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A05703 The golden booke of the leaden goddes Wherein is described the vayne imaginations of heathe[n] pagans, and counterfaict Christians: wyth a description of their seueral tables, what ech of their pictures signified. By Stephen Batman, student in diuinitie. Batman, Stephen, d. 1584. 1577 (1577) STC 1583; ESTC S104527 34,103 81

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of a Monastery in Constantinople about the yere of our Lord 450. He affirmed that Chryst had but one only nature that is to say diuine or of god like as he was one person This heresye was condemned in the Counsaile of Ephesin Eutices sent into exile Iohn A leyd This Rustical hedge god was at Mūster in VVestphalia by occupatiaō Tailour naming hīselfe king of new Ierusalem a ringleader of the Anabaptistes he so seduced the people that he brought them to vtter cōfusiō he denied Baptisme to Infants hee had one Gnipperdolling to his Prophet Cretching to his cōpaigniō his end was to bee sterued to death in an Iron cage before this Heretique was borne two Swordes which betokened the Gouernment of two Kingdomes Heauen and Earth A round Globe with a Crosse and a Sworde thrust through the Globe signifyinge that he was Kinge ouer the whole Worlde Dauid George THis Blasphemous fellowe an other Heretike naming himselfe to be the Messias was borne at Delph in Holland He saide that hee was Godds Nephew and talked with wylde Beastes and Byrdes in their Language receyuinge his foode of theym Hee sayde that Heauen was empty and that he was sent to choose apoinct the children of God with other vaine and absurd tromperies After chaunging his name to Ihon a Bruges he came to Basill in Swizerland there after 12. yeares died His Errowre was that by hym came saluation and after three yeares after his burial he should rise agayne Ere two yeares were finished he was taken vp and with his Coffyn hanged on a Gallowes Henry N. THis strauagant Heretike Henry Nicolas otherwise called Harry Clash a Fleming supposed hath by the healpe of others sent forth diuers blasphemous Bookes to the great hurt of many lightbrayne Christiās And by his disciple one Christopher Vitell Ioyner one altogether vnlearned sauinge that he is somwhat erroniously Bewitched hath géeuen foorth certayne bookes here vndernamed naminge themselues their Adherentes the Family of Loue. They fayne a Gouernment of Immortality to be by their deifyinge immortality they cōfesse thēselues to be tēpted wherfore they appoynct auricular confession nothinge to the forgeuenes of sinnes They sinne til they come to their perfection then sinnelesse and so able to bringe other to the same beinge of their Family They wyll haue nothinge to be disliked that is done by their Elder The sayd H. N. was first of Amsterdame and driuē from thence because of his Errours and went to Roterdam and from thence to Collen From whence proceaded al these wicked Errours The names of his cōuerted ones be of 3. degrees 1. The cōminalty of the holy ones 2. The vpright vnderstandinge ones 3. The illuminate Elders The names of H. N. his Bookes bearinge the name of the Family of Loue. The cryinge Voyce The first Epistle and first exhortation A Dialogue betwene the Father the Sonne The true and spirituall Tabernacle The published peace vpon Earth The Euangelium Regni The declaration of the Masse The newe Ierusalem The prophecie of the spirit of loue The Glasse of righteousnesse Certaine vpstart Anabaptisticall Errours That Christe tooke not flesh of the blessed Virgin Mary That Infantes of the Faythfull ought not to be baptized That a Christian man may not bee a Magistrate or beare the Sworde and office of auctority That it is not Lawfull for a Christian to take an oth THeese Hellish sortes of Errours are more preposterous wicked thē the lawes or statutes of the Pagās although in the respect of any cōmendatiō bad is the best for as the diuel aucthor of all mischiefe beganne to infect the former Age with illusions so now in these laterdayes he hath almost poysoned the remained seeds with al abhominations First in Delphos then in Euboea at Nasamone and among the Dodonean Okes throughe whose huyge Boughes the whistlinge wods seemed to yeld forth the Thondringe clamour of Deuylles then began worshipping of formed shapes as of Saturn in Italy of Iupiter in Candie of Iuno in Samos of Bacchꝰ in India and at Thebes of Isis Osyris in Aegipt of Vesta at Troia of Palas Tritonia among the Aphricās of Mercury in Frāce Germany of Minerua at Athens of Apollo at Delphos at Chio at Rhodes Patia Troada Thymbria of Diana in Delos in Scythya of Venꝰ in Paphos Cyprus Gnydos and Citheros of Mars in Thracia of Priapus in Hellespētus of Vulcane in Lypara and Lemnos Symon Magus at IERVSALEM MACHOMET in Mecha PAPA in ROME who as the former Pagans set vp Images of theyr fathers to be honoured so likewyse hath the pestilēt Church of Superstition mayntayned Idolls that very ceremonies of the heathē pagans stocks stones gold siluer other metal to be worshipped This apish religiō neuerthelesse being espyed is suffred of some laughed at but not subuerted so while the world haiteth betwene two opiniōs suffring the Mōster to rule as him listeth all are so stayned some with Idolatry some with supersticiō some with Schisme Arrianisme Apostacie and infidelity that frō King to Prieste frō Prieste to People the head is Hypocrisie I do most earnestly besech thee deere bought Creature better to consider of God his Benefites and holy religion lest he make thee partaker with the greater people at this day the Armenians Arabians Persians Syrians Assyrians Medes Aegyptians Numidiās Lybians Moores Brasilians Tartarians Scythians Aethiopians Faythlesse Christians Romaynes an Infinite number of Kingdomes and people which doe far surmount the armye of true Christians and so seclude thee from his fauour and Kingedome by harkeninge to fantasy omitting the verity The only good God and merciful father euermore pardon our offences and defend vs from this yoke of counterfayted carnality both now and euer Banaster THis irreligious caytife helde an Opynion that no man ought to feare god c. Eurynomus A Deuill who as the Auncient Greekes supposed did eate and consume the flesh of Dead men leauinge the bones bare Whom they paynted in a figure terrible hauinge longe Teeth or Tuskes syttinge in the Skin of a Vultur of coloure betweene Blacke Yealow A fit God for such Companions SEra nimis Vita est crastina viue hodie To morowes Lyfe is to late lyue to day AS God is good and best of all So man is ill and subiect thrall Ill by good is made better Then man to God must bee detter Though all be many and one be few And fewste make many returnde to one Then many men earthy what do they shew Sith all and euery standes not alone One is sayd simple where moe are in place The moe thought the strōger each cause to defēd One God and one Kyng yet stil kepes the grace Creation and kingdom bryngs al to an end Thē one frō beginning which al things haue made VVil euery other so gather to gether That each thinge in his kynde clearely shall vade The worldes beautye beginneth to wither Then shall this summething a nothing make VVhen all shal be vacant as when he began Of nothinge in no place cannot lesse be VVhen that which was is not as soules shal thē see FINIS A good vvarning to beggers of statutes penall vvhere by the cōmons are greatly impouerished their good kinges neuer the better enriched Papa-ver a frosen religion springing to soone The names of the Authours out of whom this worke is gathered ANdreas Theuet Aristoteles Alex. Aphrod Aristophanes Apollodorus Apul●ius Albertus Magnus A. Gellius Aratus Beatus Rhenan Cicero Catullos Cornelius Tacitus Coelius Rhod. Censorinus Diodorus Siculus Erasmus Rot. Eusebius Euclides Fulgentius Franciscus Picus Franciscus Philel Flaccus Georgius Pictorius Hesichius Hermes Homerus Hesiodus Hel●anus Iulius Firmicus Isidorus Inuenalis Ioan. Picus Ioannes Boemus Ioannes Baleus Lactant. gram Lactant Firmian Lucianus Marcus Varro Martianus Manilius Martialis Manobius N●so Orpheus Propertius Plinius Palaephatus Pindarus Plato Plutarchus Phornutus Pontanus Ptolemaeus Politianus Philelphus Qu. Fabius Seneca Solinus Salustius Strabo Seruius Spanhemius Tibullus Theocritus Th. Beconus Virgilius Valerius Maxim. Guilielmus Gratarolus Xenophon VVith many others FINIS Imprinted at London in Fleete-streete neare vnto Saynct Dunstanes Churche by Thomas Marshe ANNO DOMINI 1577. Cum Priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis
in a Christall Glasse lyke true traueylinge Pilgrimes aswell the freckles of counterfeit perswasions as also the great spottes of corrupt Religion which being thus espyed by the ayd of the three Graces Fayth Hope Charitie we may attayne to the heauen of celestial perpetuitie A Recapitulation of the Sectarian Gods by whose Heresies much harme hath growen to Gods true Church WHen the Image of the beast a formed shape had foūd Thē straightwais he became to geue the church a wound Which church new erected by force was put downe By PAPA the great God which weares the triple crowne HYs Heresye was and is of the Sacrament that the Sonne of God borne of the Uirgin Mary was is in the Sacramente of they re abhominable Alter Fleshe Bloud Bones also they hold that it is lawful to haue Idols in Churches to geeue reuerence to Saynctes canonized also they holde that it is no sinne to murder the professours of Gods worde and Uerity replying that there is none other Uerity Doctrine or Christianitie then what proceedeth out of they re Diabolical Synagogue neither any other religion to bee holden for truthe but that which proceedeth from Rome The Popes Apparel domesticall is a purple veluet Cappe edged with Armine or other rych Furres hys vpper Garment a Red or Purple cloake euen with his elbowes vnder that which is a blacke silke Uesture vnder the Uesture a whyte lynnen Garment edged with Golde hunge with pendentes or belles his Pontificall adourninge is a tryple Crowne of great rychesse set with Stones of peerelesse value his vpper Garment is a Cope more worth then his Condicions hee is caried on the Backes of foure Deacons after the maner of carying Whytepot Queenes in Westerne Maygames Basilides BAsilides the name of an Heretique who affirmed that Christ was not crucified but Simon Cireneus who as the Euāgelistes wryte was cōstrayned to beare the Crosse when our Sauiour waxed faynt through effusion of bloude by his scorginge He held that it was no offence to denye Chryste in the tyme of persecution hee denied the laste resurrection hee also affirmed the Uirginitie was of no greater merite then Maryage but equall with it Hee was aboute the yeare of oure Lorde 110. Cataphriges THese Heretikes tooke their name of one Montanꝰ of Phrigia and Archheretique who affirmed that the Holye Ghoste was geeuen to him and not to the Apostles They Baptized not in the name of the Trinitie and vsed to Baptyze men after they were dead They did also condemne the seconde Mariage This Sect began in the yeare 170. Apelles THys fellowe began his Heresie in Greece hee denyed the knowinge of God as that hee knewe not the God whom hee worshipped and that Christe was not very God in deede but a phantasie appearing vnto men as a man he was about the yeare 174. Pharisees PHarisees were before Christ his cōming 125. yeres they tooke their names of Phares seperating them as a people more worthy then other taking vpon theym Pharah or Pharasch of expoūding the law of Moses and the Prophets They beleued that god alone was onely the true god and that Chrystes comming should be profytable for them and yet when hee came they persecuted him they were proud bosters of their deedes There garmentes were large and wide and on the skyrtes of their gownes were broad gards wheron were written sundry Charectes in the Hebrew and they named these Philacteria Saduces These had theyr name of Zedec whiche signifyeth rightfulnes and called themselues Zedechim that is iust right These sprang vp after the Pharesies they beleued that body soule should both perish together and that neither the godly should receiue any reward for his good workes nor the wicked shoulde receyue pain for his euil dedes otherwise thē in this life They held that ther was neither hel nor Heauē nether Angel nor spirite and that it was in our owne powers either to haue felicity or misery They were enemies against the Pharises and yet with the Pharases agreing to persecute Christ Iesus Essees Were a kynd of sect hating mariage they came together in great companies and held opinion that euil soules were dispersed in the Ocean seas there to bee tormented by the tempestes Cerdō An heretike of Cerdonia who affirmed that Chryst was neuer borne of a woman and that he had no flesh nor suffered any passiō but that he feined to suffer he denyed God to be the father of our lord Iesus Chryst and the God was knowē and Christ vnknowē god was holy Christ he said to be vnholy he denied the old Testamēt saying that it was the worke of an other God not of the vniuersall God which other God was the beginning of the vniuersal mischiefe he was after Christ our lorde 144 yeares Valentinianus THis Heretyke held that Christe did passe throughe the Uirgin as the Wynde passed throughe a Pype Martion THis heretike was Disciple to Cerdō born in Cinope a Citty of PONTVS who beinge at Ephesus in the time of S. Iohn the Euangeliste fayned that there were 2. Gods the one the maker of the lawe and worlde the other to bee more mightye the father of our lord Iesu He helde that soules are saued but the bodies rise not agayne He disalowed of Wedlocke Sabellicus A Notable Heretike deniynge Iesu Christ to bee any of the three persons and that he was not the sonne of God. Manes AN Herityke which affirmed himselfe to bee lyke christ somtime to be cōforter that was promised to come Arrius THis mā was a Prieste in the church of Alexandria in the yere of our Lord. 320. his erroure was that the Sonne was not equal with the father in Deitie nor of the same substaunce but that he was a very creature hee infected a merueilous great nūber with his Heresy for that which the great counsaile of Nice was holdē by the Emperoure Constantinus Magnus himself being present with 318 Byshopes Afterward Arrius horribly finished his lyfe for by going to the stoole his guttes went frō him and so hee died Donatus THis Heretike affirmed that any cōgregation with out him his Sectaries were not Christiā that in the church were none euyll but all good and that they onely pertained to the Church he was a Numidian borne aboute the yere of oure Lorde 353. Macedonius BEing at Constātinople he mainteined the heresie of Arrius Eunomius An enuious heretike of Arrius sect whervnto he added that the sonne was in euery thing vnlike vnto the father that the holy Ghost had no medlīg with the father nor the sonne ▪ he affirmed that all which helde the fayth that he taught should be saued had they committed neuer so great sinne continued therin he was about the yere after Christe 353. Pelagius Pelagius was an other Archeheretike his opinion was that manne is iustifyed by his own workes not by fayth in christ Thys Atheist was about the yere of our L. 388. Eutices Was an Abbot