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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05710 The new arival of the three gracis, into Anglia Lamenting the abusis of this present age. Batman, Stephen, d. 1584. 1580 (1580) STC 1584; ESTC S112724 36,047 48

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¶ THE NEW ARIVAL OF the three Gracis into Anglia Lamenting the abusis of this present Age. ¶ Esay 58.34.24 ¶ Cry now as lowde as thou canst leaue not of list vp thy voyce like a Trumpet and show my people their offencis and the house of Iacob their sinnes To his moste Louing and frendly Father V. Villiam Beeston Brewer S.B. wisheth continuall health with end-lesse felicitie WHen and at such time beloued Father I had called to my remembrance the great good wil and wished benefites proceeding from you towardes me and on my part very slenderly deserued in comparison the acquiting of suche curtesie After many inuentions had by what meanes to shew forth some such occasion howe to gratifie you as a sure shewe of obedience thereby to occasion no lesse good will to folowe then formally by you was begon And calling to ininde one of the graue sentences of Seneca which sayeth That the remembrance of benefites ought not to be forgotten and that a smal thing geuen willingly is more acceptable then great riches with euell will And that the will of the geuer and not the value of the gift is to be regarded rhese documentes and such like vrged me to deuise some thing whereby you might perceiue in me not only my obedience to fatherly parentage but also to proue such a sonne good will being first preferred to be more worthy a benefite then to haue geuen which benefite that I looke for is your continuall societye and fatherly affection to abide wyth no lesse good will then hitherto it hath bene To that end therfore I haue taken vpon me to write this worke folowing for you to loke vpon And although it seeme barren for lacke of a more furniture and altogether pore like vnto the wryter Neuertheles I hope you wil except it with no les good wil in comparison of mortall fieshe then Iesus the sauioure of mankinde who excepted the two mites put into the treasury by a pore widow being all the substance that shee had so this small worke of mine being all the substance that I possesse as touching good will haue with no les imparted the same vnto you which woorke beareth the name of the three graces Thankfulnes Plenteousnes and Liberalitie which if you peruse thorowly I doubt not but it wil content your minde so as occasion may serue to further remembrance considering that to attain vertues we haue good desire but to obtaine vices we put to all oure workes such is our corruption for the which cause euery desiring minde to obtaine knowledge oughte to take heede where vertue is to be learned for the les time man hath to liue which may be perceiued from the day of birth to the houre of death with what spede it hasteneth and the time stayeth for none to be ready prepared to the hauen of peace to the ende our mortal enemy raigne not ouer vs the more earnestly ought man in vertues study to be proceding in my louing Father therfore ler this my worke be so accepted as good wil in his continuaunce may further a greater And as concerning this already finished there can nothing be amended or rightly corrected but by that which surmoūteth and is better then it as vice by vertue falshode by truthe wrong by iustice folly by wisdome ignorance by learning and such like For the which cause euery perticular being considered I doute not but that you wil as fauourably receiue this my trauaile with no les good wil then I in presuming to dedicate the same vnto you whome I account moste worthiest not for affection but for your godly life and christian religion in the which the almighty father sonne and holy ghost strengthen with continuance that bothe father and sonne by the holy ghost with father sonne and holy ghost may praise the almight in the celestial heauens worlde without end Amen Your obedient sonne Steuen Batman THE EPISTLE TO THE READER WHen and at such tyme belouid as the miserable state and maners of men were espied the vntruthes the craftie imaginacions and wicked practises of peruersse and frowarde persons Thē by diuine sufferāce diuers learned and auncient Fathers began no soner the euils perceiued to set foorth against such their abusis with the threatnings of gods vengance for y e same diuers and sundry ensamples to the withdrawinge of such as much as in them lay from the infernall pit prepared for offence to that ende that as carefull Parents perceuing their children to wander from the line of obedience mought in time by mesurid correction bring thē from such their disorder to a better passe In which so doing although some children by ouermuch sufferance in the beginning of their enterance through induranci hardnesse of heart not only neglect theyr tymes from such obedience but also as froward Imps continew in their vngodlynesse shall for their so doing reape no lesse infamy then the Zodomits dyd who refusing the intreaty of that auncient Father Lot were consumid with Fyer or as when Moyses rebuked him that wrongid y e Hebrwe very charitably but he tooke it ill and spake iniuriustye saying bout thou kill me as thou dyddest the Egiptian c. Not far unlike are the aunswers of sundry Scctarians in these dayes who for brotherly repprehensions geueth the like answers Note h●w discreetly Nathan y e prophet rebuked Dauid after he had committed adoultery murder he said not angerly thou hast don wickedly but with an apt ● meete ●militude he intrappid him by the wordz of his owne mouth Steuen being with the Iewes in coūsail dyd boldly reprehende them sayinge among other things Dye stiffenecked and of vnū●●umcised heartes and eares ye haue alwayes resisted the holy ghost as your forefathers did so do ye a worthy note to such as will enter into iudgment in matters of religion before they know what it meaneth and although that among many some may haue iudgment yet after the maner of mē it is not iustice therfore most metest to be reformed when the Thessalonians walked vnquietly y e Apostle Paul with brotherly reprehension saide vnto them why walk ye in ordina●ly working not at all but being curius and busibodies and therfore he rebuked them Many diuerz and sundry ensamples ther are which moueth brotherly affection to consider such substaunce for the which cause after many auctorities vewid and diuers historis redd being mo●id not with a few griefes to see this present tyme so alterid from kinde deuised this slender and vnfurnished woork to the profit of my Countrey yet not altogither so vnfurnished but that by diligent perusing some good thing may be founde It was good will that forced me to write according to my skill yet considering w t my selfe how far vnable I was to frame that which affection monid after good will had inforcid In remembring the Bee with the same affection went forwarde For among the Bees such
such as do wickednes shalbe as straw and the day that is for to come shal bou●n them vp saieth the Lord of Hostes so that it shall not leaue them nether roote nor branch But vnto you that fear my name shall the Sonne of righteousnesse arise health shalbe vnder his wings IEsus went out and departid from the Temple And his Disciples came to him for to shew him the bulding of the Temple in Ierusalem and Iesus sayd vnto them sée ye not all these things Verely I say vnto you ther shall not be left here one stoue vppon an other that shal not be cast down And as he sat vppō the mount Oliuet his Disciples came vnto him saying tell vs when these things shalbe and what signe shallbe of thy comming and of the ende of the world Iesus aunswerid sayd vnto them take head that no man deceyue you for many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceyue many and ye shal here of warres of the rumors of warres but sée that ye be not troublid for all these things must come to passe but the end is not yet For nacion shall rise against nacion and realm agaynst realm and ther shalbe Pestilence hunger and earthquaks in certeyn quarters all these are the beginning of sorows Then shall they put you to trouble and shall kill you and ye shalbe hated of all nacions for my names sake then shal many be offendid shall betraye one an other and shall hate one an other and many false Prophets shall aryse and shall diceyue many and because iniquite shall haue the vpper hand the loue of many shall abate but he that indureth vnto the ende the same shalbe safe MOreouer when ye sée the abhominacion of desolacion whereof is spoken by Daniel the Prophet Stand where it ought not let him that readeth vnderstand then let them that be in Iuery flée to the mountayns and let him that is on the house top not decend down into the house let him that is in the féeld not tourn back agayn vnto the things that he left behind him for to take his clothes with him wo shalbe to them that are with child and to them that geue luck in those dayes but pray that your flyght be not in the Winter for ther shalbe in those dayes such tribulacion as was not frō the beginning BUt before all these they shal lay their hands on you and persecute you deliuering you vp to the Sinagoges and into prisons bring you before Kings and Rulers for my name sake c. Yea ye shalbe betrayd of your fathers and mothers and of your brethren and kinesmen and friends and some of you shall they put to death and hated shall ye be of all men for my names sake yet ther shall not one heare of your heads perish by your paciens possesse your souls after these and other things ther shalbe signes in the Sonne and in the Moone and in the Starres and in the Earth the people shallbe in such perplexite that they shal not tell which way to tourne them selues the Sea and the waters shall rore and mens hearts shal fayle them for fear and for loking after those things which shall come on the earth for the powers of heauen shall moue and then shall they sée the sonne of man come in a cloud with power and great glory when these things beginne to come to passe then loke vp and lift vp your heads for your redempsion draweth neygh VErely verely I say vnto you hereafter shall ye sée heauen open And the Angels of God ascending and descending vnto the sonne of man These things haue I sayd vnto you because you should not be offendid They shall excōmunicate you yea the tyme shall come that whosoeuer killeth you wil think that he doeth God seruice and such things will they doo vnto you because they haue not knowen the father nether yet me but these things haue I told you that when that houre is come ye might remember them that I told you THe spirit speaketh euidently that in the later tymes some shall depart from the faith shal geue héede vnto the spirits of errour and diuelish doctrine of men which speak false through Ipochrisi c. THis vnderstand that in the last dayes shall come perelous times for mē shalbe louers of their owne selues couetous bostars proud cursed speakers disobedient to father and mother vnthankful vnholy vnkind trucebreakers stobberen false accusers riotous ferce dispisers of them which are good traytours heady hie minded gredy vppon volupteousnesse more then the louers of God hauing a similitude of godly lyuing but haue denyed the powre therof and such abhore THis first vnderstand that ther shal come in the laterdays mokers which will walk after their own lusts and say where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers died all things continue in the same estate wher in they were at the beginning for this they know not and that willengly how that the heauens a great while a goe were and the earth that was in the water aperid vp out of the water by the word of god by the which things the world that then was perished ouerflowid with y e water but the heauins verely the earth which are now are kéept by the same word in store reseruid vnto fier against the day of Iudgment perdicion of vngodly men BEhold the Lord shal come with thowsands of Saincts to geue iudgemēt against al men to rebuke al that are vngodly among thē of all their vngodly déeds which they haue vngodly committed of al their cruel speakings which vngodly sinners haue spokē against him VNto him that louid vs and wasshid vs from sinnes in his own blood and made vs kings and prestes vnto god the father be glory and dominion for euer and euer Amen ¶ Ane aduised prophesie ¶ In Anno 1041. this picture was found in the temple of the Iacobines in Geneua against the wicked gouernement of papall dignite This picture was made by Iacobus Iaquiri de C ui tate Taurini 1041. Iudicabit iudices iudex generalis Hic mihi proderit dignitas papalis Siue sit Episcopus siue Cardinalis Reus cōdamnabitur nec dicetur quales Hic nibil proderit quinquam allegare Neque exciperere neque replicare Nec ad apostolicum sedem appellare Reus codamnabitur nec dicetur quare Cogitate miseri qui vel quales estis Quid in hoc iudicio dicere potestis Idem e●it dominus iudex actor testis The substance of the Latin h●rce THe mighty Ioue the iudge of all which fitteth in throne aboue Shall iudge each Papal dignite the rable whole remoue Such as the one the other is and Cardinals like wise For their deformid flattery the Lord wil them dispise And iudge of al both quick and dead whē Popes shal boyle in bulles of lead AS from