Declare that more plainely A. His name is sanctified and hee reigneth when his will is done Q. Are not all things compelled to obey his will A. Yes but we speake here of mens voluntary obedience Q. How can that be proued A. By the comparison here added Q. When shall these three petitions be performed perfectly A. Neuer in this world by reason of our corruption Q. Why pray we for the things that will not be A. We craue alwayes
A. Ordinarily it is done so but here is a speciall cause Q. What comfort haue we of the person of the Iudge A. Our sauiour aduocate and mediatour shal onely be our iudge Q. What should the meditation of this Article worke in vs A. The contempt of all worldly pleasures ● a delight in heauenly things Q. Who shall be saued in that day A. Al that are made here y e members of Christ Q Who maketh vs members of Christ A. Gods holy spirite onely working in our heartes The third part of our Beliefe Q. What thing is the holy Spirite A. He is God equall with the Father and the Sonne Q. From whence doth he proceed A. From the Father and the Sonne Q. What is his office in generall He putteth all things in execution which are decreed by Gods secrete councell Q. What thing doth he in the order of nature A. He keepeth al things in their natural estate Q. From whence then come all these alterations A. Frō y e same spirite working diuersly in nature Q. Is then the spirit but nature A. Not so for he is God ruling and keeping nature Q. What doth he in worldly kingdomes A. He doth raise and cast them downe at his pleasure Q. Why are these things attributed vnto him A. Because he is the power and hand of God Q. What doth he in the kingdome of Christ A. He gathereth all Gods elect to Christ Q. Why is he called holy A. Because he is the fountaine of holines and maketh vs holy Q. When and how doth he this A. When by his mightie power he separateth vs from our naturall corruption and dedicateth vs to godlines Q. What thing is this naturall corruption A. Blindnesse of mind hardnes of heart and contempt of God Q. How doth he dedicate vs to godlines A. He lighteneth our mindes mollifieth our hearts and strengtheneth vs. Q. What thing then is all flesh without the spirite of God A. Blind and dead in all heauenly things Q. What other names hath he in the scriptures A. He is called the spirite of faith regeneration strength and comfort Q. Why are these names giuen to y e holy Ghost A. Because he worketh all these things in vs. Q. How are these graces called A. Sanctification regeneration or new birth and spirite Q. How is our corrupted estate called A. The olde man old Adam flesh and bloud Q. What followeth vpon our sanctification A. A continuall battell betwixt the spirite the flesh Q. Who doth strengthen and keepe vs in this battell A. The same spirite who also giueth victory in the ende Q. what is this battell to vs A. A sure seale of y e presence of the holy spirite Q. what battell hath the old man in himselfe A. None at all against sinne and wickednes Q. In whom then is this battell A. Onely in the members of Christ and his Church through the presence of the spirite The fourth part of our beliefe Q. what is the Church which we confesse here A. The whole company of Gods elect called and sanctified Q. Doe we beleeue in this Church A. No but we beleeue onely in our God Q. what thing then beleeue we of this Church A. That it was is and shall be to the ende of the world Q. what nede we to beleue this A. For our great comfort the glorie of God Q. Declare that plainly A. The loue of the Father the death of Christ and the power of the Spirite shall euer worke in some Q. what thing followeth vpon this A. The glorie of God and confusion of Satan with our comfort Q. UUhy is this Church only knowen to vs by faith A. Because it conteineth onely Gods elect which are onely knowne to himselfe Q. VVhen and how may we know them A. When we see the fruites of election and holines in them Q. In what respect is the Church called holy A. In respect of our iustification and sanctification Q. How differ these two graces A. The first is perfect the second vnperfect Q VVhat is the cause of that diuersitie A. The first is in Christ the second is in vs. Q. Are not both these giftes ours A. Yes no doubt seeing Christ is ours Q. May we not come to a full perfection in this life A. No for the flesh doth rebell continually against the spirite Q. Why doth not the spirite sanctifie vs perfectly A. Least we should misknow our former captiuitie and redemption Q. What admonition haue we of our estate A. We should be humble repent be thankfull to our God Q. Why is the Church called vniuersall A. Because it is spread through the whole world Q. How many churches are there in the worlde A. One Church one Christ as one body and the head Q. Is it bound to any particular time place or persons A. No for then it should not be vniuersall Q. What is the communion of Saintes A. The mutuall participation of Christ and his graces among his members Q. What followeth vpon this communion A. A spirituall vniting and communion among all Christes members Q Whereupon is this communion grounded A. Upon their vnion with Christ their heat Q. Who maketh our vnion with Christ and among our selues A. The holy spirite by his mightie power Q. Is there any saluation without this communion A. None at all for Christ is the ground of saluation Q. May men be ioyned with Christ and not with his Saintes A. No nor yet with the Saintes if not with Christ Q. What then should be our principall care A. To hold fast our vnion w t Christ our head Q. What followeth vpon that A. Then of necessitie we are ioyned with all his Saintes and Church Q. Should we not seeke them and ioine with them externally also A. No doubt whensoeuer we may see them or heare of them in particular How the Church may be knowen Q. How may we know this company externally A. By the true profession of the worde and holy Sacraments Q. What if these tokens bee not founde among them A. Then they are not y e communion of saints Q. May we with safe conscience ioyne our selues with such A. No for they are not the holy Church of god where these tokens are not Q. Then we depart from the vniuersall Church A. No but we depart from the corruption of mē remaine in the holy vniuersall Church Q. But yet they will call themselues the Church A. We should looke to the true markes of the Church Q. May we leaue the particuler Church where the word is retained A. No albeit sundrie other vices abound there Q. But the multitude are wicked and prophane A. Yet there is a true Church where the word truely remaineth Q. VVhat then is the infallible token of Christes Church A. The word truely preached and professed Q. Should we discusse who are Saintes in deede and who not A. No for that doth appertaine to God onely and to them selues
him Q. What thing then doth moue vs to beleeue in God A. A sense and feeling of his fatherly loue Q. How call we him Father A. In respect of Christ and of our selues Q. Declare how that is A. He is Christes Father by nature and ours by grace through him Q. How thē are we called the sonnes of wrath A. In respect of our naturall estate by sin Q. When are we assured to be his sonnes A. When we beleeue in his fatherly loue Q. Why make we mention here of his power A. To assure vs that he can will saue vs. Q. Of what power meane we here A. Of that power which disposeth all things Q. What should the knowledge of this worke in vs A. Humilitie confidence and boldenes Q. Why begin we at his fatherly loue power A. Because they are the chiefe groundes of our faith Q. Declare that more plainly A. By these two we are perswaded of all the rest of his promises Q. What is ment here by heauen earth A. All the creatures in heauen and earth Q. Where of made he all these creatures A. He made thē al of nothing by his word Q. Wherfore did he that A. To shew his infinite power Q. Wherfore then did he occupie sixe daies A. That he might the better consider him in his workes Q. Wherfore are they put in our Beliefe A. To beare witnes to vs of their Creator Q What things do they testifie of him A. That he is infinite in power wisedome and goodnes Q. What other things do they teach vs in special A. His fatherly care and prouidence for vs. Q. Who ruleth and keepeth all things made A. The same eternall God that made them Q. Who maketh all these fearefull alterations in nature A. The hand of God either for our comfort or punishment Q. Who ruleth Satan and all his instruments A. Our God also by his almightie power prouidence Q. What comfort haue we of this A. This comfort that nothing can hurt vs without our fathers good will Q. What if Satan and his should haue freedom ouer vs A. We should be then in a most miserable estate Q. What should this fatherly care worke in vs A. Thankes for all things that come to vs Q. What other things should it worke A. Boldnes in our vocation against al impediments Q. Who ruleth sinne which is not of God A. He only ruleth al the actions defections that come to passe in heauen and earth Q. Wherfore beleue we that A. Because he is God almightie aboue his creatures Q. But sinne is not a creature A. Yet he were not almightie if he did not rule it Q. Is God partaker of sin when he ruleth sin A. No for he worketh his own good work by it Q. Are the wicked excused through his good worke A. No for they worke their own euil work Q. Why are they not excused seeing Gods will concurreth with them A. They meane one thing and God another Q. What meane they in their actions A. Contempt of God hurt of his creaturs Q. What meaneth God vsing them and their sinne A. The trial of his own or punishmēt of sin Q. What should we learne by this discourse A. To feare onely the Lord our God Q. What shall we iudge of them that vse familiarity with Satan A. They deny this first article of our beliefs Q. May we not coniure Satan to reueale secretes A. No for he is the authour of lies Q. But he often times speaketh the truth A. That is to get y e greater credit in his lies Q May we not remoue wichcraft w t wichcraft A. No for that is to seeke helpe at Satan The second part of our beliefe Q. What things learne we in the second part A. The truth and iustice of God in our redemption Q. Who is our Redeemer and who did redeeme vs. A. Jesus christ who redemed vs by his deth Q. What kinde of person is he A. Perfect God and perfect Man Q. Wherefore was he both God and Man A. That he might be a mete mediator for vs Q. Why was this name Iesus or Sauiour giuen onely by God A. to assure vs y e better of our saluatiō by him Q. Is there any vertue in this name A. No but the vertue is in the person Q. Wherefore was he called Christ or anointed A. He was anointed King Priest and Prophet for vs. Q. To what purpose do these titles serue A. Hereby is expressed his office howe he saued vs. Q. Declare that plainely A. He saued vs by his Kingdome Priesthood and Prophesie Q. How may this be proued A. By the annoynting of Kings Priests and Prophets which were figures of his annoynting Q. Was Christ annoynted with material oyle A. No but hee was annoynted with the gift of the Spirit without measure Q. What manner of kingdome hath he A. It is spirituall perteyning chiefly to our soules Q. Wherein doth his kingdome consist A. In Gods worde and his holy Spirit Q. What things get we by the word spirits A. Righteousnesse and life euerlasting Q. What thing is his Priesthood A. An office appoynted for the satisfaction of Gods wrath Q. How did he satisfie Gods wrath for vs A. By his obedience prayer and euerlasting sacrifice Q. How is he called our onely Prophet A. He euer was is and shalbe the onely teacher of the Church Q. What then were the Prophets and the Apostles A. All these were his disciples seruants Q. Wherefore were all these honorable offices giuen to him A. That therby he might deliuer vs frō sin Q. declare that particularly in these three offices A. By his kingly power we are free from sinne death and hell Q. But we may easily fall againe in sinne A. Yet by the same power we shal rise and get the victory Q. The battell is very hard A. We fight not in our owne strength Q. What is our armour and strength A. The power and spirit of Christ in vs. Q. What profit commeth to vs through his Priesthood A. Hereby he is our mediator and we are Priestes also Q. How are we made Priestes A. By him we haue freedome to enter in before God and offer vp oure selues and all that we haue Q. What kinde of Sacrifice is this A. A Sacrifice of thankesgiuing onely Q. May we not offer Christ againe for our sins A. No for Christ can not dy againe Q. What profit haue we of his prophesie A. Hereby we know most playnly his Fathers will Q. What other profit haue we A. All reuelations prophesies are finished Q. But some things are not yet fulfilled A. That is true but we speake of things pertayning to his first comming Q. Wherefore is he called his onely Sonne A. Because he is his only Son by nature Q. Yet hee is called the first begotten among many brethren A. That is in respect of his communicating with vs. Q. Why is
this our confession promise othe subscription so that wee are not mooued for anye worldly respect but are perswaded onely in our consciences through the knowledge loue of Gods true religion imprinted in our hearts by the holy spirite as we shall answere to him in the day when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed And because we perceiue that the quietnes and stabilitie of our religion and Church both depend vpon the safetie and good behauiour of the Kings Maiestie as vpon a comfortable instrument of Gods mercie granted to this Countrey for the maintaining of his Church and ministration of iustice among vs. We protest and promise with our hartes vnder the same oth handwritte and paines that we shall defend his person and authoritie with our bodies and liues in the defence of Christes Gospell libertie of our Countrey administration of iustice and punishment of iniquitie against all enymies within this Realme or without as we desire our God to be a strong and mercifull defender to vs in the day of our death comming of our Lord Jesus Christ To whom with the father and the holy spirite be all honour and glory eternally Amen The names of all the subscribers contained in the principall copie written in parchment and kept in the handes of the Ministers The Kings M. charge to al the commissioners and Ministers within this Realme SEing that we our houshold haue subscribed giuen this publike confession of our faith to the good example of our subiects We command charge al Commissioners Ministers to craue the same confessiō of their Parishioners and to proceed against the refusers according to our lawes and order of the Church deliuering their names and lawfull processe to the Ministers of our house with all hast and diligence vnder the paine of xl pounds to be taken from their stipends that we with the aduice of our Councell may take order with such proud contemners of God and our lawes subscribed with our hand At Holirudhouse the xi daye of March 1580. The 14 yeare of our raigne I Thought good to adde for the better confirmation of this confession the iudgement of the ancient and Godlye Fathers concerning the authoritie of the holy scriptures vpon the which only they grounded their faith and religion and by the same onely confuted and condemned all contrarie doctrine and religion in their time as their writings do testifie to vs. And next I laye downe the open and shameles blasphemies of the late Papists spued out and written in contempt of the holy scriptures and praise of mens traditions aboue the word of God the which traditions they reuerence equally with the Scriptures as it shall appeare by their owne wordes The godly Fathers Irenaeus lib. 3. cap. 8. THe Apostles haue put in writing the things that were to be the foundation and piller of our faith Idem Cap. 11. The piller and groundworke of the Church is the Gospell and the spirite of life Origenes lib. 1. cap. 17. in Epist ad Roman Out of the scriptures onely our interpretations should be taken Idem in prim Hieremie Our iudgements and expositions haue no credite without the testimonie of the scriptures Idem Homil. 25. in Matth. For confirmation of all those wordes we speake in our teaching we should first alleadge the iudgement of the Scripture as a confirmation of that thing we declare vnto you Ciprianus de Baptismo Christi Out of the scriptures must come all rule of teaching Basilius epist 8. The scripture is a perfect rule and line and admitteth no addition Idem ibidem Let vs stand to the iudgement of the scripture inspired by God let the sentence of truth be giuen to them whose doctrine is agreeable to the heauenly oracles Cyrillus in Johan lib. 12. All things that our Lord did are not written but the Apostles wrote the things they iudged to bee sufficient for our maners and doctrine Basilius de vera Fide It is pride to reiect any thing the Apostles haue written or to adde any thing to their writings bring in things not written Theophilus epist 9. cap. vlt. They that offer any thing except the doctrine of the Apostles they bring in slanders heresies dissentions Ambrosius We iustly damne all newe things which Christ did not teach because Christ is the waye to the faithfull Idem primo officiorum Thinges that wée finde not in the scripture we may vse as wee please Hieronimus Psal 86. Take heed what they say that were and not that are now for whatsoeuer thing is spoken without the doctrine of the Apostles let it be put away and haue no authoritie Idem in Aggaeum The worde is Gods sworde wherewith all these things are cutte off which without the testimonie and authoritie of the Scriptures men of their owne head do inuent and faine as traditions of the Apostles Chrisostomus opere imperfecto Homil. 49. In no way can the true Church of Christ be knowne but by the scriptures onely Idem in sancto adorando Spiritu If anye thing be obtruded without the Gospell vnder the title of the spirite let vs not beleeue it Idem opere imperfecto Homil. 49. Wee should in no case giue credit to the Church except they speake and do the things that are consonant to the Scriptures Augustinus de vnitate Ecclesiae cap. 2. The Scripture doth shew Christ in the Church Idem in Iohan. tract 96. When the Lord hath not reuealed these thinges which of vs can say these or these things are and if any man will affirme this or that to be how doth he proue it Idem de Pastoribus cap. 14. I enquire at the voice of the Pastour to reade me it out of the Prophet reade it out of the Psalme recite it out of the law recite it out of the Gospel recite it out of the Apostle Ibidem lib. 2. cap. 85. contraliteras Petiliani Whether we are Schismatikes or ye neither I nor thou shall be iudge but let Christ be demaunded that he may shewe his owne Church Tertullianus de praescriptione contra haereticos The Heretickes deny that Christ and the Apostles reuealed all things to all but some thing openly some thing secretly Athanatius orat 2. contra haereticos Doth testifie that the Arrians glorted in reuelations and in the spirite without the word Augustinus de natura gratia 61. I am bound to giue consent onely to the canonicall Scriptures without any excuse Epiphanius lib. 1. Haeresi 38. Affirmeth that Caiani an Heretike saide that they receaued their errours by traditions without the Scriptures Irenaus lib. 3. cap. 2. The Heretikes when they are rebuked by the Scriptures they turne to the accusation of the Scriptures as if they were corrupt or had not authoritie and that they are spoken sundrie waies and that the truth cannot be found by them if we want the traditions 1. Leo Epist 83. ad Palest Ye are armed with the name of the Church and