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A18250 The firme foundation of Catholike religion, against the bottomles pitt of heresies wherin is shewed that only Catholiks shalbe saued, & that all heretikes of what sect so euer are excluded from the kingdome of heauen. Compyled by Iohn Caumont of Champany: and translated out of French into English, by Iohn Pauncefote the elder Esquyre, in the tyme of his banishement.; Du firmament des catholiques, contre l'abisme des heretiques. English. Caumont, Jean de.; Pauncefote, John. 1591 (1591) STC 4868; ESTC S104922 55,372 122

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spirit and not seing but of his light and who so euer kepeth not this vnitie he kepeth not the law of God he hath no faith and he can neyther haue the life nor the saluation of Iesus Christ It is S. Paul him Ephes 4. self that teacheth this Sacramēt of the vnitie of faith in the vniuersalitie of the Church as there is not saith he but one sole God lord father of all so there is but one faith one hope one trust one bodie one spirit the head of which bodie is the sonne of God Iesus Christ who being him self the spring of lyfe euerlasting doth inspire lyfe to all the bodie doth furnish it dayly with strength by his holy spirit Whosoeuer is not a member of that bodie can not take lyfe of the spirit of Iesus Christ he is a straunger he is prophaned he is an enemie he is dead drye and wythered without moysture of all diuine grace and that no part of the promises and rewards of Iesus Christ he is the braunche Iohan. 11. cut from the true stocke appointed to the fyer to be burned If any of those which were out of the Arcke of Noe vvere saued those also shal be saued which are founde out of the Arke of the Church If the riuer cut from his spring dryeth not vp if the braunche diuided from the tree can bear fruit if the member cut from the bodie can take lyfe of the same bodie then also the man that is diuided and cut from the Church shal liue of Iesus Christ He can not haue God for his father which wil not haue the Church for his mother and he can not be vnited with God which is not vnited with the Church At the same instant that man doth separat him self frō the Church he dyeth from Iesus Christe and leeseth the grace of the holy Ghost For euen as the vniuersal sensible light is tyed to the bodie of the sunne which doth spread and distribute it to all the world in the absence wherof there is nothing but darknes euen so al grace of reconciliation to God was annexed to the bodie of Iesus Christ yea to this bodie of his which dayly groweth by increase of the chosen preordinate to lyfe euerlasting which is the bodie of the Church which he doth gather together taking out from the heape of mankynd al men of good wyl which haue bene are and shal be to the end of the world out of which bodie there is but the wrath and malediction of God Search where you wil out of this Church you shall fynde nothing but death To be short he which is not in the Church hath no God he hath his owne proper iudgement his phantasie and his owne presumption for his God he maketh him selfe an Idol doth worship only his owne imagination in place of God If such a man calleth him self a Christian that is as the deuil often sayth he is Christ and if he be kylled for his heresie that is no martirdom bur the reward of his heresie which is not yet al purged by his owne death Dying he goeth to yeld and ioyne him self eternally to the darkenes which he hath worshiped and to his head which is the deuil There is no martirdom nor death pretious before God but in the catholique Church in the which only is the grace of the Gospel of Iesus Christ the which only she doth preach in sinceritie and truth and without any hazard or possibilitie to erre because she taketh her direction of the holy Ghost of the tradition of the Apostles and of the holy scriptures together which be the three grounds set downe by the holy scripture it self the which doth shew that not shee only buyldeth vp the Churche but is also holpen of the traditions of the liuely voyce of the Apostles to the which she often tymes referreth men Kepe sayeth S. Paul the traditions 2. Thess 2. Tenete traditiones quas didicistis siue per sermonē siue per epistolā nostrā Act. 15. 16 which you haue learned of me be it by woord or by our epistle and it is written in the Actes of the Apostles that in al places whear S. Paule passed by he recommended to the Churches to kepe the ordinances of the Apostles and of the elders which were things not written When the Apostles had planted the Gospel they did not say al things at one time nor in one howre nor wrote al that they sayed but according as occasion was giuen they planted their doctrine so that the holy scripture which we haue of the Apostles and of the Euangelists is not so muche a full doctrine of faith as a witnes of the faith that they preached Now if wee will goe higher the law of Moyses cōsisted no lesse in tradition than in writting and not only the sense but the letter and text thereof was to be learned by tradition For they had the scriptures in maner but by half the pointing beeing not yet put to the hebrew text But the holy Ghost alwayes hath in formed the Church of the true traditions and the true sense of the scripture in such sorte as the Church and the holy scripture are so linked together that they both be as an indissoluble cheyne of golde The Church is not aboue the scripture but the authoritie of the Church doth shew the true scripture And when the Church hath need of wholsome information she doth goe to the scriprure and if there be any darknes in the scripture the holy Ghoste is giuen to the Church for to interpret the same Euen so in the olde law in al difficulties that rose the law of Moyses ordained that they should goe to the hygh priest for the tyme being and that they Deut. 17. Malach. 2. should folow his verdit not turnyng either to the right syde or the left vpon paine of death The Prophets also sent them thether and in the Gospel it self our sauiour commaundeth that if any obey not the Church Matt. 18. he be degraded from the name of Christian and holden for an Eathnike let no man now seeke excuses in a corner God hath appointed at al tymes the priests of the Church present to iudge the present controuersies and willeth that men should repayre vnto them his holy spirit assisteth them to that end He hath not promised vs in them more then in other men example of holynes but he hath promised vs by them the Oracles of his truthe Oh that al those that do erre in faith did know the vertue of the name Catholique and the horror of the name heretike how the Catholique in his faith doeth renounce his own reason his own iudgemēt his vnderstanding his wil and all his senses for to hearken simplie and absolutely vnto that that the Church doth teache how on the cōtrarie side the heretike doth groūde builde his fayth vpon his owne iudgement They should knowe that the name Catholique is a name of
faith of the Romaine Church And it is not many yeres ago syns that some Turkes some Ievves vvere baptized at Rome and other places in the Romain Church The Lutherans Caluinists can not boaste them selues to haue conuerted to their sect neither Panimes nor Turkes nor Iewes vvhervpon it doth appeare that they be of the spirite of the deuil sithens that all their force is no maner of waye to get the Infidels but only to distroy the Christians The seuenth marke is the conformitie of doctrine with the Primitiue Church Now that the auncient fathers did teach the same doctrine that we doe at this day and condemned for heretical that whiche we condemne their bookes beare vvitnes therof of the vvhich I wil say further that who so euer readeth them shal necessarelie frame to him self a catholike spirit and shal neuer after drinke the venim of any heresie For all thies fathers as they vvere well instructed vpon what states the holy Ghost doth rest him self so doe they breathe out nothing but humilitie abatement of presumption abnegation or denial of them selues a soueraigne reuerence to the Church a perpetual flame of charitie and a care of spiritual vnitie and as a man might saye an indiuisibilitie with the Church The eight marke is holines of doctrine that is to saye vvhen the profession of doctrine doth not contein any falsehood concerning matter of faith nor iniustice concerning maners by the vvhich marke it is conuicted that there is no true Church in the vvorld but the catholike Church For there is not a sect in the vvorld be it of the Panimes Iewes Turkes or of heretikes as vvel olde as new but it doth contein in her doctrine some manifest impietie or some iniustice directly contrary to reason as the sect of Caluin doth make God authour of sinne and as much the cause of the treason of Judas as of the conuersion of S. Peter and doth teache that the christiā can not do any good worke Besyds that al theyr writings be impugnours of chastitie of virginitie of Religion inveihing against fasting against vovves against all orderlie deuotion in the church establishing all vice prouoking to dispaire laboring to extingwishe the seed of immortalitie in the hartes of men But the Church catholike is perfaictlie holie and immaculate in her doctrine she doth teach many things in her misteries aboue reason but nothing against reason she doth teache to auoide sinne she doth correcte transgressors she doth comfort the penitentes she doth exhorte all her childrē to walke holilie iustlie religiouslie in all their wayes and to haue their verie thoughts holie purging illuminating making them perfect for to present them holie to God Come sayth S. Augustin to our Churches there is nothing set foorth to see or to follow vvich is impossible nothing vniust nothing impure there be insinuated the comandementes of the true God or his marueilles declared or his giftes praysed or his graces demaunded And ther is no perfect ioye nor true consolation in the vvorlde but there for that there is not any remissiō of sinnes in the world but there The ninth marke is holines of lyfe aswel in priests as in the people I know that this marke although many doe cauil at it yet is it forceible more notorius in catholikes thā in all the sectaries of the world S. Chrysostome sayth that all the kindes of Iustice that the seruants of God haue in truth the seruants of the deuil may haue the same in dissimulation The deuil sayth he hath his meeke men and his humble men he hath his chaste men his almes giuers his fasters and all kinde of goodnes that god hath created for the saluation of men The deuil hath brought in the same kind for to deceiue them to the end that between the true good and the good faigned there should be a confusion by the which the symple not being easelie hable to discerne the true good from the good faigned whiles they searching the men of God they light vpon men of the deuil and there is not any thing but onlie charitie that the vncleane spirit can not counterfeit All apparence of Iustice is found in deceiuers except onlie charitie which is not found but in the onlie seruants of God The holie Ghoste hath reserued to him self onlie this vertue of charitie in such sort that by no other action of Iustice a man may so wel discerne where the holie ghost is as by the vertue of charitie All heresies at te beginninge come masked with a superficial holines whiche for that it is not of the spirit of God can not soundlie be there setled And as the ape learned by arte to hold the candle after he hath stode some small while in stead of a candelstik at the sight of a nut caste before him leaueth all for to runne after it euen so they can not long time indure without manifesting the spirit wherof they be And as theyr father was a morderer from the beginning so they be come straight waies theeues kindlers of Ioh. 8. discention worse then Panimes and Barbarians and aboue all other vices Pride is to them peculiar whereof S. Augustin sayth Insundrie places there be sundrie heresies but one Aug. l. de past only mother pride hath ingendred them all as also our onlie mother the Catholike Church hath brought foorth all faithfull Christians dispersed throughout the world And all thes heresies doe springe by accident of some euil occasion Egesippus speaking Egesipp apud Eus lib. 4. hist cap. 22. of the first heretike sayth thus then the church was called a virgin not being yet corrupted by adulterous doctrine but one Theobutes for that Theobutes he was denied a bishoprike did beginne to trowble and corrupt all things It apeareth in the ecclesiastical Act. 8. Tert. con Valē Epiph. he ●4 Theod. l. 3. 5 historie that Simō Magus Valentin Marrian Arrius and all those olde monsters did spring out from thēse for disdeining that others were preferred before them they made a secte for to reuenge them selues Apoc. 16. I. Coch. in actis Luth. 15 17. Luth. in ep ad Argen l. con Aug. l. de missa sing being eloquent and of great witt and of those that S. Iohn calleth false Prophetes issued out of the throat of the dragon vncleane and deuelish spirits practising the kinges of the earth Luther witnessed his owne motiue in the first disputation aginst Ecchius crying out this cause is not begunne for the loue of God Him self hath written that willinglie he would haue denied the presens of Iesus Christ in the Eucharist if the scripture had not bene so cleare for that therby sayth he he did see that he might do much hart to the Papacie He boasteth him self that kinges Princes and Popes were not worthie to vntie the latche of his shoes he sayed that he would that they should holde him for a holie man whether men would or no that he did not
Ir●n lib. 1. ca. 20. Chrisostome The sectes say they be called of the name of the arche heretike but to vs no man hath giuen a name faithe it self which is catholike surnameth vs so and S. Ierome If thou S. Hieron cont Luciferanos heare those which are called Christians to beare a name not of our lord Iesus Christ but of some other as Marcionites Valentinians know ye certenly that they are not the Church of Iesus Christ but a Sinagoge of Antichrist Now yow poore abused Lutherans and Caluinists be holde the horroure of your bothomlesse pitt you are no more Christians and you haue no part in the saluation by Iesus Christ All aucient Fathers do witnesse with one consent that the only Catholike is in the Church of Iesus Christ and all that bear the name of one particular man be heretikes and excluded from the kyngdome of Iesus Christ Those witnesses can not be reproued and this is one marueilous iudgement of God against heretikes and a comfort for the Catholikes by the Creed of the Apostles it is a necessarie consequens that any Church if it be a true must needes be catholike but there is not a societe in the vvorld which doth possesse the name Catholike saue only the Romain Church All others will call them selues Arrians Lutherans Caluinists the reformed Church Gospellers Protestāts and such other kinds of special names as they haue but Catholikes doe not so for in all parts of the vvorld vvhere the name Catholike Church doth sounde it is intended and vnderstood to be the Romain Churche yea by the heretikes them selues A mā that passeth by Geneua being asked what he is if he answere I am a Catholik is taken of no man there for a Caluinist Seek not here to blynde your selues against so manifest a trueh but forsake both the sect and also the name of these wicked deceiuers the Archeheretikes of this tyme which will draw you with them selues in to their bottomlesse pitt of euerlasting damnation if you do not enter again in to the Church and mount vp in to the firmament of Catholikes The secound marke of the true Church is the succession of Bishoppes sithens S. Peter to this day which neuer hath bene interrupted the vvhich succession the fathers haue alwayes obiected against heretikes of their tyme as an inuincible argumēt for euen as to the propagation of mankinde mariage is necessarie so to the procreation of the children of God according to the spirit the order of preisthood is instituted vvhich can not be continewed perpetuallie but by spiritual propagation from those priests whom Iesus Christ did first institute It is not so of kings as it is of preistes for if all the kings of the earth should faile at once the people might create new But if all the priests of the world should happen to fayle it is not in the power of all mankinde to make new Their institution is diuine and not humain Iesus Christ him selfe must come again in person in to this vvorld for to institute som new S. Ireneus Iran li. 3 c. 3. sayth that by this succession all heretikes be cōfounded for neuer heretike could shew his next predecessor in communion of doctrin And to proue that the Romain Church is the true Church he rekeneth the Bishoppes of Rome from S. Peter vnto S. Eluther the Pope of his tyme vvhich vvas the twelveth Tertullianus Eusebius Prosper S. Hieronimus S. Augustin Epiphanius Optatus and all the auncient fathers haue vsed this argument against heretikes Tertullian sayth shew the Tertul. lib. de praescr begin̄ing of your churches and the orderlie succession of your Bishoppes deriued by succession frō some one of the Apostles as vve doe shew the orderlie succession in the Romain Church from S. Peter Account sayeth 8. Aug. epist 165. in psal S. Augustin the priests sithens the state of S. Peter and look in to that order of fathers vvhich haue succeded one an other and you shal fynde that the Romain Church is the same stone that the proud gates of hell can not vanquish And he sayth further that the Aug. cont ep fundam succession of priests in the romain Church by one continual line holdeth him in that Church Likerwise Optatus Shew sayth he the first beginning of your chayer you which wil Optatus lib 2. chalenge the holy Church vnto your selues And Epiphanius hauing orderlie recited the names of all the Bishops from S. Peter vnto Siricius then Bishop which was the thirtie eight Epiph. har 27. he addeth Let no man meruail if we be so exact in this recital for by thies things the euident trueth of the Church doth alvvayes shevv it self If then those auncient fathers haue so greatlie estemed that continuation of twelue twentie or forty souerain bishops successors of S. Peter how much stronger is that argument at this day for vs which shew the continuacion of more than two hundred thirtie thre without exception This argument is insoluble and all the heretikes of the worlde cā not answer the same for the Church can not be without priests nor without Bishops and pastors There must needes be as S. Paul sayth some for the edefying of the body of Iesus Christ Ephe. 4. vntil he come to iudge the worlde And as S. Hierome sayth the Church which is without priests is not a Church and none S. Hierom. can be priest if he be not ordeined by a Bischop being successor of the apostolike priesthode This marke is not only most certain most euident but forcible to know Con. Laud. con 12 do 61. c. the true Church for where the succession of priesthode is there is the succession of doctrine Moyses the prophets our sauiour him selfe in the Gospel doth affirme the same Deut. 17. Math. 2. Now then we shew the succession of priesthode of the soueraign Bishop of this tyme by ascending frō predecessor to predecessor vpward vntil we arriue at S. Peter and enter as it were in to the side of Iesus Your Caluin seing him selfe by this argumēt so intangled Caluin that he could not slip away he striueth he wringeth him selfe he tourneth and tosseth he broyleth with so great rage as he speweth out a whole flud of iniures against Popes priests and Bishops Oh the madde dogge seing cleerlie that succession is a verie certein signe of the true Church to which he could not answer whereby he is proued to be a deceiuer sent of the deuil he casteth from the poysonful pit of his harte iniureis sufficient to darken the heauen O ye Lutherans and Caluinists if you be capable of reason if you may be taught by the holie Ghost if you be touched with the desire of your saluation then examin you without passiō this argument hearken to that which your own consciences shal teache you and be ye not enemies to your own saluation For sithins that you haue not the order of priesthood from any Bishop successor
esteme muche a thowsand Ciprians a thowsand Augustins And for to shew more plainlie that his father is the king ouer all the children of pride he sayth that the deuil did teache him that the masse was an euil thing and that persuaded by the Conrae Gesn in Bibl. Luth. reasons of the deuil he did abolishe the masse His owne followers them selues haue described him to be a man full of a malitious spirit and without charitie Erasmus sayth that he was a manifest deceiuer and that he Eras ad vultu did neuer see one of those which haue folowed him that did a mend them selues but manye impaired One of his owne ministers whriteth in this maner to the end that all the world may know that they be not Papistes and that they do not trust any vvhit at all in good vvorkes they doe none at all and hauing chaunged the spirite of humilitie into arrogancie redoubling their first dissolutions without fasting without almes 〈◊〉 Luth. in 〈◊〉 ●up ●uan● call that kinde of life an euangelical 〈◊〉 Luther him self hath acknowleged that his owne disciples gaue them selues to be more reuengeful more couetous proude vnmercifull vnrulie and muche worse then they had bene then vvhen they vvhere Papists Which thing the principal Lutherans perceiuing and that their corruption vvas cheeflie caused for that they had taken away auriculer confession they vvhere desirous to restore the same again by vvay of policie for to constraine the people there to they did present a request to the Emperour Charles the fifte who refused to heare them except they would vnite them selues againe to the Church His disciples Caluin and Beza Soto in 4. libr. sent vbi de c●fess auric did not so much as couer them selues vvith sheepes skinnes but beinge verie noon-deuils DEMONIA MERIDIANA haue painted out them selues as Apostatas of nature publishing their sinnes like Sodome and not hiding the same hell it selfe could not cast forth more filth then the schoole of those abhominable Pentapolitaines or Gomorits They haue digged out of the earth the bookes of impietie and ethnical corruptions vvhich our forefathers had buried They haue thereof made commentaries and put them in french for to infecte therwith the vvorld An horrible thing that they haue not bene ashamed to call thē selues waldins to write that they helpe them Beza imag selues with empoisoning with witche craft withe Magick and with the deuelishe arte for to dispatch them selues of their euil willers I would neuer haue beleued that Sathan had bene so impudent if I had not seen the same in their bokes They do reuile all auncient fathers with shameful iniureis exalting the olde heretikes so farre that they call S. Herome a peruerse spirit Cal. in har euā and wicked IOVINIAN which was an heretike they call an holie man and say that S. Hierom and S. Augustin in that that they did gainsey IOVINIAN were thē selues heretikes And it is a wonderful doltish folie in them whom they haue bewitched that they doe not recouer any space of time for to consider their illusions and whereof it cometh that in their writinges do appeare so many iniureis such false accusations and lyes and not any light of Charitie or grief of scandel of their neighbours turning al accidents of disorder in to mockery or matter of detraction in their behauiours The fabulouse goddesse Ate in Homer did neuer make so many calamities as they haue made where they haue passed by If their sectaries seing their steppes did cast ther eyes towardes thē for to consider by the motion of vvhat spirit they haue burned our Churches martired cruellie our priestes destroyed our howses committed a million of in humanities they should see that such thinges be not the markes of the true church The spirit of God is not in a tempest of wind ouerthrowing the monteignes and breaking the stones it is not in a thundering commotion it is not in in fier which doth distroy wher it passeth it is in a sound of a spirit calme and gentle woorking no harme nor ruine but creating a new reuiuing in such sort as the scripture sayth that he did manifest him self to Elias As for the Catholike people it is too true that there be manie wicked yet there are also many that fear God loue theyr neighbour and endeuor to kepe them selues vndefiled of this world which had rather lose their goodes their liues then the grace of God The catholike people is as the graūge of a laborer full of sheaues of corne whereof their doth not appear to the eies but the chaffe Yet if one come to threshe the sheaues and put the graine bare apart there wil be founde a good heape I know men see not the good people goe to gether in troupes but that the flud of corruption which hath swaie hath ouerthrowen manie and that it semeth as sayth the Prophet that Sathan doth reape the field and gather the vines and that God doth not but gleane or leaze after him But yet I saye there be a good number which doe set them selues against the euil and continue stil standing vpright holding them selues fastened to GOD and wil be raither crushed to pieces then to seperate them selues from him VVho if they fall somtime by infirmitie yet they rise againe quickly mainteining their custome of weldoing and praying vnto God incessantlie that he will fortifie them and when they must resolue them selues will forsake all the respectes of the world for the honour of God As for our priests it can not be dissembled but that there be dreedfull scandals and all good people haue their hartes wounded to see the disorders that be in them those men that deserue high punishment haue there the highest honours and the mindes of the comen people which are moued more by by exemple than by reason doe fall by to much marking the maners of manye prelates But what so euer confusion there be yet are there some found not vnworthie dispersed here and there doing their charge with reuerence The grief is that the greater parte doth surmount the better and there are not to furnishe euerie where It is our parte to praye that when the Iudasses traitors shal be gone into thir places GOD will giue vs Mathiasses for to supplie their romthes againe In the mean tyme good or bad as we haue them we honor them as ministers and dispensers of the ministeries of God We know that we must alwaies make distinction betwene the vocation and the person In mines of golde and siluer one shal not finde the golde all pure there is but one litle vein vpon a grain of the earth Yet men let not for that to take that veine and leaue the earth Now the golde and the siluer be the Sacramentes and the vvord of God the earth is the corrupted maners The holines of the church cōsisteth not in the persons but in the Sacramentes sayth Optatus The priestes
the principalitie of Iudicial power to the ende that al the faithful which are in the world might vnderstād that whosoeuer doth separat him self from the vnitie of the faith of the societie of S. Peter he can not be absolued from the bandes of his sinnes nor be brought in at the gate of the kingdome of heauen S. Bernard A man doubtles very holy and very farre of from al flattery obseruing euery where the seueritie of brotherly correction vsed these termes to Pope Innocent we must Ber. ep 190. bring to your Apostleship all the perils and scandals which rise in the Church being a thing mete that the detriments of the faith may be restored in that place where the faith cā not receiue detrimēt for this is the prerogatiue of that seat And to Pope Eugen. Thou Bernar. l. 2. de consider art the great priest the soueraign Bishop Prince of Bishops Inheretour of the Apostles In Primacie Abel In Patriarchie Abraham Moises in authoritie S. Peter in power Iesus christ in vnctiō The others haue euerie one flokes assigned a part to the all flockes are cōmitted thou art not onely Pastour of Sheepe but Pastour of Pastours Among the Greekes Origen saith that the gouernement of the Church hath bene giuen to S. Peter that S. Peter is the cheefe or head of the Apostles hauing more power and perfection then others S. Greg. Nazianz. The disciples of Iesus Christ all great excellent wourthie to be heades haue neuer the lesse bene very wel content to be put behind S. Peter vpō whose faith the church hath her foundation Io. Chrisost Our lord hath shed his blood Chrysost lib. 2. de sacerd for to get together the sheepe of whō he hath giuē the charge to S. Pe. to his successours Hieremie was father to one nation but Iesus Christ hath set S. Peter ouer all the world S. Basil Iesus christ him self is trulie the Basil de paenit immouable Rocke S. Peter is so by Reason of that Rocke Iesus christ giuing him his dignities doth not spoyle him selfe of them nor hath any thing lesse Theoph. in illae verba Confirma frat●es tuos Theoph. bringeth in our sauiour speaking to S. Pet. Thou whō I haue made Prince of the disciples who after thou hadest denied me hast again receiued the Primacie of all the preheminence of the whole world who art after me the stone and the foundation of the Church confirme the others and be to them a good example of repentance S. Thomas citeth out of S. Cirill these woordes As Iesus Christ hath receiued of the father the scepter of the Gentiles euē so hath he plainlie cōmitted it to S. Peter and to his successors and hath not geuen that which is his own to any other but vnto S. Peter Epiphaneus Oecumenius Euthymius and all the rest of the auncient Greekes doe speak of this matter conformably to the Latines And Origen and S. Hierome haue applied that place of S. Paule to the Romaines your faith is preached through the vniuersall world in the sence of the principalitie of the Romain Church As if S. Paul should giue thancks to GOD for the conuersion of that place which should be the oracle of the vniuersal Church and wherof dependeth the conuersion of the whole whorld Ephrem the Syrian saith that as Moises was head of the societie of the Hebrewes euen so was S. Peter of the Church of Christians And as the one was Prince of the olde Testament so the other is likewise head of the new One Eritrianus in the time of Emperour Emmanuel It doth appear manifestlie by euidence of the thing it selfe that our sauiour hath appointed S. Peter Prince head for euer not onely of the Latines and of Greekes but of Armenians of Arabians of Iewes of Madianites of all the people of the East and of the West of the South of the North. The General Councels which be as it were the cheefe seat of the holy Ghoste doe testifie the Primacie of the chaire of S. Peter as it doth appeare in the first Councel of Nice where it is sayd that the Romain Concil Nice Church is the Rule of the others In the Councel of Calcedon where Pope Leo is caled Bishop of the vniuersal Church Chncil Cal. 1. Act. 16. to whom the keping of Gods vineyarde was committed by our sauiour In the Councel of Constantinople where Menas the Patriarche was president it is said Concil Const we folowe the Sea Apostolike it we obey with them which communicate with it we communicate those which are condemned by it we condemne also In the seuenth Synod of Carthage the seat of S. Peter hath primacie through al the world being head of all the Churches of God In the Councel of Laterane where the Greekes the Latines were In the general Councel of Lions in the Councel of Florence Conci Lat. c. 5. by consent of the Greekes of the Latines it is sayd defined that the holie Apostolike Seate and Bishopricke of Rome doth hold the Primacie ouer all the vniuersal worlde that the Pope is the true vicar of Iesus Christ father and doctor of all the Christians and head of all the Church He should make a great volume which would gather together all the testimonies of the supremacie of S. Peter of his successors ouer the Church This point was so cleere in the primitiue church that certain heretikes Theod. lib. 5. c. 14. act coll Carthag for to procure authoritie to their sect did faigne to haue cōmunion with the Romain Church so farre forth that the Donatistes did suborn a Bishop of their sect whom they caused to remain at Rome secretely that they might say that they had that marke of the true church which is of the chaire of S. Pet. And they suborned an other which did practise Optat. lib. 2. with some raskall fugitiues of the citie of Rome coming frō thense for to proue by thē that he was bishop of Rome successour of S. Peter but these cōpanions being conuicted of this falshood were cōfounded and made ridiculous The Emperours thē selues haue acknowleged the bishop of Rome to be head of the vniuersal Church and they haue called him Pastor of Pastors father of fathers and the toppe of the crown of the Clergie And that so publiklie as the Paymin Authors make mention therof as it appeareth in Amianus Mancellinus which named Pope Liberius souerain Bishop of the Christian law and the Emperour Constance caused S. Athanasius Bishop of Alexādria to be sent to the same Pope of purpose to cause him to be condemned by him which hath the soueraign authoritie ouer the Christians Thus by these testimonies as wel of the Gospel as of the anciēt fathers Councels and by the practise of the Church it selfe sithens the Apostles to this day it is manifest that there hath bene one soueraī head in the ministerie