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A95810 Unpremeditated thoughts of the knowledge of God, whom to know, is life eternal. With some discoveries of the mysteries of creation, in the six days work, and the seventh days rest. : To which is added, a short discourse concerning those two great principles of natural philosophy, matter and motion. / Humbly offered to consideration, by one of the Philadelphia Society, who calls her self Irena. Institut de recherches européennes sur les noblesses et aristocraties. 1697 (1697) Wing U92A; ESTC R185871 42,220 173

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throughout and I might instance in very many particular places of Scripture but this is done by excellent hands who discourse largely on this Subject as Charnock and others we have also in Holy Writ an account of Mankind his divine Original being made after the Image of God in a Blessed State a little lower then the Angels and also of his Deplorable State that he by Disobedience fell into and became worse then the beasts that perish we have also an account of the most Admirable Work of the Redemption of Mankind by Jesus Christ our Lord the methods our Blessed Jesus took are discovered to us by which this great Work was performed for us and also the operation of his Spirit in us all these admirable Mysteries are delivered to us with that Authority Majesty Sweetness and Love that we can never be enough thankful for them But O! How short are we in our understandings of them How little acquainted with their Worth and Excellency till we receive the third and last Blessed Help afforded by God to poor Mankind his own Holy Spirit by whom our minds become Enlightned in the Knowledge of God and of our selves and by being Illuminated by the same Spirit which the Holy Pen-men were Inspired with we come to have the Scripture opened to us clearly and indeed though of our selves we know nothing as we ought to know yet in this Spirit we come to know all things for the Spirit searcheth all things even the deep things of God and shews them unto us our Blessed Saviour tells us in John 16. v. 12. 13. I have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now howbeit when the Spirit of Truth is come he will guide you into all Truth and he will shew you things to come Now it is our duty to attend to this Voice of God in us to the Teachings of his holy Spirit who is an Interpreter one of a Thousand Those things in St. Paul's Epistles and other Scriptures hard to be understood are made easie by the teachings of this Spirit the Lord did strive with the old World by his Spirit in the minds of men there was not many Preachers in those days but Noah we read was a Preacher of righteousness he preached by his Faith which he shewed forth by his Works Tho' the Lord hath been from the beginning striving with Mankind by his Spirit yet this is the time when we have the greatest Encouragement to pray and wait for this great Blessing as the Fruit and Effect of the Resurrection and Ascension of our blessed Saviour who ascended up on high that he might give Gifts unto men this great Gift of the Father his holy Spirit Our Lord chose some to be Witnesses of his Resurrection and Ascension he hath also made some able to witness to this effect of his Ascension and to the Unworthiest less than the least of all is this grace given He hath been pleased to open the still Eternity and to shew the ever-blessed Deity in the most sweet harmonious Stillness deep holy Silence looking into his own Center of Light beholding his own Heart the lovely Image of Himself which caused that Joy and Desire of bringing forth his own lovely Image and this Desire brought forth into manifestation the only begotten Son of God the glorious Image of the Invisible God and the express Character of his Person who is God blessed for evermore from the Love-Union and Co-Operation of God the Father and God the Son did proceed God the holy Ghost from the Union and pure Mingling of the Awful Majestick Light of the Father with the Refulgent bright Light of the Son doth proceed the sweet meek peaceful Light of the holy Spirit and these Three who bear Witness in Heaven the Father the Word and the Spirit agree in One and all their Operations are conjunct as well as distinct As in the Creation and Production of the World the holy Father and Son impowered and impregnated the blessed Spirit in order to the production of this beautiful World and the Spirit of God moved upon the Face of its own Waters it Self being the Principle of the Water the Comparison of a Hen may not be unfitly used who first produceth the Watry substance of the Egg and then being impregnated or filled with Life and Heat she by moving upon and hovering over this moist substance produceth her own form and resemblance And herein it is that the pure immaculate Virgin Wisdom the holy Spirit of the Eternal God first performs the Office of a Mother or Female from this fruitful Womb it is that all Forms of Things are brought By his Wisdom he formed the Earth and by his Spirit he garnished the Heavens Hear what the Voice of our blessed Mother Wisdom saith of this concerning her self in the Eighth of the Proverbs begin at the 22th Verse and read to the 29th In the 21th verse When he prepared the Heavens I was there when he set a Compass on the Face of the Depth c. Now as at first the World was made by Ruach Elohim the Spirit Wind or Breath of God so it is continued by the same Power if he with-draws his Spirit and his Breath we die and come to nothing he returns with his Spirit and renews the face of all things Now I 'll sing the praise of the Eternal One I know besides Him there is none No sort of Being that can say It hath its Life another way But from this Deep Abyssal Ground The Life of all things may be found To Flow out from th' Eternal Source As Springs do from their Water-Course Springs may wander Sheep may stray The Sun be clouded at Noon-Day The Shepherd seeks the stragling Sheep 'T is not the Clouds the Sun can keep From shining forth so glorious bright As to dispel their Darksome Night Great Rivers from the Sea do flow And back into it swiftly go So our Great Alpha's Omega too Tho' we like a Bird from her Nest flew Wander about to find out Rest We must Return ere we are Blest And now I am inspir'd by Thee Blest Spirit I 'll praise the One Two Three For in th' Eternal One doth lie The All-Mysterious Trinity Oh that Men would praise the Lord for his wonderful Works to the Children of Men All Creatures ought to praise the immense Fountain of their Lives I cannot but put down here a Verse I read in Dr. Ingelo's Bentivolio We thank thee God the Father of us All And celebrate the Worlds Original This is brought to my remembrance and I am glad to receive help through the Vessel of another to quicken me in this sweet work of praising God nay I should be glad to be stirr'd up by the chirping of a pretty little Bird who in its kind sings its Creators Praise But O what cause hath Man to adore and praise the great good God after whose Image he was made in Righteousness and Holiness Gen. 1.27 So
have seen what our hands have handled that declare we unto you that ye may have Fellowship with us and truly our Fellowship is with the Father and with the Son through the Holy Spirit I tell ye from the Scriptures of Truth from my own Experience from the Witness of the Water the Blood and the Spirit and these three agree in one to bear witness on Earth That there is no coming to God nor being Partakers of the Redemption purchased by Jesus Christ but by the Illumination and Operation of the Holy Spirit that the Spirit of God may 〈◊〉 the Office of a Holy Mother in us to bring forth Jesus in Spirit in us that Christ may be formed in us The Spirit of God is the Jerusalem that is from Above that is Free the Mother of us all spoken of in the Revelations this is the New Jerusalem that comes down from God out of Heaven the Bride the Lambs Wife that had made her self ready When the Spirit of God hath finished the Work upon the whole Church of God throughout making it appear in the Eye of our Lord in Beauty Unity Purity then will it be presented as a Chaste Virgin to Jesus Christ Then she will appear Fair as the Moon Clear as the Sun Terrible as an Army with Banners She will then partake of the supercelestial Sun and Moon and of the Seven Stars the Seven Properties of God When the Church is thus Beautified and Adorned our Lord will say Arise my Fair One and come away Now this Work cannot be accomplished in the whole Church till it is first performed in particular Persons by the Uniting of whom this Work is compleated Therefore we must all look to it that this Work may be performed in our selves that the great three-fold Work of the Spirit may be wrought out in us the Dispensation of the Water the Blood and the Fire First We must know the Washing with pure Water the Purging our Consciences from dead works that we may serve the living God We must know also the shedding of Blood in us as well as for us the slaying our own Thoughts and Imaginations we must not spare any thing of self-hood not Agag and the choicest beasts we must also witness the Spirit of Judgment and Burning the Spirit sitting like a Refiners Fire till at last we shall find and feel a Refreshing Warmth and Heat a being Baptized with the Holy Ghost and with Fire this we must feel before we can come to dwell with Everlasting Burning for our God is a Consuming Fire shall we set the Hay and Stubble in Battle Array against Him He will pass through and Burn it nothing but what is Pure must Remain if we would dwell in the Holy Hill of God and abide in his Tabernacle we must have Clean Hands Pure Hearts The three great Dispensations of God with the great World doth agree with the workings of his Spirit in us the Deluge of Water was the First of these the Apostle speaking of it saith The like figure whereunto is Baptism not only outward Baptism with water which taketh away the filthiness of the Flesh but it signifies the being Baptized into Christ into his Death and Sufferings that being Buryed with him in Baptism being Dead with Christ we also may Arise with him and know the Power of his Resurrection that we being Risen with Christ may seek those things which are Above where Christ is at the right hand of God The Second Great Dispensation with the Great World was The Slaying of Beasts the Shedding of Blood without which there is no Remission but this was not only the Blood of Bulls and Goats that would not do for the Law is but a Shadow of Good Things to come for it is impossible that the Blood of Bulls and Goats should take away Sins but this great work was done by the Shedding the Precious Blood of Christ the First was done away that he might establish the Second the Sacrifice of the Law could not make the comers thereunto Perfect but Christ by one Offering hath Perfected for ever them that are Sanctified by the will of God we are Sanctified thorough the Offering of the Body of Jesus and those that are Members of his Body must also be Perfected through Sufferings when we come to know what it is to have the word of God Quick and Powerful in us Dividing between the Marrow and the Bone we shall know what this means there will be Cutting off Right Hands Plucking out Right Eyes Slaying and Crucifying the Old Man with the Affection and Lusts This is hard work Ah my God! let me give up all to it I would not spare any thing in me let this work go on in me to the making an end of Sin and the Finishing transgression that every thought may be brought into Subjection to Jesus Christ who I would have to Rule and Reign till all his Enemies are brought under I Bless and Praise thy Great and Glorious Name O Lord my God for what thou hast done for me and in me I Bow before Thee and Adore him that Sits upon the Throne and the Lamb that was Slain who was Dead and is Alive and Lives and Reigns for Ever The Third and Last Great and Universal Dispensation of God with the Great World will be the Fiery Tryal when the Elements shall Melt with Fervent Heat and the Earth and all things in it that is Cumbustible shall be Burnt up that which is Pure will Remain when the Goldsmith puts the Drossy Gold into the Fire some that may not know the nature of it may wonder that he should burn his Gold but he knows though the Dross will be burnt the Gold will remain and come forth more bright so will it be with the works of God not only his Throne but that which now is his Foot-stool shall be Pure Gold Clear as Chrystal he that reads let him understand what the Spirit saith But our great Work is to Cry to the Lord that the Fiery Work of his Spirit may pass upon us before this great and terrible day of the Lord come for this Day will try every Mans Work of what sort it is and the Hay and Stubble must be burnt up when our Lord shall appear in Flames of Fire to render Vengeance on all those that know him not and obey not the Gospel To fit us for this great Day the Lord sends his Spirit of Judgment and Burning into us and this Day of the Lord burns like an Oven his Eyes are a Flame of Fire who looks into us and we are all naked and bare before the Eyes of him with whom we have to do Let us not like Adam hide our selves but cry out Search me and try me O God Let us with Moses enter into the Darkness and the Fire God is in the Fire and tho' it may be terrible shrink not at it and endure as seeing him that is invisible who will appear to be
with thee in it as with the Three Children in the fiery Furnace when thou art brought to endure as they did Elijah was able to endure the fiery Chariot having been filled with the Spirit of the Lord that pure fiery Spirit had Tinctured him throughout and made him able to endure the fire Ah my God I am now in thy Furnace and have been some time Let me not think it strange concerning the Fiery Trial as if some strange thing happened to me make me to endure the time and degree of heat thou seest best for me I would be Gold seven times refined this I know cannot be done without entering into the Furnace again and again Lord continue this Work till thou hast finished Sin and made an end of Transgression Purge me that I may bring forth more Fruit Fruits of Righteousness Fruits of Renown that there may be Plants in me of thy own Right Hand Planting that I may be ready to every good Word and Work This do thou do for me and do not forsake me A Breathing after the holy Spirit of God Spring up O Well now spring in me Let me Refreshed by thy Waters be I feel thy Holy Quickning Breath Which brings me from the Gates of Death Thy Wind blows freely thy Water 's sweet The Power of thy Flames are great Thy Breath thy Fire thy Water-Spring Is the Life the Birth of every thing Outward and Inward both do grow y thy Pure Water's Over-flow If thou with draw'st thy Quickning Breath There 's nought remains in me but Death Do thou with Fire me now baptize That I may be a whole Burnt Sacrifice And into Ashes I would turn If thou O Lord wouldst be my Vrn Glory be to the Father and to the Son by the holy Spirit now and for ever Amen Amen Some may ask me What Right hast thou to Worship before the Altar to speak or write of Divine Things Thou art not qualified with Learning and Ordination of some great learned Man I say 'T is true I am neither Prophet nor Prophets Son in this sence I am not of the Aaronical or Levitical Priesthood nor capable of it However my God hath made me a King and a Priest to him in some degree and I doubt not but in my blessed Jesus by his Spirit I may offer some acceptable Sacrifice The Sacrifice of a broken and a contrite Heart thou wilt not despise O my God My blessed and glorious Jesus was not a Priest after the Order of the Aaronical and Levitical Priesthood but after the Order of Melchizedeck who was Priest of the most high God to whom Aaron paid Tythes in the Loyns of his Father Abraham And this Melchizedeck was King of Righteousness King of Peace 't is an excellent introduction to the Priesthood to be made so within our Selves this Temper of Mind doth not only introduce but always accompany the True Priesthood who are made Priests unto God by Jesus Christ our Saviour who was made a Priest after the Order of Melchisedeck and bore a resemblance with him as he was without Father and without Mother Which words wherein Melchizedeck was a type of Christ I have not upon me to explain as it relates to our Saviour but in this sence as it respects my Self I am without Father to appoint me to the Priesthood I mean without Man to do this without Mother as any Visible Church for ought I know that will own me yet I am not very solicitous for this if I may be of the Church of the First Born whose Names are written in Heaven I would act as a Free-Denison of this City who is my True Mother I would act by that Free Spirit that Teaches and Guides her Children And it is a Promise to her that all her Children shall be Taught of God and Great shall be the Peace of her Children O my God do thou thus Guide me and Teach me that being Born of the Spirit I may be led by the Spirit and know the Truth as it is in Jesus though I am in a Wilderness full of Difficulties let me not be without a Guide if Thou leavest me a moment I Slip I Fall I find the way Strait the farther I go in it the more Strait but also Pleasant I can Truly Feelingly say Lord All thy ways are pleasantness and all thy paths are peace I would not wander about to change my way do Thou help me to make strait steps to my feet help me to Travel onward through all Difficulties having my Loyns girt my Lamp trimmed ready to meet my Lord in that City of Solemnities where I would always Praise thee always Adore thee always Love thee Thou Great God of Sabbaths for ever Some may say they fear I do not enough Value Ordianances I seem so indifferent about Ordination I say the Spirit of the Prophets are subject to the Prophets there are Babes in Christ there are also Young Men and Fathers or Elders such whose Age Long Experience in the things of God being filled with the Spirit of Wisdom Understanding and a Sound Mind makes them very Venerable such who have known him that is from the Begining who have the Spirit of the Holy God living in them who can Unfold Mysteries and Reveal Secrets such who not only Speak but by the Power of God are Enabled to Effect something in the minds of Men to convey of the same Spirit they have Received It is a Natural Maxim Every Like produceth its Like It is true in Spiritual Things the Apostles and Prophets had this Power and I doubt not but there are some have the same Qualifications now such indeed who feel themselves empty of such Power and Vertue are ready to doubt of this and positively sometimes to say these Things are Ceased we must not expect them now this apprehension of theirs must needs hinder their receiving this Great Blessing and I know no ground they have for it from Scripture our Saviour tells his People He will be with them always to the end of the World He promised the Spirit to Teach them to Guide them to Assist them to do Great and Mighty Works our Saviour no where says he will take away this Blessing again the Prophets had the Spirit in an extraordinary manner under the Dispensation of the Law they performed Wonders they had Servants and such as were called Sons of the Prophets under their Tuition whom they Instructed in the Sacred Mysteries to whom they conveyed much of the Spirit as Elijah to Elisha by casting his Mantle upon him let not the pretensions of any in our time to this who have not been real Possessors of it make us doubt the thing no more then we doubt of the Truth of Christian Religion because we see so many who in Words Profess Christ but in Works Deny him This is a certain sign of a True Prophet He is one who fears God hates Covetousness he Feeds the People with Knowledge and Understanding the
away In thy Light let me see Light Strengthen my Optick Faculty that I may look within the Vail and behold Thee Thou Sun of Suns the Brightness of the Fathers Glory I can see but little of Thee I can know but little of Thee I cannot Comprehend Thee do thou Comprehend me Surround me with thy Brightness Gather me up into thy Self that Inferiour Lights may be under my feet that I may no longer be governed by their Influences but may be under the immediate Conduct of thy Light World where they need not the Light of the Sun for thy Self is the Light thereof When shall it be said to thy Church Arise and shine for thy Light is come Even so come Lord JESUS come quickly And God said Let there be Lights in the Firmament of the Heaven to separate the Day from the Night and let them be for Signs and for Seasons c. and let them give Light on the Earth And God made two great Lights the greater Light to rule the Day the lesser Light to rule the Night He made also the Stars and God set them in the Firmament to shine upon the Earth and to rule the Night and the Day and separate the Light from the Darkness And God saw that it was good God by his Spirit made the Heavens and by his Spirit he garnished and embellished the Heavens The Firmament was before a beautiful Looking-Glass it was an admirable one indeed when the lovely Forms of Bodies of Light were to be seen in it God said Let there be Lights in the Firmament This was not only to Adorn but for many admirable Uses for Signs and for Seasons They sign and signify out much to the Inhabitants of this lower World they have a Voice to us if we could understand it there is no Tongue nor Language where their Voice is not heard but how few understand the Language They were to give Light on the Earth Light is one of the most comfortable Blessings we have it is one of the good Gifts that comes from the Father of Lights If it were ask'd Hath the Light a Father As Job was ask'd concerning the Rain We might answer It hath a Divine Original For the Firmament is a Mirror as it shews to us the Births and Representations of the upper Light World the Supercelestial Sun and Moon and Stars the seven Spirits of God the seven Golden Lamps shew themselves in their various Lights and put forth their Influences in the visible Heavens from thence they are conveyed down to our lower World and we have our Sun and Moon and Stars in the Earth we have our Sun Centralis as some Philosopher calls it I think Sandivogius Some other Enlightned Person saith There is Heaven above and Heaven beneath know this and be happy I mention this in this place because the Mineral Kingdom hath some share in this Fourth Days Work for when the Lights of the Firmament were made to shine forth being a Reflection from the most glorious Upper Light World they did not rest there so but that they put forth Themselves into a Birth into a Reflection or Mirror in this Lower World but here the Christal is so thick it is hard seeing through it the Fall hath so much mudded this Principle this Lower Earth Besides our Sun and Moon are but the Reflection of a Reflection the Shadow of a Shadow Therefore we must dig deep for this Wisdom as for hid Treasures and we shall see Wisdom hath builded her House so as to lay her seven Pillars deep in the very Foundation in the very Center of all things I was ready to wonder that the Mineral Kingdom was not described as well as the Creation of the Vegetable and Animal in this first Chapter of Genesis till my Eyes were opened to see it did belong to this Fourth Day 's Work And now I see more clearly the deep Significancy of Joseph's Blessing which hath contained in it the Sweetness of Heaven above and the Deep lying beneath the sweet Increase of the Sun and of the Moon Lord after this sight let me no more think any of thy Creatures mean or little let me be always thankful for the least of thy Favours Nothing can be little that comes from Thee thou Being of all Beings Thou hast nothing little to give All thy Works are wonderful in Wisdom hast thou made them all Thy Footsteps are glorious thy Footstool is richly adorned All thy Ways are Pleasantness all thy Paths are Peace I desire to be in Subjection to Thee thou Father of my Spirit that I may live that I may live to praise live to love and to adore thee for ever The lower Sun Moon and Stars that inhabit our Earth are for the use of Man especially a wise Man who knows their Original Nature and Use and when he intends to improve them for the health of his Body or benefit of his Estate he makes them to shine in his Firmament and they are to him for Signs and Seasons by which to govern his Work they are to enlighten his Earth to make it fruitful to bring forth their own bright Forms till his véry Earth is throughout enlightned and comes to be it self a bright shining Sun This Fourth Day 's Work is figured out in Man who is the Little World in the Frame of his outward Body as is said in the 12th of the Ecclesiastes Whilst the Sun is not dark nor the Light nor the Moon nor the Stars The Fall of Man Eclipsed the Lights and laid them liable to Darkness It entied into the very Soul and Spirit and darkned the Light there But when the Spirit of the Lord comes to work the New Birth the New Creation this Fourth Day 's Work comes to be known in the Soul O who can express the glorious Splendor if it When the Lord himself comes to be a Sun and a Shield When the Sun of Righteousness doth arise with Healing in his Wings The Dawning of this Day the Morning Redness the Sun Rising Who can express the unutterable Sweetness and Strength that is felt in the happy Soul that is thus shined upon But to have this Sun shine brighter and brighter to the perfect Day to increase into the Light of seven Days O may a poor low humble Soul that feels a little Refreshment from the Beams of this Sun lie prostrate till it feels that it is throughout penetrated and filled till it is cloathed with the Sun and hath the Moon under its Feet that it may go forth in the power of this Sun as a Giant refreshed with Wine and as a strong Man to run a Race O my Soul lie low prostrate thy self at the Feet of thy JESVS in silence wait his pleasure stir not up thy Beloved till he please He hath sometimes visited a Soul with such Favours as hath made it sing silent Waiting I do find A Treasure opens in my Mind Turn in my Soul turn in and see The fulness of
hard than hardest stones Here lies shrieking tortur'd Souls Vnder ugly Spirits Controuls Now those that thro' all this can see A lovely beauteous Harmony Must be Baptized of the Spirit And his Tincturing Love inherit The Lamb is made a Sacrifice But out of Death he does arise And in his rising gives a Spring Of Light and Life to every thing The Captiv'd Soul he did set free In Life and Immortality Such as in darkest Chains are led Are now arising from the dead To dry and ghastly Bones does give Power to Arise and Live The Tortur'd Souls he does unbind The foulest Spirits are calcin'd But now my Soul fall down and praise Before the Antient of Days The Praises of the Lamb proclaim Exalt and magnifie his Name The Holy Spirit do thou adore Who opens thus his hidden store The Three in One I 'll Celebrate All things in Love he did Create Those who are Objects now of woe They may have Cause to think it so All Creatures now bow down and fall Before the Father of us all And his high Praises with me sing Who is our Everlasting King A Short Discourse Concerning those Two Great Principles of Natural Philosophy Matter and Motion IT is the fault of many Ingenious Persons in their Discourses of Natural Things that they only Speak or Write of them in their Second Causes and not ab Origine in their first Root and Fountain the Divine Being who is the Source of all Being Blessedness and Happiness and I doubt not this hath been the fault of some who have had in their Minds a high Adoration of the Ever Blessed God Yet this neglect hath been a great Evil in Three Respects First That they have not as they ought acknowledged God in all their Ways and did not begin with him who is the Beginning of all things Secondly By this they may have misled some of the Illiterate and Unthinking World in making some ready to doubt of the First Cause because these Men who they value mention nothing of it others think ill of the Men and the Truths they Discourse of because the Ground of all Truth is left out in their Writings Thirdly This kind of Philosophy cannot be solid and substantial wanting a good Foundation I hope in what I have to say about Matter and its Diversification about Motion and the Origine Order and End of it will be all plainly deduced from the Almighty Goodness the beginning of them and return'd to him who is their Rest The Learned Mr. Boyle tells us in his Book called The Origine of Forms and Qualities that the World is made of one Universal and Catholick Matter which is a great Truth but few or none tells us what this Matter is much less what it was indeed some tells us it was Nothing why then it is so still 't is not better than in the Paradisical State of things indeed it is nothing compar'd with its Original it is nothing if it were possible to separate it from its Root but since that cannot be I will write of it as something or else my Discourse would soon be at an end for of nothing It should have but little to say Matter is a continued Emanation from the Visible Heavens which are a kind of middle Natures between Spirit and Matter they are Spirit compar'd with Matter and Matter compared with Spirit What Communications are between these middle Natures and the Glorious upper Light World I will not now Discourse but I am sure they have their Life Light Power Virtue all from thence which if the Visible Heavens did not convey to this Lower World it would be brought almost as near nothing as some Men imagine it once to have been The Scriptures teach us the best Natural Philosophy when they tell us the Light is the Life of Man and doubtless it is so of all other Creatures not by shining upon them but by shining in them being their substantial Root and Original the Sun as a second Cause was not made only to Illuminate the World to shine upon it but to be the Parent or Father of Vegetables and other Creatures that do inhabit the Earth the Sun doth impregnate and stir up the Vegetive Faculty of the Earth and causes it to bring forth first the Root of an Opacous Colour like the Earth in which it is fixt lighter than that the Stalk grows up out of the mixture of the Nitrous Azure Air and the Sulphureous Yellow Earth which being mingled causes the Verdant Stalk and Leaves and by a greater Maturation and Ripening of the Substances is produced the lovely Red or Purple the Glory of the Vegetable Kingdom How the Sun and other Luminous Bodies do produce Minerals and and are Conducive to Animal Births I shall not now Discourse each part would make a large Tract that these Congregate Bodies of Light are Conducive to the Production of things and are the most excellent active Second Causes is obvious almost to our very outward Senses but there was a time when these bright Bodies had not a Being as they now have and then they could not produce other Beings nor give Being to themselves the Light that is the Life of Man is also the Light and Life of these Creatures of this bright Sun and Moon he is a Wise and All-powerful Agent who gave them their shining and when he withdraws his Influences the Sun shall be turned into Darkness and the Moon into Blood before the great and notable Day of the Lord come as the Holy Scriptures tell us And though we have not seen this particular change here mentioned we know not how soon it may be and however we have seen enough Alterations upon the whole Face of Visible Things to make us know they are not perfect Beings and did not make themselves but are made and governed by a Perfect and Intelligent Being The Second Principle to be Discours'd of about Matter is That the great Bodies of Light and other Creatures of Bulk do consist and are made up of lesser Bodies which we may call Atoms Corpuscles or Particles these little parts of Matter have their determinate size shape scituation colour in order to constitute something of greater Bulk Beauty and Service the Texture and Joining together of these are contrived by a Wise Agent to conduce to a Noble End The motion or moving of these little Particles did at first conduce as a Second Cause to the making Varieties of Creatures and it is now highly conducing to the Changes that pass upon all material things which brings me to the Second Head of Discourse I principally intended which is to say something of Motion Matter had an Occult Principle of Motion hid in its Nature not being made of a dull insensible nothing out of I know not what imaginary empty space but was made of an active Substance yet it did not actually move in a regular determinate Motion till the Spirit of the Living God Moved upon it and
thee shall be called the Son of God This answer Mary could only receive by Faith and Intellectual Light And to strengthen her Faith he further tells her With God all things are possible What our Belief commonly called the Apostles Creed saith of this Mystery is very Excellent that he was conceived by the Power of the holy Ghost in the Womb of the Virgin Mary Doubtless the Substance of the Virgins own Body was the purer for her being a Virgin and a holy Woman yet it was much purer when the holy Ghost came upon her the Spirit of the living and Eternal God the Virgin Wisdom the true Virgin Mother did not as in the Birth of the World produce the Substance purely from her self this would have been Creation but the holy Ghost did penetrate the Substance of the Virgin and did purify and rarisy it that it was a holy Thing indeed that was born of her It was a great Honour and Priviledge the Virgin Mary was made Partaker of and doubtless a good measure of the Spirit of God did abide upon her but this power of the Spirit did not rest upon her but it did abide upon that holy thing which was born of her our blessed Lord Jesus Now this miraculous Work the Conception of our Lord is the second time the Spirit of God the holy Ghost performed the Office of a Mother in such an immediate and extraordinary manner and as the Conception was wonderful so doubtless the Thing conceived was extraordinary the Body of our Lord was a very pure and in a great measure a spiritual Body and yet a true Body for no Substance is the less true but the more so for being Spiritual The World and all things in it as it came immediately from the Spirit of God in its first Creation was very good and therefore true and substantial for nothing can be Good but what is True And now I see how Truth Being and Goodness are One Words I have before heard but never understood till now After the Fall Man and the whole Creation sunk more deep into Materiality but thereby did not become a more real and substantial Being but a more shadowy one as it went farther from the Light Now Matter when it is most dark shadowy and at a distance is capable of being reduc'd to a spiritual state by the Power of God through the Merits of Christ by the Operation of his Spirit for he shall change our vile Bodies and make them like his glorious Body Wonderful changes do pass upon Matter in this lower World by Natural Productions and Alterations and also by Artificial ways As I my self have seen and handled Matter changed from putrified vile stinking to beautiful sweet and in a degree rarified and refined and I believe far greater things of this kind may be performed than I have yet seen And I know Substances freed in any degree from the clogs of Materiality may perform extraordinary things How much more might the Body of our Saviour that never was so strongly fettered perform Wonders while he was on Earth in the Body after his Resurrection and now since his Ascension especially being in all these various states united to his Divinity The Body of our blessed Saviour is now in the blessed State of Glorification and I will not dispute what he can do but I do not at all believe he will change this most glorious bright shining Body of his into Flesh Blood and Bone and give it us to eat and to drink raw whole with I know not how many Absurdities that some profest Christians dare to mention but I hope this is far from any to believe there is no need of this the Flesh profits nothing the Spirit quickens and except we do eat the Spiritual Flesh and drink the Spiritual Blood of Christ we have no part in him Not Flesh and Blood in a more gross sence than our Saviour ever had to give us but in such a sence as a spiritual Man by a spiritual Discerning may receive Lord evermore give me this Bread not only two or three times a year once a month or once a week or only in a piece of Bread so qualified and blest do I desire it but that it may be my daily Food that I may live upon it I can no more spiritually live without it a day than I can live without my daily Bread I desire continually to feed upon the hidden Manna and to drink the Wine of the Kingdom and to feel more of that blessed Promise made good in me that our blessed Jesus gave forth to those that believe on him That out of their Bellies shall flow Fountains of Living Waters I would have my spiritual Sences always exercised about spiritual Objects my Eye stedfastly fix'd on my blessed Jesus Here I must set down a Love-Desire and Breathing after Him Ah blessed Jesus Let me see thy Face Let me draw near to thy most Holy Place With Wings of Eagles let me mount on High There to behold thy Bright Divinity Tho' I am here encompassed with Clay Let me behold the Dawning of thy Day Shine forth O Lord from the Center of my Heart Let Light Divine fill me in every part O fill my Soul with thy Celestial Fire With thy pure Spirit do thou me now inspire That I may sing and bless thy Holy Name And may return to thee thy own pure Flame I will return to thee my Love my All Be always ready to obey thy Call Write in my Heart the Royal Law of Love That whilst Below I may be like those Above Whose blest Employment is to love and sing Hallelujahs to their Heavenly King Now I will joyn with this most blessed Quire With them I 'll Praise with them I will Admire O Holy Holy is the Lord for he Gives Life from Death he sets the Pris'ner free Vnbind my fetter'd Soul that it may be Above the Earth and Materiality c. Let all the People praise thee O God let all the People praise thee thy Saints shall bless thee While I have a being my Soul shall magnify thy Name thou hast done for me great things and that my Soul knows right well Tho' I am nothing nor can do nothing nor know nothing but in thee and by thee I cannot praise thee without thee thou art my Life thou hast begotten me again to a lively hope and through the Riches and free Grace of my God to a poor sinful Creature a worthless Worm to me is this Grace given to become the Child of God and to know this third and last Work of the Spirit of God in performing the Office of a Mother in making me partaker of the New Birth and to know what it is to be born again not of Water nor of Blood but of the Spirit of the living and true God Words are empty things and perish in their own sound but it is a blessed thing to be enabled with the holy Apostles to say What we