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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16175 Two sermons preached the one at Paules Crosse the eight of Ianuarie 1580. The other, at Christes Churche in London the same day in the after noone: by Iames Bisse maister of Art, and fellowe of Magdalen Colledge in Oxenford. Bisse, James, 1551 or 2-1607. 1581 (1581) STC 3099; ESTC S112803 54,089 142

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it doth no good vnlesse we haue life and the iust shall liue by fayth It is very necessarie that we labour for fayth whereby we may perfectly be nourished and well fedde with this meate there is nothing that the deuill desireth more then to haue fayth out of our heartes therefore hee planted vnbeliefe in the heartes of Adam and Eue for vnbeliefe they were thruste out of paradise vnbeliefe in the heartes of Moses and Aaron for vnbeliefe they neuer came into the lande of promise vnbeliefe in the heart of Zacharie for vnbeliefe hee was dumbe vntill the thing came to passe whereof hee doubted Faith is the euidence of thinges whiche are not seene vnto faith did Christ call Mary when he saide to her touche me not for I am not yet ascended to my father Cum iam ascenderit saith Barnard tum tangi ab ea velit aut possit vtique poterit sed affectu non manu voto non ocu lo fide non sensibus woulde he or could he be touched of her when hee was ascended truely he coulde but with the hearte not with the hande with prayer not with the eie with faith not with sēses By faith we see him as the wise men we imbrace him as Simeon we heare him as Mary we touche him as Thomas Faith is the shield whereby we quenche all the fierie darts of the wicked by faith our hartes are purified by faith we resist the deuill by faith we are the children of Abraham by faith we shall not come to condemnation but shal passe from death to life no vertue by Christ so much cōmended as faith be it vnto thee according to thy faith thy faith hath made thee whole I haue not founde so great faith no not in Israell O woman great is thy faith be it vnto thee euē as thou wilt to faith nothing is vnpossible Whatsoeuer is without faith is sinne and without faith it is vnpossible to please GOD on the contrary parte nothing doeth more greeue the Maiestie of Almightie Iehoua then incredulitie and vnbeliefe all the day long I haue stretched out my hande to an vnbelieuing people O thou of litle faith why dost thou doubt to them that went to Emaus hee saide O fooles and slowe of heart to beleeue Againe O generation incredulous how long shall I bee with you how long shal I suffer you in his owne countrie hee coulde not do many myracles for their vnbeliefe the Iewes entred not into his rest Why for vnbeliefe let vs therfore crie with the Apostles Lorde increase our faith and as the father of the sicke childe cried with teares Lord I beleeue helpe my vnbeliefe Now because faith is not reuealed vnto vs by fleshe and blood but by the holy ghost let vs labour for him also that this meat by faith may worke effectually in vs let vs vtter vnto the Lorde strong cryings and deepe sighings for his spirite that our prayer may bee in his sight as the incence and the lifting vp of our handes an euening sacrifice For hee is the spirite of trueth the Maister and Teacher of the faithfull the shewer of thinges to come the witnesse of Christ the distributer of all giftes the spirite of adoption the pleadge of our inheritance hee beareth vs witnesse that we are the children of God hee helpeth our infirmities and maketh petition for vs. No man saith that Iesus is the Lorde but by the holy Ghost did not the Diuelles saith Chrisostome name Christe Somtime they named Christ saith he for feare not for loue and somtime that the people might giue eare to them take them for professours of the gospel so they might bring the people through a colour of christianity into manifolde heresies but of sinceritie heartie good will they neuer named him So then no man can name Christ louingly sincerely but by the holy Ghoste we haue not receiued the spirite of bondage to feare againe but the spirite of Adoption wherby we crie abba father Wherefore this is the end of my exhortation that you labour for all these three meate faith the spirit by heartie and earnest praier I meane not to crie all day long as Baals Priestes did O Baall heare vs O Baal heare vs. Nor as the Ephesians cried for the space of two houres great is Diana of the Ephesians But in hearte feruently and strongly as Moses Phinehes Manasses Ionas our Sauiour Iesus Though our praiers be short as was the prayer of the poore publicane God be mercifull to me a sinner of the prodigall sonne father I haue sinned against heauen and against thee am no more worthie to bee called thy sonne Of Steeuen Lord Iesu receiue my soule Of our Sauiour Christe Father into thy handes I commit my spirite nay though wee vtter neuer a worde the Lord will heare vs Moses spake neuer a woorde when GOD saide vnto him why doest thou cry vnto me Moses Anna spake neuer a word when God heard her prayer she only moued her lippes and Ely the Prieste saide she was dumbe If we thus labour for the spirite we shal obteine him and then our faith shall be fruitefull thē the meate in vs shalbe effectuall The word norisheth faith reuiueth the holy ghost quickeneth the word saueth faith iustifieth the holy Ghost sanctifieth the worde bringeth vs to heauen faith openeth the dore the holy Ghoste placeth vs among the holy Angels to haue euerlasting life which the sonne of man shal giue vnto vs. And this is the reason added to the exhortation being drawne from the person that giueth and the certaintie of the thing giuen Hee which is called the word of God the image of God the power and wisdome of God the Creator of all thinges the searcher of the heart the prince of life the Lord of glory the prince of saluation the prince of faith the brightnesse of the glory and the ingraued fourme of gods person the sonne of God doeth heere call himself the sonne of man he whom Peter confessed to be the sonne of God hee whom the Angell named Iesus hee of whom God the father witnessed this is my beloued sonn in whom I delight heare him hee when the very Diuelles could not choose but confesse him to bee the sonne of God doeth heere call himselfe the sonne of man Hee calleth himselfe the sonne of man first to testifie that he tooke a very true and substantiall nature of man both body soule vpon him fleshe of our fleshe bone of our bone Verbum caro factum est the worde was made fleshe heere some woulde proue that hee was not perfect man because the worde was made flesh that signifieth only the body but these men know not that flesh in the scripture sometime signifieth the one part of mā as when Christ saide
in England but the vniuersities and other places are full of them yet must wee labour for this meate Although the Midwiues neede not feare the kinge of Aegypt to hide Moses three monethes and afterwarde to cast him out Rahab need not to feare the king of Ierico to hyde the spies vnder stalkes of flaxe and let them downe at her window Michael need not feare her father Saule to let her husband Dauid downe at a windowe and to lay an Image in his bead Obadiah need not feare Queene Iezabell to hide a hundred Prophets in a caue The Disciples need not feare the hye Priestes to let downe Paule thorowe the wall by a rope in a basket Moses need not feare Pharao and saye I haue a stutting tongue Ieremy need not feare the Iewes and saye I am a childe Ionas need not feare the King of Niniuie and so for to runne away both from him from the Lord but all the Ministers of the Lorde are mainteined and preserued may vtter the message of their master boldly with out feare and freely without daunger yet wee must labour for this meate although the Lorde hath broken the bowe and knapped the speare in sunder broken our swordes into mattocks and our speares into sithes blessed vs with the crowne of peace and crowned vs with mercie and louing kindnes yet must wee labour for this meate if it were a time of derth of scarcitie of penurie thē we might haue some pretence to labour for belly meate as Iacob did send into Aegypt for corne as Dauid did send to Naball for victuall then we might seeme to haue some coulour of cause to doubt and to be ouer carefull as Moses was when he sayde shall the sheepe thebeeues be slaine for them or shal al the fishe of the sea bee gathered for them and suffise them as King Iehorams seruaunte who mocked the Prophet prophecying the plentie of corne to bee the next day and sayde though the Lorde woulde make windowes in the heauen could this come to passe As Saint Andrew who sayde there is a little boy heere which hath fiue barly loaues and two fishes but what are they amongst so many If I say we were brought into such extremitie as they were fleshe and bloud woulde be ready to doubt But seeing God hath blessed the fruite of our cattell the increase of our kine the flockes of our sheepe our basket our dough seeing al his blessings are come vpon vs and ouertaken vs as hee promysed to them that feare him why should wee labour to fulfill the lustes of the fleshe and take no care to prouide victuall for our soules I pray God those things be not the fall of England which were the vtter ruine of Sodome They were iiii sinnes pride pride aboundeth in England fulnesse of bread gluttony triumpheth in England idlenesse idlenesse is succoured in Englande contempt of the poore beholde this sin hath as a Queene gottē the vpper hand in England Aboue all other vices The way to heauen is a narrow way the gate is a straight gate then wee must striue and labour to enter in The kingdome of heauē is a treasure hid in the ground it is a pearle of great price in a far country then must we take our spade dig then must we enter into ship and passe ouer the seas We are in the Lords Vinyarde not they that sleepe and are idle shall haue their penny at night but they that worke and labour Thou art promised to haue but thou must aske and haue thou shalt finde but thou must seeke and finde it shalbe opened vnto thee but thou must first knocke and then it shalbe opened Knocke like the womā of Canaan who continued knocking although shee was three times repelled and the gate of mercie was shut against her not that she should not enter in but that with more earnestnes desire and vehemencie shee myght knocke and euen prye thorowe the chinkes of the gate so must wee labour by prayer for our meate and though we haue not our petitions at the first second and third knocking yet we must knocke as Peter continued knocking at the dore before hee coulde come in Labour to see Christ as Zacheus who being a man of worship in the middes of a citie did climb vpon a wild Fig tree like a boy to see Christ because he was a man of lowe statute and coulde not see Christ for the prease Let vs labour by fayth as did the sick of the palsey to come to Christ who seeing hee could not goe in at the dore for the multitude was let down thorow the roof of the house which they vncouered Let vs labor by faith to touch the very hem of Christes garment as did the woman who had an issue of blood twelue yeares and had spente all her money on Phisitians If wee thus labour saluation wil come into Zacheus house the dropsie shall bee cured the issue of blood shalbe stopped Remember what a iorny the queen of Saba tooke to come to heare the wisedome of Solomon Remember the trauell of the Eunuche of Ethiopia Candaces the Queene of the Ethiopians chiefe gouernour who had the rule of al her treasure and came to Hierusalem to worship Remember the long iourney of the wisemē who came from the farthest parte of the East to see Christ The Iewes went vp euery yeere to Hierusalem the Papistes trauaile farre and wide on Pilgrimage to see reliques dead mens bones monuments images monasteries and such like trumperie and they thinke theyr labour well bestowed All these shall ryse when the trumpet shall sound and shalbe able to condemne vs if we will take no paines suffer no labour moue scarse a foote to heare the word of God to receiue the euerlasting Nectar and the heauenly Ambrosia to refresh to nourish to cherish yea to preserue our soules vnto euerlasting life But what is meate in this place whatsoeuer pertaineth to the renuing and amendment of this life or to The chiefest part wherof is that which is hid from the wise and mightie of the worlde that which is receiued of the poore and simple that which is the power of God vnto saluation to euery one that beleeueth the glorious Gospel of Iesus Christ and because meat doth not nourish a dead carcasse we must labour for fayth the life of the soule and because this meate cannot bee digested in our soules without the effectuall operation of Gods spirit we must thirdly labour for the holy Ghost who is promised to be giuen to all them that in a right and true prayer shall aske for him of the Father in the name of the sonne although hee descend not like a doue as vpon our Sauiour nor in the forme of clouen and fierie tongues as vpon the Apostles He is now to be sent not to be seen of our bodily eies but into our
harts where he cryeth Abba Father as the Apostle saith because we are sonnes God hath sent forth the spirite of his sonne into our heartes which cryeth Abba father It is a true saying Bona magis carendo quam fruendo sentimus We better perceiue and feele the commoditie of a thing when we lacke it then when we haue it For who doth better consider the benefit of the warm fire then he that is frosen with colde who doeth better thinke on the commoditie of libertie then the prysoner who doeth better remember the vse of apparell then he which is naked who doeth more esteeme of meate then hee that is almost famished for after a long colde winter a little sun shining is fayre weather after great sorowe one dayes pleasure is a paradise after a long bloody warre a little peace is a merye world and after long hunger browne bread is good cheare Now if wee could eyther thinke on their extreame miserie who like the woman of Canaan like hungry dogs would gladly picke vp the crummes that fall from our table and can haue no more of them then the prodigall sonne had of the swines huskes or at least woulde call to minde our owne miserable famine when like poore Lazarus wee lay begging at the rich mans gate dogges hauing more mercy then men and wee no more satisfied then Tantalus with his apples We would no doubt labour to obtaine by Christ not houses or liuings as that Scribe not to bee Lordes and Dukes as Iames and Iohn not to haue belly cheare as in this place the Iewes did but for the meate of the soule which endureth vnto euerlasting lyfe But what was our famine how were we vsed or rather abused Sower leauen was put to our sweete bread Coloquintida was cast into our potage chaf thrown among our wheate sand mingled with our dough amongst our gold there was drosse wee had water for wine brasse for siluer the cuppe of the whore for the cup of the Lord wormewoode for hony gall for Manna the legende for the Gospell wolues for shepheards the inuentions of man for the commaundementes of God man for God Antichrist for Christ the son of perdition for the sonne of GOD. Agayne the worde was deliuered vnto vs in a straunge tongue that neither we could tel how to daunce when they blewe the pipe nor how to behaue our selues in battaile when they did sound the trumpet neither the vnderstanding was bettered nor the congregation edified nor the vnlearned at the giuing of thanks coulde say Amen but they were Barbarians to vs and we Barbarians to them Furthermore the common people might not reade the worde they might not once taste of that heauenly foode vnlesse the Priestes had first chewed it in their own mouths whose mouths were full of bitternesse whose throates were open sepulchres whose teeth were venomous whose tongues were ful of deceite vnder whose lippes was the poyson of aspes who did eate vp the Lords people as bread whose feete were swift to shedde the blood of Saints but right deare in the sight of the Lorde is the death of his Saintes But why might not the people reade the word taste this meate they forsooth gathered damnable errours and sucked out thence deadly poyson Because our Sauiour sayde it is giuen to you to know the secreetes of the kingdome of heauen but to them it is not giuen Because hee sayd again giue not that which is holy to dogges neither cast ye your pearls before swine First I aunswere that Vzza for putting forth his hande to holde the arke when the oxen did shake it died before the Lorde that Vzziah burned incense and was therefore stroken with a leprosie because they vsurped the offices of the Priestes and Leuites contrary to the expresse commaundement of God But if this was spoken to all and be the dutie of all Christians searche the scriptures I do not only say wo vnto thē because they shut vp the kingdome of heauen before men they themselues will not goe in nor suffer them to goe that would enter but I exhorte them to remember the blinde zeale of Christes Disciples in forbiddinge children to come vnto him rebuked suffer little children to come to mee and forbidde them not the blinde zeale of Ioshua requesting Moses to forbid Elead and Medad to prophecie reprehended I would to God that all the Lords people were Prophets The blinde zeale of Iohn willing Christ to forbidde one to cast out deuils in his name misliked suffer him hee that is not against me is with me The blind zeale of Nadab and Abihu because they offered straunge fire condemned who because they offered not that fire which came from heauen but straunge fire were deuoured of fire An euerlasting fire is reserued for those which haue troaden vnder foote the doctrin that came from heauen haue brought in straung doctrine which neuer was in heauen As that fire so this meate came from heauen in this they differ that fire endured onely to the captiuitie of Babylon but this meat endureth vnto euerlasting life Wherfore though Peter or Paule though Gabriel or Michael Cherubim or Seraphim teach any other thing thē that we haue receiued of the Lord who came downe from heauen and brought this meate from heauen let him be accursed as I said before so I say again if any of these bring any thing besides that which we haue receiued of the Lord let them and euery one of them be accursed Secondly I answer that though the spider doe gather poyson where the Bee doth suck hony yet there is no poison in the sweet flower but the corrupt humour that is in the spyder doth turne the sweet iuyce into poison so there are no errours nor heresies in the word of god but the corrupt venomous nature of man doth turn the comfortable sap of Gods word into deadly poyson Now if the spyder gather poyson let not therfore the Bee be driuen from the flowers though the sons of Satan doe gather errours and suck that which vnto them is poison yet let not therfore the children of GOD be forbidden to sucke mylke which shall saue their soules Christ is put both for the fall and also for the rysing agayne of many in Israell he is a rock to buylde on and hee is a stone that will grind to powder if the Gospell be hid it is hid to them that are lost it is vnto some the sauour of death vnto death to other some the sauour of life vnto lyfe It is not giuen to them to knowe the misteries who are they to whom it is not giuen it followeth that people whose heart is waxed fat whose eares are dull of hearing who winke with their eies least with their eies they shoulde see and heare with their eares and vnderstand with their heartes and should returne that I might heale them The Gospell
A spirite hath not flesh bone as you see mee haue Somtime carnall lustes and affections as whatsoeuer is borne of fleshe is fleshe somtime it doth signifie the whole man body and soule as all fleshe shall see the saluation of GOD that is mankinde and againe I will powre out of my spirite vpon all fleshe that is men And so in this place the worde was made flesh that is man Damnable therefore is the heresie of the Maniches who helde that Christes bodye was brought from heauen and put into the virgins womb damnable also is the heresie of the Arrians who saide that his body was made of nothing and that he had not his flesh of the virgin Athanasius willeth Epictetus Bishop of Corinth to ioyne these wordes of the Angel in Matthewes gospell that which is conceaued in her is of the holy Ghost with these wordes of the Angell in Lukes Gospel that holy thing that shalbe born of thee shalbe called the sonne of God Christe was conceaued in her therefore his body came not from heauen Christe was borne of her therfore his body was not made of nothing Secondly he doth cal himselfe the sonne of mā signifiyng that he was subiect to al infirmitity that happē to man sin only excepted For he was hungry he was thirstie he was werie he sorowed he wept he did sweate water blood he suffered the most vile and approbrious death the death of the crosse Lastly hee calleth himselfe the sonne of man as though he were acounted the vilest man in the worlde Beholde I who was borne in a stall laide in a manger poore needy contemned whome they call the Carpenter and the Carpenters sonne beholde I the sonne of man will giue euerlasting life vnto you Nowe if the sonne of man doth giue euerlasting life howe is it that he made this answere to Iames and Iohn to sit at my right hande and at my left hande is not mine to giue but it shall bee giuen to them for whom it is prepared of my father Againe he shall say Come ye blessed of my father inioy you the kindome of my father He saith not my blessed nor my kingdome but blessed of my father and the kingdome of my father and in the fifth of Iohn hee saide I can doe nothing of my selfe Wherfore if he cannot giue to sit at his right or left hande if the kingdome bee not his if he can doe nothing of himselfe how doth he heare promise euerlasting life he saieth blessed of my father the kingdome of my Father I can doe nothing of my selfe because he woulde as man giue to the father all the glory My father hath appoynted these thinges to giue before the beginning of the world I am not now to bestow thē they shalbe giuen to them for whom it is prepared of my father But yet this is true as many as receiued him to them he gaue prerogatiue to be the sonnes of God euen to them that beleeue in his name We are sonnes by nature so we are the sonnes of Adam we are sonnes by discipline so we are the sonnes of Christ we are sonnes by adoption and so we are brothers to Christ and sonnes of God Heare doe the Papists gather that euerlasting life is due vnto vs by desert because by labouring or working for the meate of the soule we get euerlasting life I purpose not to entreat of the controuersie Christ doeth take away all doubt in these words following whē he saieth that hee will giue this life for whatsoeuer we haue of gift that is not of merit They are opposite as Paule saieth By grace you are saued through fayth and that not of your selues it is the gift of God yea by euill workes we deserue death and by good workes we deserue life according to the Maxima of the Logicians But if I followe Paule I must deny the argument for the wages of sinne is death but the gift of God is euerlasting lyfe through Iesus Christ our Lord. Moses did shewe vnto the Iewes the lande of promyse but hee could not bring them into it that was left for Ioshua euen so the law is a scholemaister to bring vs to christ it cannot purchase euerlasting lyfe that is left for Iesus whose office it is to giue euerlasting life and therfore he was sealed of the Father and this is the confirmation taken from the office and functiō of Iesus christ he saith of himself I came not into the world to iudge the world but to saue the world He came not as Herod thought to put him out of his kingdome not to giue Dukedomes and Lordshippes as Iames and Iohn thought not to restore the earthly kingdome to Israell as his Disciples thought not to be a King as the Iewes would haue made him not to call the righteous as the phariseies thought but sinners to repentaunce as we all beleeue For to this purpose hath his father giuen to him his seale he hath sealed him Hereby wee are able to answere all obiections that the deuil al the kingdome of hell is able to lay against vs and say if God be on our side who can be against vs it is christ that iustifieth who shall condemne vs. Hee hath the broad seale of his father to this purpose who can disanull it by this seale we are sealed also as the Apostle saieth grieue not the holy spirite of God by whome ye are sealed vnto the day of redemption by outward exercises we may doubt of others but by this seale the prynte whereof is in our hearts we may assure our selues of euerlasting lyfe Doest thou sacrifice thou doest well so did Abel and so did Cain doest thou prophecie so did Samuell and so did Saul art thou baptised so was christ and so was Simon Magus dost thou cōmunicate so did Simon and so did Iudas dost thou pray in the temple so did the Publican and so did the Pharisie therfore the holy Gost is a seale authentical in our own hearts wherby we may examine try and proue our selues whether we be the sonns of God or reprobates Caine had a marke to be known Esau being rough was known from Iacob being smoth the Lord hath a mark for his enemies and the Lord knoweth who are his The Gileadite by Shibboleth was knowne from the Ephraimite by Shibboleth the 500. valiant men by lapping water like dogges were known from the cowardes who kneeled lapped as Rahab was knowe by binding a red corde about her window as they were saued that had the letter tau on them as the Angell passed from them that had the blood sprinckled on their postes as they were not hurt that had the seale of God in their foreheades so we are known so we are saued so the Angell doth passe from vs so we are not hurt which haue the seale of the holy Gost in our hearts wherby we can
boldly call Christ our brother and God our Father The foundation of God remayneth sure and hath this seale the Lord knoweth who are his and let euery one that calleth on the name of Christ depart from iniquitie The Lord seale vs vnto the day of redemption the Lord graunt we may alwayes labour for that meat which endureth vnto euerlasting lyfe that we may labour for the word for fayth and for the holy Ghost that wee may be fully assured of euerlasting lyfe because the sonne of man and the son of God to that purpose is sealed appointed annointed cōsecrated of his father to whom with the holy ghost 3. persons and one immortall God be all honour glory praise power dominion authoritie worship and Maiestie both now and euer Amen FINIS Rom. 1 Psal 102. Psal 119. Psa 73. Psal 77. Reuel 10. Ezech. 3. Reuel 2. 3. Heb. 12. Exod. 16. Iosu 5. 2. Chro. 5. Iohn 4. Iohn 7. 1. Chro. 11. Mat. 11. Luke 17. Homil. 42. in Iohan. Tit. 2. Phillip 3. Rom. 16. The diuision Mat. 16. Iohn 3. Iohn 4. 1. Cor. 6. Psal 2. Math. 13. Math 7. Mark 6. Isay 1. Ierom. 8. Orati per M. Marc. In somnio Scipionis Exod. 19. Mat. 23. Psalm 19. Ios 10. 2. Reg. 20. Chro. 19. Act. 2. 2. Chron. 34. Iohn 3. Iud. 3. What meate is here ment Lyra in Ioh. August Lira in Iohan. We ought not to labour for this meat Gen. 2. Lib. 2. dist 17. Gen. 2. Gen. 3. 2. Thessa 3. Pro. 20. Luk. 16. Pro. 20 Gen. 3. Reuel 3. Reuel 20. Exod. 32 Num. 11. 1. Cor. 10. De ieiunio Psal 147. Math. 6. Deut. 22. 1. Cor. 10. Psal 104. Psa 104. Luk. 11. Homil. 42. in Iohan. Li. 20. aduersus Marcinnē 2. Mach. 7. Heb. 11. Daniel 10. Iam. 4. 1. Iohn 2. 2. Pet. 3. Rom. 6. Ierom. Gen. 5. Luk 6. Colloss 3. Adelp Arist hist animall 40. Luk. 12. 2. Chro. 12. Iob. 10. Iames. 5. 1. Cor. 1 Heb. 13. Gal. 5. Esai 5. 1 Pet. 5. 1. Thes 5. Rom. 13. 1. Sam. 7. 1. Cor. 9 Marc. 8. Whether we labor for this meat or noe Isay 47. Iudg. 9. 2. Reg. 22. Ezech. 4. Luk. 12 1. Tim. 6. Actes 19. De Zacheo Math. 8. ● Chro. 21. ● Reg. 19. Math. 24. 2. Reg. 18. Gen. 47. Psal 107. 2. Chro. 20. Luke 10. Exod. 16. 2. Sam. 6. 2. Reg. 22. Deut. 30. Iere. 31. 1. Reg. 19. 1 Reg. 22 1. Theodoret. Exo. 2. Iosh 2. 1. Sam. 19. 1. Reg. 18 Act. 9. Exod 4 Iere. 1. Io. 1. Gene. 42. 1. Sam. 25. Num. 11. 2. Reg. 7. Io. 6. Deut. 28. Ezech. 16. Mat. 15 Act. 12. Luk. 19. Mar. 2. Mat. 9. 1. Reg. 10. Act. 8. Mat. 2. Mat. 3. Act. 2. Gala. 4. Cicero Mat. 8. Mat. 20. 1. Cor. 14. Mat. 13. Mat. 7. 1. Chron. 13. 2. Chron. 26. Io. 5. Mat. 19. Mat. 19. Num. 11. Luke 9 Leuit. 10. Gala. 10. Luke 2. 2. Cor. 4. Mat. 21. Rom. 9. Mat. 13. 1. Cor. 1. Psal 119. Otho Cardinalis Gen. 19. Cyprian Iud. 16. Marke 8. Gen. 19. 2. Reg. 6. 1. Sam. 13. Apoca. 18. 1. Sam. 5. Iosh 6. 1. Reg. 16. 3. Reg. 9. 1. Cor. 16. Marke 14. 2. Tim. 4. Marke 8. Matth. 19. Reue. 2. 3. Amos. 8. Act 13. Matth. 21. Mathew 21. Luke 13. Luke 19. Rom. 11. Lombar li. 2 Distinct 21. Ambrose in Rom. 11. Heb. 2. Theophil in 2. hab 1. Pet. 4 Ierom. 25. Exod. 25. 2. Reg. 4. Heb. 10. 2. Reg. 5. Mat. 3. Act. 2. Iere. 44. Iere. 36. 1. Mach. 1. Euseb li. 8. c. ● Exod. 3● 1. Esdr 3. 2. Esdr 8. Act. 13. Act. 12. Io. 1. Exod. 31. Nehem. 4. Ezra 4. Iosh 9. 1. Reg. 14 Gen. 26. 2. Sam. 24. 2. Reg. 22. 2. Chron. 23. 2. Chron. 26. 1. Reg. 6 2. Reg. 18. 2. Chron. 34. Deut. 17. Fayth Heb. 11. Barnard sup Cant. ser 28. Ephe. 6. Iohn 15. 1. Peter 5. Rom. 9. Io. 5. Esay 65. Mat. 14. Luk. 24. Mar. 9. Mat. 15. Heb. 2. Luk. 17. Mark 9. The holy Ghost Iohn 14. Luk. 12. Ioh. 16. Iohn 15. 1. Col 17. Rom. 8. 2. Cor. 1. 1. Cor. 12. Chrisost in eodem loco Rom. 8. 1. Sam. 1. The reason 1. Iohn 1. Col. 10. 1. Cor. 1. Iohn 1. Mat. 9. Act. 3. 1. Cor. 2. Heb. 2. Heb. 12. Heb. 1. Mat 3. Iohn 1. Luk. 24. Iohn 3. Esay 40. Ioel. 2 Manichai Arriani Matth. 1. Athanasius Luk. 1. Matth 20. Matth. 25. Io. 5. Io. 1. Ephe. 2. Rom. 6. Confirmation Io. 12. Ephe. 4. Ezech. 9. Reuel 7. 2. Tim. 2.
at the time of our banquetting the diuel is more busy with vs hath eftsones more power ouer vs at a diner did the diuel moue Herode to behed Iohn Baptist at a supper did Satan perswade Iudas to betray his maister But what sayth Paul to vs of these things these things are our examples to the intēt we should not lust after euil things as they lusted al these things came vnto thē for exāples ar writtē to admonish vs vpō whō the ends of the world are fallē But haue we had no exāples of late whō did the Lord smite down in that terrible plague in Oxford not mockers of Gods seruantes as were the Philistines not Idolaters and murmurers as were the Iewes but the most religious zealous the godliest the strongest the best learned amongst vs iudges sherif knight esquier iustice gētleman scholler for zeale for godlines learning I may truly say for the most of them as Dauid said of Israel the Lord smot down the chosen men that were in Oxford But when was this done euen whē the meat was in our mouths at our acte and proceeding a time of mirth of feasting bāquetting I meane not that scholers made the feasts but their frends then assembled I come a litle nearer to your remembrāce was there not a great feaste and a greate assemblie in this Citie not of Herode and his courtiours but of many right noble personages when the Lord of late shooke not London not Englande onely but the most part of Europe with a terrible earthquake the earth at that time did shake and we for a time did quake the Lord shake the heartes of al englishmen What shall I say of these they are no doubt examples for vs that in the middest of our feasting we set not our minds on our bellies but remember our God think on that meate which endureth vnto euerlasting life If we so doe thē shal we come to the marriage of the greate kinges sonne the Lord graunt wee may leaue our farmes forsake our oxen and not suffer our wiues to make vs say I can not come Then shall we be partakers of that feast with the prodigall sonne the Lorde turne vs home from feeding of swine and in hearte to cry for our sinnes father I haue sinned agaynst heauen and against thee I am no more worthy to be called thy sonne Then shall we enter with the .5 wise virgines into the bridegromes chāber the Lord graunt that we haue lāps that our lāps may haue oyle and that our oyle may burne Man beefore his fall might onely eate of the fruit of trees as Tertullian noteth afterwarde the vse of corne was lawefull for him conditionem consciencie ipso situ corporis approbante the bodie allowing the state and condition of the consience For mans concience being right and vpright he looked vp towarde heauen and pluck the fruite of trees but when the conscience of man was by sinne cast downe man turned his eyes toward the ground and made the graine of corne to bee his meate and so after the floode not onely fruite not onely corne but fleshe was also lawfull The Lorde did alwayes prouide according to the times and seasons and ages of mankind sufficient and conuenient foode Nay beholde the Lorde feedeth the young rauens that call on him the foules of the heauen sowe not reape not nor gather into ther barnes yet they are fed and by our heauenly father they are fedde The Lillies of the fielde labour not spinne not yet Solomon in all his royaltie was not clothed like one of them Thus then will I reason hath God care for beastes too feede them and for flowers too cloth them and will he not much more feede and cloth vs are they fedd and clothed without sowing without reaping without carying without spinning and labouring and shall not wee bee clothed and fed if wee sowe reape cary spinne and labour Will God care for my rayment then much more for my body will he care for my bodie then muche more for my life For the life is more woorth then meate and the bodie more woorth then rayment I will then care neither for cloth nor foode nor bodie nor life but I will first seeke the kingdom of God and the righteousnes thereof and then I am fully assured that all these thinges shalbe ministred vnto me thou shalt not saith the law mussel the mouth of the Oxe that treadeth out the corne And again if thou wilt finde a birds nest the dam sitting theron thou shalt not take the dam with the yong Doth God take care for oxen is God so mercifull to birdes will he not take more care for vs will he not be more merciful vnto vs. In the Cedars of Libanus saith the Prophet the byrdes make their nestes and the Fir trees are a dwelling for the Storcke the hie hils are a refuge for the wilde Goates and so are the stony rocks for the conies the Lyons roring after their pray doe seeke their meat at God In the Sea are thinges creeping innumerable both smal and great beastes there goe the shippes and there is that Leuiathan whom thou hast made to take his pastime therein These waite all vppon thee that thou maist giue them meat in due season Let not vs therefore labour for this meate let vs with prayer seeke our meat at God let vs waite vpon him and he will giue vs meate in due season For our God which layeth the beames of his chamber in the waters which maketh the cloudes his chariot and walketh vpon the winges of the winde is so mercifull that he suffereth his rayne to fall vpon bad and good his sunne to shine vpon iust and vniust For it is hee that appoynteth the Moone for certain seasons and by him the sunne knoweth his going downe Hee couereth the heauen with clowdes he prepareth rain for the earth he maketh the grasse to grow vpon the mountaines and greene hearb for the seruice of men He doth cōmand the clowdes aboue and open the dores of heauen Hee doeth send the first and latter raine his clowdes droppe fatnes hee onely maketh the vallies so full of corne that they laugh and sing If wee aske bread of our earthly father will he giue vs a stone if we aske fish will hee giue vs a serpent if we aske an egge wil he giue vs a Scorpion Much more will our heauēly father giue good things vnto vs if we labour for the meate that endureth vnto euerlasting life Chrisostom woondreth that men will presume so much to begge corruptible meate at Gods handes seeing that among seauen petitions in the Lordes prayer sixe are for the spirit and soule and but one and not that altogether for the bodie For the first three hallowed bee thy name thy kingdome come thy will be done are for the spirit and soule the three last forgiue vs our