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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A75271 Five treatises of the philosophers stone. Two of Alphonso King of Portugall, as it was written with his own hand, and taken out of his closset: translated out of the Portugez into English. One of John Sawtre a Monke, translated into English. Another written by Florianus Raudorff, a German philosopher, and translated out of the same language, into English. Also a treatise of the names of the philosophers stone, by William Gratacolle, translated into English. To which is added the Smaragdine Table. / By the paines and care of H.P. Afonso V, King of Portugal, 1432-1481.; H. P. 1651 (1651) Wing A2900; Thomason E654_5; ESTC R205924 41,579 80

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and keepe the fume and take heed that nothing flye from it tarry and dwell nigh the Vessell and behold and observe the marvellous working how it shall be removed from colour to colour in lesse then an houre of a day untill that it commeth to the marke or prick or butt of whitenesse or rednesse for it will soone melt in the fire and come all into the Ayre for when the fume doth fill the fire it will enter into the body and the spirit will then be pulled together and the body will then be fixed cleare white or red Then divide the fire suffering it to coole and be cold For and if one of these doe fall upon 1000. or Mercury or any other body it turneth it into the best Gold or Silver according as his firment is prepared wherefore it doth appeare that he who doth not congeale quick-silver that will suffer the fire and joyne it to pure Silver he desireth no right way to the white worke and he who doth not make a red quicksilver that can sustaine all fire and joyn it to meer gold he taketh not the right way to the Red worke for by solution and fermentation the worke or medicine may be multiplyed into an infinite and note that the Elixir giveth a very light fusion or melting even like wax whereupon Rosarius saith our medicine necessarily ought to be of a most subtile substance and pure adherence cleaving to Mercury of his nature and of a most thin and easie liquefaction as water also in the booke which is named Omne datum optimum when the Elixir is well prepared it ought to be melted upon a burning plate or upon a burning cole even as wax melteth for that thou dost in the white doe it in the red for the same is the operation of both as well in the multiplication as in the projection Geber the Philosopher doth beare witnesse in his fift Booke and tenth Chapter that there be three Orders of Medicines of the first Order is that which is cast upon imperfect bodies and doth not take away the corruption but imperfection for it doth give tincture but that tincture doth go away in examination The medicine of the second Order is that which is cast upon imperfect bodies and doth give tincture to them in examination for after the examination the tincture doth remaine but all the corruption of the bodies is not cleare taken away for ever by that medicine In the third Order the medicine is that which is cast upon imperfect bodies and taketh away all their imperfection and corruption and from corrupt Mineralls it bringeth them into incorruptible But the two first of these medicines being left off we will speake something of the projection of this medicine of the third degree The perfect medicine truly is cast 1000. or upon more according as the medicine is prepared or advanced by dissolution sublimation and subtilliation but because so little that is so little is cast upon so little by reason of the littlenes thereof it should not be lift up before his virtue be fulfilled Therefore the Philosophers made their projection diversly wherefore this is the best way Let one part be cast upon a hundred of Mercury and all is medicine and it is called the second medicine and let every one part of this second medicine be cast upon a hundred of Mercury and all is medicine and is called the third medicine and is made 1000. yet againe let every part of this third medicine be cast upon 1000. of mercury and it shall be medicine and all shall be the best Luna or Sol And note that the third and the second may be so much dissolved and subtilliate that it shall receive a greater vertue and that it may be multiplyed in an infinite after receive and make projection first multiply 10. into 10. and it will make 100. and 100. by 10. multiplyed will be 1000. c. But how the projection ought to be made shall be now taught Put the body upon the fire in a Crucible also if it be a spirit tepescat let it do like luke-warme water and cast the Elixir into it as is aforesaid moving it well and very soone when the Elixir is liquefied and hath mingled it selfe with the body or with the spirit remove it from the fire and thou shalt have by the grace of God gold and silver according as the Elixir is prepared In short therefore it appeareth by the premisses that our worke doth consist in the body of Magnesia finished that is of Sulphur the which is called Sulphur of Sulphur and Mercury which is called Mercury of Mercury Therefore as it is aforesayd with one thing that is our Stone with one part that is to say seething and one disposition that is to say first making of it blacke secondly with making of it white thirdly with making of it red and fourthly with making of projection all the whole mastery is finished Of the other part of the false Alchymists and they who doe beleeve them by their distillations sublimations calcinations conjunctions seperations congelations preparations dissolutions manuall contritions and other deceptions saying that it is by a similitude onely called an Egge and teaching another sulphur from ours and another Mercury from ours and that it may be drawne from some other thing or effected by some other then our light fire These be all either deceivers or mightily abused For by what and how many soever names it bee called it is but one and the same thing Also Lucas sayth Doe not thou passe or regard for plurality of compositions in nature which the Philosophers diversly set downe in their Bookes for certainly there is but one thing in all the World wherein the spirit we seeke for is to be found of any profitable and comfortable use with which every body is coloured for in the Philosophers diversity of names and compositions they but cover and hide their Science FINIS A Treatise of Florianus Raudorff of the Stone or Mercury of the Philosophers In the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost A short Declaration of the Great Matter CHAP. 1. KNow yee that our Medicine is made of 3. things viz. of a body soule and spirit There are 2. bodies viz. Luna and Sol Sol is a tincture wherewith imperfect bodies are tinged into Sol and Luna tingeth Luna for Nature produceth or bringeth forth only its like as a man a man a horse begets a horse c. Proved by Examples We told and named it with names namely the bodies that serve to our worke which of some are called Ferment for as a little leaven leaveneth the whole masse so Luna and Sol turne Mercury as their meale into their nature and vertue CHAP. 2. YOU may say if Luna and Sol have a prefixed tincture why doe they not tinge imperfect mettalls Answer A babe though borne a man doth not mans actions it must first bee nourisht and bred to an age so it is with
incombustible with this oyle wee imbibe our medicine which will bee like soap then wee distill by the Alimbeck and receive the fumes which come over and put it on againe three or foure times if it hath not enough then put more of this Oyle to it being thus imbibed then put fire under that the humors may come away and the medicine be firme and fusible on the body of the glasse Then we take Avis Hermetis which we reserv'd formerly and put it to it by degrees till all be made fix CHAP. 37. Laus Deo ACcording to Avicen it is impossible to convert mettals unlesse they be reduced to their first matter But by Arts help they are converted into other mettall we know that Artists do like Physitians purging first the corrupted matter which is obstructive to mans health then Cordials are ministred which restore health so good Artists must proceed in like manner by converting of mettals first Mercury and Sulphur in metals are purged whereby they strengthen the heavenly elementall parts in them according to their desired preparation of metals then nature worketh further and not Art but instrumentally helpeth and then is seen that she really maketh Sol and Luna For as the heavenly elementall vertues worke in naturall vessels even so do the Artificiall being made uniforme and as nature worketh through the heat of fire and stars the same Art effecteth by fire if temperate and not excessive for the moving vertue in the matter for the heavenly vertue in it mingled at first inclinable to this or that is furthered by Art heavenly vertues are communicative to their subjects as is seen in naturall created things chiefly in things generated by putrefaction where the astrall influences are apparent according to the matters capacity Artists do imitate herein destroying one forme to beget another and his proceedings are best when they are according unto nature as by purging the Sulphur by digesting subliming and purging Mercury vive by an exact mixture with the mettals matter and thus out of their vertues every mettals forme is produced The vertue of the converting Element must be predominant and the parts of it must appeare in the Element converted and being thus mingled with the Elementated thing then that Element will have that matter which made it an Element and hath the vertue of the other vert Element This is that great mystery in this Art Scito quod ejus principium est siout finis FINIS The names of the Philosophers Stone Collected by WILLIAM GRATACOLLE GOld Sol Sun Brasse of Philosophers the body of Magnesia a pure body clean ferment of Elixir Masculine Argent vive fixt Sulphur incombustible Sulphur red fixed the rubine stone kybrik a man greene vitrioll burnt brasse red earth the water that is distilled from these things is named of the Philosophers the taile of the Dragon a pure wind ayre life lightning the house the afternoone light virgins milke sal armoniack sal ni●e● the wind of the belly white fume red water of sulphur tartar saffron water the white compound stinking water the filthinesse of the dead bloud Argent vive a Cucurbite with his Alimbeck the vessell of the Philosophers a high man with a Sallet the belly of a man in the midst but in the end it is called the foot or the feet or on the which feet or earth is calcined rosted congealed distilled or made still and quiet the shaddow of the Sun a dead body a crowne overcomming a cloud the bark of the Sea Magnesia black a Dragon which eateth his tayle the dregs of the belly earth found on the dunghill putrified or in horse dung or in soft fire Sulphur Mercury secondly in number and one in essence name in name a stone body spirit and soule it is called earth fire aire all things because he containes in him foure Elements it is called a man or beast that hath soule life body and spirit and yet some Philosophers do not thinke the matter to have a soule But as it is a stone it is called the water of Sulphur the water of the world the spittle of Lune the shaddow of the Sun a denne Sol Elephas white Jayre eyes of fishes Beyia Sulphur vine sharpe water milke vineger of life tears joyning water Urine the light of lights a marvelous Father Father of Minerals a fruitfull tree a living spirit a fugitive servant certore of the earth venome most strong vineger white gumme everlasting water a woman a feminine a thing of vile price Azot menstruous Brazill in nature Azot water the first matter the beginning of the world and mark this that Argent vive Mercury Azot the full moone Hypostasis white lead or red do all of them signifie but one thing our stone our brasse our water Iron Silver Lime whitenesse Jupiter Vermilion white after divers times and degr●es of operation And note that the Philosophers washing is to bring againe the whole soule into his body wherefore you may not understand thereby the common white washing is convenient to be done with vineger and salt and such like Also note that when blackness doth appeare then it is called dispensation of the man and woman between them and that the body hath gotten a spirit which is the tears of the vertues of the soule upon the body and the body doth revive the action of the soule and spirit and is made an Eagle and the meane of natures And note that white earth white Sulphur white fume Auripigmentum Magnesia and Ethell do signifie all one thing Also the stone is called Chaos a Dragon a Serpent a Toad the green Lion the quintessence our stone Lunare Camelion most vild black blacker than black Virgins milke radicall humidity unctuous moysture liquor seminall Salarmoniack our Sulphur Naptha a soule a Basilisk Adder Secundine Bloud Spearne Metteline haire urine poyson water of wise men minerall water Antimony stinking menstrues Lead of Philosophers Sal Mercury our Gold Lune a bird our ghost dun Salt Alome of Spaine attrament dew of heavenly grace the stinking spirit Borax Mercury corporall wine dry water water metelline an Egge old water perminent Hermes bird the lesse world Campher water of life Auripigment a body cynaper and almost with other infinite names of pleasure The Secret of Secrets and Stone of Philosophers IF thou desirest to bee so lucky as that thou mayest obtaine the blessing of Philosophers as God doth live for ever so let this verity live with thee The Philosophers do very properly say it tarrieth in the shell and containeth in himselfe both white and red the one is called masculine the other feminine Animall Vegetable and Minerall there is no such other thing found in this world that hath both power active and passive in it and also hath within him a substance dead and quick spirit and soule which to the ignorant the Philosophers do call it the most vile thing it holdeth in him the foure Elements contained in his skirts where he is found
and commonly of all men it may be bought for a small price it doth ascend by it selfe he waxeth black he descendeth and waxeth white increaseth and decreaseth by himselfe It is a matter which the earth bringeth forth and descends from heaven waxeth pale and red is born is dead riseth againe and after liveth for ever by many wayes it comes to his end but his proper decoction is upon a fire soft meane strong it is augmented untill they be sure it resteth quietly with red in the fire this is according to the vow of all good Philosophers called the Philosophers Stone read and read againe and every thing more cleare thou shalt never find and if hereby thou understandest not the matter thou shalt never otherwise know it or learne this Art Hermes saith the Dragon is not dead but with his Brother and his sister not by one but by both together note these things three heads and one body one nature and one Minerall and this is sufficient for them which have any aptnesse of understanding in this Science the Dragon is not mortified nor made fixed but with Sol and Luna and by none other as saith Hortulanus by mountaines in bodies in the plaine of Mercury and in these looke for it and this water is created and by concourse of these two is called water permanent of Philosophers Our sublimation is to seeth the bodies with golden water to dissolve to liquefie and to sublime them Our calcination is to putrifie and digest by foure days and to do no other wayes wherefore many be deceived in sublimation Thou mayest know that brasse which is the Philosophers Gold is their Gold and that is true but thou hast searched for greennesse thinking that brasse is a Leprous body which he hath for his greennesse wherefore I say unto thee that all that is perfect in brasse is that greennesse only that is in him because that that greennesse by our mastry is turned shortly into gold and of this thing we have experience and if thou wilt prove it we will give thee a rule Take therefore burnt brasse and perfectly rubified and breake and imboyle him with drinke seaven times as much as he is able to drinke in all the wayes of rubifying and roasting him againe afterward make him to discend and his greene colour will be made red as cleare graynes and thou mayst know that so much redness wil descend with him that it wil tinckt Argent vive in some part with the very colour of gold and all this we approved for it doth worke very great operations yet thou canst not prepare the Stone by any meanes with any drinke greene and moist which is seene to be borne in our Minerals O blessed greatnesse which doth ingender all things whereby thou mayst be informed that no vegetable or fruit in budding will appeare except there be a greene colour wherefore Philosophers call it their bud and likewise they call it the water of purifying or putrifaction and they say the truth heerin for with his water he is purified washed from his blackness and made white and afterwards he is so made red whereby thou mayst learne to know that no true tincture is made but of our brasse seeth him therefore with his soule till the spirit be joyned with his body and be made one and thou shalt have thy desire Wife men have spoken of this in many names but know thou right well that it is but one matter which doth sticke unto Argent vive and to bodies and thou shalt have the true signes yet left thou shouldest be deceived heereby thou mayst know what Argent vive is to stick unto Argent vive doth stick to the bodies which is false for they think that they do understand that Chapter of Gebar of Argent vive wherein he saith when in searching in other things he doth not find by our invention any matter to be more agreeable unto nature then Argent vive of the bodies for this place is to be understood of Argent vive Philosophicall for that Argent vive only sticketh and tarrieth in and with the bodies and the old Philosophers could find no other matter nor can those which be Philosophers now invent any other matter which will abide with the bodies but Argent vive of the Philosophers for common Argent vive doth not stick to the bodies but the bodies do stick to that Argent vive and this is certaine by experience for if the Argent vive common be joyned with any bodies the Argent vive abides in his proper nature or flies away and doth not turne the body into his proper nature and therefore he doth not cleave unto the bodies and for this cause many be deceived in working in common Argent vive for our Stone that is to say Argent vive accidentall which doth advance himselfe far above Gold and doth overcome it and he doth kill and he doth quicken for thou must know that Argent vive father of all marvellous things of this our mastery is congealed and is both spirit and body and this is that Argent vive which Gebar did speake of the consideration of a very matter which doth make perfect is the consideration of a chosen pure substance of Argent vive but chiefly out of whom the substance of Argent vive may be drawne out is to be inquired of and we making answer do say that in them in whom it is out of them it may be drawne therefore Sonne consider well and see from whence that substance is and take that and none other if thou desire to come to knowledge I say unto thee for love of Christ that by no other means we can it finde now the Philosophers never might finde any other matter that would continue in the fire but that only which is unctuous perfect and incombustible and that matter when it is prepared as it ought will turne all bodes Minerall which it toucheth rightly unto most perfect Sol compleat and above all bodies Lune Seeth first with wind and afterwards without winde untill thou hast drawne out of thy subject or matter the venome which is called the soule that is it which thou seekest called the everlasting aqua-vitae for alldiseases the whole mastery is in the vapor Avicen Let the body be put in a fire kindled for forty dayes by elementall heat then in that decoction of forty dayes the body will rejoyce with the soule and the soule will rejoyce with the body and spirit and the spirit will rejoyce with the body and soule and they are made immortall and perpetuall without separation FINIS