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A06966 Newes out of heauen both pleasaunt [and] ioyfull, lately set forth to the great co[n]solacion [and] co[m]forte of all christen me[n]. By Theodore Basille. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1541 (1541) STC 1739; ESTC S109665 42,752 126

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in suche miserable case were not alyke moued to helpe this mā The preest Leuite were mercylesse the Samarytane was mercyfull Uerely in the Samaritane was y ● loue of god whiche excited moued him agayn to shew loue towarde his neyghbour But in the preest Leuyte was ther no loue toward god therfore had they no pytie cōpassiō vpō theyr neighbour So y ● where the loue of God wanteth ther can the loue of oure neyghboure haue no place And to saye y ● trueth I thynke surely that accordinge to Christes prophecy y ● loue of manye was neuer so colde For whan was there euer so many fayre wordes so much dissimulacioon who can at this daye vnfaynedly know his frende frō his 〈◊〉 al trueth is vtterly decayd among the chyldren of mē Euery one speaketh lyes to theyre neyghbour theyr lyppes are deceytfull they speake one thynge thynke an other In theyr mouthe they speake peace w t theyr frend yet secretely they lay in wayte for him They stretch out theyr tonge as a bowe of lying and not of trueth As the folowers lay snares to take byrdes so do they laye snares trappes to take men And as the trappe is full of byrdes so are theyr houses full of disceyte Nowe is the tyme come that Christ speaketh of in the holy gospel The brother sayeth he shall betray the brother vnto the deathe y ● father y ● sonne the chyldren shall aryse aagaynst theyr fathers mothers shal putte them to deathe Manye are become ryght Iudasies that is frendes in pretence extreme enemyes in theyr workes so y ● almoost no man knowethe whome he maye truste take for his frende It shall therfore become al mē to folow the admonicion of the Prophete Ieremy which sayeth Let euery mā be ware of his neyghboure put hys affyance trust ī none of al his brothers For euery brother wyll supplant deceyue euery frend wyll walke deceytfully so y t one brother shal mocke another and not speake trueth For they haue taught their tonge to speake lyes studyed very ernestly to do wyckedly Here to pertayneth the sayeng of the Prophete Miche Kepe the secretes of thy mouth from her that slepeth in thy bosome for y e sonne shall worke the father displeasure the doughter shall ryse agaynst her mother the doughter in lawe agaynste her mother in lawe a mannes owne houshold and familyars shalbe his mooste enemyes Thus se we what loue ther is nowe a dayes amonge men Agayne what vnmercyfulnesse reygneth amōg men at this tyme Howe slenderly are the poore members of Christ prouyded for nowe a dayes Howe do they go about frō dore to dore lamētyng expressyng with dolorous sorowful wordes theyr to muche wretched miserable state yet no man pitieth thē ter thefte whoredome haue ouerflowed the world bloud hath towched bloud But to be shorte in this behalfe let vs knowe that the iugement shalbe w tout mercy to hym y t wyll shew no mercy Let vs also be assured that as the mercyefull shall obtayne mercy so shall the vnmercifull receyue euerlastyng dānacion Moreouer what couetousnesse raygneth amonge men at this present tyme Howe ioyne they house to house londe to londe ferme vnto ferme pasture to pasture so longe as any is to be gotten as thoughe they shoulde dwell vpon the earthe alone From the leest to the mooste they hange all vpō couetousnesse frō the Prophete to the preest they go all about with falsehode lyes They are shameles dogges that be neuer satified Euery one foloweth his owne couetous appetyte euen frō the hyghest to the lowest They receyue gyftes to shed bloud They take vsury encrese They oppresse theyr poore neyghbours by extorcion They are lyke rauenīg wolues to shed bloud to destroy soules for theyr couetous lucre They heape vp other mens goodes They lade thē selues with thycke claye They couetouslye gather togyther euell gotten goodes into theyr houses y t they maye set theyr neste on hye to escape frō y e power of mysfortune The are rycthe not to God but to the world They heape vp treasure and yet knowe they not for whome they gather it They do so abound in all kynde of rytches y t theyr goodes be corrupte Theyr garmentes are motheaten theyr golde theyr syluer are cāckred the rust of thē shalbe a wytnes agaynst thē shal eate theyr flesshe as it were fyre And yet for all theyr greate aboundans mercy shewe they none to the poore people but y ● more they haue the more they couyte For they are proud they put theyr hope in vncertayne rytches not in y ● lyuing God which gyueth vs aboundantly all thynges to enioye thē They do no good they be not rich in good workes they do not distribute and gyue with a good wyll they gather not vp treasures for them selues which should be a good foundacion agaynste the tyme to come y t they maye laye hande on eternall lyfe Therfore to all suche it is not with out a cause sayde Wo be vnto you rytch men which haue your consolacion Wo be to you y t are full for ye shal hūger Wo be to you y t laugh nowe for he shall wepe and wayle Agayne It is more easye for a Cammell to go thorowe the eye of a nedle than a rytch man to enter into the kyngedome of God What loue I praye you can there be to a mans neyghbour where such couetous affectes insatiable lustes do reygne God turne awaye this pestilence out of the earth Furthermore what detestable fylthye stynkynge and abhominable whoredome reygnethe in the worlde nowe a dayes yea and that so frely and wythout punisshment that it is accounted no synne at all among many but rather a sporte a good felowlike dalyaūce a tokē of loue a touch of lusty youth The holy scripture cōmaundeth y e fornicaciō adultry whoredome al vncleanes shoulde not once be named among vs muche lesse perpetrated done Yet to deflour maydens to corrupt wyues to defyle wydowes is now iudged and taken but for a playe tryfelynge matter Yea many are growen into such vnshamefastenes that they vse to enterlase theyr talke at the tyme of theyr repast w t such fylthy cōmunicacion nothyng fearyng to declare before other how valeant champiōs they haue shewed thē selues in Uenus court Thus do they reioyce whan they haue done euel make a sport ●t vnfyttynge thynges O detestable abhominaciō This maketh as the Prophet sayeth that there are so many adulterers This maketh that they fal to whoredome haūt harlottes houses This maketh thē lyke stoned wyld horses to ney at theyr neighbours wiues Yea thys maketh chast matrimony to be despysed and whores to be set more by than
whiche is to loue oure neyghboure and to walke in a new lyfe For what naturall man sheweth vnkyndnes for kyndnes Who hateth where he is loued Mē therfore hearynge this vnspekable loue of God towarde them muste nedes loue him agayne out of this loue orderly bryng forth a true vnfayned loue toward theyr neyghbour and an herty desyre to walke wythou●e spotte in the syght of so gentle and louynge a father Yf we marke wel the Epistles of the blessed Apostle saynt Paule we shall esely perceyue that he in lyke maner vsethe this trade aforesayde almoost in all his Epistles but chefely to the Romaynes Galathians and Ephestans I therfore ponderyng with my selfe but latelye y e great decaye of y ● christen religiō the vtter destruccion almooste of all godly lyuynge thoughte w t my selfe that I coulde not at this present bestowe y e smale talent that God hath credited and lent vnto me better more aptely to the auauncement of gods glory edi●icacion of his church than to compyle some ly●●e treatyse oute of the holy scriptures whiche shoulde contayne in it these thynges aforesayd paint out as it were in a certayne table fyrst the knowledge of our selues and afterward the benefytes of God the father toward vs by Iesus Christ that men perceyuy●ge theyr owne abhominacion maye make the more haste to Gods goodnes whan they haue once tasted of that endeuour thē selues to walke worthy the kyndnes of god Thys thynge haue I done in thys worke folowynge accordynge as I trust to the pure vayne of the holy scryptures I haue entyteled the boke Ne. wes of heauen because it shewethe to vs the plesaunte ioyful confortable newes of Christe It openeth to vs aboundantly the syngular incomperable benefytes that we receyue of God thorowe Christ. The Ebuccinatour shewer declarer of these newes I haue made Gabriel the aūgell Embassadour of God because that he fyrste of all brought tydinges of Christes incarnacion to the mooste pure cleane virgyne Marye I wyll not prayse the boke vnlesse I shoulde seme to hunte after vaynglory neither wyl I dispraise it vnlesse I myght seme rasshely without a cause to condēpne that which is worthy prayse cōmendaciō of it selfe I leaue it therfore to y e iudgemēt of other that be ghostly learned taught of God Thys I dare boste y ● it contaynethe more true and christen learnyng than a great sorte of volumes y t we haue hyghly estemed in tymes paste He that shall make this boke his cōpagnion shal here fynd in fewe leaues that the whole Byble cōmētaries of the auncient doctors do teach of christ in many so y ● it might well be called y e treasure house of christē knowledge Neyther can any man iustely condempne or reiecte thys boke excepte he also wyl cotēne set at nought the moost sacred and holy Byble with the aucthorities wher of this lytle treatyse is sufficiently plenteously fortressed defensed agaynste the boryshe tethe serpētlyke tonges of these crakyng calūniatours subtyle Sycophātes which after the maner of Momus are redy to carpe reprehēde cōdempne euery mans worke enterprise be it neuer so godlye whā they themselues brynge for the nothyng at all that is worthy eyther the redyng or the hearynge except men haue pleasure to read or heare blasphemes Yf any man shal thynke that I set out Christ Christes benefytes to largely which I am sure no mā wyll do excepte he be a very Antechrist and a wicked Papist let hym knowe that I set for the Christe no more than the holy Scriptures do beare The argumente also of my matter requyrethe no lesse than I haue wrytten Christ must be declared otherwyse then Moyses For Christe is a sauyoure And he bryngeth ioye peace fauour tranquilite of conscience free remission of synnes Therfore as a Sauyoure must he be declared and not as an extreme reuenger At Christes byrthe the Aungell sayd to the shepeherdes Feare not for beholde I shewe vnto you great ioye which shalbe to all people For this day is a sauyour borne which is Christ the LORDE in the cytie of Dauid And Christ hymselfe after his resurreccion sayde to his Apostles Go ye into y e vniuersal world preach the Gospel that is to say good mery tydinges to euery creature He that shal beleue be baptised shalbe saued But he y ● shal not beleue shalbe condēpned Here may all men se that both the aūgell and Christ are on my syde agree with me in facte Neyther is y e preching of christ his benefytes a wyndow to all kynd of carnal liberte dissolute lyuyng as the vngodly Papistes with vnshamefaced forheades dolye but rather a prouocacion sterynge vp of men vnto true godlynes which when they se the exceadyng goodnes of God toward thē take streyght wayes an occasion to loue God agayne a valcaunt courage to do his moost godly wyll He that readeth this my worke to the ende shall easelye perceyue that I go not aboute to plucke men from good workes but rather animite encourage them vnto the doyng of good workes prouynge with manifest euydent scryptures y ● Christe is no sauyour but to such as wyth a contryte herte and an hūble spyrite confesse theyr sinne repent thē of theyr wyckednes call to God for grace amend theyr wycked conuer saciō correcte theyr synful maners walke in a newe lyfe go from vertue to vertue and serue God theyr maker all the dayes of theyr lyfe in holinesse in righteousnes For god dyd chose vs in christ as S. Paule sayeth thorowe loue before y e foūdacion of y ● worlde was layde y ● we should be sayntes w tout blame in his sighte And although by grace we are made safe thorow fayth and that not of oure selues for it is the gyfte of God cōmeth not of workes vnlesse any man shoulde boast hymselfe yet are we his workemāshyp created in Christ Iesu to good workes which God hath prepared that we should walke in them But I wyl make an end vnlesse the preface of the worke maye seme to be longer then the worke it selfe Nowe for asmuch as in the begynnyng of a new yeare men vse customably to sende one to another gyftes tokens whereby they declare the beneuolens and good wyll that is betwene them I for my parte knowyng howe greatly I am boūd to your ryght worshypfull maystershyp couetynge by some meannes to declare agayne my good wyl obse quious herte to youre moost bounteous gentlenes do send vnto you this lytle treatyse at this tyme for a newe yeares gyfte moost humbly desyrynge youre ryght worshypfull maystershyp to accepte and take in good worth this my lytle gyfte although not worthy youre graunde munificence yet as a memosynon memoriall of my studious mynde towarde
this seed of a woman which shal trede downe the head of this serpent y ● is to say destroy his power delyuer you out of captiuite set you agayne at lyberte reconcyle you to God y ● father purchase remission of youre synnes obtayne the holy Ghost for you make you fellow heyres w t hym of eternall glory Satan synne death hell with all theyr armye shall nowe no more agaynste you preuayle For by this seed of a woman Iesus Christ your LORDE hath God gyuē you the victory So that nowe with tryumphant hertes and reioysynge spirytes ye may say O deth wher is thy styng O hell where is thy victory For nowe is he borne whyche shall ●●aye death delyuer you from the power of deathe yea from deathe it selfe shall he redeme you And hell shall he swallowe vp so that Satā shall haue no more domynion ouer you Moreouer in this seed alone Iesus Christ shall all nacions be blessed In Adā ye all were cursed but in Christe ye be all blessed Adam brought to you wrath and displeasure but Christ bryngeth loue and ●auour Adā is the author of synne death and dampnacion but Christ is the author of goodnesse lyfe and saluaciō Adam casteth you downe into hell but Christ lyfteth you vp to heuen Adā maketh you fyre brādes of hell but Christe maketh you inheritours of eternall glorye By the synne of Adā many were dead but by the goodnes of Christ grace hath come vpon many By the wickednesse of Adam synne came vpon all men vnto dampnacion but by the righteousnes of Christ saluaciō is come vpon al men vnto the iustificacion of lyfe By the disobediēce of Adā many were made synners but by the obedience of Christe many are made rygtheous Thus se you y ● in Christe ye are blessed that is pardoned of your synnes receiued īto fauour Furthermore this is he of whome Iacob dyd prophecy that he should come beyng loked for desyred of all naciōs This is that Prophet whome God promised to Moses that he woulde rayse vp amonge his brothers put hys wordes in his mouth so that whoso euer wyll not heare hym shall perysshe vtterly be destroyed This is he whyche was fygured in the olde lawe by so many tipes ceremonies and shadowes This is that kynge whose kyngdome God promysed vnto Dauid to corroborate establysshe for euermore This is that euerlastynge preeste after the order of Melchisedech This is he whome so manye kynges and Prophetes haue desyred to se. And now is he cōe which so lōg hath ben desyred How much blessed fortunate are ye therfore vnto whom it hath chaūsed to se this day ye maye wel reioyse clappe youre handes for ioye For he is not borne to be vnto you a tyrant a fearce LORDE a cruell iudge an extreme reuenger but a swete sauyour a gentle LORDE a bountyous fauourer a mercyfull forgyuer Whyche thynge ye maye well perceyue by his name for hys name is IESVS gyuen vnto hym of God hys father by the Aungell which by true interpretacion is a SAVIOVR For he it is that shal saue his people frō theyr sinnes Marke he shal saue them and not condēne thē If he had had a rigorous name ye myghte well haue ben afearde of hym but his name is full of swetenes pleasare delectacion cōforte And because ye shoulde not feare to come vnto hym beholde he is not borne royallye after y e maner of the wordly Prynces set out w t gallant pompe but humbly mekely lowely For he lyeth symply in a maunger wrapped in vyle cloutes whan not withstandynge he is LORDE ouer all thinges both in heauen and in earth But his kyngdome is not of this worlde For he hathe not so much as a place wher he may lay his head Thus is he become poore that by his pouertye ye shoulde become rytche O howe muche are ye bounde to this poure newe kynge sauiour which when he was in the forme of God ye very God himselfe toke vpō him y ● shape of a seruaūte and became very mā for your sake Yf she had not done thus certes ye had ben damned for euer and euer For youre synne was so haynous great that it coulde not otherwyse be taken awaye but only by hym By him yea by hym alone are all youre synnes put awaye He it is yea he it is alone which putteth awaye your iniquities for his owne sake wyll remember thē no more A righteous God suche a one as saueth is there none but he alone He is that lambe of God which taketh awaye the synne of the world He is that sauyour which is come into the world for to saue synners He it is in whose name and in none others vnder heauen men must be saued Moreouer dyuers graue weightye serious causes are there why it was conuenient that this youre sauiour should be borne Fyrst that in asmuch as ye all are greuous sinners haue broken all the cōmaundementes of God he shoulde fulfyll the lawe for you delyuerynge you from the curse of the lawe wherun to ye are bounde or els saued could ye be by no meanes And this shall this chylde whiche is nowe borne do for you I meane satis●y the law before he ascende agayne vnto his father set you free from the malediccion and curse of the lawe For Christ is the perfecte fulfyllynge of the lawe vnto iustificacion for euery one that beleueth Christ shall redeme you from the curse of y ● lawe whyle he is made accursed for your sake For it is writtē cursed be euery one y t hāgeth vpō a tree O what ioyfull trdinges are these vnto you for to heare y ● Christe shall delyuer you from the curse of the lawe and restore you vnto lyfe whiche before were dead Secondly seyng that the world is without all knowlege of god corrupte with Idolatrye poysoned w t theyr owne ymaginacions drowened with Ipocrisy and altogyther s●t on wickednes the head Prestes Bisshops lawers Scribes Pharisees corruptyng the holy scriptures on such maner with theyr pestilent gloses it is necessary that this Christe the wisdomme of the father come downe redresse theise great absurdities reducyng bringynge the deuyne Scriptures agayne to theyr true sence that men maye for sake all Idolatrye all vngodly doctryne all wycked customes lerne to knowe the true God And surelye as he is come from God to be a mayster teacher so wyll he vndoutedly teache godly thynges For he that cōmeth from heauen is aboue al men And that he hathe sene and hearde that wyll he testify For he whome God hath sent speaketh the wordes of God For God gyuethe not hym the spyrite to a measure But the spyryte of God is plenteously vpon hym because he hath an
clypper shal he hold his peace nether shal he once opē his mouth Thus because it is his pleasure shall he offer hym selfe vpon the altare of the crosse by hys moost precious bloude paye our raūsome By this his glorious passion shal he take vpon hym your infyrmities beare awaye youre synnes By his moost blessed woundes shal al your iniquities be putte awaye Al your synnes shalbe layd on his backe His bloud shall make you cleane from al your synne By his bloude shal ye haue remission of your synnes By y e precious bloude of this Christ as of an immaculate and pure lambe shal ye be redemed from the tyrany of Satan By y ● oblacion of Christe shall ye be made free from al wyckednes delyuered from the power of darkenes caried into the gloryous kyngedome of God For he is the lambe of GOD whiche taketh awaye the synne of the worlde This is that sonne of man which is come to saue that which was lost not to destroy the soules of mē but to saue thē And al this shall come to passe by the oblacion offryng of his owne moost precious blessed body For he shal by your Bysshop not suche one as also shall haue nede to offer for hys owne synnes but for youres onely nether shal he be like y ● bishoppes of y ● old law which offer dayly for y ● sinnes of y ● people suche sacrifyces as can neuer take away sinne nor yet make men perfecte But this your Bysshop shalbe godly innocēt fautles segregated from synners and made higher then y e heauēs whiche shal not nede as the other Bisshoppes do dayly to offer sacrifices first for hys owne synnes afterwarde for the synnes of the people For he beynge without al synne shall once for all offer hymselfe And this one sacrifyce or oblacion of hys mooste blessed bodye shal be able to saue so many as beleue in him euen to the vttermoost Christ beynge the Bysshop of good thynges to come shall enter into y ● holy place by hys own bloud fynd euerlastyng redēpciō He thorow the holy Ghoste shall offer hymselfe immaculate to God pourge your conscience from deade workes to serue the lyuynge God Hē once for al offeryng vp him selfe shall take awaye the synnes of many By the oblacion of the bodye of Iesus Christ done once for all shall you be sanctifyed With one oblaciō shall he make perfecte for euermore thē that are sanctifyed Here se you of what īestimable pryce the sacrifyce of Christ your bysshop is The vertue of it neuer ceaseth but endurethe in perfecte strengthe for euer euer y ● the sinnes of y ● faythful repentant maye be forgyuen at all tymes by it Christes bloud shall not crye for vengeaūce as y ● bloude of Abell dyd but for mercy grace fauour Yea by Christes bloud shall all thynges both in heauen e●the be pacifyed apeased set at a stay reconcyled to God the father aboūdātly So that nowe ye shalbe purged of al your synnes by this one omnisufficiente oblacion of Iesus Christe your Bisshop For he alone shal treade downe the wynepresse take vpon his backe the great importible burden of your synnes all He by his death shall slaye death ouercome Satā synne hel desperacion all y ● euer maye be agaynste you So y ● nowe ye shal be made so cleare as though ye had neuer offēded Ye shall now be so set at liberty as though before ye had neuer ben in captiuite And all this shall come to passe by the deathe alone of thys yonge chylde nowe borne whose body shall be the alone sacrifyce of all your synnes vnto the which as vnto an holy ancker ye muste alwaye ronne for ayde refuge succoure trustynge assuredly that his death ●s youre whole hope youre meryte youre refuge helth lyfe resurreccion For youre meryte is the compassion excedyng mercy of Christ your LODRE ye are not w toute meryte so longe as y ● LORD of mercyes doth not fayle And yf the merytes of the LORDE be many than are ye plenteous in merites The more able y ● he is to saue the more safe and w toute daūger are ye Thus se you what a great occasiō ye haue to reioy se in the deathe of the LORDE Christ your alone sauyour wherby so many synguler great commodities shall chaunse vnto you God forbydde therfore that ye should reioyse in ony thynge at all saue only in the crosse death of your LORDE Iesus Christ. Syrtely but in asmuch as it is not sufficient that this youre newe hynge Iesus Christ do dye for your synnes except he also ryseth againe for youre iustificacion therfore do I also declare vnto you these moost ioyful cōfortable newes y t after he be once dead buried he by y ● power of his deite shall gloriouslye ryse again y ● thyrd day frō deth to life for your iustificaciō accordīg to y ● holy scriptures For God his father shal make him alyue after two dayes vpon the thyrde daye he shall rayse hym vp he shal lyue in his syght As Ionas was ī y e belly of a whale thre dayes thre nightes so shall y e sonne of man be in the herte of the earth thre dayes and thre nightes And as Ionas by y ● power of God came out of y ● whalles belly y e thyrd daye so in semblable wyse shall this Christ by y e puissaūce of God his father ryse agayne y ● thyrd daye from deathe to lyfe By this glorious resurreccion of Iesus Christ shall ye gette the victory of Satan synne death hell desperacion c. By this glorious resurrecciō of Iesus christ shall ye be made ryghteous in God the fathers sight By this glorious resurrecciō of Iesus Christ shal heauen gates be opened for you which so longe haue ben sparred By this glorious resurrecciō of Iesus christ shall ye also ryse agayne enter īto euerlastyng lyfe By this glorious resurrecciō of Iesus christ shal god of his excedynge mercy beget you a new into euerlastyng hope an immortall heritage which is kepte for you in heauē For Christ is y ● resurrecciō lyfe he y ● beleueth in him al though he be dead yet shall he lyue euery one that lyueth beleuethe in hym shall neuer dye Here se you in howe ioyfull and mery a state ye shall be set by Christes moost glorious resurreccion What is here but that moueth styreth vs to ioye gladnesse To muche brutall is he which at the heryng of these moost swete delectable newes dothe not seriously reioyse Furthermore after that thys LORDE Iesus Christ is risen agayn from death to lyfe hath continued here vpō the earth certayne dayes
shewyng himselfe vnfaynedly to haue risen vnto his disciples certayne other than shal he by the wōderfull power of his Godhead ascēd vp into heauē very God very mā in the presence of his disciples that they maye be faythefull wytnesses hereof to other sytte downe on y ● right hand of God his father as equal God concernynge his dette w t his father in all vertue puissaunce strength power By this his meruaylous ascencion shall he go prepare places for you in y ● house of his eternal father For he is y e way the trueth the lyfe No man cōmethe to y ● father but by him But this his meruaylous ascēciō shall he drawe you all vnto him By this his meruaylous ascēciō shal he gyue diuers spiritual gyftes vnto you thorowe the sendyng of y e holy ghost y ● swete cōfortour which shal lede you into al trueth Although he ascēde vnto his father yet wyll not he leue you cōfortles For by his deuyne spirite he wyll be w t you euē to the very cōsummacion ende of the world He wyll not leaue ●orsake you For he is called Emanual whych is by interpretaciō God is with vs. For he is that God which wyl euer accompany you so lōge as ye abyde in his worde Yea he wyll come dwell w t you He wyll offer himselfe to you euen as a gentle louynge father doth to his moost tēder childrē For this his promyse I wyll sayeth he dwell amonge thē be conuersant among thē I wyll be theyr God they shall be my people yea I wyll be theyr father they shalbe my sōnes and doughters Agayne though Christ shall syt on y e ryght hand of God y e father almyghty yet shal he not be ther ydle vtterly fallē frō sekyng your profyte For he shall ther continuallye pray make intercessiō to God his father for you This mā Christ Iesus is youre alone mediatoure so y ● yf onye of you dothe synne ye haue him to be your aduocate euen Iesus Christ y ● righteous And he it is y ● obtayneth mercy for your synnes Whatsoeuer also ye aske of the father in his name he wyll surelye gyue it you What wyll ye desyre more Are not these comfortable swete newes to heare y ● you haue this daye so precious a iewel borne amōg you yea gyuen you frely Uerely youre ioye oughte to be so great y t it coulde not be expressed B●t let vs hear mo ioyful tidīges Whā y ● tyme is ones come y ● this world shall haue an ende then shal this your LORDE and kynge Iesus Christ come full gloryo●●y from the right hand of his father in his maiesty before him shall be gathered al naciōs For at y ● voyce of y ● archangell trōpe of God shall all people ryse out of the erth w t theyr bodies both faythfull vnfaythfull They y ● haue done good shall come forth into y e resurrecciō of lyfe but they y ● haue done euell into y ● resurrecciō of dānaciō All shal be presēt before the iudgyng place of Christ. Euery mā shal receyue accordynge to theyr dedes Thā shal you which are his faythful people receyue for your corruptible body an īcorruptible body for your mortal body an immortal body euen such one as shal be lyke to his owne gloryous body It hath not yet appered that ye shal be But knowe ye that yf he ones appeare ye shall be lyke vnto him for ye shal se h●m as he is This day of iudgement shalbe to the wicked vnfaythfull a daye of wrath a daye of trouble heuines a daye of calamite misery a day of darkenes myst They shall walke as mē beyng blynde because they haue of fended the LORDE theyr bloude shalbe shed as y e dust theyr bodies as dūge hylles Neyther shall theyr syluer golde be able to deliuer thē in that daye of the LORDES wrath For to thē it shalbe sayde Departe from me ye cursed into euerlasting fyre which is prepared for y e dyuell his Aungels But y e daye to you which are his faythfull people and obedient to his worde shalbe a daye of cōsolacion cōforte ioye myrthe w t all gladnes For to you it shal be sayd Come ye blessed chyldrē of my father inheryte y ● kyngdom prepared for you from the begynnyng of the worlde For ye shall be taken vp in the cloudes for to mete y ● LORDE in the ayre and so shal ye euer he w t the LORDE in glory But who is able to expresse what ioy what pleasure what myrthe what gladnesse ye shal haue in heauē The eie hath not sene the eare hath not herde neither hath it entred īto y e herte of man y ● God hath prepared for them that loue hī Ye shall se him face to face vpon whom Aungelles desyre to loke With sorowe care thought ▪ payne or deathe shall ye no more be entangled God shall wype away al teares from your eyes Your ioye your gladnes youre myrth shall be perpetuall All the pleasure of this world cōpared to the leest ioy of heuen is nothynge For this celestiall citie is of pure gold lyke vnto clere glasse the foūdacions of the walles of this citie are garnisshed with all maner of precious stones the gates are of fyne pearle Yea the streres of this heauenlye citie are pure golde It hath no nede of the sonne neyther of the Moone to lighten it For the brightnes of God doth lighten it the lambe is the light of it In this citie shall ye glyster as the shynyng of heauē shalbe as y e sterres worlde without ende Ye shalbe as y ● aūgels of God y ● are in heauē Ye shall be pyllers in y e tēple of god Ye shall be clothed w t whyte garmētes ye shall sytte w t Christe vpō his seate ye shall eate Māna y ● is hyd ye shall eare of y ● tree of lyfe which is in the myddes of the Paradise of God Ye shall haue a whyte stone in the stone a newe name wrytten which no man knoweth sauyng he that receyuethe it Ye shall receyue the crowne of lyfe which the LORD hath promised to thē that loue him Ye shall receyue the vncorrupty●●● crowne of glory Ye shal receiue the crowne of righteousnes which the LORDE a ryghteous iudge in y ● daye shal gyue to all thē that loue his cōmynge To conclude ye shall accordynge to his promyse receyue euerlastynge lyfe in the whiche ye shall lyue w t god the father and this his sonne Iesus Christ your Lord
and Sauiour with the holy Ghost one very God worldes without ende to whome alone be all honour glory for euer and euer Amen ¶ A brefe rehersall of all those thynges that go before THus haue I declared vnto you the moost swete moost confortable moost plesaūt moost meri newes out of heaue at the cōmaundement of the hyghest puissaūt God Ye se ī how miserable a case ye are redacted and fallen by the synne of Adā howe that by hym ye are all damned and made y ● sonnes of wrath Ye se that of your selues because of youre imperfecciō ye are not able to do any good thyng that maye satisfy y ● deuyne wyll apease Gods wrathe Ye se that y ● workes of the lawe can not make you fre in y ● syght of god neyther are ye able of youre owne strenth free wyll so pure●y so spiritually to do thē as the law requireth that you may obtayne remissyon of youre synnes by doynge of them Ye se also that the sacrifyces of the olde lawe can neuer putte away synne as for workes of your owne inuenciō are mooste of all imꝑfecte mooste vnapte to purchase grace fauoure Thus se you that of youre owne selues of your owne polecy of your owne righteousnes ye are not able to escape the daūger of dānacion yea rather dānaciō it selfe Therfore dyd I declare vnto you the cōfortable newes out of heuē shewyng you that God not for the workes of righteousnes that ye haue done which in dede are none but of his owne free great mercy hath vouchedsaufe to preserue and kepe you from the daūger of Satā sinne death hel yea and y t by this his welbeloued sonne Iesus Christ which this daye is borne in the cytie of Dauid to be the sauioure of y ● world So that for Iesus Christes sake God is well pleased with you Ye haue heard that y ● lawe hath condēned you in asmuch as ye are trāsgressours of it and hath made you accursed Frō this cursse of the lawe shal christ delyuer you not frō the lawe it selfe that you shoulde lyue vngodly after a remisse and dissolute maner for such haue no in heritaūce in y ● kyngdome of Christe of God but from the curse seruitude bondage damnaciō of y e lawe For he shall fulfyll y ● whole law euē to the vttermoste And hys fulfyllynge shall be accepted before God the father for the fulfyllynge of so many as beleue in him And he settyng you at libertye from the curse of the lawe shall gyue you a newe herte put in you a newe spirite he shal take away your stony herte gyue you a fleshly that is a softe gentle herte redy to enclyne to y ● accōplyshment of Goddes wyll He shal gyue his lawes into your myndes wryte them in your hertes y ● you maye euer after franckely and with a free spirite fulfyl them Ye haue hearde how this Christ shall brynge you oute of the darkenes into the lyght of trueth by the syncere declarynge of hys fathers wyll For he is the lyght of y ● world God hath gyuen hym to be a witnes vnto the people a captayne a mayster amonge the heythen And this his doctryne shall he confyrme with such miracles as shall euydētly shew proue that he is that true Messias whiche was promysed to come Agayne ye haue hearde y ● all his good dedes are youres For with hī hath God the father also gyuē you all thynges so that he is your wysdome your righteousnes your sāctificacion and redempcion Ye haue herde also that he shall offer himsele for you to God the father an oblacion swete swellynge sacrifice vpō the Altare of the crosse that by this one oblacion sacrifyce of his mooste blessed body done once for all all your synnes shall be put away ye shal be made perfecte and wasshed from all deformitie so cleane by christes bloud as though ye had neuer offended heretofore Ye haue hearde agayne that as christ shal dye for your sīnes so shal he ryse agayne for your iustificacion obtaynynge for you the victory of synne death and hell y ● that his moost glorious resurreccion Ye haue heard y ● after he is once rysen agayne he shal here remayne certayne dayes than ascende corporally into heauen sytte downe on the ryght hande of God y e father sendynge downe the holye Ghoste which shall lede you into all trueth Ye haue hearde also that Christe syttynge on the ryght hand of God the father shall not be ydle but styll prouyde seke youre helth He shall be your mediatoure aduocate He shall make contynuall intercessyon for you He shall pleate youre cause before God his father He shall auaunce your matter before the deuyne presence Yf ye at any tyme excite or styre vp gods wrath against you thorowe your iniquitie he shall streyght wayes apease it and make God the father styll youre louynge father which elles would be to you an extreme reuenger Ye haue herde agayne y ● Christe at y ● laste daye shal come gloriously frō y ● right hād of his father to iuge the quicke the deade howe that after the iudgemente is once done ye shall enter into glory with hym lyuynge for euer after in such ioye pleasure gladnesse as can not by any meanes eyther be expressed by tong or cōceyued in herte All these cōmodities pleasures profyttes shal ye haue by this your new kīge sauiour Iesus Christ which this day is borne in Bethleem a citie of Dauid What more pleasaunt and thanckeworthye newes coulde be brought to you then theise What coulde haue set suche a ioye in your hertes as the hearynge of these newes Cā any thyng lyke vnto these chaunse vnto you so great so welcome so acceptable so ioyful Uerely yf ye seriously cōsyder the misery wherwith ye were obruted ouerwhelmed before ye shall easlye perceyue that ye haue an earnest cause to reioyce No prisoner no captiue no bond slaue was euer in so great captiuite thraldome as ye were before these news were brought to you I● a prisoner reioysethe for his delyuerance oute of pryson whiche once muste nedes haue an ende yf none otherwyse yet at the leest by death howe great a cause thē haue you to reioyse for your deliueraūce which were captiues prisoners to that horrible monsture and pestiserous serpent euen Satā hymselfe yea and that not for certayne yeares but for euer worldes wythout ende Neyther was it youre body alone that was in captiuite and bōdage but your soule also both your body soule were captyue to hym so that yf this your newe kynge redemer
sauioure shoulde not helpe you it could none oth●rwyse be but that you must nedes haue ben damned cast into hel fyre ther to burne to wepe to lamente ▪ for euer euer remediles But frō this moost greuous destruccion shal this chyld Iesus Christ delyuer you make you heyres of euerlastynge glory What a cause haue ye nowe to reioyse Your ioy can not be expressed your gladnes is vnmeasurable Therfore seynge ye shall receyue of this youre newe kynge so many so greate so inestimable benefytes loke that ye be not vnthanckefull Receyue this your sauioure w t enbrasyng armes Runne vnto hym yf not w t the feete of your body yet w t the feete of your mynde Knowledge hym to be your alone omnisufficient sauioure that there is none other name gyuen vnto men vnder heauen wherin they must be saued but only this name of Iesus Christ. Confesse hym to be the true sonne of the lyuynge God whiche hath nowe taken flesshe of y ● mooste pure and cleane virgin Marye for your sake Confesse him alone to be your peace lyfe helth defence goodnes wisdom righteousnes sanctyficacion redēpcion pastoure shepehearde Bisshoppe and heade In al youre trouble resorte to hym as vnto a strong Bulwarke y ● you maye ease you of your miserable burdens Poure out your hertes before this LORD Knowe him to be your alone mediatour aduocate Aske al thinges in his name Dout nothyng of his greate goodnes exceadynge mercy towarde you Can a woman forget the chyld of her wombe and y ● sonne whom she hath borne And thoughe she doth forgette hym yet wyll not he forget you For beholde he hath wrytten you vp vpō his hādes so y ● euer ye are in his syght He wyll vndoubtedly ease you of your burdens be they neuer so great If ye thurst he wyll gyue you of y ● wel of y ● water of lyfe frely If ye hūger he is that bread of lyfe which came downe from heauē If any mā eate of that bread he shall lyue for euer If ye be sycke he is a Phisicion redy to cure heale all your diseases If ye be bonde and in seruitude he wyll make you free set you at lyberite If ye be dead in sinne he is the resurrecciō lyfe If ye walke in darkenesse he is the lyghte of the worlde He that foloweth him walketh not in darkenes but shal haue the light of life If ye be poore he is rytch vnto all thē y ● cal vpon hym If ye be wicked prophhane folysh he is righteous holye wyse If ye be oppressed wyth syn●e deathe of hell he hath subdued them al. If ye feare the wrath of God the father he is youre mediatour aduocate attonement maker If ye haue condemned youre selfe thorowe synne he is a sauiour wyll saue his people from theyr synnes What wyl ye haue more Ye wante nothynge but he wyll supplye it for you aboūdantlye to the vttermoste Feare not therfore to come to thys youre newe kynge Iesus Christe For the very cause of his cōminge is not to destroye but to saue the soules of men Receaue hym therfore with ioyfull hertes Forsake all ydolatrye vayne supersticiō Beleue in hym alone Put your affiaunce truste in none other but in him only And let not this your fayth be dead but agile quicke lyuysshe myghty in operaciō Let it be such a fayth as worketh by loue Fyrst lette youre fayth brynge forth an earnest loue toward God and oute of this loue toward god let such a loue procede toward your neyghbour that out of that loue ther maye sprynge plētie of good workes Be lyke vnto a good tree which bringeth forth her fruyte in due tyme. Be no baren vnfruytful fygge tree vnles y ● malediccion curse of God fal on you While ye haue tyme worke good to al mē For God hath not delyuered you from the power of your enemies of all suche as hate you y t you should styll cōtinue euel or returne to your old wickednes but that ye set at libertie and voyd of all feare should serue him in holynes righteousnesse before hym all the dayes of our lyfe The lawe of the spiryte of lyfe throwe Christ Iesus hathe made you free from the lawe of syn death Notwithstandyng though ye be cal●ed into libertie yet let not youre libertie be an occasion to the flesshe but by loue serue ye one another Be as free not hauyng y ● liberte for a cloke of wickednes but euē as the seruaūtes of god For Christ hath not of his owne mere bountie delyuered you from the myserable seruitude of Satan that ye should runne agayne to that your enemy but that ye should serue him which hath shewed you such great kyndenes Ye are nowe Christes all togyther therfore must ye loke what he wyll haue you do For yf he be punished whiche disdaynethe to fulfyll the cōmaundement of a terrestiall earthly Prynce in what case thā are ye yf ye do eyther cast awaye or despyse the cōmaūdement of an heuenly gouernour Certes ye ought so to institute order youre lyfe y t it should serue Christ your captain on such maner that Satan should haue nothinge to do with you nor ye w t hym For he that doth synne is the seruaunt of synne Therfore ought you to caste awaye all synne from you gyue your mynd to purite holynes of lyfe euer studye to mayntayne mutuall loue For not euery one that sayeth LORDE LORDE shall enter into the kyngedome of heauen but he that doth y ● wyll of God whiche is in heauen He that pertayneth to Christe is a newe creature And they that belonge vnto hym haue crucified the flesshe with the lustes therof Therfore yf ye be souldiers of Christe declare it in outwarde workes For it is a poynte of notable vnshamefastnes to bost your selues that ye pertayne to Christes army yet do nothynge at all that he commaūdeth He that sayeth that he dwelleth in him ought to walke as he hath walked If ye saye that ye haue fel●owshyp with Christ and yet walke in darkenes ye ly do not the trueth But yf ye walke in lyghte as he is lyghte than haue ye fellowshyp togyther the bloud of this your sauiour Iesus Christe Goddes owne sonne makethe you cleane from all synne Wherfore yf ye wyll enioy these moost confortable pleasaunte newes whiche I haue broughte from heauen and haue now declared vnto you forsake all wickednesse and enhaulse al godlynes reiecte al ydolatrye and practyse the true worshyppynge of God caste awaye the workes of the flesshe and put on the fruytes of the spirite mortifye olde Adam and become