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father_n holy_a son_n spirit_n 92,207 5 6.2343 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19296 A sermon profitably preached in the church within her Maiesties honourable Tower, neere the citie of London ... Anderson, Anthony, d. 1593. 1586 (1586) STC 571; ESTC S108526 34,033 110

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confusion and say as thou seest if thine eye bee cleare whether our Absolute Papistes be not Resolute Rust as before is said For surely our most gracious Foundres Elizabeth with her pitifull Clemencie cannot melt their sacrylegious malice against her long suffering person but euen now after so many blessed benefites from the Lord by her Maiestie bestowed vpon thē vs in common were it but our long possessed peace the degenerate brattes of this fertile soile doe with eagre moode hunt in hungre the innocent bloude of her sacred bosome whose Romishe thirst cannot bee quenched except their Romulus drinke carowse in her guiltles bloude The blowing bellows of gods holy spirit worde the godly preachers cannot make pure that which is but drosse therfore they spende their liues in their labors al in vaine vppon these Romanists Or hath the apt matter by skilfull art more speedely to melte the mettal to say the godly pollicy of the most honorable Councell with these so wicked menne any better successe For in recompence of their honours good pollicie to procure these they may happely find could they possibly lend them hearing that the rust of these Romanists woulde rather seek to win a Ioab in Dauid his Court 2. Sam. 14.2.30 to procure thē still fauour sparing then by any their possible power they can simply be brought to Christiā obediēce But still these Catholiques labour to harden some but to hinder moe they allure many not of the worst calling to draw away the faith of the most from God and loyalty from her Maiesty if so they could and therfore our Recusants refuse their presence to the holy word and sacraments which is the prefixed purging fornace from a forced drosse whatsoeuer But now at last perceiuing all their hope to be at end they bend their ouerbold battery in wickednes against her Maiesty this her highnes lād of vprightnes Certes in respecte of our purpose towards them the lande is vpright in comparison with them and their Antichristian gouernement it is the Lande of righteousnes where the Gospell is sincerely Preached the Lordes Sacramentes in substaunce soundly administred and the seate of holy 〈…〉 ecclesiastical ciuil in all christian sorte erected and established But yet when we consider our Case with Gods Iustice wee acknowledge great cause of cōtrouersie with the whole lande as did the Prophet Hosea Hosea for the inhabitants thereof In whose time muche wickednesse great ignoraunce and wilfull contempt of knowledge did ouerflowe the coast Carnality and bloudgiltines bare a mighty sway with an heaping togeather of sinnes euen bloude touched bloud viz. No spare of kinred or cease from horrible crueltie O Lord farre be this blott from thy chosen nation of Englande But in respecte of your Romishe reconciliation wee confesse very many by you are made lame and wickedly halt which ought not once to limpe before God and to her Maiestie whose wickednes doe cause our dread of an heauye Censure and the more because your present practise is a threat from the Lord of a direful daye if our speedye Repentaunce and faithfull prayers stand not in the gap before him Psal 106.23 But 〈…〉 ●●lice yee forraine and domestical Romains we firmely hold not Dauid and his subiectes The Lorde will protect his Annointed Psal 20.21 Psal 2. and conserue her person and state vntill the day of his decree and shee shall with increase in muche honor continue the last moment of that day maugre the mountains of your might the Stratageams of Satan and the furious sonnes of perdition by him sent her to destroy And also Christs holy word with her sacred seat and this most honorable Regiment shall in England still abide till the same day of his determinatiō though Resyn Romeliah Esay in wāhope for the future Tabeall hunt now to make a breach in our Hierusalem thereto persist to doe their best Against all their wicked and most pestilent purposes O Lorde of hoastes and father of Councells Psal 20.9 saue thou our Queene Elizabeth and heare vs for her whensoeuer wee call vpon thee O eternall father let thy holy spirit dwell in her our head vnder thee so shall wee her true and louing members in godlines and peace long enioy her which is the heart of all our desire And directe O Lorde our heartes and powers as mourning Doues to keepe vs Innocent from this great offence But make vs wise as Serpentes to bende our backes to her in godly obedience Our bodies and our best to her defence Our Soules and selues to sing and sounde thy praise for this thy miraculous preseruation of her Maiestie and this thy Church and Realme in Christ our Lorde wee beseeche thee And here right Honorable I cease to deteyne you crauing pardon to this and patience for this and protection as it may stande with godlinesse and the safety of your Honour that my labour maye more boldely aske the Consult of all Satannicall consorts Why doe you gentyles rage c. God that is Eternall Almightye mercyfull and onely wise signe your Honour with your allotted proportion in these his Fatherly graces and stall you longe in honour and godlinesse to liue a Godly gouernour with others lyke vnder her Maiestye whose lyfe the Lorde prolonge to her and our felicitye in him Amen Your Honours humbly to commaund Anthony Anderson London September 30. 1586. Why doe the Gentiles rage and the people murmure in vaine Psal 2. IN the first of our holy labors I beseech you let vs consider that euery good gift descendeth from aboue and therefore in full perswasion of our heauenly fathers loue towards vs through Iesus Christ his onely Sonne Let vs faithfully by earnest prayer crye for his holy spirite to his vniuersall Church and euery part thereof and namely to this Church of England and Ireland c. Why doe the heathen rage and the people imagine murmure meditate with turbulent Spirites vpon great mischiefe yet all in vaine For neither haue they cause so to frette and fume or canne they possiblye bringe to passe that which so wickedly they haue in their banded consultations confirmed by conclusion The words are of Dauid the Lords annoynted king of Iuda besette with sundry enemies hatefull at his honour and hautely deuising which waye to distronize his excellencye but for that they were too weake at home they banded themselues with forren mates abroade so as they might the sooner attaine the ende of that their wicked desire Namely his home-dwelling Iewes aswell of his Courte as Country raised rebellion erecting an other king against him euen Abner a Noble man in the land set vp the sonne of Saule called Ishboseth and hee raigned two yeares in Israell The Philistines they bent their sundry battailes also against Dauid both beset themselues to his decay But this man of God heroically harted assured of his state for his election and therefore of
kinges line namely Ishboseth Saule his sonne 2. Sam. 2.8.9 and had Abner one of the mightiest men in the lande to be their Agent And the forraine foes supposed now their fittest time to make attempt when cyuill warres were rise in Isr●ell deeming Dauid now to be more weake and them-selues to finde good friendes in the Lande against him both which people had some shewe of reason for these matters bee not of small moment in ciuill seditions But yet the parties against whome ought to haue beene first reg●rded Israel was taught before and Abner could tell it Ishboseth that the Lord had sworne to remoue the kingdome from Sa●● 〈…〉 and that h●● 〈…〉 of 2 Sam. 3.9.10 Daniel 〈…〉 euen 〈…〉 done vnto Dauid especi●lly since the Lorde did so delight to 〈…〉 gloryous Israel● k●o● 〈…〉 ●uer 〈…〉 ●r dayes the Ph●ly 〈…〉 ●r enimies that the 〈…〉 fi●ht for Isra●ll 1. Sam 4 8.6 ●0 7.13 and they were 〈…〉 ●●●ses e it So likewise our Cath●lique P●pists with their forraine confederates in this their sauage Treason bee ●uer inconsiderate for they in hate of our most honorable El●z●●eth neuer so much as dreame of her most holy God euen the God of Israell the Lord of Heastes vnder whose standard she standeth constant with her displaied banner against all his and her enemies But her Maiestie seeing the weakenes of their trust and her power to rest in the Lorde her strength Psal 2● ● as Dauid then in good simplicity so h●r highnes may now in sounde si● 〈…〉 with the Psalmist Why 〈…〉 Catholiques the people my 〈…〉 ●o●ne and the genti●e Ro● 〈…〉 madnes 〈…〉 ●ble mischiefe 〈…〉 whom they 〈…〉 Lord God also who hath mercifully sette mee ouer them Why doe they so This question Quare is not without his double Emphasis Fyrst the question is pearcing it is much more forceable to say Why doe they so Then if Dauid had said but simply thus The enemies doe thus rage against mee for it rowseth vp the sences and asketh the spirites of menne a reason of their bodely endeuours This figurate speach contayneth first a kynde of admiration as thus Is it not a wonder to see such menne so madde What cause haue I geuen them thus to rage agaynst me Secondly it offereth the checke with his inuincible mate vnto these inconsiderate Catholiques Why doe yee so hotly take in han● 〈…〉 ●odigie as neuer canne th● 〈…〉 or canne 〈…〉 ●ger of 〈…〉 yo● 〈…〉 2. king 6 1● Hoastes but you shall bee brought before the Lords annoynted who is commaunded to crushe you with his Iron rodde To the first Quare then as a sufficient Impedit to all Popishe Patrones and Catholique practisers in Popishe treasons lette vs lende our eares I pray you Her Maiestie in the simplicitie of her soule doth demaunde of you her naturall borne subiects for though her bountye hath not wrought the confederates much benefite yet she wondereth not at them so much why do you my english subiects thus rise in rebellion against me Are yee not my naturall subiects borne am I not your louing and lawfull Queene answere me I pray you to satisfie my self driuen into mighty wonder for this your insolent folly The seduced Catholique with his D. Story sh●peth her Maiestie this short answere we are not your subiectes So said stone of the late executed we haue 〈◊〉 your words deser●ted to die we haue 〈…〉 and wee are iust●● 〈…〉 in deede wee are 〈…〉 and indite● and condemned for Beholde a mighty worke of God in this his holy name be alwaies blessed which hath to the shame of all Papistes and the preuention of credite to that counterfaite booke by the Romish runagates at Rheymes promised to be posted ouer hither wherein they will counterfeit to deny these men to belong to the Catholiques with the former also whiche in any sorte haue sought the alteration of the state or hurt to her Maiestie For we say they pray for the Queene of England euery daye Oh subtile Sathan but the stronger Captain hath ouerthrown thee this deuise is to base Saunders D. S●und in 〈◊〉 Mon●●●● not 〈…〉 books before these mens voluntarye confessions now doe laye open thy infectuall treacherye They haue told vs 〈◊〉 ●sking sorrowing at t● 〈…〉 ●●ason again 〈…〉 colou● 〈…〉 this 〈…〉 Qu●ene you pray for we pray also if it please God to graunt her better grace But we be not Papistes our ioy is not in Mary the mother No we reioyce in Iesus Christ the sonne onely and in his annointed our Queene Elizabeth as in the Lord it becommeth vs and haue our hearts and hands ready against you your Queene whensoeuer you should haue taken assaye of our preparation For as Israell cryed against the Medianites for the Lord and his Gedeon Iudg 7 1● so doe we ●rew Englishe subiects cry against all Catholique Traytors and their future trust for the Lorde and his Elizabeth And he that beareth not this mind here or else where in any wise belonging to her Maiestie whether he bee an Abner or Abyshaye noble or ignoble the Lord con●ert him or confounde him for his mercie● sake to our English Israell 〈◊〉 But ye haue not yet answered this 〈◊〉 Ar● yea not her Maiesties sub●●● 〈◊〉 ye English Emperors yes 〈◊〉 of you chosen into chiefe place of 〈…〉 of her secret bodye 〈…〉 of whose bountye yee are largely fedde But yet are not now what is your reason forsooth Syr Preacher this it is your Queene is by the holy father excommunicated and all her subiectes by his aucthoritie sette at freedome from their othe of alleageaunce and naturall bond of duetye Is this the matter Well we take first that you graunt vs. Videlicet that you were borne her loyall subiectes and that beeing further her seruauntes you were sworne to bee faithfull and loyall to her Maiestie and so by inference yee confesse that before this excommunication shee was your louing Mistres your lawfull Queene also Yea Syr wee doe so well then lette vs that bee good subiectes aske of God and good meu●● ●hether any man in earth ca●●●● 〈…〉 subiect of his de● 〈…〉 ●ince which 〈…〉 po● 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 that doth take vppon him to discharge vs of this charge and by what aucthority Thirdly his discharge what it is and of what importaunce by which suruey we shall plainly see Sathan to haue seated Antichrist in the consciences of these forlorne Caitiues aboue the Almighty God The Lord God of Israell it is that cōmandeth al subiects to owe in hart performe in faithfull seruice all honorable duety to their superiors in these words Honour thy Parents c. which word honor requireth inward reuerence reuerende accompt and harty affection from the soule of the inferiour and outward seruice with externall reuerence and all kindes of duety according to the bond of the parties obliged And the chiefe parent vnder God is the king or chiefe Potentate of the country as