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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A88089 VindiciƦ Christi, et obex errori Arminiano: = a plea for Christ, and obstrvction to the first passage, whereat the errors of Arminus steal into the hearts of men: shewing Christs satisfaction in his humiliation, to be the sole price of our redemption; and evidencing faith in that satisfaction, no instrumental cause of our justification in the fight of God, nor condition given us for life. Delivered in three sermons: by Richard Lewthwat Master of Arts, in Caius Colledge in Cambridge, at his Parish of Wigston in Norfolk. Lewthwat, Richard. 1655 (1655) Wing L1855; Thomason E480_6; ESTC R205317 30,584 39

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life in the New Testament why then the old killing letter of the Law which granted life upon Do this and but upon that condition is to be termed Gospel that is good tydings rather then the New Testament Then indeed the Law is a Solomon heavy to Israel I but the Gospel is a Rehoboam far heavier For as Mr. Bridges in his Sermon upon the Canaanitish woman whose memory I shall ever honour and bless God for the unvaluable comfort I received thereby t is harder to believe then to keep all the commands of God t is harder for man barely considered as man for so it must be put I say t is harder for him to believe to rest upon Christ faithfully for salvation then to keep the whole Law This if time would permit were easily evidential but yet however t is granted by all that faith is beyond and out of the reach of any man and that unless the spirit of God shall vouchsafe to work it at his pleasure by an inward operation unbound to do it for any no man is able to gain all the Ministers and means in the world are not able to furnish one soul with it these things premised and received I leave the world to judge how improbable t is that faith should stand as a condition for life the Ministers that make faith a condition for life ex consequenti do make the Gospel no glad tydings but sad tydings they set out our life and escaping death at harder terms then the Law did which was yet impossible for man to observe or if not so yet they put it upon a condition non penes nos that is out of our power O miserable wretched times that mount Sion should be turned to mount Sinai that the blessed signs seals and tokens of our salvation by the Lord Christ should be turned to a Law and Covenant with us impossible to be performed by us save at the pleasure and assistance of Gods spirit blowing and breathing this sweet gale of faith and other graces but where it listeth Upon this subject I might increase into a volume and as the times are it were not unnecessary but I almost forbear give me your ears to a word or two more I confess sometimes I quote and alleadge the opinions of men especially of our modern Divines with whom I have even solely conversed but yet this I do not desiring to work ye to believe the things in hand because they have said it that respect I give onely to the holy Scriptures no I do it to prevent prejudice to the truths in hand I le therefore conclude all with that of Mr. Greenham in his tractate of Blessedness in his works set forth by Mr. Holland siding much methinks with what I have held forth to ye in these last Sermons speaking there of salvation the true blessedness of man he saith that our future salvation t is purposed by the father the son performs it and the holy Ghost ratifies it to us So that see the work of the holy Ghost is confirmation in this life to a soul of his future happiness granted by the father upon the purchase of the Son eternally before the ratification thereof by the holy spirit in time by faith And under favour this I take to be the most is attributed to the work of the spirit in all the Scriptures as concerning our salvation namely ratification confirmation assurance or manifestation of what in respect to our future condition hath been from everlasting gained by the son granted by the father and irrevocably concluded by both in their mutual and eternal covenant for the elect In respect therefore to illumination and faith conveyed to our souls which gives sight and hope of future glory through Christ which was promised to be wrought in the hearts of his disciples and Church by the holy Ghost he is called the Comforter not a Saviour Iohn the 14. ver 26. his work of faith upon the hearts of men is in Ephesians the 1. ver 14. termed the earnest of our inheritance the earnest money ye know gives a man to hope and expect the full pay at the appointed day according to promise or bargain faith is the earnest not the price of our inheritance And in another place we are said hereby to be sealed unto the day of redemption so that the work of faith is to give or work in us the hope expectation and assurance of the already concluded and accomplished salvation for us all which amount up to that description of faith by the Apostle Hebrews the 11. ver 1. Faith is the ground of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen Let me add that of Mr. Maxey before the King at White-hall Tuesday the 8. of Ianuary 1604. in the conclusion of his Sermon upon that of the Apostle Rom. the 8. ver 30. Moreover whom he hath predestinated them also he hath called c. he hath these words Thus in predestination we behold God the Father choosing of his love in calling we hear God the Son teaching by his word in justifying we feel the comfort of God the holy Ghost sealing by his spirit By and by after he saith thus to our purpose calling inlightneth the mind with spiritual knowledge justifying goeth further and sealeth up the heart with heavenly comfort Yet more for our purpose presently after and alleadged out of Bernard Every one of us after this life desire and hope to enjoy eternall glory Behold saies he Conceditur in praedestinatione promittitur in vocatione ostenditur in justificatione percipitur in glorificatione In praedestination there is the first grant in calling it is directly promised in justifying it is plainly shewed in glorifying there is livery and seisin the full possession of all Thus ye may see that in Queen Elizabeths dayes and in the immediate succeeding times my opinion and Judgement which was that faith was but a blessed sign seal or pledge of Gods eternal favour purpose or dercee to save us not a cause or means to work God thereto not bent to it before was admitted the presence of the Court it self and the most of the Nation But now this illegitimate this child of Hagar the off-spring of shallow humane reason I mean the Arminian Tenents I say that now they have so long been favoured and countenanced that small parishes will deal by Christs doctrin I mean free grace as the blinded and perverse Jews did by our Saviour himself pelt him and stone him with reproaches at him that shall preach it as they dealt by our Jesus say he is mad or hath a devil at least most fiercely oppose it Now to draw to an end perhaps ye will say I set too too little price or value upon faith obedience or repentance and do account so sleightly of them as that man will hardly long after them As to this I shall need say no more then what hath been often spoken in your hearings as to this purpose I prize faith as Saint Peter did I call it precious faith though it becomes not his salvation yet it brings about invaluable blessings it gives light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death it takes off the heaviest burthen can be laid upon man in this life it cures the wounded spirit that cannot be born it brings peace external the blessings of this life it brings peace internall the peace of conscience by giving him hope and assurance of his peace eternal accomplished for him by Christ faith brings sanctification with it it outs sin and Sathan being in the heart it keeps Sathan from re-entrance Eph. the 6. ver 16. Take the shield of faith whereby ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of Sathan without faith all our works are inacceptable to God little or no difference betwixt transgression of the Law and conformity to it as to the subject matter Many more are the benefits of faith so pretious tis that I say to God in my wishes dayly as the woman of Samaria to Christ concerning it or the water Lord evermore give me this this though thou strippest me of all things in this life whatever and O Lord give me obedience and due conformity to thy will though it will not save me from eternal destruction it will keep the doctrine of Christ from being evil spoken of from being blasphemed it will stave off the temporal wrath and vengeance of God from me it will keep thee from Gods becoming to thee as an enemy or Lord if I lapse to disobedience then grant me the renewing grace of repentance and conversion for then that shall become my sanctuary and City of refuge that I may be safe from the destroyer from the temporal vengeance of the Almighty FINIS
us that our salvation and eternal life is purchased and brought about for us by Christ by his blood This my gloss on these words seems to me right and good thus expounded they being so consentaneous to other Scriptures as first that of Isaials speaking of the Ministers of the Gospel and quoted by Paul Romans the 10. chap. ver 15. How beautiful are the feet of them that bring glad tydings of good things He doth not say that bringeth good things save but by way of tydings by way of intelligence or as Isaiah from whence the Apostle hath it chap. the 52. v. 7. that publisheth these good things which he there calls peace one while salvation by and by now ye know that to publish is but to proclaim or make known abroad by way of voice or writing things past before as do the Ministers of the Gospel A most notable one we have for this purpose in the end of my last text the second Epistle to Timothy chap. the 1. ver 10. where the Apostle saith that Christ hath brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel He doth not say that the spirit hath brought life by the Gospel as if it had done that for us by the word of the Gospel was not done or accomplished for us before no he says he hath brought it to light that is he hath made it apparent and visible before us that was not so before Take the sum of this last in a word the doctrine concerning Christ is called the word of life the Gospel of salvation yea but life and salvation is transmitted to the word and Gospel but in a figurative speech but improperly that is as being manifested and made known to us by that word and Gospel that they are accomplished and wrought for us by the undertakings and performances of the Son of God not that they are thereby verily and really procured for us so in like manner our faith is said to justifie us or we are said to be justified thereby thus figuratively or improperly as being the means whereby tht spirit of God gives us sight assurance or hope of our future enjoyment of eternal life through Christ So then in a word to shew how far we are gone in the answer to the objection Abrahams believing God was counted to him for righteousness but not in a proper sense as being like the pretious blood of Christ for which we are redeemed from death but in an improper sense and that two several ways first in respect to Gods being highly pleased with that grace and with us for it And secondly in respect to its instrumental efficiency in the comfortable application of Christ and all his benefits to a disconsolated soul in this life And this being taken to be the extent of Gods counting Abrahams faith to him for righteousness or of our being justified by faith my doctrine and inference stand firm and unshaken and its this There is nothing in all the world but Christ but Christ crucified but Christs sufferings agonies and travels of his soul that was or is the matter means or price to God for our Redemption and salvation that was or is the condition of the Father with the Son for our eternal life Well but brethren as we are not to handle the word of God deceitfully so neither the glosses or opinions of men upon it I le therefore put the matter home Ye will say perhaps that Abrahams faith was counted to him for righteousness and we are justified by faith though not in the fore-mentioned proper sense yet in an improper sense though in another respect then I have yet mentioned and that is in respect to its instrumental efficiency in the real application of Christs righteousness to us as the cover of all our sins from the sight of God till which time ye will say as the holy spirit of God hath brought Christ to us and applied him to us by faith we are not looked upon by the father as just in his sight or before him not as justified by Christ not pardoned by the father not absolved by him from our sins not beloved of God for Christs sake in this respect ye will say our faith is counted our righteousness and we are justified by faith as being the instrumental means or cause whereby the Spirit of God covers and hides the polluted soul from the sight of God by the pure garments of Christs righteousness whereby it brings a sinner into the love and favour of God who was out of it till then and in his hatred In refelling and confuting the objection as last pressed and urged I suppose the Adversary will no more take the field with the former forces I confess I must now grapple with their faith as David with Goliah of the Philistines I cannot go against it begirt with any former armour composed by either preceding or contemporary fellow-labourers in the word of Christ I find nothing in all their works fits me for the combate I confess I find many like the second Son in our Saviours parable who to his father bidding him go labour said I go Sir but went not I meet with many laying down Gods Love Election Free grace Justification so absolute as if they would deny Faith any instrumental efficiency or any conditional means as to the procuring of our future glory but weigh their future progress there is no such matter so becoming false to their principles and to the trust reposed in them by God I therefore descend to the battel as David did namely with my staff in my hand the word of God and some smooth stones I mean reasons gathered out of the brook or clear fountain of Gods word Now that faith is no instrumental efficient cause of a real application of Christ as the cover of all our sins from the sight of God as that whereby the holy Spirit brings a sinner into the love and favour of God who was out of it and in the hatred of God til that grace of faith came into his soul t is evident first from Scriptures which affirm us justified and in the love of God before the income of faith into the heart Secondly because if it be so granted to faith as before mentioned comfortable and plain pla●es of the Scripture are destroyed yea and Gods own nature and being as described in the Scriptures is also destroyed I le to the work according to this platform and for the better success herein let me admonish ye that love in God as Dumouling saith is not an affection passion or desire in God for God cannot be touched by passions as being impassible and not subject to affections but as God is said then to be angry or to hate when he will punish or destroy so love in God is a certain and sure will of doing good to the creature whence it cometh to pass that he may rightly be said to be loved of God to whom he hath given or
that pronounceth not onely guiltless but also perfectly just through Christ It follows That justifieth the ungodly The ungodly the word ungodly here must be restrained to the number of the elect or ransomed through Christ whose falvation was covenanted for from all eternity with the father by the Son upon the price of his blood and abasement to be undergone in the fulness of time at the time appointed by the father and promised by the Son to be performed at the time appointed Now these elected or ordained of the father to eternal life through the Son are in the Scriptures one whle and in one respect termed ungodly another while and in another respect stiled Saints and termed godly these elect are stiled ungodly children of wrath and enemies to God whilest in their natural condition of blindness ignorance and disobedience before illumination new-birth or regeneration by the Spirit of God before they be wrought to the faith of Christ or the faith of Christ be brought to them But now these elected ones after regeneration after faith be conveyed into their hearts they have their name changed by God they are termed Saints they are called godly and righteous So that now see the elect of God the redeemed through Christ do stand just before God through Christ are pronounced perfectly just through Christ by the word of the fathers will or decree even whilest in their naturall condition before they be indued with faith though the elect hear it not till then t is so The father Justifies the ungodly therefore we are not Justified by faith t is not counted our righteousness as being the instrumental efficient cause of a real application of Christ as the cover of our sins from the sight of God because Justified before even whilest ungodly before indued with faith Secondly faith is not cannot be in this wise as last mentioned instrumental because that granted many places of the Scripture are destroyed for brevities sake I le alleadge but one t is that of Isaiah chap. the 40. ver 1 2. if ye weigh the place well ye shall see that the Ministers command or commission is to proclaim the pardon of the elects sins upon the bare consideration of Christs pangs and sufferings in their stead Cry unto her that her iniquity is pardoned for she hath received at the Lords hand double for all her sins See now brethren Isaiah and my self are in the same error in the Judgement of the Adversary Isaiah tells ye and bids all the Ministers of Christ tell their people as I have told you that the bare pangs and sufferings of Chist are the adequate and full means and cause of the absolution and pardon of our sins by the father the Prophet bids us proclaim peace and pardon to Jerusalem to the elect to this person and to the other to whomsoever we preach barely upon the Sons eternal covenant to dye in the fulness of time for us and the fathers acceptance thereof in our stead So that see Christ is an elected soul is every believer in the eye and purpose of the father by imputation before the holy Ghosts comfortable application of that Christ by faith Cry unto her that her iniquity is pardoned for that she hath received at the Lords hand double for all her sins See now a plain destruction of the direction to the Ministers by Isaiah upon the adversaries opinion Had the spirits of these times been living in the Prophets dayes to hear his last recited doctrine they would have stiled him an Antifidian and termed his words a doctrine of Devils They would have told him no man is acquitted or pardoned of his sins because of Christs satisfaction in the eye or by the will of God till the soul hath actually owned Christ as his Saviour by faith that no man is just or Justified through Christ in the sight of the father till he be actually believing on the Son I do most willingly receive faith to be a most blessed signal means but dare not receive it as an instrumental cause whereby the spirit of God doth bring a soul into the favour of God who was out of it till then and secondly for this reason because it alters and destroys the meaning of many comfortable places of Scripture this plainly of Isaiah containing the Ministers commission Thirdly and Lastly faith cannot be instrumentall to the application of Christ as the cover of our sins from the sight of God as that whereby the spirit brings a sinner into the favour and love of God who was out of it till that grace came into his soul applying Christ comfortably to the heart because that this being granted the very nature and being of God as described in the Scriptures is consequently destroyed and denyed There be many places in the Scripture tending to the description of our God I shall insist upon the places describing him especially as to the present purpose and that in Exodus 3. ver 14 is very considerable as to the present when Moses would be instructed by God with his name to answer the Israelites enquiring it God sets forth his name by his nature thou shalt say I am hath sent me unto you God in his first answer to Moses in the beginning of the verse where he saies I am that I am God holds forth his absolute independing and eternal subsistency and being I am that I am that is of my self not taking my being from the power pleasure or help of any pre-existing cause or thing this speaks the eternity of his being Now in these words of God I am hath sent me unto you God sets forth the manner or nature of the being of things in him of their being in his love will or purpose and consequently as to our capacity in his sight and knowledge as I may say they do set forth the nature of love will decree knowledge sight and other attributes of God This name shews that his love of any man his will and purpose to have any thing come about or to pass his sight and knowledge of all future events and things to happen in time as to us were all eternally present with God not taking beginning or being in him in his sight or knowledge in time God loves not the man to day that is doth not will purpose or decree to him to day that good thing be it either some temporal happiness yea or future life eternal that he did not purpose will or decree to him from all eternity he doth not see or behold a man to day Justified through Christ that he did not behold so before the foundation of the world was laid I am saith God that is as if God should have said I am now at this time what I was from all eternity in respect to will decree sight knowledge power c. Again I am now at this present what I shall be to all succeding times to eternity in respect to will decree sight knowledge power for all