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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A30413 Romes glory, or, A collection of divers miracles wrought by popish saints, both during their lives and after their deaths collected out of their own authors for information of all true-hearted Protestants ; together with a prefatory discourse declaring the impossibility and folly of such vain impostures. Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. 1673 (1673) Wing B5868; ESTC R34774 41,373 148

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ROMES GLORY OR A Collection of divers MIRACLES Wrought by POPISH SAINTS Both during their Lives and after their Deaths Collected out of their own Authors for Information of all true-hearted PROTESTANTS TOGETHER With a Prefatory Discourse declaring the Impossibility and Folly of such vain Impostures LONDON Printed and are to be sold by Moses Pitt at the sign of the White Hart in Little Britain 1673. THE EPISTLE TO THE READER READER THe grand design of this Collection of Popish Miracles is to inform thee of the Absurdities and Wickedness of the Church of Rome in compelling her Members to believe such ridiculous Stories as are here related out of Popish Authors set out and own'd by their Church and some of them very lately published to the World by Mr. Cressy in his Church History Printed 1668 who has raked together out of Bede Capgrave and others such stuff as I am sure must needs fill thee with admiration As for Ignatius the Character given of him in his Life denotes him to be little better than a lunatick Person for pag. 146. this is related of him But that he had regard to the good of his neighbour for which it was necessary for him to uphold himself and his authority he would have walked the streets half naked in a contemptible manner that so he might have been held and reputed a Mad-man And pag. 80. we have an account of the Devils appearing to him endeavouring to fright and distract him in his Prayers and was often with a little stick chased away by him And pag. 48. we have this Vision At such time as he composed the Constitutions of his Society having one day consecrated the Holy Host and offered to Almighty God the Rules of his Society God the Father appeared most graciously unto him insinuating by some mystical signification that it would be a thing pleasing to his Divine Majesty that the Mother of God should offer up her Prayers unto Him for him whereupon the Blessed Virgin suddenly appeared recommending St. Ignatius to the Eternal Father and demonstrating that her own flesh was there present in the Eucharist in the flesh of her Son At one time we have account that both Father and Son appeared to him and at another the Holy Spirit And many such extravagant passages which are more probable to be the Frenzies of a Mad-man than the Visions of a Saint For God says Exod. 33. 20. There shall no man see me and live But it is in vain to bring Scripture against those that both deny the Scriptures to be the Iudge of Controversie and likewise make it their business to derogate from it In a Spanish Catechism entituled Caton Christiano composed by Geronimo de Rosales a Jesuit and Printed at Sevil 1670. this plainly appears for instead of citing Siripture to confirm the Doctrins of the Roman Church he brings in forged Miracles for Examples As to instance only in one To prove the lawfulness of Praying to the Virgin Mary he tells this wonderful Story A great Sinner put himself into a Religious Order and being grosly ignorant he was not able to learn the Christian Doctrin no not so much as the Ave Maria throughout but only these words Hail Mary full of Grace which he repeated many times This man died and afterwards there grew on his Grave a very handsome Tree on whose Leaves were these words written Hail Mary full of Grace The Miracle was divulged the Bishop came and caused the Tree to be digg'd up and they found that the Root of this Tree came out of the Man's Mouth This is their way of proving their Doctrins as may be seen throughout this Catechism That most of these Miracles were invented by the Romish Priests and Monks to make the ignorant Laity have a more venerable esteem for them than which nothing has more contributed thereto and to distribute their Riches amongst them for Pardons Masses for freeing their Souls from Purgatory c. needs no other proof than the impossibility and impertinency of the things related and the Doctrins they maintain viz. Invocation of Saints Worshipping of Images c. which are quite contrary to the revealed Will of God and the Practice of the Holy Apostles And therefore if some things of this nature have been miraculously acted it is not to be attributed to our most holy God since it tends to the violating his Commands by setting up new Doctrins contradictory thereto but rather to the subtilty and power of the Devil who in all Ages has made it his business to seduce Men to the most abominable Sin of Idolatry and for that end did work many Miracles in the Temples of the Heathen so that it is no new thing for him to work Miracles when it is to gain himself Proselytes and that the Church of Rome has been so far deluded by him as to break the Second Commandment in giving Divine Worship to Images is learnedly proved by Dr. Moore Dr. Stillingfleet and others in their Books of the Idolatry of that Church By this they may see what danger they are in whilst they communicate with a Church that imposes such notorious Lies on her Members to support her false Doctrins God give them grace to see their Errours that so they may withdraw themselves from that Idolatrous Church and cast anchor in the true Protestant grounded on Scripture and the Practice of the Primitive Christians which is the hearty desire of the Publisher ROMES GLORY OR An Account OF MIRACLES Wrought by Popish SAINTS Miracles wrought by Ignatius as they are related in Ch. 16 17. of The Glory of the Blessed Father St. Ignatius Printed at Rouen 1633. after the Copy compiled at Cracovia 1. The famous Miracles wrought by St. Ignatius in his Life time IGnatius Founder of the Society of Iesus is reported to have done these following Miracles in his Life time It fell out at Barcelona that two Brothers about their Patrimony had long sued one another and he in fine whose fortune it was to lose the Suit falling through too vehement apprehension into despair hung himself with a Halter upon a Beam in his Chamber The bruit of which came no sooner to the Ears of St. Ignatius but suddenly he betook himself to the place and cutting asunder the Halter from that unfortunate Rafter gave order that the dead Body should be laid upon a Bed which done falling a part upon his Knees he began with many tears to demand the safety of that miserable Creature at the Hands of Almighty God but whilst Ignatius being at that time but a Student in the Grammar School was thus earnest in his Prayers they who were there present standing in suspence with their Eyes fixed upon the Bed a thing full of miracle the dead Man returned suddenly to life and had the use of his Voice so long till calling for a ghostly Father he had confessed his Sins and received Absolution and then at last gave up the Ghost lately redeemed from
things to come or comforting such as served him with divine Consolations and in his Journey to Heaven at the very instant of his decease at Rome as afterwards appeared by computation of Hours he appeared in Glory to that Noble and Religious Lady Margareta de Lilus commending the Society to her as a principal Benefactress of the College of Bolonia Many Devils have been cast out of possessed Persons and out of Houses which they haunted by the Relicts of the Holy Father or by hanging up his Picture The Oyl of the Lamp which burns before his Body hath wrought many strange Cures He hath eased many Women who have called upon him in the extremity of their Child-bearing Labours and bestowed Children upon barren Women At Carpentras a certain Woman being delivered of a Child without motion and of the Complexion of a Blackmoor so that it was doubtful what course was to be taken in th● prodigious accident whether th● Child ought to be Christned or no● or whether it were to be deferred ti●● some motion were discovered in it at last by the perswasion of a certain Canon they implored the ai● of St. Ignatius by which the Child was suddenly not recovered only but so recovered that his Countenance became chearful and fair He cured divers of the Pleurisie He protected many Men from the fury of their Enemies others being fallen head-long from some dangerous precipice were defended from all hurt by invoking his Name At Cesenza one Angelo Lopez upon the Eve of St. Ignatius in expression of his affection had filled his Windows with many Paper-Lanthorns adding to each Lanthorn the Picture of the Saint and with infinite demonstrations of gratulation repeated often these words Io Loyola B. Pater io but in the midst of this triumph by chance it came to pass that by the greatness of the Wind the Fire had taken hold of his Lanthorns which when it was observed by some Raskallity of the Vulgar they began to scoff at his devotion upbraiding the Man for his superstition and with a bitter allusion to his Motto of Triumph invert the words of it thus At at Beatus uritur at Loyola crematur At which the Man growing insinitely out of patience out of his sense of this irreligion used to St. Ignatius And I for my part quoth he ●ave so high an esteem of the Sanctity of the B. Father that I believe him to be able to protect his singed Picture from the Fire Neither was he deceived in his belief for the Flame having consumed the Paper round about it forbore to touch the Picture either in demonstration of the Sanctity of the B. Father or in observancy of the Zeal of him who desired it At Braga a certain Woman having been lately brought to Bed was so much weakned for many days after with a continual Flux of Blood that life could hardly be kept in her from following the Course of the Flux who drinking of the Water into which her Child had been dipped having been wrapped immediately before in the Garments of Saint Ignatius her Flux suddenly stopped and she recovered her accustomed strength In the Town of Guimarent a certain Woman having lost the use of her Sight and Hearing and received the holy Oyl and other Rites of the Church lay utterly out of her senses and whilst some about her out of Devotion were endeavouring to put her in mind of her last words a certain Woman who in courtesie came to visit her called to remembrance that a little piece of the Girdle St. Ignatius used in his life time having lately been sent to her by a Son of hers of the Society which she with great Confidence and Reverence towards God presently applied to the sick Woman which done she began to recover her senses by degrees to Breath to stretch out her Hands and make signs for Meat to the Admiration of the Physicians for the suddenness of the Cure All which things were afterwards confirmed by the Attestation of sworn Witnesses At Caglari a certain elder Brother snatching up a Knife at dinner time hurt his younger Brother in the Eye and at the same time the Daughter of a certain Gentlewoman carving at the Table was sorely hurt in like manner in one of her Eyes both which calling upon the Aid of Saint Ignatius were delivered from danger beyond expectation Another Woman had been so weakned for the space of four Months with continual Pains that she was utterly deprived of the Use of her Feet but the Feast of St. Ignatius drawing near she desirous to partake of the common Jollity that day expressed in our Church was not frustrated of her desire for her Pain ceasing and her Feet being restored to their wonted Strength she came thither with Joy to have a share in the Devotion In the same place upon the Eve of St. Ignatius the Artillery playing round a little Infant who could not speak and who had never heard the Name of St. Ignatius cryed out to the Admiration of all standers by To morrow is the Day of B. Ignatius But they who were present hearing a thing so full of Wonder for Experiment sake demanded again of the Child What was to be done to morrow who Answered as before At Majorca dwelt a certain Woman who through the Contraction of her Sinews was become so Lame that she could not go without Crutches the whole Town therefore being filled with the noises of Trumpets Voyces and other Musical Instruments Almighty God inspired her with a desire of Visiting our Church who put her self in readiness to go notwithstanding the disswasions of her Sister who feared she might Miscarry by the press of People she nevertheless gave no Ear to her Disswasions but put her self upon the way and was suddenly Cured and recovered strength in her Feet and throwing away her Crutches without any help betook her self to the Church where in Thanks-giving she caused a Mass of the B. Sacrament to be said Another Woman who some Years past had received her Sight by the means of this B. Father lying now again desperately Sick and being given over by four Physicians not forgetful by whom she had received Light before now again reposed all her Hopes and Confidence in the same Physician One Night therefore she called out upon one of the Women who were accustomed to Watch with her Make haste quoth she come hither with speed and behold this Glorious Splendor O if thou hadst come sooner thou shouldst have beheld my St. Ignatius visiting me for I am now Recovered and perfectly Well And the Event confirmed it to be true for the Physicians themselves could not deny but that she was Cured by some Secret Power At Monte in Gallicia a great Fire raging for many Days together and consuming a certain Wood gathered still new forces dispersing and spreading it self far and near there being no Human means to stop or restrain it to which the Wind rising upon a sudden drove the Flames towards