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A13312 The ready path to the pleasant pasture of delitesome and eternall paradyse so called, bicause herein is declared how, and by what meanes, we shall easily obtayne the surprising pleasures of heauenly felicitie. I. T. fl. 1570.; J. T. 1570 (1570) STC 23621.5; ESTC S2915 39,568 120

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shoulde daunt the power of the Deuill valiauntly vanquishe the host of Sathan puyssantly conquere the campe and companie of our enimies ouerthrow the kingdome of bloodie Belzebub breake downe the gates of the nethermost hell and beate downe the walles of the Deuill his defensed Castle and deliuer vs poore afflicted people from the cruell rage and violent clause and tearing téeth of oure deuouring enimye This was perfourmed at the fulnesse of tyme in the latter dayes when God sent his Aungell to the most happie holye sacred and pure Virgin who being ouershadowed with the spirit of the most highest brought forth Christ Iesus our onely Sauiour our onely redéemer our onely succour safegarde and defence our sure and stedfast rocke our stable and constant hope the rampire and castle of our helth the soueraigne salue of our heauie and sorowfull heartes the sole and singular and moste holsome remedie for all our diseases In this case therefore we must doe our diligent indeuour that we maye applye this playster to oure gréeuous wounde and so fruitfully enioy the commodities of the same For lyke as a great and infinite treasure lying hydde in the earth will not enrich vs vnlesse with labour care and diligence we digge vp the same and like as a great swift and couragious courser will nothing profite vs in flying from our enimies vnlesse we learne how to sit fast vpon him and so to escape and as the surpassing knowledge cunning and science of a learned and well experienced phisitian will not helpe to cure our maladie and sicknesse or procure our health and safetie vnlesse we open our disease vnto him and desire hys ayde comfort and assistaunce euen so the meruellous mercies the manifolde merites and incomparable desertes the euerlasting goodnesse and bountious liberalitie the riches and excellent greatnesse of the inestimable grace of God through our swéete Sauiour graunted vnto vs wyll not cure our disease will not inlarge the boundes of our libertie will not deliuer vs from the bondes and chaines of Sathan wherewith we are clogged wyll not enrich vs with the glorious giftes and precious pearles of iustice holinesse eternall life and purity vnlesse we with humble hearts with thankefull mindes with heauie chéere with hart oppressed wyth greeuous grones lamenting our former iniquities confessing our manifolde misdeedes detesting all impietie crauing pardon for our committed blasphemie and hartily sorowing for our accustomed idolatrye stubburnesse and wilfull disobedience doe display our miserie and open before him our shamefull nakednesse and in the bowelles of Iesus Christ in whome he is well pleased desire him with constaunt faith with certaine hope with earnest and continuall prayer to haue mercy vpon vs to illuminate our hartes with the spirite of knowledge to scoure away the clowdes of ignoraunce to wash away the spottes of sinfull disobedience to kindle in vs a feruent heauenly true burning and godly charitie and to worke in our hartes a continuall desire alwayes to fulfill hys most blessed will and therewith all to giue vs the power of his holye spirite to performe the same to the glorie of his eternall maiestie the comfort of the godly the fruitfull edification of our brethren and the saluation of our owne selues soules for euer and euer in his glorious and immortall kingdome The meane and way how to come to our heauenly father with a promise of the Authour to intreate of prayer and a diuision of hys worke The thirde Chapter IF we will therefore be the sonnes of God if we will be pertakers of those infinite and celestiall commodities which were gotten and purchased by the most pure bloude of the immaculate Lambe if we will be healed by the swéete salue of his bloudy wounds we must not slacke to runne vnto God our heauenly father with continuall and heartie prayer Which prayer bicause it is a thing so necessarie for christians that without the same we cannot attaine to the grace of God and merites of our sauiour Christ and seing that daylye experience doth apparauntly but pitifully teach vs that in these oure dayes it is an exercise that is nothing at all or verie lightly vsed of many which beare the name of Christ but in déede are not christians I meane and minde by the assistance of almightie God and ayde of his holy spirit to intreate something of the same I saye of prayer that the prowd contempt of the disdainfull Epicures which passe not for prayer may be something abated and diminished that the licentious life of beastly belly Gods which take al their delite in worldly filthinesse may by the terrour of Gods iudgement be corrected and amended that the rarelesse concupisence of worldly wicked men which wallow in welth and worldly banities maye by the knowledge of the bounden dueties be cut off and contemned that such as be deceiued by simplicitie may be reformed that such as knowe not how to praye so that they may mercifully be hearde may charitably be instructed that such as are alreadie forwarde in the same may thervnto be the more incensed For Saint Chrysostome saith that prayer is as the roote and foundation of al vertues For as the foundation doth make a shippe or house to be strong and holdeth it that it may not be dissolued so the exercise of prayer doth holde our lyfe and maketh it strong on all partes and so that without this no good can happen vnto vs nor anye thing which belongeth to our health I will therefore that I may the more orderly procéede diuide my whole talke into thrée principall partes and first by the grace of God I will declare that if we doe reiect or nothing regarde earnest and hartie prayer that we be in present daunger of eternall damnation Secondly that if with pure prayer we doe as we ought call vpon God in Iesus Christ our blessed sauiour for the assistaunce of hys holy spirite we shall be sure of most happie blissefull immortall saluation and thirdlye God guiding me I will shewe plainely how we may praye so that assuredly we shall obtaine our request For although the singular goodnesse and incredible mercies of almightie God our louing father cannot allure vs the terrible vengeaunce which he poureth downe vpon stifnecked sinners maye perchaunce constraine vs to accomplish that which of dutye we shoulde performe Then when by continuall feare of grieuous plagues and punishmentes we are driuen from former negligence to néedefull and healthfull diligence when by terrour of seuere iustice the rayne of our lose libertie is drawen in more straightlye so that we may not runne lyke roysting rouers at randome to the heauie displeasure of our almightie iudge as willingly we woulde and vnwisely were wont it may he that the constaunt hope of so bountifull a rewarde so princely pearles and surpassing a benifite as is eternall saluation maye prouoke and entise our appetite to shewe some earnest zeale and heartie desire to please and serue our maker Afterwards least some
posteritie The first Chapter ALthough the grieuous abhomination of our poysoned and spitefull heartes the most execrable endes of our malicious and deuilishe endeuours the blasphemous villanies of our disdainefull deadly and desperate impietie doe deserue most terrible tormentes most heauie plagues most bitter and eternall anguishe in the bottomlesse pit of perdition without redemption yet the mercifull goodnesse and vnspeakeable kindnesse of God our tender father our carefull kéeper our holy sauiour doth not onelye cast vs head-long which we deserue into that daungerous darkenesse and gaping goulfe which burneth with fire and brimstone where is continuall wéeping and gnashing of téeth but also most gently calleth vs againe vnto him that we may taste of his mercies most pitifully bewayleth our wickednesse most heartilye forgetteth our iniquities most carefully cutteth off our corruption most readily repayreth our empaired and depraued nature most willingly wincketh at our detected enormities most graciously couereth our shamefull nakednesse most mightily maintayneth our cause agaynst our open aduersarie the Deuill most earnestly desireth our health and saluation most attentiuely wayteth for our godly reformation most largely promiseth vs a glorious crowne and eternall kingdome with frée deliueraunce and present pardon if with pure heart and true zeale wée shall cal vpon his holy name and séeke succour in Iesus Christ of his immortal maiestie For when he of his infinite goodnesse and excéeding mercy did first frame and forme our father Adam and raysed him vppe oute of the slimie bowels of the fruitfull earth when he had breathed into him the spirite of life when he had endued his reasonable soule with the bright beames of most perfite knowledge and had bestowed vpon him the blasing lightes of most excellent approued vertues when he had giuen him the soueraigne science both of celestial earthly heauenly mortal and immortall things when he had giuen him power ouer all the creatures which were vnder the cope of heauen and had for this onely cause builded the wyde worlde that man his moste noble and surpassing creature might with all maner of delite enioy the commodities of the same and at the last when he had placed him in Paradise being a place of pleasure a pasture of delites a most swéete pleasaunt and fruitfull garden and licenced him to taste of all the fruits and pleasures of the same wherein he might for euer haue led a most happie life and neuer haue felt the bitter pangues of extreeme dolor wherwith now he is compassed and beset of euery side only charging him to abstaine from the trée of knowledge of good and euill enioyning therevnto a seuere punishment the more to restraine him than this wilfull stubburne and vnthankefull man not contented with this heauenly state but aspiring against the iust and expresse commaundement of his louing father and immortall creator to suche daungerous and deuilish knowledge wherby was wrought his vtter destruction and miserable confusion gaue eare to the contagious councell and pestilent perswasion of enchaunted and bewitched Eua who by the sugred tunes of the cursed Sathan receyued the impoysoned bayt which was couered with false faire and fayned promises whereby they were both so fowlye spotted and so miserablye deformed that where before they had the similitude of God engraffed in their heartes nowe they were plaine patternes and expresse images of the hellish serpent where before they were shining starres illuminate with the wholesome light of the heauenly spirit now they were darke and mistie clowdes destitute of all clerenesse and clad with most horrible impietie where before they were decked and adorned with singular integritie iustice and puritie nowe they were beastly blemished with the filthie spots of wretched villanie pride and impuritie where before they were chiefe inhabitaunts and principall possessors of perelesse and pleasaunt Paradise nowe they were become exiled straungers expelled vagaboundes and beggars banished from all felicitie where before they were obedient seruants nowe they were rebellious enimies before friendes of God nowe ●endes of hell before in blessefull estate nowe in damnable and extréeme miserie before almost equall with Aungels now worse than Deuils before better than all earthly creatures now more abhominable than brute beastes before the louing sonnes of a tender father now the open aduersaries of a seuere Iudge before cherished and beloued children now false and forsworne fellons before blessed and immortall creatures now cursed and mortall mysers before without trouble and anguishe nowe oppressed with calamitie griefe and sorrow before without contagion now subiect to sicknesse before euer ioyfull nowe for euer sorrowfull before neuer comfortlesse nowe alwayes in themselues hopelesse and helpelesse before puyssant Princes nowe pelting peasants before pollished precious paragons of vertue nowe péeuish and polluted Pagans before partakers of eternall happinesse nowe méete firebrandes of terrible tormentes before sacred Temples of the holy ghost now defiled and stinking chanels of all sinfull vilanie retchlesse crooked crabbed and blasphemous impietie And alas into this so pitious a plight so miserable a case so greuous a daunger and so present perdition we poore wretches which be their vnhappie sonnes their damned ofspring their wicked progenie are by their heynous offence and our owne corruption fallen and entrapped from the which we through our owne selues or our owne strength can neuer be deliuered but do dayly more and more by vaine cogitations by disdainfull dealings by cursed hypocrisie by abhominable obstinacie by swelling pride by lothsome hate by cankerd contempt by deuilishe enuie by sléepie securitie by negligence in prayer by diligence in euill dooing by outragious oppression of the poore by defrauding of the simple by spoyling widowes by deceyuing orphanes by trayterously neglecting and nothing regarding our bounden duties doe prouoke to wrath the almighty God and cōpell him to poure downe his heauie plagues and grieuous indignation vpon vs to our vtter ruine and confusion The promise of Christ the Redemer of man and his conquest to deliuer him out of thraldome and our dutie contrary The second Chapter BUt in this our damnable estate and condition when we could sée nothing but deadlye desperation and the monstruous mouth of the burning pitte of hell readie to receyue vs then oure excéeding good gracious and gentle God whome before we had so vnthankefully forsaken so daungerously dispised so villainously contemned so lewdly displeased so maliciously prouoked so wilfully cast off and reiected that we had rather to follow the song of Sathan the lure of the Deuill than the sage aduise and wholsome councell of so mercifull a maker he I say than did open the déepe and hid treasures of his manifold mercies and did yet once againe shewe vs the gracious fauour of his louing countenance promising euen then at the fall of our olde father Adam that his onely sonne Christ Iesus shoulde descende from his celestiall throne and seate of maiestie and take the nature of a man vpon him and should breake the heade of the Serpent that is he