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A28527 Mercurius Teutonicus, or, A Christian information concerning the last times being divers propheticall passages of the fall of Babel and the new building in Zion / gathered out of the mysticall writings of that famous Germane author, Jacob Behmen, alias, Teutonicus Phylosophus.; Selections. English Böhme, Jakob, 1575-1624. 1649 (1649) Wing B3409 51,513 57

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unto whose goods they are received in grace as strangers 74. For as Ishmael did not goe to Isaac for the inheritance which properly belonged to Isaac because the Lord was in him who freely bestowed it upon him and set him as a Steward but would have it of the Father even so the Turkes have turned themselves from Isaac viz. from the Sonne to the Father and will have the inheritance of God from the Father 75. Now the Father is manifest to us in the Sonne and when they now doe call upon the Father he heareth them onely in his Sonne viz. in his voice manifest in the humane property and they yet serve the Sonne in the Father 76. For we men have no other God at all without Christ the Sonne for the Father hath manifested himselfe toward us with his voice in the Sonne and heareth us onely through his voice manifested in the Sonne 77. Now when the Turkes worship the Father he heareth them in the Sonne and receiveth them to adoption in the Sonne in whom God hath onely manifested himselfe in humane property and in no other property besides 78. Now saith Reason How can they attaine to the adoption of Christ when as they will not have the Sonne to be the Sonne of God but say that God hath no Sonne heare O man Christ said Whosoever speaketh a word against the Sonne of man to him it shall be forgiven but he that blasphemeth the Holy Ghost to him it shall never be forgiven that is as much as if he should say 79. He that reproacheth the humanity of Christ in confidering it as his own flesh to him it may be forgiven for he knoweth not what the humanity of Christ is but he that blasphemeth the Holy Ghost the onely God who hath manifested himselfe in the humanity wherein Father Sonne and Holy Ghost are one onely God he hath no forgivenesse for evermore that is he that rejecteth the onely God he hath quite broken himselfe off from him and is become his owne 80. Now the Turkes doe not blaspheme the holy Spirit who manifested himselfe in the humanity but they reproach the humanity and say a creature cannot be God 81. But that God hath wrought and done wonders in Christ that they confesse and blaspheme not the holy Spirit that hath wrought in Christ viz. in the humanity blindnesse is hapned unto them so that they walke under a vaile 82. Now saith Reason God hath taken away the Candlestick from them and rejected them Heare O man What was the cause that God as he threatned by St. Paul did take away the Candlestick from them and shut them up under the vaile thinkest thou that it was done without his foreknowledge without his will no it was done with his will 83. He permitted the Kingdome of Nature to give them a doctrine of Reason The cause and ground that the Turks deny Christs deity seeing Christendome became blinde in respect of Christs person and did wrangle and jangle about Christs humanity and put all manner of scorn disgrace and reproach upon it as it fell out among the Arians when they denied his Deity and the Bishops in their covetousnesse did apply his merits in his humanity for the belly-sake to their belly-orders and did practice all manner of lewdnesse and prophanenesse even with swearing cursing and witchery by his suffering and holy wounds so that there the holy Name of God which had manifested it selfe in the humanity was abused thereupon God did hide himselfe from them in their understanding so that they first became blinde with the Arians in respect of the Deity of Christ 84. But afterward when as they would be onely blinde beasts he hid himselfe also from them in respect of the humanity by the * The Doctrine of Mahomet Turkish Religion so that they were wholly bereaved of the Candlestick of the world and it went with them as the Prophet said to Israel under their King Ah! I must give them Judges as in former times 85. Thus the King of light in the humanity was withdrawne from them and the Judicature of Nature was given them againe for a guide and Governour so that they turned againe into the Mothers wombe viz. into the roote whence man was created that is to the onely God so that the Name and knowledge of the holy humanity of Christ is yet put out with them 86. And that they might not use the same so vainely and uneffectually for swearing and false defence they must againe enter into Hagar as into the Mothers wombe and have now verily been a long time a people run away in their mother Hagar from Abrahams house viz. from the humanity of Christ 87. But know and declare this as a word of the most High A Prophecy concerning the Turks conversion knowne in the sound of his Trumpet which he hath prepared to awaken all Nations and to visit the face of the whole earth that the Angel of the Great Counsell viz. the holy voice of Christ is not departed from them eternally to forget them so little as a Mother can forget her childe that shee should not againe have pitty upon the Sonne of her wombe albeit he were disobedient to her 88. For as the Angel came to Ishmael being yet in the wombe when his Mother fled from Sarai and did enrich him with a blessing and worldly Dominions and bad the Mother with the childe returne to Sarah Thus likewise when the Eastern Countries entred againe into the Mothers wombe with their knowledge of Religion God gave unto them in the Kingdome of Nature power and authority over the Princely Dominions of the world for to possesse and rule them under the light of Nature till its time and then they shall come in againe with great joy and with great humility to Abraham viz. to Christ 89. And not in the forme of the Babylonicall formall literall Christendome in their invented and contrived Orders which are onely Letter verball outside Christians so that a Testimony and some outward footsteps of Christ and his Kingdome have still continued upon the earth but they shall be borne in Spirit and in power for they are the lost Sonne which is wandred away from the Father and is become the Swineheard 90. But when the Angel shall bid them Returne they come in the humility of the lost Sonne returning to the Father where then the great joy shall be kept by Christ and his Angels that the dead is made alive and the lost is againe sound and the true golden juball-yeare of the marriage of the Lambe ariseth up among them 91. And albeit the Elder brother who hath continued in the letter doth grumble at it in respect of the different forme which he hath made to himselfe for the most part for his belly and honour yet they are not moved at it they are merry with the Father 92. If now then we truely compare painted Christendome and the Turkes together and looke upon them aright
come also under the government of the Ravens Property and are brought into the government of this world for they are also with Adam gone forth out of the Ark to behold and prove this evill corrupt world and live therein but when their spirit can finde no rest in the earthly Dominion then they come againe before the Ark of Noah which is set open in Christ and Noah receiveth them againe in Christ into the first Ark whence Adam departed 41. Moreover the Raven betokens the sharpe Law of Moses in the fiery Might under Gods Anger which binds and slays Man and brings him not into the Ark but the Dove betokens the Gospel of Christ which brings againe into the Ark and saves the life for the Mount Ararat signifieth also the Kingdome of Moses as the Figure and the Ark wherein the life is preserved signifieth the humanity of Christ 42. And he stayed yet other 7 dayes and againe he sent forth a Dove out of the Ark and it came to him about evening and lo shee had pluckt off an Olive leaf and brought it in her mouth And he stayed yet other seven dayes and sent forth a Dove which returned not to him any more The Spirit in Moses sheweth by these three Doves and the Raven which went forth out of the Ark a great Mystery which albeit he doth not clearly unfold yet for certain is couched therein The Raven doth also denote the Law of Moses in Nature which will remaine in its selfe and not returne in true resignation or selfe-deniall under the obedience of God but will enter in to God by its own power and wayes 43. The first Dove betokens the Propheticall Spirit which arose under Moses viz. under the outward Law and Offrings and directed againe through the Offrings into the Ark of Noah and Christ This Propheticall Spirit went along through the Office of Moses it indeed flew under Moses but with its Prophecy it went againe into the Ark as the first Dove by Noah flew indeed into the world but came againe into the Ark of Christ 44. The second Dove with the Olive-branch which also came againe to Noah into the Ark denotes the Word in the Covenant of Noah which came forth out of the holy Ark of God into this world viz. into our humanity and pluckt off an Olive-leaf in the world and brought it Noah that is it pluckt off a branch out of our humanity and tooke it into the holy Word viz. the mouth of God as the Dove the Olive-leaf and brought the branch to holy Noah that is to God the Father but that it was an Olive-leaf denoteth the unction of the holy Spirit that the same should anoint the humanity and bring it againe with this Dove into the holy Ark. 45. The third Dove which Noah let fly which came not againe to the Ark betokeneth the Kingdome of Antichrist upon the earth which is flowne forth out of the Ark with its Doctrine but its spirit and minde remaineth upon the earth in the fat grasse in selfe it indeed maketh devout shews to God and giveth good words but the man with sence and reason will not forsake the world and returne againe to the Ark they build themselves Pallaces without the Ark for the pleasure of the flesh and are devout in hypocrisie without the Ark and will be children by an outward adoption but they will not enter into the Ark but they say Christ is in the Ark he hath purchased and payd all we need onely to comfort our selves therewith he will bring us in well enough 46. The other party saith They have Christ in their works of hypocrisie they take the Ark with them when they fly out in their pleasure of the flesh all these remaine without the Ark in this world and come not againe to the Ark of Christ this the third Dove denotes for the Antichristian Kingdome walketh demurely in the shape of a Dove and Sheep but is onely a figure of Christs Kingdome which consists in spirit in power and is in the Ark. Mysterium Magnum Chap. 40. Pag. 313. 68. BY the Tribes or stems of the Saints in whom the divine Covenant hath opened it selfe viz. by the Patriarchs as Adam Noah Abraham Isaac and Jacob there are alwayes two Figures represented viz. Christ and Adam a good and an evill man 69. Cain Ham Ishmael and Esau were types of the corrupt man and Abel Sem Isaac and Jacob were types of Christ who manifested himselfe in this line and was set before the corrupt children of Adam as a light and Preacher to convert them 70. For God hath not sent his Sonne to condemne the world viz. the poore corrupt and lost man but he hath therefore sent him into the world among the ungodly crew of wicked men to teach and call them and those he will save who have a willing desire to heare even those who have but a little spark of divine Ens that is capable of hearing in them in the little spark that is in all these the quickning and reviving voice of Christ doth cry and call that is it blows up that spark that it may become a divine fire 71. And that we may open awide the eyes of the blinde selfe-titular-Christendome and also of the Jewes in their boasting that they may not so brag and stand upon their knowledge as if they were onely therefore Gods children because they know the Name of God and comfort themselves with the knowing it and condemne other people who are deprived of knowing as they know and have introduced another knowledge as they alas doe most blindely insomuch that one Nation and People doth exercise urge and evilly entreat another Know that Cain Ham Ishmael and Esau are the type or figure of the Turks and Heathen whom God blessed in Ishmael and gave them the Princely Dominions in his Kingdome of this world for to possesse and cast them out in their own contrived knowledge from the knowledge of Christs adopted as he cast out Ishmael but recalls them in the wombe by the Angel of the great Counsell to the Tree viz. to Gods goods that they should returne to him 72. For they lie shut up under the vaile of Christ as Christ did under the Leviticall Priesthood under Moses and as the Children of Israel under the Law were not justified through the Law but through him who was hid under the Law and thus are they now hidden under the true knowledge and lie as it were shut up in the Mothers wombe 73. But the Angel of the great Counsell calls them by their Mother Hagar viz. by the Kingdome of Nature that shee the Mother with the childe must againe returne home to Sarai viz. to the Tree that is to the one onely God who hath borne his Sonne of the free Thus they come as it were under the vaile in the Mothers wombe to the free viz. to the one onely God who hath borne unto them of the free Woman the Lord