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A10570 A co[m]parison betwene the olde learnynge [and] the newe translated out of latin in Englysh by Wylliam Turner. Rhegius, Urbanus, 1489-1541.; Turner, William, d. 1568. 1537 (1537) STC 20840; ESTC S104610 49,650 118

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the necessite and nede of the church and that we maye praye together Ther must nedes be certayne dayes appoynted in the whiche whyle as the busynesse of the soule is in hande we must absteyne from prophane housholde labours Yet for all that we must take hede lest we lese and destroye mēs soules with snares of commaundemētes and take hede that we playe not the Iewes and obserue dayes as they obserued the sabbath day the feastes of the new Moone against the doctrine of the holy goost Gala. iiii as thoughe they were necessarye to be kepte for ryghteousnesse For that were to cast awaye the lyberte of fayth to turne agayn to the weake and beggerly elementes and ceremonyes and to denye Christe The Hebrues were commaunded to kepe the sabbath daye but whan the lyght came the shadow vanyshed awaye so that it is not lawfull now to ony man to orden ony lawe or make synne where scripture maketh none and leaueth the liberte Collos ii Let no mā iudge you in the parte of the Sabbath day c. Saynt Austen speaketh thus of the Sabbath day in his boke of true innocency Seyenge that the kepynge of the sabbath daye is taken away the which is shadowed by the vacacyon rest of one daye he kepeth a perpetuall sabbath daye that hauynge hope of the rest to come geueth hymselfe to holy workes doth not boast ī his own workes as though he had receaued them of none other knowlegeth that he worketh in hym the which euen in workynge is quyet at reste Therfore saynt Ierome sayeth very well that in the newe testament all dayes be equall lyke holy that euery day is the holy daye of the resurreccyon that it is lawfull to fast alwayes and to eate the body of the Lord alwayes to praye And the Apostell Roma xiiii wyll not that he shulde be rashly iudged that which iudgeth the same of euery day Those thinges that were cōmaunded or forbydden in the law as concernynge dayes meates clothynges places and persones or outwarde thynges they were ordened layd on mens neckes for the tyme of correccyon But now whan the grace of the gospell doth shyne they vanysh awaye and lyberte raigneth where by we worship God nomore with certayne dayes prefixed and with outwarde workes as the Iewes dyd but in sprete and trueth For these ceremonyes of the lawe dyd belonge to the Iewes and not to the gentyles Actu xv Ye maye se playnly Mat. xii Mar ii Luce. xiiii Ioh. v. and .ix. how that Christe the auctour of our lyberte dyd intreate the Sabbath day Therfore it were the byshoppes dewty to put downe some of those holy daies the which christen people haue no nede of the whiche geue occasyon to the people both to lese theyr monye and theyr soules ¶ Of prayer The new learnynge We must praye at certayne houres as at matynes syxt houre the thyrde the fyrst at euensonge and at suche other And it is made more conueniently in churches halowed vnto God accordyng to this sayenge Blesse the Lord in the churches c. My house shal be called the house of prayer Ther be many thinges ī the tēples which stire vp deuotiō as the maieste of the place the christned bels organes sacrynge belles syngynge waxe candels the reliques of sayntes pictures ymages halowed vestimentes the sacrament of the altare hallowed altares in the worship of sayntes banners supplications the anoyntynge of the church and the hallowynge of the same the holy water which euen the deuels be afrayed of the presence of angels for it is wrytten Genesis xxviii This place is terrible and ther is a sure promys of hearyng as it is in the thyrde boke of the kynges the viii Chapter The Lorde answered to the prayer of Salomon I haue herde thy prayer which thou prayed before me I haue hallowed this place which thou haste buylded that I may set my name there for euermore and myne eyes and my harte shal be there for euermore c. Also ther be certayne hallowed beedes and they be honge vp on the churche dores a certayne nombre of pater nosters and aues muste be kepte also ther be some prayers whiche haue pardon longynge therto Also we muste saye a pater noster euery daye to oure owne Apostles to the sayntes whiche we haue chosen vnto our selues for deuotion ¶ The olde learnynge The blessed Trinite is to be worshipped in euery place Psalm .c.iii. O thou my soule geue thankes and blesse the Lorde in euery place of his lordshippe Christe also sayeth Ioh. iiii The houre commeth now is when the true worshippers shall worship the father in sprete and in trueth for verely suche the father requyreth to worshippe hym God is a sprete and they that worship hym muste worship hym in sprete and verite Where as Christ doth answer the Samaritane axynge hym of the place of prayer and sayeth Womā beleue me the houre commeth yee he sayd that the houre was euen then when ye shal nother in this moūtayne nor yet in Ierusalem worship the father .i. Timo. ii sayeth Paul I wyl that mē praye in euery place lyftynge pure cleane hādes without wrath arguynge or altercacyon Lykewyse in the .vii. chapter of the Actes where saynt Steuen checkynge the blyndnesse of the Iewes auaūcynge the temple of Salomon sayeth But he that is hyest of al dwelleth not in tēples made with handes As sayeth also the prophete Esay .lxvi. Heauen is my seate earth is my foote stoole what house wyll ye buylde for me sayeth the Lorde or what is my restynge place hath not my hande made all these thynges and all these thynges be made sayeth the Lorde On whom than shall I loke euen hym that is of an humble a lowly sprete standeth in awe of my wordes We haue the wordes of the father of the sōne of the place of prayer the which the holy goost spake shall we not beleue the sōne whom the father cōmaūded to be herde Mat. xvii And he dyd saye with an earnest affirmacyon Woman beleue me c. I knowe that ther was in the olde law the arke of the conuenaūt and the sumptuous temple of the Lorde where as the Iewes had the promyse of God .ii. Para vii Myne eares shal be lyfted vp vnto the eares of him which shal praye in this place for I haue chosen this place But what shal we do now seynge that Moses is gone which was the seruaunt of the whole house of the Lorde the sonne commeth Iesus Christ whiche is the Apostle and the byshop of our fayth cōfessiō Heb. iii. that he is com to prepare the quyck tēples of God as a byshop of good thynges for to come entrynge by a greater more ꝑfect tabernacle not made with hādes that is to say not as mās buyldynge nother by the bloud of goates calues but by his own bloud he entred once for al ī to
A cōparison betwene the Olde learnynge the Newe ¶ Translated out of latin in Englysh by Wyliam Turner Prynted in Sowthwarke by me Iames Nicolsō Anno. 1537. The contentes of this boke Of the sacramentes Of penaunce Of confession Of satisfaccyon Of frewyll Of fayth and workes Of merites Of synne Of the worshippynge of sayntes Of the supper of the Lorde Of the choyse of meates Of fastynge Of the difference of dayes Of prayer Of vowes Of counselles Of matrimony Of bisshoppes Of ceremonies Of mans traditions Of councels lawes made by a multitude of bisshoppes gathered together ¶ To the reader Some ther be that do defye All that is newe and euer do crye The olde is better awaye with the new Because it is false and the olde is true Let them this boke reade and beholde For it preferreth the learnyng most olde ¶ Vrbanus Regius to a certayne frende of his wysheth CHRIST oure ryghteousnesse WHan our saueour in the fyrst of Marke had caste out of a man an vncleane sprete the Iewes were astōnyed sayenge what new learnynge is this It was thought new to those wretches for lacke of knowlege of scripture which of all thynges was oldest that is to saye the Gospell the which was longe tofore promysed by the prophetes in the scripture of the sōne of God Iesu Christ The same thynge was sayd to Paul whan he preached Christ at Athene they toke him led hym to Marcis strete sayenge May we not knowe what new learnyng this is that ye teach for ye brynge in to our eares new thynges Was the teachynge of the Apostles I praye you strayght waye new because it was thought new to the proude gentyles swellynge and bounde with theyr carnall and fleshly wysedome Euen suche lyke thinges in these later dayes do they al suffer which teach purely the Gospel of the gracyous fauour and glory of God Which do not abuse the worde of euerlastynge truth for auaūtage but as it were of syncernesse but as it were of god so speak we by Christ in the syght of God This is the new doctrine saye our aduersaries lately deuysed f●rnyshed in the shoppes or workhouses of heretikes Let vs abyde styl in our old fayth Let the holynesse of our fathers the authorite of the coūcels the consent of the longe tyme so many ages holde vs in the wayes of our fathers Let the heretikes go shake theyr eares with theyr new learnynge which spronge and rose vp of late Those thynges which we teach came not all from Christe and the Apostles by wrytynge neuerthelesse they came by a faythfull reuelacyon shewynge vnto vs. To whom I wyll answere none otherwyse then Christ answered the Saduces Ye erre sayeth he and ar ignoraunt in the scripture And wolde to God that I myghte purchace and obtayne so much equyte of a braynlesse kynde of mē as one heythen man sheweth to another that is yf they wolde fyrst heare the cause or matter and then afterwarde yf it please them condemne hym that is accused Now they condemne innocentes without ony hearynge of theyr cause And they crye vnto vs which defēde the worde of God with nothynge but galowes ropes and fyre not witesafyng vs the leest corner of the catholyke church In so much that I wonder of what sprete they be of For that gentle and pleasaunt sprete of Christ the which fedeth the mysticall body seketh for the health and not for the destruccyon of them that erre Charite the frute of the holy goost as the apostell sayeth doth thynke none euell but is glad and reioyceth with the trueth beleueth all thynges trusteth all thynges Surely they that set asyde the blynde iudgement of the affeccyon and loke earnestly vpon the matter iudge otherwyse of vs. For the olde aūcient fathers dyd neuer knowe or heare tell of the moost parte of those thynges whiche oure condemners do teache then ye maye be sure that theyr learnynge ought not to be rekened for olde learnynge and apostolicall Furthermore not euery thynge that the olde fathers wrote sauoureth of the syncernesse and purenesse of the sprete of the Apostles Certayne thynges which were deuised with in these foure hundreth yeares yee rather euen of late haue bene receaued by and by of them as soone as they were made namely this is theyr learnynge and so olde that they desyre for this that the Gospell almoost shulde be cast awaye and coūted as a new teachynge and learnynge Therfore I wolde that they shulde knowe and vnderstande that we do teache and preache the olde and the trewe heauenly doctryne of the sprete that is the gospell of god The greate mystery of holynesse and godlynesse that god was declared in the fleshe was iustified in sprete sene of the angelles preached to the gentyles that cōfidence was geuē to him in the worlde was receaued in to glory What saye you be these newes God dyd predestinate vs that he myght chose and purches vs to be his sōnes by Christe Iesus in his owne selfe accordynge to the pleasure of his wyl that the glory of the grace of God myght be praysed whereby he made vs welbeloued thorowe his welbeloud by whome we haue redēpciō thorowe his bloude forgeuenesse of synnes accordyng to the ryches of his grace This was the fathers counsell vpon vs before the begynnyng of the worlde that he shuld saue vs and calle vs with an holy vocacion not accordyng to our workes but accordyng to his purpose and grace whiche is geuen vnto vs thorowe Iesus Christ before the euerlasting times but it is opened and declared nowe by the appearing of our saueour Christ which put deathe away and hathe thorowe the gospel brought forthe the lyfe into lyght and mortalite The which thyng seyng that it was promysed so longe ago by the prophetes at the cōmaundement of the holy gooste and nowe published thorowe al the coastes of the worlde howe dare they for shame call it newe learnyng Ceasse you wycked men and staunche your blasphemyes geue glory and prayse with vs vnto god and enbrace loue as ye ought to do the mysteries of the truthe with deuoute myndes lefte ye be indurate and made harde harted of god with the reprobate and castawayes the which beleue not the truth but alowe vnryghtuousnesse The are is layed at the roote of the trees Wherfore I doynge the offyce of a christen brother haue made a comparyson betwene the newe learnynge and the olde whereby deare brother thou maye easely knowe whether we are called worthely or vnworthely the preachers of new learnyng For so dyd they call vs of late scornynge and of a contempte and you desyred of me to know what I thought best to answer to these braynles and madde fellowes The which thynge seynge that it can not be expressed in an epystell I thought it beste to bestow a few houres in thys matter in these dayes called fastyngam in latyn carnis priuium whiche hath the name of the takyng awaye
the benefites receaued of hym And fyrste wyll I declare the maner of iustificacyon remission of synnes and saluacyon whiche in scripture are all one thynge of whom it doth come and to how many thynges it is applyed Fyrst it is applyed vnto God for Paul sayeth Rom. viii It is God that iustifyeth or maketh ryghteous c. And Ro. iii. That he onely myght be ryghteous and the ryghteous maker of hym which is of the fayth on Iesus Secondarely it is referred vnto Christ Actu iiii sayeth Peter Ther is none other name geuen vnto men vnder heauen in the which we shulde be saued Roma iii. sayeth Paul Without deseruynge are they made ryghteous or iustifyed euen by his grace thorow the redempcyon that is done by Christ Iesu whom God hath set forth for a mercy seate thorow fayth in his bloude to shewe the ryghteousnesse that auayleth before hym c. Thyrdly it is applyed vnto mercy Tit. iii. Not of workes or dedes of ryghteousnes which we wrought but after his mercy he saued vs. Roma viii Therfore whan God wolde shewe wrath and to make his power knowen he brought forth with great pacyence the vessels of wrath which are ordeyned to damnacyon that he myght declare the ryches of his glory on the vessels of mercy which he hath prepared vnto glory whome he hath called c. Item i. Pet. i. Blessed be God and the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christ which accordynge to his great mercy hath begottē vs agayn to a lyuely hope Fourthly it is attributed vnto his eleccyon Ephe. i. Accordynge as he hath chosen vs by hym or euer the fundacyon of the worlde was layed that we shulde be holy and with out blame before him in loue Ioh. xv I haue chosen you and ordyned you that ye go and brynge forth frute .ii. Timo. i. God hath saued vs and called vs wyth an holy callynge not accordynge to oure dedes but accordynge to his owne purpose and grace Fyfthly it is attributed vnto grace Ephe ii By grace are ye saued thorow fayth and that not of youre selues Gala. i. I maruayle that ye are so soone turned from hym that hath called you in the grace of Christ Tit. ii The grace of God that bryngeth saluacyon vnto all men hath appeared Syxtly it is assygned vnto the worde Ioh. xv Now are ye clene because of the word which I haue spokē vnto you Esa lv Lyke as the rayne and snow cōmeth downe from heauen and returneth not thyther agayne but watereth the earth maketh it frutfull and grene that it maye geue corne and breade vnto the sower So the worde also that commeth out of my mouth shall not turne agayne voyde vnto me but shall accomplysh my wyll and prosper in the thynge whervnto I shall sende it Seuēthly it is asscrybed vnto fayth as Rom. iii. I speake of the ryghteousnesse before God whiche cōmeth by fayth on Iesus Christ And Roma iiii Vnto hym that beleueth on hym that iustifyeth the vngodly is fayth counted for ryghteousnesse Ro. v. Because that we are iustifyed by fayth we haue peace with God thorow our Lorde Iesus Christ Eyghtly it is attribute vnto good workes as Iac. i. Ye se thē how that of dedes a mā is iustifyed not of fayth The places are so manifest notwithstanding the cōmune opiniō the faith only iustifieth that I am sure it troubleth no small nōbre of people and peraduenture it may astōny euen them which counte thē selues well learned For it is a great thynge to bringe the olde and wylye foxe to a lease Yee it is euen a new thynge vnto the proud Pharyses to saye that good workes are not meritorious to obtayne heauen by for hetherto haue they founded and vnderpropped theyr church with nothynge so greatly as with thys opinion What hath abused fastynge more than thereby to obtayne heauen For fastynge after theyr owne chosynge they left the true fast that God requyreth and cōmaūdeth Esa lviii zach vii What caused more abuse of the supper of the Lorde thē to vse it that is the remembraunce of the benefyt and sacrifyce for our synnes for a net hooke to gather catch mony with sayeng that it is a worke meritorious a sacrifyce for redemyng of synnes Somtyme were none chosen prestes but such as were endued with such gyftes as Paul requyreth in a byshop now that the B. of Ro. kyngdom requyreth many fauterers adherētes that purgatory may be swepte and kepte clene the which is no office for such Lordes as byshops be therfore syr Ihon lacklatyne shal suffise for that office wel ynough and masse shal be made a sacrifice to pourge and clense pylgatory purgatory shuld I haue sayd Lord Lord opē once oure eyen that we maye se the blasphemy done to thy holy bloude Now wyll I go to youre cōsciences ye that boast so greatly of good meritorious workes I require you by the answer that we all shall geue at the great daye Dyd Peter that was prince of the apostles as ye saye euer say nasse for the dead ether hym selfe or by other shew here vpō ony autenticall cronicle or hys owne wrytynge Yf ye can not than graunt that it is an inuencion of youre owne ergo a lye and a thynge that shall perysh with your dayes Yf Gods mercy shudle be bounde to sende soules to youre purgatory and at youre massynge agayne to release them than were Christ no Iesus and God no father but a seruaunt of yours and contrary to hys owne wordes doctryne Leaue therfore youre new erronious doctryne and wyth the olde teachers geue God humbly glory What caused more the abuse of honourynge of sayntes whyche dyenge in charite are ioyned with vs is charyte and therfore as true membres of one body ceasse not to praye with vs so that worshyppyng theyr pictures ymages we rather blaspheme God which hath forbiddē such maner of worshyppynge than worshyp them But leste I be to tedious vnto the good reader therfore wyll I do my dilygence to expresse the pyth of all thys matter in fewe wordes God the father thorow the loue that he had to hys sonne Christ Iesu dyd caste hys mercy vnto vs which were sonken into the depth of synne and pytied vs of his mercy and pitye he chose vs that we shulde be holy and wythout spotte in hys syghte And to them that he chose he instilled the grace of hys sprite and sent them the word of health which they receaued thorow beleuynge it than come they to the felynge of the goodnesse of God and of very loue are ready to fulfyll what soeuer God commaundeth thē and loke how muche they beleue euen so much they worke And though it be true that we be iustifyed in Christ before the fundacions of the worlde were layed yet is that only knowe to God and we haue no felynge of it vntyll fayth come And euen as God commeth downwarde for he thorow Christ had mercy on vs and of mercy dyd chose vs before we were and than after we come into this world instilleth grace thorow his sprete and than sendeth vs hys worde whiche the sprete causeth vs to beleue worketh fayth in vs from whence all good workes flowe euē so do we go vpward and by my fayth do know surely that God hath sent me hys word grace thorow his sprete to cause me beleue it therfore cōclud that he hath chosen me hath mercy vnto me thorow Christ hys only son which is the mage of the inuisible God fyrst begottē before all creatures Now is my dewtye agayne whā I haue perceaue this goodnesse of God the father and hys sonne Iesus Christ to me warde that I stonde not styll and let hys grace be vacant and ydle in me but accordynge to the sprete the he hath poured in me and the grace that is geuē me to vse hys gyftes accordynge to hys wyll cōmaundement to procede from vertue to vertue as from steppe to steppe alwaye approchynge oure louynge fathers kyngdome nearer and nearer where he sytteth rayneth worlde without ende To the which brynge vs he that wyll all mankynde to be saued AMEN ¶ Fautes escaped in the pryntynge The iiii leafe the ii page the xii lyne reade Fare ye well and praye for c.
the holy place foūde euerlastyng redēption Heb ix He is gone that gaue the lawe an other is come in his rowme by whom grace is geuē Ioh. i. Aarō is gone for the true prest for euer after the order of Melchisedech is come To conclude the fygure is vanyshed because the lyght hath shyned Then what nede we so costly gloryous pompe of ceremonies in the new testamēt we disprayse not those buyldinges to the which the people cōmeth to hear the worde of god more cōmodiously but we disprayse the abuse the erroure namely that they kepe no measure can neuer make an ende of buyldynge deckynge of such royal churches Exo. xxxvi at the cōmaūdement of Moses the cryer forbyddeth that nother mā nor womā shuld offer vp ony more to the buyldyng of the tabernacle for the people offred vp a great deale more thē nede was Now our cryers wtout ende measure requyre gyftes of the people to the buyldinges of tēples Wher doth Christ requyre in the new testament such ornamētes of churches and where doth he appoynt such buyldyng to be made Cōmaūded not he vs to worship the father ī spret in verite The which two wordes cōdēne the whole tragedy of ceremonies which we thīke profitable good for praier For what helpeth to the sprete and trueth of worshippyng of God such infinite diuersite of vestimentes belles organes and sōges of dyuerse kyndes Yf those thynges kyndle deuotion steare vp a mans mynde to God it were best that not only churches but also houses townes hye waies stretes shuld be ful of yanglyng of belles be replenyshed with ymages The Lorde requyreth the sprete and trueth and we cōtrarye wyse shewe and set forth a carnal pompe solemnite of ceremonyes the which is not only as great as all the Iewes fashions and rytes but passeth them farre both in nombre and greatnesse hauyng in steade of the sprete the flesh for the trueth moost coloured and paynted ypocrysye for we spende the whole daye with syngynge sacrifysyng and mumblynge We speake with tunges but no mā preacheth which shulde speake vnto men to edifye exorte and to comforte .i. Cor. xiiii The Apostle wyl leuer speake .v. wordes with his vnderstādyng that he may iustruc teach other also rather thē ten thousand with tūges We thōdre out psalmes wtout vnderstādyng for auaūtage lucre makyng a sound wtout deuotiō alas the word of God is cōpelled to geue place to this blind seruice the ordināce of the apostle also We crye now a dayes as the Iewes cryed in tymes paste Ieremie vii The temple of the Lorde the temple of the Lorde the temple of the Lorde Goddes seruice Goddes seruice Goddes seruice trustyng in wordes of lyenge where as all thys busynesse of ceremonyes is playne hyred geare for mony that it may be fulfilled that the Lorde sayde Malachie i. Who is ther amonge you that wyll shut the dores wyl kyndle myn aultare frely for nought wherfore it foloweth I haue no pleasure in you sayth the Lorde of hoostes I wyll take no reward of your handes Yf that the tragedy and spectakle of ceremonyes lyketh you so well go to let vs brynge home agayne the whole Iewysnesh and the whole maner of worshyppynge of the Iewes let vs deck vp Aaron let vs orden leuytes let vs kyll and offer vp shepe oxen and calues and euen let vs be circumcysed wyth the madde Iewes and let vs loke for an other Messyas that may bryng vs in to the lande of Canaan not by the power of the Lorde but of the world Surely yf that moost costly and sumptuous worshyppyng of God is christes religion in the which holynesse consisteth I graunt that I can not tell what is oure religion But yf Christ be oure Lorde and master and hys doctryne be the doctryne of the father the truthe and the waye then is the whole heape of ceremonyes nothynge lesse than the worshyppyng of God Where do we reade in the gospel of hyred prayers which ye wyll let a man haue for mony and yf he geue no penny he shall haue no pater noster where doth the Lorde alowe byenge sellyng choppynge and chaūgynge in holy thynges As for those places which they brynge for the appoyntynge and assignynge of a certayne place of prayer euery mā may se that they handle them without ony maner of iudgement and with playne ygnoraunce of scriptur It is euē of the same sorte that they fayne that the deuyl is afrayed of holy water as thoughe he were not more afrayed at the syght of a christē man whome the oyntement of the holy goost hath made holy and is the temple of the holy goost And as for that thay they brynge for the halowynge of beedes and the nombre of pater nosters and the Psalter of our lady suche other it is more vayne then ony tryfles be in the worlde and more foolysher then the tales which olde wyues tell in wynter nyghtes by the fyre syde Therfore we must praye to the father of heauē thorowe oure Lorde Iesus Christe in spirit and truthe in euery place that our prayers be not bound to places For ether we go in to oure preuy chambre and shut the dore after vs pray vnto the father which is in secrete or we praye in euery place after the learnynge of saynt Paule in the fyrst epistel the .ii. chapter to Timoth. For the whole worlde is the temple churche of God The heauen the heauen of al heauens ar not able to receaue the Lord how much lesse then thys church Yf I ascende vp to heauē sayeth the royal prophete thou arte ther yf I descende and go downe to hel thou art present And God his owne self sayeth by Ieremy the prophete in the xxiii chapt I fyl both heauē and earth And the Apostell in his preachyng to the men of Athens sayeth God is not far from vs for we lyue in hym are moued and be in hym Actu xvii ¶ Of vowes The newe learnynge Vowe to the Lorde perfourme it that the ye vowe Psal lxxv Therfor we may vowe we ought to geue it that we vowe for ther a is lawe made of geuynge to them whiche vowed In the .iiii. boke of the sentence it is wrytten A vowe is made when a mā of his owne wyl promyseth that he wyl do or kepe some good thynge to the which otherwyse he is not bound although he be bound after the vowe be made There be .iii. principalle substancial vowes that is of pouerte chastite obedience He that is once made a religious man or a preste is bound to lyue so for euer by hys vowe ¶ The olde learnynge A vowe is a law say the scoole mē made to perfourme such thynges as mē haue vowed It is playne what the holy scripture doth affyrme and iudge of the lawe and of the workes of it Now is mā not iustifyed or made
They be my brethrē and my systers as manye as confesse Christ That the order is a let vnto matrimony it is nothynge els but fals speakynge throughe hypocrysye for yf matrimony be a sacrament as they say I can not se why holy order can not suffer the holynesse of matrimony Mariage is honourable as the holy goost wytnesseth Heb. xiii And they thynke that the holynesse of matrimony is cōtrary to the holynesse of order the which thynge the Apostle neuer knewe .i. Timo. iii. Tit. i. Where he wyll that a byshoppe shulde be the husbande of one wyfe and .ii. Timo. iiii He calleth it the learnyng of deuels yf ony man forbyddeth matrimony .i. Corin. vii He sayeth not onely it is better to mary thē to burne but he commaundeth openly in this maner For the auoydyng of fornicacyon let euery man haue his wyfe Who is that euery mā is it not manyfest that mariage is fre to all men which haue not the gyft of chastite Saynt Ierome sheweth a cause why in the .ix. of the Actes Christ called S. Paule a chosen vessell namely because he was the storehouse of the lawe and of the holy scripture And against Iouinian he sayeth I wyll brynge forth Paule the Apostle whom as ofte as I reade I thynke that I heare not wordes but thōderyng But they which defende the fylthy syngle lyuynge despyse this thonderynge of this chosen vessel as the barkyng of a dogge they thynke that he that is within orders synneth deadly yf he mary a wyfe God the father dyd orden mariage the sonne dyd cōmende and honoure it with his presence and with his fyrst myracle the holy goost pronounced it honourable Paule the seruaunt of Iesu Christ forbyddeth not bisshoppes and deacons to be maryed And they which boast them of the Gospell nombre the mariage of prestes amonge deadly sinnes as a prophane and vnholy thynge the which the holynesse of order can not suffer Why beleue they not at the leaste the sentence of holy fathers for Theophilactus vpon the .viii. Chapter of Mathew sayeth Learne here that mariage hyndereth not a man from vertue for the prynce of the Apostles hadde a mother in lawe Farthermore we do alowe no deuorcement but in case of fornicacion as Christe sayeth Math. xix where as it is lawful for the vngylty after the deuorcemēt to mary agayn the which thynge myght be easely done yf the man aduouterer or the woman shulde be kylled after the law of God Deute xxxii Now they tary both vnmaried the which is a deuorcement rather in name and in worde then in dede The texte of Math. xix is manyfest Whosoeuer forsaketh his wyfe but only for fornication and maryeth an other he cōmitteth aduoutry For this clause that is put betwene except it be for fornicacyon declareth ruleth the whole sentence that yf ony fornicacyon do chaunce in the meane season he that forsaketh the woman aduouterer and maryeth an other he beynge vngylty that he cōmytted none aduoutry And why do not we in such cases go rather to the scripture that is inspyred of God then to those wryters of sūmes seynge that the Apostle .ii. to Tim. the iii. Chapter pronoūceth and sayeth that the scripture is profytable for correccyon and teachynge ¶ Of Bysshoppes The new learyng A Byshop is of hyer authorite then a symple prest and hath the reseruacyon and kepynge behynde to hym of certayne causes for the hyer that the degre is the greater and more is the power And this new learnynge wynketh at and ouerseeth the pōpe pryde more then worldly of them which cal themselues the successours of the Apostles and preach not the word of God the which is the moost worthy hye office in the church ¶ The olde learnynge When ther rose a contention amonge the disciples which of them shuld be thought greatest amonge them Christ sayd The lordes of the gentyles haue domination ouer them but it shal not be so amonge you Where as Christ wolde haue taken cleane out of the disciples myndes the desyre of honoure For yf oure Lorde and mayster dyd not come to be mynistred to but to mynister and serue other as it is Math. xx how muche lesse shall it become seruauntes to swell and be proude with worldly desyre of honoure The which thynge the Apostle teacheth playnly i. Cor. iiii So sayeth he let a man reken vs as mynisters and seruaūtes and disposers of the secretes of God he sayeth mynisters and seruauntes and not lordes and prynces of the worlde So in many places of his epystles he calleth hymselfe This place sayeth he maketh agaynst thē which do geue themselues to sloggysnesse ydelnesse and to slepe thinke that it is an offence yf they reade scripture and despyse them as bablers and vnprofitable which ar occupyed in the lawe of the Lorde both day and nyght not takynge hede that the Apostle cōmaunded euen learnyng also after the rehearsynge of the cōuersacyon of a byshoppe ¶ Of Ceremonyes Men reken that ceremonyes haue the name of a towne in Tuscia called Cerete and by ceremonyes we meane the worshippynge of God but outwardly ¶ The new learnynge The ceremonyes which our fathers ordened must be kepte and not chaunged the which are worshippynge of god For the religious men and rude prestes do defende the ceremonyes what so euer they be so styfly as thoughe holynesse consysted and stode in thē only For we haue sene in these tymes the holy orders contende and stryue wyth vnstaūcheable hatred amonge them selues for ceremonyes ¶ The olde learnynge We may not swarue nother to the ryght hand nor to the lefte hand but we must walk in the kynges hye way Our lyfe is in that case thal we can not be without ceremonyes For we be not angelical spirites but mē as long as we lyue in thys vysyble world in the preson of thys body we must nedes haue difference of workes of places of offices of tymes of persones of other thynges For we be as the Apostell sayeth Romano xii many membres and one body not hauynge all one acte or office But after that the lyght of the gospell came and folowed the shadow of the law we shuld vse very few ceremonyes as we haue baptyme and the supper of the Lorde after the ordinaunce of Christ in the newe testament For we vse as we be alwayes redy to the worste to set muche by ceremonyes and to conceaue a vayne opinion and confidence to be iustifyed by them yf they be perfectly done yf we leaue them vndone we conceaue a folysh feare that is of euery hande a noughty conscience Therfore lest we shuld swarue away from the pryke of trew holynesse let vs take fayth and charite vnto vs as the rulers and gyders of ceremonyes in the whiche yf they were done they myght be done godly Before all thynges we muste take great hyde and diligent prouision lest ceremonyes hurte and destroye the head the roote of oure religion
which is fayth in Christ Fayth and belefe in Christ is onely our ryghteousnesse which worketh afterward by charite the which yf it continue in safegarde in the liberte of the sprite ye may lyue and be occupyed in the ceremonyes of the churche without ony blame For he that is iustifyed by faythe kepeth ceremonyes lest he shuld offende those that be yet weake in the fayth not as necessary to ryghteousnesse but as a teachyng and a bryngyng vp for weaklynges beleuyng stedfastly that all those outward thynges be fre vnto vs thorow fayth and that we owe nothyng to ony body but onely loue Roma xiii By thys rule the Apostle beynge conuersant amonge hys brethrē without the yeoperde and the losse of conscience and faythe was so fre by the sprite of faythe that for al that he made hym selfe an vnderlynge and a seruaunt of all mē and was of all fashion to saue some at the leest He had knowlege but he knowe that knowlege dyd swell and charite dyd edyfye i. Corinth viii and .ix. He graunted that all thynges be lawfull vnto hym but that all thynges be nor profitable that al thynges be lawfull but all thynges do not edifye And he dyd folowe those thynges which belōged vnto peace and to edifyenge We wyll folow thys Apostle not geuynge oure lyberte to the occasion of the fleshe but in seruynge one an other by charite Galat. v. Here must the ouerseers and ministers of the churche be monyshed that they vnlade the congregacion holden downe with so many ceremonyes and lawes that almoost the condicion and state of the Iewes were more tollerable then the state of Christen men Now it is not onely folyshenesse but also wyckednesse that Christē mē shuld stryue amonge them selfes for ceremonyes I can not tel what whose bage is charite and not ceremonyes Ihon. xiii ¶ Of mans tradicions The newe learnynge Ther is a canon or a rule the whiche maketh equall the constitucions of popes and bysshoppes wyth the gospell and it affirmeth that the gospell can not be well vpholdē excepte the statutes and ordinaūces of the fathers be kepte as Leo the .iiii. sayeth in the .xx. distinction in the chapter De libellis All thynges that be necessary to be knowen to our saluation be not expressed in the canonicall scripture but the holy goost afterwarde that the scripture was wryttē dyd shew many wholsome thynges vnto oure forefathers Iohan. xvi I haue many thynges to say vnto you which ye can not beare at thys tyme. And those thynges that were in practyse than are not now all written but euen geuē from one to an other as by hande and are come euen to oure tyme as Damascen in a sermon of the dead wryteth that the memory of faythfull deadmen came vnto vs from the Apostels tymes Moreouer Paule taught the people that he purchassed vnto Christe whan he was with them many thynges the which were neuer wrytten Also he that heareth not the church let hym be counted as an heythen a publicane therfor she may make lawes and constitucions necessary for mans saluatiō Also that is necessary to saluation whose transgressyon is deadly synne but the ordinaunces of the church be such the fyrst is proued by Abbas in the proemy or preface of the decretales And in the fyrst chapter of constitucions he allegeth Calderine Iohā Andrea and Thomas And for thys purpose maketh the text in the chapter Quo iure the viii distinction where as it is wrytten that the breaker of the tradicions of the churche synneth deadly because that also the positiue lawe byndeth in matters of conscience ergo they bynd Herevpon Iohan Mayre with great pryde disdayne sayeth in the .iiii. distinctiō the .iii. q. To thynke that he that breaketh the commaundementes of the church synneth not deadly is an erroure ¶ The olde learnynge Mathew the .xvii. Chapter the heauēly father maketh his onely begotten sonne doctor and teacher of the church sayenge Heare hym And he put his wordes in his mouthe Deuteronomy .xviii. he sayeth And I wyll be a reuenger and a punyssher of thē which refuse the learnynge of thys doctoure He which sayeth Iohan. vii My doctryne is not myne but his which sent me that doctor is the euerlastynge wysdome of the father the way the lyght the truthe whom we beleue stedstly that he bothe wolde and dyd geue vnto his church not botched clowted or vnperfecte and vnstable learnynge but soūde perfecte and vnchaungeable to the whiche nedeth nothyng to be put to as an addition for those thynges that are necessary for to be knowen for mans saluation be contayned plenteously in the canonical scripture Somtymes the Apostles spake and treated vpon the kyngdome of God more plenteously in speakynge than it is wrytten in bokes yet for all that as for the sūme of the sentence and doctrine they preached none other thynge than the gospell whiche we haue wrytten so that those thynges which perteyne vnto a christen mans lyfe muste be learned of no where els but of the byble that is of the newe testement and of the olde For all scripture geuē by the inspiration of God sayth the Apostle .ii. tim .iii. is profitable to teachynge to improue to informe to instruc in righteousnesse that the man of God may be perfecte and prepared to all good workes Then why do we thrust in the churches handes the lawes of men as necessary to Christes regilion I do not speake here of the ciuyll lawe I know that the lawes of secular power are to be kepte for the conscience sake for they haue theyr strēgth of Goddes lawe Rom. xiii I speake of the decrees of mē with the which they wolde bynde mens consciences Farthermore the Apostle in the .ii. Tim iii. chap. prayseth the holy scripture with a great verdit prayse sayenge The holy scripture may make the wyse vnto health thorow fayth which is in Christ Iesu Who dar set thys tytle before his constitucions that they maye make you learned to saluaciō thys honour is onely dew vnto the holy scriptur of God Farther more yf ther were ony thynges shewed oure fathers a. M. year ago by the holy goost the which were not knowen in tyme of the flourynge of the churche that newly dyd springe vp to the Apostles and to the church they be ether necessary to saluacion or not necessary Yf they be not necessary but ordened for the tyme why is a mans conscience boūde with them Yf they be necessary ether ther is an other waye to saluacion nowe than was in the primitiue churche or els they were all damned that departed before that reuelation for they knewe not the thynge that was necessary to theyr saluacion The whyche thynges seynge that they be the moost vayne that can be and foolysh and that the same maner of iustifyenge and saluation is now that was than and was than that is now why make we those thynges necessary that be not necessary And why set