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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A39374 Three letters to the author of a book, entituled The Lord's day vindicated, or The first day of the week the Christian Sabbath together with animadversions on a railing pamphlet, entituled The sauciness of a seducer rebuked, or, The pride and folly of an ignorant scribler made manifest / by Edmund Elys ... Elys, Edmund, ca. 1634-ca. 1707. 1694 (1694) Wing E696; ESTC R41126 4,935 8

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THREE LETTERS To the Author of a BOOK Entituled The Lord's Day Vindicated OR The First Day of the Week the Christian SABBATH TOGETHER WITH ANIMADVERSIONS On a Railing PAMPHLET Entituled The Sauciness of a Seducer Rebuked OR The Pride and Folly of an Ignorant Scribler made Manifest BY Edmund Elys a Servant of JESUS CHRIST 1 John 1. 5. This is the Message which we have heard of Him and Declare unto you that GOD IS LIGHT and in Him is no Darkness at all LONDON Printed for T. Northcott in George-Yard near Lombard-Street 1694. Three LETTERS c. SIR THE Love of Christ constrains me to Admonish you to give Satisfaction to the World for the Vast Scandal you have given in Publishing such an Impious Conceit viz. That JESUS CHRIST did Not Make the World This you could never have done if you had not Fallen from the Profession of the Faith of the Church of England I Believe in one Lord JESUS CHRIST By Whom All things were made Does not our Blessed Lord JESUS CHRIST say Before Abraham was I AM He IS Before Abraham He IS Before All Worlds I pray God to give you Vnderstanding in All things Octob. 27. 92. Your most hearty Well-wisher F. F. SIR I Shall not say one word in Answer to your Personal Reflections Our Dispute may be Reduc'd to a very Narrow Compass If these words JESVS CHRIST According to the Holy Scriptures do not Signifie the HVMANE NATURE ALONE but THE ETERNAL PERSON of Our Blessed Saviour Then it must needs be Impious to Say That JESVS CHRIST did Not Make the World But these words do not Signifie the Humane Nature Alone c. I am Your Sincere Well-wisher E. E. SIR I Deny that these words JESVS CHRIST in all places in the Holy Scripture Signifie Both Natures Hypostatically United they always Signifie the Eternal Person that has Assum'd the Humane Nature but sometimes they Signifie this Blessed Person as Praexistent to His Incarnation Which I Prove by these Texts of Scripture 1 Cor. 10. 4 9. 1 Tim. 1. 15. You may say if you please that 't is Nonsence to say that Jesus Christ as Such viz. as the words Signifie Both Natures Hypostatically United Created the World But yet I say still you are Guilty of a Great Fault and I Hope in time your own Conscience will Testifie the same to you in saying that The Lord Christ did Not Make the World For HE or that Person whom the Holy Scripture calls Christ As The Lord Created All things in Heaven and in Earth I syncerely Wish you All Happiness and remain Your Servant in the Demonstration of the Truth E. F. Animadversions c. THE Sauciness of a Seducer Rebuked Pag. 6. J. N. And therefore I desire thee Reader to keep thy Mind near to the Light of Jesus Christ in thy own Heart and Conscience that so thou mayest understand what thou readest Anonymus After a small Blunder the for thee out comes the rare Catholicon with which these Q●●●ks do greater wonders than ever did Puntaeus with his Balsam or Ointment and that is the Light Within Reader if thou canst but get Joseph Nott to spare thee a few Ounces of this choice Medicine call'd Light Within prize it above Aurum potabile or the Philosophers Stone But if he will not part with any of it follow my Directions and thou mayest obtain it thy self Strip thy self of Lace Ribbons and all other Babylonish-Garments c. I shall say little of This but that I Abhor it as Open Blasphemie For most certainly there is no Other GOD but He who is The Light Within To Scoff thus at The Light within plainly shews that the Scoffer is under the Power of Darkness that He most Shamefully and Dangerously Errs not Knowing the Scriptures nor the POWER of God The Light Within is Indeed the Only True Catholicon If Our Self-Will do not Hinder its Operation It will most certainly Cure All our Diseases and make us at length Fully and Perfectly to Partake of the only True and Eternal Felicity Pag. 12. It seems convenient that I should Animadvert upon what I find in this Page before I say any thing of what I Observe in some of the precedent Pages Rare edifying Discourse says the Man in the Dark Christ is the only Rule The Gift of God's Spirit in our Hearts is the Rule And the Light of Jesus is the Rule And all these are one and the same Rule There is no difference if you believe these acute and subtil Doctors between Christ and the Light Within Christ and the Spirit are one and are in every Man's Heart and yet they pretend to own the Doctrin of the Trinity Answ They hold indeed that Christ and the Spirit or the Holy Ghost are One in Essence and are in Every Man's Heart Converting or Convincing him in order to his Conversion or in proportion to the Repugnancy he makes against the Divine Illumination Tormenting him c. as I have said in a Letter to a very Learned Man of Our own Communion What does the man mean by saying And yet they pretend to own the Doctrin of the Trinity Would he have us Believe that the Doctrin of the Trinity is Inconsistent with this Assertion that Christ and the Spirit are One and are in Every Man's Heart If The Father The Son and The Holy Ghost be The Only True God is not Christ and the Spirit One If GOD be The ONE ABSOLUTELY INFINITE He Is In All Creatures and in a Peculiar Manner in All Rational Souls When we say CHRIST is the Rule our Meaning is that He is the Grand Exemplar or Pattern that by the Idea Image or Manifestation which He Gives us of The Only True GOD The ONE Infinite in All Perfection we are to Form All our Notions or Conceptions in Reference to our Duty both towards GOD and towards Men and to Order and Regulate our Wills and All our Affections I shall leave it to any Syncere Christian to Judge whether this Anonymus be not Guilty of much Prophaneness in producing these Serious and Truly Christian Expressions in such a way of Scorn and Derision Pag. 7. J. N. For the great Mystery which hath been hid from Ages and from Generations is Christ Within the Hope of Glory Col. 1. 26 27. Anonymus In these Verses which Joseph Nott for reasons best known to himself hath alter'd and curtail'd c. Answ Joseph Nott's words are not by him pretended to be a Text of Scripture but are produc'd as an Evangelical Assertion Grounded on Col. 1. 26 27. The next Clause saith Anonymus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 being as Saint Peter saith of some things in Saint Paul's Epistles hard to be understood this Prefacer being unlearned and unstable hath wrested it as he doth also other Scriptures to uphold his Error Being Ignorant of the Original he thinks which refers to Mystery whereas 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 being of the Masculine Gender hath 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and
not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for his Antecedent Answ This is not one of those things hard to be understood that St. Peter speaks of For 't is Easie to be Understood by All those that will not Shut the Eyes of their Understanding against the Sence of what the Holy Ghost in the Scripture Declares concerning Our Blessed Lord viz. that He Is The True Light and concerning Sin that it is Darkness c. Can our Souls be Sav'd from Darkness but only By The Light Within As Christ is Within Purifying our Hearts by the Operation of His Holy Spirit so He is the Hope of Glory that is to say His PERSON being the Brightness of the Glory of the Father of Lights is the Supreme or Principal Object of Our Hope since we Believe that in the Full Enjoyment of Him we shall Enjoy to the Utmost of our Capacity the Fulness of All Wisdom Power and Glory But saith Anonymus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Being of the Masculine Gender hath 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for his Antecedent Answ This is a silly Cavil For 't is Evident that by the Riches of the Glory of this Mystery we are to understand this Mystery that abounds in the Riches of Glory Without Controversie says this same Apostle Great is the Mystery of Godliness God was manifest in the Flesh c. God manifest in the Fesh is CHRIST who as He is In Us Englihtning our Minds with his Truth and Enflaming our Hearts with his Love is the Hope of Glory Pag. 8. J. N. Therefore to the Spirit of God in thine own Heart I do recommend thee as unto that which will give a true discerning and right understanding of the things of God as it is hearkned unto and obeyed Anonymus But I advise thee Joseph and as many of thy Friends as shall read these Lines to Search the Scriptures and not to Trust your own Hearts until you have examin'd them by the Light of Gods Word Answ We must not Trust our own Hearts either before or after Examination we must only Trust the Spirit of God in our own Hearts That Word says he meaning the Holy Scripture if hearkned unto and obeyed will discover to you what the Spirit is which you are under the conduct and influence of Answ The Spirit of God in our Hearts if Hearkned unto and Obey'd will Teach us how to make a Right Use of the Holy Scriptures the Words which the Same Spirit Suggested to the Holy Prophets and Apostles It cannot be properly said that we are to Obey Writings but the Holy GOD by the Dictates of whose Infinitely-Wise Spirit those Writings were compos'd to Reveal the Will of GOD. I am Sure that Joseph Nott will concurr with Me in this Assertion That the Only way to Know as we Ought to Know any Truth Contain'd in the Holy Scriptures is to Comply with the SPIRIT of Truth in our own Hearts Inclining us to a Syncere and Effectual Abhorrence of All KNOWN Sin and to the Performance of All KNOWN Duty both towards God and towards Men. Sect. 3. The Anonymus Slanders J. N. in these words Joseph Nott ' s Scurvy Commendation of Holy Scripture I Challenge any man living to Invalidate any of Joseph Nott's Scripture-Testimonies that Our Lord Jesus Christ Made the World Pag. 17. The Divine Nature of our Redeemer Made the World Answ The Divine Nature as Abstract from the Person of Jesus Christ did not Make the World but the Person who had the Divine Nature from Everlasting and in Time Took on Him the Humane Nature this Ever-Blessed and Glorious Person Made the World Jesus Christ does not Signifie the Human Nature Alone but the Eternal Person with Reference to His Assumption of The Human Nature either Actual or in the Divine Decree In respect of which the Spirit of Truth calls Him the Lamb Slain from the Foundation of the World So that to Say that Jesus Christ did not Make the World is Contrary to the Christian Faith And I do most heartily Congratulate to this Honest-meaning Quaker as they call him J. N. the Zeal he hath shown in Publishing His Detestation and Disproof of it Pag. 14. He was not Actually Jesus 'till After His Incarnation Answ From hence it would follow That None were Sav'd Before His Incarnation or else That they had Another Saviour Pag. 19. Consult thy self and thou shalt see Noll's Porter had more Light than thee I shall make no farther Reflection on this Pamphlet for the present but only this That the Author of it Shall give an Account of His Railing His Heresie and His Blasphemy to Him that is Ready to Judge the Quick and the Dead As for those words in the Title-Page of this Malicious Pamphlet to which Doctor H. More 's Name is Subscrib'd I must give this Testimony to the World in Justice to the People call'd Quakers That Dr. More my most Dear and Honour'd Friend Declar'd to Me so Tender an Affection for Them in the Year 1679 that I doubt not but if He were now Living He would fully Accord with Me in what I Write in their Defence I desire the Learned Reader to peruse Pag. 748. of Tom. II. of His Philosophical Writings where he shall find these words G. P. quidem that is Guilielmus Penn in libro suo qui inscribitur Nulla Crux Nulla Corona Argumentum de Vitâ Futurâ Beataque Animae Immortalitate ita urget ut vix in ullum Authorem incidas qui eam rem majori cum Zelo animique vehementiâ inculcet What I have here Written I have Written as in the Sight of Our Blessed LORD who Searcheth the Heart and Tryeth the Reins and shall bring every Work into Judgment with every Secret thing whether it be Good or whether it be Evil. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This Divine Song which I made in the Year 1666 I now Publish as a Testimony of my Peculiar Affection to All persons throughout the World who do not hold the Truth in Vnrighteousness but firmly and stedfastly Resolve by the Grace of Almighty God to Lay down their Lives rather than incurr the Guilt of any KNOWN Sin of Commission or Omission I. O Foolish Mortals what is it ye Love There 's nought Without you should your Spirit Move That Glorious Spark should Evermore Incline To that Great LIGHT which Ev'ry-where doth Shine II. In Ev'ry Creature that ye See or Hear Ye may Perceive this Boundless LIGHT Appear But 't is most Seen in each Immortal Soul For there this SVN as in its Orb doth roll III. Those empty things which subtil Fools Acquire Do but Enlarge their Souls Tormenting Fire Fame Wealth and Pleasure never can Relieve Those who for Want of Real Good do Grieve IV. O then my Soul Be sure Thou still Despise Whate're does not Extend Beyond the Skies For Thou art Great and nought can ever prove Thy True Delight but Boundless LIGHT and LOVE FINIS