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father_n holy_a son_n spirit_n 92,207 5 6.2343 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A36291 A miscellania of morall, theologicall and philosophicall sentances [sic] worthy observation.; Polydoron Done, John.; Donne, John, 1604-1662. 1650 (1650) Wing D1857; ESTC R14930 35,703 226

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evill spirits provide before for the safetie of their persons so if by course of argument thou art forc't to contradict the evill spirit of any man bee sure of thine owne safety too for many are no better then evill spiritts and kinds of Divells It is a care every man ought heedfully to looke unto what company hee keepes for evill base and ignorant company are like copper which if thou mixe thy selfe with it wil alaye thy reputation as gold and silver is alayed therewith by the gold-smiths In thy Election and choice let not thy affection shame thy judgment but so choose that thy Iudgment may bee commended in thy election The rayling mouth of an envious villaine against the good is the divell 's baggpipes Answere arguments with reason if reason will not bee heard or approved then answere them with silence Remember alwaies that practize or action takes more deepe impression with men then precept or discourse which Diogenes well knew when hee tombled his tubb Our desires begetts our cares and our courses our fortunes or the accidents befalls us meeting with others in the same passages which wee wrongfully attribute to destiny for all things with us comes from our selves or by our selues I meane mundanely therefore when thou hearest a man complaine of fortune consider his courses with himselfe and others The Philosophers stone is like the northwest passage lockt up in strechio D'avies but not so cold in seeking Things profferd and easie to come by diminish themselves in reputation price for how full of pangs and dotage is a wayling lover for it may bee some browne bessie But let a beautie fall a weeping overpressed with the sicke passion she favours in our thoughts something Turnbull A man poore yet rich in knowledge undertaking to worke some excellerie in this helpelesse age is like a Merchant that intends some rich Sea voyage without a Barke Victuals or Men The wiser fort of humane judgements doe not accept forme for matter but matter for forme otherwise our Sophisters would bee taken for wise men who are yet but Prentises therein A constant and wise considering Spirit giveth onely place to mens humours not to variation in truth A bold talking braggart is like the torrent running from a Mill troubles the eare and eye fruitlessly with what he hath done and seene but angle him of his knowledge and you may perhaps catch a Gudgeon The true correction of an ill tongued man or woman is to bid them speake as they have found and knowne and not more or lesse and forfit for untruths He that converseth amongst ill tongued people is like him that walkes amongst thorns and to contend with them is to tread on Snakes and Adders Conversation with earthly Company and terrestriall things is but groueling upon this surface of our great Mole-hill the earth but when wee in our ayerie discourses lift our selves higher let us take heed wee put not our mouths too peremptorily into heaven Natur 's Instruments wherewith she so wisely and wonderfully workes in the Vniverse as we see are the Sunne Moone and Starres Influencies motions upon in and with the Elements and seeds But God omnipotent works his will by his unspeakable power and word by Angels Nature and all things to whom bee all praise It is no more iniustice in almightie God to kill and destroy evill men then in one makes glasses and disliking his workmanship therein breakes them into the fornace againe When extreames oppresse thee consider wisely thy courses and search well into thy selfe and actions if thou beest not the cause of them thy selfe and through the perversnesse of thine owne will before thou blamest Fortune or that wee call Destinie the one a word or figment the other a course of occasion or chaunce Cast the eye of thy imagination as a stranger upon thy outward actions course and behaviour amongst people and thou maiest find that thy selfelove hath covered many things they secretly blame in thee and which thou oughtest tacitly to amend and discerne in thy selfe Seest thou thy store small and meanes weake bee content then with small things thanke God for that thou hast despaire not of enough and doe thy endeavour honestly and say Deus providebit When thou art tempted by that sensuall or substill Spirit thy will to eate of the forbidden fruit that is to cōmit any evill act eyther fleshly or mentally pray to God seeing thy weaknesse or nakednesse and cast thee downe at the foote of his mercy seate laying hold upon the merits of his Sonne our Saviour and mediatour Iesus Christ and say with the Psalmist If thou O great God shouldest looke on all that is done amisse who can endure thy Iustice O consider that we are but dust and seeing there is mercy and compassion with thee pardon my frayleties and keepe mee from presumptuous sinning and suffer me not to be led into temptation but deliver me from all evills Wee passe our time here with great care of our present being and the conversation thereof but God bee mercifull for the most part of men little looke to the future which is perdurable O let us note and remember what the wise man sayeth viz. As the tree falles so it lyes Goe not to a covetous man with any request too soone in the morning for his covetousnesse is up before himselfe and hee before thee but stay till the afternoone then hee 'le bee drunke upon some borrowers purse Musicke breathd by a gentleman is a juell or earing in others hearing in a begger or fidler it is a wallet in the eyes of others thoughts Wee neede not goe any further then the consideration of our selves who are by Moses in Genesis said to be Gods Image to prove or as it were see the Trinitie in Vnitie and Vnitie in Trinity for is not Deus pater anima Mundi is not Filius mens aut velle Dei patris and is not spiritus Sanctus operatio gratia Dei deus ipse in potentia actu Compare then our bodies to the great world our bodies and flesh shall turne to dust or earth so shall the world to his pristine Chaos our soules shall endure for ever God is eternall our minds affects this or that God the Son came downe was incarnate showed and taught his Fathers will miraculously suffered descended rose againe and ascended into his first place The mind of man circuits but still it returnes the mind conclusively as the Soule and mind setts the spirit to organize in the body to act so the Holy spirit proceedes from the Father and Sonne in the motion of the universe to effect and act his minde and will Wherefore with Anaxagoras all things are in all things Anima Mens spiritus One in that all who is three in parts or persons who moves this all making all things obay and serve this one God as his instruments or organons wherefore Plato sayed well Caput eius est Coelum oculus eius
Paradice that is out of Incorruptibilitie or tree of life into Corruptibilitie and death As by ill enclined will man fell and was depraved so by God his good enclined will man may rise and be saved God could easiler performe the power of his will by his owne Essence then by any under or subordinate power and because no man can see him and live he appearing in his pure Essentialitie hee therefore Clowded himselfe under the flesh of the Holy Virgin I have noted many carefull to stoppe the wast of fire and but carelesse in the wast of their time the ravenous consumer of the most precious Iewell viz Salvation Mans Soule is a sparke of the pure Fire circuits God his Seate strucke into the Tinder of the flesh by the will of the great Creatour and life disposer which if here contaminated by variation and sensualitie cannot approach to his puritie till purged but obaying God his will and acting to their power the precepts given by his Sonne it becomes a glorious Essence and shall resuscitate and illustrate the body into the same spirituall substance When I heare in some great Cittie many Clocks strike neare together I then judge the howers are neare true telling so when I see reade and heare the unitie of many ancient and moderne judgements agree in Conformitie I deeme their exposition and declaration to bee next the truth in all science The best manner of meanes for us to know our owne soules and immateriall matter whereof it was made is to come neare unto God by fasting prayer humillitie good deeds and for that which is his seate and circuites his glorious Majestie is of the same substance and if worldlings knew their Ignorance they would not bee so bold with their follie God his seate as sayeth a Philosopher is in the purest of pure and invisible Fire which he by his gracious free Spirit onely hath distributed to man in his first infusion of life whereby man is Microcosmos with reverence be it spoken to the Deitie and as in the Threds of a Spiders webbe the Spider being centrall the least touch in circumference gives notion so all the actions of man are by infinite wayes perceptible unto God and hee nearer unto us then wee to ourselves I conceive Heaven to bee repleatly filled with all spirituall delights as the best and most excellent musicke composed with a Homonimall Congruence of well chosen Chordes and ayerie with the precedents tones The ende whereto wee were Created was to serve love and honour God who doth by blessed soules still encrease his kingdome in lieu of those delapsed Angels once fell Seeke to bee one of those Citizens by good and holy life When thou prayest to God conceive thou speakest to the whole Trinitie when by addition of Father then to thy Creator when to the Sonne then to thy Redeemer when to the holy Ghost then to thy Sanctifier So thanke thy Creator through thy Saviour by thy Sanctifier and so in all thou thankest God for all Prayer is a speaking to God in which let us regard what it were for a poore distressed worthlesse person to come before the presence of some great Prince or Potentate of a Kingdome and so stretch or enlarge thy conceit how then before the king of all Potentates Coelestiall and Terrestriall what a reverence and awfull respect ought to bee used No fashion or words can expresse it but an humble heart and minde voyde of all earthly cogitations is the best oblation if done with all sinceritie Pictures of sancteous histories are but notes of divine actions in humane characters Hee that doth not beleeve the Credo or Symbolum Apostolorum hath little to doe with the Pater-noster The Pater-noster denotes hee is our Father by Christ qui es in Coelis that is above all things in place power and glory Sanctificetur nomen tuum the dutie of our acknowledgement and due thankes to his goodnesse Aedveniat regnum tuum that all things and wee are in and under his regiment and so desire to bee Fiat voluntas tua that we as we ought do lay downe all our affections and interrests under his will and dispose Sicut in Coelo in Terra that we may bee as obedient to his heasts and Commandements here as his heavenly host high blessed is there The rest are all plaine particular petitions for our private good The ancient use of praying on both knees signifies in my judgement that wee should offer up all our actions and strength to God for a man in so kneeling disableth himselfe of the possture to act is unpassible and as fixt to that hee came from and to which he must returne The lifting up of the hands denotes hee is before a dreadfull judge craves mercie showes the cheefe actors of evill and wronges and the receivers of many benefits But the standing up when the Creed is pronounced denotes we should bee ready to justifie stand too and maintaine those Canons of our Faith against all Turkes Iewes and Infidells There is a Circle drawne about the list of mans libertie and by God prescribed out of which if any exorbitantly goe they fall into the Divels lash who haunts there as the whippe of God his just justice whereby wee see many punished in this life and by straying out of the fold fall into the wolfes jawes The stars and second causes predominate but upon and in our earthly part and humours for the Soule of man was inspired by God and hee is above all therefore accidents are but as stumbling blocks which wise men sees and stepps ouer but fooles as sayth Salomon goe in the darke And the Kingly Prophet David prayed saying Set up thy selfe above the heavens and thy glory O God above all the earth and so in my opinion Sapiens dominabitur Astris Wee many times idlely blame Fortune a meere imagination or Idea when our owne follies and improvidence is the reall cause of disasters For suppose a tyle fall's on the head and hurts Why fortune therefore you might have kept at home but you must by necessitie goe that way blame the necessitie then Fortune is a figment to expresse chaunce by unto which we are all subiect When stormes inundations Thunders and Lightnings Earthquakes Circuite us wee then aptly confesse our selves under Creatures and that with terror and miserable feare but by forgetfullnesse wee againe clime aboue Ela nay further into Gods closset to his foresight and predestination The Chaos of all things may bee compared unto the flint and iron the striker God the lint or tinder corporall substance the sparkes life or soule In speaking to God by prayer although thou canst not give the reverence is due yet give what thou owest and canst duely Let thy breath first laud him in his goodnesse secondly crave mercy for thy offences thirdly give him thankes for thy received benefits fourthly humbly crave the preservation of thy estate here and life of blisse to come It is not the