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A04528 The Catholique iudge: or A moderator of the Catholique moderator Where in forme or manner of a plea or suite at law, the differences betweene those of the Reformed Church, and them of the Romish Church are decided; and without partialitie is shewed which is the true religion and catholique Church, for the instruction of either partie. Together with eight strong arguments or reasons, why the Popes cannot be competent iudges in these controversies. Written in the Dutch and French tongue, by Iohn of the Crosse, a Catholique gentleman. Translated out of French into English, by the right worshipfull and learned Knight Sir A.A. John of the Crosse, a Catholique gentleman.; A. A., Sir. 1623 (1623) STC 14651; ESTC S107831 50,836 96

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which onely saluation can be obtained The Reformed Church beleeueth that the true Church is there where the word of God is sincerely and purely preached the Sacraments lawfully administred and distributed and where the outward discipline of the Church is duly obeyed Sot def lat deon'e pag. 991. Iug. Con Dist 4 Con Triden Ses 5. Con 2. The Church of Rome teacheth that the true notes of the Church are these that is to say consent in publike doctrine with the Church of Rome Secondly the personall succession of Bishops Thirdly the acknowledgment of the Pope 11. Of Counsels Mat. 18. Gal 5. Luk. 11. 1 Cor. 11. c. 119.12.62 The Reformed Church beleeueth that shee is not subiect nor tied to Councels but onely to the written Word of God Also that the Councells and auncient Fathers may erre when they swerue and turne aside any whit from the word of God The Church of Rome subiects and ties it selfe wholie to generall Councels as those that cannot erre Tap. Art 1 pag. 5. Sot assen lat de Concilijs The Reformed Church beleeueth that there are but two Sacramēts instituted by Iesus Christ 12. Of Sacraments Mat. 28. Mar. 16. 1 Cor. 11. Aug epist 218. ad Ian. lib. 3 de doct christ cap 9. Con Triden Ses 7. can 8. Linda lib. 4. cap. 57. 13. Of Markes Rom. 8. c. 3. 1 Timo. 2. that is to say Baptisme and the Lords Supper The Church of Rome teacheth that there are seuen Sacraments which conferre saluation Ex opere operato that is to say by the worke wrought yea euen without any good intention or affection of those that vse them The Reformed Church beleeueth that the afflictions and oppressions which the faithfull endure in this world are fatherly corrections which are sent vnto them from God for their amendment the chastisment of certaine sins or else are trialls and proofes of their faith or testimonies of the true doctrine they suffer for The Church of Rome teacheth Linda lib. 4 cap. 73. Con. Triden Ses 4. Can. 9. Tho. Aquin. l 4. Dist 4. Art 9. Sot Asseu de author that the Martirdom or suffering of the Saints is an expiatorie or purging oblation for sinne and that the paine or punishment which they endure deserueth a diminishing and mitigation of eternall punishment and moreouer life eternall The Reformed Church beleeueth 14. Of the Magistrate Rom. 13. that the Magistrate ought not only to take care of maintaining and defending the temporall goods of his subiects but also of true religion and of procuring their saluation The Church of Rome teacheth Sot in late schol Ibid. in assirt Cap. that the Magistrate must be debarred from entermedling with Ecclesiasticall affayres and with religion and also that Ecclesiasticall causes pertaine only to the Pope and his Prelates 15 Of Marriage Heb. 15. 1 Cor. 7. 1 Tim. 3.1 Chrisost hom in Tit. 2. con dist 28 Pigh cat Rom pag 552. The Reformed Church teacheth that Marriage is honorable among all And that it is a Diuelish doctrine to forbid it to any The Church of Rome affirmeth that such as are married liue in the flesh and that marriage is forbidden to Priests and to Ecclesiasticall persons And that it were more tolerable for an Ecclesiastical person to entertaine many Whores and Concubines then to betake himselfe to lawful marriage 16 Of humane traditions Col. 2. Mat. 11. 2 Iohn 1. Eph. 2. Gal. 3. Mat. 15. Con. Triden Ses can 1. Cat. Rom. pag. 319 499. Can. Triden Ses 4. can 1.1 Grat. con dist 5. The Reformed Church beleeueth that chrisme or annointing with oyle and other such like obseruations and traditions of the Church of Rome are directly repugnant and opposite to the word of God The Church of Rome teacheth that by the Sacrament which they call confirmation the faithfull receiue more graces then by the Sacrament of Baptisme And that extreame vnction confirmeth spirituall grace The Reformed Church beleeueth that none can be Iustified before God by any other meanes then onely faith in Christ Iesus 17. Of Vowes Io. 1. Heb. 10. The Church of Rome maintaineth that vowes of continency pouertie and obedience merrit eternall life Sot asser Can. And pag. 11. The reformed Church beleeveth that their sins are abolished and blotted out by the blood of the onely Mediator Iesus Christ The Romane Church beleeue that there is not onely a divine vertue in holy water but also an efficacie to cure and heale and to driue away diuels and in summe to defend and preserue all things against all inconveniences The Reformed Church beleeue 20. Of Invocation Exod. 20. Mat. 4. Act. 4. Apoc. 12. 1 Ioh. 4. Ecch. in Lom lib. 4. dist 48. Con. Trid. Sess 6. Rom. 3. Lind. l. 3.23 that we must call vpon God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost in spirit and in truth The Church of Rome maintaineth that we must call vpon Angels and hee-Saints and shee-Saints of Paradise attributing to each Saint a particular office as for example that Saint Leonard delivereth prisoners that Saint Valentine giveth bodily health Saint Roch or Saint Petronel cureth the fever Saint Clare the diseases of the eyes and Saint Anthony the tooth-ach God commandeth that none but hee alone should be honoured worshipped and adored 21. Of Reliques Deut. 4. Con. Trid. Sess 4. The Pope commandeth to honour and adore the bones reliques and images of the Saints The reformed Church beleeveth 22. Of Fasting 1 Tim 4. Col. 4. Rom. 14. Mat. 15. Soc. de iciun that the forbidding of certaine meates on certaine dayes out of an opinion of merit and holinesse is a doctrine of Divels The Roman Church teacheth that abstaining from certain meats is a work by which one may satisfie for sin and by which a man may apply vnto himselfe the merits of Iesus Christ The reformed Church beleeveth 23. Of Pardons and Indulgences 1 Ioh. 1.2 that the blood of Iesus Christ is the expiation or satisfaction for our sinnes Terrae Pro. 11.46 62. Extrava li. Tit. 9. Clem. 6. The Church of Rome teacheth that the Pardons and Indulgences of Popes are able to obtaine not only absolution of temporall and eternall punishment but moreouer eternall salvation 7. Of the absolute power or rule of the Pope Ephes 4. Col. 1. Cent fro Ie. de Turr. lib. 3. cap. 64. Fol. lib. 1. cent Rom. The Reformed Church beleeveth that Iesus Christ is the onely head who was crucified for vs and now raigneh with great Maiestie at the right hand of his heavenly Father The Church of Rome affirmeth that Iesus Christ is an invisible head and that the Pope of Rome is the visible head of the Church who surmounteth all Emperours and Monarches so much as the Sunne excelleth the Moone or as gold exceedeth lead Also that he is greater then Moses and Saint Paul that hee is like to Saint Peter yea verily that hee is God and not
some others auerred and acknowledged it The Councell of Gelase decreed against Transubstantiation contrariwise that of Florence in the time of Victor the second and that of Lateran in the time of Innocent the third maintained ratified it Consider now well say the Reformed of what force and authoritie Councels can be and how litle they consent and agree together So that for those and such like reasons the Reformed will not accept or acknowledge the Councels for Iudges of the differences in Religion but they wil admit them for witnesses deposed in this action or sute so far forth as their testimonies agree with the publike Letters Patents or words of the testament and with the words and meaning and intention of God our Soueraigne testator As also S. Austine aduiseth vs verie well that is to say that in differences of the Church we must neither follow the authoritie of the Councell of Ephesus nor the Councell of Arminium seeing we are not therevnto obliged but rather that by the authoritie and force of the holy Scripture we should set and weigh cause against cause reason against reasō Also that we ought to giue more credite to a Lay-man who speaketh the truth accoring to that which is cōtained in holy Scripture then to a general Councel alledging falshoods cōtrary to the Scripture Here now further followeth the third kinde of Iudges that is to say the ancient Fathers The ancient Fathers cannot be Iudges in Religion which are also produced as Iudges of religion by them of the Church of Rome but they of the Reformed Church will not admit them absolutely for their Iudges For first of all say they that there are very false doctors that are very ancient and which is more ancient Fathers haue also confessed of themselues that they might all erre and bee deceived On the other side because that in the ages ensuing the false opinion and peruerse perswasion touching the invocation of Saints deceased the too great veneration or reuerencing of Martyres the allegoricall and too curious exposition of holy Scripture single life or abstinence from marriage Monkerie and Monasticall or retyred kind of life and the great number of ceremonies haue bin long since so deeply rooted that euen some learned Doctors haue not onely endeavoured to suppresse the aforesayd errors but contrariwise haue rather vpheld them partly thorow couetousnesse partly of ambition The faults errors of the Fathers partly also of set subtle purpose The which the Reformed say they can plainely proue by diuerse and sundry examples but they suppose that those ensuing will satisfie for this purpose All Christians acknowledge in the first place Tertullian for a good ancient Father and an vncorrupt and Orthodoxe Doctor Tertullian so farre forth that he confuted by the written word of God the Heretiques Marcion and Praxias both which denied the divine and humane nature of Iesus Christ but for so much that he maintaineth the error of the Chilliasts and disalloweth of second mariages all Christians must confesse he erred Cipryan Cyprian held very true opinions of the holy Trinity of the Baptisme of little children and of the right vsage of the holy Supper yet herein also hath he failed that is to say That hee holdeth that such should bee baptized againe as were formerly baptized with Heretiques that hee too excessiuely praiseth single life and abstaining from marriage Ambrose Saint Ambrose hath written diverse godly bookes of the holy Trinity and of the doctrine of Iustification but the subborned or supposed books in our time published vnder his name are refused by the Reformed Hierome Hierome hath greatly edified the Christian Church by his writings wherein hee teacheth that the true regeneration or renewing of man proceedeth not from the power and naturall faculties of free-will but hee greatly over-shoots denies himselfe when he so much disesteemes and disgraceth the state of marriage as to pronounce her a whore that after her first marriage marrieth againe Augustine Saint Augustine being the most vncorrupt Doctor of all the ancient Fathers hath in truth done great service to the Church of Iesus Christ when hee fundamentally by the Word of God confuted the Arrians the Manicheans the Donatists and the Pelagians but for so much as manet hoc that children should receiue the Lords Supper herein hee did not sufficiently consult with the Word of God Saint Gregorie held a good opinion Gregorie in saying that hee was Antichrist who caused himselfe to be called supreame and vniversall Bishop yet did hee greatly erre in forbidding and infringing the lawfull marriage of Pastors and Ministers of Gods Word when he thus writeth That it is by no meanes lawfull to renounce or giue ouer a monasticall life and when hee is so carried away with apparitions spirits and visions that hee is absolutely repugnant to the Word of God Furthermore how say the Reformed can we simply accept of the ancient Fathers fully and wholly for our Iudges Sentences and testimonies of the Fathers contrary to the doctrine of the Church of Rome Ambrosius considering that our accusers the Popes themselues doe not allow and admit all the sentences testimonies of the ancient Fathers S. Ambrose saith that for honesty sake and for seemly respect vnto the dead they should be suffred to remain at rest in their graues Gelasius l. 1. de Aba in Con. Re. Gelasius saith that the substance or essence of Bread Wine in the holy Supper remaineth inseparable even as in our Saviour Christ the humane nature abideth vnited with his owne nature Aug. l. 2. per. morit cap. vlt. Saint Augustine saith that it is presumption to conclude or determine any thing on any side in divine things which are obscure without cleere and manifest testimonies of holy Scripture Calix dist 6. de Con. Calixtus distributed the Sacrament of the holy Supper to all the Church and debarred from it dissolute persons and excommunicated all them which being present in the assemblie received not for all that the supper of the Lord. Cyp. l. 1 epist 2. Saint Cyprian sayd that the blood of the Lord ought not to bee denyed to Christians for the confession whereof they are bound to shead their blood Apollon●us taxed Mintāus with this heresie among others Apol eccl hist lib. 5 cap. 22. to haue beene the first that had instituted certaine lawes and ordinances concerning fasting Paph hist lib. 2. cap 14. Paphnutius maintained that marriage should not bee forbidden to Priests or Pastors of the Church declaring that the company with a mans owne wife is chastitie Cyp. l. 1 epist 3. Saint Cyprian affirmeth that the Lord Iesus alone is to be hearkened vnto concerning whom it is pronounced or commanded heare him Also that we must not regard what they which haue beene before vs haue said or done but what Christ who is before all hath commanded S. Augustine saith that the Christian Church
attribute and giue this honour and reuerence firmely to beleeue that none of their authors haue tripped or erred in their writings But concerning other writers and authors we reade them in such manner that although they haue beene verie holy and Godly and of much knowledge yet so it is that wee hold not what they haue written for true only because they taught this or that but because they haue beene able to perswade and to make vs vnderstand it so to be either by those Canonicall writings or by some other reasons which in substance agree with the truth and word of God So that wee owe this onely to the Canonicall Bookes as Saint Austine saith elswhere that is to submit our selues to them without any contradiction Lib. de na gra cap. 6. Con. Faust lib. cap. 5. ad Oros cap. 11. ad Pan. ad Fortu. lib. 2. Con. Moreouer it may be lawfull to refuse any other writtings and to varie from them in opinion but all persons must yeeld consent to the Canonicall writings be he Laicke be he Priest be he King be he Emperour let him giue heede and attention to the holy Scripture for in the whole world nothing can be found so holy and so necessarie as the holy Scripture Crescon gram cap. 32. Ad Vnam Don Epst 4.8 What I pray you can be found or met with all more cleare and euident then all those excellent testimonies and sentences of Saint Austine And in truth say the Reformed if we could once come to this point that God himselfe might be acknowledged to be Iudge of all differences in Religion and that by his voice which clearely soundeth and vttereth it selfe in the writings of the Prophets and Apostles we would not refuse likewise to accept and allow the Councells Fathers and Miracles and such like for deposed witnesses in this cause or action Prouided alwaies that first of all distinction be discreetly and considerately made between the true Church which is the assembly of Iesus Christ and the Sinagogue and assembly of Sathan betweene the auncient fathers and Orthodoxe doctors worthy of creedit and Heretikes betweene the lawfull Councels and Synods and Tirannicall Councels Sinods betweene the true writings of Orthodoxe men and bastard bookes or suborned writings betweene true miracles and and counterfeit ones betweene rightfull succession of true Doctrine and the disguised succession of persons betweene true consent and holy Vnion and peruerse and obstinate complotting and agreement in opinion Briefly betweene the true Traditions of the Apostles and the false glosses or expositions of men Herevnto replie they of the Romish Church and demand how all this can be effected by the written word of God seeing that in like manner all Heretikes defend arme or strengthen themselues with this written word of God The Reformed answere How the Scripture may be iudge albeit all Heritekes abuse it that Heretikes cannot more conueniently and fitly be confuted and conuinced which abuse this holy Scripture then by the same written word of God the which only and alone can suppresse and determine all controuersies in religion Ad Cresum lib. 2. cap. 31. for as Saint Austine verie well saith we must by no meanes Iudge or controule the bookes of the Prophets and Apostles but we ought rather according to those bookes to Iudge of all other bookes of Religious professors or of Infidels Euen so we see that our Sauiour Iesus Christ confuted and confounded by the holy Scripture Mat. 12. 4. the Scribes Pharises and Sadduces yea Sathan himselfe all which abused the Scriptures So likewise Saint Stephen conuinced the Iewes and Philip conuerted the Eunuch of Queene Candace by the holy Scriptures Act. 6.7 In like manner did the Apostles confirme the doctrine of the Gospell by the writings of the Prophets And the Iewes of Beraea compared the Preaching and doctrine of the Apostle S. Paul with the doctrine of the Prophets by this meanes trying whether it agreed with the writings of the Prophets In summe after the same manner the Councell of Nice condemned the Heretike Arrius that of Constantinople the Heretike Macedonius that of Ephesus Nestorius that of Chalcedon Eutiches that is to say by the onely word of God Even as Saint Augustine also convinced the Heretique Pelagius Aug. de con sen Epist 163. lib 3. Con ca. 6. Sozom. l. 1. c. 3. and Tertullian the Heretique Drapeas Briefly all the other faithfull Doctors haue so resisted that is by the holy Scripture all Heretiques These are the very words of Saint Austen lib 2 cap 32. contr Cresc Wherefore as Saint Augustine very well saith Let no man in disputations presumptuously obiect or oppose against vs the writings of the ancient Fathers or Councels for we hold them not in themselues Canonicall but doe examine them by the Canonicall writings and whatsoever agreeth with the authority and excellency of the holy Scripture wee accept of with commendation but that which accordeth not therewith wee reiect it with their leaue and consent That the Scripture is neither hard nor obscure If they of the Romane Church reply that the holy Scripture is obscure and hard to be vnderstood Saint Augustine answereth them that wee more certainely wade or passe through the holy Scripture then through Traditions For when we will diligently search into it being darkened with some obscure words nothing wil ensue that can breed any difficulty or if there doe arise any difference or doubtfulnesse it must be at length cleared and decided by sundry more plaine testimonies of the same Scripture And indeed as the same ancient Father saith the holy Ghost hath so tempered and composed the Scripture that whatsoever seemeth obscure in one passage is more cleerly expounded in some other Wherefore the Reformed conclude for all the reasons afore-saide that this is the only meanes powerfull to satisfie and appease those two pretending or contending parties that is to say if endeavour be vsed to suppresse and decide by the pure Word of God the controversies aboue mentioned adiudging that alone to bee the true religion and Catholike Church which agreeth fully and wholy with the Word of God rightly expounded and vnderstood according to the same Word of God and the Analogie of the Articles of the Christian Faith The exception of the Church of Rome They of the Romane Church pondering these reasons of the Reformed Christians doe protest that albeit indeed they well perceiue the religion of the Reformed not much to decline from the written Word of God and if it wholly accord with the the same that yet they would not hold and pronounce the same Reformed religion to be good because say they the sayd Reformed religion was first set on foot and published by Heretikes and Doctors that were not sent by God nor had a lawfull calling and who were innovators and new devisors in religion The answer of the Reformed The Reformed Christians doe earnestly entreat