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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A61344 A testimony unto the truth, and a warning unto the world in general, but more particularly to the inhabitants of Enoder parish in Cornwall by ... Richard Samble. Samble, Richard, 1644-1680. 1676 (1676) Wing S531; ESTC R23481 39,477 54

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the Bottom of the Heart are the only People of God who are come to the Foundation and Rock which is laid in the Bottom of the Heart that is cleansed for such as are cleansed to build upon So this is the Truth and is no Lye and is a sure Teacher which is in Heaven and not only so but in the Earth also by his Spirit and Power redeeming and bringing up out of Captivity his Heritage that mourned unto him Jer. 12.11 being in Desolation and all false Coverings that serve for a Cloak for your Sins as a bare Confession and yet remain the same as before will be too narrow to hide you from the Wrath of God which is like to break forth upon you except you repent And therefore my Country-men and Neighbours I cannot but deal plainly with you to declare in Plainness the Thing that is upon me from the Lord for I truly desire your Everlasting Good And now you that are young and think you have much Time to sp●nd take heed to your selves and remember the Lord before whom you must appear that it may be well with you for the Lord visited me amongst you in the Dayes of my Youth not that I was better then others but God who is rich in Mercy heard the inward Cry of my Soul and granted me Repentance unto Life Rom. 10.12 and that which I was saved by that declare I unto you to be the only and alone Saviour and there is not another that can save from Sin but Jesus Christ John 4.29 42. neither is there any Way to come to God but by him John 14.6 and there is no way to come to him but as you turn to his Light in your Consciences that lighteth every man that cometh into the World John 1.9 So all repent and live for Wo will overtake all the wicked and great Distress will come upon them from the Lord for the Day is dawned wherein he hath begun his Work which he will carry on by his mighty Power and it is in vain for any to gainsay the Lord and all false Professions the Lord will bring down and set up his Ancient standing Rule over all yea the Standard of his Power over the Devil and all God's Enemies for the Year of his Redeemed is come and the Day of Vengeance is in his Heart Isa 63.4 who hath suffered and hath been slain from the Foundation of the World Rev. 13.8 by the Wicked amongst Men and in many Ages and Generations he appeared spiritually and by his mighty Power began to reform the Nations but People dealt deceitfully with him and cast his Word behind their back Neh. 9.26 and in this dark Night of Apostacy he hath greatly suffered with his Heritage which hath been in the Wildernss and in the Streets of that great City which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt where the Witnesses have prophesied in Sack cloth and Ashes Rev. 11.3 but now the appointed Time is come wherein the Lord hath prevailed over him that hath darkned and desolated the People and hath taken to him his great Power and is conquering Psal 146.10 and in this his Day he will cut his Work short in Righteousness for a short Work will the Lord make in the Earth Rom. 9.28 and all Foundations of every Profession are clearly seen in the Light of the Lamb. all whose Vine is the Vine of Sodom and Grapes Grapes of Gomorrah will be shaken as a Fig Tree that casteth her untimely Figs when she is shaken with a mighty Wind Rev. 6.13 yea the Harvest of the Earth will be reaped and cast into the Wine press of the Wrath of God Rev. 14.19 And he that People sin against whose Way you err and stray from and whom you pierce by Reason of your wicked Works I say The Lamb that was slain who liveth and was dead who hath all Power given unto him in Heaven and in Earth Rev. 1.18 he treadeth the Wine press of the Wrath and Fierceness of the Almighty God whom all Rebellious Christians have forsaken therefore will he bring Judgment into Victory that Righteousness may run down as a mighty Stream and happy and blessed will all such be that return unto him in their Hearts who is come near to execute true Justice and Judgment in the Earth who is the Covenant of the People the Gentiles Light and Israel's Glory I say such will see his Goodness and they only will be received into the Father's Kingdom being freed from the great Punishment due because of Sin And so my Country men Repentance unto Life yea a Forsaking of your Sins that will cause the Lord to turn from his Fierce Anger that ●s like to break forth like Fire against you and nothing else will make up the Breach and therefore O my Native Place I cannot but lament thee because I see the great Abominations that are committed within thee and not in thee only but in the Places adjacent but chiefly I am concerned for you who are my Acquaintances that if by any means I might provoke you to fear the Lord and consider your latter End for in the Way you are in which is sinful you will never find peace with the Lord for the End is Sorrow and the Reward is Death Rom. 6.23 but if you forsake the Evil and love Righteousness you will come into Life and live forever with the Lord and that is the Travail I●f●el within me concerning you that you may walk in the Light and come to a Holy Righteous Conversation that you may have Fellowship with us 1 John 1.3 and have Right to call God your Father that you may be begotten of him and so love one another with a true Love in Righteousness and so come to know the Spirit of adoption which is the Spirit of his Son who breaks down the middle Wall Ephes 2.14 and blots out the Hand-writing of Ordinances that is contrary to us and takes it out of the Way nailling it to his Cross Col. 2.14 and so you will come into Covenant with God in the Light of Jesus which Light leads to God's Kingdom and conducts out of all the barren Wildernesses Desolations of the first Adam into a sure Way and Place of Defence in the second Adam where is Safety and a Place of Rest as he said Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and you shall find Rest to your Souls Mat. 11.26 and so you will know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free John 8.32 and you will come to the general Assembly and Church of the first born written in Heaven Heb. 12.32 and to have Right to the precious Promises of God and to the Tree of Life but while you continue in Rebellion against God you have no Part nor Lot or Inheritance amongst the Living for Sin is the Hindrance of the Promises and Blessings of God unto the Soul whatever you may promise your selves and think to inherit if you dye in
of iniquity under a Pretence of Religion in these latter Ages and Generations of the World yet it 's not that which must stand in the Earth being polluted and defiled neither are such polluted Worshippers who are bound with the Chain of Sin accepted of God who are placed in the Habitations of Cruelty And so the wicked One hath been possessing the Minds and Hearts of those who wander from God in their Imaginations that Revelation is ceased but though this Doctrine be preached as though God would work no more in the Children of Men I say it is not consistent with Truth but is of the false Part in man that wanders from God and therefore shall not hinder the Lord from breaking forth in this his Day to redeem a People to himself for his own Glory neither doth it hinder or stop the Blessings of God unto his People and redeemed ones who wait to be sustained by him with the Bread of Life but the Lord is at work in this his blessed Day wherein he hath sent forth a Saviour even jesus who is revealed from Heaven and your preaching against the Work of the Spirit of Christ within will not be sufficient in the great Day of Account to stop but rather to hasten the Eternal Judgment from being executed upon you who are in the Deceivableness of Unrigteousness with them that perish 2 Thes 2.10 Oh that you would lay to Heart these things repent and live while your Day lasteth that you may come forth from all your Abominations and believe the true Witness in your Consciences that records your Deeds for which if ye repent not you will suffer in time to come and such as deny the Work of the Spirit within are one with them that went out from the Apostles Fellowship that stood in a regenerated State 1 John 1.7 who walkt in the Light and had Fellowship with God 1 John 1.3 And since the first turning from God out of the Heavenly Light how hath the Devil deceitfully wrought in the Kingdoms of this World but blessed for ever be the Name of our God the true Light is come that lets us see through the gross Darkness of this Night of Apostacy wherein the Stars that have fallen from Heaven have been wandering in the Night of Darkness having lost their Habitations for whom the Blackness of Darkness is reserved forever Jude 13. And therefore you that have lost the Truth and are yet in the Death that came by Adams Transgression you that have gotten the Name Christian and lost the Power and Life of Christianity unto you this opens in my Heart to write if ever you be saved you must come to that which was in the Beginning before the Apostacy entered and before they denyed the work of the Spirit even to the Word that God hath given of his only Son which is the living Witness in you testifying against your Evil Deeds and so your Eyes will be opened to see the Death that hath reigned over Mankind since the Working of the Spirit of Christ hath been denyed and also you will see the Work that God hath begun and is doing in this his Day who hath shewed forth his Strength in the Redemption of a little Remnant who are true Worshipers who worship the Father in the Spirit in the Truth John 4.23 24. but if you hold to the Traditions of your Fathers who deny Revelation and so have set up your Resolutions not expecting the Spirit to be revealed in you then I say you cannot be saved for without the Spirit man is dead to God and Righteousness and Holiness and so without Holiness no man shall see the Lord Heb. 12.14 and this is the Gross Darkness that is over many this Day who are setled upon their Lees as Moab of old not being emptied from Vessel to Vessel Jer. 48.11 not knowing the Lord's Power in them to change their Hearts and such have set themselves against the Spirit of Truth within and cry out to People that Revelation is ceast in such a Day as this wherein the Iniquity of many is even come to the full and wherein God hath afforded to Mankind a Day of Visitation that they may be saved So in a general Sense the Wise and Learned amongst men in the Apostacy in their several Professions are resting in something besides the Spirit and so esteem the Profession without the Spirit that first in the days of old the true Christi●ns received and obeyed by which they were brought to profess Christ Jesus and so their Profession and Worship was not only in a Form but in the Power and Spirit of God until the Deceiver entred and then they retained the Form and lost the Power 2 Tim. 3 5. and now through the Disobedience of Mankind and rebelling against the Power they have undertook to gainsay and resist the Holy Ghost even the Holy Spirit which i● the true Leader to God's Kingdom as did their Fore-Fathers Acts 7.51 52. Oh that you would return to God! Ye professing People while you have a Day for now is a time wherein you may find the Lord if you seek him early for he hath said They that seek him early shall find him Isa 55.6 7. And now all such as deny the Revelation of Jesus Christ they are seen to be in the Deceit and in the old corruptible Way as in the Days of old in the broad Way that leads to Destruction Mat. 7.13 where no true Peace is but men out of God's Counsel running not being sent of God and so profit not the People at all Jer. 23.32 And now as one whom God hath raised up to proclaim his ancient Truth against all the Deceit that hath entered into the World in the Night of Darkness for the Sakes of such as have Desires after the Lord this is written for there are many I do believe that are amongst you whose Hearts the invisible God hath touched by his word which is Eternal and from the Beginning that is nigh in your Hearts Deut. 30.11 12 13 14. Rom. 10.6 7 8. at certain Seasons being quick and powerful sharper then a two-edged Sword Heb. 4.12 which doth open the Secrets of your Hearts and declares unto you your Thoughts so that you need not go far away to seck a Saviour but wait for him from Heaven to be revealed within you as the Apostle directed 1 Thes 1.10 and then you will find him who is the true Beloved for if ever you come to the true Enjoyment of him you must wait for him in his own Way who is Heavenly and comes from his Holy Habitation and you must turn from the blind Watch-men who are in the Night who have loft the Way of his Appearance and are turned against him even fighting against his Appearance with their filthy Weapons pleading for sin for which Cause the Earth mourns and the Inhabitants thereof who are redeemed take up a Lamentation in the Consideration of these things And
God which taught them all things and instructed them in the things of God and in the weighty Matters pertaining to Eternal Life Little Children saith he I write these things concerning those that seduce you but the Anointing that you have received of him abideth in you and you have no need that any man teach you 1 John 2.27 and this was at that time when the Devil went about to deceive the Churches for said Peter Your Adversary the Devil goes about like a Roaring Lyon seeking whom be may devour And again saith John It is the Last Time in which you have heard that Antichrist should come for even now there are many Antichrists 1 John 2.18 and Every spirit that confesseth not that Christ is come in the Flesh is not of God but is a Deceiver and this is that spirit of Antichrist which ye have heard of should come and even now is already come into the World 1 John 4.3 And this hath been and is to this day the loss of many in that they profess Christ Jesus only outwardly come and not try the spirits that they may know Christ also inwardly by his Spirit Power and Wisdom crucifying the fleshly Desires Affections and Lusts that he alone may reign and rule And this is the true Guide Leader and Teacher of all the Children of the Lord in every Age and Generation who is given for a Leader even Christ Jesus the Light of the World Isa 55.4 and such as are not taught of him they are not the Children of the Lord but Children of him that hath stoln their Hearts from God and leads them into Forgetfulness concerning the weighty things wherein consists their eternal Peace and so multitudes are deceived and are Wanderers in the Darkness of the palpable Night wherein the Thief hath robbed stoln and deprived Thousands of their Right for Man was not created for Destruction but to inherit Life Eternal and our God creates none to be destroyed but that all should be saved and come to the Knowledge of his Truth 1 Tim. 2.4 And therefore if any perish it s because they yield themselves to the Wicked One to work Unrighteousness which is the Cause of Man's Misery And I certainly know That no Man or Woman can have Peace with God but as they come to witness in themselves Reconciliation by Christ Jesus which can never be until they obey him for this I find by good Experience That Tribulation and Anguish is upon every Soul of man that doth Evil to the Jew first and also to the Gentile Rom. 2.9 both Professors and Prophane and notwithstanding the Height of Profession where Christ Jesus is not become the Head or where that which is contrary to his blessed will is not yet put under his Feet in every particular there is Condemnation and Terror within secret Fears and Doubtfulness which many Times causeth Torment 1 John 4 18. And so in the Bowels of tender Love to all the Sons and Daughters of Men is my Heart opened to declare the Truth as it is in Jesus who is the true Foundation and Rock of Ages 1 Cor. 10.4 And for lack of the true and saving Knowledge of him many have wandered in great Fear and many to this Day wander from the Knowledge of him and some whole Hearts by the Nearness of God unto them are tendered in Secret and mourn in Secret and are broken in Heart in the Consideration of their Conditions whose Sins are laid before them by the Lord Psal 50 8. and know no Way to escape the Indignaion of Almighty God but lye down in Fear and rise up in Sorrow those are they whose secret Cry is to the unknown God whom yet they are not come to know but here is a Travail inwardly to enjoy the Redeemer and here the invisible immortal God hath reached forth his spiritual Power and some have come to a Desire after the Lord from a real Sense of an inward Breathing after him and yet have come short of the thing they desired in the Day of the Tenderness of their Hearts for the Desire begotten inwardly it must inwardly be satisfied and all outward things as Ordinances and outward Observations cannot satisfie the Soul and herein many in this Day have come to a loss and have stumbled at the Foundation that God hath laid 1 Pet. 2.6 7 8. and so have over-run themselves and the tender Breathings of their Souls come to be stopt and so comes up Hardness of Heart again though the Pretence be never so fair and here many stand in their Imaginations fighting against the Appearance of God and so many that might have been serviceable for God's Cause in their Day and time and Witnesses in the Life of Jesus against the Works of Darkness are now become Enemies to the Lord that first begot them into Tenderness in Days that are gone and past and this is the very Way in which many Thousands in this Nation have lost themselves but a Remnant there are that have obeyed the Heavenly Voice of the Beloved that first touched their Hearts and opened their Understandings whose Souls have continually mourned after him Day and Night when Sorrow overtook us and Lamentation was heard within our Dwellings till we were sensible of the Way that leads to God's Kingdom and then it was the true Desire of our Souls to obey him and follow him in the Way of his Judgement Prov. 8.20 21. Isa 1.27 4.4 and now he is become our Leader who is the true Satisfier of the Soul even Jesus Christ unto whom every one must give an Account who is the first and the last Rev. 21.6 22.13 the Beginning of the Creation of God who hath all Power in Heaven and in Earth Mat. 28.18 and is near to all who is that Grace of God that bringeth Salvation unto mankind Tit. 2.11 13. and these that obey him and hear him who is the Beloved of the Father according to his Commandment Mat. 17.5 they are the true Church the true Body Christ Jesus being Head ruling by his blessed Power and Spirit in every Member and this Spirit and Power redeems the Church and raises it up from the Grave and such come to know the Resurrection of the Body and the Passage from Death to Life who obey Christ and know his Power in their Hearts to quicken and make alive and so t●is mortal puts on Immortality and this corruptible puts on Incorruption and so Death is swallowed up in Victory Isa●ah 25.8 And this is a holy Church redeemed to God whole Light is God's Glory Rev. 21.23 Isa 60.19 and those that are come to this Spirit and Power that overcomes the Devil are true Witnesses for the Lord in this Age and Day who are redeemed from Death and Darkness into Life and Light and this is the Lamb's Wife which is espoused unto him betrothed in Loving Kindness and confesseth him and is not ashamed of his Name before Men Mat. 10.32 and such as