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A84657 The Following collections or pious little treatises together with the Rule of S. Clare and declarations upon it, are printed for the use of the English Poor Clares in Ayre an index whereof begin's in the sequent page. Clare, of Assisi, Saint, 1194-1253. Regula. English. 1684 (1684) Wing F1401A; ESTC R42495 50,833 143

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the Cross and with his sacred blood satisfy his Eternall Father for her demerits 4. That for her love he would remain in the holy Sacrament to feed her with his own blessed body and Cleanse her with his owne sacred blood A Prayer before receiving the B. Sacrament O Sweet JESUS J most ardently desire to receive you Sacramentally and spiritually although J know my self to be most unworthy you should enter into the house of my soule be favorable unto me wretched sinner and take from me whatsoever is displeasing unto you prepare in me and in all hearts a habitation agreable unto your divine Majesty Would to God O my sweet Saviour JESU would to God J were wholy enflamed with an ardent desire and love of you Behold J here renounce and give up to you all things O sweet JESU O JESU my love for ever A Prayer after receiving the B. Sacrament O Most sweet Lord JESUS CHRIST J humbly beseech thy unspeakable mercy that this holy Sacrament of thy pretious body and blood which J unworthy have received may be to me and to all sinners a full purgation of all our offences a strength against frailties a fortress to defend us against all perills both of soul and body an entire pardon and establishment in all grace an amendment of life a continuall memoriall of thy sacred Passion a nourishment against all spirituall weakness and a staff of our Pilgrimage let it my sweet Saviour JESUS guide us going reduce us straying receive us returning again hold us up stumbling lift us up falling and persevering bring us to glory O highest God let the reception of this most worthy Sacrament so alter the tast of our hearts that at no time we feel any sweetness love or desire and consolation admit any delight esteem any honour feare any adversity or even-live but for thee and to accomplish thy blessed will which may ever be perfected in us Amen Another Prayer O Most glorious and ever blessed Virgin Mary O holy Father S. Francis O holy Mother S. Clare S. Michaël Angels Archangells Vertues Powers Principalities Dominations Thrones Cherubins Seraphins and all celestiall Spirits J beseech you to prostrate before the face of my God and beseech him in favour of his most deare son my Saviour and Redeemer CHRIST JESUS that it will please him to pardon the unworthines and indevotion wherewith J have received the most blessed and dreadfall Sacrament and do not permit the same to cause that the spirit thereof be not communicated unto me also that by the vertue and efficacy of this holy Communion J may feel the effect of his divinë mercy that I may receive this day a full remission of all my sins true light and knowledge of his grace which is in me that be reduce and put me in such an estate as shall be most pleasing unto his divine Majesty augment in me faith hope charity obedience chastity and patience with all other vertues and gifts of the holy Ghost necessary to procure the glory of his divine Majesty and the salvation of my soule to the honour and praise of his holy name Amen What we ought to do the day we communicate 1. BE very careful to govern our sences especially our tongue and if it happen we fall by frailty we ought presently to crave pardon and beseech our sweet Saviour not therfore to absent himself from us 2. To render to this blessed guest all the best services we are able he being infinitely worthy to be served loved and adored of all creatures Wishing above all things his holy honour and pleasure 3. Seek still to entertain this blessed spouse with holy thoughts and desires beseeching him to give you and all others whatsoever he knoweth to be needfull for his love and service beleeving that he is inestimably rich and a most liberal giver 4. Do nothing that day without considering first whether the thing you do will be pleasing and agreable unto him and demand his permission and leave 5. Make fervent aspirations cast forth arrowes of divine love towards that most amiable and sweet Lord with a vehement desire of loving him infinitely and be wholy transformed into him by conformity of will Deo gratias A Prayer before Confession O Soverain Creatour of heaven and earth and of all things which in them are J worm and miserable wretch have offended your divine Majesty I wonder at my folly detest my ingratitude and lament my offences craving through the merits of the bitter Passion and death of your onely begotten son and the infinite love with which he did both offer and suffer them for my sake and for the whole world grant unto me and all sinners true knowledge and perfect contrition of our sins and offences with entire remission of them all loose us from the chaines of our imperfections and heale the wounds of our soules grant us ever to be purged and refreshed in the fountain of his holy wounds Amen A Prayer after Confession O Good IESU let this my Confession be gratefull and acceptable unto you by the merits of your admirable life and painfull death with all the labours anguishes and sorrowes which you suffered for mankind together with those of your B. Mother and all your holy Saints supplying whatsoever is wanting in me either now or any other time through want of true contrition entire confession or full satisfaction beseeching they may also be unto me light direction and strength in all my wayes unto the perfect possession of you my sweet IESU in eternall glory Amen Directions how to say the Divine Office with due devotion and attention WHat care we ought to have in saying the divine Office according to the examples of the holy men is witten in the 27. Chapter of Paralipomenon Despise not your self our Lord hath chosen you to stand before him and adore him Wherfore since God hath chosen man to so high a preferment it is very requisit we should know how and in what manner humble service doth consist The holy man Gerson affirmeth that in saying your Mattins and other houres carefully and studiously leasurely and distinctly consisteth the greatest exercise of a Religious man and is so fit for him as nothing more S. Benedict doth call this the worke of our Lord especially because it it is the chiefest office that any man can perform gratefull to the divine Majesty S. Jerome doth affirm that to offer up Hymns Psalmes and spirituall prayers and to shed teares for our own offences and those of our neighbour is to reconcile the people to God and to pacify our Lord with his flock all which things are to be accomplished in the divine office Wherfore we ought very diligently to apply our whole study and inward powers to the due execution thereof least perhaps that dreadfull sentence pronounced by the Prophet Jeremy c. 48. v. 10. fall upon us maledictus qui facit opus Domini fraudulenter Artursd be be who do's our lords worke negligently
and passing through the golden gate 14. In the workhouse the three falls the meeting of our sweet saviour with his holy Mother Simon Cyrenean Veronica 15. Going forth from the Workhouse the carrying the Cross up Mount Calvary 16. Between the two peales to None his sitting naked upon the stone 17. At None the nailing to the Cross 18. Going down to Grace how the Cross was reared up and set in the place where it was to stand 19. At twelve a clock behold our saviour hanging on high upon the Cross saying these first words Father forgive them for they know not what they do 20. From evensong exercise your self in the 7. words the piercing of our Saviours side his taking down from the Cross and lyng in the lap of his Mother his buriall and descending into Limbo How to apply the seaven Words 1. FAther forgive them for they know not what they do Here pray for all those that are in mortall sin for all Heathens and Hereticks and beseech Almighty God to illuminate their hearts and pardon their offences 2. This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise Pray for the happy departure of all faithfull Christians and releasement of the soules in Purgatorie 3. Son behold thy Mother and again Woman behold thy son Recommend to our B. Lady your self your Parents kinred and Benefactours and the state of the whole church beseeching our sweet Saviour to give her unto us for Patroness Mother and Advocate and grant us grace to serve honour and obey her 4. I thirst Pray that wee and all creatures may continually thirst after justice and the perfect love of God 5. My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Here pray for the comfort and assistance of all in temptation or affliction either spirituall or corporall 6. It is consummated Beseech Almighty God that his holy will may be accomplished in you and all creatures to the perfect praise of his most holy name 7. Father into thy hands I commend my spirit Pray rhat as he recommended his to his heavenly Father our soules may be protected by him in this life by the fruition of his holy grace and in the next received to that beatitude which by his death and Passion he ha's purchased for us The 7. Ave's which are to be read for the 7. sorrowes of or B. Lady you may take according to your devotion or these following 1. THe departure of our sweet Saviour when he went to make his last supper 2. When S. John brought her word of our Saviours being apprehended and his cruell usage 3. When shee mett him bearing his Cross 4. When shee beheld him crucified upon the Cross 5. The cruell piercing of his sacred side 6. When shee had him dead in her lap 7. When shee parted from the body of her deare son at his buriall Considerations on the 3. Pater nosters and Aves which are said at the shewing of the B. Sacrament in honour of the Prayer in the Garden offering your intention to gain the Pardon 1. SAy the first Pater and Ave in honour of the unspeakable love with which our sweet Saviour made oblation of his dolorous agony craving by the merits of the same that our sins may be forgiven us and that we be reconciled to his heavenly Father and obtain strength and comfort in our temptations and afflictions 2. The 2. Pater and Ave in honour of the entire resignation with which our B. Saviour offered his Prayer crave therby grace to conform our selves unto the divine will and attain perfect union with Almighty God 3. The 3. Pater and Ave say in honour of our sweet Saviours perseverance in his most painfull prayer beseeching him that by the merits of the same wee may not leave of the good once begun for the repugnance wee feel or want of consolation therein but with love and confidence persever to the end After your Examin at night you may salute our B. Lady with these 3 Ave's 1. BY the first beseech her that she will obtain for you pardon of all your sins and especially those you have committed that day 2. That shee will please to present all your works unto her blessed son rendring them agreable by her merits in whatsoever is wanting on their part 3. Recommend your self unto her and beseech her that shee will preserve you from all sin deceits and illusious of the divell and particularly from all evills How to say your Pater noster's and Ave's in thanksgiving unto Almighty God for his benefits either for night or any other time 1. THe first Pater and Ave address to the right hand of our sweet Redeemer offering to his Eternall Father the precious blood which issued out of his most sacred wound in thanksgiving for the benefit of your Creation and the Creation of all others as also of all things created for mans use 2. The 2. address unto the sacred wound of his left hand in thanks giving for the benefit of consetving you from evils and the like for others 3. The 3. address unto the wound of his right foot in thanksgiving for the benefit of your Redemption and the like for others 4. The 4. address unto the sacred wound of his left foot in thanksgiving for the benefit of your vocation and all others on whom he hath bestowed the like 5. The 5. address unto the sacred wound of his blessed heart for all generall and particular benefits either spirituall or corporall which with so great love he hath bestowed on you and all creatures An Exercise for Mass FIrst know that Mass is a sacrifice wherein is offered the very same body and blood of our Saviour that was before offered upon the Cross and was infinitely able to redeem infinit worlds and sith the world is sufficiently redeemed with one redemption he gives unto every one such and so great grace as he hath prepared himself to receive therfore like as a man that fetcheth water forth of the sea cannot want for any scarcity that is there yet he may want by reason of the littleness of his vessell even so no man need want grace coming unto this holy sacrifice if the vessell of his heart be of sufficient bigness Wherfore prepare your self worthily and beg such grace devotion reverence and attention as the worthines of the sacrifice following requires The Exercise THe Priest signifieth God the Altar the church and as the Altar is of many stones so is the church of God of many people Wherfore you must not heare Mass for your self alone but for the whole church for since he is a common Lord he is not delighted with particular service A Prayer before Mass O Good JESUS vouchsafe me the vertue of your holy grace and grant J beseech you that J may purely assist at this divine sacrifice of the holy Mass to the eternall praise of your holy name in memory of all that you have been pleased to suffer for my sake and for all mankind When
THE FOLLOWING COLLECTIONS OR PIOUS LITTLE TREATISES TOGETHER WITH THE RVLE OF S. CLARE AND DECLARATIONS VPON IT Are printed for the use of the ENGLISH POOR CLARES IN AYRE An Index whereof begin's in the sequent page This shall be unto you a direct Way Is 35. v. 8. You shall not decline neyther to the right hand nor to the left Deut. 5. v. 32 ❧ † ❧ Printed at Doüay by MICHAELL MAIRESSE PERMISSV SVPERIORVM 1684. A TABLE OF THE CONTENTS IN THE ENSUING BOOK I. A Pious Collection of severall profitable directions and devotions fitted for the ENGLISH POOR CLARES in order to the better observance of their holy Institute very usefull and necessary for all Religious Persons both men and woemen A Morning exercise for every day in the week p. 1 From the rising untill the work house p. 5 In dressing your self severall praiers p. 5 A morning purpose p. 9 From the workhouse till dinner p. 13 From dinner till the examin at night p. 15 Before sleeping prayers p. 19 A direction how to say the way to Ierusalem p. 19 How to apply the seaven words Christ spoake upon the Cross p. 21 The 7. Ave's which are to be read for the 7. sorrows of our B. Lady how they are to be said p. 22 Considerations on the 3. Pater's and Ave's which are said at the shewing of the B. Sacrament p. 23 After your examin at night how to salute our Lady with 3. Ave's p. 24 How to say your Pater's and Ave's in thanks giving to Allmighty God for his benefits for night or any other time p. 24 An exercise for Mass p. 25 Certain Intentions or Meditations which we ought to have when we communicate out of S. Bonaventure p. 37 Considerations before Communion taken out of the same Saint p. 37 Four considerations of S. Mathildis before Communion p. 38 A Praier before and another after receaving the B. Sacrament p. 39 What we ought to do the day we communicate p. 41 A Prayer before and after confession p. 42 Directions how to say the divine Office with due devotion and attention p. 43 Certain holy Meditations of the 7. effusions of blood distributed for the canonicall hours p. 47 A direction for mentall Praier p. 51 An Instruction for mentall Praier p. 54 Colloquies or speeches part in meditation and part in Praier praising Allmighty God's excellency goodness holyness worthyness c. p. 67 Causes of distractions p. 68 The means to resist distractions of heart and tediousness of spirit p. 69 The chiefest effects of praier p. 70 Things to be considered in meditating the Passion of our Saviour p. 72 Severall Affections to be drawn from the consideration of the same Passion p. 72 Considerations of the knowledge of ones self p. 73 Considerations of sin p. 73 How to consider death p. 73 Of the pains of the damned p. 74 How to contemplate Heaven p. 74 How to consider vertue p. 75 How to consider the feasts of Saints p. 75 How to meditate on the perfections of Allmighty God p. 76 Considerations of all Gods creatures in generall p. 76 Considerations of Gods creatures in particular p. 77 The benefits in brief of Allmighty God p. 77 What you ought to do in the time to come with God's benefits in particular p. 77 The benefit of our Redemption p. 78 The benefit of our Vocation p. 78 The benefit of our Iustification p. 79 The benefit of donation p. 80 The benefit of Preservation p. 81 The benefit of glorification p. 81 The eight Beatitudes p. 82 A Religious person ought often to consider the benefit of his vocation by these circumstances Vnde es Quo Quomodo Quando Quo fine vocatus p. 84 The Priviledges and benefits of a Religious Person p. 86 Iesus Maria. Certain aspirations for every day in the week p. 86 Aspirations for every day in the week upon the Passion of our B. Saviour p. 92 An Oblation unto our B. Lady to say on any of her feasts 70 Ave Maria's and then during every day 5. Ave's and the praiers there following p. 99 A Prayer to Iesus Christ p. 99 When you pass by the B. Sacrament a prayer p. 100 When you take holy water p. 101 How to honour the B. Virgins Name p. 101 Litanies of our holy Father S. Francis p. 104 Litanies of our B. Mother S. Clare p. 106 Litanies for the conversion of England p. 108 A dayly exercise of prayers with weekly meditations upon the Passion p. 113 Meditations upon the Passion for every day in the week p. 117 A method for meditation p. 123 A prayer before meditation p. 124 A prayer after meditation p. 125 A Table of daily Patrons Meditations Vertues Vices and Intentions p. 126 II. A Short treatise concerning the perfection of à Religious life written by S. BONAVENTURE to his devout Sisters The Preface p. 3 CHAP. 1. By what means a man may attain to the true knowledge of himself p. 8 CHAP. 2. Of humility and the stepps or degrees by which it is attain'd p. 14 CHAP. 3. Of Religious poverty p. 22 CHAP. 4. Of silence and how necessary it is to all Religious p. 30 CHAP. 5. Of the study of Prayer p. 35 CHAP. 6. A remembrance of Christ's Passion p. 44 CHAP. 7. Of the perfect love of God p. 54 CHAP. 8. Of finall perseverance p. 57 III. The Rule of the holy Virgin S. CLARE faithfully translated into English The Apostolicall Confirmation of the Rule p. 3 CHAP. 1. Of the rule and forme of life of the order of the poor sisters given by S. Francis CHAP. 2. Of those who desire to enter into this Religion and how they shall be received p. 6 CHAP. 3. Of the divine office of Fasting of Confessing and Communicating p. 10 CHAP. 4. Of the election of the Abbess p. 11 CHAP 5. Of silence and of the manner of speaking at the speak-house and Grate p. 14 CHAP. 6. How the sisters may not receive any possessions by themselves or by any person interposed p. 16 CHAP. 7. The manner that the sisters shall observe in their manuall works p. 18 CHAP. 8. How the sisters shall not appropriate any thing to themselves and of the sick sisters p. 19 CHAP. 9. Of penance to be enjoined the sisters that offend and of the manner of conversing without the Monastery p. 21 CHAP. 10. Of the Admonishment and visitation of the sisters p. 23 CHAP. 11. Of the duty of the Portress p. 24 CHAP. 12. Of the visitour and Chaplin p. 26 The rest of the Bull for the Confirmation of the Rule p. 27 The Testament of our holy Mother S. Clare p. 28 Our holy Mother S. Clar's Benediction unto her sisters present and to come p. 36 The Bull of Pope Innocent the fourth that the Religious may not be constrain'd to receive Rents or Possessions p. 38 IV. The Declarations and Ordinances made upon the Rule of our holy Mother S. Clare A letter of the Approbation and Confirmation of the
declarations sent by the Reverend Father William Cassall to his devout daughter S. Collet p. 4 Another by the same Reverend Father to Sister Collet and all the other Sisters of the said Religion p. 5 CHAP. 1. Of the entry into this holy Religion p. 10 THE FORME OF PROFESSION p. 15 CHAP. 2. Of the quality of their habits and of their garments p. 16 CHAP. 3. Of the Divine Office p. 20 CHAP. 4. Of Abstinence p. 24 CHAP. 5. Of Confession and of Communion of the Confessour and his companions p. 26 CHAP. 6. Of the observance of Cloyster p. 29 Chap. 7. Of the election of the Abbess discreetes and other officers p. 34 Chap. 8. The manner of keeping Chapter p. 38 Chap. 9. Of silence and the manner of speaking at the speak-house and at the grate p. 41 Chap. 10. Of the observance of poverty and that the Sisters may not admit of any possessions nor have any thing proper p. 45 Chap. 11. Of the sick Sisters p. 49 Chap. 12. Of the manuall works of the Sisters p. 52 Chap. 13. Of the correction of the faulty p. 55 Chap. 14. Of the portress and entring into the Monastery p. 57 Chap. 15. Of the Visitour p. 64 An exhortation for the better observance of these present constitutions p. 72 What the Religious are oblig'd to under mortall sin by their vowes p. 78 The perfections of the Rule p. 78 The praise of the Rule p. 81 Three Priviledges which our holy Father p. 8● Francis obtained of Allmighty God p. 81 Three other Priviledges p. 82 Seaven other Previledges for those that observe the Rule dye in the Order p. 82 Certain Indulgences granted to all the Religious of the Order of S. Francis p. 83 An examin of conscience for à Religious Person p. 86 Twelve great evills which come by veniall sins p. 88 Nine wayes by which we participate of the sins of others p. 88 The Twelve fruits of the B. Sacrament p. 89 The Twelve Evangelicall counsayles p. 90 The Benediction of our Holy Father S. Francis p. 91 The malediction of our Holy Father S. Francis p. 91 A PLENARIE ABSOLUTION FROM GUILT AND PAINE Otherwise call'd p. 92 THE ABSOLUTION OF THE CORDE TO THE READER BELOVED and DEVOUT READER tho' this BOOKE as to the whole and every part thereof might reasonably be judg'd very cōvenient and usefull at lea'st for all Poore Clarisses yet as appear's by the TITLE it is desig'nd fitted out and printed particulerly by the CARE and for the VSE of the ENGLISH POORE CLARES OF AYRE in the Diocess of S. Omers Who signally observe theyr INSTITUT and ORDINANCES upon it in their NATIVE PURITIE living accordingly in the TRUE SPIRIT of S. CLARE under the GOVERNMENT and DIRECTION of theyr HOLY ORDER as both RULE and DECLARATIONS prescribe Teache and ernestly recommen'd unto them Fiat Fiat Imprimatur actum in Vicariatu Andomarensi die tertiâ Novembris 1684. De Mandato B. DE LARRE Secret A PIOUS COLLECTION Of severall profitable directions and devotions fitted for the English POOR CLARES In order to the better observance of their holy INSTITVTE Very usefull and necessary for all Religious Persons both men and woemen A Morning Exercice on Sunday CALL to mind this sentence Haec dies quam fecit Dominus exultemus laetemur in eâ This is the day that our lord hath made let us rejoyce and be glad in it Remember your duty and obligation unto Almighty God being carefull to spend the day wholly in his service and prayse and particularly this day honour the most Blessed Trinity thanking those three divine Persons for the benefit of our Creation and for all others bestowed either upon your self or any other in the behalfe of man On Munday Morning CAll to mind this sentence Surge eur jaces pronus in terram Arise why lyest thou groveling on the ground Remember your banishment and punishment or suffering of being deprived of the presence of Almighty God and the company of the Angels and pray that after your death you may be united unto them offering this day to honour them but especially your good Angel beseeching him and all the others to pray for the state of the Holy Church and that we may so use this our warfare that after death we may reign with them in all eternity Tuesday Morning CAll to mind this sentence Surge qui dormis exurge à mortuis illuminabit te Christus Arise thou that sleepest with the sleep of death and Christ will illuminate thee Remember that Christ and his holy Ghospell are the lights of the Church and endeavour you to follow the same better then you have hitherto done offering this day to honour the holy Apostles Patriarks and Prophets beseeching them to pray for the conversion of all Heathens Infidells and for all those that are out of the Catholick faith particulerly in England Wensday Morning CAll to mind this sentence Surge comede grandis tibi restat via Arise and eate thou hast yet a great way to go Think how farr you are from vertue and the perfection of your holy Foundress and Saints of your Order and pray them that they will obtain you strength and force to follow their examples with greater fervour then you have hitherto done offering this day wholy to their honour beseeching them to pray for the good and reformation of the whole Order and for all Holy Orders Thursday Morning CAll to mind this sentence Surgite quid dormitis surgite orate ne intretis in tentationem Arise why do you sleep Arise and pray least you enter into temptation Consider what occasion you give your self to enter into temptation in negligently employing your time and being slothfull and dull in holy prayer and spirituall Exercises offering this day in honour of the Confessours beseeching them to obtain for you new fervour of spirit and constancy in the service of Almighty God and to pray for the comfort and releasement of the souls in Purgatory Friday Morning CAll to mind this sentence Surge propera amica mea veni Arise make hast my beloved and come Think that our sweet saviour calleth you to shew you what he hath suffered for you out of the great love he beareth you Desire gratitude for the same Resolve that you will with patience suffer all such temptations and contempts as it shall please him to send you And offer this day wholy in honour and memory of his bitter Death and Passion the sorrowes of his holy Mother and beg the suffrages of all the holy Martyrs beseeching them to pray for all those who are in any affliction or desolation be it corporall or spirituall Saturday Morning CAll to mind this sentence Surge redde quod debes Arise render what thou owest Think what you owe unto Almighty God by the vowes of Poverty Chastity and obedience and what you do not pay in this world you must satisfy in the next Wherfore offer your self this day
Three sorts of preparation for saying the Divine Offices THe first of living well which is to be exercised in doing all pious works to restrain our selves from all vanities and daily to keep our hearts free and pure from all things that may in the least sort soyle them alwaies directing our thoughts and works whatsoever unto Almighty God and his honour The 2. is that before we begin the Divine Office we be carefull to recollect our spirits excluding all forrain thoughts or whatsoever may give us distraction in our Divine Office considering seriously what wee are going bou●… It behoveth us also diligently to weigh these things following That we come To worship God To thank God To intreate God First we come to worship God in three persons and one essence with the worship of Patria which is due to God alone for the benefit of justification that is the Incarnation of his only son our B. Saviour his life death Resurrection and Ascension which Mysteries we ought carefully to consider and ponder with great devotion and reverence 2. We come to thank God in praysing him for the great benefits which we have received and do momentarily receive and hope to receive herafter Therfore it is requisit that we behold and renew the same every houre and moment of our life but especially when we are so particularly employed in a worke that hath so great relation and adherence thereunto 3. We go to intreat God in beseeching his most immeasurable clemency for our own necessities and those of the whole Church but to bring all these particulars with more facility to our mind it will assist us much attentively to think that nothing is more necessary or profitable for us then God The 3. Preparation is a zealous prayer which we must make to the end we may worthily finish the task of our devotions and in imitation of the three Kings offer to his divine goodnes the gold of devotion the frankincense of attention and the Myrrhe of constant perseverance Being to begin the Office you may say I adore thee O Christ and bless thee O Lord for by thy Cross and Passion thou hast redeemed the world Thou art my God and I will exalt thee To thee be praise To thee be glory To thee be thanks giving for ever All creatures worthily worship thee praise glorify and adore the most high and undivided Trinity and the humanity of my blessed Lord Jesu who in time past was conversant with men upon earth and now sits at the right hand of his Eternall Father J beseech the Holy Virgin with the holy Angels and Saints and those whose feasts are celebrated this day throughout the whole Church that they will all help me with their aid and furtherance to the end I may finish this my office worthily to the true praise of Almighty God and the profit of my soule Amen For the Prayer before the lesser Houres take either REX CHRISTE c. or the Prayer following O Good Jesu I desire for the love and honour which I owe unto you humbly to obey you faithfully to serve you and purely to love you in union of that most perfect attention which you being here on Earth prayed and praised your heavenly Father Help me O Lord Jesu with your holy grace for being left by you I shall be able to do nothing Amen Devout Meditations at Gloria Patri GLory be to the Father who when I was not hath created me Glory be to the son who when I was lost hath redeemed me Glory be to the Holy Ghost who hath sanctified me and the elect of God Here ensue certain holy Meditations of the 7. Effusions distributed for the Canonical Houres At Matins COnsider with devotion and yield manifold thanks to our B. Saviour for the effusion of his pretious blood and suffererings in his Circumcision offering the dolours and pains of the said effusion to God the Father for all those that are in state of mortall sin that it would please his divine goodnes to give them a perfect knowledge of their offences with contrition confession satisfaction and amendment At Laudes POnder and give thanks for the dolorousness pain and effusion of blood which our Saviour CHRIST JESUS endured in the garden a little before he was apprehended and taken where with great pain and agony he sweat blood and water offering this spiritually unto God the Father for those that are in the state of grace favour and love of God and his holy name that it would please him to conserve them in that state and purity At Prime YIeld many thanks for the pain and effusion of blood which our B. saviour CHRIST JESUS suffered in his flagellation offering it up unto God the Father for all those that are in any affliction or tribulation be it spirituall or corporall beseeching his divine Majesty to conserve each one of them as he knoweth to be most to his honour and the health of their soules At Tierce IN devout contemplation give Many thanks unto God our sweet Saviour CHRIST IESUS for the effusion of his most precious blood which he endured in his crowning with thorns offering it to God the Father for our parents kinred and benefactours and all for whom wee are any wayes obliged to pray beseeching him to give them his holy grace to live in his true love and feare and at their death to possess everlasting life At Sext. YIeld manyfold thanks unto our B. Saviour IESUS for the paines and effusion of his pretious blood which issued forth of his hands and feet being nailed on the Cross offering it to God the Father for the state of our holy Mother the church that the Popes holines and all Ecclesiasticall Powers may be exalted to the increase of his honour and have grace strength and ability well to discharge what is committed to them therein At None GIve manifold thanks unto our B. Saviour for the effusion and shedding of his sacred blood when nayled to the Cross his most holy side was pierced with a lance offering it to God the Father for the Conversion of all Hereticks particularly for England that it would please him to enlighten them with his holy grace to know and embrace the truth that they with all others may in union and perfect charity love praise and magnify him everlastingly At Evensong CAll to mind the dolorous Mystery of our B. Saviours taking from the Cross and lying in the lapp of his Mother offering it to God the Father for all religious persons who are especially dedicated unto his holy service beseeching his divine goodnes to give each one of them grace perfectly to perforn his holy will even unto death to live vertuously in the observance of their institutes and persever therein untill the end At Compline COnsider how our B. Saviour being dead and his holy body taken down from the Cross it was by our B. Lady S. Mary Magdalen and other holy persons laid in the sepulcher whilest
peccata mundi Miserere nobis Oremus MEntes nostras quaesumus Domine Paracletus qui à te procedit illuminet inducat in omnem sicut tuus promisit Filius veritatem COncede misericors Deus fragilitati nostrae praesidium ut qui sanctae Dei genitricis memoriam agimus intercessionis ejus auxilio à nostris iniquitatibus resurgamus OMnipotens sempiterne Deus qui saluas omnes neminem vis perire respice ad animas Britannorum diabolicâ fraude deceptas ut omni haereticâ pravitate depositâ errantium corda resipiscant ad veritatis tue redeant unitatem Per Christum Dominum nostrum Amen DEO GRATIAS A DAYLY EXERCISE OF PRAYERS With weekly Meditations upon the Passion IN THE MORNING IN nomine Patris † c. Pater Ave Credo Confiteor c. I adore thee most Blessed Trinity give thee thankes for all benefits bestowed upon me especially for my Vocation to this State the use of Sacraments other Divine helpes particularly that thou hast preserved me this night wherein perhaps many have been summoned before thee to give an account of their lives The living O God shall bless glorify thee as I will this day O Eternall Father to thee I offer up my self with whatsoever I am able to doe admit O Gracious Father these first fruites of my love united with the merits of thy beloved Son O B. JESUS I purpose through thy Grace to walk the paths of thy H. Commandements performing the duty of a good Christian by the practise of all Vertues especially of N. Grant O Lord that I may doe suffer all things according to thy Holy will Come O Holy Ghost direct assist comfort my distressed Soul with thy Grace that I may shun all Sin especially N. I have hitherto greivously offended thee but I will be more watchfull over my wayes Help me I beseech thee in this my spirituall warfar for thou hast promised that I shall walk amongst Serpents Basilisks trample over Lyons Dragons Help me also O Holy Angels glorious Saints thou especially O Sacred Virgin Mother with thy chast Espous S. JOSEPH Protect me O Angell Guardian Yee O Holy NN. my Patrons for this day that I fall not into the snares of Satan But thou O my God my All art my cheife hope let the flames of thy Divine Love consume all evill affections in me that I may for ever love obey thee AN OBLATION O B. JESUS in union of thy N. I offerr up all my thoughts words deeds purposing to practise the Vertue of N. shun the Vice of N. beseeching thee that all I doe or suffer may be acceptable to thee for NN. through the Mediation of my glorious Patrons NN. Amen BLess me O JESU with thy Sacred Virgin Mother † Bless me all yee Holy Saints Angels specially my Angell Guardian Holy Patrons NN. † O Eternall God Father Son H. Ghost bless † keep me now for ever Amen IN THE EVENING IN nomine Patris c. O Most Blessed Trinity I glorify thee with all the Saints Angels for all favours at all times bestowed upon me especially this day make a survey of Gods favours to thee Alas what thankes can I return to thee for these all thy gracious benefits O God who hast observed all the motions of my heart all my words actions Enlighten me that I may know wherein I have offended thee what is wanting to me that I may bewayl my sins through thy Grace amend my life Examine thy conscience through all houres duties of that day towards God thy Neighbour thy selfe considering wherein thou hast offended by thought word or deed Lord be mercifull to me a sinner Behold here my God what sins I have rendred thee for thy gracious gifts It greives me that I have offended thee Pardon me O my God through the Cross Passion of thy dearest Son the merits of the Sacred Virgin all Angels Saints especially N N. I purpose hereafter never more to offend thee to undergoe all Crosses for the satisfying my transgressions against thee purchasing Grace for the amendement of my life AN OBLATION O B. JESUS I offer up to thee thy N. as a propitiation for all my sins especially of this day Uniting therewith the merits of thy Sacred Mother all Angels Saints especially my Patrons NN. to whose protection I now for ever commend my self Bless me O JESUS c. MEDITATIONS VPON THE PASSION For every day of the week SUNDAY Washing of the Feet CONS 1. Who washeth God thy Creatour Redeemer giver of all good things 2. Whose feet he washeth of ignoble persons great sinners his own betrayer 3. Why he washeth to give example of meekness teach us to cleanse our Soules ere we approach his Altar Affect Oh my JESU that I could love thee all creatures as I ought thou desirest Resolve To practise the Vertue of Charitie shun the vice of Envie in occasions best known to thy self MUNDAY Prayer in the garden CONS 1. How CHRIST prayeth kneeling prostrate with instancy thou how tepid 2. What 's his prayer That his Chalice may passe yet with resignation to obey his Fathers will doe thou pray thus 3. How he sweats bloud in great drops in great sorrows wilt thou rely on thy own strength Affect Oh my JESU that I could humble my self to Thee all creatures for thee Rosolve To practise Humilitie shun Pride c. TUESDAY Mocking before Herod CONS 1. How JESUS betrayed apprehended manicled is led to Annas Caiphas Pilate Herod Follow him in this sorrowfull Pilgrimage 2. How He is every where falsly accused yet is silent be silent too when injur'd 3. How before Herod he is cloathed mocked as a Foole if thou beest a Christian imitate CHRIST'S self-denyall Affect Oh my JESU that I could contemn my own will for thy sake Resolve To practise Self-denyall shun self-love c. WEDNESDAY Whipping at the Pillar CONS How JESUS led back to Pilate is there accused as a Blasphemer Seducer Traitor Barabbas though a Murderer is preferr'd before him can'st thou repine when vilified 2. How that Innocent Body uncloathed bound to the Pilar is whipt for thy sins thou sin'st he suffers 3. How barbarously those Soldiers treat thy JESUS Oh cruelty this he suffers for thee Bath thy heart in his saving bloud Affect Oh my JESU that I could bear all Crosses from all persons for the love of Thee Resolve To practise Patience shun Anger c. THURSDAY Crowning with Thorns CONS 1. How JESUS thus bleeding is crownd with sharp Thorns this Crown is instead of a Crown of Glory 2. How they cloath him in scarlet put a reed in his hand for a Scepter then kneeling deride Him O my JESU thou art a King indeed reign for ever in my heart
his glorious soul descended into Limbo where he delivered the just all which with devotion wee may present unto God the Father for the comfort and releasement of the soules detained for the purging of their sins in Purgatory beseeching him mercifully to receive them unto his happy rest that they may eternally praise him AMEN A Prayer after the Divine Office O Good JESUS be propitious unto me a miserable sinner unto thy goodnes do J commend this my office most coldly and distractedly accomplished beseeching that through your merits it may be amended and perfected Unto you good JESU do I offer it for the good of the whole church and the salvation of my soule in union of that most perfect attention with which here on earth you did pray unto your heavenly Father Answer I beseech you Satisfy and pray for me AMEN A Direction for Mentall Prayer THose who desire to increase and go forward in a spirituall life let them go that certain way which is the interiour and mutuall communication with Almighty God performed in this holy Exercise Because in Prayer vertues are ceived obtained and augmented Prayer as the holy Apostle S. James saith availeth much ascendeth to heaven before the tribunall seat of Almighty God and bringeth unto men every good and perfect gift causeth such a league and union betwixt God and them as it maketh their soules apt to receive infinite grace from his divine Majesty Daniel by Prayer converted the fierceness of Lions into the meekness of Lambs Prayer made the fire loose its force being not able to burn the three children in the midst of the flaming furnace Prayer likewise stayed the course and altered the uniform motions of the heavens giving power to the voyce of man to stop and detain the sun for as many howers as was necessary for the obtaining the victory against his enemies Jacob through the vertue and efficacy of Prayer prevailed against the Angell Yea Prayer tyed the hands and infinit power if we may so say of the Lord of Angels for by the Prayer of Moyses Almighty God seemed to be as it were disabled to chastize the people when he said unto this faithfull servant of his Suffer me that my fury m y be angry against them as if he should have said Detain me not with thy Prayers Prayer finally obtaineth pardon for whatsoever offences the Publican getteth remission of his sins and the Prodigall child pardon and returns again into favour by Prayer Therfore it being so profitable and necessary for a spirituall life obtaining by the vertue thereof whatsoever it will in heaven or Earrh it is requisit that all Religious persons spend as much time as their state and leisure will permit them in this kind of Prayer which rather consisteth in the actions of the will then the long discourse or speculation of the understanding sensible gifts or consolations for that is not in our own hands The fruit of Prayer is that we raise from the same humility patience obedience Indifference c. This is alwaies in our power the grace of God presupposed To the end that Prayer be performed with Recollection and attention it is necessary that we do not take it in hand as a thing of small moment not rashly but advisedly not with a slow and dull heart but with a lively attention and undaunted courage for otherwise we might incurr the curse of the Prophet Jeremy who saith Cursed is he that doth the worke of the Lord negligently Neither is so great attention and force to be used as therby to weary and break our heads and hinder our health for so insteed of pleasant and sweet milk we should wring forth blood as the wisdom of God signifieth in Proverbs cause a feare and horrour to undertake this holy Exercise Wherfore to avoid these extreams Moderation is to be used in such sort as by over much striving therein we hurt not our selves as was aforesaid nor through too much carelesness let our mind be carried away with unprofitable matters Let not wandring thoughts trouble you but put them away sweetly for you merit more by patient resistance then in having great comfort and consolation Humble and accuse your self in the fight of Almighty God that you cannot be so long in his presence without so many earthly cogitations beseeching our B. Lady your holy Angel and all others with the Saints to pray for you and supply your wants in due praise and love of his divine Majesty For scruples and temptations which happen in Prayer the first remedy is not to hearken or give eare unto them An Instruction for mentall Prayer to which are required 5. Conditions To wit 1. Preparation 2. Meditation 3. Preambles 4. Colloquie 5. Recollection 1. PReparation hath 4. conditions The 1. which is universall to all piety Purity of heart and calmness of passions and affections and Recollection both of senses and fancies but above all things that the intention be pure and that you undertake this vertuous Exercise sincerely for the love of God to please him and reform your life and manners according to his most blessed will and not for hopes of consolations or divine lights which were an intention proper to hirelings and not fit for his children nor gratefull to our heavenly Father who desires above all things a pure intention 2. The 2. is Reading which you may accustome in this manner read those points you intend to make your Meditation on after even song before or about dinner and that which you purpose to meditate on after Mattins the night before Ruminate the matter divers times before you meditate moving your self to tast and feel those good motions and affections which you think the matter will yield you to draw forth For if in an affaire of importance which we handle with earthly creatures we seriously think and consider thereof before how much more ought we to do it in this so spirituall an Exercise and the greatest which can possibly be undertaken being we are therein to treat with Almighty God about the good and salvation of our soule The 3. condition is the Presence of God Coming to the place where you purpose to meditate consider the presence of Almighty God comparing his greatness and goodness with your own basenes and vileness and imagining our sweet Saviour calleth you to shew you what he hath don said and suffered for you Or consider your self a beggar sick and guilty to crave of your benefactour an almes of your Physitian health and of your Judge pardon beseeching your good Angel and some of your Patrons to accompany and assist you therein 4. The 4. and last condition of preparation is the Prayer preparatory wherein you crave grace affectuously in generall to perform your Meditation to Gods honour and glory and the good of your own soule remembring that sentence Omnis nostra sufficientia à Deo est All our sufficiency is from God beseeching your heavenly Father who is a sea of mercies